Cheyenne Prophesied of Joseph Smith (All-Sewn-Up-Man) & The Book of Mormon

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • This video clip is of Shawn Littlebear (Cheyenne Medicine Man, Record Keeper, Dog Soldier, and Arrow Man) filmed by Mike & Nancy James. [NOTE: Mike & Nancy James used to run the "Preparing A People" group events, website, podcasts, etc., but it seems to have all been shut down when they discovered that 2 people associated with the group turned into murderous psychos (Chad & Lori Daybell). Mike & Nancy are sickened by what the Daybells have done www.fox13now.c... . It's a shame that the name "Preparing A People" has been polluted by the horrible things the Daybells have done. I hope people don't forever associate the good people and content from that group with the Daybells.]
    Many Native American tribes still have Hebrew/Middle-Eastern linguistics/customs still preserved in their cultures to this day. Some of them are descendants from the people in the Book of Mormon. The ancient North American Mound-builder civilizations correlate with the people in The Book of Mormon. They built fortified cities the way those people did. They had metal armor and swords like those people did. They made mounds filled with human bones like those people did. They had ancient Hebrew/Middle-Eastern writings like those people did. They had some X2a DNA that traces back to the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern area where those people came from.
    The Book of Mormon is a true record about a group of believers in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, who left Jerusalem in 600 BC and ended up somewhere in ancient America. It covers the years 600 BC - 421 AD, and also includes a brief record of a much earlier group of believers in God and Jesus, who left the Tower of Babel (approximately 2200 BC) and ended up somewhere in ancient America as well.
    There is plenty of evidence in North America supporting the Book of Mormon. Read the Book of Mormon and research the Mound-builder civilizations (especially the Hopewell and the Adena). You will find that there were once great ancient civilizations right here in the United States and Canada that you most likely had never been taught about in school.
    You can get a free BIBLE and BOOK OF MORMON at: www.churchofje...
    My PLAYLIST (so far) about the North American Mound-Builders and their relationship to ancient Israel: • Book of Mormon Evidenc...
    Other great sites:
    - www.BookofMormo...
    - www.AncientAmer...
    - www.LDSArchaeol...
    Watch Wayne May and Rod Meldrum on UA-cam
    Also, watch "Nephite Explorer" and "Hidden In the Heartland" on www.truenorthtv...


  • @MichaelP_IsMe
    @MichaelP_IsMe  3 роки тому +8

    NOTE: Mike & Nancy James (who filmed the podcast that this video clip came from) used to run the "Preparing A People" group events, website, podcasts, etc., but it seems to have all been shut down when they discovered that 2 people associated with the group turned into murderous psychos (Chad & Lori Daybell). Mike & Nancy are sickened by what the Daybells have done . It's a shame that the name "Preparing A People" has been polluted by the horrible things the Daybells have done. I hope people don't forever associate the good people and content from that group with the Daybells.

    • @Maheonehooestse-HolyFireMan
      @Maheonehooestse-HolyFireMan 3 роки тому +1

      Those mounds were made in the design of the All. They simply weren't "heaped up" and thrown together rather each Holy one was put into his or her particular "realm" depending on their earthly name that was given to them. These were arranged in a specific order according to the constellations.

    • @gaymichaelis7581
      @gaymichaelis7581 3 роки тому +1

      That was very unexpected to read!!! Oh, my! And very sad and tragic!!!

  • @djmerrell9644
    @djmerrell9644 3 роки тому +16

    I have a friend from the Omaha tribe. He shared an Omaha legend that their ancestors came from across the sea in boats that could go under water. He said that when he read about those boats in the Book of Mormon, he knew the book was true and was baptized.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  3 роки тому +3

      Thanks for sharing! Check out Red Sky's Migration chart if you haven't yet.

