Bought the set. For some reason the 22mm wouldn't bite. But a random 15/16 would slide over the Stud. Wasn't easy to work off with a breaker bar but slowly turning and pulling, turning and pulling over and over it slowly walked the sleeve and locking head totally out. Then was able to use the smaller size removal socket to get that spline stud totally off. Just make extra sure it on all the way give it a good few extra whacks before using the breaker bar for a final removal. Shew!😉
So I had the same problem. I heated up the socket with a torch and then hammered it in, let it cool down and then used just a breaker bar to unscrew it.
Bought the set. For some reason the 22mm wouldn't bite. But a random 15/16 would slide over the Stud. Wasn't easy to work off with a breaker bar but slowly turning and pulling, turning and pulling over and over it slowly walked the sleeve and locking head totally out. Then was able to use the smaller size removal socket to get that spline stud totally off. Just make extra sure it on all the way give it a good few extra whacks before using the breaker bar for a final removal.
So I had the same problem. I heated up the socket with a torch and then hammered it in, let it cool down and then used just a breaker bar to unscrew it.
So, a video about removing stuck lugnuts doesn't show removing lugnuts, it just shows it not working.
all I used was a Dremel with a round cutting disc a small chisel and A 19m socket on my ford focus
Thanks for watchin! Not a lot of people would risk gouging their alloy wheels with this.
Use a socket extension on it then hammer it in more control and you will be able to hammer it in and not hit the the wheel with the mallet
Bought this for $36, and after two uses, it was too worn for the last two lock nuts. Garbage product, but it did work twice.
Usa un cubo 19 pulgadas de 12 puntos y un martillo , demoras 5 min
Says directly on the box do not use a hammer
I fell asleep watching this, pro tip more work less talk.
Duly noted! Thanks! Hope you had a nice nap. ♥
Atleast show results. Silly pants!
Point taken, I could've made this better. It worked like a charm, though.
you don't know what you are doing.