- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- In this video we are summarizing the whole cost of building our Nissan Skyline R32 driftcar.
The whole project was built over the last 6 months and we are finally on the finish line.
building a project car is always challenging but the question is how much it all cost?
Can you put a price on it? Let's find out.
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/ _siberiann
Adam is the unsung hero of this channel, his work is amazing. Well done to all
Adam is the Backbone of the whole team.
Adam is like old school Polish he has the golden hands as they say he reminds me of my Polish mates
Agreed... 100%
The Skyline in front of the Nightride Shop is like seeing the AE86 in front of the Tofu Shop. You should make a T-shirt with that picture in Anime style. That would look great. And congratulations to building a special car, it is and will be one of the best known Skylines on the internet 👌
I'd love to see it.
@@richeezeI'd love to wear it.
I'd buy that shirt
Oh great idea!
The people have spoken, this needs to happen!! 😂
“Me shoveling coal is not the reason you clicked on this video”
But for some reason it is though.. It just shows how relatable and humble you guys are. Much love boys ❤❤
I came to the comment section to say the exact same thing, it's stuff like this that makes Nightride different from all the "BIG" channels, that are seemingly dying ones they got too big.
Sorry for rambling but anyone remember when Linus Tech Tips was a smaller channel and it was "homey" and stuff? It had a vibe that disappeared once the channel got too big. I hope
Nightride stays relatable, "homey" and manages to keep that warm vibe. Watching Nightride videos is like being one of the guys there at the garage and I'm so happy that I happened upon this awesome channel way back, can't even remember when :p
Agreed, I like seeing different aspects of life in Poland.
@@thepsychobilly88 +1
Totally agree, well said mate
" this is not a bike channel " man just upload whatever you want. More than any car channel, we watch you guys for you. You post it, we gonna watch it, and having some bike stuff is just gonna expand your community and mix the two worlds which is always dope. If you feel like doing bike stuff, just send it!
Edit: yeah man and the coal bit proves it. I absolutely loved that section and i bet everyone does. Let it rip boys
The truth is, yes, I like all types of content on motorcycles or cars, but if you also want to upload videos shoveling coal, it doesn't bother me either.
I feel theres a good bit of Nightride i'd just watch due to the boys being on camera and jsut being them!
Upvote, want more content even if this is shovelling coal or working on bikes 😎
it's like top gear we watch not for the cars but for the group of friends who host the show
I think being transparent with finance is hard, and big props with doing it. I think it just adds to how much you all care about us (the community). Don't change!
Man when I saw Adam helping you with coals... this man is an angel in your life, he's more than a simple human!🤯 and ofc seeing the Skyline in front of nightride shop was sth else! thank you for making internet so interesting
Sam, you shoveling coal is like the biggest reason I click on this video. Out of all the things going on, I will always find the time to watch your video because of the reality you guys show. I don't want to see another 1000 horsepower car build I want to feel something and I always do when watching Nightride! Keep it up and please keep showing us the reality around you!
Came here to say almost the exact same thing, so glad that I'm not alone in feeling this way :)
Really can’t express how talented Adam is , crazy good
People are divided onto 2 groups:
1) People watching euro 2024 final match.
2) Me watching Sam shoveling coal onto his basement
You boys almost hit 1M, my first video was buggi crashing the BMW, you’ve come a long way boys , hopefully you can do this for life
Adaś to najcudowniejszy chłop na świecie, nie dość że pomoże ci zbudować auto to jeszcze przyjedzie pomóc ci wrzucać węgiel do piwnicy
Closing this out with Adam driving it is perfect. The guy really is holding up the fabrication side of this channel with his skills. Very lucky to have found him.
I just started watching you guys about a month ago. You guys have more entertaining content compared to the states. I really love the night drives and winter drifting. Keep up the great work!
8:22 " AŁAAAAAAAAA (kurwa) " ~ someone somwhere
I need someone like Adam in my life. Real homie right there.