    • @sarahfisher9472
      @sarahfisher9472 Рік тому +1

      That's so cool

  • @jeremiahsturk8982
    @jeremiahsturk8982 4 роки тому +30

    The Icelandics have an ancient poem that speaks of Joseph Smith in the Edda.
    " The boy will find the gold plates in the tall grass"

    • @lindamoses3697
      @lindamoses3697 4 роки тому +3


    • @duanemichaelis6525
      @duanemichaelis6525 4 роки тому

      Jeremiah Sturk Really?! You’re kidding?! No, I don’t think you are… That is wonderful! Thank you. Gay Michaelis

    • @jeremiahsturk8982
      @jeremiahsturk8982 3 роки тому +1

      @@emmabrown7 that was many years ago when I was in Iceland.

  • @wendyatwood2290
    @wendyatwood2290 6 років тому +25

    your videos are amazing thank you.....I want to be buried with my book of Mormon what a faithful idea !

    • @duanemichaelis6525
      @duanemichaelis6525 4 роки тому +2

      Beautiful idea. To be buried with the book of Mormon! Thank you all!!! Gay Michaelis

  • @zelphachatwin3734
    @zelphachatwin3734 6 років тому +37

    Shawn Little Bear: Dear Bother, remember your sister in the north, who too knows the truthfulness of our prophet Joseph Smith. On May 15, our family faces the beast. The very beast who destroyed our leader Brother Joseph. Please pray for us. Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! We will never deny our God or our faith.

    • @libertyordeath5630
      @libertyordeath5630 5 років тому +3

      @Jim Caponzi Don't be a little bitch; you wanted to get a response or you would not have posted anything in the first place...

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      @Jim Caponzi
      Hahaha, Jim Curry, you sound like you really are from hell. Those words that you use are not from a holy man, neither from the bible. You are so fucking hurt with the video. One thing I know, truth really hurts hahaha

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      The man is an idiot! Haha

  • @terrywilliams759
    @terrywilliams759 6 років тому +38

    I served my mission in Oklahoma be baptized a native American member who told me that her grandmother used to tell her story is very similar to The Book of Mormon and that was the reason why she was baptized love the Native American people I served my mission in Oklahoma in 1995 through 97 enjoyed the town of Anadarko the most.

    • @EMRAE_8
      @EMRAE_8 6 років тому +20

      My great grandfather was a medicine man who had told my mother stories about animal's. She just thought these were her bedtime stories but when she was a teenager and in seminary, the bible stories and the book of mormon stories were familiar. She realized her grandfather knew about the creation, about the flood of the world, the tower of babel, the coming of Jesus Christ. He told her the story of His appearance to America and the disaster's and destruction prior to His appearance.
      We came upon this book titled, He Walked the America's. That book speaks about the legend's of a white God or Prophet that came to this land and to all the islander's. He healed and performed miracles, then taught them a higher way. The 1st edition of this book has more complete storie's and information. The next edition's leave out a lot of storie's.
      I tried throughout my teenage year's to read the Book of Mormon and I never could. I'd read the first couple of chapter's then lose interest. It wasn't until I was married and I had my 1st child that I decided to try again. I was going through some bumps in my life at the time and with my husband's encouragement I started to read. I read the whole book out loud to my 9 month old daughter for her bedtime story and my eye's were opened. My heart, felt like bursting everytime I read. Everything had clarity to me and I became very emotional. I laughed and cried reading and reading through tears of happiness and pure joy. I stopped a lot to just pray for thankfulness and express love to my Savior and my Father in Heaven.
      The testimony I recieved is forever sealed in my heart and soul.

