To gain an understanding of Critical Race Theory (CRT), it is essential to recognize its roots in Marxist theory. CRT, along with feminism, gender theory, queer theory, and intersectionality, can be seen as derived from conflict theories. These theories shift the focus of class struggle-traditionally between the proletariat and the bourgeois-to social struggles. For instance, within feminism, men are often positioned as the bourgeois, while women represent the proletariat. Similarly, in CRT, whites are the bourgeois and people of colour are the proletariat.
The thing about CRT is that its taught by flawed humans who inject nothingisms - things that mean something only with a lot of context from that persons life. Is being part of the countrys culture and in the majority really a privilege or just normalcy -? The democratic ideal is the most safety and prosperity for the majority - the amount of charity for the needy is equal to the moral fortitude of the more influential - accusing someone of white privilege is accusing yourself of being underprivileged - in a all black place or one where black ppl have power - there is a part of them that draws close to their power over others - sometimes they can be so beautiful and other times u see actions most white ppl wouldnt dare these days - i hate to break the racist bubble but emotions and feelings are part of our dna , its in us all and the way to deal with these is by asking the Lord to soften your heart - in America ica theres a culture which scares everyone 2 sides of the same coin - black hostility and white supremacy - if a spider crawled up to certain ppl theyd be afraid and if a black person jumped out a bush certain ppl would have a heart attqck bc they are afraid of black like some are afraid of wildlife - and some black ppl have that same reaction to white ppl - Mexican, mixed,Arabic etc who look like the median - dont act so self rigteous bc yall have your own hangups - Arabics -what does abd mean in an African context? Im not talking about abdullah either - none of us are perfect, none - treat ppl equal under the law and pray that GOD listens to our plea to soften mens hearts. To help us be the best example we can be 1❤️ Proper Education Always Corrects Errors -
11:20 Brother Paul you're misunderstanding it. This is a straw man since CRT never has a essentialistic position on white people (as "irredeemable and cant help themselves"). It is not white *individual people* who are wrong or at fault, rather it's a systemic critique where historical events (slavery, american exceptionalism, genocide of native Americans, treatment of minorities like afroamericans, mexicans, chinese, irish, italian etc) occurred which has positioned white people as a whole on a relatively elevated position (in US society), which has created institutional powers which try to uphold this status quo.
3:00 Brother is speaking about the Irish and the Italians, both group of people who were not classified as "white" by white Americans when they arrived in USA. They only gained this status later on. White privilege is a critique of structural racism inherent in the history of the United states. It is not about individual's having a privilege that is observable, rather the fact that they live in a country which is built upon discrimination and inequality (which historically, to a certain extent all countries are) creates a state which a person born with a certain "colour" or "look" or "name" still have forms in which they will be treated with a certain level of privilege when interacting in the social and economical sphere of life. It is important to understand that CRT are based on CT (Critical theory) which is a lens of analysis from a dialectical materialist perspective, ie that material-production conditions effect the way we observe and act in reality. Any talk about CRT that doesn't start by clarifying this does not do the topic a favour.
Exactly. This muslim is completely wrong, which is strange because he's the one who is supposedly guided by a god. CRT doesn't teach that if you are white, then you are racist.
The second last sentence is stilted and inaccessible in its language. Do you mean groups associated with wealth and power are viewed more favourably than those with less? If so, that's not groundbreaking, respectfully. Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
@@sonny7159wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. To try to help clarify what the brother above is discussing is that he is saying the underlying foundation of Critical Race Theory is built off the concept of “critical theory.” Critical Theory is a social theory that esposes the belief that truth and social structures are based on power dynamics between dominant groups in society and oppressed groups in society. So Critical Race Theory explores how to fit “race” into “critical theory.” So the brother above is saying that when analyzing critical race theory it should be understood that is the basis in which it is approaching its position.
