What Did the Faith Community Stand For? Doctrines and Deeds in Nazi Europe

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @melissaking6019
    @melissaking6019 Рік тому +6

    My father was an Episcopal priest who read many books on how Protestant and Catholic clergy resisted Nazism. He once quoted that a cleric, I don't know which denomination he belonged to, who was interrogated by the Gestapo and defiantly proclaimed to his persecutors, 'God is my Fuhrer.' This brave man died in a concentration camp.

  • @LeftyLego
    @LeftyLego 7 років тому +21

    I have always been fascinated with the people who risked everything to help and how faith played into their actions. It's difficult to find a lot of information about the lesser know Diplomats etc who stepped up prior to and during this time. As a non religious, secular family, It's really difficult for me to understand let alone my children; I hold out hope for these next generations. We are exceptionally lucky to be born in my country, that my children lean about (and donate to aid efforts) world conflicts and not experience it is a privaledge they should never take for granted. Thank you for the informative lecture.

  • @carolynetter8046
    @carolynetter8046 3 роки тому +76

    The Catholic priest forgot to mention the Concordat that Hitler signed with the Vatican and in Article 16 of that concordat was the agreement that the Catholic church would protect the Nazis.

    • @lisainger6751
      @lisainger6751 3 роки тому +22

      The Catholic church also signed up with Mussolini. He gave them $90,000,000.

    • @RafaelCosta-fy7tb
      @RafaelCosta-fy7tb 3 роки тому +14

      You fools and haters....study history before saying biased nonsense. The church in rome actually helped hide many jews. Concerning mussolini, the pope actucally lost all his territory, which was around 1/3 of italy.

    • @lisainger6751
      @lisainger6751 3 роки тому +18

      @@RafaelCosta-fy7tb Catholic nuns ran death camps for children in the Balkans. They murdered babies. Would Jesus approve of this?

    • @johnfisher247
      @johnfisher247 3 роки тому +8

      Well it wasnt to protect the Church. It was to keep the conditions of the previous concordat. It was signed on 20 July 1933. Hitler had been appointed Chancellor in April 1933. Hindenburg was still President and the Weimar Republic in place. In hindsight we know what happened ...but at the time they did not and it was not until Hindenburg died 2 August 1934 and Hitler without a vote of the people united both the role of Chancellor and President under himself that the concordat was violated by him and his party.

    • @johnfisher247
      @johnfisher247 3 роки тому +6

      @@RafaelCosta-fy7tb yes the issue of the occupation of the over 1300 year old Papal States by the King of Piedmont was settled through negotiations with Mussolini who never shared Nazi theories. The president of Italy now lives in the Papal palace in Rome. The Church kept the 4 major Roman basilicas and the Vatican hill. The payment was for all the Churches and buildings occupied and still owned by the Italian state....with all the works of art.

  • @syaneli
    @syaneli 2 роки тому +17

    100 out of 26,000 priests spoke out for Jews. Courage is certainly a rare attribute.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      Your figures are way out !!!! Now the truth ...... As soon as Hitler got in power he started to remove the rights of both Catholics and Lutherans. The 1933 Concordat was an attempt by the Vatican to give some legal protection to German Catholics, but Hitler simply ignored all the Church’s protests at Nazi violations of the agreement.
      By 1935 the religious orders had been expelled from all their school teaching posts, their schools taken over, and Goebbels devised a horrible propaganda campaign against monks and nuns alleging widespread corruption of German youth.
      All Catholic newspapers had been closed down or put under Nazi editorship. All Catholic youth movements had been taken over. Membership in the Hitler Youth became compulsory.
      The Nazis hated both Catholic and Lutheran churches because they offered a different view of life to the Third Reich’s totalitarian ideology. They managed to take over the Lutheran Church more, because it lacked the international weight of the Catholic Church, although the members of the Confessing Church made a brave anti-Nazi stand.
      Gestapo monitored church sermons. Priests who criticised the regime were arrested and sent for “re-education” in concentration camps.
      When in 1938 Pope Pius XI wrote the Encyclical Mit brennender Sorge, condemning Nazism and its race theories, to be read in every Catholic Church in Germany on Palm Sunday, the Nazis tried to intercept and destroy every copy, and arrested all the priests who did read it to their congregations.
      ****** Of the 2900 clergy imprisoned in Dachau, 2720 were Catholic priests, of whom 990 died there due to cruel treatment. ****** That was only one camp !!!
      Is all this what you call “protecting the Church?” It was Hitler’s long term intention, after exterminating the Jews and winning the war, to eliminate the Catholic Church as well.
      After the War a handful of rogue pro-Nazi clergy helped some Nazis to escape to South America on false documents. This was never done by any official Church or Vatican body, and was totally against the will of Pope Pius XII, who was thoroughly anti-Nazi. (Thanks to XX)

