Thanks for watching guys! Another promise made and another promise kept. This was obviously a very hard one to pull off, so please be sure to share this one with your friends! If you want to check out LAS Concealment, here’s the link:
Should you ever need to visit Chernobyl, don't forget to take with you this gun. It will keep you safe from every threat, from mutated dogs to mercenaries to insane, yet surprisingly well-equipped fanatics.
We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us. May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will. Onward warriors of the Monolith, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith. Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Monolith Oh Monolith, we do not hear you, why have you left us, oh Monolith? We await your orders, oh Monolith.
So this is the video where we finally find out Brandon does indeed have Russian connections because not only is there a VSS but also enough 9x39 for a range session
Its not that uncommon. Two gun stores near me in maine is selling large amounts of 9x39, 5.45, 7.62x54R, and 7.62x39. Hell, they are even selling 7.62x25 tokarev.
The AS VAL is actually the gun that got me _into_ guns and Brandon's old vid on "how it REALLY works" introduced me to his work and humor. This is a moment in time, one to remember.
“So… here’s my VSS.” This is honestly one of the coolest weapons you’ve shown, and not only due to it’s rarity. Integrally suppressed guns are cool, but the semi-unique round makes it for me. Side note, “sneaky breeki penetration” does sound terrible.
Somehow he's going to get his hands on an AN 94. I'm pretty sure he's already negotiating with a guy that knows a guy who knows another guy that can get him in one.
Brandon: "I'm not sure we can go much more exotic than this." Me: "I present to you the SkaSH 12.7mm bullpup suppressed assault rifle chambered in 12.7x55mm"
Now that Brandon has a VSS all he needs now is a Stechkin to complete the "Shady as Shit KGB operator" rig, complete with Western contraband blue jeans and aviators to really show how much privilege the party offers him.
It's just J.C. from Deus Ex. Also, you're wasting your time; that account is a bot. Bots are being given single character names and are farming likes via copy/pasta stealing of high like comments.
@@mrkeogh actually I think the AN94 was a pretty good gun overall. Too complex for your average infantryman, but the solutions involved in it were DEFINITELY more reliable than the G11. That thing was designed by people who really had no idea about ergonomics, ease of manufacturing, or reliability.
@@mrkeogh And you would not want a G11 if there was a chance to get one? It's a unicorn gun more or less, so having it would be extremely cool. A G11 would be even more impressive than an AN-94
I've seen a few videos of VSS rifles, and this one is, by far, the quietest. Excellent work!!! You should contact Ian McCollum at Forgotten Weapons because he'd probably love to see it.
For those wondering how a VSS kit came into the US, these are actually Russian civilian blank only rifles made by "Molot Arms" in Russia and are unregulated in Russia, so it was simple enough for a civilian to buy one for about 80k Rubles (or about $1k USD) and then cut it up and send it to the US. Some have made it state side this way but they are NOT real military VSS rifles. In fact, "Molot Arms" isn't even the real Molot, The real molot is Molot-Oruzhiye ltd and they even had a lawsuit over the name although I don't think anything came of it. The Civilian blank VSS rifles aren't designed to be used with live ammo, they have cast soft parts and bolts, the lugs on the bottom are shaved and welded together, and the guns are designed completely different from the military versions. The military versions have a quick detach suppressor shroud, these civilian versions have a screw on. The military versions have a linear hammer, these civilian versions have a striker. Military versions of course had select fire modes and these are semi only. The way the bolt carrier and bolt are designed are also different and come apart differently. Molot Arms in Russia have a very bad reputation. They've mostly made blank fire guns and some civilian semi guns, as well as 366 TKM conversions from live fire rifles to Russian legal "shotguns", but they have the same reputation of bad quality as I.O. has in the US for their US made AKs. Tula, another Russian arms manufacture (and yes the real Tula) does make a civilian version that has all the military features except for the suppressor and select fire mode but they only make legal live fire versions in Russia which have to be registered, so none have been exported out of Russia as they haven't made unregulated blank versions.
Isn’t there a possibility it still gets snatched at customs? I’ve heard of AK12 parts kits being taken before they could make it here. Thanks for the insight by the way, this is very cool to read.
the stamping process actually makes the metal much stronger. what youre shooting is essentially a compound curve, which is extremely resistant to deformation. yes, you can absolutely shoot through a thin steel plate of the same thickness as that helmet, but not when its been formed. dont know the exact process, but its essentially being work hardened. its the same process behind w-girders on mountain roads.
@Kro tch LickmEugh that's not what he's explaining. It's the same principle of why a Sapporo can is nearly impossible to crush in your hand. The unqiue steel stamping process with its dual curved lines create a leveraged reinforcement that greatly resists deformation. The VSS is made with a similar scientific principle in mind. It's more because of the shape itself, than it is just because of "forging".
I like these videos because they don't attempt to force "meme" humor and politics, they demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm for the piece of hardware in question and how it works. It's cool to see the inside of a VSS.
Agree. I am here for neato guns. Been watching for over a year and actually the first video I pinged a buddy with. Partiality because the lack of politics in this vid.
The original suppressor might be outdated but it was designed to be optimal so that it not only decreases the sound but also doesn't take much power out of the bullet, but also you have to use more propellant which also generates more noise and heat; he other issue is temperature, the original weapon was set up to run on full auto, and the more pieces of metal you put inside, the longer it will take to cool down and the more cavities there will be to collect debris and cause problems.
Gunfighter Ballads: VSS "Where's the shot coming from" "Stealth isn't optional" "Spetznaz's long arm" "Yeah I play metro" "From mother Russia with love" "Yeah, I'll come out quietly" "Never heard of the MP5" "It's like they're deaf" "Be very quiet, I'm hunting GI's"
The VSS is one of the coolest guns you have had on the channel. I didn't even know I was a fan of it until now. Big fan of that integrally suppressed system you guys built.
Брэндон, вы большой энтузиаст стрелкового оружия и безусловно заслуживаете уважения. Я 20 лет служил оперативником в Российских силовых структурах, много из чего стрелял, но речь не об этом. Вы показали переработанный КО ВСС-1 (карабин охотничий), выпускается Тульским оружейным заводом в трех калибрах, в том числе и в родном 9мм, гражданский вариант, стоит 1100-1500 долларов. Стрелял из такого, хотел себе купить, но расстроило качество изготовления. Кроме качества изготовления и сборки отличается от оригинала отсутствием шептала автоматического огня и всего, с чем оно взаимодействует, в том числе нет переводчика огня за спусковым крючком. Восстановить эту функцию не получится. Отсутствуют перфорированные отверстия на стволе. Кожух глушителя вроде-бы идентичный оригиналу, но слышал мнение, что это имитация. ВСС - это комплекс бесшумной стрельбы, бесшумность достигается конструкцией глушителя, расположением 54 отверстий в стволе (далеко не факт, что вы их сделали правильно), использованием специально дозвукового патрона СП-5(оболочный) и СП-6 (с бронебойным сердечником, пробивает лист стали толщиной 8мм на расстоянии 100м). Если отсутствует что-то одно, комплекс не работает. Вы считаете, что разработчики поленились, схалтурили. Это не так, все рассчитано до микрона, отражение, взаимное гашение потоков газов. Нигде в свободном доступе вы не найдете состав и точную развесовку пороха и состав пули. До сих пор доподлинно неизвестно из чего изготовлен сердечник СП-6, из карбида вольфрама или из чего-то еще. Ствольная коробка боевого ВСС изготовлена фрезеровкой из цельного куска специального сорта стали. Обычно оружие разрабатывается под патрон, здесь наоборот, патрон проектировался под оружие. Этот патрон даже в России найти нереально вне армии. Мой друг, армейский разведчик, который использовал ВСС на службе, просто слюни пускал от этого ствола. Один минус - чистить его конкретный геморрой.
@@The_Annoyed_chef Cant tell you how many times I run a 5-7 Million Rouble kit and end up getting domed in the head 0.005 seconds after opening a door.