This car built is probably one of the most detailed and cheapest the same time 🙂
Specially Adam and all the team deserve a medal!❤️🥇🏁
Sam, you have a 70k car, buy a gas boiler for your house. It will make your life easier 😊😊👏
This has to be one of the nicest r32 builds out there, so good to see something that's not a GTR build. You guys have done an amazing job, Adam is a great mate to have. Top work gentlemen.👌
Never clicked on a notification so fast in my life
Good Morning People of the Internet !
its crazy to think that only a few years ago the boys were goofing off with "lesser cars" getting parts when they could afford them and everything, and now with sponsors and connections they can go above and beyond and still keep the EXACT same energy as before
This right here is what amazes me, how can they keep the same energy and vibe after all these years? It is awesome
It just shows how real and authentic they are.
Thx Adam. He is everywhere and doing everything 🦾🦾
So stoked for you guys, I love that even when you can afford such expensive build the original energy from your older videos is there. Never change! Adam is doing gods work when it comes to mechanics, love all you guys.
Ofc, Adam is the first one to help even with the coal situation :D What a legend!
The friend network, the money, the transparency of everything, and the commitment you guys have all together equals a top notch channel. And a group of friends that i would be lying if i said im not envious about. Im so happy to have watched yall grow over the years and heres to many more years of success!!!!!
Węgiel klasyk, to od zawsze lubiałem w tym kanale, taka "naturalność", bez pozerki. Teraz wszędzie te filmy są tak przekontrastowane, przerysowane, że mało co oglądam już na youtube.
Sam, i want you to know how happy i am for you, you and your friends are living the dream of their lifes, every video you post, every stream, every merch, all you do is great and honourable, i love you and i im your fan, congratulations, continue doing like you do and i wish you to continue with this happy dream. love u Sam, oneday i will buy my first car and i will remember, you are my inspiration to do everything i always wanted to do. Thank you Sam, thank you for showing us we can achieve everything. Peace
Seeing the car built from day one and now in front of the shop gives super motivation and will to do things that you really enjoy doing in life. Worth every grosik!
It’s actually absolutely why I clicked on the video. Jimmy introduced you and I was immediately captivated by your journey and your storytelling. This is part of your story and thank you for sharing. There’s a handful of UA-camrs that no matter what they post I have to watch it maybe someday you can come to maui
20:27 THAT SHOT, that shot, is Nightride’s shot of the year ❤❤❤❤❤
Love u guys so much, another great year, ultrace and built❤
Dude shovelling coal, is the best analogy for why I love Nightride, you just make it work, no matter how hard.
The skyline is incredible, congratulations 🤙🏽
Guys, you are amazing. You are travelling a lot, joining some events etc, but you are the same people like few years ago when the journey with Nightride started. I'm so happy what you achieved!
Cheers! 😀
Man I love the cinematography and vibes of your videos. Great work!
byłen na tym og streamie z przerzucania węgla. wasz najwiekszy fan od zawsze. kocham was chłopaki
Been watching you all for over 2 years now and the Skyline.... It is an absolute beast of a build! Seeing the R32 roll up at the shop was giving serious OG Fast and Furious vibes. Pure tuna no crust. Amazing job as always boys! 🔥
Yoooo, Pleeeeaaase show the bike again in some future videos, it's sick!
Not enough bikes on youtube in my opinion.
I really like that you guys went for the GTST(?) hood over the GTR one, makes it look different.
That Skyline would make an amazing grip car too, would love to see it doing some track days too
Good idea, curious if the Boys would be in to track-driving as much. We´ll see i guess
these guys remind me of my hometown. everything works with a bit of imagination and hardwork. Nice one boys!
