This evolution theory is fake. According to ancient sumerian texts our dna has been modified by anunakis who r extraterrestrial to produce homosapiens all of a sudden
*Warning*: what i’m about to say Can easily cause nightmares, if you Got a weak stomach back off or regret it, this Cannot be unheard. Back before civilisation really kicked in with ethics and good manners people from different tribes (yes tribes) where eating each other (basically if you we’re injured, sick, too young, or too old, or basically to weak to fend for yourself you’d end up on a dinner table) and being related wasn’t always a Security either even up till medieval times extreme poverty called for extreme measures (and with extreme measures gradually humans lower their bottom limit) hence it wasnt unheard of that a newborn May end up on their parents dinner plate on their very first day of infanthood. While considered somewhat rare even in those times it was still normal in more primitive tribal societies (worldwide, and many many years ago, i’m not talking about any recent tribes in the past few thousands of years more like roughly 1-4 million years ago). These tribal societies we’re often fighting over food, land and ressources with other tribes causing many to be enslaved, often seen as possible food rations that don’t go bad, along with Said slaves possible children, as it was not out of the norm to use Said slaves (both male and female) as a work force, food ration and bed partner (sometimes shared between multiple owners who would share the cost/work of feeding them). This of course meant that when rough seasons and lack of food Security arose Said slaves where the first to go, along with their children possibly eaten by their possible fathers/blood relatives. Blood relationship wasn’t always the Security we’ve claimed it to be, histore has proven that more than once. Now i’m sorry i made your joke into a (rough) history lesson, if it helps i did laugh a lot when i first read it. I just later felt that since this video was supposedly made to be somewhat educational i would pitch in too, through i might have to reconsider not posting all of this after re-Reading this, damn it’s heavy stuff. I Will say though that ancient humans (starting 4-5 mil years ago) probably had roughly the exact same Brain as us along with the Intelligence, emotions, instincts (through probably more in tune with that part), and potential. The reason why humanity has comes to be as it is today is through generations upon generations of passing our knowledge on. They we’re as intelligent as we are today, they just lived in a different society and time, and if Born today would probably easily have been able to fit in, use Technology and discuss ethics. This can just be considered a Human edition of ‘survival of the fittest’. Now thats the end of my prolonged preaching, and to really rile up the masses lets end with a loaded question: IF humanity we’re to be reduced to that State again, a State of lack of ethics, technology, and possibly most important of all FOOD, Can you really say that absolutely nobody would Fall prey to their hunger and go after a unlikeable neighbor??
@@chamselbach9786 Well, yes, if there is no food, humans of today would do the same, or at least similar things. That's because our behavior and actions depend on us and the environment, our material conditions. There's a nextflix series called "The100". Scifi Post nuclear war earth. Humanity is in an Elysium type ship and they have to go to earth again to survive after almost 100 years. It has tons of politics about scarcity. They still learn from their parents, so they might talk about ethics, but ethics doesn't fill a stomach and it doesn't cure the sick. If you have time to spare, maybe you'll like it.
@@joannot6706 That is bullshit, mushrooms and other forms of eucariotic bacteria evolved and originated from completely different forms of life. Not only that but this video is a complete misrepresentation of an actual evolution.
@Oskar Dymek What I am trying to say is that the actual roots of humanity are unknown. Evolution is a process which happens through natural selection, stronger individuals breed with each other and their offspring is likely to be physically and mentally healthy and strong as their parents. This process repeats and species evolve via mutations and that takes A LOT of time. Evolution isn't a microorganism slowly turning into self replicating, self conscious, complex organism with coded chemistry, even that process itself has some limitations and biological barriers.
@@wendigo017 You know that we have a common ancestor with plant which means that you are that reasonable. So it's just a matter of looking at the scientific evidence for you: and all the scientific evidence shows that all kind of bacteria, in fact all kind of life we know originated from a single life form. That's the scientific consensus. Mushrooms are weird, true, they still kind of are our cousins.
The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table. Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by, no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations", no matter how much "change in allele frequencies", no matter how much "development of new species", no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals", no matter how much "adaptation", no matter how much "mutation", no matter how much "speciation", no matter how much "migration", no matter how much "genetic drift", no matter how much "insert other claims here" no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of: fish remain fish amphibians remain amphibians, canines remain canines, felines remain felines, reptiles remain reptiles, birds remain birds, viruses remain viruses, animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes animals that never had brains do not evolve brains animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on. There are many more such groups. Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science. Evolutionist can never address these facts - many then just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're really about deception that's contrary to actual science. Evolutionists typically deceive and pretend making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it, which just goes to show how they're just about deception. Evolutionists also typically deceive and try to pretend that since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they hope no one notices: the thing called a "crime" is observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *more* crimes that no one is around to have observed. What they do is the same as giving 'evidence' for something that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this belief that newer happens, which is just more deception. That aside, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for the world and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ. John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_*
@JASON LEAL Hello. You mean the BELIEF that whales used to live on land and the reasons they can only believe in it? The topic is science, not what some believe and why they believe it.
Faris Salihin did you really just comment to this non-related joke comment about creationism? Go inject your toxicity in something related to creationism vs atheists debates from a fellow agnostic/atheist
Many modern humans, though not all, are descended partly from Neanderthals, and who knows what other disappeared humanoid groups, elves, dwarves, giants and so on ...?
Every single species listed is probably not our direct ancestor, it is just showing the phenotypic change by listing cousins that are closest to our ancestors during that time.
Artorius Chishi hmm... where is this "hell" located exactly? its not in the earth, i mean we already know that's just an iron and nickel core with some melted rock in between it and the crust, so its not there. where is "heaven"? its not in the sky, we looked through telescopes and saw beyond the sky was not heaven but billions of galaxies full of stars. what evidence do you have? having a scientific standpoint on most things, I need evidence before I can accept anything as true, and since you have not provided me with any, I have no reason to believe what you are saying is true. sorry, but unlike some people I just don't believe the first things I see because some old book told me about it. Now you can go on doing whatever your doing, but as for me? Keep me out of it. I dunno what communist country you live in but in america we have a thing called freedom of religon, so lets just agree to disagree and never see each other again, sound good?
everything in the universe will be destoryed in time. everything you ever loved, knew, hated, all the worlds conflicts, all matter, all energy, none of it will matter. the universe will die one day. so, whats the point? y'know? why keep fighting? the only thing we can do is make the time we ARE here the most enjoyable, so what do you say? Lets stop pointlessly talking to people on the internet who won't listen anyways and do something productive. while we still can.
I AM that I AM I AM that I AM are you okay? communism and athiesim has litterally NOTHING to do with each other, athiesim means: believes in no higher power. communism means: everyone gets equal share of things. Plus communisum was very religon based. How about you stop basing your ideas on some old guy in church or your friends and do YOUR OWN RESEARCH. also ~25% in america are athiests, 3% SAY they are but 25% are not religous. not having a religon or athiesm is also the worlds second most popular way of thinking, before christanity. with 2 billion people being christan and 1 billion being athiest.
This video should come with the disclaimer that many/most of the species listed are early offshoots of our common ancestor, and are not themselves our ancestors. However, they probably look close enough to the common ancestor that it allows us to get a decent picture of what our ancestor looked like.
@@Soggymonkeyfilms And that is what you call a false dichotomy my friend. Besides, there are plenty of people who are stuck in a position where they have to do both, and people who have to do practically zero of both
Indeed, but you shouldn't worry! Just as you evolved to pay taxes, your constant need for money will push your body to further evolve... Worry not for soon you will be able to lay golden eggs! Evolution really works in mysterious ways.
