Shalom brothers and sisters! I cant wait to sit at the table of Adonai with you all and spend eternity knowing YHVH and getting to know all of you my siblings. Remember that we must live to love and learn about Him and not to pick what we want to be true. Bless you 119 ministries and continue to seek truth and love in the one who created everything. His ways are good and His command runs swiftly.
It is such a blessing to learn the truth, and the truth shall set you free. And the word of YWHW became flesh YESHUA the more I learn the more I thank YWHW and pray for our bride groom to return, thanks to 119 for you teaching and thanks to our FATHER for his love and son, YESHUA The way the truth and the life. 🙏🏻✝🎆👍❤️
Thank you for this teaching. “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.” The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.” Deuteronomy 18:15-19 I love you, Yeshua ❤️
Shalom I honestly said I would never understand who I was. but the question was answered when listening on your channel. you unlock this mysterious question. Thanks you, The Lord Jesus bless your ministry. 🙏❤️🙏
Amein and Amein!! "Let all the earth fear YHWH; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him! For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded , and it stood firm." - Psalm 33:8-9. H-A-L-L-E-L-U-Y-A-H!!
Search the New Testament and try to find where it says, " Be like Jesus. " I have never found it anywhere. Did I miss something? I have heard many who quote Paul in Romans 8: 29 but they add to that verse by saying "To be conformed into the image. " and likeness " of His Son. The word likeness is not there. It is true, that we all retain a measure of God's likeness, without it life on this planet wouldn't continue. The human race and for that matter other forms of life demonstrate God's goodness by doing good things. Animals feed and protect their young, and humans have a sense of oughtness, and on occasion do the right thing. Even though we do good things we will fall short of God's perfection. Jesus pointed out, that we sin in thought, word, and deed. So, It isn't possible to be like in the likeness of Jesus 24/7 because if we miss it by a hair's breadth we miss it by a mile. Isaiah said in 53: 6. " We like sheep have gone astray: we have turned to his own way..." So by definition, the misuse of freedom is choosing to turn away from God and doing it our way. This is precisely what Adam did. He misuse the freedom God allow him because His love for him. He gave him the freedom to choose for without it there cannot be love freely given. His rebellion lead him on a path away from his Father and left to his own way, produce the sins for which Jesus died for. However, there is one sin that cannot be forgiven and that's the sin of rebellion. That's not my opinion for it is what Jesus said. " All matter of sin is forgive but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. In essence, if we refuse his reproving that amounts to rebellion therefore there is no hope for you. There is no oradox Jew or Christian that doesn't believe God is faithful to His word. For God to be God Almighty he has to be faithful in everything He said. If not then how can He be trusted? If we were to describe our Heavenly Father in terms of attributes what one would it be? You might say, " He is all powerful. That would be true but if he's all-powerful and not trustworthy either he is a liar and a deceiver. The obvious answer would have to be, He is faithful so, therefore he can be trusted. Ths is the image the whole of scriptures paint of Him throughout the Bible. God was willing to risk the possibility or sin and the image of himself he created in Adam. This image of God is his faithfulness. Adam proved himself unfaithful so the relationship ended. When The Apostle Paul said God desires to bring us into the image of His Son he wasn't speaking of a likeness. Than what is this image? Jesus was the forerunner and picture of the image of the Father. The night before His death in the garden he asked if it be possible let this cup pass from me but never the less thy will be done. In Hebrews 5 it laments how He was afraid but was obedient even though He was a son. God is faithful, the Son was faithful to the Father and just like His son He wants the same from us. In my view this is what the image of God is and Adam lost. Getting back into His image takes a work of progress and it most likely won't happen the moment we turn our lives over to him. Paul said the work started but will be completed over there. We may fall today but hopefully we will learn from our failures and do better to please Him.
what is wrong with people? We are saved by grace and because of that grace we should want to follow His laws. We are not excused from His laws. Yeshua came to be an example and show us how to walk it out. It isn't too hard. That's just an excuse. Btw, we don't go to heaven...New Jerusalem will come down after He comes and clears out the tares. Go home and read your bible people!!
