@@CHs.Wisdom When I was Lutheran I deeply admired Bonhoeffer. But it was Chesterton and Tolkien which led me to the Catholic Faith. Even now as Roman Catholic I deeply admire Bonhoeffer. 🙏♥️
Why is the legacy of this man not taught In EVERY history book in the U.S. He is an ICON of what EVERY Pastor, Preacher, and REligious Leader should be.
My grandfather lived in the same period in the Netherlands.He was a member of the resistance in the netherlands.He hid a young jewish woman in his house.He was a christian and membre of the protestant church..He often said when we asked him why he took the risk to resist,Gods people(the jews)where in danger.And I could not sit on my hands and do nothing.I often thing of him and all those people who jeopardize their lifes to save others.I feel great respect for all that gave their lifes.
Hi Heleenglazenburg Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
Would he have turned his back if he wasn’t a Christian? I hope not. Many of today’s so-called Christians ignore oppression and bigotry. Many champions of justice and compassion are not Christians. Be kind, always.
Thank you for this video of a true disciple of Christ. When I picked up his book "The cost of discipleship" more than 30 years ago, what grabbed my attention was the words "when Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die". That book influenced my life deeply. If we heed the call we indeed die in many instances, more than once, as we choose life in the spirit over the carnal life. But once you realise "I have died with Christ, and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me", nothing can shake you. You become unshakable. Glory to God!
Thank you folks! I'm a pastor in rural America and really appreciate the tremendous testimony of our dear brother, as well as this challenge. God is so good, and Christ is worth it all!
God has sent us strong delusion through Trump, that some should believe the lie; God is separating the sheep from the goats. Hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, do not follow false prophets.
"I have made a mistake coming to America. I must live through this difficult period in our national history with the Christian people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of the Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people." Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
I remember reading that too,in his book. I can’t imagine making that decision to return to Germany. Knowing what was probably in store for him. Such courage and faith!
Don’t call it a mistake, God calls us and we must go. Here in America we need light in this present darkness as well, so for such a time as this you were called to come to America!!
Rudolf Richard Hess also. Hitler was a false prophet who sold his soul to the Synagogue of Satan. You will know them by their deeds to prepare for these the climate change end times. Jesus humanities Christ Messiah gave us the truth about these the climate change end times due to the precession of our stars shadow equinoxes when earth's orbits eclipse the Sun's electromagnetic gravitational equator separating it's two fermie cells for the next 1,000 years causing these the climate change end times. "As it was in the days of Lot & Noah so to shall it be in the days of the son of man." Jesus The covidiot quackzine is the Jewish Passover, Roman Rapture, Nazi final solution to depopulate the planet because we are in the last days due to earth's orbits eclipsing the sun's magnetic equator for the next millennium. Jesus died so we wouldn't commit this global genocide again. TicToc the first of 19 sedimentary layers will be deposited when the new moon pulls the oceans out & around the planet east to west with the first of 19 major conjunctions of mercury & venus in 2033 & every 40 years thereafter for the millennium it takes the earth's orbits to eclipse the sun's magnetic equator separating the fermie cells of it's oort cloud magnetosphere. "Do not forget this one thing 1 year is as 1,000." Jesus
DB life was a life of compassion. He was moved by his commitment to Christ/as we today also should be.Gods best all the family of God .We are to admire Jesus as well as love Him.
Bonhoeffer is one of those rare individuals whose deep faith and actions resonate across so many Christian denominations. Much respect to him. Thanks for this tribute.
He also said 'silence in the face of evil, is itself evil'. I get what he's saying totally. But at what point, by that standard, is everybody on earth evil, other than a few standouts like him? Because that's pretty typical, to not do anything in the face of evil, and just look the other way and look out for #1. Like, with 99.9% of people. Including most all people who you would normally consider nice, good, god-fearing people. So he's setting the bar pretty high!
@@Joeyjojoshabbadoo I understand what you're saying, but Jesus did not preach against all the atrocities of the time period. I think most of what he stood against was the Jewish leaders corruption of God's word. Doing nothing against certain evils might be a virtue--for example a mother or father who have their children's well-being to consider before speaking out about something that could get them killed, leaving the children as orphans. I think it has to be case by case basis with a lot of prayer asking God for guidance on what to do.