@@gj9157 I'm sorry I don't believe everything has no point to it. And when you people say that makes life beautiful it sounds pathetic. You have nothing to be proud about. Yeah everything works so perfectly together in the universe and it happened by accident makes perfect sense. What in the hell tells you a supernatural beginning is stupid why is it stupid. I'm going to say there is evidence of God but your all to stubborn to see it. The bearded man in the sky jokes are so stupid. It doesn't make sense how anything can exist if there's no one in control and you can't prove I'm wrong and you probably won't bother. Even if evolution was true there's no answer how we seem to have organs that all have a job. Even the universe is placed in such a way that it seems like it couldn't get that way on It's own.
het is echt een super leuke video ik heb dat gebruiken voor een powerpoint aan de school en het is de enige video dat ik heb gevonden van kort en dat toon echt hoe de mens heeft ontstaan dat is echt de perfecte video voor mijn powerpoint
I could only imagine what life will look like in a couple of million years, we would probably be extinct, crazy to think the entire human civilisation, all our accomplishments, wars and culture has only been there for about 6000 years at max, seems like a blip in the history of the earth not to mention the universe on a grander scale, yet it’s everything to us, gives you perspective and gives you a bit of peace as well
You really think that's Human potential? Extinct.. We could go extinct but if we played our cards wisely we could be immortals and even reach type 6 civilization.
@@thisusernameisalreadytaken8041 I really have no idea how different everything will be in millions of years, we will go extinct anyway 100% if not in 2 million then in the following millions and eventually even the universe will fade into nothingness, could there be another life after that, who knows
@@yoshi999z7 we are developing faster than you think we are learning new things astonishing breakthroughs in science every century we break the limits we set ourselves to.
lol not 6000 years, we are alot older than that, Australian Aboringal artwork has been dated to be over 40,000years old. The hindus say the first yogi was around 76,000yrs old. Of course we will never know.
Evolutionary speaking, the coelacanth is still around, thats successful in evolutionary terms. Let’s see if humans don’t go extinct, we haven’t been here that long.
@@moroccanfreethinker2739 Science and Theism can coexist together! science explain the material world and religion the spiritual, but anyone force you to belleve in anything its' a personal way of life!
@@jomo1990 There's nothing such as the Spiritual world especially considering that Religion tried to explain the material world too but miserably lost against science to the point quite a few Religions have been reformed and corrupted just so that they could keep up with science and not turn into mythologies . Not sure what Religion you follow but if it was Monotheist just open your book read it and you'll see for yourself that Religion and science are two opposites that cannot cohabitate with each other...everyday that passed Religion loosed even more to science
These type of videos tend to bring three specific, highly vocal audiences: 1) The curious. These people may or may not have studied any science, formally or otherwise, but are instinctively attracted/fascinated by interesting topics and scientific knowledge. 2) The proud ignorants. We are all ignorant about a lot of things, but there's this one group that loves to vocalize how much knowledge they lack while also attempting to sound smarter and more knowledgable than everyone else. Taking this video as an example, I've seen idiotic comments like "DNA could not have possibly "evolved" from nothingness, therefore, god exists"; curiously, these are the people that have never studied topics like chemistry, physics, biology, math, etc., yet, somehow within their egocentric delusion, they feel like they know more than scientists that have studied all of these their entire adult lives. I despise this group to be honest. 3) College or extremely well self educated people. We just like to revisit previously learned knowledge and see it illustrated online. Don't be part of group number two. If you don't know what you are talking about don't try to act like you actually have some credibility. This is true for both religious and agnostic/atheist groups.
although we both coexisted together, there was interbreeding and we have a common ancestor with them which makes them both ancestors and evolutionary cousins
Taller, bug eyed humanoids since we would probably living in space or on a different planet such as mars. However we would probably look the same just more alien like.
First: different humans. In the long run: we'll most likely go extinct. If we don't, then it depends on our living conditions and selection criteria for partners.
namireddy amarender well we aren't gonna evolve much a for a while unless our living conditions DRASTICALLY change... cause we've taken ourselves outside a natural environment, all our food js at our hands, or a 5 min drive away, if it's too cold we put more layers on or go inside, if its too hot we take layers off or go inside, sea level rises, we build on higher ground or raise houses... there is no real reason for us to evolve to any specific aspect of life, because we can just change our living condition in an instant instead of waiting for evolution... maybe in hundreds of years when we start inhabiting other planets, mainly Mars, those humans in hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years, will evolve differently from us... who knows what's in store for man kind
namireddy amarender if we colonize other planets, the species will become its own tree of intelligent beings. Humans would probably become taller and skinnier on other planets
It’s not true at the end, we didn’t evolve from Neanderthals, we co-existed with them, they just died out Edit: just so people in the comment section don’t have any questions I’m going to explain this better: we did co-exist with the neanderthals. The Neanderthals were basically humans from Europe, we originally came from africa. The reason why some of us still have Neanderthal dna is because we most likely bred with Neanderthals a few times. The neanderthals were either killed of by us humans oder they died out naturally.
Yash G No, we didn’t evolve from Neanderthals bud. That’s like saying the Great Dane was bred from the chiwawa. They both share common ancestors, but the Great Dane did not come from the chiwawa.
50% of the dislikes came from creationists 45% of the dislikes came from the neanderthal misconception 5% was from those who did not like the animation 1 like is from me tho
Imagine how humans might evolve in the next 5m years... And since it seems evolution is driven by the will to survive... imagine how cows, pigs, chickens, etc. will evolve as well
Thank you. I think evolution is so interesting. I don't know why so many people reject it and would rather believe fairy tales. I know it is completely unrelated but I really think it is interesting how some technologies seem to have their own evolution too. An example of this is the telephone. It looked so old fashioned then it developed a bit better and then a bit better to modern to an iphone. I guess you could say the same about cars, record players, etc.
@@AMC2283 تريد ان تعرف الحقيقة؟ انظر إلى السماء، ستقول عبارة عن فراغ صحيح؟ هذه عقيدة غير صحيحة نحن فوقنا بحر عظيم اكبر من بحر الارض نعم في السماء وهذه حقيقة يخفونها عن كافة الناس، استيقظ قبل فوات الأوان
They reject it because it is the biggest fairy tale. The odds of humans developing from a cell that somehow or other was imbued with life has been estimated by mathematicians as 1 to the power of 10 multiplied 1000s of times. That is, virtually impossible. On top of that, the fact that we are on a planet that is so perfectly balanced to support such life is about the same odds. The chances of all this happening together is impossible. It is the most extreme sci-fi story ever told. A single cell to the human body. We cannot even create a single living cell and it is becoming more impossible to do as we learn of the increasingly complexity of the cell. If it is impossible for intelligent humans to create, How come a sterile early earth was able to create one with all the inherent information necessary to produce someone like you or me? Where did the cell get all the information from? For example, is it just an accident that we can see out of 2 balls of meat and that those 2 balls of meat can stop a man in his tracts to marvel at the beauty of them in a woman?
You cant have science outside of the Bible. Evolution says everything was created out of chaos. So you cant have science without knowing the future will be like the past. Otherwise the law gravity/and others shouldn't be a law of physics, because it could change in the next hour.