Brandon, Ваш ВСС собран из деталей винтовки которая предназначена для выпуска на гражданский рынок, и глушитель там носит чисто эстетический характер, так что не удивляйся что внутри ты обнаружил 2 шайбы, этот глушитель просто для вида
As a smoll Asian man standing at the threatening height of 5' 7, I'd really like to see Brandon try and use the Chinese Type 95/97. All my British friends complain it's too small for them, but I think it'll fit Brandon just right.
It's interesting how so little can change the ergos on firearms. All Chinese-designed, Chinese-produced meant for the 'home market' (at least originally) that I've handled always have had something that was on the small side. Usually it's the quasi-midget tier length-of-pull, but sometime it's just the handle being small.
Norinco made rifles are banned from import here in the US. Haven't seen any here, only in Canada, but I'd imagine they've gotten in (probably brought in from Canada) then they'd be kind of collectible and hard to get only for that reason.
@@harlisviikmae6240 Yes buddy and that was the joke I was making buddy with the quotes buddy. I love how the arrogant ones that always think they're one step ahead when they "ackchually" someone are always the dull tools in the shed. Like this poor chap.
В глушителе стоят не просто шайбы. их рассчитывали так, чтобы звуковая волна, отражаясь от стенок, глушила сама себя. так что у тебя винт не такой тихий как оригинал. так же у патронов СП-5, СП-6, ПАБ-9 намного лучший порох и очень точно рассчитана навеска. учи мат часть, а я пошел чай пить. хорошего дня тебе )
i am impressed!!! It is defenetly not a civilian version (wich is without suppressor inside and without autofire) but it is not a military version also (different handguard texture and no autifire) BUT!!! It shoots like a real one!!!! i heard that sound hundred times and it is the sound of shooting of a real one VSS Vintorez! Where did you get it????? How???
I agree with the other guy. He explained it. And yeah focus a little less on overkilling the punctuation and more on the absolutely freaking terrible sentence structure. It was almost like reading another language.
This is the civilian version of the rifle. On the combat version, the fire mode switch is located behind the trigger, and the lever is only a fuse. Sorry for mistakes-googl translator)))
@@ilhamseptian1604 you have to pass exam and psychological examination, that allows you to get a license and you can buy carbine, also you need an arms safe and every round you buy is registered in police data base
@@ilhamseptian1604 at first - you have 5 year own shell-calibre shotgun or something smoothbore. And after that - can to buy a carabine, rifled barrel. Something like that
@Occult Ocelot Holy shit, that’s unequivocally fucking wacker, would not have realized this. Also the fact that you have an Illuminati symbol thingy in your pfp just completes this.
I feel your pain when you shot without ear protection. In my time in the german Army we were training with blankets all day. But then we switched to live rounds. The IFV next to me started shooting with it's 30 mm. Gosh that hurts
I feel his pain too. Just bought my first gun ever( standard ar-15 ) and went to shoot it without earpro cause i forgot to buy that as well and now im dealing with tinnitus in my left ear. Im never making that mistake again 😂
Modernizing that suppressor is something I've always wondered about since the three baffles in the original while they work don't seem to be the best compared to even 10 year old suppressors. Thank you Brandon, very nice.
Это гражданский VSS, который продается в России в магазинах. Это не армейский вариант. И глушитель у армейского VSS намного лучше. Этот глушитель разрабатывали 2 института. Работы вели советские математики и физики. И то, что Brandon говорит о 3 перегородках, что этого мало - ложь. Это идеальный баланс между скоростью пули и звуком выстрела.
@@Kot_v_Chulkah Ну ты теории построил однако)) Нет, это математический расчёт конечно, но замешан он на балансе противоречий и компромиссов. Первые ВСС были даже с медной сеткой внутри, закрученной в рулон. Медь отлично рассеивает тепло и гасит турбулентные потоки раскалённых газов. Только вот отстреляв магазинов 10-15 ты эту сетку просто выбросишь. Чистить её бесполезно и как? В боевых то условиях. Эти три шайбы чистить это кошмар и ужОс. Вот и стоят они как меньшее из зол
@@MrNeosantana I said what you said with a little flavor. If what you said was pointless, then obviusly what i said is that too. On the topic of tiny AK's do have a look at the chineese Type 64 pistol.
You should manufacture these and contract another company you trust to manufacture the suppressors to go along with them. It would be cool to see them in pistol clamberings as well as a variety of intermediate rifle chamberings.
@@cptpackrat1 if he does one in .350 bushmaster, I could legally hunt deer with it in Iowa and therefore a snowball's chance in hell at my wife approving :)
The real VSS, despite only having 3 baffles, is just a loud click. It's not as much the number of baffles that matter as it is the room for gas expansion, and the large housing of the original allowed for a lot of gas expansion. Normal rifle suppressors have limited diameter and shorter length, so they need to implement a more brute force solution with a larger number of smaller baffles in order to slow the compressed gas exiting the muzzle until it has lost most of its potential energy. This also results in a larger amount of gas coming back out the receiver. The VSS's suppressor would be very low back pressure in addition to being quiet.
@@Covertdaily His point is that the original is pretty damn quiet, not that it's equal to or better than Brandon's. I'd think that the original baffle was designed to work under high temperature (full auto, mostly) with no issues, which I doubt Brandon's would.
Port pop is probably louder but it's also a piston gun so gas would be lower to begin with. It could be possible that db is higher at the ear and lower at the muzzle.
Wonder if Brandon could get his hands on an ASh-12.7 for a future video, but considering its a Russian assault rifle chambered in Russian 50 cal it most likely won't happen
The 6P62 would be more likely, just by virtue of being in 12.7x108, of course only problem is the actual rifle is as obscure as the ASh's round 😆 Goddamn, Girls Frontline will ruin a man... no regrets.
It's not just a russian 50 cal, that name usually goes to 12,7x108, ASh-12 uses a 12,7x55 subsonic round, the same round as VSSK "Vyhlop" Vintorez's bigger, but less known brother. Also, there is a revolver (createvely named RSh-12) chambered in the same round.
You're missing the polyurethane "shock-absorber" in front of the recoil spring assembly plate. Regarding the noise report, the original one has been measured to be quieter than a subsonic AR-15, which is actually quite a bit, but clearly improvable. One of the reasons for the simpler baffle design is cleaning, integrally suppressed guns are usually dirty AF.
This is the type of helmet you give to your Mosin militia. Cheap, durable and overall everything is better than the Hungarian steel helmets with the atrocious liner.
Shopping list: AK 107, PP 19 Bizon, AN 94, 6p62 (look that one up it's beautifully dumb), PTRD, ShAK 12 and a ww1 fedorov avtomat rifle. This shopping list would probably cost about 3mil so no pressure have fun.
@@chunkyizanagisburden man, from all you wrote i only shoot ONE product - SHAK12 - and i am RUSSIAN:))))) i think for Brendon it would cost "little" more than a 3 000 000:)))))
From what I've heard, back then when the rifle was in development, the goal was set to create a suppressor that makes a sound that doesn't sound like a shot instead of making it quiet as possible. So you can very much hear the sound but, in an urban environment, you're much likely to think that something broke because, well... pretty much everything around is in shambles.
Theres that and theres the fact that a "silenced" gun, even with supersonic rounds. Is alot harder to locate when fired at you (well i only tried from the trench at a gunrange, so there was a fairly likely direction) But as there was no destinct muzzle report (even with 6,5X55 supersonics) it was less obvius what the source direction was. Imagining an ambush or assult of VSS equipped troops.... well youd likely notice casualties before noticing attackers (even with the old USSR model supressors)
It was made for soviet KGB and GRU. Also the original suppressor takes a second to attach not as long as here. It is made that way so that it can fit in a standard black briefcase popular at the time for covert operations. It was extremely rare, actually did not exist in the Soviet Army. Became popular after they realized how effective it was in Chechnya and became standard issue in VDV and other elite but more widespread army units.
the real vss has a completely different sound. this is achieved by accurately selecting the angle of the three inclined washers and the distance between them. there are three washers for a reason, it was an exact adjustment of the jamming of this cartridge and this barrel.