My test is to be careful about getting under the law versus grace....jesus set new laws in the New covenant that would indeed encompass the entirety of the old laws. According to Paul this is impossible to obtain, I believe we must keep our vessels clean through repentance so the holy spirit can work through us ( die to self) so it goes i must die so christ can live through me....we give up our lives on earth in exchange for a more sure hope, and we will enjoy life on the other side, but for now we are in them trenches. So read and study the word, repent often, and pray, pray, pray( our relationship with our Heavenly father is commitment, obedience, and communication). Love you all looking forward to the rapture on it's feast day to see our Majesty and fly home together ❤.
Messiah did not come with new laws to replace the Torah. He did not remove the Torah. Yes he is Lamb of God so we don't have to sacrifice animals for the remission of our sins, but many other commandments are still in place to be kept, i.e. Sabbath, feasts, dietary requirements etc "I have come NOT TO ABOLISH THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS. I'VE COME NOT TO ABOLISH BUT TO FULFILL" - Matthew 5:17. If he added to the Torah, he would have broken Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 commanding not to add or subtract. And if he broke the Torah, then he would have sinned because "sin is transgressing the Torah", which would then result in him being no different to any other human. He brought clarity to the Torah. Where the Pharisees had taken commandments out of context by their tradition and burdened the ppl, Yeshua brought truth back. He preached the Torah in truth and how it was meant to be understood and set ppl free from the laws of bondage made by the Pharisees. Hope this helps 😊
@@johnbishop8570 Greetings. The debt is paid, but the law is not removed. Even like u have to pay the debt for breaking the highway code when the police charges u. The debt has to be paid and removed, the keeping of the highway code is still required. Or even if he lets u off with a warning, it's Ur debt that has been removed not the law. Messiah pays the debt, and when we slip and walk in err he forgives as long as we confess and repent (grace). Messiah dying on the tree removes the curses and debts that should have been paid to his people, He did not remove the Torah itself, or the expectations to keep the Torah (Matthew 5:17-20)🙏🏾 God bless 🙏🏾
@@charmaine3005 I would agree with John that the law has also been fulfilled by Christ. The law was a shadow of Christ and he fulfilled it perfectly while keeping the law perfectly. Much of the new testament explains this from various different angels but I find 119 twisting the meaning of those teachings in their favor. In this particular video the presented slips in a plot twist to try and make a point and that slight of hand is when he proposes that the image of God is not about appearance but function. With you thinking it is about a function then it is easy for him to bring his theology to the front - that is not honest biblical interpretation. Be blessed
@@nicoarnold2200 So why are the apostles, the believing Jews and gentiles doing the law in the book of acts if it was just a "shadow"?????? "Keeping the law" and "going back under the law" are two completely different things (just going back to John's point) Why is Malachi 4, reminding us to remember the law of Moses in the end times?????? Why is both Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 proclaiming that in the last days the Torah is going to be done by God's people and people will desire to do it????? Why is Zechariah 14 saying in end times all believers are to keep the feast of Tabernacles, and Isaiah 66 warning of the eating unclean things????? Why is Messiah casting Torah-less, but gifted people out in Matthew 7:23, and the warning is given 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 and Deuteronomy 13:1-5????? In the explanation of the parable of the farmer sowing seeds (Matt 13) why is Messiah, in the process of separation, sending out his angels to "gather out of HIS REIGN all the stumbling-blocks (all those causing sin/offence..... 1 john 3:4) and those doing lawlessness, breaking Moses/Torah????? Go check the Greek under the word iniquity/lawlessness, the word is "anomos" meaning "to be destitute and ignorant of the God's law given to Moses for the people; not subject to what ppl call the "Jewish law" Romans 8:7, by implication, a gentile, a transgressor of the law". Why is Paul saying we establish the law by our faith (Romans 3:31)????? True faith walks in believing in the works of Messiah with obedience to His commandments - we are to learn from those in the past - read Hebrews! Why are the Saints in Revelation (those with the mark of God) said to KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS of God and have faith in Messiah????? Why is the dragon angry with the woman and the remnant that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS and have the TESTIMONY