@@sonny7159 Salaam Akhi, It is not supposed to be groundbreaking. It is simply a way of analysis that focuses on the development of production in the world (and the owners of it) which in turn creates institutions that favour that ownerclass. Since USA is built upon genocide of native population and slavery, this historical reality has effected how their institutions (laws etc) have formed and how minorities have been treated. Which has created an outcome of systemic inequality.
Brother from your name i asume that you are iranian. I want tio ask you. It is true that iranian both shia and sunni are leaving islam or just a propaganda. Because i see lot of so cakled ex muslims from iran in twitter . And thank you
Not just white privellage It’s also passport privilege. If you have a UsA Canada Ireland uK passport the behaviour and rules are different . Other countries it’s different. So it’s legal racism of a sort
I would respectfully disagree with this perspective. Critical race theorists have addressed this issue through the concept of intersectionality. The notion of "passport privilege" pertains to a perceived class status, wherein individuals from the West are often assumed to be financially advantaged. An intersectional analysis would suggest that while there may be certain benefits associated with economic status, individuals may also face disadvantages stemming from their other intersecting identities.
@@abumansaray7 politically advantaged. Not financially. Although some financial benefit may be extracted from it. If one moves smartly. Just the way the world is.
@wandering_dervaish There is absolutely no political advantage at all. I can point to many instances where minorities with American, British, or Canadian passports have not been treated well or fairly.
CRT is a lens through which people can study power dynamics. Make no mistake, it will one day be applied to Arabs and their position in the Ummah, especially relative to Indonesians, Pakistanis, etc. إذا تمنيت فاستكثر
@@SNEED_FEED You are right to a certain extent, I believe we (Muslims) must make use of this ”materialist tool” of analysis to help us situate and deal with problematic behaviours that goes against the teachings of Islam and the prophets (pbuh) words of equality in the last cermon.
There are allot of African American scholars and experts explaining what exactly Critical Race Theory is and what it means. Professor Ali is wrong on this one.
A’isha said (may Allah be well pleased with her): "Allah’s Messenger never struck anything with his hand unless he was struggling in the cause of Allah [jihad], nor did he ever strike a servant or a woman.”
"nor did he ever strike a slave or a woman" Slave, woman: on the same level, grouped together. The elephant in the room. Disingenuous euphemism 'servant'.
@@IraniansunnimuslimThe prophet was just like anyone, 1,400 years ago? Not the most perfect man ever then. Everybody 1,400 years ago, incl. the prophet, considered women and slaves as being on the same level?
You just have to notice the ignoring of the ongoing massacres/oppression in Sudan not being covered by popular Muslim organisations/influencers on YT such as 5pillarz or islam channel. It seems the lighter skin you are the more coverage you will get...
I've seen some scholars cover it. Islam channel made shorts on YT but I get what you mean tho. My Sudanese friends have found org.s on the ground there when it happened in18/19 definitely needs more coverage i see where you're coming from. Zios are arning both sides
It's hard to know whether it is actually racism, or if it's because of how effectively the Palestinians are broadcasting their genocide to the world. I imagine it also might have to do with the Sudanese people having less access to technology and the internet. I could be wrong, idk. I suspect it also has to do with how it's more of a "civil war" compared to the "Israelis" who are outside invaders/occupiers. I know the UAE and others have their tentacles in Sudan. Also, less people know about the happenings of Sudan in general. May Allah help all the oppressed people all around the world.
I think alot of people did, that's why you see a lot of Criticism against the UAE and MBZ, But Currently I guess people shift their Priority due to the Sheer Impact and Casualty the Gaza Massacre have in such a short amount of time Compared to other Conflict
No, the people of the Levant are not originally Arabs, although a large portion of the population in the Levant today identify as Arab due to historical migrations and cultural influence, but genetically, they have a distinct ancestry from the Arabian Peninsula, with more ancient Levantine ancestry from the region itself;. Key points to consider: Ancient inhabitants: The original inhabitants of the Levant were various Semitic peoples like the Canaanites, Arab migration: While Arab tribes did migrate to the Levant over time, particularly during the Muslim conquests, the majority of the population in the region prior to that were not Arabs. Genetic distinction: Recent genetic studies indicate that Levantines have a distinct genetic profile compared to people from the Arabian Peninsula.