    • @happylatter-daysaint3503
      @happylatter-daysaint3503 5 років тому +4

      @@EMRAE_8, Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony! God bless!! ❤❤❤

    • @bradleypeters3454
      @bradleypeters3454 5 років тому +4

      Actually contention is of the devil, obviously something you don't know about. I know this church is true, I know the book of mormon is true, I know that god and the his son Jesus live, I know Joseph Smith is the prophet who helped restore Jesus Christs church, all pf this I know through the power of prayer. These words I say in the name thy son Jesus Christ AMEN

    • @bradleypeters3454
      @bradleypeters3454 5 років тому +2

      @Jim Caponzi Lmao, be angry and misserable all you want, your words won't stop The church of Jesus Christ, so many have tried and were unsuccessful. You are weak to the power of the devil. If you are so brave and tough try this, be a man and take courage and kneel and pray to our heavenly father and ask if this church is true. I challenge you to do this, don't be scared, be a man and except my challenge, and I promise you you will recieve an answer. Good luck Jimbo

    • @bradleypeters3454
      @bradleypeters3454 5 років тому

      @Jim Caponzi You are so childish, grow up boy, calling in marines, your obviously the coward, try come on to my reservation and see what happens.If you do make it in, I promise you wont make it out. PEACE!!! My brother, I love you

  • @BradleyGagne
    @BradleyGagne 6 років тому +23

    Wonderful. Native Americans are decedents from the tribe of Mannesah also known as The Lamanites.

    • @BradleyGagne
      @BradleyGagne 6 років тому +9

      Jim Caponzi I'm sorry you feel another testament of Jesus Christ is blaspheme. Just as the Jews of old that persecuted and killed Jesus no different today. Hopefully, you soften your heart, open your mind, and not stiffen your neck.
      How do you know Jesus is Lord?

    • @ricemanthemighty
      @ricemanthemighty 6 років тому +5

      Hey Jim, last I checked the Catholic Church had respect for other religions and also taught to be kind of others. How can we believe anything you say when you don’t follow your own religion? Hmm..

    • @BradleyGagne
      @BradleyGagne 6 років тому +6

      Jim Caponzi that's not very Christlike of you to attack me. The BoM is the word of God.
      How can you say Jesus is Lord?

    • @BradleyGagne
      @BradleyGagne 6 років тому +7

      Jim Caponzi 1 Corinthians 12: 28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
      Ephesians 4: 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
      11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
      12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
      13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
      14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
      God’s Church has prophets and apostles until we all come in the UNITY of the faith.
      I can say Jesus is Lord by the Holy Ghost. Only by the Holy Ghost may you know the truth of all things. Just as I know the BoM is true. The stick of Judah ”bible” the Stick of Ephraim. ”BoM”
      Ezekiel 37: 15 The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying,
      16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:
      17 And join them one to another into one stick, and they shall become one in thine hand.
      You have a lot to learn Jim. I love Jesus Christ. We didn't kill the apostles of Jesus and corrupt the doctrine. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention a Pope. Only Prophets and Apostles.
      Why would God’s Church be any different today than the church Jesus Christ established in his earthly ministry?
      Ephesians 2: 18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
      19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
      20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

    • @ricemanthemighty
      @ricemanthemighty 6 років тому +6

      Jim Caponzi don’t worry Jim. I respect your decision to not like the Latter-Day Saints. Hopefully you can find love in your heart for everyone as Jesus once taught. Jim, we Latter-Day Saints love you despite whatever you choose to believe. Even if we are of Satan as you say.. can you not find love in your heart for those who you claim to have lost their way? Anger is not the way of the Lord.

  • @EMonzon
    @EMonzon 5 років тому +7

    you made me happy with this video

  • @chrislilienthal4592
    @chrislilienthal4592 6 років тому +12

    This is very interesting I nvr knew this

    • @ricemanthemighty
      @ricemanthemighty 6 років тому +5

      Don’t worry Jim. We Saints Latter-day Saints still love you even if you won’t love us. That’s what Jesus taught right! :D

    • @acrosstheroundtable
      @acrosstheroundtable 5 років тому

      “All sewn up man”.
      Joseph smith never went to the Native Americans.
      He was shot and killed jumping out of a jail cell in Carthage, IL in 1844.
      Showing the 1890 painting is misleading.