of Yeshua????? Because Satan is the lawless one!!!! A lot of ppl go to the scripture that says love fulfills the law, therefore I don't have to do certain things in the law like the Sabbath and the feasts, but that verse is simply clarifying the Torah itself. Love brings the commandments to the fullest. It brings the full meaning to the Torah, cuz that's what Torah teaches, LOVE, loving God and loving ur neighbour and true LOVE is when we OBEY God. The same meaning when Messiah said "I came not to abolish the law but to FULFILL" as in fully fill, bring to the fullest cuz the Pharisees had nullified the commandments by their traditions of the Torah and was causing themselves and others to sin. The fact they are a "shadow" doesn't annihilate our requirement to do them. Leviticus 23 calls them convocations meaning "rehearsals" meaning we put them into action to prepare us for what they are "shadowing". 119 don't get everything right, who does??? And when they see their wrong, they fix the teachings. I didn't agree with a recent one of theirs about the silver coin being the Sabbath, cuz Sabbath wasn't even mentioned in the passage. However though, Obedience in Yeshua's, the apostles, the prophets perspective, is obedience to the Torah - the commandments of God, Jeremiah 31:31-33, Ezekiel 36:25-28. I'm not gonna disobey the word being in context and with so many biblical references. I personally just want to be great in the Kingdom if I make it in, so I'm just gonna do what Messiah says (Matt 5:17-20) God bless😊
I have a Question, G1504 - eikōn is the greek transliteration word used for H6754 - ṣelem, image. Selem is less about appearance and more about function. Revelation 13 talks about the image /eikōn/ṣelem of the beast, to worship the image and to make an image. Should this image of the beast in Revelation 13 be looked ah less by it's appearance and more about functionality? Would love to hear what your (119 ministries) understanding of the image of the beast is. Love you all, shalom.
Point of clarification: "Hebrew thought" is Hebrew reaction, not origination. Yahweh is not a Hebrew. How Hebrews understood image and likeness may or may not have been in accord with how Yahweh understood them. The image of mind and character was incomplete even before the Fall, because Yahweh understood good and evil while Adam and Hawwah did not at first. Their image status was not yet perfect, because the character was missing and they failed when the opportunity to develop it was thrust upon them.
Only one Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
Function means having arms, hands, fingers, ears. Outward appearance shows arms, hands, fingers, ears. An image is seen. The very Begining of man shows "image of Elohim" isn't referring to man's character development. Cain murdered his very brother.
Adam though he sinned did not completely lose his likeness to the image of God, and by grace still maintained a "Christ-like" nature of godliness to some degree within his humanity .. But the image of God is fully defined in the righteousness of Messiah, that is why all human beings are called to be like Christ from the moment they are born in the flesh, so that they may be born again .. All human beings including Adam, aspire to be like Messiah, in their various originalitys and native identities, but have fallen short of the glory .. Everyone is born "Messiah-like" to some degree, for the fact that they are human, that is to mean every human being is born "Christian" "Christ-like", though they've fallen short of it, and might go further away from God’s character .. But only one man fully lived to express the righteousness of Messiah, in his life, in his death, and beyond eternity when he ascended into heaven
YHWH [Dt 4:35, Neh 9:6, Is 43:10-11, 45:5, etc.] and the hosts of heaven or Celestial beings [Gen 2:1, Luke 2:13-15, Hebrews 12:22, etc.] Some believe they were formed when God created the heavens, some believe they were formed on the 4th day, but they were already there.
Our teachings are translated by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer and help get these out faster, please contact us at:
So you are saying that jesus contained both the image of God and the image of Adam. If no sin or death is in the image of God how did jesus die if he was fully man and fully God? Sounds as if you are trying to have it both ways by claiming jesus is God in the flesh yet dies for our "sins". Idolatry is so confusing. Have you noticed how you began in Genesis and then skipped all the way past the rest of Tanach to the new testament to define what the image of jesus was or is?
@Blu Bee Sorry to break it to you Bee but only YHWH is life and keeping His commandments is our life. No man who was ever born of a woman, who had to be carried , fed and pooped his diaper can be life for any other created being. No man is born a believer or unbeliever. We are all born in the image of YHWH he only Creator who gives us life. It is our choices that separate us from God. Not our birth. We are born innocent.