I'm wrestling with the realisation the country that I may have done my military service to defend, thinking I was doing it for my country, is not my country! Sure I own my own home here but, did I get duped into 5 years of military service to defend a country in which attitudes and governments do not hold to the idea this is my country. I'm both disappointed and some what angry to be in this situation. I would certainly have to think long and hard as to what I would do if war broke out and I was asked to step up again. Worse still what do I tell my children to do knowing the Country they were born in will never be their country?
@HamzaSayyid Hi while you suggest I leave, which I have considered numerous times in recent woke.... you should note at this moment my comment has got two likes, indicating I'm not the only person annoyed at native title claims and this welcoming me to the country I was born in nonsense!
CRT obviates the need for any thought, word or act of racism as proof of their presumed verdict. All they need is their preferred race measuring less favorably than another. Regardless of the cause: they declare their favored race to be victims of the other. Then they would use real government enforced discrimination in response to their presumed discrimination; altering laws, policies and practices to favor their preferred race. All for the stated purpose of forcibly making the measurements between races identical. The operative question is whether you support using government force to implement racial discrimination. All the rest is academic. My answer is no.
I think the ultimate freedom of humanity will be that of color and race. It’s not where or what color or ethnicity you were born with what make you special.No, that’s stupidity!! What you achieve of justice and morality to help others in name of Allah what should make you special or not !!!
The title: "Critical Race Theory" alone sounds like logic with no wisdom. A head with no heart, a body without the soul. Fighting over race, racialism and racism is caused by the absence of the wisdom of the human heart. All humanity was made by the same design. Education is key. The human heart is the same sacred ground where human unity takes place. "The love of money is the root of all evil." The human heart alone belongs to the Creator. Otherwise, no TRUTH,virtue or wisdom can spring from that soil.
Ok but there are differences between peoples. Just like hwo theres difference between men and women. Does it mean women are not equal to men? Of course not.
Interesting fact: The devil can put water on someone's body or clothing when he is in the toilet. The devil did water to me a many times. He wanted to make me think that the urine or water when I flush was on me.
@@harharharharharharharharha240 It's true what I said. The devil can wetten someone's clothing. He is in another dimension, but that doesn't mean that he can't do anything.
Why would the devil bother with all that? He's some kind of april fool prankster? I thought he was more about leading people to their doom. I believe there is also a hadith about the devil urinating in people's ears. That's some lame stuff for the supposed personification of evil.
Aïsha said: "Allah's Messenger never struck anything with his hand unless he was struggling in the cause of Allah [jihad], nor did he ever strike a servant or a Woman." Slave, woman: on the same level, grouped together. In Islam, the position of a woman is about that of a slave. Disingenuous euphemism 'servant'. How did Aïsha know that he never hit a woman or a slave? Because no reports of him doing it had reached her? That proved nothing as beating women and slaves was standard behaviour and took place behind closed doors anyway. He told her so because he thought that slave- and wifebeating are bad? No he didn't. Conclusion: the hadith is a fabrication, Aïsha is being used for some whitewashing. That goes for most hadith: fan fiction to make the prophet look great.
May Allah be pleased with our Mother of the believers and peace and blessings upon our Holy Prophet. From the time if migration from Mekkah to Yathrib it was narrated that this was the first time she saw that a person can cry from joy. She was very young at this time and still astute enough to comprehend this. Mashallah. In her late life her 50s she was someone who was turned to for derrivation of legislation from Qur'an and Sunnah. She spoke back to her father several times before and after he became Khilafah. May Allah be pleased with them. Your conclusion doesn't fit the evidence.