    • @joeyfotofr
      @joeyfotofr Рік тому

      Yes, courage is rare. Also, bigotry is common. Anti-Semitism is a Christian disease. Its historical antecedents exist in the writings of the earliest Fathers of the Church.When you believe that you belong to "The One & Only True Religion" all others religions exist on a sliding scale from misguided, to heretical, to evil. Nothing in the Holocaust was accidental...jt

    • @alanweiner5167
      @alanweiner5167 Рік тому

      Yeah . Not many good people of the Christian faith.
      But those that help Are The True Heroes

    • @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers
      @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 11 місяців тому

      Such a low proportion, while most went along with proceedings. We have the Holy Spirit. Shouldn't we be different?

  • @menashearer9125
    @menashearer9125 3 роки тому +22

    Also Jehovah’s Witnesses only had to renounce their faith and they could gain freedom. This was a ladder out of the lion’s den.

    • @guymontag9577
      @guymontag9577 3 роки тому +11

      Only? That's a big Only.

    • @ybh8ful
      @ybh8ful 3 роки тому +2

      If only they would, since their faith is not a Christian faith, they don't believe Jesus is God's son. They're a cult.

    • @menashearer9125
      @menashearer9125 3 роки тому +23

      @@ybh8ful we. Very much believe Jesus is the Son of God. We have a memorial of his death every year on the correct date. It is The Biblical date of Nisan 14. On that date when the Israelites painted the lintels of their door with lamb’s blood so the angel of death would pass by so their firstborn sons would not be killed. On that anniversary 33ce Jesus gave his life on our behalf. Many people believe that The Lord. Jesus Christ is God. Which is also untrue. I realise that people hear a lot of rubbish about Jehovah’s Witnesses, as l was not always a follower. I was an adult when l got. baptised. Not sprinkled the same way as babies are.I didn’t become a Christian because of emotional talks, l studied the Bible intensely. You are better to ask a Witness rather than spread the lies that go about. I have been on both sides of the religious issue. I was baptised at 26 and now l am 76. My only regret is that l didn’t find this Truth far sooner.

    • @menashearer9125
      @menashearer9125 3 роки тому +7

      Not at all. They just had to say l am no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and sign a form. Then they could leave whatever labour camp they were held in.

    • @thambone30
      @thambone30 3 роки тому +5

      @@ybh8ful you have no idea what you are talking about.

  • @luzalgarin9518
    @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому +13

    Thank you so much for sharing with me an horrendous fragment of the shameful history of Hitler's Nazi regimen.
    The crimes and cruelties committed against my sons and daughters, my fathers and mothers, my brothers and sisters hurt me deeply, regardless their ethnicity and nationality.
    In Isaiah 2: 4, Jehovah God, the Creator and Source of life, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, promises:
    "He will be judge among the nations and will settle matters in relation to many peoples. They will turn their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. The nations will no longer raise their swords against each other and learn no more to wage war."
    My immediate neighbors are Jews and I am a Jehovah's Witness.
    Their hearts are superior than pure gold by far. They are extremely kind.
    The gentleman takes care of my trash can every Wednesday without my asking him to do so. They are lovely human beings, and they are not in need of the smallest improvement.

  • @cugrngneer
    @cugrngneer 3 роки тому +21

    What they never include in the conversation is, why were Jehovah's Witnesses able to overcome fear and remain loyal to Christian Bible values to the death? What made them so spiritually strong to follow Christ to the death rather than give in to the fear of man?
    Now today, we see the organized stand for God's authority being made in Russia. The properties of Jehovah's Witnesses places of worship have been taken by the government. Jehovah's Witnesses are attacked in their homes for reading the Bible and talking with others about it. Yet, they triumph and continue to grow in numbers. Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only Christians in Russia who read the Bible? Are other Christian groups in Russia harassed, arrested, and tortured for no reason other than, because they won't give up their faith in the God of the Bible?
    Christ loved his Heavenly Father and was loyal to his last breath, just like the Bible teaches. So did his loyal Christian servants in Nazi Germany and now around the world. So it seems that the other Christian group leaders don't have faith and loyalty to stand up for the truth that Christ taught and died for. What kind of faith do compromisers prove to have? Church leaders lead their followers away from God, by promote dangerous human agendas and encouraging their people to serve political interests. Jehovah's Witnesses prove to be no part of this world by refusing to join in their sin. Even if a few individuals fall, as an organization, we stand as one with Christ our King, to remain loyal to the will of Jehovah our God. United by Love. Satan hates that more than anything, and that's why his governments target Jehovah's people in a unique way.