Now remember, doing whats right before God is something anyone even befoe Christ could have tried to fulfill, but because we are humans and still do sins Christain or not, we cannot fulfill the commandments Given by God by ourselves, we have to believe in Jesus who died so we didn't have to fulfill the law to get to heaven, but only to believe and therefore by our belief in Christ be able on the last day of lives come to heaven with him. Then not said that we shouldn't follow the law, but if you love God and Jesus therefore you will do whatever it takes to show them that you love them back. Who tells there wifes, that they love them and never ever shows it, its hypocritical to do so and you don't really love your wife then.
I noticed the same thing when I watched the video. If we were able to not sin & follow Jesus' example then he wouldn't have had to die for us. He could have lived forever as a man teaching and modeling a perfect life for generation after generation. Instead, he had to die because payment had to be made for the sins of mankind. The bible says ALL have sinned so we obviously cannot earn our way back to the image of God on our own. Jesus paid the price for our sins and if we truly understand and accept that our actions and behaviors will change, not because we are trying to follow the laws but because we appreciate and trust Jesus. So, instead of changing our actions Jesus wants to change our hearts.
I believe overtime of studying and pray we can overcome sin. Remember we can do all things through Christ (Yahusha hamashiach) who strengthens us. You either believe the word or you don't. Belief is an action word. Please listen to the whole matter before you answer the matter.
I have watched so many of your videos but this is by far one of the best! I have been so blessed by this discussion of scripture, THANK YOU!
Thank You for this great explanation of the image of God.
Specially when you have scripture backing up what you are teaching.
Blessings upon you ive been blessed by this lesson
Thanks so much for this teaching and all the other teachings of 119 Ministries. These help me in my walk with Yeshua.
Shalom brothers and sisters! I cant wait to sit at the table of Adonai with you all and spend eternity knowing YHVH and getting to know all of you my siblings. Remember that we must live to love and learn about Him and not to pick what we want to be true. Bless you 119 ministries and continue to seek truth and love in the one who created everything. His ways are good and His command runs swiftly.
Shalom! I feel the same way!
119 Ministry Isa Blessing because you do your utmost to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF YAHWEH. Keep up the Great Work. Bless
It is such a blessing to learn the truth, and the truth shall set you free. And the word of YWHW became flesh YESHUA the more I learn the more I thank YWHW and pray for our bride groom to return, thanks to 119 for you teaching and thanks to our FATHER for his love and son, YESHUA The way the truth and the life. 🙏🏻✝🎆👍❤️
Thank you for this teaching. “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.”
The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.” Deuteronomy 18:15-19 I love you, Yeshua ❤️
I wish I had discovered 119 miniseries earlier
..well presented. Understanding being in the image of the Father initially and then "slipping" is really so impacting!
3 John 1:2, KJV: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."
The best explanation I have heard so far. THANK YOU.
Shalom I honestly said I would never understand who I was. but the question was answered when listening on your channel. you unlock this mysterious question. Thanks you, The Lord Jesus bless your ministry. 🙏❤️🙏
Another amazing teaching! 🙏🤍💫✨
Yes, true! Thanks and I hope to call soon!
Amein and Amein!! "Let all the earth fear YHWH; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him! For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded , and it stood firm." - Psalm 33:8-9. H-A-L-L-E-L-U-Y-A-H!!
Great teaching!!!
Search the New Testament and try to find where it says, " Be like Jesus. " I have never found it anywhere. Did I miss something? I have heard many who quote Paul in Romans 8: 29 but they add to that verse by saying "To be conformed into the image. " and likeness " of His Son. The word likeness is not there. It is true, that we all retain a measure of God's likeness, without it life on this planet wouldn't continue. The human race and for that matter other forms of life demonstrate God's goodness by doing good things. Animals feed and protect their young, and humans have a sense of oughtness, and on occasion do the right thing. Even though we do good things we will fall short of God's perfection. Jesus pointed out, that we sin in thought, word, and deed. So, It isn't possible to be like in the likeness of Jesus 24/7 because if we miss it by a hair's breadth we miss it by a mile.
Isaiah said in 53: 6. " We like sheep have gone astray: we have turned to his own way..." So by definition, the misuse of freedom is choosing to turn away from God and doing it our way.
