I was so sad to see Kevin treating his partner like that, I think he forgot that he was on the team, and maybe also he forgot he wouldn't be the world champion like today without his partner. i hope for the future, both of them gives more respect for each other. Because when you win or lose in the match is not because Kevin or Marcus is all because of work hard of the whole team. proud of both of you guys 🔥🔥
@@charlieamorris04 not only Kevin needs to grow up but Gideon needs to improve his skills asap, cause he is the opponent targetpoint. Both of them need training for different aspects to improve their style of play
Marcus doesn't have an issue with Kevin. It's Kevin that does. He's couldn't help himself of blaming all fault was Marcus problem. Like literally all the faults form there pair. He blamed it on Marcus
Watanabe just burst into Badminton scene last year 2018 making name for himself in All England 208 title. In just a span of one year, he has shown the Badminton world he is able to beat two categories MD and XD top pair. It's just a matter of time. I'm rooting for Watanabe - such a rare talented doubles player.
He is top tier no question about that, but i still want to see how they fare against hendra/setiawan. Then i can decide whether the pair is truly the best
@@peterchui1964 I am Japanese and I am excited to see how well Endo/Watanabe are performing in this tournament, but I certainly would not call them the best even if they win this tournament. It's just one time. You need to show your excellence consistently over years to be called the best. Also, I think the slow condition in this arena is favoring the pair more than other pairs. I can totally see them getting destroyed by pairs with a big smasher in a faster condition. In any case, looking forward to the final to see how they perform against the daddies.
Setelah nonton ulang baru nyadar dr datang,warming up ,awal2 set pertama Minions membawa beban yang berat salut Endo Watanabe hanya kalian yang bisa bikin Minions gentar kayak gini
Aww wanted to see gideon/sukamuljo in the final but I think endo/watanbe have a very good strategy in place to win so many times, when they were waiting to go on court endo/watanabe looked more confident also. Gideon seems like a good person because whenever Sukamuljo makes a mistake he's the first to give him a high 5 to say it's alright but when gideon missed sukamuljo is so tough on him
I think there are a number of reasons that Endo and Watanabe are able to beat Gideon and Sukamuljo. First, they're emotionally very strong, unlike their countrymen Komura and Sonoda they don't get all bothered by Sukamuljo's antics. Endo is much more reliable than Gideon and makes far fewer mistakes and while Watanabe isn't at the level of Sukamuljo, he's not that far off. Gideon and Sukamuljo don't seem to team well at times, Gideon gets all stressed out and Sukamuljo doesn't play at his best when he's behind.
When Kevin make mistake, Gideon will encourage him. But it's not the same case when Gideon make mistake. Kevin just show the face, he is not a team player. That's the reason why Gideon felt so much pressure in this game, from himself, coach, opponent, ... worse of all from Kevin.
@@aleczhang7232 my opinion, i chalk it up to kevin being younger....and needing to grow into a more patient player who knows how to deal with the situation better. He may be skilled but this is an aspect he simply needs to mature to be not just #1 but all around best team
@@sololevelling9972 too bad this is a team category. Kevin is as inefficient at the back court. Look at the amount of mistakes he made in this match. You dont see Gideon giving that dirty look.
I really have understanding of Gideon in this case. How can he play his best when Kevin is not supporting him. I think Kevin should realize this because Gideon is an amazing player.
Kevin doesn't understand the experiences Gideon had through his career for singles and mixed doubles that he has. Kevin doesn't fully trust Gideon decision but only his. You can see it even through the present days. He just a player that rather show off his ability than actually giving some credit to his partner
I love watching these two pairs but I hate the biased commentary. Picking holes in Gideon and never even mentioning how Kevin often plays Gideon into trouble. I just wish they would comment on the play ot their bias. Kevin and Gideon are a team and against these players both have got to be at their best.
Salut sm Yuta Endo...mainnya kalem tp respect sm minions pdhl 5x menang...so humble...aku lihat Yuta ketika lawan Li/Liu, Chia/Soh n pair MD lain dia pasti teriak² tiap dpt poin...tp sm minions do'i biasa aja n sewajarnya...bhkn muji minions msh yg terbaik...scra 8 gelar thn lalu memang milik minions...tpi dilihat lagi ketika di Indonesia Open, China Open,n Denmark Open yg mana minions juara dstu, Yuta Endo hrs ketemu daddies n kalah...n daddies kalah difinal di 3 turnamen tsb sm minions...liat ketika BAC, Thailand Open, Hongkong open n WTF dmna minions hrs ktmu Yuta Endo, semuanya kalah...kdng kasian sm daddies klo kalah mulu sm minions...btw bkn tim siapa²...tetep dukung semua wakil INA...🙏🙏💪💪
Yoga Andoyo Aji That's right. However, Mitsuhashi, who was paired with Watanabe in high school, belongs to the same club from this year. If Endo retires, he will inevitably team up. Of course, he‘s not far from Endo, but you can expect him because the cooperation should be wonderful. I use Google Translate
When Japanes make mistakes they look at each other and smile. on the other hand Indonasian don't even look at each other. Kevin even don't bother to listen to the coach if you notice in the interval when coach talk to the players. Such a rude person. If this Japanes pair continue like that they will soon topple the minions from the number 1.
Kevin marcus coba sering ngopi² dan ngobrol bareng gitu. Bukan perkara permainan aja yg ditingkatkan tapi juga cara kalian berkomunikasi. Iya kita sebagai BL jelas berharap kalian menang terus, tapi bukan kemenangan aja yg harus kalian punya. Hubungan yg baik itu perlu. Bukan mau jadi sok tau atau apa karena saya juga ga tau kehidupan kalian berdua sehari-hari gimana, tapi barangkali pesan ini tersampaikan, cuma mau kasih saran yuk coba bangun bonding yg lebih baik lagi. Kalian udah hebat banget soal skill, tinggal komunikasi aja gimana caranya biar akrab. Masa cuma mau jadi sebatas partner kerja aja? Apa ga mau jadi sohib seperti daddies dan fajri? Kalau partnernya error jangan tunjukin muka kesal ya, harus semangatin satu sama lain, biar apapun situasinya bisa kalian hadapi bersama :) Semangat champ!
Bener -_- ini ga cuma soal kalah menang doang, gpapa kalah tp ya gaush gtu jg kali sikapnya. Klo pemain2 lain kalah, yaudh tetap tos bahkan pelukan, kalo pasangannya eror, yg satunya ya legowo aja gtu, ekapresinya kek "yaudhlah, mau gmn lagi, yok coba lagi" gtu, coba liat daddies, pramel, greyap apalgi fajri nohh, saat partner eroriah, yaa yaudh gtu, ga kek minions muka merengut kecut ga enak bgt diliat, yg bikin kita BL kesel jadinya bkn kalahnya, tp aura mereka itu lho, dduhh
@@rizkinar__ bonding benar salah satu solusi. sikap kevin juga kurang dibenaran jg. Tapi sy mo garisbawahi, mereka ini terbiasa menang jarang kalah seperti pemain2 yg anda sebutkan td, even daddies prestasi mereka aja dlm setahun tdk sebanyak minions. apalagi mo dibandingkan dng pecundang kelas teri yg anda sebutkan td (maaf kalo sulit anda menerima) terutama Greyap dan fajri. Terutama Kevin dng bakat besar yg dia punya dan main di MD tentu saja ia sangat frustasi dng partnernya kurang bisa mengimbangi ini, bayangkan setahun udah 5 x bertemu dn selalu kalah dng lawan yg sama ya wajar juga ia sangat marah dan apalagi ia masih muda, Gideon cukup dewasa menyikapi Kevin. Tenang ga kan dipisah enggak setidaknya ampe olympiade.. liat tahun depan, kalo masih juga auh ah terserah kevin maunya gimana...