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      Haha, that words really hurt the man, the devil cry when they hear the words of concern. 😅

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      Edit it twice more and its still the same, no one is interested in lies. They all know who's telling lies. 😚

  • @ChiefofTradez
    @ChiefofTradez 6 років тому +19

    That is some awesome perspective. So much history having to be rediscovered

    • @David-rt6lm
      @David-rt6lm 4 роки тому +2

      Smithonian and Vatican deceived the whole world with false doctrines as desrcibed in the bible

  • @kjnightbird1772
    @kjnightbird1772 6 років тому +25

    I am an infant in the knowledge of The Book of Mormon. But, as I start my journey, I've had this nagging memory of reading a book on the Cheyenne. Where one of their beliefs was if a person died before having a good relationship with the Creator, he would still have an opportunity to be taught in the ways of becoming a proper Spirit-being in the after-live. (Please excuse my poor paraphrasing, as I no longer have the book or it's title to quote from.) This concept was most intriguing & thus stayed with me all these years. It seems to mesh well with Mormon theology that our Spirits can & do have the opportunity to continue to advance after our initial "Paradise or Spirit Prison" existence. I would very much appreciate any kind corrections or validations to build upon in regards to this thoughts.

    • @happylatter-daysaint3503
      @happylatter-daysaint3503 5 років тому +11

      kj Nightbird, How is your journey going? Are you praying & reading The Book of Mormon?
      I am a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was baptized at 17. It was the best decision I've ever made!
      God bless! ❤❤❤

    • @kjnightbird1772
      @kjnightbird1772 5 років тому +5

      @@happylatter-daysaint3503 Thank You for asking! ~It most certainly begins with Baptism. 😉 Latter-day Saints are so awesome when it comes to reaching out to People of other Faiths & Cultures "with an Olive Branch." They understand we are all Related . . . One of many Planets & our Spiritual Progression continues far into Time. I have much reading to do! I thank you for your gentle knudging (intended or not). 😉 And I am Happy for You!
      ~Blessings 💞🌿🌎📖🌅🌟

    • @theephraimite
      @theephraimite 5 років тому +3

      kj Nightbird, that is somewhat correct, somewhat that is. The bible even says it that people who perished in the flood for rejecting God's word went to spirit prison and had the gospel preached to them again. (1 Peter 3:18-20, 4:6). There's more, just shared a few scriptures.

    • @duanemichaelis6525
      @duanemichaelis6525 4 роки тому +1

      kj Nightbird No, beautifully said, Nightbird!! Love your name! Love birds and love the night! I am a latter-day Saints or a Mormon. I am a convert at the age of 45 & I am now 71! We are reading the book of Mormon this year in church, and I am really enjoying it! I know the book of Mormon is true, and that Jesus Christ was here on this continent! I have a son who has a bit of Choctaw Indian in him. Love all of the Indians or native Americans! Love your culture/s and everything about you guys. Keep believing! Love, Gay Michaelis ❤️👏🤟👋👍🤗

    • @fuarosapercival9829
      @fuarosapercival9829 4 роки тому

      The only true church on earth was the church of jesus christ of Later day Saints. The book of mormon is the only true book on earth. The book of mormon is another testament of Christ. Only the Lds church don't worship idols. Jesus Christ is the foundation of his church. Lehi was the father of the Nephites and the Lamanites or the native Indians and also the Pacific Islanders. Jesus Christ church have apostles and prophets to lead his church as its says in the bible as well. Pray to God if the book is true then you'll know the answer.

  • @tanyas.3812
    @tanyas.3812 2 роки тому

    What language did the Cheyanne speak?

  • @AngelaMoses123
    @AngelaMoses123 5 років тому +3

    Thank You, God bless you.

  • @richarner3856
    @richarner3856 2 місяці тому

    They also believed in Sasquatch

  • @MichaelP_IsMe
    @MichaelP_IsMe  5 років тому +8

    Here is SOLID undeniable evidence that Hebrews were in ancient North America... you can see it right on Google Earth.