I clicked on the video cause it said nightride tell your story, appreciate seeing everything involved great work.
i dont mind seeing some bike content specially with the NIGHTRIDE type of cinematic filming 10/10 btw
Another episode in the coal delivery saga lets go! This is what makes you guys stand out, the genuine day to day situations people face, not a staged moment in sight. Thanks for keeping it real, that's why I love this channel (that and the cars)
This car is amazing and the job you've done on it is insane. Shoutout to every one of you for that and especially that superman Adam who's a humble legend. He's the Bunta Fujiwara of the channel !
And by the way, now growing up and seeing my family getting old, I can't relate more that bittersweet feeling of yours shoveling coal.
Love from France
I think nightride is about having fun on a motor in general, be it a car or a bike, i think there are a lot of people here who are interested in bikes as well, or didn't know they were interested until they saw Kevin :)
That was nice to hear about ur life and family
I remember watching when you boys still had full time jobs and this was the side hustle. So happy to see this come to fruition. It’s a beautiful thing to see hard work paying off!
Greetings from Greece / Romania. Since I randmoly clicket on one of your videos guys I instantly liked the content and all the work you put into your passion and there for I got stuck, I watches like idk in the last 3 days I've watched more than 20-30 videos for sure (I'm on holidays thanks god :P).
Regarding the specific video, Sam although most of the people are here for the car's, some times some clips like the one where you was shoveling the coal it was part of your life and besides that when you say (a lot of times) some things that really inspire others, makes us remember things since we were childs is really great, I couldn't ask for more. Cars? yeah they are great, we love and we have a passion for them but if we just wanna see only cars that are being modified we can find anywhere, but what you and the guys offer behind the camera, that feeling that makes us think we are there and live the moment, the feeling that we want to be there and give an extra hand of help that's something you cannot find anywhere.
Overall, keep up the good work, bless you all. I wish the best for you and the Nightride Fam / Crew and I'm looking forward for the next videos! #PEACE!
You did a awesome job with the car. Very transparent and very sympatic. Keep on doing good things great. Thx for your content! Greetz from germany!
11:30 despite living in Western Europe(Russia), i never knew that you guys had to get coal in your basement to heat your building! Ours are heated with steam by our government, so we don’t really have to do anything
I've been watching for a few years but this is the first time hearing the story of shovelling coal. Thank you for sharing, this is why we love you guys. Always keeping it real ❤
Really appreciate how honest and grateful you guys are with all the builds. It makes you the most relatable car content channel out there. Keep it up!❤
Don’t change anything this channel is so sick. A huge part of the reason so many watch you guys is your down to earth and just love chilling with the boys and making cars you want.
Jestem na prawdę pod wrażeniem pracy Adama, co gość robi to głowa mała. Mega szanuję za precyzje i doświadczenie:D
man, the build is wild. all the shit you guys do puts huge smiles on my face. i wish i had a place we could go hooning around my area.
In my Australian opinion this is the best way to spend 105000
Love the build
I like the channel , because you`re all so honest and real, and it shows :) Nice vibes always
You guys are everything a group of car enthusiasts love to do and would love the chance to do with their friends! Keep pushing! ❤
Jak zawsze łapka w górę 💪
I so happy for you guys, keep on growing!
Skyline looks so good! The blue is amazing! Also big up Adam for all the work he put in!
Adam is a star here! My man can do it all! Much love from Brasil!
What I really like is how you all wrench and then also help each other shovel
Coal. There for each other rain or shine. Awesome build love you guys
Finding meaning in the work you don't want to do is when discipline meets purpose. Look forward to the next my friend it will be worth it.
Super cool video. Glad you‘re doing such a video and showing how much a car like this costs. Especially for young guys this is super good to show the reality. You’re working so hard to entertain us. Great to see you guys level up every year. You’re drifting one of the cleanest cars in Europe now. That’s awesome to see. I still remember the first videos on the channel. I still remember the feeling how it was back in the day wrenching on my IS200. Now I still got it but I also grew up kinda and got myself an Schassis.
An absolutely sensational build! You should all be proud. I can't wait to put a mark on the door.