    • @spingylvergara8807
      @spingylvergara8807 3 роки тому +6

      Mark 13:13 who will endured till the end will be saved
      Rev 13:9-10

    • @spingylvergara8807
      @spingylvergara8807 3 роки тому +1

      Russia Stalin if someone who caught practicing Christianity will sent to gulag camps taking for labour or else put to execution I have a book of that

    • @spingylvergara8807
      @spingylvergara8807 3 роки тому

      Stalin used atheistic education to destroy Christianity...

    • @irontribeissues9104
      @irontribeissues9104 3 роки тому +2

      JW is a cult.

    • @maryr130
      @maryr130 3 роки тому +1

      JW are not Christian. They deny Jesus Christ is God.

  • @michaeltowslee4111
    @michaeltowslee4111 6 місяців тому +1

    The churches, Protestant and Catholic, stood for what they always stand for first. They stood for their own power and safety of the church.

    • @lindet3965
      @lindet3965 3 місяці тому

      Nicht nur das, sondern sie müssen auch sich für die Millionen von Menschen verantworten die sie durch Kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen im vorigen Jahrhundert und heute getötet haben, sogar ihre eigenen Glaubensbrüder.

  • @luzalgarin9518
    @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому +8

    My neighbors are the entire humanity excluding me.
    There is only one race, the human race

    • @luzalgarin9518
      @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому +2

      Based on Acts 17:26:
      "And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell."
      Have a very pleasant day!

    • @angelalynn1733
      @angelalynn1733 7 місяців тому

      ​​@@luzalgarin9518according to Gods Words wich are called the " old testament" by christians, God exiled some lf the tribes( kingdom was divided and Judah as well as 2 other tribes were left in land of Israel) into the nations due to disobedience to his laws/ ways and idol worship. In the end he will gather his elrmect back( those that repent of idol worship and obey his laws) the nations will be destroyed. The Most High of Israel, the Almighty, is the savior of all Israel and all foreigners that join to them serving him.

  • @coraggio93
    @coraggio93 7 років тому +10

    Glad to see this on youtube since I could not attend the event.

  • @guymontag9577
    @guymontag9577 3 роки тому +12

    It's not the "Nazi" or "Heil Hitler" salute. It is the Roman Salute, common throughout Europe AND the USA until the war. The Nazis ruined a lot of millennia old symbols, like the Swastika (Hachenkreuz) in less than 30 years.

    • @hgfclay6524
      @hgfclay6524 3 роки тому +3

      American school children used to salute the flag in school whilst taking the pledge of allegiance

    • @guymontag9577
      @guymontag9577 3 роки тому

      @Scarack Truther V2 The National Socialists destroyed our country, after the war was lost. Hitler was a Slav, pretending to be Germanic anyway. Why do you defend him? "Kämpfe nie mit einem Schwein. Beides wird matching, aber Das Schwein mag es!!!!" TSCHÜß!

    • @tgbluewolf
      @tgbluewolf 2 роки тому

      @@guymontag9577 What kind of Slav?

    • @Katthecontrarian
      @Katthecontrarian 10 місяців тому

      Ruin? They were continuing the tradition...

    • @wapperjaw8282
      @wapperjaw8282 3 місяці тому +1

      That may be where it originated from but during that time it became an official salute (a greeting) in 1926. And the person saying, "Heil Hitler!" ('Hail Hitler!'), "Heil, mein Führer!" ('Hail, my leader!'), or "Sieg Heil!" ('Hail victory!'). Which was mandatory.

  • @frederickanderson1860
    @frederickanderson1860 3 роки тому +2

    Saints yet soldiers fought and died in terrible circumstances, for the freedom of future generations. Unbelievable mentality.

  • @fr.michaelknipe4839
    @fr.michaelknipe4839 7 місяців тому

    Excellent presentation. Insightful and troubling at same time to learn about our moral failures

  • @victoriap1561
    @victoriap1561 2 роки тому +1

    There were not mention to churches outside Germany? It seems to me that the main problem were the germans, when the government of the country that was invaded collapsed (for example Poland and Holland) a lot of jewish people died, when it didn't more survived, for example Rome and Denmark.