@@zenilampard4639 bagus kalo di pisah,gideon prlu patner yg sepikiran dgn dia dlm berkomunikasi utk saling menyemangati,menghargai perjuangannya bukan hanya menghitung erornya.terlepas dr menang atau kalah. dan kevin biar menemukan patner yg sesuai seleranya... maaf..kali ini aku benar kesal dgn ekspresi kevin
Mereka tim, kalo ada yg salah ya salah 2 2nya, mudah2an next komunikasi diantara mereka bisa lebih baik lagi, jadi partner yg bener2 kompak dan baik di segala keadaan, comeback stronger💪💪
@@asepnanay713 it's not about a trophy only but yuta had a big quality and big talent.just because he can't get the suitable partner yet..but he is the best because play 2 categories .I'm salute with that ...
The nightmares are building up. Eating them alive for the 5th time in a same year. The real game is in their minds! Lost in the mind games, Kevin and Marcus really need a serious mentality solving for 2020. Just light the fire up!! Perhaps one thing the Indonesian supporters need to do is to remind them hard!
As Clarke said earlier in the match that, There is too much mental pressure on Gideon. He have a family to look after now. Since gideon isn’t on his best, i think its the sukamoljo who have to give comfort & courage to his partner. This is the one thing they have to learn from Ahsan & hendra. They r always look one after another.
Bcs they're the daddies both of them. So they can feel what is your partner think and they can encourage each other. But gideon and sukamuljo is different. Gideon is married now but kevin no. And they have age gap and they have different ways to overcome their struggles. And Kevin is really young man. His emotional, ego is so much big than gideon. Bcs gideon the oldest between these two so why he always say sorry to kevin because his mistakes. But kevin no. And Gideon is the most netral between these two. He never gets angry to kevin. But kevin have same angry to gideon. But i hope they can overcome this problem. Because 2020 is the big challenge for them if they want to play in OG tokyo 2020. And they'll overcome this problem. Bcs I Believe minions🤗🤗🤗
@@s_y_b_t_h__ actually, i dont blame sukamoljo also. As the #1, he also have some pressure. In the last some matches he backed up gideon's shot. He was really strong until now. I didn’t see him this dejected in anytime. I think they just need some break to refresh themselves.
@@dihanmd4857 i think so. I think they need to refresh themselves and after that they need to talk just two of them. To regroup their partnership. Bcs this's so concern. Even Gill clark and other commentator say that too.
@@s_y_b_t_h__ actually, i dont like any badminton commentators anyway. Yeah, even gill clark also. They always compared them. I mean we all know sukamoljo is exceptional. He is just beyond of any badminton player right now. Then, why we will compare gideon with him? Sukamoljo's most of the interception build up by gideon. Gideon is an unsung hero. We really have to appreciate him more.
@@dihanmd4857 kevin have amazing skill. His interception is amazing. But he cant do it if gideon didnt set up from the back court. That's why i always appreciate Gideon. Gideon smash is not stiff or not fast like other players but because he smash from the back court kevin can show his skills. I love both of them since AE 2017. And for me 2017 is the best year for them. Their partnership in 2017 is amazing. How they support each other. No matter if they win or lose. But now it looks like business partnership. I hope they can overcome this problem.
All the way long, in their winning streak everyone praised sukamuljo, said he is the man. Sukamuljo also thought he was the man. After the covid he played without gedion,let alone Championship couldnt even beat average pairs. Eventually everyone noticed that gedion was the one who was the actual monster that made the pair unbeatable. Hope sukamuljo realises this too. Without gedion hes nobody, just a random player.
Walau klh minions tp puas hti mlhtx main.. sunggu smgt..ya blm rezeki.. nya lain kli jmpa lgi.. mnbus k klhnx.. ttp kita dukung dlm.doa moga sukses k dpn nya.. 💪👍
Pertemuan kemarin terasa beban banget sampe terbawa ke pertandingan ini, Minion tetap semangat dan benahi kelemahan so tahun depan akan lebih seru ada rival kuat ,,
Sumpah disini kurang suka dgn komentar dari steen dan netizen,,,,byk yg langsung menyalahkan kekalahan minions gegara defense marcus,,,yah bisa dibilang memang benar hari ini defense marcus rapuh banget tapi saya pribadi gak cuman nyalahin marcus tapi kevin juga,,,byk banget kevin bolanya unforce eror dan byk bola tanggung yg gak bisa diselesaikan oleh kevin dgn baik,,,,dan satu lagi yg saya bener2 gak suka itu kevin seakan-akan ngeblame/menyalahkan marcus ketika marcus unforce eror,,,,,dia bahkan menghindari kontak mata dgn marcus bahkan gak komunikasi dilapangan,,,,gak bisa dijadikan alasan klo kevin misalnya segan ama marcus krn lebih muda secara kalian itu world no.1,,,,,sekali lagi tolonglah kevin komunikasi dilapangan diperbanyak dan motivasi rekanmu jika dia melakukan kesalahan bukan mengabaikannya,,,,,saya rindu dgn semangat kalian saat di asian games dimana kalian saling menyemangati satu sama lain dan berteriak ketika meraih poin,,,,jgn seperti org yg sudah menyerah hanya krn lawan kalian lebih baik,,,,saya gak bakalan ngeblame kalian walaupun kalian kalah tapi disaat kalian adalah sebuah tim itu lebih terhormat kalian kalahnya tapi untuk pertandingan ini kalian seperti main sendiri2 (kevin nyalahin marcus dan marcus merasa bersalah jadinya terbeban),,,, mungkin permainan kalian yg terbilang gak kompak bisa kalian bawa saat melawan md yg masih mentah tapi sekarang ini kualitas md dunia sudah semakin mumpuni,,,,,pesan saya cuman satu tolong chemistry nya ditingkatkan lagi perbanya komunikasi dan motivasi rekan saat melakukan kesalahan krn itu akan membuat kalian menjadi md yg tidak hanya kuat tapi disegani oleh lawan krn otomatis gak ada celah diantara kalian
@@h.indrawan5797 bukan masalahnya saya nyalahin mereka tapi saya menyayangkan sikap komentator bwf dan netizen yg terlalu menyoroti marcus yg menjadi biang kerok kekalahan minions padahal dalam segi unforce eror kevin juga banyak,,,,saya gak bakal mempermasalahkan mereka kalah jikalau mereka kalah dalam sebuah kesatuan tim bukan individu tapi yg saya lihat disini berbeda kevin seperti ngeblame marcus dan marcus merasa tertekan karena perasaan bersalahnya,,,,memang endo/yuta merupakan salah satu pasangan md yg kuat bahkan membuat minions frustasi tapi coba lihat mereka apakah mereka konsisten sepanjang tahun 2019,,,,kan enggak mereka juga bisa kalah ama md medioker yg artinya apa mereka juga punya kelemahan yg vital,,,,apa perlu disini saya berikan pendapat pribadi saya kelemahan endo/yuta,,,, saya rasa BL sudah mengerti dan mengenal tipikal permainan mereka
Saya menyoroti kurangnya komunikasi dan chemistry dari world no 1. Gak kaya dulu, mereka kompak bgt, sering tos walau kehilangan poin. Skrg kayak nya Kevin ngeblame Marcus saat Marcus error, ya walau harus diakui match x ini Marcus sering error. Tapi she partner jangan malah membuat Marcus makin down. Contohlah Liliana Natsir dl, kelihatan bgt komunikasi dia dan Tontowi Ahmad bagus di lapangan. Kalau Kevin/Marcus ttp spt ini gaya komunikasi nya, niscaya mereka lama2 akan dibalap sama MD lainnya. Walau saya terus mendukung minions tentu nya.