    • @TEA-fj3ut
      @TEA-fj3ut 5 років тому +1

      I never heard of a single LDS general authority during conference talks ever discuss archaeological or anthropological links with Native Nations and ancient Hebrews from your video I watched. The description in the BoM with the earthen defensive works along with carved writings are evidences the Smithsonian, National Geographic, and Academia will always debunk and disparage. Sadly, the LDS church from the top down is clueless, afraid, or agree with the skeptics and not believe the hard evidences. In other words a faith crises within the LDS as most LDS leadership looks the other way and won't engage the science as they have no courage to argue for or against your very points. That being said, If a LDS believed in ancient Hebrews that dwelt in NA and some of Ancient peoples are descendant form those fleeing Jerusalem they should own it and not dance around the topic as if it doesn't matter. If the Gospel message of Christ is intertwined with the ancient Kingdoms of Nephites and Lamanites that occupied America ever existed then those foggy old men in SLC wearing suits need to address this, but I can bet you my paycheck it will never be mentioned.

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      So what? Were you hurt by this video? Hahaha

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      Ow they are evel, i guess you are a Christian mimic, that is why you are accusing them of being evil while they are trying to make things right while the world tries to make it worse.

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      Ow, you act like an idiot, thinking you know who i am. When did I say that i am one of them? I will be proud to be, but I can't hahaha.(never mind why)
      So your conclusion is they are evil, sorry but your suggestion don't hurt anyone. They are called evil, cult,etc. But that doesn't hurt them, and when i read the bible, i just realized who is the true evil. I just want you to see it for yourself.
      If you can't understand my english, sorry for you..
      Yes, they are evil hahaha the most honest people i can have in my company are from the evil church. LOL!!!!

    • @joeyfeliciano9199
      @joeyfeliciano9199 5 років тому

      Because you're not EVIL???

  • @tanyas.3812
    @tanyas.3812 2 роки тому

    Were the Cheyenne friends with the Cherokee?

  • @tanyas.3812
    @tanyas.3812 2 роки тому

    Are the Cheyanne people friends or enemy’s of the Cherokee people?

  • @silverrose7554
    @silverrose7554 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you 🙏
    For years later I found out I have Abenaki, Algonquin 1600s family .

  • @EMonzon
    @EMonzon 4 роки тому +1

    This story brings me joy and hope. There's nothing more beautiful to me than the flourishing of the lamanites.

  • @bobbyc.1111
    @bobbyc.1111 6 років тому +2

    Hi Shawn, thanks for the names we got from ya. I need to get more names form you. Thanks,

  • @heberfrank8664
    @heberfrank8664 5 років тому +2

    Book of Mormon evidences in North America should also be considered under the possibility that Nephite civilization came from South America to Mesoamerica in Hagoth's ships, and later it came to North America.
    Book of Mormon evidences in a location do not prove that the Book of Mormon account took place in that location, but only that Nephites or Lamanties came there.
    If the Maori and others in the Pacific Islands have the blood of Lehi, then that disqualifies the Heartland and Great Lakes models. Why? They have Hagoth's ships going into lake Ontario. How could a ship in BC times go from lake Ontario to the Islands of the Pacific? Especially since no ships could go past several places along the St Lawrence river until modern locks were built?
    The Kon Tiki expedition proved that anciently people came from Peru to the Pacific Islands. See point 15 in this file:

  • @Maheonehooestse-HolyFireMan
    @Maheonehooestse-HolyFireMan 3 роки тому +1

    Those mounds were made in the design of the All. They simply weren't "heaped up" and thrown together rather each Holy one was put into his or her particular "realm" depending on their earthly name that was given to them. These were arranged in a specific order according to the constellations. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle and this will be manifested soon. It is not just one tradition or religion this would be blinding yourself and keeping yourself from seeing a bigger picture.

  • @luisp4009
    @luisp4009 5 років тому +7

    I can only imagine the day when God will tell all of us, something along these lines: I gave you the Bible and you didn't understand it, I also gave you the Book of Mormon to testify of My Son Jesus Christ and you REJECTED it.
    I know even before learning about all the many physical evidences that the Book of Mormon is true and I am grateful for that testimony for it has never left me, even after so many years.