“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Bonhoeffer was true hero of faith - Hallelujah 🙏🙌
I read this book in the German translation with copies of the original letters . I read it twice. Thick book with overwhelming details. The title truly describes him.
This man had so much love and compasssion for his people that he went back to Germany to speak up for them even knowing that death was likely awaiting him
His biography by Eric Metaxis is an incredibly well done and important biography. Dietrich Boenhoffer is easily one of the greatest theologians of the modern era. His teachings are other worldly and definitely worth time studying. The ending of his life in a concentration camp with only three weeks left in the war, when Dietrich was in his prime for teaching and insight, is a great loss to humanity.
@@pastorrachelmanke5809 I’ve read his family denouncing it and I’ve read their response however when they explain to us what Bonhoeffer was really about it’s the same description Eric gives on Bonhoeffer. Please tell me what Eric gets wrong about Bonhoeffer
@eugene3484 many before didn't tell truth about gentleman. Ric's book 😊 They made a film about him. First his relative's angry to bring up the past😮 Then excepted😮 Www2--H has a son in germany😮
As a Christian myself, I highly recommend, and I urge my fellow Christians to read, "The Cost Of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer! And here is another word to the wise; Any government, or any institution and ideology (religious or otherwise), which suppresses freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of thought, has essentially nothing going for it!!
“Cheap grace”? I don’t know what you mean by that, friend. The grace of YHVH that saves all who believe on Him through believing on Jesus Christ, was by no means cheap, and honestly, how horrid for you to refer to it as such. Our redemption comes at a tremendous cost, for the grace and mercy we have received to take away our transgressions was purchased with the precious ßIood of the only unique (meaning of begotten) Son of YHVH, God incarnate bodily as a man, who gave Himself as the substitutionary atonement for our transgressions. That was YHVH in Christ on the cross, our Creator in the flesh, who gave Himself in our place so that He could justly forgive us for our transgressions, and YHVH says it was Him who was pierced for our iniquities in Zechariah 12. You just called the ßIood of YHVH “cheap”. Do you understand that? Do you understand Acts 20 when it says the ßIood of God purchased our pardon from our transgressions? Do you understand 2 Corinthians 5 when it says YHVH was IN CHRIST reconciling the world to Himself? Do you understand Jesus Christ when He says He is the Almighty I AM in John 8, and the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, in Rev 1, which are all OT TITLES OF YHVH? We owed a debt to YHVH that could only be paid for us by the perfectly righteous ßIood of a Savior being shed in our place, and because only YHVH is perfectly righteous, He veiled Himself in flesh and entered our world to be our Kinsman Redeemer, the righteous dying for the iniquities of the unrighteous, so the unrighteous could be set free from the coming wráth of YHVH. He knew He had the power to raise Himself up again the 3rd day. How can you call what God did on our behalf “cheap”? Have you been deceived like the foolish Galatians in Galatians 3 into believing you are made righteous by your own works? Why don’t you reread that chapter and understand that our righteousness comes by our faith in what God incarnate, Jesus Christ, did on our behalf, as His perfect righteousness is imputed to us who believe, just like Abraham’s faith in YHVH was counted as righteousness to him, Romans 4. We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit BY FAITH, and NOT BY OUR OWN WORKS OF THE FLESH. Who has deceived you into believing otherwise, so that you commit such ßlasphemy against God by referring to the grace purchased through His shed ßlood as being “cheap”? That’s what you need to ask forgiveness for.
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ if Yahweh has to crucify his only son, if he requires a blood sacrifice to forgive, he has no Grace- especially when scriptures say that "God" is responsible for the hardening of hearts, the blinding of eyes, and disillusionment of the mind. Those with power and authority have the responsibility to lead and guide those beneath them. To confuse, mislead, abandon, and allow wickedness to run rampant in the world is not just. Maybe you never read Romans 11:32 "For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all" If I break your legs intentionally so that I can appear merciful when I give you a wheelchair, I am neither just nor merciful.