@@wiriantoprimawan2122 sebenarnya utk masalah unforce eror kevin juga gak kalah banyak,,,servis kevin kena fault,,,,return servis kevin sering out,,,,,bahkan saya masih ingat di poin 13-9 babak 3 disaat minions masih punya momentumnya tapi kevin gak bisa nyelesain bola tanggung yg akhirnya nyangkut di net dan disinilah momentum minions terhenti dan poin Jepang makin gak kekejar,,,,,jujur saya secara personal iri dgn md dari taipei seperti lee/wang yg dimana setiap saat wang mendapatkan poin lee sering memberikan acungan jempo buat partnernya,,,, mereka juga selalu berkomunikasi dilapangan baik saat eror maupun dapat poin,,,,ini sebenarnya jadi contoh yg baik bagi minions,,,,,bahkan oma gill berkomentar di match ini saat menyoroti tindakan kevin yg menghindari eye contacts ama marcus bahwa seharusnya kevin memberikan semangat kepada rekannya disaat rekannya melakukan kesalahan bukan mengabaikannya seperti contohnya ahsan/hendra yg dimana selalu berkomunikasi setiap saat,,,,,harapan saya gak muluk2 cuman semoga chemistry marcus ama kevin semakin membaik,,,,,saya gak peduli mau berapa kalipun mereka kalah ama lawan yg sama tapi bagi saya yg pecinta badminton sangat sedih bila chemistry mereka seakan berjarak
Saya berani tangggung jawan ini, hanya kuranv beuntung saja 3 pertemua sebelum wsf itu suda kelehan, kalau i karna bolanya berat, sangat ngatuh, saya yakin obatnya cuman di marcus, smest nya gacor, dan pd nya meningkat, soal difr jelek masih bisa di imbangi degan seragan yg bertubi tubi, iin murni soal bola dana lapangan saja, saja tidak terlalu takut, berani taruha untuk pertrmuan selanjutnya, 2 set saja , saya yakin!
Well done to the Japanese, Kevin failed in this match. When they put pressure on your partner you don't throw your hands up and stop playing - its easy to let your emotions take over and blame your partner. When he played from the back his smashes didn't make any impact as well. It wasn't going to be that kind of match. Its a nice challenge for these two to find another way to grind out these matches if conditions are not ideal and play a solid defense side.
It's hard to have a partner that is really down, and fight so much in the mind. It's a double play. I saw Kevin tried to cheer him up a bit. I think at the end Kevin decided to go with his partner, he can't play alone and gave up the fight. They will come back stronger after this I hope.
Sukamuljo changed his hair style which was a big mistake. I assumed that Gideon had been quite annoyed. Well I was kidding, but they do seem to be less understanding each other.
Gideon tidak bisa kontrol emosi. Selalu merasa bersalah berkelanjutan ketika melakukan human error. Terlalu memaksa main di depan net. Kevin terlalu egois, main ogah2an karena partnernya selalu ngelakuin human error.
@@hafizhabibullah974 knp bro, kok elu baperan ???? Biasa aja bro, gak boleh gitu gw komentar ?? Elu fan fanatik Gideon ??? Gak usah terlalu lebay lah, dasar bocah 😩😩😩😩
Great great match again.They play amazingly. I cant keep my eys off their rallies. I really hope Endo and Wanta will the champion last tournament . Good luck JP🌠🍀
Berharap kedepannya Kevin/Markus bisa menemukan formula obat untuk mengalahkan Yuta/Endo.. krn OG dikit lgi jgn sampe emas lolos dari Indonesia di sektor MD
Gk bisa Kevin/Markus mengalahkan yuta/endo Markus merosot jauh mainnya Klau emas olimpiade atau juara dunia jauh sekali untuk kevin/Markus memenanginya.
ngerti sih masalah umur ya, jadi masih emosi & ego. tp lee yang, wang chi lin, yuta, dll itu seumuran atau lebih muda dr ***** & sering juga erroriah & kalah, tp ga setinggi itu emosi & egonya. kadang memang ga berbanding lurus antara usia & kedewasaan. yg jg punya emosi tinggi: han/zhou, he/tan, li/liu (mostly li), liu cheng/zhang nan (zhang nan yg dulu), aaron/soh; apa kesamaan di antara pemain2 ini?
As annoying as the commentators are, there is some merit in that when the going gets tough, Kevin and Marcus need to strategize together and support one another. They rely on each person being able to do their part but they need to be able to adapt when what they are doing clearly as the 1st game showed isnt working. Still cheering you guys on, there is only more room to grow as a pair!!!
wow amazing endo/watanabe i knew it yesterday as they beat li/liu in such a devastating style they are improvong massively in this tournament just amazing. they've beat gid/suk this year many times but the twin tower of china seems to be a wall for them before. now as an indonesian fan in case of marcus gideon/kevin sukamuljo they need to improve especially in their mentality and attitude inside the court. i know my fellow indonesia supporters would wrecked me on this but it's true. they always seems to bow down faced a heavy challange the signs are there in big tournaments you see the same reaction when they faced the exact situation. it's not just the playing style or power in their game it's more than that. i love them very much since the first time i saw them in 2015 sea games, always thought they'll change the MD and they did we are seing the new height of MD nowdays because of they playing style and dominance. but something is wrong it's their attitude on court, their over the top arrogance, they push things like that to a different level as an indonesian fan iam very uncomfortable, embarraced, and being let down everytime it happens. i love them so much but that's the thing that always creeps my mind when they does things like that it's like a hole. you the love the sport, you love the pairs so much but it can't cover that hole' i think it's the right time to said it, the indonesian fans know this but don't please let ourself be ignorance towards this type of thing we saw it experience it eversince tthey won the all england 2017 i can remember all those moments in the back of my mind and you too. iam not someone who loves to jugdge athletes by their attitude in contrary i hae when people do that, but in kevin/marcus case it's different. you know a lot of fans hated player like marin or the koreans kim/kong nowdays for screaming, being rude to the oppenents which for me is a problem i don't thing they push the boundry at all they stay in it, in fact love those ladies they are great character but they don't push that boundry like what kevin marcus does over2 again (to li/liu especially). you remember ealy lin dan , our own markis kido , we have many feisty character but all are not on that character the thing is that it's not just the pair needs to look at themself bur it's us,the fans. you would hate me for this but you won't deny it. there is this uncontrol social behavior everything seems to go over the top. the way we support our athletes, our proudness, our atiitude towards the game, the federationand it's people. we tend to over proud when things are good and victimised ourself, overly angry specially toward the bwf when things are going right'. you see it's' mirror efect, maybe we can learn from something like this. can't be indenial, and please can't use things like "oh because people do that to us we have get payback " as an excuse it's a bad mentality and sad in this age of social media things are so quick to turn into a popular culture. plase my fellow indonesian it's a beatiful sport, we all love it, it's like a culture to us badminton is very close to indonesia, the sport is growing we have too, there are period where we are not like this saw the matches in those days, yes there positive and njegatives in those era but we can learn from it get better.
The minions have weak smash, play a defensive and consistent game to win. No need to play quick if you aren’t as quick as your opponent. Force the game to your advantages, whichever style it is.
Komunikasi itu penting..kykny saat bertanding kevin gedeon itu jarang sangat2 jarang komunikasi..seharusnya saling menyemangati satu sama lain..belajar dri hendra ahsan mrk saling menyemangati mainnya pun enjoy..makanya sampai skrg msh tetep tanggung..semoga kevin gedeon makin bersifat dewasa..terutama kevin klo lg bete main kyk gk semangat
masalah usia biasa, tapi maaf Kevin punya bakat lebih dibandingkan kebanyakan seniornya terlebih dahulu, dan dia ingin selalu menang tidak terbiasa jadi pecundang. pa lagi udh 5x pertemuan dng lawan yg sama dan berakhir dng kekalahan. Jadi wajar ia marah krn ia main di MD, jadi yg kena sasaran adalah partnernya jika main jelek dn kalah. Walau bgaimanapun salut atas kesabaran Gideon
Kelemahan yuta pertahanan di posisi kanan dgn smas datar tapi harus dipancing agak tengah atau depan supaya buola tdk out, kelebihan endo ada dropaot menyilang yg harus diantisipasi Lambungan bola kekiri yuta sering terjadi yg semestinya menguntungkan u atur bola susah dari minion
Setiap ketemu pasangan jepang ini sepertinya kevin markus lupa bahwa kalian adalah world no 1 .. hey mereka bukan lawan yg sesulit itu, menjd sulit krn bawah sadar kalian yg meyakininya, ayo bangun sang juara!! kekalahan kalian bukan dr mereka ttp dari diri kalian sendiri, lagian kalah dr 1 pasangan ini & sllu menang dr byk pasangan lainnya, so what? Cheer up! Jgn biarkan pasangan ini merusak mental & kebersamaan/keakraban kalian, ok?! semangat! .. kalah atau menang kalian sllu menjd kebanggaan kami ❤️
When i make mistakes in my game my partner encourage me . But when my partner make mistakes I can't.. because he is senior than me so how can i encourage hin , I don't know 🤕😥
Set ketiga,, momentum ngejar hilang... harusnya point jadi 10-13 tapi malah nyangkut... akhirnya malah ketinggalan jauh, dan kalah.. Hmm... aku rasa cukup 5x saja minions kalah dari yuta/endo... yakin tahun depan klo bertemu bisa menang... amiin... Comeback stronger!! Kalian pasti bisa....💪💪
Sy liat komentar saling menyalakan si gideon bgini sih kevin bgini menurut gw dari point hanya kalah keberuntungan saja.biasa dlm bulutangkis..jadi kt tetap memberi semangat buat pemain bultang indo semakin sukses n juara trs..cahyoooo
komennya banyak yg hujat minions emg dasar gk ad akhlak bilang kevin sombong kek, mereka gk kompak kek STOP IT PLEASEEE!!! Aku tu kasian sm minions yg selalu dihujat klo kalah sm endo yuta jdnya klo ketemu di lapangan mereka gk semangat malah down.
