So you're planning on buying both versions and then playing the worse one? Thass a good plan. Personally, I'm getting the Switch with BotW on launch and playing the shit out of it. Wanted the game for years and I love the idea of being able to take it with me, playing it on lunch break or something.
Hey guys, great job on the discussion video. It was very informative. I came away from it more knowledgeable. It is good for me to know that I have some place to turn to where in the content rarely no stone is not turned. Props for putting this video under a non-idea situation. Obviously you think about your fans with the effort demonstrated with your content. Thanks. Looking forward to seeing all the videos on the Switch, and of course BOTW.
When they were talking about Mario Kart's battle mode (around 30 minutes into the video) Andre said that the bomb distance felt off. I'm just wondering if he knew about the way you change the distance, namely by holding down the item button to throw farther (they said this in the treehouse segment I believe). Because while I don't know who was playing the demo in the video they just uploaded, they seem to mostly do short throws.
Ah, I see. Still, it could be that it just takes a few matches to get used to (or, like you said, because you were tired). Do you know whether this is a change to how bob-oms work in general or just for battle mode?
GameXplain I found something cool! Pikmin World!!! Also Ass Creed Egypt and Rabbids Invasion!
The general consumer doesn't give a fuck about specs and they don't even know about it. All they know is it plays games and it does both on TV and on the go. Remember, over 61 (updated numbers) million 3DS units sold.
To be fair though, I think Nintendo blowing their entire load in one month is a bad idea. Imagine if we did get Zelda, Splat2n, Fire Emblem Warriors and Super Mario Odyssey all on launch day... then what? Literally nothing else until 2018. I'd rather we had one big title for the month and have it bolstered with smaller titles. For example. March: Zelda April: Fire Emblem Warriors/Arms May: Splatoon 2/Dragon Quest X Jun: Dragon Quest XI/Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2 July: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 And so on and so fourth until Super Mario Odyssey releases in November. I think that's a fine business model because we can live moment to moment with one big thing each month.
AdamGregory03 Yep. It's the old instant gratification vs longterm benefit struggle that we humans deal with all the time. In this case, the instant gratification will probably be the Switch's early undoing. It most certainly has games sprinkled throughout the year. But people complain because they're not swimming in content on the first day, even though they're barely going to enjoy any of it on day one. Like, for me, when Zelda comes out, I'm going to buy industrial sized ramen packs and some adult diapers because I probably won't leave my house/sofa for weeks. If I had Splatoon or Mario on the sam day, they'd just collect dust the entire time.
People are inherently negative. Console launches never have much going on at the start. Heck PS4 didn't even have a Zelda level game at launch. Yet no one was saying "oh it's going to die." Even just the stuff announced looks good enough to want a system in the first year. And yeah there are likely a lot more things announced. No need to drop every single thing at this moment.
I've pre-ordered this baby. I am so hyped for Zelda, guys, and for Xenoblade 2, and for Splatoon 2, and for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Dragon Quest 11. It might not have the best launch line-up, but it has a fucking sweet first year line-up. A MARIO, A MARIO KART, A ZELDA, A SPLATOON, AND A XENOBLADE IN JUST ITS FIRST YEAR. That is unprecedented.
thats the thing guys its less than 2 months away. Theres no time to hold back. Also some people aren't into Zelda so they won't buy it yet. They need sales.
They are going to get sales. It's been a nightmare to try and pre-order that thing. In the end it will be fine. Every console has a limited launch lineup. This gen had anemic launch lineups. At least this thing has Zelda which frankly is a big sell. It may not be for everyone, but frankly it is for enough people that it will get systems sold. Then you just keep dropping games throughout the year to get more people to pick things up. Start out strong with Zelda. Finish the year off strong for the holidays with Mario. The virtual console will help pad things out. And they just need to consistently drop games throughout the year. They have the Nintendo core fans covered, some lighter fun games like Arms, some family focused games, and plenty of ports. If people could survive and thrive with the anemic PS4 launch then they can survive this one. Just need enough worthwhile games and they've announced those.
I got so lucky with my preorder, honestly. It's already selling and it's not even out yet. I think they'll be fine. The PS4 and Xbox One had very little games at launch. At least we have more confirmed games for the Switch than we ever did with the other 2 8th Gen consoles.
Honestly having Zelda at launch, Mario Kart a month or so later, then Splatoon a few months later, and then Mario a few months later is a steady trickle of great games that allows me to space out my play time with each.
I'm frustrated with the amount of freak-out over the "lack" of launch games. Might I remind you that we have the New Zelda AND the New Mainline Mario in time for the System's first Christmas? Might I remind you that this has never happened in the HISTORY of Nintendo? Might I remind you the Wii U still hasn't a non-remake Zelda, and now that it finally does it doesn't matter because the Switch has the definitive version?!? Do you know, if there were more games, what those games would probably be? Unwanted spinoffs, ports, and of course, New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo has A TON of resources poured into these games - you dont GET games like Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey without a bit of slack elsewhere. Sorry boys, but thats not how it works. Point is, a large library means nothing if the releases aren't quality.
The PS4 had basically nothing on launch either, and the exclusives it had like Killzone were just bad, yet the PS4 is a very popular console. People just need to give it time and games will come.
Yeah, Bloodborne is great, but unfortunatly it really doesn't have the amount of collectable armour pieces and weapons to compare with Dark Souls 3. I think the PS4 is doing so well because people still think that it is cheaper than PC gaming and more convinient. Most can't be bothered to worry about finding PC parts but they still want to play the latest games, and most AAA games eventually come out for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, so having either of those platforms to play the majority of the latest games is what people are looking for. The PS4 has a more powerful GPU than the X1. Taadaa, thats why everyone is going towards that.
No one is hyped for Sonic :( it sucks i really think Project Sonic 2017 ill blow us away. They delay the game from the anniversary last year. They learnt fro Sonic 06!
+RasenRendanX Actually, quite a few people are hyped for Sonic 2017. Just that a lot of them are being cautious, but most people are still giving it a chance.
Why are everyone saying that the launch line up is bad?! The PS4 and XBONE launch line ups isn't even that much better. Plus, you're not going to have enough money to buy EVERYTHING at once, do you?
that Joycons is damn packed with features. HD rumble, IR, NFC, individual motion control, wireless connectivity... in that small size... i can see why it's damn expensive...
Kit Kat I would've preferred cutting out the features that developers are less likely to use and applying those extra resources towards horsepower and a price closer to 250 at launch
This is an amazing first year for a console. I can't think of a better console launch. I think the hype and rumors heightened our expectations past a reasonable point... We get a Mario AND a Zelda game, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - How is this bad? What did Xbox and PS4 launch with? N64? "This looks like the Wii U"...? The accessories are expensive *in order* to sell us the console at a reasonable price. The prices will come down before Christmas, everything is expensive at launch. They can only come down from here.
I hear you and kind of agree, but they have a point in the fact that a variety is missing at launch. For me though Zelda at launch is all I need. Mario Kart a month later Slatoon 2 after that and then Mario for Holiday is a good strategy for Nintendo. I am more curious to see what is shown at E3 by Nintendo and both 3rd party and Indi devs.
There's also the matter of options, though. I won't buy games too frequently anyway, but the only game I'm really excited for is BotW. I mean, I'll probably give Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 a try - and I'm waiting to see if FE Warriors will be really good - but if I wasn't such a Nintendo loyalist the Switch's lineup wouldn't be holding my attention.
I doubt it, I really don't see why Nintendo, with the world watching, would intentionally hold back launch titles when they're trying to drum up as much hype to sell consoles at launch.
dot Kiarika Yooka-Laylee is delayed as fuck, I'm so damn salty about it because I backed the game on kickstarter for the Wii U and it won't be on Wii U
Link Too) I backed them too :/ I wrote them several E-Mails if I can get the PC-Version instead of the Wii-U-Version but always no answer… I think I'll never see my Money, that I spend for the game, again in any way, except of the ToyBox
Justifying the Switch Pro Controller price - it has the NFC reader/writer in the center of the controller for amiibo use without needing the Joycon, and it has all of the gyro and accelerometer sensors in the controller that the Joycon controllers do.