CRT is an abbreviation but not an acronym. Acronym: an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ). "abbreviations and acronyms are necessary in chat and SMS communication"
Stupidity is commenting on a channel that you clearly do not like and ending a sentence with a childish emoji. Have you nothing better to do? What exactly have you gained? It's quite pathetic. I suggest taking up a productive hobby that's more befitting of a middle-aged man.
⚠️Video thumbnail shows haraam image of uncovered woman. In the name of Allah aza wa jal... In avoiding His displeasure, please replace/remove the image, my dear brother, Paul. Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
To gain an understanding of Critical Race Theory (CRT), it is essential to recognize its roots in Marxist theory. CRT, along with feminism, gender theory, queer theory, and intersectionality, can be seen as derived from conflict theories. These theories shift the focus of class struggle-traditionally between the proletariat and the bourgeois-to social struggles. For instance, within feminism, men are often positioned as the bourgeois, while women represent the proletariat. Similarly, in CRT, whites are the bourgeois and people of colour are the proletariat.
The thing about CRT is that its taught by flawed humans who inject nothingisms - things that mean something only with a lot of context from that persons life. Is being part of the countrys culture and in the majority really a privilege or just normalcy -? The democratic ideal is the most safety and prosperity for the majority - the amount of charity for the needy is equal to the moral fortitude of the more influential - accusing someone of white privilege is accusing yourself of being underprivileged - in a all black place or one where black ppl have power - there is a part of them that draws close to their power over others - sometimes they can be so beautiful and other times u see actions most white ppl wouldnt dare these days - i hate to break the racist bubble but emotions and feelings are part of our dna , its in us all and the way to deal with these is by asking the Lord to soften your heart - in America ica theres a culture which scares everyone 2 sides of the same coin - black hostility and white supremacy - if a spider crawled up to certain ppl theyd be afraid and if a black person jumped out a bush certain ppl would have a heart attqck bc they are afraid of black like some are afraid of wildlife - and some black ppl have that same reaction to white ppl - Mexican, mixed,Arabic etc who look like the median - dont act so self rigteous bc yall have your own hangups - Arabics -what does abd mean in an African context? Im not talking about abdullah either - none of us are perfect, none - treat ppl equal under the law and pray that GOD listens to our plea to soften mens hearts. To help us be the best example we can be 1❤️ Proper Education Always Corrects Errors -
That's very interesting and informative thank you for sharing
May Allah preserve you brother
11:20 Brother Paul you're misunderstanding it. This is a straw man since CRT never has a essentialistic position on white people (as "irredeemable and cant help themselves").
It is not white *individual people* who are wrong or at fault, rather it's a systemic critique where historical events (slavery, american exceptionalism, genocide of native Americans, treatment of minorities like afroamericans, mexicans, chinese, irish, italian etc) occurred which has positioned white people as a whole on a relatively elevated position (in US society), which has created institutional powers which try to uphold this status quo.
3:00 Brother is speaking about the Irish and the Italians, both group of people who were not classified as "white" by white Americans when they arrived in USA. They only gained this status later on.
White privilege is a critique of structural racism inherent in the history of the United states. It is not about individual's having a privilege that is observable, rather the fact that they live in a country which is built upon discrimination and inequality (which historically, to a certain extent all countries are) creates a state which a person born with a certain "colour" or "look" or "name" still have forms in which they will be treated with a certain level of privilege when interacting in the social and economical sphere of life.
It is important to understand that CRT are based on CT (Critical theory) which is a lens of analysis from a dialectical materialist perspective, ie that material-production conditions effect the way we observe and act in reality.
Any talk about CRT that doesn't start by clarifying this does not do the topic a favour.
Exactly. This muslim is completely wrong, which is strange because he's the one who is supposedly guided by a god. CRT doesn't teach that if you are white, then you are racist.
The second last sentence is stilted and inaccessible in its language.
Do you mean groups associated with wealth and power are viewed more favourably than those with less?
If so, that's not groundbreaking, respectfully.