This is precisely what Adam did. He misuse the freedom God allow him because His love for him. He gave him the freedom to choose for without it there cannot be love freely given. His rebellion lead him on a path away from his Father and left to his own way, produce the sins for which Jesus died for. However, there is one sin that cannot be forgiven and that's the sin of rebellion. That's not my opinion for it is what Jesus said. " All matter of sin is forgive but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. In essence, if we refuse his reproving that amounts to rebellion therefore there is no hope for you.
There is no oradox Jew or Christian that doesn't believe God is faithful to His word. For God to be God Almighty he has to be faithful in everything He said. If not then how can He be trusted? If we were to describe our Heavenly Father in terms of attributes what one would it be? You might say, " He is all powerful. That would be true but if he's all-powerful and not trustworthy either he is a liar and a deceiver. The obvious answer would have to be, He is faithful so, therefore he can be trusted. Ths is the image the whole of scriptures paint of Him throughout the Bible.
God was willing to risk the possibility or sin and the image of himself he created in Adam. This image of God is his faithfulness. Adam proved himself unfaithful so the relationship ended. When The Apostle Paul said God desires to bring us into the image of His Son he wasn't speaking of a likeness. Than what is this image? Jesus was the forerunner and picture of the image of the Father. The night before His death in the garden he asked if it be possible let this cup pass from me but never the less thy will be done. In Hebrews 5 it laments how He was afraid but was obedient even though He was a son. God is faithful, the Son was faithful to the Father and just like His son He wants the same from us. In my view this is what the image of God is and Adam lost. Getting back into His image takes a work of progress and it most likely won't happen the moment we turn our lives over to him. Paul said the work started but will be completed over there. We may fall today but hopefully we will learn from our failures and do better to please Him.
what is wrong with people? We are saved by grace and because of that grace we should want to follow His laws. We are not excused from His laws. Yeshua came to be an example and show us how to walk it out. It isn't too hard. That's just an excuse. Btw, we don't go to heaven...New Jerusalem will come down after He comes and clears out the tares. Go home and read your bible people!!
I agree with you Misty. Your speaking Bible teachings.... thank you
I don't know how people can believe the whole translation of the Bible is truth. If truth derived from myth than, I can dig it.
If truth derived from myth, you can dig,
So what about myth derived from truth, can you dig?
When you say we can’t fulfill, pls explain.
My test is to be careful about getting under the law versus grace....jesus set new laws in the New covenant that would indeed encompass the entirety of the old laws. According to Paul this is impossible to obtain, I believe we must keep our vessels clean through repentance so the holy spirit can work through us ( die to self) so it goes i must die so christ can live through me....we give up our lives on earth in exchange for a more sure hope, and we will enjoy life on the other side, but for now we are in them trenches. So read and study the word, repent often, and pray, pray, pray( our relationship with our Heavenly father is commitment, obedience, and communication). Love you all looking forward to the rapture on it's feast day to see our Majesty and fly home together ❤.
Messiah did not come with new laws to replace the Torah. He did not remove the Torah. Yes he is Lamb of God so we don't have to sacrifice animals for the remission of our sins, but many other commandments are still in place to be kept, i.e. Sabbath, feasts, dietary requirements etc "I have come NOT TO ABOLISH THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS. I'VE COME NOT TO ABOLISH BUT TO FULFILL" - Matthew 5:17. If he added to the Torah, he would have broken Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 commanding not to add or subtract. And if he broke the Torah, then he would have sinned because "sin is transgressing the Torah", which would then result in him being no different to any other human.
He brought clarity to the Torah. Where the Pharisees had taken commandments out of context by their tradition and burdened the ppl, Yeshua brought truth back. He preached the Torah in truth and how it was meant to be understood and set ppl free from the laws of bondage made by the Pharisees.
Hope this helps 😊
@@charmaine3005 soooo if you fulfill your debt on your car or home, are you still under contract and conduct all your business as so?
@@johnbishop8570 Greetings. The debt is paid, but the law is not removed. Even like u have to pay the debt for breaking the highway code when the police charges u. The debt has to be paid and removed, the keeping of the highway code is still required. Or even if he lets u off with a warning, it's Ur debt that has been removed not the law.