Bomberman is a launch title. This is way more hype for me. That and Puyo Puyo Tetris being a couple months later. I got that on my Wii U anyway, so I can wait. But, man, I am so pumped. Can not wait to play Arms, either.
I hope the new "pay for internet" thing is worth it. They could do some neat things with it like microsoft's 4 free games per month if you're a member.
JimBob Billy NO. you get a fucking nes or snes game you can play for a month and if you want to keep you have to buy it. they can't even give people games that 20+ years old for paying for online. Im so mad that they had to jump on the bullshit bandwagon and they have almost nothing to offer you other than the online.
Ppl dont seem to realize just how much time it will take to play BotW. Look at GTA V its 4 years old and ppl still play it i think Zelda will be the same (at least for a year).
CometX-ing This thing will probably end up like the 3ds. Start off really bad but will turn things around. Breath of the Wild though, literally blows away everything the 3DS launched with. Anyways, Nintendo is probably hiding alot more than what was shown at this presentation.
You can prob beat it in one day if you only do the story, but who plays an open world game like that just for the story? Actually I might rush story so I can have my anime waifu Zelda
To summarize : 2017 will be the year of - a new Resident Evil - a new Zelda - a new Mario - a new Red Dead Redemption - a new God of War - a new Persona - a new Xenoblade Chronicles - a new Splatoon That's what I would call a good year for gamers. And I'm surely forgetting some games.
Honestly, for me, the disappointments were outweighed by BotW and the launch date. I'm hoping for more than splatoon, xenoblade 2, and Mario, but I have a ps4 for everything else I want to play. Playing these fantastic games at home and on the go for me is the dream, but I'm not sure it's gonna do it for a lot of other people
Excellent overview of what you guys went through! Sooooo jealous that you managed to give the Switch a shot. Things are certainly looking interesting to say the least-here's hoping it all works out for the best.
I think its important to realize what this event was focused on, getting people interested. Their focus was their biggest IPs for the nintendo fans, but mostly on the Joy cons and the console itself and the fact that so many devs are in on it to. They were essentially trying to sell the switch on developers with this presentation (having all these developers talk so highly about the console and working with nintendo), while mario and zelda were in there for the sake of the fans.
i enjoy how you guys are hyped for it, just like me and my friends are ! i got up early to watch the switch presentation since it was held at 5AM of my local time. i watched it while being on teamspeak with some friends of mine and oh my god... mario odyssey and zelda... we all went crazy ! today i preordered my switch. i can't wait for it ! sure it is a bit expensive, but i kinda like to think that it IS very expensive technology inside like the entire switch mechanic and also the rumble hd etc etc.
I've been pretty critical of the switch, but I think this lineup is pretty good for those who didn't buy a wii u or didn't touch theirs and want to upgrade. Two good games in the form of Bomberman and Zelda and 2 competitve games (MK, Spla2n) launching in the coming summer is pretty sweet. ARMS doesn't look half bad either.
I feel that Nintendo will have a few directs between now and the release of the Switch, because they have to tell us more about the online services, Switch interface, more on the games coming out soon. Just like the Fire Emblem Warriors direct coming soon, Nintendo should do more to help it sell hardware
I'm probably the only one, but I'm actually kind of happy the Switch had a small launch lineup. 1. I'm gonna be playing the hell out of BotW. 2. I don't have enough money to afford many games at the same time. However, I do realise it might not end well for Nintendo sales-wise if they have a small lineup. But who knows, maybe Arms and 1 2 Switch will create a Wii-like phenomenon and it'll sell like crazy.
Pausing the video at 5 mins to ask a question: in comparison out of interest, how bad or better was the 3DS launch window compared to what's being perceived for the Switch?
Every launch lineup for at least two generations has been trash, imo. This might be the best one so far, but that's just because we're getting Zelda at launch.
The 3DS launch lineup was woeful, but I don't think that proves anything too positive for Nintendo as that situation culminated in a huge price drop within literally a few months of its launch. I'd suggest that's something for early adopters of the Switch to bear in mind - me being a major idiot fanboy I'll of course be buying it at this large price and getting screwed over yet again!
God, 5 games for the Switch launch lineup. With over 100+ million system sold, it being another Wii U is a forgone conclusion. Now, we have well over 13k games on the system. Granted, probably a third of it is shovelware but still.
Do any of you think that since Nintendo is encouraging us now to share our gameplay online that this means that we are getting cutscenes like in Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Bros. Switch?...i've been wondering about this since i know that Sakurai didn't like the fact that people shared those cutscene back in Brawl days.
PikminGuy I'm just skeptical because from what it seems they completely removed the old specials (which I'm a little bummed about) so I just hope they keep all the weapon types, which I'm pretty sure they'll do
The thing most people are forgetting is that this console is launching in March. It's not a holiday release like a typical one, therefore Nintendo knows they're not going to catch everyone.. almost all the people buying this in March are people who have been waiting for this for ages and are loyal to Nintendo. The focus on the rest of the gaming audience will happen towards the end of the year, and by then there will be a strong lineup of software.
My gosh, I can't stand my generation. When did we become a bunch of entitled "never-enough" thinkers? When has a console maker ever released a system and revealed every game and feature they have planned for the next 365 days? People, Nintendo just came BACK. They're being bold, innovating, revealing new IPs, making sequels and spin-offs of tent-pole franchises, announcing Direct presentations, and locking in third-parties! We aren't even two weeks into 2017! We're not even 24 hours removed from the REVEAL of the system! Look at the big picture!
+VigilantEternity I agree with how many people have a "never enough" mindset when they are being given something... but Nintendo isn't giving us anything. We are paying our hard earned money for it. Do we not have the right to be rewarded justfully for spending our cash on this console?
I get your point, but with the console launching in 2 months and pre orders starting very soon in some parts of the world so the launch lineup is going to stay this dry (Zelda might be a big game and I'm excited for it, but I wouldn't buy a system for a single game). Moreover, you cannot blame people who think they "not getting enough"- when people would go online and look for a game console or PC they should make a wise decision what product is more worth their money, a console for 250 with a game and many titles, an alright PC with the advantages coming g with having a PC or the switch that is more expensive than both consoles and the concept of the hybrid console of the switch might not appeal to people who just looking for a system to play in their home, and with less titles
The switch is actually $399.99 in Canada ;-;, and the pro controller is $89.99, and the Breath of the Wild master edition is $199.99, it's a sad time for Canadian Nintendo fans...
I'm starting to think people see the Switch as "the thing that only has Mario and Zelda". There are a plethora of games coming out. Just because you're not interested in them doesn't mean that there aren't any. The Switch's launch lineup is actually pretty good between Zelda, Bomberman, Binding of Isaac and 1-2 Switch, as well as the other casual games there. Then in the same month, you also get SnipperClips, I am Setsuna and Has-Been Heroes, which all look great. There's even MK8 Deluxe just a month later. The Switch's lineup is pretty strong, and that's not even considering the games that haven't been announced. Heck, we're even getting a really cool new IP in ARMS that looks like a legitimately good fighting game. There's even Shin Megami Tensei, Sonic Mania, Skyrim, XenoVerse 2 and a new Xenoblade. Even the people whining for Metroid have something to look forward to seeing as Reggie's pretty much confirmed that and Mother 3. What do people mean when they say the Switch has no games?
There are more games that are confirmed but not on the chart: Yooka-Laylee New Pokémon (Pokémon Company confirmed) Rayman Legends Definitive Edition (Ubisoft confirmed) Fire Emblem Warriors (they showed the fucking trailer) Lego City Undercover (Warner Bros confirmed) Beyond Good and Evil 2 New Pikmin (Miyamoto confirmed) Project Sonic 2017 (SEGA confirmed) Dragon Quest games (3) Steep Virtual Console (we just don't know if it would have GC games) Seasons of Heaven Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom More indies... If I remember more I'll update.