So you came from a fish with no reason what so ever to evolve just poof hey i need to breathe. I would go to explain very logically how you're wrong but it's not worth the effort.
this is copied.. but if you didnt see one of the other comments that said pretty much the exact same thing as you and you didnt know that then i forgive you
Your nostalgia is possibly a completely plausible psychophysiological "drive" phylogenetically. (And religiously). Some theorise that "god" / "oneness" / "spiritual ecstacy" aspirations, are a deep seated biological drive or urge, to return back to single cell states of being, (directionless and free of neurosis / suffering, just pulsing in a vast ocean). Every evolutionary mutation / adaptation over the last 3.8 billion years brought a new capacity, but also a new burden or compromise with it, a new form of suffering. I kinda believe this. We just want to be simply, ecstatically spherical (god) again.
I find it unrealistic because of irreducible complexity. I find it unrealistic because God is real and evolution is not. I find it unrealistic just as it unrealistic to expect to be able to lift a bucket you are standing in.
@@davidross5593 Irreducible complexity is a myth which was disproved over 150 years ago. It's not a scientific theory by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading a science book instead of your bible once in a while, you might learn something.
Humans are the result of a far advanced species. But since how proud the humans are,they want to believe that they evolved on their own. Nope you have a Creator. Humans always try to find all the answers and want to know everything. Even if you get all the answers and information your mind is too limited to process all that information. The gap between you and them can be thousands, million of years... time runs different in space. It's like bringing a smarthphone to the first human... how will he process that information lol, in reality the gap is even bigger between us and our Creator. To make it short the Earth was once visited by a far advanced species and humans are the result of it. The Universe can host lots of species from super advanced to very low advanced species. Do you still think that you evolved from a stupid fish, ape etc... :) when the Universe is unlimited with billions of galaxies and solar systems. One galaxy has 100 billion planets/solar systems. In the observable Universe there are 200 billion galaxies. In our Galaxy scientist estimate that there are 100 billion solar systems/planets lol. And in the observable Universe they estimate 200 billion galaxies to two trillion galaxies. You will get lost in numbers trying to cover all the planets in the Universe it's imposible :) In the obersevable Universe there are (add 24 zeroes to 1) planets.
The average lifespan for a mammalian species is about one million years. If there are descendants of h. sapiens in hundreds of millions of years, then they'll certainly no longer be h. sapiens. With the massive technological advances currently being achieved in both cybernetics and genetic engineering, coupled with the imminent permanent settlement of extraterrestrial environments like the Moon, Mars, and Space, then I think it could be only hundreds of years before humanity spawns new subvariants of itself.
@@TheHairyHeathen million years how would you that when your only maybe 20-40 years old. And how you know how a germ with a crazy name develops many times to a person!
@@arlandolittle7625 It's called science Arlando: there are dozens upon dozens of different dating techniques which all converge upon the same conclusion of vast time periods preceding us. Didn't you, yourself, develop from a single germ cell with the crazy name of zygote, in only nine months?
@@TheHairyHeathen science?? You believe a germ can somehow grow into a 2 ton whale ? How would that even happen. You believe these mindless germs somehow developed into male and female of every life form on earth. Amphibians , birds, insects, fish, elephants, lions, rabbits all animals and humans. It’s millions of different species of life on earth. Where did oceans come from. You think the moon just popped up. You think the sun just popped up. All the planets somehow just popped up and just begin to rotate around the sun.
super leuke video ik heb deze video gebruik voor en powerpoint aan de school iedereen heeft dat leuk gevonden en het is de enige video dat ik heb gevonden van kort onze powerpoint vertelt over de prehistorie ds het is echt perfect voor video
@@BraydenZ12 Umm yes.. The FLAT EARTH Society is going strong this year. I'm not saying the Earth is flat. The comment I made is a joke for entertainment purposes :pppp
😂 😂..If you have a little mind, it is impossible to believe this nonsense, I really don't know how some people believe that this is the beginning of creation. The beginning of creation is Adam and Eve, and our Lord is the one who created them and sent them down to the earth, this is really make sense. God create Adam and Eve God distinguished us from the rest of creation by giving us a mind to think about
@RedGuard where did gravitational pull come from. You are talking about that here where did everything come from. Tell me Einstein you feel all complex internals organ of every living thing from man , animal, bug , bird and fish has something to with gravitational pull?
Me: drowns
My fish ancestor: shame
this is all non sense
if that possible why cant it be happening now
is ther any on who be came monkey to human being --no
Because of some fish try to walk in land so we have to wake up every morning for work.
Cole900 dollarz !!!!!!
Damnnn... that was harsh!
Damn that fish
@@axstmn7670 😂
@ hanes not the evolution denier
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Is this 'Don't stay in school' rap song reference.
Leon Alex *Are*
Leon Alex mitochondria don't evolve
We know
Can’t wait part 2 in 50million years
You're right. You can't. ;)
@@voldlifilmLMAOO 🤭
@@voldlifilm what
@@CrystalHayes-hx1ve you don’t believe this do you?
This is a representation of how your grandparents went to the school.
I mean... You're not wrong
@@cpkudrongaming6100 no this is very wrong
But then where was all the snow & miles of rough terrain with those bare feet? Lol
underrated comment
@@followmahdrippin1863 very underated
Who else remembers the good old days swimming around in the oceans 😫
Armen Latifi all the memories😢😭
Кенжетайұлы you know this comment was meant to be a joke rigth?
Apoi much fun:(
Yeah, i miss those days man.
imagine sitting beside your cousin watching TV but he's a salamander...
He feels slimy
He will bite you
Really amazing. Biological life is such a complex structure of matter. The logic of DNA is incredible
This evolution theory is fake. According to ancient sumerian texts our dna has been modified by anunakis who r extraterrestrial to produce homosapiens all of a sudden
We all know this is mostly BS
how was DNA made?
@@fixme.96yup haha
@@fixme.96uhhh what
crazy how something that evolved from fishes made nuclear weapons capable of destroying the earth
@@Olimov_0809 dude, you realise, your religion most likely consists of a holy ghost, zombie and a magic forever genie with his evil stepbrother?
@@Olimov_0809 "most likely" I'm referring to Islam and Christianity which makes up more than 50% of people
@@mar-mole-ade4797 Mar Mole Ade trying to explain why you should respect him being atheist while he hates and slanders your beliefs
@@mar-mole-ade4797 no not all man I am muslim not Christian
@@mobilegirl_yt8869 Allah is still an omnipotent God.
so my great grandma from 450 million years ago was a fish?
She was a bacteria you gool
jeremy jo the placodermi looks like a fish tho lmao
Imagine eating a steak and realising it’s your eight-hundred-and-fifty-seventh cousin
*Warning*: what i’m about to say Can easily cause nightmares, if you Got a weak stomach back off or regret it, this Cannot be unheard.
Back before civilisation really kicked in with ethics and good manners people from different tribes (yes tribes) where eating each other (basically if you we’re injured, sick, too young, or too old, or basically to weak to fend for yourself you’d end up on a dinner table) and being related wasn’t always a Security either even up till medieval times extreme poverty called for extreme measures (and with extreme measures gradually humans lower their bottom limit) hence it wasnt unheard of that a newborn May end up on their parents dinner plate on their very first day of infanthood. While considered somewhat rare even in those times it was still normal in more primitive tribal societies (worldwide, and many many years ago, i’m not talking about any recent tribes in the past few thousands of years more like roughly 1-4 million years ago).