Messiah pays the debt, and when we slip and walk in err he forgives as long as we confess and repent (grace). Messiah dying on the tree removes the curses and debts that should have been paid to his people, He did not remove the Torah itself, or the expectations to keep the Torah (Matthew 5:17-20)🙏🏾
God bless 🙏🏾
@@charmaine3005 I would agree with John that the law has also been fulfilled by Christ. The law was a shadow of Christ and he fulfilled it perfectly while keeping the law perfectly. Much of the new testament explains this from various different angels but I find 119 twisting the meaning of those teachings in their favor. In this particular video the presented slips in a plot twist to try and make a point and that slight of hand is when he proposes that the image of God is not about appearance but function. With you thinking it is about a function then it is easy for him to bring his theology to the front - that is not honest biblical interpretation. Be blessed
@@nicoarnold2200 So why are the apostles, the believing Jews and gentiles doing the law in the book of acts if it was just a "shadow"??????
"Keeping the law" and "going back under the law" are two completely different things (just going back to John's point)
Why is Malachi 4, reminding us to remember the law of Moses in the end times?????? Why is both Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 proclaiming that in the last days the Torah is going to be done by God's people and people will desire to do it????? Why is Zechariah 14 saying in end times all believers are to keep the feast of Tabernacles, and Isaiah 66 warning of the eating unclean things?????
Why is Messiah casting Torah-less, but gifted people out in Matthew 7:23, and the warning is given 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 and Deuteronomy 13:1-5????? In the explanation of the parable of the farmer sowing seeds (Matt 13) why is Messiah, in the process of separation, sending out his angels to "gather out of HIS REIGN all the stumbling-blocks (all those causing sin/offence..... 1 john 3:4) and those doing lawlessness, breaking Moses/Torah????? Go check the Greek under the word iniquity/lawlessness, the word is "anomos" meaning "to be destitute and ignorant of the God's law given to Moses for the people; not subject to what ppl call the "Jewish law" Romans 8:7, by implication, a gentile, a transgressor of the law".
Why is Paul saying we establish the law by our faith (Romans 3:31)????? True faith walks in believing in the works of Messiah with obedience to His commandments - we are to learn from those in the past - read Hebrews!
Why are the Saints in Revelation (those with the mark of God) said to KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS of God and have faith in Messiah????? Why is the dragon angry with the woman and the remnant that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS and have the TESTIMONY of Yeshua????? Because Satan is the lawless one!!!! A lot of ppl go to the scripture that says love fulfills the law, therefore I don't have to do certain things in the law like the Sabbath and the feasts, but that verse is simply clarifying the Torah itself. Love brings the commandments to the fullest. It brings the full meaning to the Torah, cuz that's what Torah teaches, LOVE, loving God and loving ur neighbour and true LOVE is when we OBEY God.
The same meaning when Messiah said "I came not to abolish the law but to FULFILL" as in fully fill, bring to the fullest cuz the Pharisees had nullified the commandments by their traditions of the Torah and was causing themselves and others to sin.
The fact they are a "shadow" doesn't annihilate our requirement to do them. Leviticus 23 calls them convocations meaning "rehearsals" meaning we put them into action to prepare us for what they are "shadowing".
119 don't get everything right, who does??? And when they see their wrong, they fix the teachings. I didn't agree with a recent one of theirs about the silver coin being the Sabbath, cuz Sabbath wasn't even mentioned in the passage.
However though,
Obedience in Yeshua's, the apostles, the prophets perspective, is obedience to the Torah - the commandments of God, Jeremiah 31:31-33, Ezekiel 36:25-28.
I'm not gonna disobey the word being in context and with so many biblical references. I personally just want to be great in the Kingdom if I make it in, so I'm just gonna do what Messiah says (Matt 5:17-20)
God bless😊
I have a Question, G1504 - eikōn is the greek transliteration word used for H6754 - ṣelem, image. Selem is less about appearance and more about function. Revelation 13 talks about the image /eikōn/ṣelem of the beast, to worship the image and to make an image. Should this image of the beast in Revelation 13 be looked ah less by it's appearance and more about functionality?
Would love to hear what your (119 ministries) understanding of the image of the beast is.
