How to deal with Hunter Anxiety || Hydra Hunter - Identity V

  • Опубліковано 25 лют 2024
  • Hope this helps! Thanks for watching!
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  • @adamrattan4220

    the title really didnt have to call me out, but very thankful for this

  • @ridonas
    @ridonas  +265

    Honestly what helped me was getting absolutely dogged in rank constantly. No joke, last season I had a three week losing streak where even in quick match, rank, anything, ANYTIME i played hunter I lost. I wasn’t just casually playing every now and then either, I was playing at least 20 matches per day at that time because I was grinding for badges and had a lot of vacation days. 😭 Was top 50 Mary during that time too 😭 The embarrassment I would feel, getting 5 cipher kited, having survivors constantly getting four man wins against me and they could see that I was top 50… very humbling. But once you get through the worst you realize that nothing happens if you lose. Yeah you lose rank points but so what? You get them back, get better. No one gets to their dream rank without losing. Now I’m way better than I was back then and even rematched against some of the same teams and won with ease. In the end it’s just a game.✌🏼

  • @Noiredrak
    @Noiredrak  +141

    What gets me anxious is that, if you fail your first Chase ur done 💀

  • @ArminhoMinho

    First /j

  • @idvdump
    @idvdump  +69

    People put too much stock in losing or what survivors say in this game, when most of them are just young teenagers. Turn post match off, get comfy surrendering if a game is a loss, and don't engage with toxic survs in any way. Your social status and clout in a game truly don't matter. For example, if survs are gate waiting and pinging you, just stay where you are, don't worry about them, let them leave. Sometimes they even get cocky and come back out, only to give you a win.

  • @pup2006
    @pup2006  +73

    i always get the worst pit in my stomach whenever i play hunter 😯 i’m so nervous and i’m only a cobra, but i want to try and get to a high rank as hunter

  • @adagiodisera

    When I first started getting into hunters I swear that everytime I clicked match as hunter I would regret it the moment after and feel way too stressed about it but then I started watching Kuroshiro's and your content and it made me realise that even if I would lose and mess up it's normal and I should just stay calm!

  • @kaede07
    @kaede07  +38

    I only start getting hunter anxiety if I get a bad early game and it makes me stress and then I get even worse then I lose it's terrible

  • @Iatemuffins

    I consider myself a hunter main but i always get anxiety when i play hunter. Thanks(months later I can say I play hunter without worry or anxiety if I lose I learn what I did or didn't do and move on)

  • @nim3787
    @nim3787  +12

    ngl I feel my hunter anxiety would instantly go away if idv allowed you to hide your wr% on your profile. I can deal w/ my own losses but I can't deal w/ everyone else seeing my losses too. Ik most people will be like "wr doesn't matter" or smth but it's one thing to know that I'm bad but it's another to know that

  • @itskossify

    I started hunter ranking cause the pressure of having to cooperate with other players and the fact that they can be mean on the after match was putting me off. Playing hunter was better cause it's you and only you, that's until i started going against better players who kited me for 5 ciphers or harassers freeing others from the baloon and stunning me at every chance possible.

  • @chiii2615

    tysm for this! Simply pressing the matching button for hunter scares me tbh and I end up staring at the screen for who knows how long before finally getting into it. At the end of the day, I guess it's rllly important to remember that losing helps you think critically about your strategies. Never gonna improve if you keep staying in your comfort zone~ All the best to everyone dealing with hunter anxiety, give yourselves a pat on the back for still playing hunter, at least you're trying right:] hugs to you guys<3

  • @cigslock
    @cigslock  +25

    Honestly, I have gaming anxiety with team comps in general and hunter, it’s been embarrasing for me to admit. I’ve played this game since mid 2019, used to not care at all but then anxiety decides to pop up in my life and now it affects my gameplay socially too. I used to avoid hunter at all costs, it was dreadful to me, especially counting in the toxic people you can meet. It’s so bad I’d get mad over a survivor emoting, because it gave the illusion of them mocking me for not being able to catch them. You know what’s funny though, now everytime I play hunter I always win, full on win streak, no lie. So, I always wonder why the hell I’m so scared of playing hunter. I guess it’s just not wanting to go through the anger and stress I used to felt over a game.

  • @el-km5vf
    @el-km5vf  +11

    hunter anxiety is so real cuz.. I wanted to main hunter recently but it'd genuinely give me sm stress and I literally played 2 matches LOL hunter mains r the strongest i have sm respect for you all

  • @mighuIDV
    @mighuIDV  +29

    interesting video! a lot of my friends who play hunter always mention that they panic too much and it’s hard to offer advice when you’re already experienced and dont have the same worries. this should be touched on more

  • @burgerdevil4472

    This quite literally described the beginning of my hunter journey. My first hunter main was Robbie and when I hit high manticore I started losing left and right. I was 13th Robbie before I took a long break after the pressure from survivors was just too much. I was getting called names every other day and it was seriously affecting my mental health. All the losses made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to ever even hit dragon. So I dropped Robbie and learned to step back and learn new hunters. It was humbling for me but also fun. It payed off because I recently hit peak tier last season and you’ve been an inspiration of mine your videos are always so helpful when I’m trying to pick up a new hunter. Watching this video also made me wanna pick up Robbie again. Amazing video👍❤

  • @czech_goat

    when i go to play in hunt match, i tell myself 2 things

  • @velo2325
    @velo2325  +20

    I recently got the courage to play some ranked, and when i actually got there it felt great! I'm a spider still and i'm working slowly on getting over my weird anxiety over the hunter faction, but got some pretty fun games so far.

  • @wolfgamingbr

    As a Hunter main... this video is just therapic to me...

  • @shadowidv9334

    im glad you mentioned the winrates. i get really conscious of mine and always find myself sitting at the low 60s. i start getting scared to rank once im one lose away from it going down to 59 and then just cant bring myself to do it anymore