    • @anisuthideyakoindu
      @anisuthideyakoindu 5 років тому

      The Book of Mormon is True, be it minus the so called Mandela Effected parts!!!

  • @janetgaurie7163
    @janetgaurie7163 3 роки тому

    I never knew this!

  • @sticksstones8498
    @sticksstones8498 5 років тому +1

    Great video of info.
    Did you know that Joseph was also Indian?
    He was a native.

    • @littlebigband2010
      @littlebigband2010 4 роки тому

      Sticks & Stones is like you to give me as much info about that as you can! Please contact me at

    • @nanholt4431
      @nanholt4431 2 роки тому


  • @MichaelP_IsMe
    @MichaelP_IsMe  2 роки тому

    Here are QUOTES from early Church history about WHERE The Book of Mormon happened:

  • @theephraimite
    @theephraimite 4 роки тому

    Back again.
    Tuesday - August 25, 2020.

  • @Silvereagledude
    @Silvereagledude 3 роки тому +1

    That was interesting

  • @duanemichaelis6525
    @duanemichaelis6525 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome, awesome, awesome! This is so beautiful I think & I feel!! Just another testimony of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon! Thank you so very much for providing this and thank you, chief! 🤟🤗❤️. Gay Michaelis

  • @Cryptosifu
    @Cryptosifu 5 років тому +4

    Didn't the church just change the BofM introduction to read, essentially, we have no idea where the Indians came from, but there aren't Laminites. Mountain meadow massacre, anyone?

    • @littlebigband2010
      @littlebigband2010 4 роки тому +1

      Rick McGhee yes the introduction was changed from “principle ancestors” to “ among the ancestors.” That’s an adjustment to the original introduction that was written by Bruce R. McConkie.
      Natives of the Great Lakes region have undoubtedly carried fragments and even unfragmental Hebrew customs that they still practice to this day. Haplo group X which is a Semitic DNA has been confirmed by scientists. Mound builders bones have been tested and repeatedly show this Blood connection with Semitic races. Now to say that all Natives of America have this connection is misleading and to date show no traceable connection with all Native populations so not every Native American population has a connection with this Semitic History. I’ll also mention that Asian DNA also exist in among the Semitic DNA in the same people. Science is beginning to have to open up other avenues for the populating of the Americas. It is fun to watch!

    • @44hawk28
      @44hawk28 4 роки тому

      They only acknowledge that not all Native peoples of the Americas we're necessarily of Hebrew origin. The Mayans are clearly not of Hebrew origin because they were on the continent long before the Hebrews tribes were traveling around the world. It was something that I noticed very early on when I would study the introduction pages. It turns out that mostly only the Hopewell tribes and a few tribes in the west of American Indians you were of Hebrew connection. And it's easy enough to figure out, the Bible States clearly that the lineage of Adam through to Christ are almost everyone Redskins. That is an identifier which doesn't just happen by accident. It is a unique marketing that is consistent with unique markings of the other five races. The white, the black, the brown, The Olive, and the yellow.

    • @ineedoff1
      @ineedoff1 3 роки тому +6

      The introduction was not part of the original revealed Text but was written by those with limited access to genetic studies as they are today. This is an extremely complex area of study and more and more knowledge has and will be forthcoming. Anti Mormon agenda cites DNA (Or lack of it )as proof but this is nonsense. Mountain Meadows? A Horrendous act in by A band of Evil Mormon men.
      It has no bearing on my testimony of the restored Gospel .

    • @rodneyficklin9281
      @rodneyficklin9281 3 роки тому +2

      Eddy Kilgore could not have said it better, religion and faith is not and never will be an intellectual pursuit but rather a spiritual pursuit.
      You can’t prove or disprove the divinity of Christ, the resurrection, miracles, visions, prophets and so on. Just can’t be done.
      Its all an individual pursuit to seek truth.
      If people are guilty in the mountain massacre, that’s there problem not mine, if any leader of the church have done wrong in anyway, again, that would be there problem not mine. We are all responsible for our own salvation in my opinion. I just don’t find this drive to look for fault in others. I have enough to worry about in my self.