  • @Kenite
    @Kenite 3 роки тому +5

    A persons morality does not negate whether he be shown love or treated humanely!
    God given love toward to him or her.
    Let the record show that Scripturally a Jehovah’s Witnesses is obligated to “Love his neighbor has himself” and to Work want is was good toward all”. No case study would be needed to answer this question as far as Jehovah’s Witnesses are concerned if they have food they share it with their neighbors Jehovah’s Witnesses or any other person leading a certain lifestyle It might be contrary to what the Scriptures teach.
    Jehovah’s Well I’m not condoning certain lifestyles would care for any person any Gay or Lesbian that was experiencing suffering or regardless of his race or background. It is for this reason that they go to them with a Message of Truth in.
    Sometimes people intellectualize and complicate matters that often boil down to very simple principles of. Whether something is right or wrong proper or improper based on God’s Word. Take the simple answer to the question should sainthood be conferred upon someone that condone wicked activity?
    The answer is no! The true God would never missed a blessing on someone that was disloyal if especially if you were not repentant over his actions.
    “Then he said to them: ‘Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.’”(Worship God not the never the Roman or German state)-Matt. 22:21.
    We know the Christian’s asked to do something that conflicts with God’s law clearly stated is:
    “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” -ACTS 5:29.
    Just like the three Hebrew boys there with my bow down to The image of Nebuchadnezzar
    Frankly speaking Jesus would’ve been in a concentration camp along with Jehovah’s Witnesses and others; course the reason. Jesus and perhaps some of his Apostles being there would have been different the others with the exception of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    • @irontribeissues9104
      @irontribeissues9104 3 роки тому +1

      Why are we being drowned in JW cult rhetoric? Cripes. Pipe down.

    • @ericloyalel
      @ericloyalel 2 роки тому

      @Iron Tribe Issues Calling Jehovah's Witnesses a "cult" in the common pejorative sense is just a biased ad hominem attack.
      It is just a simple minded method of prejudicing others so that they will not use their reasoning and look at the real facts.

  • @mr.popoballballl745
    @mr.popoballballl745 2 роки тому +3

    When people blindfold by the doctrine and fail to see the facts is the saddest part.

  • @PuissantPeacock
    @PuissantPeacock 2 роки тому +4

    You can try and sugar coat the "Church's" actions and/or inactions during the Nazi occupation, but God expected "exclusive devotion" of the clergy all throughout history. Thus the almighty judge specifically describes Christendom in Revelation 18:2-8. Regarding all of Christendom's disloyal, unrighteous, murderous, and apostate teachings and misleading of the nations, God himself says at verse 5, "For her (Christendom aka Babylon the Great) sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." [KJV] The fate awaiting her is described at verse 8, "Therefore, in one day shall her plagues come, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judged her." [ASV] - God's words, not mine.

  • @megs4193
    @megs4193 Місяць тому

    In my Bible we love all people of all nations. Be no part of the world. Follow the message Jesus was sent to teach us. Then died horrifically for. Teachings of love. Teaching us how to stay strong. Render unto ceaser what is ceasers and to God what is Gods. What belongs to God? Our pure worship and search for all the fruits of the spirit. Not just the ones that suit us. Love doesn't kill. Or supports anyone that does. When i think of menglers tiny frightened science experiments. It's nothing I'd support, religious or not.

  • @gladyshancock6601
    @gladyshancock6601 Рік тому +5

    The comment about Jehovah’s Witnesses not being Christians ABSOLUTELY IS NOT TRUE! They believe Jesus is God’s only begotten son and ever lasting life depends on our accepting
    Jesus as our saviors and following his teaching! Please ask a Jw if this statement is true! Thank you!

    • @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers
      @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 11 місяців тому

      They also cut off and abandon family members - even children - for non-belief. That's not Christian.

    • @lindet3965
      @lindet3965 3 місяці тому

      Wann ist man denn ein Christ? Nach Johannes13:35 ist es die Liebe die jemand als solches auszeichnet (1. Johannes 4:20; 1. Korinther 13:8,13) Selbst wenn Eltern ihre Kinder Maßregeln ist dies ein AUSDRUCK DER LIEBE (1.Korinther 5:12).
      Durch die Zeugen Jehovas sind noch keine Menschen durch Kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen getötet worden. Was aber durch die großen Kirchen im vorigen Jahrhundert und heute der Fall ist. Sie haben sogar ihre eigenen Glaubensbrüder getötet.
      Und wie mussten Babys und Kleinkinder und Jugendliche darunter leiden, oder wurden dadurch getötet? Dabei sind die Qualen dabei noch nicht einmal erwähnt.!
      Wer sind nun Christen?