Amat2 sedih aku,,😪😪😪😪 krn permainan juara tdk muncul,,kenapa,? Setiap lawan Endo-Natanabe, tdk semangat seperti lawan yg lainnya,,,skillnya keliatan,,, Bukan krn kalahnya ttpi cara main yg baik TDK muncul ,,,, Semangat,,💪💪💪💪💪,, terusssss Kevin-Markus,kamu pasti bisa,,
1:00:56 That was a double hit and was not addressed at all. It was the same judge that made the stupidest call ever back in Indonesian MS final between Chou and Anderson.
emank keren si nih benteng takeshi.. susah di tembus.. apa lagi tempo si kevin marcus yg blom biasa main placing.. di set 2 kevin udah nyaman sama permainan endo.. banyak bola endo yg ke baca ma kevin.. tp di set 3 dia ancur lagi.. gara2 interval pertama poin kalah jauh.. langsung buyar.. next be better kevin marcus..
Endo/Watanabe is just a bad match for Kevin/Gideon... their adaptive play style is super difficult for them stop. There have had a 4 game losing streak to Endo/Watanabe... let that sink in.
To be honest, mainly because of Kevin showing a lack of sportsmanship towards his partner, Gideon. Also that they should have put Gideon at the front for this match since it was quite clear that he was the weaker player between them for this match.
stelah w itung errornya, 27 dri gideon 28 dri kevin, error yg gw itung smash out, atau ga nyebrang dri net, dll. v: tpi klo 2 2 nya salah komunikasi 2 2 nya gw kasih error, kejadian 2 kali tdi. trus klo ga bisa defense tpi emg keadaan ga menguntungkan bgt kyk tdi gideon di lantai trus kevin cuma sendiri gw jg ga itung.
Betul, bnyk yg salahin gideon. Faktanya kevin lbh bnyk salah, dan penonton sudh terlalu over mengagumi kevin hingga lupa atas error kevin sndiri dan menimpakan kesalahan ke gideon. Good point
Watanabe and Endo What a great players. Very humble and down to earth personality. Kevin is having too much attitude. Thats why they loosing against Endo/Watanabe continuously;
Ini kekalahan jangan jadi masalah buaat Cavin dan Marcus, ingatlah masa 2 juara, mungkin ini lagi down sebentar, itupun Ahsan juga dapat juara nya, kalian tetap yang terbaik
I come back to watch these matches every once in a while feeling so unfortunate that we cannot see Endo and Watanabe as a pair in these events anymore
yessss..me too! missed endo-yuta pair
me too, here I am 3 years later haha
I was so sad to see Kevin treating his partner like that, I think he forgot that he was on the team, and maybe also he forgot he wouldn't be the world champion like today without his partner. i hope for the future, both of them gives more respect for each other. Because when you win or lose in the match is not because Kevin or Marcus is all because of work hard of the whole team. proud of both of you guys 🔥🔥
I think that sukamuljo needs to grow up and stop acting so arrogant, he doesn’t realize how important Gideon has been in his rise to the top
@@charlieamorris04 not only Kevin needs to grow up but Gideon needs to improve his skills asap, cause he is the opponent targetpoint. Both of them need training for different aspects to improve their style of play
Agreee @ Zeni Lampard
Marcus doesn't have an issue with Kevin. It's Kevin that does. He's couldn't help himself of blaming all fault was Marcus problem. Like literally all the faults form there pair. He blamed it on Marcus
Which second? Anyone would like to mention it?
1:00:30 that double hit moment...endo handled it very professional..he just smiled and being professional
Watanabe just burst into Badminton scene last year 2018 making name for himself in All England 208 title.
In just a span of one year, he has shown the Badminton world he is able to beat two categories MD and XD top pair.
It's just a matter of time. I'm rooting for Watanabe - such a rare talented doubles player.
He is top tier no question about that, but i still want to see how they fare against hendra/setiawan. Then i can decide whether the pair is truly the best
@@peterchui1964 I am Japanese and I am excited to see how well Endo/Watanabe are performing in this tournament, but I certainly would not call them the best even if they win this tournament. It's just one time. You need to show your excellence consistently over years to be called the best. Also, I think the slow condition in this arena is favoring the pair more than other pairs. I can totally see them getting destroyed by pairs with a big smasher in a faster condition. In any case, looking forward to the final to see how they perform against the daddies.
@@Kinghalo1982 You are exactly right.I hope Kevin/Gideon will return back with a bang
@@Kinghalo1982 +1 agreed. You can see it is affecting the way gideon/sukamuljo play
@@hellostephanie yeah affecting minions everytime the faced yuta endo, minions lose
2 players who will not be missed when they retire no matter how gifted they were: Carolina Marin & Kevin Sukamuljo.
KS absolutely will not be missed but remembered for his attitude 😂
Setelah nonton ulang baru nyadar dr datang,warming up ,awal2 set pertama Minions membawa beban yang berat salut Endo Watanabe hanya kalian yang bisa bikin Minions gentar kayak gini
😂😂kalau lawan yg lain kevin la paling bsing...poyo je,ni senyap..ilang tengil ye.tula,ktuk msia lg,mana minion skrang?..ghaib ya.
@@azlanaz9955 ngiri ya, sirik amat dah
Aww wanted to see gideon/sukamuljo in the final but I think endo/watanbe have a very good strategy in place to win so many times, when they were waiting to go on court endo/watanabe looked more confident also. Gideon seems like a good person because whenever Sukamuljo makes a mistake he's the first to give him a high 5 to say it's alright but when gideon missed sukamuljo is so tough on him
Because gideon is older than him. Its ok for losing now so they can be better in the future
I think there are a number of reasons that Endo and Watanabe are able to beat Gideon and Sukamuljo. First, they're emotionally very strong, unlike their countrymen Komura and Sonoda they don't get all bothered by Sukamuljo's antics. Endo is much more reliable than Gideon and makes far fewer mistakes and while Watanabe isn't at the level of Sukamuljo, he's not that far off. Gideon and Sukamuljo don't seem to team well at times, Gideon gets all stressed out and Sukamuljo doesn't play at his best when he's behind.
rebym i love komura and sonoda also ☺️
What ? Watanbe isn't to the level of Kevin ?
What is this ?
Watanabe if far more superior than Kevin.
@@SatishKumar-zc3xf agree
The only pair that can stop minionn
When Kevin make mistake, Gideon will encourage him. But it's not the same case when Gideon make mistake. Kevin just show the face, he is not a team player. That's the reason why Gideon felt so much pressure in this game, from himself, coach, opponent, ... worse of all from Kevin.
That will happen if u have a better partner..that's true dude... U need to play first if u want to know how it feels. Really uncomfortable...