These tribal societies we’re often fighting over food, land and ressources with other tribes causing many to be enslaved, often seen as possible food rations that don’t go bad, along with Said slaves possible children, as it was not out of the norm to use Said slaves (both male and female) as a work force, food ration and bed partner (sometimes shared between multiple owners who would share the cost/work of feeding them). This of course meant that when rough seasons and lack of food Security arose Said slaves where the first to go, along with their children possibly eaten by their possible fathers/blood relatives.
Blood relationship wasn’t always the Security we’ve claimed it to be, histore has proven that more than once.
Now i’m sorry i made your joke into a (rough) history lesson, if it helps i did laugh a lot when i first read it. I just later felt that since this video was supposedly made to be somewhat educational i would pitch in too, through i might have to reconsider not posting all of this after re-Reading this, damn it’s heavy stuff.
I Will say though that ancient humans (starting 4-5 mil years ago) probably had roughly the exact same Brain as us along with the Intelligence, emotions, instincts (through probably more in tune with that part), and potential. The reason why humanity has comes to be as it is today is through generations upon generations of passing our knowledge on. They we’re as intelligent as we are today, they just lived in a different society and time, and if Born today would probably easily have been able to fit in, use Technology and discuss ethics.
This can just be considered a Human edition of ‘survival of the fittest’.
Now thats the end of my prolonged preaching, and to really rile up the masses lets end with a loaded question:
IF humanity we’re to be reduced to that State again, a State of lack of ethics, technology, and possibly most important of all FOOD, Can you really say that absolutely nobody would Fall prey to their hunger and go after a unlikeable neighbor??
@@chamselbach9786 Well, yes, if there is no food, humans of today would do the same, or at least similar things. That's because our behavior and actions depend on us and the environment, our material conditions.
There's a nextflix series called "The100". Scifi Post nuclear war earth. Humanity is in an Elysium type ship and they have to go to earth again to survive after almost 100 years. It has tons of politics about scarcity. They still learn from their parents, so they might talk about ethics, but ethics doesn't fill a stomach and it doesn't cure the sick. If you have time to spare, maybe you'll like it.
eight-hundred-and-fifty-seventh cousin, eight-hundred-and-fifty-three times removed
Only 4,000,000,000 BC kids remember this.
Good old days 😢
Feels like it was just yesterday
They were cells. @lunixoiz-gn2yz
Yall are so out of date omg 🧌
* Sees literally any animal *
Me: *hey cousin*
plant as well, bacteria as well, mushroom as well, we all have a common ancestor that we share with every species on earth, animal or not.
That is bullshit, mushrooms and other forms of eucariotic bacteria evolved and originated from completely different forms of life.
Not only that but this video is a complete misrepresentation of an actual evolution.
@Oskar Dymek What I am trying to say is that the actual roots of humanity are unknown.
Evolution is a process which happens through natural selection, stronger individuals breed with each other and their offspring is likely to be physically and mentally healthy and strong as their parents. This process repeats and species evolve via mutations and that takes A LOT of time.
Evolution isn't a microorganism slowly turning into self replicating, self conscious, complex organism with coded chemistry, even that process itself has some limitations and biological barriers.
@@wendigo017 You know that we have a common ancestor with plant which means that you are that reasonable.
So it's just a matter of looking at the scientific evidence for you: and all the scientific evidence shows that all kind of bacteria, in fact all kind of life we know originated from a single life form. That's the scientific consensus. Mushrooms are weird, true, they still kind of are our cousins.
There was always something fishy about me
Your comment deserves a pullitzer prize my fellow evolved fishy
ʟᴀᴅʏ ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ I didn’t get it at first then I realized what u ment. Funny 😄
Close your legs
and you smell like it to..
Only the OGs remember when we used to swim in marianas trench😤😤😤
I don't think Marianas trench existed at that time...😂
It was forming...
@@NikodAnimations it started forming in the last 10 mil years we left the ocean
35x earlier than that
@@nyx1787 other trenches were forming 500-350mya probably
The fact that people are so egotistical that they think they aren’t just a bi-product of evolution just baffles me
If evolution no afterlife, they can’t handle
Evolution destroys their _NARCISSTIC_ belief that they are _SPECIAL_ and/or intrinsically _SUPERIOR_ …
@@AMC2283They also can’t handle the truth that women are the creators of life so they make up the Big Man in the Sky to give all credit to.
Ayes those days where theres no college , no jobs, and financial problem.. just swimming and eating whatever we eat
We must go back in time and put back Tiktalik in the sea
The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table.
Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by,
no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations",
no matter how much "change in allele frequencies",
no matter how much "development of new species",
no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals",
no matter how much "adaptation",
no matter how much "mutation",
no matter how much "speciation",
no matter how much "migration",
no matter how much "genetic drift",
no matter how much "insert other claims here"
no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of:
fish remain fish
amphibians remain amphibians,
canines remain canines,
felines remain felines,
reptiles remain reptiles,
birds remain birds,
viruses remain viruses,
animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs
animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts
animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes
animals that never had brains do not evolve brains
animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths
living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system
animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on.
There are many more such groups.
Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science.
Evolutionist can never address these facts - many then just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're really about deception that's contrary to actual science.
Evolutionists typically deceive and pretend making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it, which just goes to show how they're just about deception.
Evolutionists also typically deceive and try to pretend that since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they hope no one notices: the thing called a "crime" is observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *more* crimes that no one is around to have observed. What they do is the same as giving 'evidence' for something that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this belief that newer happens, which is just more deception.
That aside, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for the world and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ.
John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_*
but in a cost we were hunted the most.
@@ForumLight wow
@JASON LEAL Hello. You mean the BELIEF that whales used to live on land and the reasons they can only believe in it? The topic is science, not what some believe and why they believe it.
my fish ancestors wud be so mad knowing I cant swim 😔💔
Is that you raven?
boomers, aquatic boomers.
“Grandpa, how did you go to school?”
"back in my day ..."
@Daniel Macias Aguilar ?
Going up mountain
From the bridge
Many challenges
@@shuiihara7084 ots normal in some country for your parents or grand parents to tell made up story
That part when we were something like a rat gave me a bit of a shiver.
Grab your popcorn guys, the comments section is gonna be pure gold.
INR 😂 but please don’t get them started :)
There's gonna be so many triggered God fanboys
DinoCoat the Gaming Tyrannosaur
Ima Christian.........😂😂
DinoCoat the Gaming Tyrannosaur
And I’m not triggered, because i believe science
Some are so hilarious gonna be honest
Yes but Queen Elizabeth was already walking the earth when the Pikaia began to evolve.
Nah she was in kindergarten with the prokaryote
@Tyapnekade Verconda swimming lessons probably
no but seriously right now, how long did she live? and why is it so iconic?
@@countrymanrandylewis8463 she was there when big bang occurred
Queen Elizabeth was with prince phillip discovering tea and building the first huts and communicating with the marine animal
This isn't even my final form
Nope it's your only form always and forever.
jrrtekk wdym? Humans can evolve more
Notre Aira but we can still evolve even if it takes millions of years
Faris Salihin did you really just comment to this non-related joke comment about creationism? Go inject your toxicity in something related to creationism vs atheists debates from a fellow agnostic/atheist
Slight error. Neanderthals are not one of our direct ancestors but a cousin group to humans.
Many modern humans, though not all, are descended partly from Neanderthals, and who knows what other disappeared humanoid groups, elves, dwarves, giants and so on ...?
It has been confirmed that at least of Europeans he is ancestor. at least in part
Most if not all of the named species aren't our direct ancestors but rather "close" relatives of them.