It was nice to hear about the coal because I had similar experience with firewood and stacking it
adam is doing such a great work as always. I think making him some kind of gift would be very nice
Adam amazes me every time! His skills are Something else.
You Guys are Just so cool but at the Same time down to earth, its a pleasure top watch
Adam is a true one , always getting it done in the garage...and still showing up to shovel coal in the AM with sam 💪🏽
Congratulations on buy motorbike. I bought my first motorbike last month, 125 cm too. This is a new area of knowledge and fun. I'm so interesting what you will change in your motorbike, because after week I had a lot of ideas and now I'm waiting for package with parts 🥰
The visuals at the end boah that was sick. Especially the shot with the new shop. So proud of you guys, you truly deserve this 🫡❤️❤️
The build break down and cost was so well done and said very understandable! cheers from New Zealand
bro shoveling coal was exactly one of the reasons i clicked on the video hahaha i love it! no matter what the boys are doing its always enjoyable to watch.
Yo I absolutely love you guys, you’ve been putting in so much work and effort in everything you do (even drinking beer). The skyline is beautiful I think it’ll look great with the hood. I’m not really into bikes or anything but the new daily looks awesome what is it?
You come for the R32
But stay for the Coal
Enjoyed hearing the coal backstory, I never knew Europe was coal powered. Hearing a bit about you guys and your life outside of nightride is always cool
Sam thank you for your honesty...
I find it interesting how much money there is in the vehicle. I don't know, don't you have an uninvited feeling about getting in and drifting? Knowing in the back of your mind what value you are driving around, it doesn't even have to be your fault if major damage occurs... Of course I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it never comes to that.
I just think the Skyline is beautiful, really great work, nice shots in the last video..
This feels like the end of a Movie or book, except it just means the beginning of another great build. So glad to have these guys around, and I can’t wait to see what the next build is (Hopefully something with the Lada)
Recently stumbled onto your channel... love everything I've had the chance to consume so far! Keep it up!
Love the coal story. Super relatable no matter where in the world you live and definitely brings us all together.
I think the a shovelling coal gives your a reminder where your guys humbly started. You guys have these crazy sponsors and builds but that shovelling coal reminds you stay humble and grounded because you still doing it when you had less then but now you have more. much love boys x
absolutely incredible build, hats off to adam for being a man of many skills
Nightride,y'all rock! Peace
That front bumper is not trash, you can heat it up and get it back into shape
adam n the guys killed it on this one!!
Surely that would cost 50% more in the US. Adam's labor would cost probably 4-5x as much
ah bro if i can come to Poland for my education i would love to meet with you guys and hangout as well. Keep up the good work guys we will love all your works.
Adam is a real friend for Sam everytime he's here to help
I would love to see bike content as well! I just got into bikes and they are incredibly fun. Enjoy riding and stay safe!
Another car saved from the trenches 💜 congrats boys
Beautiful car, loved watching her get built.
20:31 what an photo right there 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
The car with the hood will be so siiiiiick, this R32 is one of the greatest in the world definitely :)
Hands down guys..... You rock..... Love the UA-cam chanel and your work 😍😍😍
hahaha. can relate so much. Living in Leipzig and heating with coal, too. Don't forget to mention all the coaldust in the flat during winter... Real OG stuff xD
The coal shoveling bit was actually the most compelling part of the video
Throwback was Hard with the cole. Realy nice. Much love ❤
I’d watch you guys shovel snow all day.
Hey tell us about the bike, it’d be a nice change.
Really enjoyed that coal part. Reflections are getting on point!
Shovelling coal is a way of life for a lot of people in Poland who want to survive the winters , it may seem antiquated to the modern world of heatpumps and district heating , but it's therapeutic in the same way as we harvest turf in rural Ireland.
I laugh when I hear you say it's not a bike channel and you've created the bike-engined van masterpiece which I always reckon is the best use for one of those "organ donor machines " 😂
Those ending shots are so awesome to see. 🎉