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christwhat's cheap is the Bible. Imagine if I wrote a book for my kids and then left them. Imagine if I didn't speak to them, if I didn't help them as I watched murderers, robbers, and rapists destroy my offspring. Then generations later, in my own wrath, I sent plagues, war, and pestilence upon my offspring. Mercy is OWED. God should be asking his creation for forgiveness, not the other way around!
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ Listen again. For one of his examples, Bonhoeffer said that forgiveness without repentance is cheap. The ultimate sacrifice, of course, was Christ dying for humanity, when they choose to follow Him. The " cheap" part is accepting Christ's forgiveness--without true repentance, which means turning away ( from the sin.)
Dietrich Bonhoffer was a true hero -- without a gun. He had the Gispel and strong convictions. He was a man of courage who dared to oppose Hitler & his indicrinating ways & challenged the church of his day. He stood out amongst the fearful & corrupt -- and paid for it w/ his life .A courageous man that ,yes,shoukd be taught to students .
He's actually resting in the grave alongside everyone else until that glorious day when the trump will sound and these marvellous words will be heard: [23] ... Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:23 KJV
Amen. Yet he was not born with this faith; he developed it just as we can all develop a faith like this. We pray that this man and this program can be an encouragement to us all. God bless
I hope i can be as brave and courageous as this man when facing the trials that are coming our way as the world grows ever darker. We must be willing to stand for Jesus and are fellow man as he did with the compassion of Christ
After I graduated college I took a class on religion taught by a wonderful pastor. I did a report on Bonhoeffer. It was so inspiring to me. I should of studied Divinity instead of psychology. This was a great video. Thank you.
I wished I had been better in school but I was in love and married at seven teen. We were married 59 years and it was a good marriage. He passed 3 years ago to be with Jesus. I miss him every day. It was worth it. When I was about thirty I went to Junior college for interior design. Drafting was my favorite and I had highest grade for the semester but dropped out to take care of my grandmother who had fallen and broke her leg so I never went back. Just saying don’t mess around with learning. Reading or watching what’s going on in our country is also a way to learn. Teachers also need to get you interested. I only had one teacher that did it right. She taught TEXAS history. For example she told us about the 1900 storm in Galveston Texas. She told us the gory stuff and that got our attention. It was history but interesting. If every teacher taught like that they would get better results. I had another history teacher that wrote notes all over the chalk boards. A lot of them in that day. We had to copy all that stuff every tie the subject change. The he stood at a podium and lectured all day. I liked the guy but talking about boring. Any how in three years of him I had C avg. Now I’m 79 and am an avid reader and watcher of news and other stuff. Stay up on politics. Be sure of who to vote for or you can get us in a real mess. It’s crazy now.
Thank you so very much for sharing such an inspirational christian historical story. I had heard about Bonhoeffer many years ago but this is the first time, his life and dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was revealed to me. I am so grateful. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you and all those who are cooparating with you to spread His word, abundantly AMEN!!!
No joke... this man is one of the reasons I was never able to cross over from agnosticism to athiesm and why Christianity was fascinating to me. I'm a believer today... years after his death he played a role in that.
@@nonyabidness5708 Dude, he was amazing but an assassination attempt isn't what Christ would have prescribed. Christianity wasn't why he was brave. He was brave despite it.
Calling yourself a Christian does not make you a Christian. Only those who deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus Christ are true Christians. Read your Holy Bible and pray to God for understanding.
Making yourself a private interpreter of books which were deemed by the catholic church to be inspired scripture, does not turn you into a Christian. Only true catholics are Christians. All so called Christians who are not catholic are nothing more than heretics on the way to hell. You need to check out youtube channel MHFM1 for crucial information on the bible, the historical church of Christ and the Great Apostasy prophesied in the bible which indeed could and did happen only from the catholic faith, the one and only truly universal faith established by Jesus Christ and his apostles.