Honestly, no matter how iconic the sound of the original weapon, this is beautiful. Having a gun that has so little sound. Its beautiful and extremely useful. Sadly I live in Germany so I will never be allowed to own such a gun :(
@@S-Asker , купи охолощенный муляж, если конечно вам там можно. Я бы тоже был бы не против владеть некоторыми видами, но у нас конституция не позволяет. Только ружья охотничье можно, а остальное нет.
If you want a neat challenge for getting more exotic I'd like to suggest a variant of the Groza, though I doubt we'll see one on the channel till post-WW3 I think it would be a great addition
Remembered a story of VSS, when it's early concepts and prototypes RGO-36 "Igrushka" (Toy) was about 1.9 kg and used 7.62x25 case with 7.62x39 bullet. So much interesting things, solutions, compromises and other details in firearms history. And Yeah, VSS is just cool as hell) Brandon, thanks a lot) P.S. You're ready for travel to ghe Monolith, Strelok)
@@Rainersherwood try to search #РГ036 It's correctly will be RG036 At least a video on LazarevTactical. But some of the articles also got some information about it. Such a tiny thing
@@Rainersherwood actually, sounds good. Maybe even contact with Konstantine for integration. P.S. Some channels make a good russian voicover of Brandon's videos - glad that a lot of people like and share same interests. In Russia, there are at least 3 variants of this rifle for the civilian market. The price is high BUT quite acceptable.
ATF: “if we hear you’re using Russian ammo we’ll come after you” Brandon: *quiety chuckles in integral suppressor* Brandon is my weekly dose of 80’s style sarcastic antihero.
I KNEW he would forget his hearing protection when he switched to the Glock. Professional gun bros have to be extra careful since they shoot so much more often. Stay ear-healthy, Brandon!
I cannot get over how quiet that thing is. You were right to call it "spooky quiet Soviet shit" back when you did a White Board of Knowledge video on the AS VAL
The VSS also has disadvantages. Suppressor in general, not very durable, it must be protected from shock. The cartridges weigh a lot. The actual firing range is small: in principle, you can only shoot further than 250 meters "for good luck." Especially with SP-6 and PAB cartridges. The accuracy of fire even with SP-5 cartridges is by no means amazing. But using the surprise factor, this rifle can be used simply with phenomenal efficiency. A friend of mine shot three bad guys with the VSS before the rest of them just realized they were being fired on.
Old dude I worked with many moons ago was with 3rd Army in France. He was some kind of support puke, and was armed with a Thompson. Farting around one day, he happened on a German helmet in the ditch and popped off a burst at it...and watched all that .45ACP hardball just bounce off. He immediately RTB and exchanged the Tommy Gun for the Garand he lugged around for the rest of the war.
Heavy subsonic rounds will penetrate deeper, but the wound cavitation size will be the same. The armor penetration comes from special tungsten or steel core rounds, often with a polymer coating. Don't expect to penetrate armor with subsonic lead or copper.
That thump on the helmet was impressive, you can see why it would actually penetrate with special rounds loaded. Surprised I didn't see any other comments talking about the ammo that was developed with this gun in mind
@@austinhuber3131 Yup. It's very low-pressure, which is a huge factor in silencing. The bullet offers very good expansion (about 2.5x) and penetration if there's no armor, and very good accuracy indeed. Good for head-shots out past 200 meters; chest to 400-600 depending on the shooter. Compare with that bolt-action silenced .45 the Brits used in World War II for sentry elimination, but with a flatter trajectory. He should've placed a microphone near the target, since what a second sentry can hear is what's most important. Eighty meters from the shooter, about all you hear a couple places from the person being hit is a sound like someone thumping their chest when they cough. Then they fall over, which if they're armed can be pretty noisy.
vss or as val my second fav firearm of all time the „sneeky breeki” gun the russians honey badger whatever you call it but really the main reason why i love this gun is the whole idea of a rifle being integrally surpressed, sure it isnt as sneaky like in video games or in movies but ill be damned isnt it cool… really glad you showed this on your channel and pointed out the differences behind the engineerings of both ak and vss good video as always
Totally off topic but in WWI the Brits seriously debated withdrawing helmets from their troops because any unit wearing helmets suffered noticeably increased numbers of men with head trauma after a firefight. It took them a few years to realize that the reason for all of this head trauma was because most of the reported wounded were usually killed outright when they didn't wear helmets.
How did they not notice the simultaneous decrease in fatalities? Like "yeah we're seeing way more head injuries, but we also had way fewer fatalities."
@@feraligatorade99 They both used to be considered "casualties" and I guess when your casualty numbers stay roughly the same, it takes a while to realize your units don't need to be reinforced so much after the wounded have time to recover.
Shooting at the helmet. Me: "Lol sight over bore" Herrera: "did not account for sight over bore" Me: (Points at screen while sitting in my couch drinking a beer) I forgot this a few times also, i just find it hilarious that Herrera did, and sort of impressed that he admitted and included it. Much respect! love the channel!
I'm honestly impressed. Not just with the fact you managed to obtain one, but with the real-life performance. The simple fact that literally none of you were wearing earpro while filming your range time with it says everything you need to about this weapon; dare I say it's the one weapon that the games and Hollywood needed to take no special creative license with. Great video.
I mean, this particular one has a custom suppressor that looks like it's a whole lot more effective than the original. I'd expect a standard, run of the mill VSS to be a bit louder.
@@joshadams5602 True, but Soviet weapons tended to be prime examples of doing more with less, because material scarcity. You also have to consider diminishing returns past a certain point; designing a suppressor is the functional equivalent of designing a muffler for a car, after all. If it hadn't been for budgetary concerns of the day, the original baffle design probably would have ended up being a lot more like what's presented here.
Parts kit origin was probably a civilian version of vintorez by VPO, especially since brandon said the kit arrived without the silencer. The unicorn guns brandon could try to get his hands on are: SR-1 - civilian AK107 MR-1 - civilian SVCh KSO18 - civilian a-545/aek971
Next step: assembling from the parts kit the legendary AN-94))) I'm only one who miss the white board of knowledge series? I guess something like AN-94 or (especially with the live samples) SVD or PKM would be great. And AK-12...I really hope to see Brandon showing it since one of the videos about AK-50
Next step: assembling from the parts kit the legendary AN-94))) I'm only one who miss the white board of knowledge series? I guess something like AN-94 or (especially with the live samples) SVD or PKM would be great. And AK-12...I really hope to see Brandon showing it since one of the videos about AK-50
Ты не сказал одну важную деталь по поводу разработки патрона. Он разрабатывался не только как дозвуковой патрон, но и как патрон без рикошета. Что касается родства с АК, то это оружие производит конкурент из города Ковров и его родственник это АЕК971. PS желаю тебе АЕК971 в коллекцию!))
It is indeed a beautiful rifle. I would be extremely interested to see how it performs ar range, seeing as it´s low velocity should give it a rather steep ballistic curve. Also, i would be interested to see this fired at a gel block. Any chance you would do something like that? Maybe a collab with DaddyGarand? Pretty Please?
I watch a lot of airgun videos (I love them as much as firearms) and that suppressor literally makes it sound like a high powered PCP airgun with a suppressor. Good job on the moderator!!!
The visit by Polinar Tactical was awesome. So much guntube greatness in one place. But on to the vss... 9x39 reminds me of 45acp that maybe... how does one say "2 Ukrainian wars" in Russian? Hmmm are Russian fudds a thing? The rifle is beautiful. Great job with the parts kit. #akgnotificationsquad
Thanks for watching guys! Another promise made and another promise kept. This was obviously a very hard one to pull off, so please be sure to share this one with your friends!
If you want to check out LAS Concealment, here’s the link:
As Val next
Should you ever need to visit Chernobyl, don't forget to take with you this gun. It will keep you safe from every threat, from mutated dogs to mercenaries to insane, yet surprisingly well-equipped fanatics.
We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.
May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.
Onward warriors of the Monolith, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith.
Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Monolith
Oh Monolith, we do not hear you, why have you left us, oh Monolith? We await your orders, oh Monolith.