@@drakethomson-em7bg Europeans have roughly 3% of their genes being Neanderthal genes.
Every single species listed is probably not our direct ancestor, it is just showing the phenotypic change by listing cousins that are closest to our ancestors during that time.
* Sees my fishes in the aquarium *
Me: Hi brothers. 👋🏻
The water is technically your cousin too...
Remember only lung fish are fish that are ur cousins
Well every single living thing is all related
@@issacyong9119 True for things that evolved on Earth
@@anotherthursday4419 and rodents?
I’m eating tuna while watching this. Sorry to my great great x10000 grandpa
You missed a couple thousands :/
not your great great grandpa, they never stopped evolving. They are simply far off cousins of ours
Wow lmao
*cousin not grandpa
Sees a rat in the kitchen... Oh hi cousin!
Wanna go bowling?
@@peterjohn5300 Not Now Roman, I am currently busy.
Peter J it's so confusing for me how animals today not converting into humans why before only whyyy?
The Walker they will in the future maybe and I think it actually is just how they grow it’s different to us humans.
That's what I said when I saw one in the street
Only 90's kids remember when all the homies were bacteria
the 2125000090's BC kids precisely
We used to be lizards but Zuckerberg never changed
we were never lizards, Lizards are sauropsids, we have evolved from synapsids. Zuckerberg is not a lizard he is a human like everyone else.
Xenotaris that was a joke that you took the wrong way
@@Xenotaris r/whoosh
@@finnissilly1564 I just don't like those types of jokes
Xenotaris NERD
Person:I’m American
Other person:I’m Japanese
Me:I’m fishy
lmao not stolen from a other human evolution video
well boys...
Time for Sushi!
When my mum screams "you are nothing... "
Me(showing the video)- look i am everything
underrated imo
you are everything and everything is you
@Simp when the indian tech support simps! 😳😳😳😳
@Simp The meme
@@lunchpacks4681 yep lmao
Adam and Eve ❌
Evolution ✅
آدم وحواء وما يعتقدون أنه أصل بشرية في واقع مجرد خرافات واساطير قدماء
@nidaafroz445 what's the proof my friend?
@nidaafroz445 thank you!
Adam was made by Eve-olution
@nidaafroz445 Can you show me what specific verses?
so I can talk to my fish and say "I was once like you"
I can talk to a *FREAKING APE* and say to it "I used to be you"
So why do we still have fish? I find it so funny only humans evolve, all the other animals,? Monkey got stuck on the evolutionary tree?
@@brianclark2542 certain things evolved due to enviorment changes and reproduction
@@Numbaoneplayer1 Can you give me a example of any evolution that changes one kind of animal to another
@@NikodAnimations Well we are apes boy
if you look closely, you can see Charles Darwin shedding a tear while looking at the comment section.
WhitePencil I don't know why I decided to sort by new comments. It was a terrible idea.
Artorius Chishi hmm... where is this "hell" located exactly? its not in the earth, i mean we already know that's just an iron and nickel core with some melted rock in between it and the crust, so its not there. where is "heaven"? its not in the sky, we looked through telescopes and saw beyond the sky was not heaven but billions of galaxies full of stars. what evidence do you have? having a scientific standpoint on most things, I need evidence before I can accept anything as true, and since you have not provided me with any, I have no reason to believe what you are saying is true. sorry, but unlike some people I just don't believe the first things I see because some old book told me about it. Now you can go on doing whatever your doing, but as for me? Keep me out of it. I dunno what communist country you live in but in america we have a thing called freedom of religon, so lets just agree to disagree and never see each other again, sound good?
everything in the universe will be destoryed in time. everything you ever loved, knew, hated, all the worlds conflicts, all matter, all energy, none of it will matter. the universe will die one day. so, whats the point? y'know? why keep fighting? the only thing we can do is make the time we ARE here the most enjoyable, so what do you say? Lets stop pointlessly talking to people on the internet who won't listen anyways and do something productive. while we still can.
I AM that I AM I AM that I AM are you okay? communism and athiesim has litterally NOTHING to do with each other, athiesim means: believes in no higher power. communism means: everyone gets equal share of things. Plus communisum was very religon based. How about you stop basing your ideas on some old guy in church or your friends and do YOUR OWN RESEARCH. also ~25% in america are athiests, 3% SAY they are but 25% are not religous. not having a religon or athiesm is also the worlds second most popular way of thinking, before christanity. with 2 billion people being christan and 1 billion being athiest.
I showed this to my fish
Now he's my step brother
What are you doing step bro
So.... Don't eat that fish
@@peytonmahoski1225 lmao
You copied someone’s comment
@@TheMarshmelloSquid It's For The Meme Bro
This video should come with the disclaimer that many/most of the species listed are early offshoots of our common ancestor, and are not themselves our ancestors. However, they probably look close enough to the common ancestor that it allows us to get a decent picture of what our ancestor looked like.
Except the last one.
0:21 everyone say hi to mom
Hi mom
Hey mom
wassup mom
Hi mom
Hi mommy
Hats of to the camera man from 8 million years ago 👏's animation!
@@shaunsteele3809 ik it’s a joke try and understand a joke will ya
That man is a legend for capturing this footage for us from so long ago
yall youtube mfs are corny as hell
@@shaunsteele3809 Lol its just a joke Dont judge quickly 😒
notable problem. we know that we existed alongside the neanderthal and from a similar ancestor, not from them.
Yeah, well they were a species of human, so it wouldn't be right to not include them.
Indeed. But sapiens were scodlypooping with them so they were like our greatx1000 aunt/uncle.
james draper we need with neanderthals so technically yes, they are.
Every human have 7% nea in them science article can’t out feb 2nd 2020
Part of the human species and other humans mated with them so they are ancestors of quite a few of us.
Thanks to fish ancestors for trying to walk land, we have to deal with school 😤
*wait where’s Shrek?*
Jimbon x this is a lie in the shrek bible
it says
"there was nothing and shrek said let there be onions"
Shrek is above humans ...
Hey Jimbon are you army?
we are animals cursed with knowledge
The bite in the apple.
@gilby finn stonia I'm referring to adam and eve.
@gilby finn stonia with what? Evolution? The empty amino cell of protein in water? There's nondisolving sugar in water btw? 🤣😂😆
That's not exactly a curse...
I'm not an animal I am a human being
God I miss the days of being a microbe
But I don't
Gdiensixjwownsbalalheoejeneowlrjicbejrjdheiebdkdkekfveekek jdoeheofbeke siemdmdb eu ekendoeowgslnroflrbrkejw didbs ejevekeieve bejebdkd djdbttb5kdpwmylgbekzkdndnkdlsd ekeksldbfb
I miss it too nopulotion no war
Microbe? Are you on one of those trips or something ??
Man this is so beautiful, I’m amazed on how far we’ve come, Evolution is so interesting
Great job with this animation
@@spobsquare Evolution is not true
Thanks to that fish, now I have to pay taxes.
You don’t HAVE to.
Which do you prefer, paying taxes or spending all day looking for food and avoiding constant danger? You can still choose the latter
@@Soggymonkeyfilms And that is what you call a false dichotomy my friend. Besides, there are plenty of people who are stuck in a position where they have to do both, and people who have to do practically zero of both
Indeed, but you shouldn't worry! Just as you evolved to pay taxes, your constant need for money will push your body to further evolve... Worry not for soon you will be able to lay golden eggs! Evolution really works in mysterious ways.
Very stupid
It's fascinating how every living thing today can trace it's origin to the very first organic material that we would consider alive.
the OG Adam and Eve is that little worm cell (Idk biology terms sorry)
SWEET HOME ALABAMA doesn’t even matter if your spouse is a fish
This theory will always be stupid
@@brandonmoore2122 For anyone who believes in creationism.
@@gj9157 I'm sorry I don't believe everything has no point to it. And when you people say that makes life beautiful it sounds pathetic. You have nothing to be proud about. Yeah everything works so perfectly together in the universe and it happened by accident makes perfect sense. What in the hell tells you a supernatural beginning is stupid why is it stupid. I'm going to say there is evidence of God but your all to stubborn to see it. The bearded man in the sky jokes are so stupid. It doesn't make sense how anything can exist if there's no one in control and you can't prove I'm wrong and you probably won't bother. Even if evolution was true there's no answer how we seem to have organs that all have a job. Even the universe is placed in such a way that it seems like it couldn't get that way on It's own.
2:49 this guy started to walk upright and now I have to get up early and go to school 🖕
humans *proceed to evolve into titans*
@@elliottlava7784 I see that you’re a man of a culture
Levi heichou
@@elliottlava7784 honestly if someone doest evolve to become a titan imma be pissed ngl
@@HowDoIStartPlaying Levi heichou I'm a big fan 😳
We need much more of this
So basically what you’re telling me is me and my cat are cousins
thats why we can meow too
@Mr Black Screw of with that god made us bs .evolution
It is possible God made human through natural process(evolution)
@Mr Black The bible cant explain why fossils of prehistoric apes existed
@@wisebuilding3079 this comment
Get ready for the flat earthers,
Oh wait wrong video
Flattards need love to.
The flat earth society have members all across the globe!
Survivalist Extraordinare how dare you attempt to embarrass the great flat earth community of mine. Your comment must get reported at once.
actually flat earthers and anti-evolutionists are pretty close to each other.
And the war begins...
Jordan Ng i’ll get the popcorn
Jared Bryan Get popcorn from my comment, costs 0 likes
Jordan Ng
Don’t get em started 😹
Peter Salucci to late lmao
het is echt een super leuke video ik heb dat gebruiken voor een powerpoint aan de school en het is de enige video dat ik heb gevonden van kort en dat toon echt hoe de mens heeft ontstaan dat is echt de perfecte video voor mijn powerpoint
I can't believe we spent 87% of our history as microorganisms.
life does progress exponentially, but it takes a long time to have the first few breakthrough in life evolution.
@2k GoDsZ Just check my source. If the 4.5 billion years will be compressed to 24 hours, humans will only arrive close to midnight.
@2k GoDsZ go to 1:04 mark at this source.
@2k GoDsZ No, I didn't said after midnight. Can't you read my post? I said close to midnight.
@@sasukeuchiha8648 bs
What kind of pokemon are those?
first name last name these are water type pokemons and ground type pokemons..😂😂
they are you.... billions of years ago huehuehuehue
lololololol, they're probably some bug + water + ground type pokemons we've never heard of
Coelacanth is obv. relicwnth boi
Reject humanity
return to monke
return to pish
return to bacteria
To nothing
To Scatman'a world
Earth is 2021 years old
Maybe there is no god
Well said my friend.
There just needs to change the definition
maybe there is no universe
I could only imagine what life will look like in a couple of million years, we would probably be extinct, crazy to think the entire human civilisation, all our accomplishments, wars and culture has only been there for about 6000 years at max, seems like a blip in the history of the earth not to mention the universe on a grander scale, yet it’s everything to us, gives you perspective and gives you a bit of peace as well
You really think that's Human potential? Extinct..
We could go extinct but if we played our cards wisely we could be immortals and even reach type 6 civilization.
@@thisusernameisalreadytaken8041 I really have no idea how different everything will be in millions of years, we will go extinct anyway 100% if not in 2 million then in the following millions and eventually even the universe will fade into nothingness, could there be another life after that, who knows
@@yoshi999z7 we are developing faster than you think we are learning new things astonishing breakthroughs in science every century we break the limits we set ourselves to.
lol not 6000 years, we are alot older than that, Australian Aboringal artwork has been dated to be over 40,000years old. The hindus say the first yogi was around 76,000yrs old. Of course we will never know.
God is amazing
Congratulations, you put 4 billion years into 3.27 minutes.
PFAD-Görkem time is relative
“In my days we were swimming around in the ocean!”
Long live humans- the most powerful and intelligent species in the entire Earth's history.
It is likely the highest the intelligence the shortest lived is a species
Evolutionary speaking, the coelacanth is still around, thats successful in evolutionary terms. Let’s see if humans don’t go extinct, we haven’t been here that long.
Apart from ducks, ducks have many hidden depths.
Quack! Quack!
@@mickmaphari6606 yeah, the ducks fail to evolve. They can't create alphabet and wouls cross the road without looking
@@Nishkid641 Ducks have their own highly sophisticated alphabets and humans often cross the road without looking, even though they created them.
* Sees the skeleton of a Haikouichthys at a museum *
Bro people are sleeping on this comment XD
I watched this with my friends at church
You are not a Christian then
the church will rot your brain keep watching science videos instead
@boson96 Intelligent Human beings and Theists are opposites...
@@moroccanfreethinker2739 Science and Theism can coexist together! science explain the material world and religion the spiritual, but anyone force you
to belleve in anything its' a personal way of life!
@@jomo1990 There's nothing such as the Spiritual world especially considering that Religion tried to explain the material world too but miserably lost against science to the point quite a few Religions have been reformed and corrupted just so that they could keep up with science and not turn into mythologies .
Not sure what Religion you follow but if it was Monotheist just open your book read it and you'll see for yourself that Religion and science are two opposites that cannot cohabitate with each other...everyday that passed Religion loosed even more to science
That's way more realistic than just appearing on the earth someday
Wrong God made us
@@paullee3996 you mean the magic forever genie who puts people into eternal torture?
@@mar-mole-ade4797 he dont put no one there we put ourselves in there
@@paullee3996 huh but it sounds like he made the bad place just to put us there.
@@paullee3996 also, I i used to be Christian for a long time, I know my crap.
These type of videos tend to bring three specific, highly vocal audiences:
1) The curious. These people may or may not have studied any science, formally or otherwise, but are instinctively attracted/fascinated by interesting topics and scientific knowledge.
2) The proud ignorants. We are all ignorant about a lot of things, but there's this one group that loves to vocalize how much knowledge they lack while also attempting to sound smarter and more knowledgable than everyone else. Taking this video as an example, I've seen idiotic comments like "DNA could not have possibly "evolved" from nothingness, therefore, god exists"; curiously, these are the people that have never studied topics like chemistry, physics, biology, math, etc., yet, somehow within their egocentric delusion, they feel like they know more than scientists that have studied all of these their entire adult lives. I despise this group to be honest.
3) College or extremely well self educated people. We just like to revisit previously learned knowledge and see it illustrated online.
Don't be part of group number two. If you don't know what you are talking about don't try to act like you actually have some credibility. This is true for both religious and agnostic/atheist groups.
Clarification- Neanderthals were NOT our ancestors, but rather our "evolutionary cousins". The video got this part wrong.
That’s true. I have no idea why they did that. It really bothered me XD
although we both coexisted together, there was interbreeding and we have a common ancestor with them which makes them both ancestors and evolutionary cousins
Thank you. That was the only part that bothered me lol
DCampusano1 thank you so much that made me so mad
Clarification: Neanderthals were humans just as much as we are.
Me: *afraid to touch a fish*
The fish: *stupid I am you*
Lack of knowledge
@@otakuxgirl6 nah
This wouldn't be possible without the miracle of the flying spaghetti monster
The clown fish 😂
@@ethanlocke4162 what's so funny?
The clown fish that you for one, stated the fact that god isn’t real, and two, you called him the flying spaghetti monster. I am an atheist BTW
This really just shows how insignificant all of our lives are
Yes but we can create a unique meaning for each of us while we are here.
In future who will be evolved from humans??
Taller, bug eyed humanoids since we would probably living in space or on a different planet such as mars. However we would probably look the same just more alien like.
person playing fortnite
First: different humans. In the long run: we'll most likely go extinct. If we don't, then it depends on our living conditions and selection criteria for partners.
namireddy amarender well we aren't gonna evolve much a for a while unless our living conditions DRASTICALLY change... cause we've taken ourselves outside a natural environment, all our food js at our hands, or a 5 min drive away, if it's too cold we put more layers on or go inside, if its too hot we take layers off or go inside, sea level rises, we build on higher ground or raise houses... there is no real reason for us to evolve to any specific aspect of life, because we can just change our living condition in an instant instead of waiting for evolution... maybe in hundreds of years when we start inhabiting other planets, mainly Mars, those humans in hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years, will evolve differently from us... who knows what's in store for man kind
namireddy amarender if we colonize other planets, the species will become its own tree of intelligent beings. Humans would probably become taller and skinnier on other planets
Bruh we were literally lizards and now we are in cars that can drive themselves...
Not literally, amniotes were similar to but not technically reptilia
That kind of progress happen very gradually along the vastness of time directed by natural selection.
@@raymond8920 we were always humans
We still have remnants of reptile brains in the centre of ours
TK-970 no I don’t think you understand how natural selection and evolution works brother
I like how it shows all the diverging paths where they branched off from ours. Aren't you glad you didn't become a hagfish?
*tasty hagfish*
why am i not a hagfish!?????? WHY??????????
No mother, I wish to become a hagfish, like my ancestors once taught me
I wonder what intelligent beings and life on habitable planets look like 🤔
Probably went through a similar process as us. But in a completely different environment, so with different adaptations
It depends on several factors, such as solar radiation, gravity, air pressure, food, and exposure to different elements.
It’s not true at the end, we didn’t evolve from Neanderthals, we co-existed with them, they just died out
Edit: just so people in the comment section don’t have any questions I’m going to explain this better: we did co-exist with the neanderthals. The Neanderthals were basically humans from Europe, we originally came from africa. The reason why some of us still have Neanderthal dna is because we most likely bred with Neanderthals a few times. The neanderthals were either killed of by us humans oder they died out naturally.
no we evolved from neanderthal !
Yash G Nope, back then there were multiple human species and they are all dead
Yash G No, we didn’t evolve from Neanderthals bud. That’s like saying the Great Dane was bred from the chiwawa. They both share common ancestors, but the Great Dane did not come from the chiwawa.
Strawberry Swirl you explained it really good
50% of the dislikes came from creationists
45% of the dislikes came from the neanderthal misconception
5% was from those who did not like the animation
1 like is from me tho
AstralWither lol
Imagine how humans might evolve in the next 5m years...
And since it seems evolution is driven by the will to survive... imagine how cows, pigs, chickens, etc. will evolve as well
i liked as well even if triggered by the neanderthal misconception
@@joapps8135 cows, pigs, chickens, even the banana evolved through human manipulation
why would creationists waste their time searching up evolution videos just to dislike them
I always new I was a fish
having a low memory?
BearBearBoo 15 that’s why they called there’s a lot more fish in the sea XD
No you're not a fish
Yes, me too
Thank you. I think evolution is so interesting. I don't know why so many people reject it and would rather believe fairy tales. I know it is completely unrelated but I really think it is interesting how some technologies seem to have their own evolution too. An example of this is the telephone. It looked so old fashioned then it developed a bit better and then a bit better to modern to an iphone. I guess you could say the same about cars, record players, etc.
They reject it because there’s no heaven if you’re just another organism and they can’t handle it.
They'd rather live with a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth.
@@AMC2283 تريد ان تعرف الحقيقة؟ انظر إلى السماء، ستقول عبارة عن فراغ صحيح؟ هذه عقيدة غير صحيحة
نحن فوقنا بحر عظيم اكبر من بحر الارض نعم في السماء وهذه حقيقة يخفونها عن كافة الناس، استيقظ قبل فوات الأوان
@AMC2283 you reject it because you don't want to be held accountable for your sins.
They reject it because it is the biggest fairy tale. The odds of humans developing from a cell that somehow or other was imbued with life has been estimated by mathematicians as 1 to the power of 10 multiplied 1000s of times. That is, virtually impossible. On top of that, the fact that we are on a planet that is so perfectly balanced to support such life is about the same odds. The chances of all this happening together is impossible. It is the most extreme sci-fi story ever told.
A single cell to the human body. We cannot even create a single living cell and it is becoming more impossible to do as we learn of the increasingly complexity of the cell. If it is impossible for intelligent humans to create, How come a sterile early earth was able to create one with all the inherent information necessary to produce someone like you or me? Where did the cell get all the information from? For example, is it just an accident that we can see out of 2 balls of meat and that those 2 balls of meat can stop a man in his tracts to marvel at the beauty of them in a woman?
There are two kinds of people.
1. Believe in Fairytales
2. Believe in Science
I am the latter one :)
Blueberry pie you a sad fish
3. Beleives in God
Edit: I mean it
You cant have science outside of the Bible. Evolution says everything was created out of chaos. So you cant have science without knowing the future will be like the past. Otherwise the law gravity/and others shouldn't be a law of physics, because it could change in the next hour.
@@Birb64 1=3 you made my math teacher sad
So you came from a fish with no reason what so ever to evolve just poof hey i need to breathe. I would go to explain very logically how you're wrong but it's not worth the effort.
*sees a rat in my room*
me: oh hi cousin!
this is copied.. but if you didnt see one of the other comments that said pretty much the exact same thing as you and you didnt know that then i forgive you
@@blayeg8716 he's also our cousin.
TANGT2 wvgnat
To be fair. Rats are more related to us than most animals aside apes
*Crunch* T A S T Y
Man, I want to go back to those simple days swimming around other cells 😒
Are you sure you want to be a prokaryote?
| yes | | yes |
Whatchu know bout rollin in the deep
@@KhushiSharma-ci2kf best comment of the year i didn't expect it at all but i like it
Your nostalgia is possibly a completely plausible psychophysiological "drive" phylogenetically. (And religiously).
Some theorise that "god" / "oneness" / "spiritual ecstacy" aspirations, are a deep seated biological drive or urge, to return back to single cell states of being, (directionless and free of neurosis / suffering, just pulsing in a vast ocean).
Every evolutionary mutation / adaptation over the last 3.8 billion years brought a new capacity, but also a new burden or compromise with it, a new form of suffering.
I kinda believe this. We just want to be simply, ecstatically spherical (god) again.
Hello sir I really appreciate your work sir I want use this on my video so can I use it
Use it so u can use it
Only 550 mya kids will remember
the true millenials
0:17 cell stage
1:47 creature stage
2:57 tribe stage
3:05 city stage
Man, Spore is still one of my top favorite games!
@@IGotLuck7 ME TOO
@@europeanenjoyer4904 space stage according to the games when we start colonizing other planets
But unfortunitely we’ve made it one extra unnecessary step 375737388384:24 gay stage
nice to see a spore reference
Why do people find the common ape ancestor part not realistic, but if they looked back and saw our aquatic origins I’m sure they’d be more shocked.
I find it unrealistic because of irreducible complexity. I find it unrealistic because God is real and evolution is not. I find it unrealistic just as it unrealistic to expect to be able to lift a bucket you are standing in.
George Ross both of your statements made no sense.
@@davidross5593 Irreducible complexity is a myth which was disproved over 150 years ago. It's not a scientific theory by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading a science book instead of your bible once in a while, you might learn something.
@@saiyanc137 If God wasn't real, somebody would have to invent him, that's for sure.
Humans are the result of a far advanced species.
But since how proud the humans are,they want to believe that they evolved on their own.
Nope you have a Creator.
Humans always try to find all the answers and want to know everything.
Even if you get all the answers and information your mind is too limited to process all that information.
The gap between you and them can be thousands, million of years... time runs different in space.
It's like bringing a smarthphone to the first human... how will he process that information lol, in reality the gap is even bigger between us and our Creator.
To make it short the Earth was once visited by a far advanced species and humans are the result of it.
The Universe can host lots of species from super advanced to very low advanced species.
Do you still think that you evolved from a stupid fish, ape etc... :) when the Universe is unlimited with billions of galaxies and solar systems.
One galaxy has 100 billion planets/solar systems.
In the observable Universe there are 200 billion galaxies.
In our Galaxy scientist estimate that there are 100 billion solar systems/planets lol.
And in the observable Universe they estimate 200 billion galaxies to two trillion galaxies.
You will get lost in numbers trying to cover all the planets in the Universe it's imposible :)
In the obersevable Universe there are (add 24 zeroes to 1) planets.
Some fish decided to walk on land and now I gotta pay my taxes smh
Nobody escapes the IRS, not even TikTaalik
If Charles Darwin saw this before his death
he would like it of course
@@davidsnoek8686 I don't think evolution goes like this lmao
@@wendigo017 I agree. Most of the really creative stuff is endosymbiotic imo.
Makes me wonder what we’ll be like hundreds of millions of years from now, if we make it that far.
The average lifespan for a mammalian species is about one million years. If there are descendants of h. sapiens in hundreds of millions of years, then they'll certainly no longer be h. sapiens.
With the massive technological advances currently being achieved in both cybernetics and genetic engineering, coupled with the imminent permanent settlement of extraterrestrial environments like the Moon, Mars, and Space, then I think it could be only hundreds of years before humanity spawns new subvariants of itself.
@@TheHairyHeathen million years how would you that when your only maybe 20-40 years old. And how you know how a germ with a crazy name develops many times to a person!
It's called science Arlando: there are dozens upon dozens of different dating techniques which all converge upon the same conclusion of vast time periods preceding us.
Didn't you, yourself, develop from a single germ cell with the crazy name of zygote, in only nine months?
@@TheHairyHeathen science?? You believe a germ can somehow grow into a 2 ton whale ? How would that even happen. You believe these mindless germs somehow developed into male and female of every life form on earth. Amphibians , birds, insects, fish, elephants, lions, rabbits all animals and humans. It’s millions of different species of life on earth. Where did oceans come from. You think the moon just popped up. You think the sun just popped up. All the planets somehow just popped up and just begin to rotate around the sun.
@@TheHairyHeathen Man an everything else was created by God.
Ah! This is nostalgic! I still remember those days when I was hanging out with my friends under ocean
Undathesea!!! 😂
Just like the hypothesis of evolution, all you got is your imagination to claim as a theory as proof!!!
Dude, that was millions of years ago.
@@terrancegroomsjr5890prove it?
Yes, I remember being a single cell flying around ocean with my friends. It's so nostalgic
super leuke video ik heb deze video gebruik voor en powerpoint aan de school iedereen heeft dat leuk gevonden en het is de enige video dat ik heb gevonden van kort onze powerpoint vertelt over de prehistorie ds het is echt perfect voor video
All this great history evovled into really smart modern human generation
2019: *eArTh iS fLaT*
No it didnt
@@BraydenZ12 Umm yes.. The FLAT EARTH Society is going strong this year. I'm not saying the Earth is flat. The comment I made is a joke for entertainment purposes :pppp
•Dem βuns•TM 現実 sooooo your saying we evolved from a little piece of plankton?
@@BraydenZ12 yes
@@BraydenZ12 yes
This video is exactly what I was searching. An Animation step by step from beginning of life and the evolution to the human kind.
And it's all not true scientists still don't know how the f*** the first organism came along and that scary man what the f***
@@devenperez7298 the odds of the first lifeforms being fossilized and then discovered by us are ridiculously small
Donald Duck is a curious SOB, mickey mouse clubhouse!
@Kevin Mathew I guess your looking for a laugh are a thumbs some idiot will come your way.
😂 😂..If you have a little mind, it is impossible to believe this nonsense, I really don't know how some people believe that this is the beginning of creation. The beginning of creation is Adam and Eve, and our Lord is the one who created them and sent them down to the earth, this is really make sense. God create Adam and Eve God distinguished us from the rest of creation by giving us a mind to think about
Some people don’t evolve from the asshole stage
Well we ARE deuterostomes, we were assholes before anything else.
@@TheHairyHeathen he was a protostome 😂
Watching creationists here is so hilarious
Those times when life is harder but not depressing
Its because they accept what they have and hunt to survive and not ponder on how to please other people and what is lacking in them
Just to think we used be a freaking cell 😭
… and in only nine months you grew into an entire baby!
@@TheHairyHeathen how are babies made.
didn't your Mommy and Daddy have that talk with you yet?
@@TheHairyHeathen I don't have a mommy or daddy.
guess you're never gonna have that talk then, and how babies are made will forever be a mystery to you.
Me: *looks at photos*
Also me: Ah I miss my old grandparents,the fishes
Underrated comment
Bruh u see the likes
This is exactly the kind of video I was looking for.
So my 3.8 million x, great grandfather was a worm...
yes, moving on.
The Legend27 OMG my neither!! ARE YOU MY LOST BROTHER????
Probably a rock.
HyPeR_Death your my brother
keep in mind that some worms live only few days :)
I can't even fathom the millions of years it took, considering we only live an average of 70-80 years. Amazing vid
This video is wrong
@RedGuard this video is wrong it makes it seem like the planet was here and life evolved some how. How was the planet formed?
@RedGuard how is a star made ? It can’t just appear out of nothing.
@RedGuard where did gravitational pull come from. You are talking about that here where did everything come from. Tell me Einstein you feel all complex internals organ of every living thing from man , animal, bug , bird and fish has something to with gravitational pull?
@RedGuard it had to be a mind that dictated how life moved down here .
not gonna lie this way more informative and more fun than my science class(the science class isn't fun)
Sadly it isn't cause the video is inaccurate
@@cauliflowerpower1025 god didn’t make evolution. Evolution is a natural process not a divine one and it did indeed happen.
@@mikaelzakan1929 its both of our words against each other.
@@wisebuilding3079 i like science just not school
Something they don't teach you in Sunday school
Cuz it’s a theory.
@@thenotorious2322That was confirmed
@@thenotorious2322 Look up the definition of a scientific theory, a scientific theory is a subjective fact, such as 1+1=2 or the theory of gravity.