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
@@sonny7159wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. To try to help clarify what the brother above is discussing is that he is saying the underlying foundation of Critical Race Theory is built off the concept of “critical theory.” Critical Theory is a social theory that esposes the belief that truth and social structures are based on power dynamics between dominant groups in society and oppressed groups in society. So Critical Race Theory explores how to fit “race” into “critical theory.” So the brother above is saying that when analyzing critical race theory it should be understood that is the basis in which it is approaching its position.
@@sonny7159 Salaam Akhi, It is not supposed to be groundbreaking.
It is simply a way of analysis that focuses on the development of production in the world (and the owners of it) which in turn creates institutions that favour that ownerclass. Since USA is built upon genocide of native population and slavery, this historical reality has effected how their institutions (laws etc) have formed and how minorities have been treated. Which has created an outcome of systemic inequality.
Many people are unaware of this and missed the complexity of the racialization of humans
May Allah Bless and Reward Both of you in this Life and in the Hereafter.
Allah is sleeping 200 years, dont bother him
Ameen Yaa Rabbil Alameen
@@forceforceforce God doesn't sleep,this is a judeo Christian notion that the Quran corrects
Raciśm is pointless, there's no gain from it, only loss.
Brother from your name i asume that you are iranian. I want tio ask you. It is true that iranian both shia and sunni are leaving islam or just a propaganda. Because i see lot of so cakled ex muslims from iran in twitter . And thank you
@yassineyassine10-xh1su unfortunately, to some extent it's true.
Not just white privellage
It’s also passport privilege. If you have a UsA Canada Ireland uK passport the behaviour and rules are different . Other countries it’s different.
So it’s legal racism of a sort
I would respectfully disagree with this perspective. Critical race theorists have addressed this issue through the concept of intersectionality. The notion of "passport privilege" pertains to a perceived class status, wherein individuals from the West are often assumed to be financially advantaged. An intersectional analysis would suggest that while there may be certain benefits associated with economic status, individuals may also face disadvantages stemming from their other intersecting identities.
@@abumansaray7 politically advantaged. Not financially. Although some financial benefit may be extracted from it. If one moves smartly.
Just the way the world is.
@wandering_dervaish There is absolutely no political advantage at all. I can point to many instances where minorities with American, British, or Canadian passports have not been treated well or fairly.
CRT is a lens through which people can study power dynamics. Make no mistake, it will one day be applied to Arabs and their position in the Ummah, especially relative to Indonesians, Pakistanis, etc.
إذا تمنيت فاستكثر
@@SNEED_FEED You are right to a certain extent, I believe we (Muslims) must make use of this ”materialist tool” of analysis to help us situate and deal with problematic behaviours that goes against the teachings of Islam and the prophets (pbuh) words of equality in the last cermon.
There are allot of African American scholars and experts explaining what exactly Critical Race Theory is and what it means. Professor Ali is wrong on this one.
Thank you for sharing your blessings of knowledge.
A’isha said (may Allah be well pleased with her):
"Allah’s Messenger never struck anything with his hand unless he was struggling in the cause of Allah [jihad], nor did he ever strike a servant or a woman.”
"nor did he ever strike a slave or a woman"
Slave, woman: on the same level, grouped together. The elephant in the room.
Disingenuous euphemism 'servant'.
@erique-eljovenYeah, like anyone 1400 years ago.
Why can't you understand this?
@@IraniansunnimuslimThe prophet was just like anyone, 1,400 years ago? Not the most perfect man ever then.
Everybody 1,400 years ago, incl. the prophet, considered women and slaves as being on the same level?
@erique-eljoven not like anyone.
His servants where proud to be part of him.
Name Me someone else, that the servants wished greatness for? None!
@Iraniansunnimuslim أخي أنت مسلم سني إيراني ؟
May Allah bless you Paul
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wa alaikum assalam
This is one of the intellectually rich podcasts atm… may Allah increase you and your guests
Good grief. Discrimination against one group doesn't mean there isn't prejudice against other groups.