Don’t forget about Scottish speaking grass and one-armed ultranationalists
da monolit
@@coolspacemarine9154 hello brother
And if you find yourself in a truck with no memory, remember DO NOT KILL THE STRELOK!
So this is the video where we finally find out Brandon does indeed have Russian connections because not only is there a VSS but also enough 9x39 for a range session
Polenar is from Slovenia...
He got it from prapor
Do you has any doubt before? Не сомневайся, связи есть!
Its not that uncommon. Two gun stores near me in maine is selling large amounts of 9x39, 5.45, 7.62x54R, and 7.62x39. Hell, they are even selling 7.62x25 tokarev.
@@petrtkac267 To Americans, ehh... Close enough.
The AS VAL is actually the gun that got me _into_ guns and Brandon's old vid on "how it REALLY works" introduced me to his work and humor. This is a moment in time, one to remember.
Hey buddy... same!
You’ve come full circle then!
Umm... Everytime is a moment in time. Lol But I know what you meant ;)
Where do I buy one of these weapons. I love the As Val but I think you can't buy Russian weapons here in US.
*Perfect home defense gun because it doesn't wake the neighbors you can just bury the problem under the tomato plants*
i get that reference 🤣💀
Now that he has a Vintorez, we can only assume that its only a matter of time before we see a AN-94.
That would be dope
We can hope
your dad works at nintendo?
Love that rifle. Awesome technology went in to that one.
Id love to see and 9A-91 or a VSK-94 aswell
“So… here’s my VSS.”
This is honestly one of the coolest weapons you’ve shown, and not only due to it’s rarity. Integrally suppressed guns are cool, but the semi-unique round makes it for me.
Side note, “sneaky breeki penetration” does sound terrible.
It only sounds terrible if you’re a Bill Cosby victim
Kinda sounds like a gulag term for those cold Siberian nights.
Sounds like an episode of "weekend at weinstein's"
kinda also sounds like the in-video stepdad.
The fact that he now has a real VSS, SVD and Type 1 AK-47 just makes my heart warm
Even if the SVD is a Norinco and the VSS is a parts kit with a custom suppressor :D
@@jasonm949 why do you have to shit on everything you touch?
he is a true AK guy. love it. keep up the great videos.
And for Brandon's next trick he's going to get an Ak-46.
Somehow he's going to get his hands on an AN 94. I'm pretty sure he's already negotiating with a guy that knows a guy who knows another guy that can get him in one.
I've got to say, for some reason this is probably my favorite intro yet. So simplistic and yet like such a classic scene. Well done guys
Brandon: "I'm not sure we can go much more exotic than this."
Me: "I present to you the SkaSH 12.7mm bullpup suppressed assault rifle chambered in 12.7x55mm"
givey givey
How about that underwater assault rifle?
VKS/VSSK Vychlop/Vykhlop
@@Apyr404 AN-94 is not exotic iirc. Or is it? And afaik they do have a video about it on the channel.
Other than the "clang" of the target, it SOUNDS like an Airsoft gun. Suppressed sub 9x39 is a thing of magic.
Talk about timing
Voodoo Russkie bullet magic
I'm pretty sure the sound of the bolt moving back and forth is louder than the gunshot
"I'm not sure if we can go much more exotic than this"
The AN-94 is poking its head up right now.
Omg yes please
Or the aek 971
Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range?
Or maybe he can get his hands on a working AMT Hardballer Longslide. God knows those are a pain to get.
Either the aek or an would be amazing to see
*Ash-12 has entered the chat*
Recommended right after I start playing stalker 2? Okay algorithm.
Same here lol. Sometimes UA-cam makes sense
Future video: How Many Airsoft VSS Vintorezs Can A Real VSS Vintorez Shoot Through 🤔
Hey, it's my favorite checkmark!
Sponsored by USAirsoft?
Don't give him ideas of wasting perfectly good LCTs like that, you monster!
@@Real_Mick3y6 ew
Make it happen, I would watch
Now that Brandon has a VSS all he needs now is a Stechkin to complete the "Shady as Shit KGB operator" rig, complete with Western contraband blue jeans and aviators to really show how much privilege the party offers him.
nah, we need an AN94
It should be АПБ (suppressed APS (automatic Stechkin pistol)). Googls it, as it's really cool gun
@@gabrielemagnabosco8926 nah, the AN-94, as the name implies, was created in 1994, 3 years after the USSR fell apart. (slav nerd moment)
Don't forget bubblegum. Makes you look more 'Merikan
@@the_null_man Didn't the Abakan program start in the late 80s tho?
Brandon solving the Russia - USA relationships in a simple yet powerful gesture. Slav Squat in Cowboy Boots. Gotta love it
excellent tarkov larp. high ricochet chance when hit at an obtuse angle...
Hey Brandon. I'm glad to see you finally got your hands on one of these. You have made the entire gun community of America jealous.
Weird pfp
@@Real_Mick3y6 It's a pretty common meme
@@colby1398 I know, but I wouldn't want to use it anymore after what he did
It's just J.C. from Deus Ex.
Also, you're wasting your time; that account is a bot. Bots are being given single character names and are farming likes via copy/pasta stealing of high like comments.
Oh how far little Brandon has come over the years, from a self drawn VSS on a chalkboard, to the real shit.
Now get an AN-94 next.
…and spend a week cleaning it after a shooting session, lol
The AN-94 seemed cool until Ian did a video on it and everyone realised it was the Russian take on the HK G11 in terms of insane complexity.
@@mrkeogh Except the AN-94 actually saw some use and left the prototype table. May be limited but it's not a G11
@@mrkeogh actually I think the AN94 was a pretty good gun overall. Too complex for your average infantryman, but the solutions involved in it were DEFINITELY more reliable than the G11. That thing was designed by people who really had no idea about ergonomics, ease of manufacturing, or reliability.
@@mrkeogh And you would not want a G11 if there was a chance to get one? It's a unicorn gun more or less, so having it would be extremely cool. A G11 would be even more impressive than an AN-94
I've seen a few videos of VSS rifles, and this one is, by far, the quietest. Excellent work!!! You should contact Ian McCollum at Forgotten Weapons because he'd probably love to see it.
I would love a Collab video of ak guy and our lord and savior gun Jesus
Brandon. Read this comment. Loan Ian the gun. It's your duty.
That would be a insane collaboration
Oh hell yes, that'd be amazing.
The reason it’s so quiet is because the baffles as he says in the vid. Honestly probably couldn’t get any quieter without making it a bolt action
Bro, when you drop it, you actually kill the part of my soul, you actually legitimately made me cry.
For those wondering how a VSS kit came into the US, these are actually Russian civilian blank only rifles made by "Molot Arms" in Russia and are unregulated in Russia, so it was simple enough for a civilian to buy one for about 80k Rubles (or about $1k USD) and then cut it up and send it to the US.
Some have made it state side this way but they are NOT real military VSS rifles.
In fact, "Molot Arms" isn't even the real Molot, The real molot is Molot-Oruzhiye ltd and they even had a lawsuit over the name although I don't think anything came of it.
The Civilian blank VSS rifles aren't designed to be used with live ammo, they have cast soft parts and bolts, the lugs on the bottom are shaved and welded together, and the guns are designed completely different from the military versions.
The military versions have a quick detach suppressor shroud, these civilian versions have a screw on.
The military versions have a linear hammer, these civilian versions have a striker. Military versions of course had select fire modes and these are semi only.
The way the bolt carrier and bolt are designed are also different and come apart differently.
Molot Arms in Russia have a very bad reputation. They've mostly made blank fire guns and some civilian semi guns, as well as 366 TKM conversions from live fire rifles to Russian legal "shotguns", but they have the same reputation of bad quality as I.O. has in the US for their US made AKs.
Tula, another Russian arms manufacture (and yes the real Tula) does make a civilian version that has all the military features except for the suppressor and select fire mode but they only make legal live fire versions in Russia which have to be registered, so none have been exported out of Russia as they haven't made unregulated blank versions.
Incredible information!!!!! Even a bit of insight to our brothers in the far east who want to own something similar to a "firearm "
I appreciate the information.