Totally agree. Kevin shows the face too often. They walk away from each other every time when Gideon made an error. To me, Kevin lacks sportsmanship.
@@aleczhang7232 my opinion, i chalk it up to kevin being younger....and needing to grow into a more patient player who knows how to deal with the situation better. He may be skilled but this is an aspect he simply needs to mature to be not just #1 but all around best team
@@sololevelling9972 too bad this is a team category. Kevin is as inefficient at the back court. Look at the amount of mistakes he made in this match. You dont see Gideon giving that dirty look.
kevin loser
I really have understanding of Gideon in this case. How can he play his best when Kevin is not supporting him. I think Kevin should realize this because Gideon is an amazing player.
Min Soo Kim totally agree, without Gideon, kevin can't reach world no.1
Kevin could not maintain his emotional showing to his partner even so to his couch
Kevin doesn't understand the experiences Gideon had through his career for singles and mixed doubles that he has. Kevin doesn't fully trust Gideon decision but only his. You can see it even through the present days. He just a player that rather show off his ability than actually giving some credit to his partner
I love watching these two pairs but I hate the biased commentary. Picking holes in Gideon and never even mentioning how Kevin often plays Gideon into trouble. I just wish they would comment on the play ot their bias. Kevin and Gideon are a team and against these players both have got to be at their best.
@@colinsixhitter3303 yeah sometimes the interception from kevin can give problem to themselves and gideon need to work to cover from the back
These videos are like a treasure!! We miss Endo!!
25:08 man that was just brutal
it's rare for endo
46:46 coach = he is also tired (yuta) he played mixed double . Cmon .
Yuta = im tired?😂😂😂
15:10 what a wonderful rally! I always love the rallies btw these two as the Japans have incredible defense.
minions is pretty weak on their mental game. especially kevin shows no encouragement to his partner.
The after-match review just shows how frustrated Gideon is throughout this match
48:24 epic rally.
Salut sm Yuta Endo...mainnya kalem tp respect sm minions pdhl 5x menang...so humble...aku lihat Yuta ketika lawan Li/Liu, Chia/Soh n pair MD lain dia pasti teriak² tiap dpt poin...tp sm minions do'i biasa aja n sewajarnya...bhkn muji minions msh yg terbaik...scra 8 gelar thn lalu memang milik minions...tpi dilihat lagi ketika di Indonesia Open, China Open,n Denmark Open yg mana minions juara dstu, Yuta Endo hrs ketemu daddies n kalah...n daddies kalah difinal di 3 turnamen tsb sm minions...liat ketika BAC, Thailand Open, Hongkong open n WTF dmna minions hrs ktmu Yuta Endo, semuanya kalah...kdng kasian sm daddies klo kalah mulu sm minions...btw bkn tim siapa²...tetep dukung semua wakil INA...🙏🙏💪💪
Emang yuta sama endo lawan terkuat minions..
Tapi tetep minion terbaik,slalu kangen sma minions
2025 still watch this..
Kevin's attitude didn't give any encouragement to Gideon when his partner really need it. but still, great match to watch.
Learned what good professionalism is!
Hiroyuki endo is getting old. 33 years old, japan lack of early 20s years mens player
Yoga Andoyo Aji
@@さけかす-o9i watanabe still young but imagine endo retire then only watanabe alone, he also must pair with higashino
Yoga Andoyo Aji
That's right. However, Mitsuhashi, who was paired with Watanabe in high school, belongs to the same club from this year. If Endo retires, he will inevitably team up. Of course, he‘s not far from Endo, but you can expect him because the cooperation should be wonderful.
I use Google Translate
It’s okay minions! Thereafter the daddies win, maybe it’s already destiny for Baba & Ko Hendra to win this 🙏🏼
47:59 what a rally
When Japanes make mistakes they look at each other and smile. on the other hand Indonasian don't even look at each other. Kevin even don't bother to listen to the coach if you notice in the interval when coach talk to the players. Such a rude person. If this Japanes pair continue like that they will soon topple the minions from the number 1.
Haha agree bro
It's always better to trust and support your partner in a game. Hope you are doing well next year Sukam/Gideon !
1:03:34 that face you make when you know you're going to lose soon
Pasrah face
Selalu suka sm endo 😍😍 pemain yg sabar 😃😃😃
Kevin marcus coba sering ngopi² dan ngobrol bareng gitu. Bukan perkara permainan aja yg ditingkatkan tapi juga cara kalian berkomunikasi. Iya kita sebagai BL jelas berharap kalian menang terus, tapi bukan kemenangan aja yg harus kalian punya. Hubungan yg baik itu perlu. Bukan mau jadi sok tau atau apa karena saya juga ga tau kehidupan kalian berdua sehari-hari gimana, tapi barangkali pesan ini tersampaikan, cuma mau kasih saran yuk coba bangun bonding yg lebih baik lagi. Kalian udah hebat banget soal skill, tinggal komunikasi aja gimana caranya biar akrab. Masa cuma mau jadi sebatas partner kerja aja? Apa ga mau jadi sohib seperti daddies dan fajri? Kalau partnernya error jangan tunjukin muka kesal ya, harus semangatin satu sama lain, biar apapun situasinya bisa kalian hadapi bersama :)
Semangat champ!
Mungkin dua2 nya saling ga enakan harus ada yg dewasa yg ngemong gitu kali
Bener -_- ini ga cuma soal kalah menang doang, gpapa kalah tp ya gaush gtu jg kali sikapnya. Klo pemain2 lain kalah, yaudh tetap tos bahkan pelukan, kalo pasangannya eror, yg satunya ya legowo aja gtu, ekapresinya kek "yaudhlah, mau gmn lagi, yok coba lagi" gtu, coba liat daddies, pramel, greyap apalgi fajri nohh, saat partner eroriah, yaa yaudh gtu, ga kek minions muka merengut kecut ga enak bgt diliat, yg bikin kita BL kesel jadinya bkn kalahnya, tp aura mereka itu lho, dduhh
@@rizkinar__ bonding benar salah satu solusi. sikap kevin juga kurang dibenaran jg. Tapi sy mo garisbawahi, mereka ini terbiasa menang jarang kalah seperti pemain2 yg anda sebutkan td, even daddies prestasi mereka aja dlm setahun tdk sebanyak minions. apalagi mo dibandingkan dng pecundang kelas teri yg anda sebutkan td (maaf kalo sulit anda menerima) terutama Greyap dan fajri. Terutama Kevin dng bakat besar yg dia punya dan main di MD tentu saja ia sangat frustasi dng partnernya kurang bisa mengimbangi ini, bayangkan setahun udah 5 x bertemu dn selalu kalah dng lawan yg sama ya wajar juga ia sangat marah dan apalagi ia masih muda, Gideon cukup dewasa menyikapi Kevin. Tenang ga kan dipisah enggak setidaknya ampe olympiade.. liat tahun depan, kalo masih juga auh ah terserah kevin maunya gimana...
@@zenilampard4639 bagus kalo di pisah,gideon prlu patner yg sepikiran dgn dia dlm berkomunikasi utk saling menyemangati,menghargai perjuangannya bukan hanya menghitung erornya.terlepas dr menang atau kalah.
dan kevin biar menemukan patner yg sesuai seleranya...
maaf..kali ini aku benar kesal dgn ekspresi kevin
@@levycell4908 saya mah setuju dipisah segera, ga tega liat markus digituin trus. Tapi apa fans yg lain mau, doinya mau gak hihi
14:10 longest rally of the match
Seneng banget nonton ini dari awal dukung Yuta Endo menang biar final ketemu daddies, dan pastinya daddies yg jadi juara
Dadidis mah main nya mantap.selalu teliti melihat kelemahan musuh.bukan hanya main cepat 😁😁🤣🤣
Mereka tim, kalo ada yg salah ya salah 2 2nya, mudah2an next komunikasi diantara mereka bisa lebih baik lagi, jadi partner yg bener2 kompak dan baik di segala keadaan, comeback stronger💪💪
I like both of them, but I love Endo and Watanabe more.