  • @David-rt6lm
    @David-rt6lm 4 роки тому

    So then, wheres the Levitical Council House, Land of the wood, Land of the Essenne, who are the fire keepers, wheres the ark of the testimony, and tell me what was Smiths prophecy. Who if anyone did he prophecie about?

  • @GospelOfTimothy
    @GospelOfTimothy 3 роки тому

    Are you sure the little book wasn't the Gospel of Timothy?

  • @jacyayers4446
    @jacyayers4446 3 роки тому +2

    False gospel
    Go read the Bible in revelations
    It says if you add to or take away from the Bible you will be judged harshly!🙏🏻♥️

    • @jillosborn6886
      @jillosborn6886 2 роки тому +2

      When John recorded the caution about not adding to or taking away from those words, he could not have meant the Bible because it wasn't compiled yet. He could only have been meaning the testimony of the vision he witnessed. A much better scripture to apply would be by their fruits ye shall know them. The book of mormon is an Israelite text testifying of the Savior Jesus Christ. That's really good fruit. Don't miss out. Recieve the amazing gift that Christ has blessed us with!

    • @sarahfisher9472
      @sarahfisher9472 Рік тому

      @@jillosborn6886 love your testimony thank you

    • @kenmccain9743
      @kenmccain9743 2 місяці тому

      The book of revelations was written before several books in the New Testament. We also believe that the angel mentioned in Revelations 14:6 with the everlasting gospel in his hands was the angel Moroni holding the Book of Mormon. It also says in Revelations that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. So one has to know by revelation that Jesus is the Christ and the God of the entire Earth. So that refutes that the heavens are sealed. An answer to prayer is a revelation to your spirit that what you have prayed about is true by God's Holy Spirit. By the way, the first book I was given was a King James Bible. I assure you we use both books extensively to come to the truth of all things

  • @MichaelP_IsMe
    @MichaelP_IsMe  4 роки тому +8

    There are Native Americans with HEBREW and other Middle-Eastern languages and customs PRESERVED in their tribes even to this day. It's an undeniable FACT. Enjoy!

    • @christistheway7107
      @christistheway7107 4 роки тому

      I believe all the major exiles and exoduses, on spiritual ground are to be found in the Bible.
      Yet the knowledge God put into writings through Daniel, or other prophets who were in Babylon was and is truly important.
      I don't mean that Native people did not come from the same roots as Noah did etc.
      I believe everyone descends from them, and that there is no difference between people who are under Christ, yet Israelites were indeed his chosen people, to receive the Law etc. to put it into writings etc. also.
      And Christ was born among them and come to them to fulfill the prophecies and Law, so that all the nations might be blessed by God through Christ. Jeremiah 31:7,8; Psalm 14:7. etc. etc. or even Zechariah 2:7-12;
      And that's why God's Word speaks also about twelve tribes, in connection with him, and that's what I believe also what the Apostles do represent.
      The Book of Daniel describes for example statue representing Babylon and what nations and empires so to say it all consists of, until Messiah appears.
      It also was telling like when it's gonna happen and what people were supposed to do or to expect, etc.
      Like that stone, not made with human hands, to crush this statue, of man-made rules, customs and teachings also. I believe that this truly shows, that BoM is not a truthful teaching of God, while it contains some of it's writings.
      Though God favored Israelites, through his Word and prophets etc. to be his people, he also predestined their blessings in a specific land, and location until his Messiah indeed has come, so this might spread all over the world, through his true reign.
      And so I believe one should truly stick to Christ's true teachings and Gospel, also Scripture of God, and to look for it's rightful meaning, rather than BoM. Like the Book of Galatians, Acts, Ep. of John, 1 Cor. 10:20 etc. or so. and to work on oneself. Not that I am perfect myself though, yet I believe that Scriptures of God are really what that title says, while the BoM seems somewhat tampered copy, so to say.
      Hope that you gonna find the truth as well.
      And that's definitely what Christ truly had shown.