  • @tylerbensdad
    @tylerbensdad 10 місяців тому +1

    5 minutes in and I'm already tired of hearing his excuses for the Catholic church.

  • @dannylammy
    @dannylammy 3 роки тому +2

    History is rhyming :)

  • @carolynetter8046
    @carolynetter8046 3 роки тому

    To Robert Bailey. You have described the Catholics and not the U.N.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      As soon as Hitler got in power he started to remove the rights of both Catholics and Lutherans. The 1933 Concordat was an attempt by the Vatican to give some legal protection to German Catholics, but Hitler simply ignored all the Church’s protests at Nazi violations of the agreement.
      By 1935 the religious orders had been expelled from all their school teaching posts, their schools taken over, and Goebbels devised a horrible propaganda campaign against monks and nuns alleging widespread corruption of German youth.
      All Catholic newspapers had been closed down or put under Nazi editorship. All Catholic youth movements had been taken over. Membership in the Hitler Youth became compulsory.
      The Nazis hated both Catholic and Lutheran churches because they offered a different view of life to the Third Reich’s totalitarian ideology. They managed to take over the Lutheran Church more, because it lacked the international weight of the Catholic Church, although the members of the Confessing Church made a brave anti-Nazi stand.
      Gestapo monitored church sermons. Priests who criticised the regime were arrested and sent for “re-education” in concentration camps.
      When in 1938 Pope Pius XI wrote the Encyclical Mit brennender Sorge, condemning Nazism and its race theories, to be read in every Catholic Church in Germany on Palm Sunday, the Nazis tried to intercept and destroy every copy, and arrested all the priests who did read it to their congregations.
      Of the 2900 clergy imprisoned in Dachau, 2720 were Catholic priests, of whom 990 died there due to cruel treatment.
      Is all this what you call “protecting the Church?” It was Hitler’s long term intention, after exterminating the Jews and winning the war, to eliminate the Catholic Church as well.
      After the War a handful of rogue pro-Nazi clergy helped some Nazis to escape to South America on false documents. This was never done by any official Church or Vatican body, and was totally against the will of Pope Pius XII, who was thoroughly anti-Nazi. (Thanks to XX)

  • @joannbarnett7486
    @joannbarnett7486 3 роки тому +4

    People were tortured, imprisoned and murdered. Am I the only one that finds their COLD TONE Disturbing? The one asking the questions seems more 'concerned' and less cold, but the other two, especially the woman answering, her 'tone of voice' EXTREMELY cold, as if she is either talking about something that doesn't matter to her, or that she thinks is not really 'important'. Very disturbing.
    BUT even more disturbing is their LACK OF RESEARCH regarding Jehovah's Witnesses back then. They are correct that the JWs were persecuted back then for their political stance, BUT before that THE GOVERNING BODY of the JWs at that time First wrote Hitler a Letter Praising Him, telling him that the Witnesses were at his service, (basically) but it was widely known even back then that JWs were against the Pope and Catholic religion, and Hitler was a Catholic so he rejected them. Afterwards, The Governing Body sent Hitler a threatening letter saying something to the effect "You cannot escape the wrath of Jehovah" and put the witnesses DELIBERATELY in harm's way. Most religions back then would have cautiously opposed what was going on, but the Governing Body ordered their JW soldiers to boldly hand out their materials to all openly and oppose the war, KNOWING that those actions would cost the JWs their freedom and even their life.

    • @peiculosumadversario
      @peiculosumadversario 2 роки тому

      You are sadly blabbering classic outcast propaganda. Praising Hitler "basically"? Rubbish. They payed their taxes though, as they also dod to Nero. What is the new thing about opposing the Catholic church back then JW's attacked the Catholic prirsthood, lies and keeping the true guidelines from the Bible and preached in Latin, to start with, took people's gold to forgive sins, supporten wars on all sides
      , got involved in politics, bribes, and eve calling themselves "father", when the Bible clearly says you should not call any by the name father but one, Jehova God. Then they did not take up arms, which enraged Hitler greatly. He said he would annihilate Jehovas people on earth, that is declaring war against God.
      The one signing the denounciation papers were sent to the front immeadiately, to my knowledge all dead on the front.

    • @ChildlessCatLady
      @ChildlessCatLady Рік тому

      275,000 JW's were murdered during the Holocaust.

  • @megs4193
    @megs4193 Місяць тому

    JWs stayed loyal to God and God alone. They're meant to be hated, what else didn't they do, they didn't support evil. They didn't kill. And they didn't become cowards. They were singled out, not because they were a threat.But Because they loved God and their faith...more than they feared the world. To Jehovahs witnesses, human beings are their neighbour. And all of them are Gods children. Do other religions even pay attention to what Jesus said, any of these three, i don't want a frayed rope pulling me out of a whole, i want a strong chain. And do people fear humans more than they love God. Jesus said, many will say lord lord, didn't i do this and that in your name...? And Jesus said , get away from me, i never knew you. Because they didn't listen, they didn't get the message 😒🥺😔 it's them i feel sorry for. But this has certainly helped me as far as answering my question about Jehovahs witnesses 🥹 i guess real prayers do get answered 🤭😃 incredible 😄😃❤❤❤.

  • @maxwunsche9097
    @maxwunsche9097 3 роки тому

    Er war auch bei uns

  • @megs4193
    @megs4193 Місяць тому

    Yeah, and why were they targeted. They weren't going to fight any of them. God said you will be hated and persecuted in my name. His name, is Jehovah or the tetrogramaton 🤷‍♀️💞🤔.

  • @carolynetter8046
    @carolynetter8046 3 роки тому +1

    Well obviously the Communists were not the Jews or the Baltics because Communism was founded in China July 23 1921 by the Shanghai FRENCH Concession.

  • @larryrobinson6914
    @larryrobinson6914 2 роки тому


  • @maxwunsche9097
    @maxwunsche9097 3 роки тому

    immer und dann immer

  • @frederickanderson1860
    @frederickanderson1860 3 роки тому

    Pope pius 1X l meant not pius X

  • @MNn7777
    @MNn7777 3 роки тому

    The Eye of the Lord didn't spare. 6 man from.the city with weapons for killing were unleashed. There is no calamity that isn't ordered from Above .
    All relates to Scriptures.

  • @maxwunsche9097
    @maxwunsche9097 3 роки тому +1

    Gott ist mt uns

  • @VodShod
    @VodShod 3 роки тому +1

    By the way NAZIs were not socialist, the original party was two minority parties trying to get power in the government the Nationalists and the Socialists. When Hitler gained power he had the leaders of the socialist party murdered in the night of long knives. Hitler was one of the leaders in the nationalist party as he was gaining power. Because of the positive connotation of socialism as the government working for the good of the people the NAZI party kept more support if they kept claiming they were a socialist party even though they had already purged the socialists and their ideals from the coalition leaving only the nationalist party and the socialists followers, who were unaware that the NAZIs no longer had anything to do with socialism; Over time those socialists either started to adopt the ideas of nationalism due to party loyalty, or a few fought against it.

    • @paigetomkinson1137
      @paigetomkinson1137 2 роки тому

      He added "Socialist" to the party name to gain more votes, because he saw that the workers were very attracted to the Socialist Party in Munich, and then in Berlin, too.

    • @GDL88
      @GDL88 10 місяців тому

      He literally explained “his” real socialism when compared to Soviet Socialism in Mein Kampf

  • @ybh8ful
    @ybh8ful 3 роки тому +13

    except that Jehovahs Witnesses are not Christians. They don't believe Jesus is God's son

    • @lisainger6751
      @lisainger6751 3 роки тому +12

      They are Christians, Of course they believe Jesus is the Son of God. They don't believe he is God, Even the Jews in the time of Jesus knew he wasn't God.

    • @Nacinarose1
      @Nacinarose1 3 роки тому +12

      Where did you get that from? They even pray in Jesus name..Do resea
      rch before you make such comments. Why do you think they go door to door? Jesus command in Matt 28:19,20 do you see other relions following Jesus command?

    • @cyanpepper473
      @cyanpepper473 3 роки тому +8

      Another false statement about jw. They would not exist if not for Jesus...

    • @MakeAllThingsBeautiful
      @MakeAllThingsBeautiful 3 роки тому +10

      They also recognise that Jesus is Jehovah's appointed King as well as High Priest and mediator, as well as 'the lamb of God' hence savior, sacrificing his life so we can live. Most 'christian' religions do not understand the full implications of the ransom sacrifice that God endured the pain of watching his only begotten son die a humiliating, torturous death for the benefit of you and I.

    • @finalfrontier001
      @finalfrontier001 3 роки тому

      @@MakeAllThingsBeautiful that's paganism that not from the true god.