So ??? haha
So do I
No problem. Everyone have opinion.😊
Me too
watanabe - best doubles player im the world
Loppy2345 one of*
How many trophy they have huh 😅
@@jimyang8824 haha agree with your edit, big distinction
@@asepnanay713 it's not about a trophy only but yuta had a big quality and big talent.just because he can't get the suitable partner yet..but he is the best because play 2 categories .I'm salute with that ...
Not yet .. still a long way to go
The nightmares are building up. Eating them alive for the 5th time in a same year.
The real game is in their minds!
Lost in the mind games, Kevin and Marcus really need a serious mentality solving for 2020.
Just light the fire up!! Perhaps one thing the Indonesian supporters need to do is to remind them hard!
And the Minions were humbled. 🇯🇵 ❤️
As Clarke said earlier in the match that, There is too much mental pressure on Gideon. He have a family to look after now.
Since gideon isn’t on his best, i think its the sukamoljo who have to give comfort & courage to his partner. This is the one thing they have to learn from Ahsan & hendra. They r always look one after another.
Bcs they're the daddies both of them. So they can feel what is your partner think and they can encourage each other. But gideon and sukamuljo is different. Gideon is married now but kevin no. And they have age gap and they have different ways to overcome their struggles. And Kevin is really young man. His emotional, ego is so much big than gideon. Bcs gideon the oldest between these two so why he always say sorry to kevin because his mistakes. But kevin no. And Gideon is the most netral between these two. He never gets angry to kevin. But kevin have same angry to gideon. But i hope they can overcome this problem. Because 2020 is the big challenge for them if they want to play in OG tokyo 2020. And they'll overcome this problem. Bcs I Believe minions🤗🤗🤗
@@s_y_b_t_h__ actually, i dont blame sukamoljo also. As the #1, he also have some pressure. In the last some matches he backed up gideon's shot. He was really strong until now. I didn’t see him this dejected in anytime.
I think they just need some break to refresh themselves.
@@dihanmd4857 i think so. I think they need to refresh themselves and after that they need to talk just two of them. To regroup their partnership. Bcs this's so concern. Even Gill clark and other commentator say that too.
@@s_y_b_t_h__ actually, i dont like any badminton commentators anyway. Yeah, even gill clark also. They always compared them. I mean we all know sukamoljo is exceptional. He is just beyond of any badminton player right now. Then, why we will compare gideon with him?
Sukamoljo's most of the interception build up by gideon. Gideon is an unsung hero. We really have to appreciate him more.
@@dihanmd4857 kevin have amazing skill. His interception is amazing. But he cant do it if gideon didnt set up from the back court. That's why i always appreciate Gideon. Gideon smash is not stiff or not fast like other players but because he smash from the back court kevin can show his skills. I love both of them since AE 2017. And for me 2017 is the best year for them. Their partnership in 2017 is amazing. How they support each other. No matter if they win or lose. But now it looks like business partnership. I hope they can overcome this problem.
All the way long, in their winning streak everyone praised sukamuljo, said he is the man. Sukamuljo also thought he was the man. After the covid he played without gedion,let alone Championship couldnt even beat average pairs. Eventually everyone noticed that gedion was the one who was the actual monster that made the pair unbeatable. Hope sukamuljo realises this too. Without gedion hes nobody, just a random player.
Come on minions. I'm sure you can do it. Never give up 💪💪💪
Walau klh minions tp puas hti mlhtx main.. sunggu smgt..ya blm rezeki.. nya lain kli jmpa lgi.. mnbus k klhnx.. ttp kita dukung dlm.doa moga sukses k dpn nya.. 💪👍
Pertemuan kemarin terasa beban banget sampe terbawa ke pertandingan ini, Minion tetap semangat dan benahi kelemahan so tahun depan akan lebih seru ada rival kuat ,,
Sumpah disini kurang suka dgn komentar dari steen dan netizen,,,,byk yg langsung menyalahkan kekalahan minions gegara defense marcus,,,yah bisa dibilang memang benar hari ini defense marcus rapuh banget tapi saya pribadi gak cuman nyalahin marcus tapi kevin juga,,,byk banget kevin bolanya unforce eror dan byk bola tanggung yg gak bisa diselesaikan oleh kevin dgn baik,,,,dan satu lagi yg saya bener2 gak suka itu kevin seakan-akan ngeblame/menyalahkan marcus ketika marcus unforce eror,,,,,dia bahkan menghindari kontak mata dgn marcus bahkan gak komunikasi dilapangan,,,,gak bisa dijadikan alasan klo kevin misalnya segan ama marcus krn lebih muda secara kalian itu world no.1,,,,,sekali lagi tolonglah kevin komunikasi dilapangan diperbanyak dan motivasi rekanmu jika dia melakukan kesalahan bukan mengabaikannya,,,,,saya rindu dgn semangat kalian saat di asian games dimana kalian saling menyemangati satu sama lain dan berteriak ketika meraih poin,,,,jgn seperti org yg sudah menyerah hanya krn lawan kalian lebih baik,,,,saya gak bakalan ngeblame kalian walaupun kalian kalah tapi disaat kalian adalah sebuah tim itu lebih terhormat kalian kalahnya tapi untuk pertandingan ini kalian seperti main sendiri2 (kevin nyalahin marcus dan marcus merasa bersalah jadinya terbeban),,,, mungkin permainan kalian yg terbilang gak kompak bisa kalian bawa saat melawan md yg masih mentah tapi sekarang ini kualitas md dunia sudah semakin mumpuni,,,,,pesan saya cuman satu tolong chemistry nya ditingkatkan lagi perbanya komunikasi dan motivasi rekan saat melakukan kesalahan krn itu akan membuat kalian menjadi md yg tidak hanya kuat tapi disegani oleh lawan krn otomatis gak ada celah diantara kalian
Bukan kesalahn mereka sepenuhnya...endo/watanabe emang bagus & silid vanget akhir2 ini,lawan mana yg ngga frustasi dgn defence yg kokoh & susah ditembus keg gitu?
Wajar mereka agak emosi & frustasi,endo/watanabe emang bukan lawan sembarangan akhir2 ini.
@@h.indrawan5797 bukan masalahnya saya nyalahin mereka tapi saya menyayangkan sikap komentator bwf dan netizen yg terlalu menyoroti marcus yg menjadi biang kerok kekalahan minions padahal dalam segi unforce eror kevin juga banyak,,,,saya gak bakal mempermasalahkan mereka kalah jikalau mereka kalah dalam sebuah kesatuan tim bukan individu tapi yg saya lihat disini berbeda kevin seperti ngeblame marcus dan marcus merasa tertekan karena perasaan bersalahnya,,,,memang endo/yuta merupakan salah satu pasangan md yg kuat bahkan membuat minions frustasi tapi coba lihat mereka apakah mereka konsisten sepanjang tahun 2019,,,,kan enggak mereka juga bisa kalah ama md medioker yg artinya apa mereka juga punya kelemahan yg vital,,,,apa perlu disini saya berikan pendapat pribadi saya kelemahan endo/yuta,,,, saya rasa BL sudah mengerti dan mengenal tipikal permainan mereka
Saya menyoroti kurangnya komunikasi dan chemistry dari world no 1.
Gak kaya dulu, mereka kompak bgt, sering tos walau kehilangan poin. Skrg kayak nya Kevin ngeblame Marcus saat Marcus error, ya walau harus diakui match x ini Marcus sering error. Tapi she partner jangan malah membuat Marcus makin down. Contohlah Liliana Natsir dl, kelihatan bgt komunikasi dia dan Tontowi Ahmad bagus di lapangan. Kalau Kevin/Marcus ttp spt ini gaya komunikasi nya, niscaya mereka lama2 akan dibalap sama MD lainnya. Walau saya terus mendukung minions tentu nya.