Of course there's discrimination against whites too but whites in aggregate have an advantage so the emphasis is on priority.
Alhamdulillah for Islam
You just have to notice the ignoring of the ongoing massacres/oppression in Sudan not being covered by popular Muslim organisations/influencers on YT such as 5pillarz or islam channel. It seems the lighter skin you are the more coverage you will get...
I've seen some scholars cover it. Islam channel made shorts on YT but I get what you mean tho. My Sudanese friends have found org.s on the ground there when it happened in18/19 definitely needs more coverage i see where you're coming from. Zios are arning both sides
It's hard to know whether it is actually racism, or if it's because of how effectively the Palestinians are broadcasting their genocide to the world. I imagine it also might have to do with the Sudanese people having less access to technology and the internet. I could be wrong, idk.
I suspect it also has to do with how it's more of a "civil war" compared to the "Israelis" who are outside invaders/occupiers. I know the UAE and others have their tentacles in Sudan. Also, less people know about the happenings of Sudan in general.
May Allah help all the oppressed people all around the world.
The Palestinian refugees also help amplify the voices of Palestinians in the occupied territories.
I think alot of people did, that's why you see a lot of Criticism against the UAE and MBZ, But Currently I guess people shift their Priority due to the Sheer Impact and Casualty the Gaza Massacre have in such a short amount of time Compared to other Conflict
Sudan is a civil war, whereas in Gaza the war is against a foreign enemy. That's why Gaza is prioritised by media.
No, the people of the Levant are not originally Arabs, although a large portion of the population in the Levant today identify as Arab due to historical migrations and cultural influence, but genetically, they have a distinct ancestry from the Arabian Peninsula, with more ancient Levantine ancestry from the region itself;.
Key points to consider:
Ancient inhabitants:
The original inhabitants of the Levant were various Semitic peoples like the Canaanites,
Arab migration:
While Arab tribes did migrate to the Levant over time, particularly during the Muslim conquests, the majority of the population in the region prior to that were not Arabs.
Genetic distinction:
Recent genetic studies indicate that Levantines have a distinct genetic profile compared to people from the Arabian Peninsula.
I'm wrestling with the realisation the country that I may have done my military service to defend, thinking I was doing it for my country, is not my country! Sure I own my own home here but, did I get duped into 5 years of military service to defend a country in which attitudes and governments do not hold to the idea this is my country.
I'm both disappointed and some what angry to be in this situation. I would certainly have to think long and hard as to what I would do if war broke out and I was asked to step up again. Worse still what do I tell my children to do knowing the Country they were born in will never be their country?
Do you mean because of your racial background you feel you will never truly belong?
@@apollo8352 You're welcome to leave
@HamzaSayyid Hi while you suggest I leave, which I have considered numerous times in recent woke.... you should note at this moment my comment has got two likes, indicating I'm not the only person annoyed at native title claims and this welcoming me to the country I was born in nonsense!
@apollo8352 Well that's good perhaps the 3 of you could carpool and save on the move 😉
@HamzaSayyid Ok how about chipping in for petrol
No one chooses what skjn colour they are born...there is no such thing as races of people..we are all one human race created by Allah.
People created the concept of race and, through their actions, made it an observable fact with significant consequences.
Exactly, race is sociological, not like DNA haplogroups, which are the only true biological category.
CRT obviates the need for any thought, word or act of racism as proof of their presumed verdict. All they need is their preferred race measuring less favorably than another. Regardless of the cause: they declare their favored race to be victims of the other.
Then they would use real government enforced discrimination in response to their presumed discrimination; altering laws, policies and practices to favor their preferred race.
All for the stated purpose of forcibly making the measurements between races identical.
The operative question is whether you support using government force to implement racial discrimination.
All the rest is academic.
My answer is no.
Never knew this.
MIND created differences.. mind does not show ONENESS..