Isn’t there a possibility it still gets snatched at customs? I’ve heard of AK12 parts kits being taken before they could make it here. Thanks for the insight by the way, this is very cool to read.
Should’ve known I’d see you here eventually BFG!
Been a while since I’ve seen your FAL building videos on Gunnit!
Someone hasn't got a life 🤣🤣🤣
the stamping process actually makes the metal much stronger. what youre shooting is essentially a compound curve, which is extremely resistant to deformation. yes, you can absolutely shoot through a thin steel plate of the same thickness as that helmet, but not when its been formed. dont know the exact process, but its essentially being work hardened. its the same process behind w-girders on mountain roads.
Its called forging
@Kro tch LickmEugh that's not what he's explaining. It's the same principle of why a Sapporo can is nearly impossible to crush in your hand. The unqiue steel stamping process with its dual curved lines create a leveraged reinforcement that greatly resists deformation. The VSS is made with a similar scientific principle in mind.
It's more because of the shape itself, than it is just because of "forging".
@@jordanjoestar8839 It's like that VW commercial about the strength of an arch.
Thanks for mansplaining.
Would be interesting to shoot that helmet with some other rounds just to see how protective it actually is.
I like these videos because they don't attempt to force "meme" humor and politics, they demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm for the piece of hardware in question and how it works. It's cool to see the inside of a VSS.
For sure. Half of my enjoyment is the gun, the other is Brandon's sheer stoke every time.
Agree. I am here for neato guns. Been watching for over a year and actually the first video I pinged a buddy with. Partiality because the lack of politics in this vid.
Since when were guns a political issue?
When weren't they?
The original suppressor might be outdated but it was designed to be optimal so that it not only decreases the sound but also doesn't take much power out of the bullet, but also you have to use more propellant which also generates more noise and heat; he other issue is temperature, the original weapon was set up to run on full auto, and the more pieces of metal you put inside, the longer it will take to cool down and the more cavities there will be to collect debris and cause problems.
This is not the original muffler. He is holding in his hands a civilian version of the VSS, in which the muffler is essentially a decorative element.
Gunfighter Ballads: VSS
"Where's the shot coming from"
"Stealth isn't optional"
"Spetznaz's long arm"
"Yeah I play metro"
"From mother Russia with love"
"Yeah, I'll come out quietly"
"Never heard of the MP5"
"It's like they're deaf"
"Be very quiet, I'm hunting GI's"
"For Monolith"
Should be "Yeah I play Stalker"
The VSS is one of the coolest guns you have had on the channel. I didn't even know I was a fan of it until now. Big fan of that integrally suppressed system you guys built.
Slagga Viska is gonna be the us copy of the val/vintorez if you want one in the future. If things go well.
This man is the only UA-camr that keeps his promises even if they take a while love you ak guy
Really? Where's that AK-50 at? I haven't seen it since he used it as a prop during a bear trap test on Demolition Ranch. XD
He's shown the prototype firing - obviously it's coming along.
@@andreivaldez2929 I know I know, I was just trying to troll Brandon. lol
Брэндон, вы большой энтузиаст стрелкового оружия и безусловно заслуживаете уважения. Я 20 лет служил оперативником в Российских силовых структурах, много из чего стрелял, но речь не об этом. Вы показали переработанный КО ВСС-1 (карабин охотничий), выпускается Тульским оружейным заводом в трех калибрах, в том числе и в родном 9мм, гражданский вариант, стоит 1100-1500 долларов. Стрелял из такого, хотел себе купить, но расстроило качество изготовления. Кроме качества изготовления и сборки отличается от оригинала отсутствием шептала автоматического огня и всего, с чем оно взаимодействует, в том числе нет переводчика огня за спусковым крючком. Восстановить эту функцию не получится. Отсутствуют перфорированные отверстия на стволе. Кожух глушителя вроде-бы идентичный оригиналу, но слышал мнение, что это имитация. ВСС - это комплекс бесшумной стрельбы, бесшумность достигается конструкцией глушителя, расположением 54 отверстий в стволе (далеко не факт, что вы их сделали правильно), использованием специально дозвукового патрона СП-5(оболочный) и СП-6 (с бронебойным сердечником, пробивает лист стали толщиной 8мм на расстоянии 100м). Если отсутствует что-то одно, комплекс не работает. Вы считаете, что разработчики поленились, схалтурили. Это не так, все рассчитано до микрона, отражение, взаимное гашение потоков газов. Нигде в свободном доступе вы не найдете состав и точную развесовку пороха и состав пули. До сих пор доподлинно неизвестно из чего изготовлен сердечник СП-6, из карбида вольфрама или из чего-то еще. Ствольная коробка боевого ВСС изготовлена фрезеровкой из цельного куска специального сорта стали. Обычно оружие разрабатывается под патрон, здесь наоборот, патрон проектировался под оружие. Этот патрон даже в России найти нереально вне армии. Мой друг, армейский разведчик, который использовал ВСС на службе, просто слюни пускал от этого ствола. Один минус - чистить его конкретный геморрой.
Да, и почему-то гражданская версия весит 3кг (хотя деталей в нем меньше), а оригинал 2,45кг.
Настоящий Винторез - музыка (тихая). Но его не достать, американцу никак. Полностью поддерживаю ОП
Demo Ranch: teases MP7, shows up with AR in 4.6
Brandon: teases VSS, shows up with VSS
Just saying
DR is clickbait bullshit for call of duty children.
Yeah that video pissed me off.
@@horacegentleman3296 to be fair he leads a lot of folks to this channel and others . DR is entry level gun videos for normies
Every guy named Matt is an asshole to on extant or another surprise there
Demo is also teasing a G36 from what I understand, hope he doesn’t prank us again
The vss is easily my favorite firearm of all time
For me it’s the g3a3
Vintorez/AS val definitely my favorite too
Mine is a taco bell burrito. Fully digested. Prone to explosions. Definite potential for "gas to the face". Not so much a precision weapon.
Tarkov players before the nerf:
By far brandons coolest gun imo
To acquire a VSS in the US I'm pretty sure is as hard as me trying to live longer than 1 minute in Labs in Tarkov.
Minute is not hard. Haven't ever extracted labs tough :D
@@The_Annoyed_chef Cant tell you how many times I run a 5-7 Million Rouble kit and end up getting domed in the head 0.005 seconds after opening a door.
@@swg_ashprime2852 Yeah. Now you even cant buy shit to be thiccc
Brandon, Ваш ВСС собран из деталей винтовки которая предназначена для выпуска на гражданский рынок, и глушитель там носит чисто эстетический характер, так что не удивляйся что внутри ты обнаружил 2 шайбы, этот глушитель просто для вида
Он же сказал, что сделал глушитель самостоятельно.
As a smoll Asian man standing at the threatening height of 5' 7, I'd really like to see Brandon try and use the Chinese Type 95/97. All my British friends complain it's too small for them, but I think it'll fit Brandon just right.
5’7” is a very threatening height.
It's interesting how so little can change the ergos on firearms. All Chinese-designed, Chinese-produced meant for the 'home market' (at least originally) that I've handled always have had something that was on the small side. Usually it's the quasi-midget tier length-of-pull, but sometime it's just the handle being small.
I gotta use one of those stock rubber pads to make my sks fit my build. I’m 6’4 230 monkey length limbs
@@shaneroberts8668 You can blame the Russians for that one in particular, though. For people like us (I'm 6'3") LOP is a bitch all year round.
Norinco made rifles are banned from import here in the US. Haven't seen any here, only in Canada, but I'd imagine they've gotten in (probably brought in from Canada) then they'd be kind of collectible and hard to get only for that reason.
Brandon: "No, its not "VSS at home"."
Also Brandon: "Here is an actual VSS, and now it's in my home."
So..... it IS VSS at home...
That is literally the joke he is making buddy
@@harlisviikmae6240 Yes buddy and that was the joke I was making buddy with the quotes buddy.
I love how the arrogant ones that always think they're one step ahead when they "ackchually" someone are always the dull tools in the shed.
Like this poor chap.
Wouldn’t mind this being VSS in my home.
@@queenannesrevenge3770 Quoting someone else's joke isn't making a new joke.
What you have done is explain his joke and put some quotes on it.
I am shocked by how quiet it is. That actually seems like silencers from movies.
Yeah, you literally only hear the bolt and a small sound that barely even sounds like a shot.
For real! It’s unreal!
Compare this quietness side by side to the Barrett xD
@@emperorfantasy8601 You definitely want earpro then
I bet you could make the moving parts of the gun even quieter with lubrication or some bootleg modifications.
В глушителе стоят не просто шайбы. их рассчитывали так, чтобы звуковая волна, отражаясь от стенок, глушила сама себя. так что у тебя винт не такой тихий как оригинал. так же у патронов СП-5, СП-6, ПАБ-9 намного лучший порох и очень точно рассчитана навеска. учи мат часть, а я пошел чай пить. хорошего дня тебе )
I'm so glad to finally see a legit VSS and a little surprised you got your hands on one before Ian, now we just need an AEK 971 and we good lol
Don't forget the AN-94 😉
And the OTS-14
“I’m not sure if we can go much more exotic than this”
New challenger approaching: MP7
*laughs in Russian SR-2*
There are actually rumors that H&K are importing semi auto mp7s.
@@sw_tower8530 welp, let me grab my wallet I guess
@@3lopezito **Evil SR-3M laugh intensifies**
Lol JK Czech ZK-423.
Thanks Brandon! We appreciate your informational videos!
i am impressed!!! It is defenetly not a civilian version (wich is without suppressor inside and without autofire) but it is not a military version also (different handguard texture and no autifire) BUT!!! It shoots like a real one!!!! i heard that sound hundred times and it is the sound of shooting of a real one VSS Vintorez! Where did you get it????? How???
He built most of it from a parts kit.
He kinda explains it. Like, in the video. Also, one MAYBE two punctuation marks are enough.
I agree with the other guy. He explained it. And yeah focus a little less on overkilling the punctuation and more on the absolutely freaking terrible sentence structure.
It was almost like reading another language.
@@queenannesrevenge3770 bro was doing his best i assume from username and subject matter english isnt even his first language. Least hes trying.
@@queenannesrevenge3770 Lazarev tactical is Russian. So expecting him to be fluent in english is a bit arrogant.
This arguably rivals the AK .50, this gun is just so cool and unique. The trigger reset is louder, so beautiful
He should do a vss 50 after the AK-50 is finally finished :D
@@JagerTheWendigo88 for a small business like his that’s basically impossible
@@JagerTheWendigo88 I mean, there was a tank suppressor, so why not.
@@smorrow and surpressors for the Panzerhaubitze 2000 in germany :)
This is the civilian version of the rifle. On the combat version, the fire mode switch is located behind the trigger, and the lever is only a fuse. Sorry for mistakes-googl translator)))
I didn’t notice that but now that you pointed it out it looks very out of place lol
Buy me a civilian version and ship it to me in the u.s. in pieces;) I’ll pay you:))
Wait so Russian allowed civilians have guns like America?
@@ilhamseptian1604 you have to pass exam and psychological examination, that allows you to get a license and you can buy carbine, also you need an arms safe and every round you buy is registered in police data base
@@ilhamseptian1604 at first - you have 5 year own shell-calibre shotgun or something smoothbore. And after that - can to buy a carabine, rifled barrel. Something like that
Love how the steel targets sounds more than the gun itself, now THAT is a quiet weapon!
Very cool
@Occult Ocelot Holy shit, that’s unequivocally fucking wacker, would not have realized this. Also the fact that you have an Illuminati symbol thingy in your pfp just completes this.
@@xthee_0nly_1x11 222
Bucket list item😉
Interesting to see that Polenar Tactical is more manly than Brandon because they drink Bud instead of White Claw.
*Very nice.
I feel your pain when you shot without ear protection. In my time in the german Army we were training with blankets all day. But then we switched to live rounds. The IFV next to me started shooting with it's 30 mm. Gosh that hurts
The VSS is integrated supressed
Suppressed Does not always mean hearing safe.
@@blacktc250 he shot the block without earmuffs
@@blacktc250 I want you to shoot guns unsuppressed. They aren't movie lebel wet fart quiet. They'll still make your ears ring on most weapons
I feel his pain too. Just bought my first gun ever( standard ar-15 ) and went to shoot it without earpro cause i forgot to buy that as well and now im dealing with tinnitus in my left ear. Im never making that mistake again 😂
This is the pinnacle of Brandon's content. Knowledge, memes, history, comedy, and gun porn.
We just need to add regular porn to that list
I loved it. Maybe not too quiet, but certainly more quiet than the aircraft overhead! Impressive!
Modernizing that suppressor is something I've always wondered about since the three baffles in the original while they work don't seem to be the best compared to even 10 year old suppressors. Thank you Brandon, very nice.
Brandon always keeps his word and never disappoints
Amen 🙌🏼☝🏼
VSS is my favorite gun. Incredible to see a recent high quality video
Very impressive
I like the VKS better :)
Это гражданский VSS, который продается в России в магазинах.
Это не армейский вариант. И глушитель у армейского VSS намного лучше. Этот глушитель разрабатывали 2 института. Работы вели советские математики и физики. И то, что Brandon говорит о 3 перегородках, что этого мало - ложь. Это идеальный баланс между скоростью пули и звуком выстрела.
@@Kot_v_Chulkah Ну ты теории построил однако)) Нет, это математический расчёт конечно, но замешан он на балансе противоречий и компромиссов. Первые ВСС были даже с медной сеткой внутри, закрученной в рулон. Медь отлично рассеивает тепло и гасит турбулентные потоки раскалённых газов. Только вот отстреляв магазинов 10-15 ты эту сетку просто выбросишь. Чистить её бесполезно и как? В боевых то условиях. Эти три шайбы чистить это кошмар и ужОс. Вот и стоят они как меньшее из зол
Only time I have ever seen one . Never saw or heard anyone get a kit before. Impressive great job. Thanks for doing it
Жаль, он далёк от оригинала. Это бутофорский всс
"I am not sure we can go much more exotic than this"
*Looking at the AN-94*
Yes!!! AN-94! And good luck on an HK MP7 MIL version…
That's the one with counter-force thingie .. that's such a wild rifle.
Brandon is the only dude that goes into details and gun specifications that I can watch. Always finds a way to make me laugh
Brandon: "It's not an AK, it's different"
Me: "It's a tiny and quiet striker-fired AK"
Well.. some guns are shorter M16's with fail buttons on them. Your point being?
No kidding, that gun is quieter than my bb!
@@bonielsen8001 Where do you see a point or an argument?
@@MrNeosantana I said what you said with a little flavor. If what you said was pointless, then obviusly what i said is that too.
On the topic of tiny AK's do have a look at the chineese Type 64 pistol.
9x39 is a bigger round than 7.62x39
Brandon: rarest gun on the channel!!!
Garand thumb two years later: ha ha an94 go burt.
Just watched that today and this video popped up just now 😂
You should manufacture these and contract another company you trust to manufacture the suppressors to go along with them. It would be cool to see them in pistol clamberings as well as a variety of intermediate rifle chamberings.
I don't know about the legalities, but if it were possible, it could be the biggest money maker Brandon has ever devised.
There's a company called Slagga mfg working on one in the US with a suppressor and a non suppressor version
@@BalrogSonOfNelgar Sssssshh dont say it to loud MAC might hear about it.
Chamber it in .300BO and have readily available subsonic ammo.... performance is also FAIRLY similar
@@cptpackrat1 if he does one in .350 bushmaster, I could legally hunt deer with it in Iowa and therefore a snowball's chance in hell at my wife approving :)
The real VSS, despite only having 3 baffles, is just a loud click. It's not as much the number of baffles that matter as it is the room for gas expansion, and the large housing of the original allowed for a lot of gas expansion. Normal rifle suppressors have limited diameter and shorter length, so they need to implement a more brute force solution with a larger number of smaller baffles in order to slow the compressed gas exiting the muzzle until it has lost most of its potential energy. This also results in a larger amount of gas coming back out the receiver. The VSS's suppressor would be very low back pressure in addition to being quiet.
The baffle system that he put in his gun is better then the original one… your wrong
@@Covertdaily His point is that the original is pretty damn quiet, not that it's equal to or better than Brandon's.
I'd think that the original baffle was designed to work under high temperature (full auto, mostly) with no issues, which I doubt Brandon's would.
Port pop is probably louder but it's also a piston gun so gas would be lower to begin with. It could be possible that db is higher at the ear and lower at the muzzle.
I thought the bullet does an 'S' curve in the suppressor so it has time to cool down
@@sgtjericho7884 Why would Brandon's design not work as well full auto?
Wonder if Brandon could get his hands on an ASh-12.7 for a future video, but considering its a Russian assault rifle chambered in Russian 50 cal it most likely won't happen
the ammo for it would be ass to come by.
The 6P62 would be more likely, just by virtue of being in 12.7x108, of course only problem is the actual rifle is as obscure as the ASh's round 😆
Goddamn, Girls Frontline will ruin a man... no regrets.
VSSK "Выхлоп" 12,7×54 - also interesting
It's not just a russian 50 cal, that name usually goes to 12,7x108, ASh-12 uses a 12,7x55 subsonic round, the same round as VSSK "Vyhlop" Vintorez's bigger, but less known brother. Also, there is a revolver (createvely named RSh-12) chambered in the same round.
My favorite gun from Stalker.
You're missing the polyurethane "shock-absorber" in front of the recoil spring assembly plate.
Regarding the noise report, the original one has been measured to be quieter than a subsonic AR-15, which is actually quite a bit, but clearly improvable. One of the reasons for the simpler baffle design is cleaning, integrally suppressed guns are usually dirty AF.
I love that this video helps prove that the SSh-40 is an unreasonably durable helmet for being just a shitty steel pot.
This is the type of helmet you give to your Mosin militia. Cheap, durable and overall everything is better than the Hungarian steel helmets with the atrocious liner.
If you want to bring some thing more exotik - Get a KORD 12,7 mm machinegun!!!!:)))) everybody loves 50 cal:))))
An94 would be hard to find and really cool too
Shopping list: AK 107, PP 19 Bizon, AN 94, 6p62 (look that one up it's beautifully dumb), PTRD, ShAK 12 and a ww1 fedorov avtomat rifle. This shopping list would probably cost about 3mil so no pressure have fun.
Please please add english subtitles to your videos
I wanna see a KS-23 even just a replica in 8 gauge it'd be cool
@@chunkyizanagisburden man, from all you wrote i only shoot ONE product - SHAK12 - and i am RUSSIAN:))))) i think for Brendon it would cost "little" more than a 3 000 000:)))))
Brandon: Wants to hit helmet
Also Brandon: Head eyes
Skill is hard to overcome.
Someone didn't take sight offset into consideration...
@@vigunfighter and someone didn't get the Escape From Tarkov related joke.
"Can, pulltab"
From what I've heard, back then when the rifle was in development, the goal was set to create a suppressor that makes a sound that doesn't sound like a shot instead of making it quiet as possible. So you can very much hear the sound but, in an urban environment, you're much likely to think that something broke because, well... pretty much everything around is in shambles.
Theres that and theres the fact that a "silenced" gun, even with supersonic rounds. Is alot harder to locate when fired at you (well i only tried from the trench at a gunrange, so there was a fairly likely direction) But as there was no destinct muzzle report (even with 6,5X55 supersonics) it was less obvius what the source direction was.
Imagining an ambush or assult of VSS equipped troops.... well youd likely notice casualties before noticing attackers (even with the old USSR model supressors)
@@bonielsen8001 it’s funny because the VSS came out in 1990, so not that long ago, but it looks like it’s from the early 50’s...
@@crazysilly2914 well, gucci design was never considered important around here...
@@vmax_ its the smooth stylings of adidas...
It still looks better than 90% of new guns
It was made for soviet KGB and GRU. Also the original suppressor takes a second to attach not as long as here. It is made that way so that it can fit in a standard black briefcase popular at the time for covert operations. It was extremely rare, actually did not exist in the Soviet Army. Became popular after they realized how effective it was in Chechnya and became standard issue in VDV and other elite but more widespread army units.
VDV and OTHER elite units? bruhhh
@@HarrDarr Ukraine "war" isnt a reflection of the capabilities of Russia, they are playing easy
@@paraszt4269 hahahaha ok
@@HarrDarr ofc not elite untis - every infantry reconnaissance platoon has 2-3 of this rifles.
@@fedoresko VDV are not elite hahahaha
the real vss has a completely different sound. this is achieved by accurately selecting the angle of the three inclined washers and the distance between them. there are three washers for a reason, it was an exact adjustment of the jamming of this cartridge and this barrel.
Слава советским конструкторам!!!
Very very nice! The true sound is iconic, beautiful design.
Well to be fair, not exactly iconic, because no many has heard it before. But once you do hear it, it’s hard to unhear haha
Honestly, no matter how iconic the sound of the original weapon, this is beautiful. Having a gun that has so little sound. Its beautiful and extremely useful.
Sadly I live in Germany so I will never be allowed to own such a gun :(
@@S-Asker , купи охолощенный муляж, если конечно вам там можно. Я бы тоже был бы не против владеть некоторыми видами, но у нас конституция не позволяет. Только ружья охотничье можно, а остальное нет.
If you want a neat challenge for getting more exotic I'd like to suggest a variant of the Groza, though I doubt we'll see one on the channel till post-WW3 I think it would be a great addition
If enough Russians move to the USA, then Putin will invade. Then, possible Groza show from Brandon!!1
@@kebman don't talk too loudly, he might want Alaska back.
Yes, This is a must.
Another reason I'm proud to be part of the #AKGNotificationSquad.
Have fun with the sneeki breeki submacheeky, Brandon.
Its absolutely criminal that UA-cam wpuld never allow Mr. Herrera to have a gun building/disassembly channel,
Remembered a story of VSS, when it's early concepts and prototypes RGO-36 "Igrushka" (Toy) was about 1.9 kg and used 7.62x25 case with 7.62x39 bullet. So much interesting things, solutions, compromises and other details in firearms history. And Yeah, VSS is just cool as hell)
Brandon, thanks a lot)
P.S. You're ready for travel to ghe Monolith, Strelok)
@@Rainersherwood try to search #РГ036
It's correctly will be RG036
At least a video on LazarevTactical.
But some of the articles also got some information about it.
Such a tiny thing
@@Rainersherwood actually, sounds good. Maybe even contact with Konstantine for integration.
P.S. Some channels make a good russian voicover of Brandon's videos - glad that a lot of people like and share same interests.
Even in Russia this gun is in "really hard to get" civilian gun tier. Congrats, comrade! In Russia, there are at least 3 variants of this rifle for the civilian market. The price is high BUT quite acceptable.
Why do you use an English loaning from Spanish, as allegedly a «Russian» word?
ATF: “if we hear you’re using Russian ammo we’ll come after you”
Brandon: *quiety chuckles in integral suppressor*
Brandon is my weekly dose of 80’s style sarcastic antihero.
1:51 - 2:00
Killed me😂😂
Just random Humour, i love it
There's a reason the stalinium helmet is meta for budget runs :D in game its got a really good deflection chance
Bringing back unicorn Russian build kits… Making it better… now that’s ‘Merica!
he started giving game examples to Stalker. This guy is Man of culture.
I'd be willing to bet the stalker series is a very big reason why this gun is so popular. Easily my favorite gun in the game😁
Wow! That’s wild! Damn near movie level quiet. I’m no gun expert, but that’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.
I KNEW he would forget his hearing protection when he switched to the Glock. Professional gun bros have to be extra careful since they shoot so much more often. Stay ear-healthy, Brandon!
I cannot get over how quiet that thing is. You were right to call it "spooky quiet Soviet shit" back when you did a White Board of Knowledge video on the AS VAL
The VSS also has disadvantages.
Suppressor in general, not very durable, it must be protected from shock. The cartridges weigh a lot. The actual firing range is small: in principle, you can only shoot further than 250 meters "for good luck." Especially with SP-6 and PAB cartridges. The accuracy of fire even with SP-5 cartridges is by no means amazing.
But using the surprise factor, this rifle can be used simply with phenomenal efficiency. A friend of mine shot three bad guys with the VSS before the rest of them just realized they were being fired on.
The sound track is legendary. Unless that Helmet sits quite far off the skull, that VSS shot still did the job.
Dude. This is a civilian non-combat rifle. You gave birth to a monster! But I'm glad he's still shooting so quietly.
The fact you included Stalker in that list ingratiated you to me dearly
Old dude I worked with many moons ago was with 3rd Army in France. He was some kind of support puke, and was armed with a Thompson. Farting around one day, he happened on a German helmet in the ditch and popped off a burst at it...and watched all that .45ACP hardball just bounce off. He immediately RTB and exchanged the Tommy Gun for the Garand he lugged around for the rest of the war.
Yep. Stahlhelms sure weren't just for show.
Heavy subsonic rounds will penetrate deeper, but the wound cavitation size will be the same. The armor penetration comes from special tungsten or steel core rounds, often with a polymer coating. Don't expect to penetrate armor with subsonic lead or copper.
That thump on the helmet was impressive, you can see why it would actually penetrate with special rounds loaded. Surprised I didn't see any other comments talking about the ammo that was developed with this gun in mind
@@nickhenley1338 For sure. From what I understand 9x39 had some hefty tungsten ap rounds that weighed upwards of 600 grains. You should look into it.
237-grain Nyclad Lead Hydra-Shock with tungsten center-post, at 900-930 (better than usual quality control) feet-per-second.
@@davidgoodnow269 that's the 9x39 loads? I thought they were heavier
@@austinhuber3131 Yup. It's very low-pressure, which is a huge factor in silencing. The bullet offers very good expansion (about 2.5x) and penetration if there's no armor, and very good accuracy indeed. Good for head-shots out past 200 meters; chest to 400-600 depending on the shooter. Compare with that bolt-action silenced .45 the Brits used in World War II for sentry elimination, but with a flatter trajectory.
He should've placed a microphone near the target, since what a second sentry can hear is what's most important. Eighty meters from the shooter, about all you hear a couple places from the person being hit is a sound like someone thumping their chest when they cough. Then they fall over, which if they're armed can be pretty noisy.
Finding this gun in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is difficult but it tears through people
vss or as val my second fav firearm of all time the „sneeky breeki” gun the russians honey badger whatever you call it but really the main reason why i love this gun is the whole idea of a rifle being integrally surpressed, sure it isnt as sneaky like in video games or in movies but ill be damned isnt it cool… really glad you showed this on your channel and pointed out the differences behind the engineerings of both ak and vss good video as always
You now have the Holy Trinity of Soviet rounds, 5.45x39 7.62x39 and now 9x39. I couldn’t possibly be more jealous. Great Video!
Dont forget The 7.62x54r
@@Madhouse2332 I was just including the rounds that stemmed from the 7.62x39
@@Ninjapancake36 My bad
@@Madhouse2332 it’s all good
Totally off topic but in WWI the Brits seriously debated withdrawing helmets from their troops because any unit wearing helmets suffered noticeably increased numbers of men with head trauma after a firefight.
It took them a few years to realize that the reason for all of this head trauma was because most of the reported wounded were usually killed outright when they didn't wear helmets.
How did they not notice the simultaneous decrease in fatalities?
Like "yeah we're seeing way more head injuries, but we also had way fewer fatalities."
That’s a nice case of survivor bias
@@feraligatorade99 They both used to be considered "casualties" and I guess when your casualty numbers stay roughly the same, it takes a while to realize your units don't need to be reinforced so much after the wounded have time to recover.
That's like armoring bombers where the ones that made it back were full of holes.
@@markfergerson2145 uhh are you sure?
Shooting at the helmet.
Me: "Lol sight over bore"
Herrera: "did not account for sight over bore"
Me: (Points at screen while sitting in my couch drinking a beer)
I forgot this a few times also, i just find it hilarious that Herrera did, and sort of impressed that he admitted and included it.
Much respect! love the channel!
I don't know who I'm more excited to see, the VSS or the Polenar crew in Texas .
Holy shit. That surplus helmet is tough. Did not expect that.
Brandon hit way too high, at the Round Top.
A bit down an it penetrates.
Unlike the Glock.
I'm honestly impressed. Not just with the fact you managed to obtain one, but with the real-life performance.
The simple fact that literally none of you were wearing earpro while filming your range time with it says everything you need to about this weapon; dare I say it's the one weapon that the games and Hollywood needed to take no special creative license with.
Great video.
I mean, this particular one has a custom suppressor that looks like it's a whole lot more effective than the original. I'd expect a standard, run of the mill VSS to be a bit louder.
@@joshadams5602 It is pretty darn quiet, even with the "crude" Russian baffles.
@@joshadams5602 True, but Soviet weapons tended to be prime examples of doing more with less, because material scarcity. You also have to consider diminishing returns past a certain point; designing a suppressor is the functional equivalent of designing a muffler for a car, after all.
If it hadn't been for budgetary concerns of the day, the original baffle design probably would have ended up being a lot more like what's presented here.
Parts kit origin was probably a civilian version of vintorez by VPO, especially since brandon said the kit arrived without the silencer. The unicorn guns brandon could try to get his hands on are:
SR-1 - civilian AK107
MR-1 - civilian SVCh
KSO18 - civilian a-545/aek971
Fedorov Avtomat
@@matthewashbaugh9254 Fjodorov.
Next step: assembling from the parts kit the legendary AN-94)))
I'm only one who miss the white board of knowledge series? I guess something like AN-94 or (especially with the live samples) SVD or PKM would be great.
And AK-12...I really hope to see Brandon showing it since one of the videos about AK-50
Next step: assembling from the parts kit the legendary AN-94)))
I'm only one who miss the white board of knowledge series? I guess something like AN-94 or (especially with the live samples) SVD or PKM would be great.
And AK-12...I really hope to see Brandon showing it since one of the videos about AK-50
What's VPO? and where can I get the kit?
Ты не сказал одну важную деталь по поводу разработки патрона. Он разрабатывался не только как дозвуковой патрон, но и как патрон без рикошета.
Что касается родства с АК, то это оружие производит конкурент из города Ковров и его родственник это АЕК971.
PS желаю тебе АЕК971 в коллекцию!))
Woah, the lack of recoil on the AEK971 is insane :)
@@avienated esspecially in the Battlefield franchise pls nerf it Dice
@@ilias-mu4vt sure, I found a video from real life though :)
@@avienated yeah that gun is quite something but I prefer the an-94 when we speak about over engineered russian guns.
@@ilias-mu4vt ok, so you are saying they are good, but expensive to make and hard to maintain?`Just guessing here :)
It is indeed a beautiful rifle.
I would be extremely interested to see how it performs ar range, seeing as it´s low velocity should give it a rather steep ballistic curve.
Also, i would be interested to see this fired at a gel block.
Any chance you would do something like that?
Maybe a collab with DaddyGarand?
Pretty Please?
i literally sat with my mouth wide the fuck open in awe and not even gonna mention the hard on for this.......
GG Brandon.....
fucking well played....
I love how intentional and calm and focused his breakdown is, you can tell just how excited he is to have this thing in his hand
I watch a lot of airgun videos (I love them as much as firearms) and that suppressor literally makes it sound like a high powered PCP airgun with a suppressor. Good job on the moderator!!!
That intro part is EXACTLY what anti gun people think buying guns is like in real life.
The visit by Polinar Tactical was awesome. So much guntube greatness in one place. But on to the vss... 9x39 reminds me of 45acp that maybe... how does one say "2 Ukrainian wars" in Russian? Hmmm are Russian fudds a thing? The rifle is beautiful. Great job with the parts kit. #akgnotificationsquad