@@wiriantoprimawan2122 sebenarnya utk masalah unforce eror kevin juga gak kalah banyak,,,servis kevin kena fault,,,,return servis kevin sering out,,,,,bahkan saya masih ingat di poin 13-9 babak 3 disaat minions masih punya momentumnya tapi kevin gak bisa nyelesain bola tanggung yg akhirnya nyangkut di net dan disinilah momentum minions terhenti dan poin Jepang makin gak kekejar,,,,,jujur saya secara personal iri dgn md dari taipei seperti lee/wang yg dimana setiap saat wang mendapatkan poin lee sering memberikan acungan jempo buat partnernya,,,, mereka juga selalu berkomunikasi dilapangan baik saat eror maupun dapat poin,,,,ini sebenarnya jadi contoh yg baik bagi minions,,,,,bahkan oma gill berkomentar di match ini saat menyoroti tindakan kevin yg menghindari eye contacts ama marcus bahwa seharusnya kevin memberikan semangat kepada rekannya disaat rekannya melakukan kesalahan bukan mengabaikannya seperti contohnya ahsan/hendra yg dimana selalu berkomunikasi setiap saat,,,,,harapan saya gak muluk2 cuman semoga chemistry marcus ama kevin semakin membaik,,,,,saya gak peduli mau berapa kalipun mereka kalah ama lawan yg sama tapi bagi saya yg pecinta badminton sangat sedih bila chemistry mereka seakan berjarak
Saya berani tangggung jawan ini, hanya kuranv beuntung saja 3 pertemua sebelum wsf itu suda kelehan, kalau i karna bolanya berat, sangat ngatuh, saya yakin obatnya cuman di marcus, smest nya gacor, dan pd nya meningkat, soal difr jelek masih bisa di imbangi degan seragan yg bertubi tubi, iin murni soal bola dana lapangan saja, saja tidak terlalu takut, berani taruha untuk pertrmuan selanjutnya, 2 set saja , saya yakin!
Nice rallies:
10:34 11:38 14:11 17:02 22:38 31:29 32:24 34:05 34:57 35:42 39:40 44:38 47:37 48:01 51:00 52:18 58:21 59:53 1:01:36
Well done to the Japanese, Kevin failed in this match.
When they put pressure on your partner you don't throw your hands up and stop playing - its easy to let your emotions take over and blame your partner.
When he played from the back his smashes didn't make any impact as well. It wasn't going to be that kind of match.
Its a nice challenge for these two to find another way to grind out these matches if conditions are not ideal and play a solid defense side.
It's hard to have a partner that is really down, and fight so much in the mind. It's a double play. I saw Kevin tried to cheer him up a bit. I think at the end Kevin decided to go with his partner, he can't play alone and gave up the fight. They will come back stronger after this I hope.
Entah kenapa sedihku gk hilang2 klo liat video ini😢😢😢pleaseeee minnions bangkit lg,, solid lg kayak dulu🙏🙏🙏🙏
Minions noob
Sukamuljo changed his hair style which was a big mistake. I assumed that Gideon had been quite annoyed. Well I was kidding, but they do seem to be less understanding each other.
Endo is so cool man
Amazing skill set of both the teams
Kevin was not on fire, he had been like this since last game against Sonoda/Kamura.
Rejekinya ahend ini 😁, kalo final ketemu minions ntar susah. Yg paling penting MD Indonesia juga yg menang di final.
Gideon tidak bisa kontrol emosi. Selalu merasa bersalah berkelanjutan ketika melakukan human error. Terlalu memaksa main di depan net.
Kevin terlalu egois, main ogah2an karena partnernya selalu ngelakuin human error.
siap bang jago
@@hafizhabibullah974 anak pinter
@@baniakbar5532 makasih, bang gantiin aj GIdeon/Kevin main kan situ jago
@@hafizhabibullah974 knp bro, kok elu baperan ????
Biasa aja bro, gak boleh gitu gw komentar ??
Elu fan fanatik Gideon ??? Gak usah terlalu lebay lah, dasar bocah 😩😩😩😩
@@hafizhabibullah974 yang di komentarin Gideon, yg baperan kok elu ?. Aneh
after this match, GIDEON/SUKAMULJO has no come back !! still struggling in 2022.
Great great match again.They play amazingly. I cant keep my eys off their rallies. I really hope Endo and Wanta will the champion last tournament . Good luck JP🌠🍀
gue suka tampilannya bang Endo..
Berharap kedepannya Kevin/Markus bisa menemukan formula obat untuk mengalahkan Yuta/Endo.. krn OG dikit lgi jgn sampe emas lolos dari Indonesia di sektor MD
Gk bisa Kevin/Markus mengalahkan yuta/endo Markus merosot jauh mainnya Klau emas olimpiade atau juara dunia jauh sekali untuk kevin/Markus memenanginya.
The way of playing ? Minions didnt lose, the mental was.
Really enjoyd the commentary on this one. A little more analyses and more talking then usually keep it up :)
astrofwusiczaotaokbeOVlDINbouzUISH1057uscdltzeMSH1129zeMBOLH1046-1038 VangfluzRMUISHtaokbe.
ngerti sih masalah umur ya, jadi masih emosi & ego. tp lee yang, wang chi lin, yuta, dll itu seumuran atau lebih muda dr ***** & sering juga erroriah & kalah, tp ga setinggi itu emosi & egonya. kadang memang ga berbanding lurus antara usia & kedewasaan.
yg jg punya emosi tinggi: han/zhou, he/tan, li/liu (mostly li), liu cheng/zhang nan (zhang nan yg dulu), aaron/soh; apa kesamaan di antara pemain2 ini?
Banyak yg bilang kan gara2 umur sulit ngontrol, padahal kedewasaan seseorang gak selalu dipengaruhi umur
Watanabe, once again proved Minions are not from Mars, they are humans, beatable ... Well Done Endo/Watanabe, outclassed minions
Gideon Kevin! Comeback stronger.. ❤️ well you guys are lit, let’s fight harder
As annoying as the commentators are, there is some merit in that when the going gets tough, Kevin and Marcus need to strategize together and support one another. They rely on each person being able to do their part but they need to be able to adapt when what they are doing clearly as the 1st game showed isnt working. Still cheering you guys on, there is only more room to grow as a pair!!!
wow amazing endo/watanabe i knew it yesterday as they beat li/liu in such a devastating style they are improvong massively in this tournament just amazing. they've beat gid/suk this year many times but the twin tower of china seems to be a wall for them before.
now as an indonesian fan in case of marcus gideon/kevin sukamuljo they need to improve especially in their mentality and attitude inside the court. i know my fellow indonesia supporters would wrecked me on this but it's true. they always seems to bow down faced a heavy challange the signs are there in big tournaments you see the same reaction when they faced the exact situation.
it's not just the playing style or power in their game it's more than that. i love them very much since the first time i saw them in 2015 sea games, always thought they'll change the MD and they did we are seing the new height of MD nowdays because of they playing style and dominance.
but something is wrong it's their attitude on court, their over the top arrogance, they push things like that to a different level as an indonesian fan iam very uncomfortable, embarraced, and being let down everytime it happens.
i love them so much but that's the thing that always creeps my mind when they does things like that it's like a hole. you the love the sport, you love the pairs so much but it can't cover that hole'
i think it's the right time to said it, the indonesian fans know this but don't please let ourself be ignorance towards this type of thing we saw it experience it eversince tthey won the all england 2017 i can remember all those moments in the back of my mind and you too.
iam not someone who loves to jugdge athletes by their attitude in contrary i hae when people do that, but in kevin/marcus case it's different.
you know a lot of fans hated player like marin or the koreans kim/kong nowdays for screaming, being rude to the oppenents which for me is a problem i don't thing they push the boundry at all they stay in it, in fact love those ladies they are great character but they don't push that boundry like what kevin marcus does over2 again (to li/liu especially). you remember ealy lin dan , our own markis kido , we have many feisty character but all are not on that character
the thing is that it's not just the pair needs to look at themself bur it's us,the fans. you would hate me for this but you won't deny it. there is this uncontrol social behavior everything seems to go over the top.
the way we support our athletes, our proudness, our atiitude towards the game, the federationand it's people.
we tend to over proud when things are good and victimised ourself, overly angry specially toward the bwf when things are going right'.
you see it's' mirror efect, maybe we can learn from something like this.
can't be indenial, and please can't use things like "oh because people do that to us we have get payback " as an excuse
it's a bad mentality and sad in this age of social media things are so quick to turn into a popular culture.
plase my fellow indonesian it's a beatiful sport, we all love it, it's like a culture to us badminton is very close to indonesia, the sport is growing we have too, there are period where we are not like this saw the matches in those days, yes there positive and njegatives in those era but we can learn from it get better.