Differences are mind creation
The Quran says that Gkd gave humanity differences so that they may know one another. Differences are real.
Both persecution and privilege are outcomes from the absence of the implementation of Islam.
18:45 you left out charlie brown, to kill a mockingbird, mr rogers
Those in power do have the ability to sea the other side , unfortunately it's realisation is usually Pharaonic , too late
Advice do more modern stuff or from early 2000s more
I think the ultimate freedom of humanity will be that of color and race. It’s not where or what color or ethnicity you were born with what make you special.No, that’s stupidity!! What you achieve of justice and morality to help others in name of Allah what should make you special or not !!!
The title: "Critical Race Theory" alone sounds like logic with no wisdom. A head with no heart, a body without the soul. Fighting over race, racialism and racism is caused by the absence of the wisdom of the human heart. All humanity was made by the same design. Education is key. The human heart is the same sacred ground where human unity takes place. "The love of money is the root of all evil."
The human heart alone belongs to the Creator. Otherwise, no TRUTH,virtue or wisdom can spring from that soil.
Ok but there are differences between peoples. Just like hwo theres difference between men and women. Does it mean women are not equal to men? Of course not.
Interesting fact: The devil can put water on someone's body or clothing when he is in the toilet. The devil did water to me a many times. He wanted to make me think that the urine or water when I flush was on me.
@@harharharharharharharharha240 It's true what I said. The devil can wetten someone's clothing. He is in another dimension, but that doesn't mean that he can't do anything.
@@harharharharharharharharha240 Once, the devil broke my nail. He's very strong.
Why would the devil bother with all that? He's some kind of april fool prankster? I thought he was more about leading people to their doom.
I believe there is also a hadith about the devil urinating in people's ears. That's some lame stuff for the supposed personification of evil.
Dirty water can invalidate prayer. The devil hates prayer. April Fools type tricks are his favourite, because they wear people out.
Aïsha said:
"Allah's Messenger never struck anything with his hand unless he was struggling in the cause of Allah [jihad], nor did he ever strike a servant or a Woman."
Slave, woman: on the same level, grouped together. In Islam, the position of a woman is about that of a slave.
Disingenuous euphemism 'servant'.
How did Aïsha know that he never hit a woman or a slave?
Because no reports of him doing it had reached her? That proved nothing as beating women and slaves was standard behaviour and took place behind closed doors anyway.
He told her so because he thought that slave- and wifebeating are bad? No he didn't.
Conclusion: the hadith is a fabrication, Aïsha is being used for some whitewashing. That goes for most hadith: fan fiction to make the prophet look great.
May Allah be pleased with our Mother of the believers and peace and blessings upon our Holy Prophet.
From the time if migration from Mekkah to Yathrib it was narrated that this was the first time she saw that a person can cry from joy. She was very young at this time and still astute enough to comprehend this. Mashallah.
In her late life her 50s she was someone who was turned to for derrivation of legislation from Qur'an and Sunnah.
She spoke back to her father several times before and after he became Khilafah.
May Allah be pleased with them.
Your conclusion doesn't fit the evidence.
CRT is racism with an Acronym.
No it isnt.
No it isn’t lol
Pointing out how racism shaped american laws and structures isn't racism.
CRT is an abbreviation but not an acronym.
Acronym: an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).
"abbreviations and acronyms are necessary in chat and SMS communication"
@@harharharharharharharharha240I think it’s Jewish derived ideology
Blogging stupidity 😂
*_Pauline Pagans are stuck with a delusional mindset._*
Stupidity is commenting on a channel that you clearly do not like and ending a sentence with a childish emoji. Have you nothing better to do? What exactly have you gained? It's quite pathetic. I suggest taking up a productive hobby that's more befitting of a middle-aged man.
⚠️Video thumbnail shows haraam image of uncovered woman.
In the name of Allah aza wa jal...
In avoiding His displeasure, please replace/remove the image, my dear brother, Paul.
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu