My maths teacher told me to watch the two black dog videos today. And it's just kinda hit me how much she actually realises what's going on without me even having said anything. I really needed this
How are you doing today? I am 66 years old and have suffered from depression since I was a teenager. I've come to realize that depression in not really a bad thing. I see others who have never been depressed and I think of them as zombies. People who suffer depression feel the pain because we are truly alive! How can anyone think they are alive if they don't feel? The deeper one feels, the more alive they are! Once I realized this, I look at my depression in a whole new light! It shows that I'm alive and aware! That makes the sadness understandable and much less painful.
My math teacher saw it coming and told me to seek for help 35 years ago. I didn' t realise then. I am struggling ten years now taking medicine and talking to psychiatrists but its very stubborn
Myself... I m in depression.... Its not easy to get accepted in our society. This book I have... Its soooooo nice.... And u can give for easy understanding to all and everyone... Thx to all. Who support ppl with this worse spiritual pain... Like me.... U all Deserve a big deep hug
Agreed. It can be painfully difficult to find one's own place in society. I hope things are going well and you are a part of us all too. Therefore, you deserve a hug of warmth too!
I cred watching this video. i had a black dog for 2 years. lost my partner, work. l learn what is starvation. fighting every day to not kill my self. my cure was changing everything in my life. plus i change my expectation how my life "should" look like. there is no expectation!!! i don't need family. big home. nice car. When i stop chasing those thing they just came to me. now i got great supporting partner. live in tight studio. but happy and alive. black dog can come back but im ready to take him one more time. because i cant be more depressed then i already was!!!!
Thank you for these two videos, Matthew and Ainsley. I think you may have saved me from a day of despair and perhaps from crushing my relationship yet again. You've reminded me of what I need to do... first, stop denying the dog's existence in my life; second, stop being ashamed; third, get out into the forest or play the piano or both. Bless you both.
I can just say thank you World Health Organisation for it's campaign. The figure of black dog helps people to understand in an easier way what a depressed one, like me, suffers and the effects over relatives and friends. I'll partake this video to my wife who has giving me support since always. I'm sure she will appreciate it so much! Best regards from Brazil.
This is wonderful. I have a friend who is going through their depression right now, and I fell like this is helping me prepare. I will definitely rewatch this soon. Thank you.
You do have hope and help available. I have autism and have suffered with anxiety since a very young age. Please, just know that you can always talk to me. Please reply to this message if you need me. 🥰 🤗 🫂 ❤️ 🧡
The black dog theory explains it very well.Thank you for this kind video.mental health is so crucial to be maintained as our whole lives evolve around it. It's like the video said the dog can be contained ,and you can be in control of the doggy not the other way around. A reality i have learned is that the dog is with you for just about your whole life however the dog cannot control you if you don't feed it, which takes skill that you learn along the way.💚
Thank you for this video. When I saw the name of this video I was shocked and thought you saw the inside of my mind because the night before I tried to take my own life I actually saw a black hound and although I knew this was one of my hallucinations it scared me and I ran to my room crying uncontrollably. I will ensure my husband watches this video because I want him to understand what I am going through and also because I have shut him out for a longtime although I knew he deserved none of this. It is usally the people closest to us that are more affected by such situations as did my husband because at some point it starts to rub off on them too, not knowing how to deal with it. I love my husband and don't want him to suffer because of my black dog. All I want is my life back.
My black dog is the enemy or the inner me... We fight the war against ourselves... But recover from where the darkness dwells ... And I went down to the country underneath the earth....but you lifted my life from the pit.😊
I got this depression everyday for 10 years until now, please pray for me :( . I know I am strong for staying alive this far but i don't know when will these all end :(
Thank you so much for this. My partner ( a none dog lover) seems to have got their own black dog and doesn't know what to do with it. As a health professional and a trained mental health nurse they're struggling to follow the right path and I'm doing my best to be supportive but this video has helped me tremendously. I'll talk with then about this video, and, if they feel it appropriate, I'll share it with them.
I have a black dog right now but this video is really making me think Like the others have said it’s brought me to tears but I’m sure I’m going to beat this Thank you x
Keep at it and hold your head high. Not to sound corny or anything but try to remember that even though you have a black dog, as many of us do, you have a leash too and having a dog on a leash is much more effective to take control of. Continue on, being sure that you can maintain control and you are correct in saying that you can beat this! That's the perfect mentality to have! My best wishes to you in life! :)
You should make a video for people who have no one who gives a flying F about them. Weirdly my dog is the only thing keeping me alive. But I take comfort knowing once he goes I can go with him. Just staying to make sure he has the best life. My last selfless act.
Hi Themis33. Wife took her own life 2 years ago. It is, so, so, shitty for everyone they left. I am struggling with it all myself but trying to understand what went so wrong so I can stay on my feet and trudge into something new eventually. Back to your share though, the fact that you care about your dog says heaps about who you really are as a person. If moments are better because of him/her, if moments of your day brighten a bit because you have done something for their day, that speaks volumes about your quality. If your dog is helping you see life from a different (dog) angle, then just keep getting dogs until you understand yourself and have more tools for tackling the issues. Mate, I wish I could send you some dog food so that pooch continues to keep your head above water. Even if you need a snorkel. My wife is now missing her boy's graduations, driving lessons, first car, first dates, university choices, because of what she did to herself in a dark moment. She had many, prolonged dark moments so I know it's not that simple, but new stuff can still happen, it can't if you check out. Please don't. If you feel like it, go to the local dog shelter and find another ally. I'm sorry that people are sometimes shit.
@freneticgeorge6481 wow. What a story. I am so sorry you went through that and your son too. Oh my goodness. I don't want to judge but I truly don't understand how anyone can leave their children or animals or dependents. She must've thought you and the family would pick up the pieces. I have known nothing but trauma since I was a toddler I thought my life would work out and I'd be a wife and mother. All I ever wanted was to be a traditional housewife and have my own happy loving big family. But sadly I've never come close. Never even been loved. Now I know that being a mother isn't an option there is no point in staying here. But I adore my dog and have a duty to him. And I couldn't leave him. He needs me. We are so close. I'm so so sad for you and your son. I'm sure you're an amazing dad and giving him all the love attention and reassure he will need. He will be forever damaged by what his mother did, as will you. Hope youve had therapy. Trauma can lie dormant within children till they reach their early twenties so best to deal with it before it manifests into something bigger through ignoring it. Thanks again for your message. Very kind and generous of you.
Be that person for someone Bugta . World is a strange place.....if you look carefully , there is always someone around the corner who needs help. I mean it ....when we have no one there for someone else . In my darkest days I helped a 90 year old neighbor , in my mind, she is my best friend today .
I've been in a relationship with a person carrying the "black dog" for just over 3 months now. I must admit, it's been hard: I myself struggle with the feeling that I'm not loved by this person, and that they don't want to talk to me or spend time with me because they hate me. I've learned that that isn't the case: her depression is incredibly strong, she's had quite a rough life (she was adopted which contributed a lot to her depression.) In fact, it's her depression which has made her act in that way. I know she loves me, and to anyone else who's in a similar situation with their partner, people with depression need you the most, and they will remain loyal because you mean everything to them. That extra bit of help you give them is going to mean everything to them. The last point on this video is incredibly important: "don't give up".
May the Almighty keep you blessed with strength to help you always stand by your partner’s side and for your partner to recover holistically from the life-altering illness called depression. I have been in depression, anxiety & hypertension and have suicidal tendencies with over 5 failed attempts. My wife gave up on our 8 year old marriage (even though she was one of the reasons for my depression, along with childhood-time verbal & physical abuse from my mother and sexual & racial abuse in school) and conveniently allowed her family to meddle & dismember our family of three (couple + 4yo girl) by summoning the cops on me. Alongside, my parents always washed their hands off of the torture I weathered, and when I was compelled to move-in with my parents after my wife abandoned me & I turned suicidal, they looked at ways of sending me out of their house again. I also lost my job as I couldn’t perform at work, after developing a stellar career track-record of 12 years. I’m staying afloat now and working with a battery of specialists - psychiatrist, psychologist, spiritualists, and yogi to heal holistically. And the one thing I have ensured is to stand for myself, and each time my own family members or her family members attempt to hurt me, I provide a horrific-nightmarish response, as a way of self-protection. The more they try to hurt me, the more ferocious I become. Long story short… We should trust ourselves, trust God and hold-on to those who hold-onto us.
.. Jesus Christ is the only hope in this world no other gods will lead you to heaven There is no security or hope with out Jesus Christ in this world come and repent of all sins today Today is the day of salvation come to the loving savior Today repent and do not go to hell Come to Jesus Christ today Jesus Christ is only way to heaven Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today Holy Spirit Can give you peace guidance and purpose and the Lord will John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Mark 1.15 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Hebrews 11:6 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Jesus
When you do reach out, your "friends" either ghost and abandon you, or tell you that you're the strongest person they know...this will pass... basically "You're on your own"
I have a black dog for more than a decade. It's worse n worse ..and this time is the worst, I always avoid doctor and said to my self "It will pass, it's just a phase" but it seems not working this time. I have made appointment with the doctor finally, wish me luck!
I was fully on board with this until the issue of cost came up - in some cases, part of being depressed is an inability to pay for basic necessities, and feeling powerless because someone else is helping you do so. Tacking on yet another expense seems like it would be monumentally counterproductive in that scenario. The advice overall is damned good - but just wanted to point that portion out.
I started living with a literal black dog and it changed my life. I’m now on my second literal black dog with a metaphorical black dog . He’s teaching me so much . The reason I’m still here is my literal black dogs. Otherwise the order black dog would have got my me
Peaceful environment and tactful speech also help to release from depression. Depression is the factor created by external factors. it could be physical as well as non physical. The video is really appreciate and clearly explain the context.
I am so sorry for both of those awful experiences. I am also glad you are here to tell us about it. What did she say? Have you found a safe place to talk?
I had a black dog for a couple years . It took away my confidence ,self esteem and disrupted my sleep and appetite. Fortunately my family doctor gave good advice and with the help of st thomas hospital mental heath unit I am getting back to my old self.
Anna Lavransdattar Hey, thanks for asking. I stopped drinking medication months ago and stopped with the therapy. Not because it helped but because it didn't help. Now I am doing ok I guess, trying to occupy my mind with work.
well, you could discuss meds with someone to try a different one to get some relief. I found what helped me was not surrendering per say, but accepting my illness as a part of me. I told a therapist once " I want to be friends with my depression>" he said "ok let's do that" It was a major shift in my thinking and how I felt about myself. If I sound preachy I apologise. All our experiences are different. Let's check in with each other once in a while if you feel like it. wishing you peace and compassion.Anna P.s I tried different meds for 20 years before finding my magic combo.
Anna Lavransdattar Thank you for sharing with me. However I am still young and I wouldn't want to have a label of a mental case, or a sick person with me. This is who I am and I will live my life like that. Also it takes months and months to see if medications are working and every time they change biochemistry of the brain changing who we are essentially. I don't think I could wait for years in order to find the medication that would work for me. Also we can check on each other once in a while, it's a good idea.
I agree about the medication. I should have said my struggle with meds was off and on. as Virginia Reed wrote to a friend " Don't let my story dishearten you. Just don't take no cutoffs and hurry along as fast as you can." Just never forget " you are made of the stuff of stars" -carl sagen. Cheers
i have a 13-year-old black dog. Well, it never gets easy for me. i quit my job again. i was not able to wash my face and hair. Maybe today i'll try to take a walk with my black dog...but i know it will stay with me til the end of my life.
When the father to my child died I went to the gym often.. It really helps even if its hard to understand.. So yes, exercise helps. :) And seeing someone to talk to, I even had meetings when I cried out all the time.. I have a black dog, but his not a beast anymore! :3
If depression is the symptoms of a more complex problem it would make sense to try to find the root of the problem to solve the issue. Some say depression needs to be tackled first to then solve the bigger underlying issue's that brought about the depression, Unfortunately if the depression is overcome with the cause remaining the depression will return .
Sería importante que ésta versión lo tuvieran con audio latino. Lo menciono porque hay ocasiones en que algunas personas no alcanzan a leer. Yo trabajo en el área de promoción y prevención en Salud Mental en Jalisco, México. Muchas gracias @World Health Organization
I have had depression for what feels like over a decade. I pray everyday it will go one day but i fear deep down il always feel like this. I sometimes wish il die just to stop the feeling
I really need german subtitles.. I want to show this video to my mom because she doesn't know what she could do about my depression and i really can't eplain it to her. please!!!!! i need this! :) this video is so great!
Ive carried my black dog for 45 years to date. The cost of me seeing a professional is the choice of eating and paying rent or going to a $$$ endless pit of debt that I cannot afford. The pain is all the more difficult due to past abuse problems that lawyers tell me "without proof it never happened" , " We wont help you ". As a male there is a total affirmation that is drummed into our skulls " you live to work and provide and then you die , your life means nothing." I cannot afford to not work lest my family suffers , by that I mean no food, cars repossessed , eviction , as my wife is between jobs and hasnt had steady employment for over 2 years, she also spent most of our savings in those last few years because she felt worthless not having a job but still wanted to be normal. I manage to push my depression down , but it is always there and I always feel it in the back of my head just waiting come out every single day . I am sick of it , it is never gone from my head long enough for me to catch a break , but Im just a man who has to provide for his family , my life is nothing but to do or die. I dont fear hell , I live it day by day, but I wont abandon my family even if it costs me my life's blood they are worth the pain I endure , they keep me focused on what is important.
I hear ya, bud. It's no fun, to say the least. And as you have pointed out, there is so much sh!t that our society only proves utterly useless at when it comes to gaining any form of professional help. Regardless as to whether it be in the form of a person in a suit that costs more than their Ferrari, informing you that the law isn't on your side, or a person who sits in a room with you for A LOT of ca$h/hour. It's incredibly absurd and it truly needs to change. I can easily relate to the hardships endured from a life of depression and how difficult it is to move forward or make any progress with the so called "Black Dog". I'm fortunate in the sense that I have the opportunity to talk to a psychologist without any fees as it's covered in Canada if one goes through a referral from their GP. I've only recently begun to have sessions and they've been helpful in some ways. Fingers crossed it continues on in the same manner. Depression is like running on a treadmill in the sense that you're constantly going at it without moving forward at all. On the other hand, it's really good and so important that you actually acknowledge the fact that you have a family worth fighting for. Props to that! Please, always remember your family. They are very fortunate to have you and it sounds like they help you get back up to continue the seemingly endless fight that life is. I send you and your family my most sincerest wishes in life.
as born into a well-off family. A happy family. It took that from me. It took that happiness turned it into resentment. I will never forgive that black dig that chases me everywhere I go
I'm brain washed by kind of depression feeling every day, every moment... But being a man, I feel embarrassed to seek help from the people I familiar with. When I talk to my gf about my true feeling, her response usually made me feel even worse. So sad and these made me to shut my mouth. What I can do is to pretend to be a happy person... sort of...
+Eduard- Oz As a fellow sufferer or depression, it took me a long time to admit there was something wrong, as though it would rob me of me being a man. Suffice to say it hasn't. I am still the same person just with an invisible illness. Do not be embarrassed my friend, but at the same time its is up to you and you alone to decide when the time is right. You are where you are until you're not. I am sorry your gf isn't helping either, sometimes, most of the time in fact, people just don't get it.
I agree most people don't get it, but they might just the right people in your life to show you how to live a life not overcome with depression. Your GF might be the one joyful light in your life for now. Meanwhile, I'm sorry for both of you and all men who feel they can't show they're faltering, they're not feeling Boss about anything. Depression is not something *anyone* feels ok to talk about at least at first. It makes anyone feel useless and worthless; those are a couple of the symptoms of it. Could you call a hotline? You could do that when and where you feel safe enough to talk to someone who has experience with depression's symptoms and can help you figure out a next step. Just don't stop trying. Our Boyfriends and Girlfriends aren't therapists and as you have experienced, depression is overwhelming. I prefer that my Significant Other knows of my struggles but is not my therapist. He is my relief, my unconditional love, my cheerleader, my friend who reminds me I'm not a "depressive" (I hate that thought), I'm still me somewhere in here, hold my hand and don't let go. Call a hotline !-800-950-6264 (NAMI) The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 am-6 pm, ET See more at: . They provide info on symptoms of mental illnesses, treatment options, local services and support. 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for SAMHSA is a referral line to hook you up with local support 1-800-273-TALK (8255) National Suicide Prevention Hotline has trained counselors answering 1-888-628-9454 ¿Qué pasa cuando llamo? Pida Ayuda
Eduard- Oz Same here only I know how you fell the best solution I found is to not talking with any one about it because they thing you more silly and it makes me really hate my self
@@aaaaaaoooommmm thanks for the links. People can note that you can call numbers on Skype to save money! At least I know that worked to call a number in the UK
I love the video and the message. Very well done. The only thing that I would change is the attitude about black dogs. I am concerned that it can teach the wrong message about how to treat dogs/animals. As a Mental Health practitioner, and animal advocate, I believe its important to teach compassion for all beings. Embracing the black dog and retraining it may be another way to get the message across without alienating any precious beings, and without portraying the message that we must shun depression. We want to heal it, yes. And we want to also access the value it has as well. That said, thank you for your dedication to helping those with depression, and for the well made video. I will surely use it as an education tool.
I have a black dog around me everyday And often get thoughts on killing myself I'm also physically suffering every day. All I can do is pray 🙏 to Jesus and hope he heals me and life gets better
It's great to see that they are trying to help people with mental problems, such things are becoming less and less taboo. However, it is unpleasant to realize that in my country there are terrible specialists in the field of mental medicine who will do nothing but drive to suicide, sneer, instead of the help they should provide as specialists.😢
I loved these videos but I noticed that there are no subtitles in spanish (or any other language, for that matter) for this one in particular. Is there any way to upload those subtitles so that non-english speakers can get the message? It's so well explained, so tactful, it would be great if more people could watch this.
I have no friends, I have no parents, I have no love, I have a job I hate, I have been broken for years and try so hard just to continue. I feel I don't relate to others who carry on with their lives, those who seem to have family, children, money, happiness. I used to be full of energy, I used to have friends and make them easily. Now no one really knows or cares if I exist. I've lost my fire, my soul seems to have left me. I struggle to communicate, At 50, I'm seriously considering that existing is pointless in the billions of people that are on this planet. Why would anyone care if I'm gone? Seems that all the advice is that I am the only one to improve myself, but this is society saying that you're only valued for how you feel your worth is valued. That you have to be a flag bearer for positivity, but people just aren't invested to really care. Everyone's lives are already busy, already occupied, with their own struggles, or safety in their own bubble of friends and activities. Very few want to support and be consistent and actually mean it. Very few.
i understand that, most are so focused and occupied with their own lives, few really care. i'm here, i care. existence is.. strange on its own. it's a responsibility to live i suppose. anyways, i'm hoping all good things to come to you
@@ilyalovescatsHi Ilya. Just seen your reply come up. Probably the most lovely and thoughtful response I've had in a long time. Very considerate of you. You're a wonderful human being. Thank you for your reply. 😊 I wish you well, and a happy and fulfilled life. I hope you are okay. I'm also someone who is here for anyone that feels they can't cope and struggle. I will listen and respond with care, consideration and kindness. ♥️
@@Ctrl_alt_deleteandrepeat hi there, i hope you're feeling good and better. and aw, too kind. i appreciate that. thank you for being a wonderful human being too. i'm trying to do okay i suppose, life's really tough on me recently and i'm absolutely exhausted but i have to push through. let's support eachother for sure. i'm always hoping and praying the best for you 💗 keep going!!
simplify.. my parents gave me 3x chores.. it stresses me out. i hate this life style it is really bad because they don't even believe me.. and i don't have anyone to talk with since my "friends" ghosted me for not being with them..
Why i feel like his death follows me everywhere i hate the fact that he did what he did! I wished he would of held on! I know it wasn’t his fault but grrrrr I hate that he lost the battle stupid freaking worthless illness!!!!!!!!!!! I freaking hate it so freaking much!! I write to him everyday!! And he will never write back!! Ughhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!)(:);:4))&;.?;/)!$)(;ggshcgchdsh
Dasey Miranda I’m upset too but I think he held on for the longest time already...he couldn’t continue anymore and I still cry when I think of this but let’s remember his legacy for who he was not for how he died
This is a terrible terrible terrible comparison to what it actually feels like to struggle with depression. I’ve struggled with chronic depression the kind you don’t leave bed with for 20 years.Dogs bring comfort and unconditional love so to utilize a dog as symbolism for Depressive disorder is a really bad creative choice. A demon or a black cloud would’ve been much more akin to what it’s like or a set of weights. The black dog in this just made me happy and that’s not at all with depression feels like so this was a fail.
All government leaders (which in modern day there aren't many credible ones), need to start putting the mental health of all it's people AHEAD of money, greed, corruption, fiscal policies, trade deals and budgets, etc.......
Depressie heeft letterlijk vele intense donkere gezichten die in de loop der tijd op kunnen klaren. Al duurt het soms lang maar het gebeurd!!!! Je vader.
Very important message and very good advise. I fully support it; however, it hurts to see a dog being taken as the analogy for depression. Pets are key family members. The analogy risks creating a negative stigma around dogs, which unfortunately may trigger negative behavior towards our loyal 4-leged friends.
What if this person doesn't want to be helped and is tired of helping herself and is afraid of change and feels like what makes her happy right now isn't enough and doesn't know what will make her happy than she is right now. My friend has depression and she doesn't want to live anymore. Feedback would be nice. Thank you
Depression erases all good memories and our ability to recognize the good things in our life. It makes you feel like your life was never good and will never be. You have to reminds your friend of things that made her happy and will happen in her future. I know it will be hard cause she will probably deny them but you have to insist and offer her all your support.
That sounds like untreated depression. Or at least not well-treated depression. Is your friend being treated by a trained professional? There are plenty of GP's and PCP's who really have no idea how to help people with depression. But there are places, clinics, anything to take her gently to, with all the love in the world, so she can keep breathing. Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You can call it for her. For you. There are all sorts of Hotlines to call, but this one seems to be more than just a referral service. Call them. You don't have to be actively dying to call them. The idea here is to PREVENT suicide, yeah? Go call them. Go
My best memories are those of my pet dog which was black and extremely beautiful….Why call it black dog? It’s time we move out of black as being associated with negative stuff.
It's also easy to see narcissism instead of depression, a depressed person can be very self-obsessed and insular, they can be incredibly selfish. It's important for the carer/partner to take care of themselves, but it's hard because the depressive will see that as rejection, they may also be somewhat paranoid or delusional due to lack of confidence and all the negative self-talk in their head making them tend to accuse you of things you haven't done and doubt your true feelings. It's often incredibly hard to live with someone during a breakdown, but of course there's very little professional help or consideration for the carer/partner, which is why so many relationships where severe depression is a factor, fail despite any amount of love and compassion, empathy and desire to help and understand on the part of the partner/carer. Get help early. Talk to the right people. Let go of the belief that it's your problem to fix. Understand that everything you say, or do, may be criticised. Like it says, try not to get sucked into the vortex and honour your own needs. Finally, remember that life is short. If it becomes too much, be prepared to let go and move on, it could be the best solution for all concerned.
WHO, how to get rid off "sharp looking" complex?; when you strain your eyes for something, for some minus reason or not and even picking where to look dot or point (...sometimes before blinking, or so...)? one of my friends has this. Thanks!
This is such a useful metaphor of depression as "Black Dog" but it really sucks that actual Black dogs and cats are often the last adopted, reflecting our unconscious bias towards everything that is Black. In this sense, this comparison deepens our prejudice towards, and rejection of Black animals (and even people).
Agreed! This is deeply troubling to me that this is coming from the World Health Organization. Perhaps it was something most of us saw as harmless in 2014, but throughout this video all I could think of was "Why are we vilifying a cute black dog?". Surely there's a better metaphor we can find today.
Thank you WHO for giving attention to plight of Depressive people ,they need our help support and care emotional or otherwise ,my elder brother has been suffering from depression since 1996 ,but with continuous treatment and medication he's is somewhat normal now ,but these anti depressent medicine have a very bad side affects on general health particularly cardiac health
My maths teacher told me to watch the two black dog videos today. And it's just kinda hit me how much she actually realises what's going on without me even having said anything. I really needed this
you have a god teacher. bit a hero.
How are you doing today? I am 66 years old and have suffered from depression since I was a teenager. I've come to realize that depression in not really a bad thing. I see others who have never been depressed and I think of them as zombies. People who suffer depression feel the pain because we are truly alive! How can anyone think they are alive if they don't feel? The deeper one feels, the more alive they are! Once I realized this, I look at my depression in a whole new light! It shows that I'm alive and aware! That makes the sadness understandable and much less painful.
My math teacher saw it coming and told me to seek for help 35 years ago. I didn' t realise then. I am struggling ten years now taking medicine and talking to psychiatrists but its very stubborn
Myself... I m in depression.... Its not easy to get accepted in our society.
This book I have... Its soooooo nice.... And u can give for easy understanding to all and everyone...
Thx to all. Who support ppl with this worse spiritual pain... Like me....
U all Deserve a big deep hug
Agreed. It can be painfully difficult to find one's own place in society. I hope things are going well and you are a part of us all too. Therefore, you deserve a hug of warmth too!
I cred watching this video. i had a black dog for 2 years. lost my partner, work. l learn what is starvation. fighting every day to not kill my self. my cure was changing everything in my life. plus i change my expectation how my life "should" look like. there is no expectation!!! i don't need family. big home. nice car. When i stop chasing those thing they just came to me. now i got great supporting partner. live in tight studio. but happy and alive. black dog can come back but im ready to take him one more time. because i cant be more depressed then i already was!!!!
Well done. Keep strong. x
"fighting every day to not kill myself" that´s what i do every single day
Then keep fighting. It gets better. X
Well done. You're a star.
I have been watching this in tears thank you for putting this video online
Me too.
This is all well and good for someone who has a home and a job and people who love them.
Thank you for these two videos, Matthew and Ainsley. I think you may have saved me from a day of despair and perhaps from crushing my relationship yet again. You've reminded me of what I need to do... first, stop denying the dog's existence in my life; second, stop being ashamed; third, get out into the forest or play the piano or both. Bless you both.
I can just say thank you World Health Organisation for it's campaign. The figure of black dog helps people to understand in an easier way what a depressed one, like me, suffers and the effects over relatives and friends. I'll partake this video to my wife who has giving me support since always. I'm sure she will appreciate it so much!
Best regards from Brazil.
Where I wrote "...has giving support..." please understand like "...has given support..."
I guess I'm quite randomly asking but does anyone know of a good website to stream new tv shows online ?
@Angel Korbyn flixportal =)
@Kamden Gianni thank you, signed up and it seems like they got a lot of movies there :) I really appreciate it !
@Angel Korbyn Glad I could help xD
This is wonderful. I have a friend who is going through their depression right now, and I fell like this is helping me prepare. I will definitely rewatch this soon. Thank you.
There was a book of this quite a few years back. I used it to explain my depression to my daughter. Found it very helpful x
This video makes me realise that I have no help and no hope
Go look for it, you still have time and opportunity, don't lose Faith, in u!