  • @davidbenkert1062
    @davidbenkert1062 5 років тому

    For another witness of the book of Mormon, search the mentinah archives.

    • @davidbenkert1062
      @davidbenkert1062 5 років тому +3

      @Jim Caponzi meh... Been hearing your same drivel since 1820. Still here. You should up your tired, played game.

    • @danhoen4129
      @danhoen4129 5 років тому +1

      @Jim Caponzi Jesus would be so proud of your name calling and personal attacks.

    • @einc70
      @einc70 5 років тому +2

      @Jim Caponzi
      "...Judge not, that ye be not judged.
      2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
      3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
      4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
      5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye." Matthew 7 kjb

    • @einc70
      @einc70 5 років тому +1

      @Jim Caponzi is this what your church teaches?

    • @nameless-qi9yo
      @nameless-qi9yo 5 років тому

      Puff the magic dragon or Spyro.....hmm choices 🤔

  • @artist1q1psalmsjc32
    @artist1q1psalmsjc32 4 роки тому

    I'm from the Cheyenne's. Everyone doesn't have the same history. It is Shawn's Testimony.

  • @scientificsocialcat87
    @scientificsocialcat87 3 роки тому

    I'm sorry but Shawn little bear isnt a medicine men of our southern cheyenne ppl nore is he a arrow priest hes dog soilder but hes not a arrow men or a medicine men

  • @brycepardoe658
    @brycepardoe658 5 років тому +3

    This is simply not true

  • @S6891H
    @S6891H 3 роки тому

    I thought this was a good channel until I came across this video. It's so unfortunate you pay any attention to Preparing a People. That group is not only affiliated with Chad Daybell and Lori Callow but they also include others who have been excommunicated.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  3 роки тому +6

      There are psychos in every group of people around the world and it's unfair to judge a group based off of someone who goes nuts. For example, people could look at people like the Daybells or Ted Bundy and judge The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints based on them (and some do), and it would be extremely incorrect. This podcast of Shawn was filmed by the "Preparing A People" group, but I got to know Shawn from The Book of Mormon Evidence conferences. I don't know much about the "Preparing A People" group, but I do know that Mike & Nancy James (who are in charge of that group) are disgusted with what the Daybells did .

  • @brighambentley
    @brighambentley 6 років тому +3

    I want to play some devil’s advocate for a bit to address a concern I have about your evidence videos.
    This is all amazing information and would serve as very good evidence for the Book of Mormon’s authenticity, if you could prove Joseph Smith didn’t just plagiarize it.
    Who’s to say that Joseph and didn’t hear this prophecy or use the mound builder peoples as inspiration? That would explain the parallels. There is already evidence that he may have used View of the Hebrews, the KJV Bible, and a fable called the golden pot. Some critics have suggested he also got the inspiration for the war chapters from actual battles in the War of 1812.
    If you can prove that all of this is false, I will be all in.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 років тому +1

      @Bentley How could just Joseph Smith have decided to go out and plagiarize?

    • @theephraimite
      @theephraimite 5 років тому +2

      Brigham Bentley, you said the critics "suggested" he did this and that. So, you are saying the critics have no evidence to prove their claims, just suggestions?

    • @bcsorensenman
      @bcsorensenman 5 років тому +2

      Nice BS theory, got any evidence? Zero. Where's your evidence Joseph Plagiarized? Zero. You're no better than those you condemn for their lies and you're another liar saying same old lies about J. Smith. .

    • @brighambentley
      @brighambentley 4 роки тому

      bcsorensenman Calm down. I didn’t make any of that up, I am just reporting on some common theories held by anti-Mormons. I am a member of the church asking a clarifying question.

    • @brighambentley
      @brighambentley 4 роки тому

      Richard Holmes I don’t know, that’s why I asked.

  • @bobsmithers5431
    @bobsmithers5431 6 років тому