Love you all, shalom.
Point of clarification: "Hebrew thought" is Hebrew reaction, not origination. Yahweh is not a Hebrew. How Hebrews understood image and likeness may or may not have been in accord with how Yahweh understood them. The image of mind and character was incomplete even before the Fall, because Yahweh understood good and evil while Adam and Hawwah did not at first. Their image status was not yet perfect, because the character was missing and they failed when the opportunity to develop it was thrust upon them.
Only one Gospel:
The Gospel of Reconciliation.
Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).
Not about appearance but function
Like honor
Function means having arms, hands, fingers, ears.
Outward appearance shows arms, hands, fingers, ears. An image is seen.
The very Begining of man shows "image of Elohim" isn't referring to man's character development. Cain murdered his very brother.
Adam though he sinned did not completely lose his likeness to the image of God, and by grace still maintained a "Christ-like" nature of godliness to some degree within his humanity .. But the image of God is fully defined in the righteousness of Messiah, that is why all human beings are called to be like Christ from the moment they are born in the flesh, so that they may be born again .. All human beings including Adam, aspire to be like Messiah, in their various originalitys and native identities, but have fallen short of the glory .. Everyone is born "Messiah-like" to some degree, for the fact that they are human, that is to mean every human being is born "Christian" "Christ-like", though they've fallen short of it, and might go further away from God’s character .. But only one man fully lived to express the righteousness of Messiah, in his life, in his death, and beyond eternity when he ascended into heaven
Let us ,who is us?
YHWH [Dt 4:35, Neh 9:6, Is 43:10-11, 45:5, etc.] and the hosts of heaven or Celestial beings [Gen 2:1, Luke 2:13-15, Hebrews 12:22, etc.] Some believe they were formed when God created the heavens, some believe they were formed on the 4th day, but they were already there.
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I think Tzelem: image.
So you are saying that jesus contained both the image of God and the image of Adam. If no sin or death is in the image of God how did jesus die if he was fully man and fully God? Sounds as if you are trying to have it both ways by claiming jesus is God in the flesh yet dies for our "sins". Idolatry is so confusing.
Have you noticed how you began in Genesis and then skipped all the way past the rest of Tanach to the new testament to define what the image of jesus was or is?
@Blu Bee Sorry to break it to you Bee but only YHWH is life and keeping His commandments is our life. No man who was ever born of a woman, who had to be carried , fed and pooped his diaper can be life for any other created being. No man is born a believer or unbeliever. We are all born in the image of YHWH he only Creator who gives us life. It is our choices that separate us from God. Not our birth. We are born innocent.
@Blu Bee What scriptures?
Now remember, doing whats right before God is something anyone even befoe Christ could have tried to fulfill, but because we are humans and still do sins Christain or not, we cannot fulfill the commandments Given by God by ourselves, we have to believe in Jesus who died so we didn't have to fulfill the law to get to heaven, but only to believe and therefore by our belief in Christ be able on the last day of lives come to heaven with him. Then not said that we shouldn't follow the law, but if you love God and Jesus therefore you will do whatever it takes to show them that you love them back. Who tells there wifes, that they love them and never ever shows it, its
hypocritical to do so and you don't really love your wife then.
Ναι, συμφωνώ
I noticed the same thing when I watched the video. If we were able to not sin & follow Jesus' example then he wouldn't have had to die for us. He could have lived forever as a man teaching and modeling a perfect life for generation after generation. Instead, he had to die because payment had to be made for the sins of mankind. The bible says ALL have sinned so we obviously cannot earn our way back to the image of God on our own. Jesus paid the price for our sins and if we truly understand and accept that our actions and behaviors will change, not because we are trying to follow the laws but because we appreciate and trust Jesus. So, instead of changing our actions Jesus wants to change our hearts.
This is no excuse to not keep His commandments - 1 John 2:6; Philippians 4:13
We follow the law torah as an act of obedience not salvation as only Yeshua can save
I believe overtime of studying and pray we can overcome sin. Remember we can do all things through Christ (Yahusha hamashiach) who strengthens us. You either believe the word or you don't. Belief is an action word. Please listen to the whole matter before you answer the matter.