There’s always hope
Be your own help look at mirror it’s you who want you to survive
You do have hope and help available. I have autism and have suffered with anxiety since a very young age. Please, just know that you can always talk to me. Please reply to this message if you need me. 🥰 🤗 🫂 ❤️ 🧡
Thank you so much for your replies everyone, I went to rehab and I’m doing a lot better now. Never give up hope
The black dog theory explains it very well.Thank you for this kind video.mental health is so crucial to be maintained as our whole lives evolve around it. It's like the video said the dog can be contained ,and you can be in control of the doggy not the other way around. A reality i have learned is that the dog is with you for just about your whole life however the dog cannot control you if you don't feed it, which takes skill that you learn along the way.💚
Thank you for this video. When I saw the name of this video I was shocked and thought you saw the inside of my mind because the night before I tried to take my own life I actually saw a black hound and although I knew this was one of my hallucinations it scared me and I ran to my room crying uncontrollably. I will ensure my husband watches this video because I want him to understand what I am going through and also because I have shut him out for a longtime although I knew he deserved none of this. It is usally the people closest to us that are more affected by such situations as did my husband because at some point it starts to rub off on them too, not knowing how to deal with it. I love my husband and don't want him to suffer because of my black dog. All I want is my life back.
Hope your ok now
My black dog is the enemy or the inner me...
We fight the war against ourselves...
But recover from where the darkness dwells ...
And I went down to the country underneath the earth....but you lifted my life from the pit.😊
These are easily the best videos on depression.
I got this depression everyday for 10 years until now, please pray for me :( . I know I am strong for staying alive this far but i don't know when will these all end :(
how are you feeling now? any better?❤
i hope you're feeling a little bit better, please hold on with hope. you're strong
17 years 'it'll pass...'
Will it pass?
@ΚωνσταντίνοςΚαραγιαννίδης-σ1ν No.
Thank you so much for this. My partner ( a none dog lover) seems to have got their own black dog and doesn't know what to do with it. As a health professional and a trained mental health nurse they're struggling to follow the right path and I'm doing my best to be supportive but this video has helped me tremendously. I'll talk with then about this video, and, if they feel it appropriate, I'll share it with them.
The imagery is absolutely incredible.
0:41. "The big book of what I think." This describes...most of the world. Everyone yelling out these books at each other. It's a striking thing.
I had never heard of The Black Dog or Living with a Black Dog before this class. These videos could help so many people, that I had to share.
Very impressed with the WHO's commitment to improving people's mental health. Well done
I have a black dog right now but this video is really making me think
Like the others have said it’s brought me to tears but I’m sure I’m going to beat this
Thank you x
Keep at it and hold your head high. Not to sound corny or anything but try to remember that even though you have a black dog, as many of us do, you have a leash too and having a dog on a leash is much more effective to take control of. Continue on, being sure that you can maintain control and you are correct in saying that you can beat this! That's the perfect mentality to have! My best wishes to you in life! :)
You should make a video for people who have no one who gives a flying F about them. Weirdly my dog is the only thing keeping me alive. But I take comfort knowing once he goes I can go with him. Just staying to make sure he has the best life. My last selfless act.
'Hi Themis33. Simply reaching out as a wellness counsellor. Do you mind talking about whats bothering you?
Hi Themis33. Wife took her own life 2 years ago. It is, so, so, shitty for everyone they left. I am struggling with it all myself but trying to understand what went so wrong so I can stay on my feet and trudge into something new eventually. Back to your share though, the fact that you care about your dog says heaps about who you really are as a person. If moments are better because of him/her, if moments of your day brighten a bit because you have done something for their day, that speaks volumes about your quality. If your dog is helping you see life from a different (dog) angle, then just keep getting dogs until you understand yourself and have more tools for tackling the issues. Mate, I wish I could send you some dog food so that pooch continues to keep your head above water. Even if you need a snorkel.
My wife is now missing her boy's graduations, driving lessons, first car, first dates, university choices, because of what she did to herself in a dark moment. She had many, prolonged dark moments so I know it's not that simple, but new stuff can still happen, it can't if you check out. Please don't. If you feel like it, go to the local dog shelter and find another ally. I'm sorry that people are sometimes shit.
@freneticgeorge6481 wow. What a story. I am so sorry you went through that and your son too. Oh my goodness. I don't want to judge but I truly don't understand how anyone can leave their children or animals or dependents. She must've thought you and the family would pick up the pieces. I have known nothing but trauma since I was a toddler I thought my life would work out and I'd be a wife and mother. All I ever wanted was to be a traditional housewife and have my own happy loving big family. But sadly I've never come close. Never even been loved. Now I know that being a mother isn't an option there is no point in staying here. But I adore my dog and have a duty to him. And I couldn't leave him. He needs me. We are so close. I'm so so sad for you and your son. I'm sure you're an amazing dad and giving him all the love attention and reassure he will need. He will be forever damaged by what his mother did, as will you. Hope youve had therapy. Trauma can lie dormant within children till they reach their early twenties so best to deal with it before it manifests into something bigger through ignoring it. Thanks again for your message. Very kind and generous of you.
My dog just died and now i dont know why im here.. should i hang myself or drive into a tree? She was all i had
I care. How are you?
listen to each other, and I mean- really listen, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak.
these videos helped me with my presentation for my exam, it helps with a few points not every website has
It will pass.. it will pass.... i love this word and wish this will really pass...
The fact that i dont have any friends to do these stuff with me just brought me even downer.
I hope you can reach out to find someone, somehow!
Be that person for someone Bugta . World is a strange place.....if you look carefully , there is always someone around the corner who needs help. I mean it ....when we have no one there for someone else . In my darkest days I helped a 90 year old neighbor , in my mind, she is my best friend today .
@@pulse1272 I have nobody.
Not everyone can talk to people.
@@CristanioPeweyyy No talking ...start with community service......the world needs you .
I've been in a relationship with a person carrying the "black dog" for just over 3 months now. I must admit, it's been hard: I myself struggle with the feeling that I'm not loved by this person, and that they don't want to talk to me or spend time with me because they hate me. I've learned that that isn't the case: her depression is incredibly strong, she's had quite a rough life (she was adopted which contributed a lot to her depression.) In fact, it's her depression which has made her act in that way. I know she loves me, and to anyone else who's in a similar situation with their partner, people with depression need you the most, and they will remain loyal because you mean everything to them. That extra bit of help you give them is going to mean everything to them. The last point on this video is incredibly important: "don't give up".
May the Almighty keep you blessed with strength to help you always stand by your partner’s side and for your partner to recover holistically from the life-altering illness called depression.
I have been in depression, anxiety & hypertension and have suicidal tendencies with over 5 failed attempts.
My wife gave up on our 8 year old marriage (even though she was one of the reasons for my depression, along with childhood-time verbal & physical abuse from my mother and sexual & racial abuse in school) and conveniently allowed her family to meddle & dismember our family of three (couple + 4yo girl) by summoning the cops on me.
Alongside, my parents always washed their hands off of the torture I weathered, and when I was compelled to move-in with my parents after my wife abandoned me & I turned suicidal, they looked at ways of sending me out of their house again.
I also lost my job as I couldn’t perform at work, after developing a stellar career track-record of 12 years.
I’m staying afloat now and working with a battery of specialists - psychiatrist, psychologist, spiritualists, and yogi to heal holistically. And the one thing I have ensured is to stand for myself, and each time my own family members or her family members attempt to hurt me, I provide a horrific-nightmarish response, as a way of self-protection. The more they try to hurt me, the more ferocious I become.
Long story short… We should trust ourselves, trust God and hold-on to those who hold-onto us.
Jesus Christ is the only hope in this world no other gods will lead you to heaven
There is no security or hope with out Jesus Christ in this world come and repent of all sins today
Today is the day of salvation come to the loving savior Today repent and do not go to hell
Come to Jesus Christ today
Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
Holy Spirit Can give you peace guidance and purpose and the Lord will
John 3:16-21
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Mark 1.15
15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Hebrews 11:6
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
When you do reach out, your "friends" either ghost and abandon you, or tell you that you're the strongest person they know...this will pass... basically "You're on your own"
I have a black dog for more than a decade. It's worse n worse ..and this time is the worst, I always avoid doctor and said to my self "It will pass, it's just a phase" but it seems not working this time. I have made appointment with the doctor finally, wish me luck!
Best of luck !!😁 if possible keep us updated
This is so interesting. This really feels like a "from the inside" insight.
Made me tear up a bit. I bet if I was watching with someone else I would have cried.
I’ve had a black dog since I was 14. I’m now 26. I’m starting to realise that I’m always going to have a black dog unfortunately.
Thank you for doing this wonderful video with non judgmental advice.
Let's raise awareness. Thanks for the video.
The Main reason for depression and anxiety is that unable to keep concentration on
Sept 2014... take me back to that date 😔 😪
Loved this video. It sums the "black dog" up so well.
I was fully on board with this until the issue of cost came up - in some cases, part of being depressed is an inability to pay for basic necessities, and feeling powerless because someone else is helping you do so. Tacking on yet another expense seems like it would be monumentally counterproductive in that scenario.
The advice overall is damned good - but just wanted to point that portion out.
I started living with a literal black dog and it changed my life. I’m now on my second literal black dog with a metaphorical black dog . He’s teaching me so much . The reason I’m still here is my literal black dogs. Otherwise the order black dog would have got my me
Peaceful environment and tactful speech also help to release from depression. Depression is the factor created by external factors. it could be physical as well as non physical. The video is really appreciate and clearly explain the context.
I ended up in the ER after a suicide attempt. Talking to the ER nurse she made it worse for me.
I am so sorry for both of those awful experiences. I am also glad you are here to tell us about it. What did she say? Have you found a safe place to talk?
@@aaaaaaoooommmmShe gave him reality, mine told me the truth about my situation.
Life hurts.
I had a black dog for a couple years . It took away my confidence ,self esteem and disrupted my sleep and appetite. Fortunately my family doctor gave good advice and with the help of st thomas hospital mental heath unit I am getting back to my old self.
Simple video but explained clearly about a black dog. Thank you so much
When you're old and completely alone it's difficult to do this. Tired and in physical pain too. I long to sleep forever. Sorry! It's how l feel.
That piano tho. Calm and quiet, yes. Relaxing, maybe.
Piano music always use to darken/sadden my mood.
I feel like my dog is going to become a bear soon. Big black bear.
Came across your comment and wondering how you are doing.
Anna Lavransdattar Hey, thanks for asking. I stopped drinking medication months ago and stopped with the therapy. Not because it helped but because it didn't help. Now I am doing ok I guess, trying to occupy my mind with work.
well, you could discuss meds with someone to try a different one to get some relief. I found what helped me was not surrendering per say, but accepting my illness as a part of me. I told a therapist once " I want to be friends with my depression>" he said "ok let's do that" It was a major shift in my thinking and how I felt about myself. If I sound preachy I apologise. All our experiences are different. Let's check in with each other once in a while if you feel like it. wishing you peace and compassion.Anna P.s I tried different meds for 20 years before finding my magic combo.
Anna Lavransdattar Thank you for sharing with me. However I am still young and I wouldn't want to have a label of a mental case, or a sick person with me. This is who I am and I will live my life like that. Also it takes months and months to see if medications are working and every time they change biochemistry of the brain changing who we are essentially. I don't think I could wait for years in order to find the medication that would work for me. Also we can check on each other once in a while, it's a good idea.
I agree about the medication. I should have said my struggle with meds was off and on. as Virginia Reed wrote to a friend " Don't let my story dishearten you. Just don't take no cutoffs and hurry along as fast as you can." Just never forget " you are made of the stuff of stars" -carl sagen. Cheers
i have a 13-year-old black dog. Well, it never gets easy for me. i quit my job again. i was not able to wash my face and hair. Maybe today i'll try to take a walk with my black dog...but i know it will stay with me til the end of my life.
It's so hard, isn't it?
I’ve been really struggling. Covid isolated me and made things so much worse. I’d just like to wake up happy one day. 😞
please help yourself. call your doctor, go out for a walk in the sun, call a friend, make a plan how to ease this really difficult time. love!
I gave up on hope long ago.
When the father to my child died I went to the gym often.. It really helps even if its hard to understand.. So yes, exercise helps. :) And seeing someone to talk to, I even had meetings when I cried out all the time.. I have a black dog, but his not a beast anymore! :3
If depression is the symptoms of a more complex problem it would make sense to try to find the root of the problem to solve the issue.
Some say depression needs to be tackled first to then solve the bigger underlying issue's that brought about the depression,
Unfortunately if the depression is overcome with the cause remaining the depression will return .
Very true
Sería importante que ésta versión lo tuvieran con audio latino. Lo menciono porque hay ocasiones en que algunas personas no alcanzan a leer. Yo trabajo en el área de promoción y prevención en Salud Mental en Jalisco, México. Muchas gracias @World Health Organization
I miss you Jonghyun.
it will pass
it will pass
it will pass
Pftt yeah sure.
I love that part
made me cry
I have had depression for what feels like over a decade. I pray everyday it will go one day but i fear deep down il always feel like this. I sometimes wish il die just to stop the feeling
My EX Family & Friends (& Followers) Could learn a lot from this video..
I really need german subtitles.. I want to show this video to my mom because she doesn't know what she could do about my depression and i really can't eplain it to her. please!!!!! i need this! :)
this video is so great!
Ive carried my black dog for 45 years to date. The cost of me seeing a professional is the choice of eating and paying rent or going to a $$$ endless pit of debt that I cannot afford. The pain is all the more difficult due to past abuse problems that lawyers tell me "without proof it never happened" , " We wont help you ". As a male there is a total affirmation that is drummed into our skulls " you live to work and provide and then you die , your life means nothing." I cannot afford to not work lest my family suffers , by that I mean no food, cars repossessed , eviction , as my wife is between jobs and hasnt had steady employment for over 2 years, she also spent most of our savings in those last few years because she felt worthless not having a job but still wanted to be normal. I manage to push my depression down , but it is always there and I always feel it in the back of my head just waiting come out every single day . I am sick of it , it is never gone from my head long enough for me to catch a break , but Im just a man who has to provide for his family , my life is nothing but to do or die. I dont fear hell , I live it day by day, but I wont abandon my family even if it costs me my life's blood they are worth the pain I endure , they keep me focused on what is important.
I hear ya, bud. It's no fun, to say the least. And as you have pointed out, there is so much sh!t that our society only proves utterly useless at when it comes to gaining any form of professional help. Regardless as to whether it be in the form of a person in a suit that costs more than their Ferrari, informing you that the law isn't on your side, or a person who sits in a room with you for A LOT of ca$h/hour. It's incredibly absurd and it truly needs to change. I can easily relate to the hardships endured from a life of depression and how difficult it is to move forward or make any progress with the so called "Black Dog". I'm fortunate in the sense that I have the opportunity to talk to a psychologist without any fees as it's covered in Canada if one goes through a referral from their GP. I've only recently begun to have sessions and they've been helpful in some ways. Fingers crossed it continues on in the same manner. Depression is like running on a treadmill in the sense that you're constantly going at it without moving forward at all. On the other hand, it's really good and so important that you actually acknowledge the fact that you have a family worth fighting for. Props to that! Please, always remember your family. They are very fortunate to have you and it sounds like they help you get back up to continue the seemingly endless fight that life is. I send you and your family my most sincerest wishes in life.
Este video era todo lo que necesitaba, adiós mundo cruel...
as born into a well-off family. A happy family. It took that from me. It took that happiness turned it into resentment. I will never forgive that black dig that chases me everywhere I go
Great series of videos on depression...
wow reading these comments just makes me feel more alone
What a great video, lots of really helpful practical advice here. Thanks for posting!
I'm brain washed by kind of depression feeling every day, every moment...
But being a man, I feel embarrassed to seek help from the people I familiar with. When I talk to my gf about my true feeling, her response usually made me feel even worse. So sad and these made me to shut my mouth. What I can do is to pretend to be a happy person... sort of...
+Eduard- Oz As a fellow sufferer or depression, it took me a long time to admit there was something wrong, as though it would rob me of me being a man. Suffice to say it hasn't. I am still the same person just with an invisible illness. Do not be embarrassed my friend, but at the same time its is up to you and you alone to decide when the time is right. You are where you are until you're not. I am sorry your gf isn't helping either, sometimes, most of the time in fact, people just don't get it.
I agree most people don't get it, but they might just the right people in your life to show you how to live a life not overcome with depression. Your GF might be the one joyful light in your life for now. Meanwhile, I'm sorry for both of you and all men who feel they can't show they're faltering, they're not feeling Boss about anything.
Depression is not something *anyone* feels ok to talk about at least at first. It makes anyone feel useless and worthless; those are a couple of the symptoms of it.
Could you call a hotline? You could do that when and where you feel safe enough to talk to someone who has experience with depression's symptoms and can help you figure out a next step.
Just don't stop trying. Our Boyfriends and Girlfriends aren't therapists and as you have experienced, depression is overwhelming. I prefer that my Significant Other knows of my struggles but is not my therapist. He is my relief, my unconditional love, my cheerleader, my friend who reminds me I'm not a "depressive" (I hate that thought), I'm still me somewhere in here, hold my hand and don't let go.
Call a hotline !-800-950-6264 (NAMI) The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 am-6 pm, ET See more at: . They provide info on symptoms of mental illnesses, treatment options, local services and support.
1-800-662-HELP (4357) for SAMHSA is a referral line to hook you up with local support
1-800-273-TALK (8255) National Suicide Prevention Hotline has trained counselors answering
1-888-628-9454 ¿Qué pasa cuando llamo? Pida Ayuda
Eduard- Oz
Same here only I know how you fell the best solution I found is to not talking with any one about it because they thing you more silly and it makes me really hate my self
@@aaaaaaoooommmm thanks for the links. People can note that you can call numbers on Skype to save money! At least I know that worked to call a number in the UK
@@teknolojihaberleri4272 Hoping you find a solution... don't give up!
I love the video and the message. Very well done. The only thing that I would change is the attitude about black dogs. I am concerned that it can teach the wrong message about how to treat dogs/animals. As a Mental Health practitioner, and animal advocate, I believe its important to teach compassion for all beings. Embracing the black dog and retraining it may be another way to get the message across without alienating any precious beings, and without portraying the message that we must shun depression. We want to heal it, yes. And we want to also access the value it has as well. That said, thank you for your dedication to helping those with depression, and for the well made video. I will surely use it as an education tool.
I have a black dog around me everyday
And often get thoughts on killing myself I'm also physically suffering every day.
All I can do is pray 🙏 to Jesus and hope he heals me and life gets better
'Hi dear. Simply reaching out as a wellness counsellor. Do you mind talking about whats bothering you?
Thank you so much for this.
It's great to see that they are trying to help people with mental problems, such things are becoming less and less taboo. However, it is unpleasant to realize that in my country there are terrible specialists in the field of mental medicine who will do nothing but drive to suicide, sneer, instead of the help they should provide as specialists.😢
I loved these videos but I noticed that there are no subtitles in spanish (or any other language, for that matter) for this one in particular. Is there any way to upload those subtitles so that non-english speakers can get the message? It's so well explained, so tactful, it would be great if more people could watch this.
Juan Amorín Hello Juan, there are now Spanish captions if you click on CC. Other languages will be added soon
Nicely done! :)
Not everyone has the luck of being bilingual.
World Health Organization (WHO) Is there a way to help you upload portuguese subtitles? it would be of great help.
World Health Organization (WHO) Could I help making the French subtitles?
+World Health Organization I could translate it into Dutch.
I need this.. im at a moment where its hard.
Get through it. I'm here from summer school health, hope you are good.
You are not alone, Stuggle for your life, go to therapy and try to live with friends in the same home. Positive People
I have no friends, I have no parents, I have no love, I have a job I hate, I have been broken for years and try so hard just to continue. I feel I don't relate to others who carry on with their lives, those who seem to have family, children, money, happiness. I used to be full of energy, I used to have friends and make them easily. Now no one really knows or cares if I exist. I've lost my fire, my soul seems to have left me. I struggle to communicate, At 50, I'm seriously considering that existing is pointless in the billions of people that are on this planet. Why would anyone care if I'm gone? Seems that all the advice is that I am the only one to improve myself, but this is society saying that you're only valued for how you feel your worth is valued. That you have to be a flag bearer for positivity, but people just aren't invested to really care. Everyone's lives are already busy, already occupied, with their own struggles, or safety in their own bubble of friends and activities. Very few want to support and be consistent and actually mean it. Very few.
i understand that, most are so focused and occupied with their own lives, few really care. i'm here, i care. existence is.. strange on its own. it's a responsibility to live i suppose. anyways, i'm hoping all good things to come to you
@@ilyalovescatsHi Ilya. Just seen your reply come up. Probably the most lovely and thoughtful response I've had in a long time.
Very considerate of you. You're a wonderful human being. Thank you for your reply. 😊
I wish you well, and a happy and fulfilled life. I hope you are okay. I'm also someone who is here for anyone that feels they can't cope and struggle. I will listen and respond with care, consideration and kindness. ♥️
@@Ctrl_alt_deleteandrepeat hi there, i hope you're feeling good and better. and aw, too kind. i appreciate that. thank you for being a wonderful human being too. i'm trying to do okay i suppose, life's really tough on me recently and i'm absolutely exhausted but i have to push through. let's support eachother for sure. i'm always hoping and praying the best for you 💗 keep going!!
my parents gave me 3x chores.. it stresses me out.
i hate this life style it is really bad because they don't even believe me..
and i don't have anyone to talk with since my "friends" ghosted me for not being with them..
I want to cry especially since Jonghyun died because of depression...his psychiatrist should've watch this video. RIP out bling bling Jonghyun
Why i feel like his death follows me everywhere i hate the fact that he did what he did! I wished he would of held on! I know it wasn’t his fault but grrrrr I hate that he lost the battle stupid freaking worthless illness!!!!!!!!!!! I freaking hate it so freaking much!! I write to him everyday!! And he will never write back!! Ughhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!)(:);:4))&;.?;/)!$)(;ggshcgchdsh
Dasey Miranda I’m upset too but I think he held on for the longest time already...he couldn’t continue anymore and I still cry when I think of this but let’s remember his legacy for who he was not for how he died
I seriously cry like everyday its insane! He was amazing! JONGHYUN OPPA he did hold on for a long time :........((
Dasey Miranda 😭😭😭
I am Xiumin therefore I am Jongdae’s wife aaa1
To cope with my black dog i gave it a name.The name is Angelos sad
Listening to music help me,.
YEP look at Kinshasaorchestra vidoe
This is a terrible terrible terrible comparison to what it actually feels like to struggle with depression. I’ve struggled with chronic depression the kind you don’t leave bed with for 20 years.Dogs bring comfort and unconditional love so to utilize a dog as symbolism for Depressive disorder is a really bad creative choice. A demon or a black cloud would’ve been much more akin to what it’s like or a set of weights.
The black dog in this just made me happy and that’s not at all with depression feels like so this was a fail.
I strongly recomend QI Gong or Tai Chi practice
this video needs more asian language captions because many asian countries still suppress talking about mental health and this would be life changing
Holding onto Jesus & meditating on His word, my lifeline. 🙇🏽♀️🇦🇺
Personally I've never really found that the idea of a black dog ever really described what I go through when I'm depressed.
“Black Dog in my head. Guiding me to the end.”
my black dog stole everything from me including my identity
Hi Greeny5727.. Simply reaching out as a wellness counsellor. Please respond to this message if you dont mind
I've tried basically all of these things. if it works for you, though, then good.
Thank you.
All government leaders (which in modern day there aren't many credible ones), need to start putting the mental health of all it's people AHEAD of money, greed, corruption, fiscal policies, trade deals and budgets, etc.......
And of course, who's to say THEY don't have black dogs?
Lifesavers...these videos. Thank you Jesus.
Incredible video!
just explore the bright side and (re)evaluate your life...AND first of all: find the power to do it.
Basically you just said what the video said not too.
Depressie heeft letterlijk vele intense donkere gezichten die in de loop der tijd op kunnen klaren. Al duurt het soms lang maar het gebeurd!!!!
Je vader.
I'm tired, I hate myself but i can't do it nicely😩
Very important message and very good advise. I fully support it; however, it hurts to see a dog being taken as the analogy for depression. Pets are key family members. The analogy risks creating a negative stigma around dogs, which unfortunately may trigger negative behavior towards our loyal 4-leged friends.
What if this person doesn't want to be helped and is tired of helping herself and is afraid of change and feels like what makes her happy right now isn't enough and doesn't know what will make her happy than she is right now. My friend has depression and she doesn't want to live anymore. Feedback would be nice. Thank you
Depression erases all good memories and our ability to recognize the good things in our life. It makes you feel like your life was never good and will never be. You have to reminds your friend of things that made her happy and will happen in her future. I know it will be hard cause she will probably deny them but you have to insist and offer her all your support.
That sounds like untreated depression. Or at least not well-treated depression. Is your friend being treated by a trained professional? There are plenty of GP's and PCP's who really have no idea how to help people with depression. But there are places, clinics, anything to take her gently to, with all the love in the world, so she can keep breathing.
Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You can call it for her. For you.
There are all sorts of Hotlines to call, but this one seems to be more than just a referral service. Call them. You don't have to be actively dying to call them. The idea here is to PREVENT suicide, yeah? Go call them.
My best memories are those of my pet dog which was black and extremely beautiful….Why call it black dog? It’s time we move out of black as being associated with negative stuff.
It's also easy to see narcissism instead of depression, a depressed person can be very self-obsessed and insular, they can be incredibly selfish.
It's important for the carer/partner to take care of themselves, but it's hard because the depressive will see that as rejection, they may also be somewhat paranoid or delusional due to lack of confidence and all the negative self-talk in their head making them tend to accuse you of things you haven't done and doubt your true feelings.
It's often incredibly hard to live with someone during a breakdown, but of course there's very little professional help or consideration for the carer/partner, which is why so many relationships where severe depression is a factor, fail despite any amount of love and compassion, empathy and desire to help and understand on the part of the partner/carer.
Get help early. Talk to the right people. Let go of the belief that it's your problem to fix. Understand that everything you say, or do, may be criticised. Like it says, try not to get sucked into the vortex and honour your own needs.
Finally, remember that life is short. If it becomes too much, be prepared to let go and move on, it could be the best solution for all concerned.
Many thanks, this helps me a lot :)
many many
Everything in the world is relative.
If it's Empathy - look for a reason. Quiet life is heavens... you'll miss it.
WHO, how to get rid off "sharp looking" complex?; when you strain your eyes for something, for some minus reason or not and even picking where to look dot or point (...sometimes before blinking, or so...)?
one of my friends has this. Thanks!
This is such a useful metaphor of depression as "Black Dog" but it really sucks that actual Black dogs and cats are often the last adopted, reflecting our unconscious bias towards everything that is Black. In this sense, this comparison deepens our prejudice towards, and rejection of Black animals (and even people).
Agreed! This is deeply troubling to me that this is coming from the World Health Organization. Perhaps it was something most of us saw as harmless in 2014, but throughout this video all I could think of was "Why are we vilifying a cute black dog?". Surely there's a better metaphor we can find today.
Thank you WHO for giving attention to plight of Depressive people ,they need our help support and care emotional or otherwise ,my elder brother has been suffering from depression since 1996 ,but with continuous treatment and medication he's is somewhat normal now ,but these anti depressent medicine have a very bad side affects on general health particularly cardiac health