The king of defense Endo & Watanabe 👍
The minions have weak smash, play a defensive and consistent game to win. No need to play quick if you aren’t as quick as your opponent. Force the game to your advantages, whichever style it is.
Hello endo yuta kangen kalian berdua main 😢😢
Komunikasi itu penting..kykny saat bertanding kevin gedeon itu jarang sangat2 jarang komunikasi..seharusnya saling menyemangati satu sama lain..belajar dri hendra ahsan mrk saling menyemangati mainnya pun enjoy..makanya sampai skrg msh tetep tanggung..semoga kevin gedeon makin bersifat dewasa..terutama kevin klo lg bete main kyk gk semangat
masalah usia biasa, tapi maaf Kevin punya bakat lebih dibandingkan kebanyakan seniornya terlebih dahulu, dan dia ingin selalu menang tidak terbiasa jadi pecundang. pa lagi udh 5x pertemuan dng lawan yg sama dan berakhir dng kekalahan. Jadi wajar ia marah krn ia main di MD, jadi yg kena sasaran adalah partnernya jika main jelek dn kalah. Walau bgaimanapun salut atas kesabaran Gideon
Why they are like this!? Does something happen between them?
yuta next year you should try men single also, still too much energy left👍
He said himself he cant be a single player bcs his small body he cant cover all over the court
@@rizkinar__ I suppose, he should look at Akane Yamaguchi and rethink his decision :)
this year ,endo watanabe lead 5ー0 ?!
H2H 5-2
Richa Runira i know
"this year” 5ー0
0-5 for world number one rangking????
@@nfuku1435 yes this year 5-0
Ahsan Hendra vs yuta endo 5-0
Kelemahan yuta pertahanan di posisi kanan dgn smas datar tapi harus dipancing agak tengah atau depan supaya buola tdk out, kelebihan endo ada dropaot menyilang yg harus diantisipasi
Lambungan bola kekiri yuta sering terjadi yg semestinya menguntungkan u atur bola susah dari minion
48:23 running out of words 2 describe this rally
Setiap ketemu pasangan jepang ini sepertinya kevin markus lupa bahwa kalian adalah world no 1 .. hey mereka bukan lawan yg sesulit itu, menjd sulit krn bawah sadar kalian yg meyakininya, ayo bangun sang juara!! kekalahan kalian bukan dr mereka ttp dari diri kalian sendiri, lagian kalah dr 1 pasangan ini & sllu menang dr byk pasangan lainnya, so what? Cheer up! Jgn biarkan pasangan ini merusak mental & kebersamaan/keakraban kalian, ok?! semangat! .. kalah atau menang kalian sllu menjd kebanggaan kami ❤️
minions kalo kallah muka selalu nunjukin cemberut, wkgkgkwk
Someone should be know about attitude for his life. Even we're in diference profesion but respect for other people is important
When i make mistakes in my game my partner encourage me . But when my partner make mistakes I can't.. because he is senior than me so how can i encourage hin , I don't know 🤕😥
Set ketiga,, momentum ngejar hilang... harusnya point jadi 10-13 tapi malah nyangkut... akhirnya malah ketinggalan jauh, dan kalah..
Hmm... aku rasa cukup 5x saja minions kalah dari yuta/endo... yakin tahun depan klo bertemu bisa menang... amiin...
Comeback stronger!! Kalian pasti bisa....💪💪
Sy liat komentar saling menyalakan si gideon bgini sih kevin bgini menurut gw dari point hanya kalah keberuntungan saja.biasa dlm bulutangkis..jadi kt tetap memberi semangat buat pemain bultang indo semakin sukses n juara trs..cahyoooo
komennya banyak yg hujat minions emg dasar gk ad akhlak bilang kevin sombong kek, mereka gk kompak kek STOP IT PLEASEEE!!! Aku tu kasian sm minions yg selalu dihujat klo kalah sm endo yuta jdnya klo ketemu di lapangan mereka gk semangat malah down.
Nonton ini setelah kalah lagi di final AE 2020
Amat2 sedih aku,,😪😪😪😪
krn permainan juara tdk muncul,,kenapa,? Setiap lawan Endo-Natanabe, tdk semangat seperti lawan yg lainnya,,,skillnya keliatan,,, Bukan krn kalahnya ttpi cara main yg baik TDK muncul ,,,,
Semangat,,💪💪💪💪💪,, terusssss Kevin-Markus,kamu pasti bisa,,
1:00:56 That was a double hit and was not addressed at all. It was the same judge that made the stupidest call ever back in Indonesian MS final between Chou and Anderson.
it's judgment call
it's judgment call
@@doods20fer41 Yeah she has terrible judgement.
I can't see it, too fast, who did double hit??
@@rizkinar__ kevin..i can only see it with speed 0.25
Dari ekspresinya udah kelihatan kalah sebelum bertanding
emank keren si nih benteng takeshi.. susah di tembus.. apa lagi tempo si kevin marcus yg blom biasa main placing.. di set 2 kevin udah nyaman sama permainan endo.. banyak bola endo yg ke baca ma kevin.. tp di set 3 dia ancur lagi.. gara2 interval pertama poin kalah jauh.. langsung buyar.. next be better kevin marcus..
Bener, hrs diakui endyuta pertahanannnya bagus banget
Endo/Watanabe is just a bad match for Kevin/Gideon... their adaptive play style is super difficult for them stop.
There have had a 4 game losing streak to Endo/Watanabe... let that sink in.
To be honest, mainly because of Kevin showing a lack of sportsmanship towards his partner, Gideon. Also that they should have put Gideon at the front for this match since it was quite clear that he was the weaker player between them for this match.
Totally agree with you there.. 100%..
i don't know what are all the comments about. Am i the only one that sees how seriously good Endo is ?
stelah w itung errornya, 27 dri gideon 28 dri kevin, error yg gw itung smash out, atau ga nyebrang dri net, dll. v: tpi klo 2 2 nya salah komunikasi 2 2 nya gw kasih error, kejadian 2 kali tdi. trus klo ga bisa defense tpi emg keadaan ga menguntungkan bgt kyk tdi gideon di lantai trus kevin cuma sendiri gw jg ga itung.
wow really?! mudah2an ada analist PBSI yg ngitungin error kyk gini ya buat bahan evaluasi mereka
Betul, bnyk yg salahin gideon. Faktanya kevin lbh bnyk salah, dan penonton sudh terlalu over mengagumi kevin hingga lupa atas error kevin sndiri dan menimpakan kesalahan ke gideon. Good point
@@dee191403 njer cuma ngitung poin yg dikasih ke musuh, ga susah
Terniat 👍👍👍
Gideon is the main target being attack
Kehadiran watanabe mengajar kelvin supaya ingat bukan dia sahaja yg bagus dalam dunia badminton sehingga meremehkan pihak lawan...
Final kemungkinan besar lawan ahsan hendra
36:19 good rally
Watanabe and Endo What a great players. Very humble and down to earth personality. Kevin is having too much attitude. Thats why they loosing against Endo/Watanabe continuously;
Who's suku mulu
19:06 music ?
Gideon is too passive so the Japanese used this to force him
There's sth about the japanese pair that enable them to beat minions..but I cnt figure out exactly what it is
Ini kekalahan jangan jadi masalah buaat Cavin dan Marcus, ingatlah masa 2 juara, mungkin ini lagi down sebentar, itupun Ahsan juga dapat juara nya, kalian tetap yang terbaik
Cavin siapa bos???
Gantian lah..msa minions mulu yg juara. .bagi" donk rezekinya
At last round when japanese at 10th point usually kevin show his trick but not anymore.. 😀