I have faith in the future this system has. sure the launch lineup is THE BEST, but once the games do start to get rolling more and more it'll be just fine. It's understandable to want a lot out of the gate but if you can be patient It'll be well worth it in the long run.
Also if there really is not enough Switchs to go around when launch day comes, the amount of time in-between it's launch and the next game your looking forward to will give you an opportunity to get the system in that time and make the period where you get the Switch up until you get that game comes out not as long as it would otherwise seem. If you try and see the positives a couple times and not solely focus on the negatives, the waiting won't be as bad as you think. And eventually the wait will be over and you'll have what you want: a fun video game you enjoy playing.😇😉
There are not many games, but look at the titles we get the first year, a new Zelda, new Mario, updated Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2. All thouse titles are system selling titles so if Nintendo do their marketing right this CAN be a huge succes that will happen during the whole year of 2017.
Wow, the whole fear mongering about a lack of launch games is ridiculous. New Zelda, wii sports-esque demonstration of switch capability in 1,2, switch, and Mario Kart a little under 2 months out. Not to mention later a completely original IP in ARMS, splatoon2, xenoblade 2, a new mario title, skyrim, sonic mania, etc. This is a damn fine first year, you people have very unrealistic expectations.
I should mention this for those who may be interested in ARMS but don't like motion controls. In the Treehouse even yesterday, one of the presenters stated, if you're a classic controller purist, then you won't have to use motion controls. Normal controls are an option as well.
I'm going to have at least 8 Switch games by May 1st (Zelda, Bomberman, Snipperclips, Fast RMX, I am Setsuna, Has-Been Heroes, MK8 DX and Disgaea 5 Complete) that's one new game for me per week. And with the inevitable Virtual Console releases I'll have more to play during launch window (with online play?!) that's not bad at all, and Nintendo has more to announce leading into launch.
The thing I hope for the most with Spla2oon, is that it switches between more stages with each round. Because playing the same two stages for hours in the first game was a drag, and would have seriously deteriated from my overall enjoyment of the game, had the gameplay itself not been so damn fun. So either have us choose the stages ourselves (when playing with friends), have the game choose randomly between all available stages after every round, or at least have it switch between 5 rounds instead of just 2. ....oh, and an ACTUAL local 2-player mode this time, if there's gonna be one at all. The first game didn't have co-op, it had "target practice with a friend"-mode.
Gary Anderson *Looks at profile picture* Okay, first off they said 80 games are currently under development, your expecting none to be done by the time the switch is released? that's insane, by the time the switch is finished/released or a month or two after the switch is officially released the majority of games will be released, so the fact your giving up on the switch because of the lineup is crazy.
You know, in my opinion, the Switch itself as a console is looking *much more better than the Wii U ever had*. HOWEVER, in terms of how Nintendo is marketing this? $70 Pro Controller? $50 PER Joy-Con? Monthly Online Subscription? I thought Nintendo had learned from the Wii U failure, but it seems that they are gonna *KILL* the Switch with these IDIOTIC pricing/marketing garbage they are trying to pull-off with the Switch. I totally agree with you Ash. I'm VERY CONCERNED at this point. :(
Two things I'm most impressed about. 1. We can now play massive open world crisp-looking games on a portable platform. 2. Nintendo managed to combine motion controls in the form of a normal controller. I'll probably buy the system around the holidays, but in doing so will buy 2 of the joy cons with a grip. This gives me 2 motion controllers and 2 normal pro-ish controllers. On another Note: A lot of people think the motion controls are gimmicks, which they kind of are but having that built in will allow Nintendo to put wii games on their virtual console, make new motion control games (and I believe many people are still interested in them at least as an option), and opens up possibilities for Virtual Reality.
+Stonehengoo We'd all wish that it would but it doesn't. Instead, we got a streaming service. +Globin347 No, because many games that will come out for the Switch will likely be exclusives, and most already have a PS4 / X1. What other console would they be needing to buy except for the Switch to play Mario / Zelda / ect?
This console will succeed when 3DS system seller will coming out on the Switch(Monster Hunter, Pokemon, fire emblem, yokai watch...), also i dont own a Wii U, so it will be great if they port bayonetta 2, xenoblade X, wind waker HD, like sony did with last of us and god of war on PS4.
There has to be announcements coming, right? This is the worst launch lineup I can recall. I thought the whole point of delaying the Switch was to make sure it had a robust launch lineup? Seriously, when you consider Zelda was designed for the Wii U and Skylander/Just Dance (can't believe I'm even mentioning this) are ports, that essentially means the only two launch games designed for this console are 1-2 Switch (a glorified tech demo akin to Wii Sports) and Super Bomberman R. That's just... wtf?
It's like me, but cooler The Wii U actually had lots of 3rd party such as Batman, COD Black Ops 2, and Assassins creed. I feel the switch needs more of a launch, maybe another Nintendo game (not huge like Zelda, but decent like a new 2D Mario or some sort of Pokémon spin off) and a few more good AAA and 3rd party games such as Battlefield 1, Mass Effect etc. to really sell to those on the fence about it. Unfortunately it probably won't happen :(
People seem to forget that even Successful consoles this gens launched with next to NOTHING. I mean serious, look at early PS4 games. What big names did the system actually launch with? Knack? I think the fact that Zelda is indeed a launch title is good enough to hold over until the next major first party release, which is thank god unlike the Wii U, Isn't 6 months away.
So here's my problem with the "not a strong launch line up" argument. Very few systems have strong launch line ups. Wii U may have more games than the Switch.... But the Wii U didn't have Legend of Zelda. The sad truth is that Breath of the Wild, much like Twilight Princess... will carry the Switch and make it successful. This is what Nintendo is banking on. If the original Wii hadn't had Twilight Princess, I don't know if it would've had the same strong install base... even with the Wii Sports hype. Cause it was the fact that it offered both experiences that it really connected with a wide crowd. The Switch arguably has a "strong" launch... simply because of the newest Zelda title. New Super Mario Bros. U didn't showcase what the Wii U could do. In fact I think it really turned people off the system sadly. NIntendo Land was a great pack in comparable to Wii Sports, but it didn't have a strong core counter part. The Switch has Zelda as it's core offering, and it has 1,2 Switch as it's family party game. That's actually really solid. Even if Zelda is a Wii U port. It doesn't matter. It's still Zelda, and it looks amazing and the trailer builds huge hype that should carry into the Switches launch. If Nintendo can nail it's launch sales goals and then some I think that will garner the eyes of developers on the fence. Now that said it should be mentioned that the 9 months that follow are also what matters most. The Switch may launch with only one huge core title.... but by Holiday of 2017... the Switches first Christmas when kis will be asking for a system, the Switch will have a good solid line up of games to choose from. Zelda: BotW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8. If Xenoblade Chronciels 2 makes launch this year, even better (as Xenobalde games tend to take a lot longer I am skeptical this one will make it this year)! That is an amazingly solid 9 month core game line up. With some pretty strong distractions in between. As a Nintendo fan that will keep me busy. As long as they have more up their sleeves and coming in 2018 that's great. So I think saying it's only not even a B+ launch is undeserved. When you have a quality title to entertain at launch that is the most important.
I know the launch lineup sucks, but the good thing for me is I don't have to go through planning on which games I should buy. I'll probably just buy Zelda only but I think 1 2 Switch is actually a pretty cool party game too (pls don't argue with me about that, it's just my opinion).
0:00 *Very tired*
0:55 *Switch presentation thoughts/Concerns*
5:35 *Switch hands on*
6:15 *Hardware impressions*
15:30 *( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )*
16:00 *Graphics*
17:10 *Zelda breath of the wild*
25:30 *Splatoon 2*
28:50 *Mario Kart 8 Deluxe*
32:00 *1 - 2 Switch*
34:20 *Arms*
38:40 *Ultra Street Fighter 2*
40:00 *Super Bomberman R*
41:10 *Disgaea 5*
41:50 *Sonic Mania*
42:35 *Puyo Puyo Tetris*
43:30 *Console/Handheld comparisons*
45:28 *Potential*
48:40 *Game lineup*
51:00 *Still very tired*
we need this on top!
I'm just wondering why they didn't cover snipperclips
Somw of these new games are really putting people up in arms
FuegoNintendo ha... hahaha.... "arms."
That's their problem
good pun i think this comment is springing up some possitivity
And here i thought I wasnt suicidal
I think you need to switch off your Internet for a while
To be fair, Breath of the Wild will probably hold me over until Mario Kart Splatoon and odyssey come out so I'll be fine.
Adam Jones same
only a month later
the only issue with that is that I could just go and play it on my wii u instead.
Plus after buying the console and prolly around 5 games this year (plus accessories) I will be spending plenty of money. Lol.
So you're planning on buying both versions and then playing the worse one? Thass a good plan.
Personally, I'm getting the Switch with BotW on launch and playing the shit out of it. Wanted the game for years and I love the idea of being able to take it with me, playing it on lunch break or something.
Hey guys, great job on the discussion video. It was very informative. I came away from it more knowledgeable. It is good for me to know that I have some place to turn to where in the content rarely no stone is not turned. Props for putting this video under a non-idea situation. Obviously you think about your fans with the effort demonstrated with your content. Thanks. Looking forward to seeing all the videos on the Switch, and of course BOTW.
+Jo Rivera Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the kind words :)
When they were talking about Mario Kart's battle mode (around 30 minutes into the video) Andre said that the bomb distance felt off. I'm just wondering if he knew about the way you change the distance, namely by holding down the item button to throw farther (they said this in the treehouse segment I believe). Because while I don't know who was playing the demo in the video they just uploaded, they seem to mostly do short throws.
+MrOzzyboyMC Yep I figured that out while playing. It was still rough to judge
Ah, I see. Still, it could be that it just takes a few matches to get used to (or, like you said, because you were tired). Do you know whether this is a change to how bob-oms work in general or just for battle mode?
GameXplain I found something cool! Pikmin World!!!
Also Ass Creed Egypt and Rabbids Invasion!
MrOzzyboyMC oh wow that's interesting.
Hope these are real. I would love to see Assassin's Creed on the Switch
The general consumer doesn't give a fuck about specs and they don't even know about it. All they know is it plays games and it does both on TV and on the go. Remember, over 61 (updated numbers) million 3DS units sold.
tetsuokenpachi specs, price, software and quality all matter
Is there a hundred million people caring about specs??? You know the answer is no.
Why didn't they buy Wii U? This will flop.
Chase Eberly The 3ds had good launch games? You gotta be kidding me.
KillerCreamstar _
To be fair though, I think Nintendo blowing their entire load in one month is a bad idea. Imagine if we did get Zelda, Splat2n, Fire Emblem Warriors and Super Mario Odyssey all on launch day... then what? Literally nothing else until 2018. I'd rather we had one big title for the month and have it bolstered with smaller titles. For example.
March: Zelda
April: Fire Emblem Warriors/Arms
May: Splatoon 2/Dragon Quest X
Jun: Dragon Quest XI/Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2
July: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
And so on and so fourth until Super Mario Odyssey releases in November. I think that's a fine business model because we can live moment to moment with one big thing each month.
I actually agree with that... Though at the same time I don't know how many other people will.
GroundPoundable FE warriors is holiday 2017
Tyke Source?
AdamGregory03 Yep. It's the old instant gratification vs longterm benefit struggle that we humans deal with all the time. In this case, the instant gratification will probably be the Switch's early undoing. It most certainly has games sprinkled throughout the year. But people complain because they're not swimming in content on the first day, even though they're barely going to enjoy any of it on day one. Like, for me, when Zelda comes out, I'm going to buy industrial sized ramen packs and some adult diapers because I probably won't leave my house/sofa for weeks. If I had Splatoon or Mario on the sam day, they'd just collect dust the entire time.
that's deep
When did everyone get so worried lmao. It's one event they aren't gonna announce all their games on one event
No you dont get it, If nintendo isnt IMMEDIATELY successful then the company is DOOOOOOOMED!
Because people cant be Chill bout anything.
Ben.Young76 launch games yes they did. look at march and april. triple aaa titles you have zelda. and a port of mario kart 8.
Ben.Young76 the same people saying ns sucks would be on there knees if this was the ps 5
Ben.Young76 people were rightfully expecting more launch titles more 3rd party and the accessories are crazy overpriced
People are inherently negative. Console launches never have much going on at the start. Heck PS4 didn't even have a Zelda level game at launch. Yet no one was saying "oh it's going to die."
Even just the stuff announced looks good enough to want a system in the first year. And yeah there are likely a lot more things announced. No need to drop every single thing at this moment.
I've pre-ordered this baby. I am so hyped for Zelda, guys, and for Xenoblade 2, and for Splatoon 2, and for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Dragon Quest 11.
It might not have the best launch line-up, but it has a fucking sweet first year line-up. A MARIO, A MARIO KART, A ZELDA, A SPLATOON, AND A XENOBLADE IN JUST ITS FIRST YEAR. That is unprecedented.
Man crazy that this was almost 3 years ago, I remember how hype it was when this first came out
Okay I'm more hyped then I was before, but the lack of games for the first month is abit mehh but hopefully it 'll be fine overall.
Nova Bushido There could be more
Nova Bushido I mean botw will take so long to fully explore that will quench my thirst
thats the thing guys its less than 2 months away. Theres no time to hold back.
Also some people aren't into Zelda so they won't buy it yet. They need sales.
They are going to get sales. It's been a nightmare to try and pre-order that thing.
In the end it will be fine. Every console has a limited launch lineup. This gen had anemic launch lineups. At least this thing has Zelda which frankly is a big sell. It may not be for everyone, but frankly it is for enough people that it will get systems sold. Then you just keep dropping games throughout the year to get more people to pick things up.
Start out strong with Zelda. Finish the year off strong for the holidays with Mario. The virtual console will help pad things out. And they just need to consistently drop games throughout the year. They have the Nintendo core fans covered, some lighter fun games like Arms, some family focused games, and plenty of ports.
If people could survive and thrive with the anemic PS4 launch then they can survive this one. Just need enough worthwhile games and they've announced those.
I got so lucky with my preorder, honestly. It's already selling and it's not even out yet. I think they'll be fine. The PS4 and Xbox One had very little games at launch. At least we have more confirmed games for the Switch than we ever did with the other 2 8th Gen consoles.
Honestly having Zelda at launch, Mario Kart a month or so later, then Splatoon a few months later, and then Mario a few months later is a steady trickle of great games that allows me to space out my play time with each.
I'm frustrated with the amount of freak-out over the "lack" of launch games.
Might I remind you that we have the New Zelda AND the New Mainline Mario in time for the System's first Christmas? Might I remind you that this has never happened in the HISTORY of Nintendo? Might I remind you the Wii U still hasn't a non-remake Zelda, and now that it finally does it doesn't matter because the Switch has the definitive version?!?
Do you know, if there were more games, what those games would probably be? Unwanted spinoffs, ports, and of course, New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo has A TON of resources poured into these games - you dont GET games like Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey without a bit of slack elsewhere. Sorry boys, but thats not how it works.
Point is, a large library means nothing if the releases aren't quality.
The PS4 had basically nothing on launch either, and the exclusives it had like Killzone were just bad, yet the PS4 is a very popular console. People just need to give it time and games will come.
That didn't work for the Wii U.
The German Mason very true I love the PS4 and I know I'll love the switch if they give us more great games than they already have shown
Lord Raven Bloodborne is a masterpiece and would make any system worthwhile, in this case though it just makes the ps4 100x better lol
Yeah, Bloodborne is great, but unfortunatly it really doesn't have the amount of collectable armour pieces and weapons to compare with Dark Souls 3.
I think the PS4 is doing so well because people still think that it is cheaper than PC gaming and more convinient. Most can't be bothered to worry about finding PC parts but they still want to play the latest games, and most AAA games eventually come out for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, so having either of those platforms to play the majority of the latest games is what people are looking for.
The PS4 has a more powerful GPU than the X1. Taadaa, thats why everyone is going towards that.
5 minutes ago I was able to pre-order my bleu/red switch on best buy!
Am I dreaming?!
Just hope that you'll get it on release cuz its possible that there aren't enough Switches on sale on day one
True, but if that's the case, I still can cancel the order
And then? :D
Well I guess Amazon will figure it out (hopefully). Not too sure about it since something can always go wrong
The German Mason
With Amazon my accelerated pokemon Sun has come in late
But this time I'm with best buy ^^
Marc-Min My brother was able to pre-order one too so I'm happy too!!!!!
"Bomberman is not a system seller" thats not what my friend said lol
TheGameSlasherz lol
TheGameSlasherz same
TheGameSlasherz It most definitely isn't.
for some people it is and some it isn't. but we are all different and i need another game to play besides Zelda at launch
we can agree on one thing: its infinitely better than the wii u and 3ds launch years
Joshua Iungerich BUT NINTENDOGS
Mother 3 will most likely, if at all be announced the same time as Virtual console
PK Ben never happening
Cody Plays Some Games source
PK Ben nintendo is nintendo
I win sorry bro
Cody Plays Some Games source
PK Ben 1 V 1 ME
Seems people are forgetting that Yooka Laylee is also coming in Spring 2017 (I believe) along with Project Sonic 2017 in Holiday.
No one is hyped for Sonic :( it sucks i really think Project Sonic 2017 ill blow us away. They delay the game from the anniversary last year. They learnt fro Sonic 06!
+RasenRendanX Actually, quite a few people are hyped for Sonic 2017. Just that a lot of them are being cautious, but most people are still giving it a chance.
Why are everyone saying that the launch line up is bad?! The PS4 and XBONE launch line ups isn't even that much better. Plus, you're not going to have enough money to buy EVERYTHING at once, do you?
forget the launch title
just thnk a 2017 title coming to switch,ps4 and xbox.. v are comparing tis year,wat we going to play.
The switch won't be competing with the PS4 and XBox One launch lineups. It has to compete with those console's current lineups.
DreadWing So a copy-paste of a game we already have, Two other shooters that don't matter, and a buggy mess? Doesn't sound 100% better to me...
MashUp Art it still is better because here it's only 1 game that will take your time
Young Man Yet That game is going to be amazing.
that Joycons is damn packed with features. HD rumble, IR, NFC, individual motion control, wireless connectivity... in that small size... i can see why it's damn expensive...
Kit Kat I would've preferred cutting out the features that developers are less likely to use and applying those extra resources towards horsepower and a price closer to 250 at launch
Alex Franco well rip u cause that sounds boring
yeah, some would rather have free online service too. some would rather have 4k.. you cant just get everything you want..
Kit Kat except on PC.....
Except not.
i want a game about miyamoto and bowser raising bowser jr
Who's bower?
I want Bowser xxx Myiamoto simulator for the Switch.
HMM definitely
This is an amazing first year for a console. I can't think of a better console launch. I think the hype and rumors heightened our expectations past a reasonable point... We get a Mario AND a Zelda game, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - How is this bad? What did Xbox and PS4 launch with? N64? "This looks like the Wii U"...? The accessories are expensive *in order* to sell us the console at a reasonable price. The prices will come down before Christmas, everything is expensive at launch. They can only come down from here.
i fixed the bower mistake
ppl really complain too much. that launch looks pretty good. I'm not planning to buy 10 games in two months anyway
I completely agree
I hear you and kind of agree, but they have a point in the fact that a variety is missing at launch. For me though Zelda at launch is all I need. Mario Kart a month later Slatoon 2 after that and then Mario for Holiday is a good strategy for Nintendo. I am more curious to see what is shown at E3 by Nintendo and both 3rd party and Indi devs.
Everyone has different needs as a consumer. Some people need a lot of games, some don't.
There's also the matter of options, though. I won't buy games too frequently anyway, but the only game I'm really excited for is BotW.
I mean, I'll probably give Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 a try - and I'm waiting to see if FE Warriors will be really good - but if I wasn't such a Nintendo loyalist the Switch's lineup wouldn't be holding my attention.
Who else is excited for ARMS?
my hands are
i am. but y'know americans. they don't like to move when they play games.
videogameprof pinball was the limit x3 maybe air hockey, then any more and it becomes a sport
Limitz 2OP The sequel will probably be called LEGS or DICKS. lol
TrueJediHero lmao LEGS! I can imagine Etika saying that xD
Watching this is 2024 I cannot believe what they are hearing!!! 2017 Switch launch was GOATED! Wow!
That1GuyWhoLikesCheese we saw it for a second
That1GuyWhoLikesCheese we saw that earlier.
Mega Geek6807 Where?
He means the UI
we have around 40 days left and 80 games are still in development. I definitely think there will be more launch games
I doubt it, I really don't see why Nintendo, with the world watching, would intentionally hold back launch titles when they're trying to drum up as much hype to sell consoles at launch.
MarioGammer lol yeah
There had better be more games. If not...
Well, I'm hesitant to say that Nintendo would be screwed, but they would definitely be in hot water.
+Jeremy Hervieux maybe it wasn't nintendo's choice, but the developer's. Maybe there'll be some eshop titles.
MarioGammer what do u mean 40 days?
Isn't both Bloodstained and Yooka Laylee coming out this year? I hope we get that day one, it will help out a little...
dot Kiarika I believe Bloodstained isn't coming out until 2018.
dot Kiarika yooka leyley isn't coming til april
dot Kiarika Yooka-Laylee is delayed as fuck, I'm so damn salty about it because I backed the game on kickstarter for the Wii U and it won't be on Wii U
I wouldn't expect Blloodstained this year.
As a Life long castlevania fan, i can vouch, the game looks really primitive.
Link Too) I backed them too :/
I wrote them several E-Mails if I can get the PC-Version instead of the Wii-U-Version but always no answer… I think I'll never see my Money, that I spend for the game, again in any way, except of the ToyBox
Justifying the Switch Pro Controller price - it has the NFC reader/writer in the center of the controller for amiibo use without needing the Joycon, and it has all of the gyro and accelerometer sensors in the controller that the Joycon controllers do.
Bomberman is a launch title. This is way more hype for me. That and Puyo Puyo Tetris being a couple months later.
I got that on my Wii U anyway, so I can wait. But, man, I am so pumped. Can not wait to play Arms, either.
Medachod ARMS looks surprisingly awesome, a great shit-talkin game and seems to have some strategy to it too!
Arms looks so damn fun. I can not wait to get up, I won't torture you with that pun.
But, it looks so fun.
"Link rides Andre"
I hope the new "pay for internet" thing is worth it. They could do some neat things with it like microsoft's 4 free games per month if you're a member.
JimBob Billy they are doing that except its an NES and SNES game and you can only play it for that one month. So pretty bad imo
JimBob Billy yea but it's only NES and SNES I fine with those but wish there were other consoles too! But still fined and hyped!
JimBob Billy I agree
JimBob Billy NO. you get a fucking nes or snes game you can play for a month and if you want to keep you have to buy it. they can't even give people games that 20+ years old for paying for online. Im so mad that they had to jump on the bullshit bandwagon and they have almost nothing to offer you other than the online.
i guess we'll just have to wait and see if they decide to give us something other than just internet for our money
7:15 Projared and the Completionist are on the left :)
ProJirard the Finishist!
To be honest my backlog is so huge i literally would not care if that is the final launch lineup. Zelda and Bomberman will be fine for me.
Gamers are pretty spoiled these days
Ppl dont seem to realize just how much time it will take to play BotW. Look at GTA V its 4 years old and ppl still play it i think Zelda will be the same (at least for a year).
Pass_the_M Same
Thank you guys SO MUCH for making all these videos even when your not feeling 100% it means a lot to the subscribers :)
Launch lineups are almost always bad.
Botw ?
but the key word is "almost"
CometX-ing This thing will probably end up like the 3ds. Start off really bad but will turn things around. Breath of the Wild though, literally blows away everything the 3DS launched with. Anyways, Nintendo is probably hiding alot more than what was shown at this presentation.
PS4's and Xbox One actually had really good lineups. Lot's of good 3rd party support.
Paladin Joe Hah no they didn't ps4 launched with 2 games bruh
Breath of the wild will prob take like 2 months to beat
And after that's done, you can move on to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Splatoon 2.
Or a long week with no sleep
Geo Peppe I think a few years to beat tbh the amount of time put into the game is crazy
You can prob beat it in one day if you only do the story, but who plays an open world game like that just for the story?
Actually I might rush story so I can have my anime waifu Zelda
Challenge accepted
Derrick couldn't survive to host this ;)
My Account I know, but usually Andre and Ash go to these events, and he hosts the discussions to ask them questions
To summarize : 2017 will be the year of
- a new Resident Evil
- a new Zelda
- a new Mario
- a new Red Dead Redemption
- a new God of War
- a new Persona
- a new Xenoblade Chronicles
- a new Splatoon
That's what I would call a good year for gamers. And I'm surely forgetting some games.
You forgot a new Soinc and i aint talking Sonic mania.
Yeah i saw that RDR 2 will come out in the fall like around september i think.
RasenRendan X Yeah... Sonic...
+LazoW Why isnt anyone excited for Sonic??????? everyone i see has that same reaction. You honestly dont think they didnt learn from Sonic 06 do you?
RasenRendan X I can't talk for everyone, but I've never cared about Sonic.
37:03 ~ Oh look! It's ProJared and Jirard the Completionist.
😂 wow that's crazy.
I hope it's like the 3ds and just shoots up in popularity later
ConquerBacon it's already popular
When is that dope looking square Enix RPG coming out?
Brohansan I was thinking the same thing! It's only confirmed for Japan for now though :(
A.L Joseph
Y so sad?
The Switch is not region locked
Patrick/ /Nintendo channel true dat. If that game is good I'm totally importing it. It looks really cool.
Yeah. I really want to play it.
Are you all talking about project octopath traveler?
Honestly, for me, the disappointments were outweighed by BotW and the launch date. I'm hoping for more than splatoon, xenoblade 2, and Mario, but I have a ps4 for everything else I want to play. Playing these fantastic games at home and on the go for me is the dream, but I'm not sure it's gonna do it for a lot of other people
Trevor Robinette everyone forgets the people who use the school bus.
Everyone will be using it
Excellent overview of what you guys went through! Sooooo jealous that you managed to give the Switch a shot. Things are certainly looking interesting to say the least-here's hoping it all works out for the best.
I think its important to realize what this event was focused on, getting people interested. Their focus was their biggest IPs for the nintendo fans, but mostly on the Joy cons and the console itself and the fact that so many devs are in on it to. They were essentially trying to sell the switch on developers with this presentation (having all these developers talk so highly about the console and working with nintendo), while mario and zelda were in there for the sake of the fans.
There are alot more Switch announcements leading up to March 3rd. Likely all will be revealed next month in a Nintendo Direct.
sonicgalaxy27 why should he
I hope they do but I'm not holding my breath. It just doesn't make sense. Why would Nintendo wait until later and create uncertainty?
C Robinson next week they're doing a fire emblem direct so I think we'll be seeing more in the next month hopefully
C Robinson Yeah, like I'm wondering about this Fire Emblem direct on the 18th next week already! Woohoo!
+sonicgalaxy27 What? Did I say something wrong, or offend you in some way?
I will get Zelda and 1 2 Switch day one hopefully
SuperKoopaTV I hope I get them day one as well! :)
SuperKoopaTV Man so many haters out there yeah the game might be a bit cringy but it looks fun af people need to chill
Banano Jugueton people are just mad because of the fake rumor that Metroid was coming at the presentation
I want to get the grey switch BOTW and bomberman R. I just hope All the stores are fully stocked
are there any more upcoming Nintendo presentations or possible announcements before E3
Alex Franco there could be
I heard there is a Fire Emblem Direct pretty soon.
Alex Franco fire emblem presentation? Directs?
Alex Franco There's a Fire Emblem direct on the 18th
next week theres a fire emblem direct :D
i enjoy how you guys are hyped for it, just like me and my friends are ! i got up early to watch the switch presentation since it was held at 5AM of my local time. i watched it while being on teamspeak with some friends of mine and oh my god... mario odyssey and zelda... we all went crazy ! today i preordered my switch. i can't wait for it ! sure it is a bit expensive, but i kinda like to think that it IS very expensive technology inside like the entire switch mechanic and also the rumble hd etc etc.
I've been pretty critical of the switch, but I think this lineup is pretty good for those who didn't buy a wii u or didn't touch theirs and want to upgrade. Two good games in the form of Bomberman and Zelda and 2 competitve games (MK, Spla2n) launching in the coming summer is pretty sweet. ARMS doesn't look half bad either.
I feel that Nintendo will have a few directs between now and the release of the Switch, because they have to tell us more about the online services, Switch interface, more on the games coming out soon. Just like the Fire Emblem Warriors direct coming soon, Nintendo should do more to help it sell hardware
I'm probably the only one, but I'm actually kind of happy the Switch had a small launch lineup.
1. I'm gonna be playing the hell out of BotW.
2. I don't have enough money to afford many games at the same time.
However, I do realise it might not end well for Nintendo sales-wise if they have a small lineup. But who knows, maybe Arms and 1 2 Switch will create a Wii-like phenomenon and it'll sell like crazy.
Pausing the video at 5 mins to ask a question: in comparison out of interest, how bad or better was the 3DS launch window compared to what's being perceived for the Switch?
SpiderKnife OMG I just looked it up and it's so much worse than this
but then when you look at the 3DS's whole lifespan it did very well, so I don't know why people think the switch is dead due to the launch lineup.
Every launch lineup for at least two generations has been trash, imo.
This might be the best one so far, but that's just because we're getting Zelda at launch.
The 3DS launch lineup was woeful, but I don't think that proves anything too positive for Nintendo as that situation culminated in a huge price drop within literally a few months of its launch. I'd suggest that's something for early adopters of the Switch to bear in mind - me being a major idiot fanboy I'll of course be buying it at this large price and getting screwed over yet again!
+Cream147player "Additionally Early Adopters will get to play free online forever to make up for this impromptu price cut."
God, 5 games for the Switch launch lineup. With over 100+ million system sold, it being another Wii U is a forgone conclusion. Now, we have well over 13k games on the system. Granted, probably a third of it is shovelware but still.
I'm so happy to hear yall's honesty at the beginning of this. Great video guys
Do any of you think that since Nintendo is encouraging us now to share our gameplay online that this means that we are getting cutscenes like in Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Bros. Switch?...i've been wondering about this since i know that Sakurai didn't like the fact that people shared those cutscene back in Brawl days.
oh shit u right...sorry. I'll change that.
Edson Vaz The system could block certain things so you can't share it. PS4 does the same thing.
Subspace Emissary is literally my childhood. I would cry if they added that Super Smash Bros. Switch.
I love the whole "turning into trophies or being tapped to get revived" thing... I don't know why...
I love how they put Dragon ball xenoverse 2 in simple text not even a logo on the game line-up picture
Frog wizard lol it's like they whispered it
Trevor A. Nah it's probably just to show that it's coming out very late this year and not to make people excited
what do you think
Of course there should. There are only 4 weapons for the demo.
PikminGuy I'm just skeptical because from what it seems they completely removed the old specials (which I'm a little bummed about) so I just hope they keep all the weapon types, which I'm pretty sure they'll do
oc, why wouldnt they be in the game
imagine getting old weapon classes from story mode like the first one
The thing most people are forgetting is that this console is launching in March. It's not a holiday release like a typical one, therefore Nintendo knows they're not going to catch everyone.. almost all the people buying this in March are people who have been waiting for this for ages and are loyal to Nintendo. The focus on the rest of the gaming audience will happen towards the end of the year, and by then there will be a strong lineup of software.
haha the amount of times that the pics change to that guy with the coconut bald spot made me chortle
My gosh, I can't stand my generation. When did we become a bunch of entitled "never-enough" thinkers? When has a console maker ever released a system and revealed every game and feature they have planned for the next 365 days? People, Nintendo just came BACK. They're being bold, innovating, revealing new IPs, making sequels and spin-offs of tent-pole franchises, announcing Direct presentations, and locking in third-parties! We aren't even two weeks into 2017! We're not even 24 hours removed from the REVEAL of the system! Look at the big picture!
Apparently at some point, entertainment became a right. People are not smart.
+VigilantEternity I agree with how many people have a "never enough" mindset when they are being given something... but Nintendo isn't giving us anything. We are paying our hard earned money for it. Do we not have the right to be rewarded justfully for spending our cash on this console?
I get your point, but with the console launching in 2 months and pre orders starting very soon in some parts of the world so the launch lineup is going to stay this dry (Zelda might be a big game and I'm excited for it, but I wouldn't buy a system for a single game). Moreover, you cannot blame people who think they "not getting enough"- when people would go online and look for a game console or PC they should make a wise decision what product is more worth their money, a console for 250 with a game and many titles, an alright PC with the advantages coming g with having a PC or the switch that is more expensive than both consoles and the concept of the hybrid console of the switch might not appeal to people who just looking for a system to play in their home, and with less titles
I know they would probably not even like the N64. It launched with just two games. Pilot Wings 64 and Mario 64.
The switch is actually $399.99 in Canada ;-;, and the pro controller is $89.99, and the Breath of the Wild master edition is $199.99, it's a sad time for Canadian Nintendo fans...
FruitYoshi the struggle of having a shitty dollar
FruitYoshi it's not 400 Dollars in Canada, its 343 dollars Canadian, at least in British columbia
FruitYoshi Why buy another controller?
But 400 Canadian dollars is 300 usd
have u seen the aussie prices? smh
There won't even be any virtual console games at launch? I would love to have N64 + GameCube games for download.
I love it how on the screen that shows all the games every game has its respective logo but Dagon Ball Xenoverse is in plain text.
I'm starting to think people see the Switch as "the thing that only has Mario and Zelda".
There are a plethora of games coming out. Just because you're not interested in them doesn't mean that there aren't any.
The Switch's launch lineup is actually pretty good between Zelda, Bomberman, Binding of Isaac and 1-2 Switch, as well as the other casual games there. Then in the same month, you also get SnipperClips, I am Setsuna and Has-Been Heroes, which all look great. There's even MK8 Deluxe just a month later.
The Switch's lineup is pretty strong, and that's not even considering the games that haven't been announced. Heck, we're even getting a really cool new IP in ARMS that looks like a legitimately good fighting game. There's even Shin Megami Tensei, Sonic Mania, Skyrim, XenoVerse 2 and a new Xenoblade.
Even the people whining for Metroid have something to look forward to seeing as Reggie's pretty much confirmed that and Mother 3. What do people mean when they say the Switch has no games?
There are more games that are confirmed but not on the chart:
New Pokémon (Pokémon Company confirmed)
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition (Ubisoft confirmed)
Fire Emblem Warriors (they showed the fucking trailer)
Lego City Undercover (Warner Bros confirmed)
Beyond Good and Evil 2
New Pikmin (Miyamoto confirmed)
Project Sonic 2017 (SEGA confirmed)
Dragon Quest games (3)
Virtual Console (we just don't know if it would have GC games)
Seasons of Heaven
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
More indies...
If I remember more I'll update.
Bruno Garcia rime
lana delrey yes. But I'm referring to games not listed on the chart they put up at the video. Rime is already listed.
Bruno Garcia beyond good and evil is still not confirmed just a rumor even though I wish it wasn't a rumor though
fire emblem warriors?
the hype is real for the switch
I have faith in the future this system has. sure the launch lineup is THE BEST, but once the games do start to get rolling more and more it'll be just fine. It's understandable to want a lot out of the gate but if you can be patient It'll be well worth it in the long run.
Also if there really is not enough Switchs to go around when launch day comes, the amount of time in-between it's launch and the next game your looking forward to will give you an opportunity to get the system in that time and make the period where you get the Switch up until you get that game comes out not as long as it would otherwise seem. If you try and see the positives a couple times and not solely focus on the negatives, the waiting won't be as bad as you think. And eventually the wait will be over and you'll have what you want: a fun video game you enjoy playing.😇😉
There are not many games, but look at the titles we get the first year, a new Zelda, new Mario, updated Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2. All thouse titles are system selling titles so if Nintendo do their marketing right this CAN be a huge succes that will happen during the whole year of 2017.
A Luigi's Mansion game for Switch would be awesome, with the HD rumble replicating the feeling of the Poltergust sucking up ghosts and coins and stuff
Don't tell me you guys still believe Mario x Rabbids is real.
Broface ikr
Broface lol ikr
Broface there was Mario and Luigi in rabbid suits in a Sony presentation sooooo
Broface there are still 80 games still in development, and we still haven't seen Ubisoft's game yet
Gingerbread Almond Biscotti they showed a ray man game in the rap up trailer
Wow, the whole fear mongering about a lack of launch games is ridiculous. New Zelda, wii sports-esque demonstration of switch capability in 1,2, switch, and Mario Kart a little under 2 months out. Not to mention later a completely original IP in ARMS, splatoon2, xenoblade 2, a new mario title, skyrim, sonic mania, etc. This is a damn fine first year, you people have very unrealistic expectations.
I agree but people think they're edgelords and intellectuals if they bitch all the time. Their loss
+David Richard lol.
Tov From Toversations this, ppl gotta monger something
7:09 ProJared & Completionists in the left
Erick Dorsainvil if you look at the time 7:09 you will see a wild projared who Hasn't uploaded a video in 15 years
Rip Projared, he couldn't make it through the hardcore :(
I should mention this for those who may be interested in ARMS but don't like motion controls. In the Treehouse even yesterday, one of the presenters stated, if you're a classic controller purist, then you won't have to use motion controls. Normal controls are an option as well.
Nothing in 2017 is going to "make or break" the Switch. Even if it has an awful first year, it can still get better and go on to be a huge success.
Guys, there's a Splatoon track in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe trailer. I think it's safe to assume there will be new tracks.
Rc there are no new race tracks. confirmed by Nintendo Japan tonight.
I mistook the Splatoon battle arena as a racetrack. My bad!
not getting the switch for launch but if I beat my summer semester, this will be my reward!:)
eule franz good luck!
Ty m8 physics is hard
Frankly, I am super excited about the Shin Megami Tensei 25th Anniversary Project.
Adrian Morales this
Glad I am not the only one
I'm going to have at least 8 Switch games by May 1st (Zelda, Bomberman, Snipperclips, Fast RMX, I am Setsuna, Has-Been Heroes, MK8 DX and Disgaea 5 Complete) that's one new game for me per week. And with the inevitable Virtual Console releases I'll have more to play during launch window (with online play?!) that's not bad at all, and Nintendo has more to announce leading into launch.
+Travis Janot What about ARMS? Are you getting it?
The thing I hope for the most with Spla2oon, is that it switches between more stages with each round. Because playing the same two stages for hours in the first game was a drag, and would have seriously deteriated from my overall enjoyment of the game, had the gameplay itself not been so damn fun. So either have us choose the stages ourselves (when playing with friends), have the game choose randomly between all available stages after every round, or at least have it switch between 5 rounds instead of just 2.
....oh, and an ACTUAL local 2-player mode this time, if there's gonna be one at all. The first game didn't have co-op, it had "target practice with a friend"-mode.
IGN The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Review: 7.8/10 Too much grass
"Too much grass... and you can't even smoke it"
Jannis Go green
If it rendered more than 20 feet in front of you, lol.
E3 better be good.
Gary Anderson *Looks at profile picture* Okay, first off they said 80 games are currently under development, your expecting none to be done by the time the switch is released? that's insane, by the time the switch is finished/released or a month or two after the switch is officially released the majority of games will be released, so the fact your giving up on the switch because of the lineup is crazy.
A.L Joseph yeah because we know how much they cared last e3. It was the Nintendo attitude of why are we here? If this e3 they need a comeback
You know, in my opinion, the Switch itself as a console is looking *much more better than the Wii U ever had*.
HOWEVER, in terms of how Nintendo is marketing this? $70 Pro Controller? $50 PER Joy-Con? Monthly Online Subscription?
I thought Nintendo had learned from the Wii U failure, but it seems that they are gonna *KILL* the Switch with these IDIOTIC pricing/marketing garbage they are trying to pull-off with the Switch. I totally agree with you Ash. I'm VERY CONCERNED at this point. :(
Two things I'm most impressed about.
1. We can now play massive open world crisp-looking games on a portable platform.
2. Nintendo managed to combine motion controls in the form of a normal controller. I'll probably buy the system around the holidays, but in doing so will buy 2 of the joy cons with a grip. This gives me 2 motion controllers and 2 normal pro-ish controllers.
On another Note: A lot of people think the motion controls are gimmicks, which they kind of are but having that built in will allow Nintendo to put wii games on their virtual console, make new motion control games (and I believe many people are still interested in them at least as an option), and opens up possibilities for Virtual Reality.
Glad to see you guys came down to earth a little.
is that projared in the background?
vjoe Agogo yes
+Tyke damn he's got cameo range.
Do you think Nintendo is going to make an Animal Crossing for the switch
yes, but that same core also makes Splatoon, so Splatoon 2 means they've delayed development on Animal Crossing. Probably 2018 or 2019 for AC:Switch
clawd10 if they don't a certain little some1 with a red shirt is getting his axe out
And its not for cutting trees XD
I hope so. I was so waiting for that to be announced!
If so, I hope you can have the option to place things closer together with out hacking
I've gotten to the point of full body convulsions every time i think about BoTW
Max Castillon Same dude haha.
Thanks for the in-depth analysis. I definitely think this video would honestly help people get a better grasp of the console.
For me, someone who doesnt own a wii u, the switch looks awesome. Games like Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and splatoon are amazing games i have to play.
I'm sorry, but is that ProJared at 7:10,...bottom left
Yup. With Jirard the Completionist. It's ProJirard the Finishist!
The PS4 launch was as horrible... the only two exclusives were Killzone and Resogun.
Oh yeah... Klank also.
And Killzone was terrible.
New consoles on launch are always a bit, bad because lack of games. But more games will come, always.
but wasn't it compatible with PS3 games
But if people buy another console before those games come out, they won't be likely to buy the switch anyway.
We'd all wish that it would but it doesn't. Instead, we got a streaming service.
No, because many games that will come out for the Switch will likely be exclusives, and most already have a PS4 / X1. What other console would they be needing to buy except for the Switch to play Mario / Zelda / ect?
This console will succeed when 3DS system seller will coming out on the Switch(Monster Hunter, Pokemon, fire emblem, yokai watch...), also i dont own a Wii U, so it will be great if they port bayonetta 2, xenoblade X, wind waker HD, like sony did with last of us and god of war on PS4.
Mehdi Sadik Windwaker HD would be a port of a remake.
That seems very unlikely...
I didnt play it, so il be happy to get this remaster on the switch.
Just playing Animal Crossing on my 3DS while listening to this; super relaxing.
I'm just glad the click will feel just as satisfying as it sounds in the trailers cause I'm gonna be doing that for atleast half an hour straight
There has to be announcements coming, right? This is the worst launch lineup I can recall.
I thought the whole point of delaying the Switch was to make sure it had a robust launch lineup? Seriously, when you consider Zelda was designed for the Wii U and Skylander/Just Dance (can't believe I'm even mentioning this) are ports, that essentially means the only two launch games designed for this console are 1-2 Switch (a glorified tech demo akin to Wii Sports) and Super Bomberman R.
That's just... wtf?
ValensBellator the Wii U only had Maro and Nintendo land, the 3ds had only Mario and 3D mario
It's like me, but cooler The Wii U actually had lots of 3rd party such as Batman, COD Black Ops 2, and Assassins creed. I feel the switch needs more of a launch, maybe another Nintendo game (not huge like Zelda, but decent like a new 2D Mario or some sort of Pokémon spin off) and a few more good AAA and 3rd party games such as Battlefield 1, Mass Effect etc. to really sell to those on the fence about it. Unfortunately it probably won't happen :(
People seem to forget that even Successful consoles this gens launched with next to NOTHING. I mean serious, look at early PS4 games. What big names did the system actually launch with? Knack? I think the fact that Zelda is indeed a launch title is good enough to hold over until the next major first party release, which is thank god unlike the Wii U, Isn't 6 months away.
DaDood but the ps4 actually had third party games and not only that but GOOD TRIPLE A third party games.
Those were not good 3rd party games
what 3rd party games are those?
No good third party games? Skyrim. I would consider that good.
So here's my problem with the "not a strong launch line up" argument. Very few systems have strong launch line ups. Wii U may have more games than the Switch....
But the Wii U didn't have Legend of Zelda.
The sad truth is that Breath of the Wild, much like Twilight Princess... will carry the Switch and make it successful. This is what Nintendo is banking on. If the original Wii hadn't had Twilight Princess, I don't know if it would've had the same strong install base... even with the Wii Sports hype. Cause it was the fact that it offered both experiences that it really connected with a wide crowd.
The Switch arguably has a "strong" launch... simply because of the newest Zelda title. New Super Mario Bros. U didn't showcase what the Wii U could do. In fact I think it really turned people off the system sadly. NIntendo Land was a great pack in comparable to Wii Sports, but it didn't have a strong core counter part.
The Switch has Zelda as it's core offering, and it has 1,2 Switch as it's family party game. That's actually really solid. Even if Zelda is a Wii U port. It doesn't matter. It's still Zelda, and it looks amazing and the trailer builds huge hype that should carry into the Switches launch.
If Nintendo can nail it's launch sales goals and then some I think that will garner the eyes of developers on the fence.
Now that said it should be mentioned that the 9 months that follow are also what matters most. The Switch may launch with only one huge core title.... but by Holiday of 2017... the Switches first Christmas when kis will be asking for a system, the Switch will have a good solid line up of games to choose from.
Zelda: BotW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8. If Xenoblade Chronciels 2 makes launch this year, even better (as Xenobalde games tend to take a lot longer I am skeptical this one will make it this year)! That is an amazingly solid 9 month core game line up. With some pretty strong distractions in between. As a Nintendo fan that will keep me busy. As long as they have more up their sleeves and coming in 2018 that's great.
So I think saying it's only not even a B+ launch is undeserved. When you have a quality title to entertain at launch that is the most important.
The thumbnails on these videos is always the greatest
I know the launch lineup sucks, but the good thing for me is I don't have to go through planning on which games I should buy. I'll probably just buy Zelda only but I think 1 2 Switch is actually a pretty cool party game too (pls don't argue with me about that, it's just my opinion).