He is one of the few heroes that I have. What an amazing man. His biography by Eruc Matexas is riveting. One of the best books I have ever read. Well worth the time...I couldn't put it down. I think it's called Pastor, prophet, martyr, spy. ❤
My phone is wacko. Eric Metaxis wrote the book " Bonhoeffer," because he was paid to do so. He learned nothing in his research. He hated writing the book, and disagreed with Bonhoeffer's perspectives. Eric Metaxis is part of the extreme Religious Right Nationalist community of false Christians, was a Trump supporter, and helped promote the Evangelical Right's insinuation into the political current Republican Party. The parallels to the union of Church and State during the 1930's in Germany and uniting the German population with the absurd claim that Hitler was God's man, is mirrored by the Evangelical Right Church's claim that Trump is God's Savior of an America that has never truely existed. Nationalism based on White Supremacy, a love of Authoritarian control, Dominionism, spreading fear, stirring up violence, hatred of the other, banning books, anti semitism, targeting gays, a hyper masculinity mindset, an anti immigrant sentiment, and wrapping Christianity together with Fascist ideology is taking Hitler's playbook and installing it once again in America. The similarities are not coincidental. We must not allow this path to continue here. It must be stopped. For the love of Christ and His commandment to love one another, vote Blue. This may be our last chance before darkness swallows us whole. This is the beast with the fatal head wound come back to life. Rev. Ch. 13. Trump is the little horn with the big boastful words spoken of in Dan. Ch.7 and 9. We must push back hard and drive a stake into the heart of this beast once and for all. Eric Metaxis is part of it.
Very interesting testimony. I met Richard Wurmbrand - I have never fully recovered from the sheer intensity of his holiness and utter humility. He quietly radiated the presence of the Lord with him and in him. DB clearly was similar as he awaited his death and execution. At peace with God.
Read both of there biographies - how much deeper as Christians we need to climb the everlasting ladder of fervent service as our goal till we reach Heavens Gates. Jim Elliott also comes to my mind missionary who was speared to death in Ecuador. Our lives don't belong to us, they belong to Jesus. Thy prayer - help this weak vessel deny thy self to honor you in every way.
I absolutely envy that you got to meet Richard Wurmbrand. I read his book Tortured for His Faith when I was only 14. It was so horrible yet his faith so strong, his knowledge of the Bible thorough, and he was a kind man. I have so many of his books now. He’s in Heaven now but someday we’ll all be together!
@@jsshay01 It was amazing how it happened. I was reading a book when a friend came and said, get your glad rags on. There's a good speaker tonight in Liverpool. I was reluctant. Friend said, you can read the book anytime. I went. A little late. Hall packed. Taken to the front to sit on the side of the stage as the host said, ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome our guest, Mr Richard Wurmbrand. He gave his testimony. I could barely lift my head to look at him. Truly, the presence of God exuded from him. It was very overwhelming. I'm so glad I went. I picked up my book next day to continue reading it. Tortured for Christ. My friend hadn't told me it was him speaking. I also met a Russian man Valeri Barinof. He had been tortured, too. His family made it to the UK. He came to visit my husband a lot and showed us his scars. Very, very humbling. I was upset but he just said....it's okay. Jesus was with me all the time. He returned to Russia.
I also went to hear him speak. as a young child, I was aware of him and many others were true martyrs, but failed to realize the impact he and others had on the Christian faith, all while deeply hated by the evil parties in charge. This is a very important story you tell of this man's similar life. Thank God Almighty for his gift to humanity these people became.
This type of courage is unusual and difficult to replicate. Most pastors express what is popular. As a former pastor, I know the difficulty of thinking deeper than popular culture and expressing the contents of one’s conviction when those convictions refute the popular position. A rare man indeed. Thanks for the video.
For all the Saints who from their labours rest . He was and is a saint. He fought against evil. He was the true patriotic German and a good example of Christian service .
I've always been drawn to Bonhoeffer - cheap grace resonates with me - I have always felt so blessed by God throughout my very fortunate life - maybe I haven't stepped out of my comfort zone ?
Hi valeriekelly Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
People like Bonhoeffer Will always be an inspiration and help us remember that there were good German people who gave their life for the sake of humanity and Future Peace times.
Oh my L-rd and savior Yeshua, with tears in my eyes, what a beautiful and inspiring example of grounding one’s self in G-d’s truth and will for our lives as brothers and sisters in Christ, and with the conviction, humility, selflessness, compassion, love, and grace as Yeshua and rhetorical Apostles. In fact, he very much reminds me of the Apostle Paul. Admittedly, I have never heard about Dietrich and am so very thankful that HaShem allowed me to live to see this day. Thank you for your time and professionalism in sharing Dietrich’ life and journey with us. As an American mutt who is part German, I am filled with pride in knowing about Dietrich. Numbers 6:24-26 and Shalom Shalom. 🙏✝️✡️🇮🇱❤️
I recall a poem one of my lecturers read out while Bonhoeffer was in prison it was really interesting background to the story of his resistance and also his struggle .
Hi Sharynhonor Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
How can Christians like Metaxes laud Bonhoeffer, while idol worshipping a Fascist thug like Trump, who increasingly exhibits all the red flags Bonhoeffer warned about? Christian Nationalism is exactly the type of Fascism that most German Christians went along with. How can American Christians not see the parallels?
A friend of mine that worked for the prison system was used to hear death-row inmates ‘accept the Lord’ and all that and had grown cynical to it. Then, one convict did actually become peaceful after conversion. In all previous executions, he had seen the inmates fight off the execution and it would take six correctional officers to subdue them. In the case of the one inmate that renewed my friend's faith, when the moment came, that inmate stoop up, told the guards, ‘no need for so many, I know where I am going’ and walked to the electric chair in peace without offering any resistance and telling everyone he had no bad feelings against anyone as he had brought justice on himself by his own bad decisions.
Thank you for your feedback and kind words. He certainly was a great faithful man. We enjoyed producing this program, and we are delighted you enjoyed watching it. Please feel free to share our program too all your family and friends. We believe it is a story worth sharing. God bless you.
Have read Bonhoeffer biography by Eric Metaxas 3 times-riveting. THANK YOU for this well done video which quickly gives an excellent overview of who this amazing follower of Christ was.
How can Christians like Metaxes laud Bonhoeffer, while idol worshipping a Fascist thug like Trump, who increasingly exhibits all the red flags Bonhoeffer warned about?
That's all well and good. Bonnhoeffer's greatest contribution was in the morality of human stupidity. Important work which should be taught universally.
Thank you for your insightful comment about Bonhoeffer's work on the morality of human stupidity. You've highlighted an important and profound aspect of his philosophical contributions that indeed deserves attention. We appreciate you bringing this to light. You're absolutely correct that this is a significant part of Bonhoeffer's legacy and one that has valuable lessons for our society today. We apologize that we weren't able to cover this aspect in our program. Unfortunately, our TV network time slot limits us to less than 30 minutes per episode. This constraint often means we have to make difficult choices about which aspects of a person's life and work to focus on. Your point is valid and important. While time didn't permit us to explore all of Bonhoeffer's valuable insights, we're grateful for viewers like you who help fill in these gaps and encourage a more comprehensive understanding of his work. Thank you for engaging with our content and for your commitment to Bonhoeffer's full legacy. Your feedback helps us consider how we might address such important topics in future programs or supplementary materials.
Exactly a century later we (humanity) are (is) repeating the same mistakes!😢😳! Similarities are unreal! This time with substantially catastrophic consequences! When we think the canvas we occupy is greater that the spirit & soul of other canvasses that is the slippery slope to evil! Happened with Kayin, and even after warning failed to turn & history is there to judge us! May HaShem be gracious to us even in judgement which we deserve! Even though we ALL fall short l, do not forget the “not so guilty” & your beloveds!😢❤️🙏🔥🙌🏾
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Was A HERO Of The Highest Order! I'm Going To Get His Biography As Soon As I Can. Blessings On His Family And His Descendant's Too.🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️
Thank you for this beautiful presentation 🙏🏼May God continue to bless your wonderful ministry & I pray that as a result, many souls will be saved & sealed for our Fathers Kingdom🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
Hi lillianmcyrew Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
What would this world have been like without Mr. Bonhoeffer? He taught us courage and what "Cheap Grace" is. Lord give us the strength and guts this man had. When I read "The Cost of Discipleship" it changed me.
I have read this book. I fully agree this should be a must read in our schools. Coming from Grrman immigrants who fled Germany I read every thing I could get my hands on Hitler, the murdrring of the Jews and destruction of so many countries in Germany. My Great-grandmother would never spesk of the country she came from as a baby.
I have his Letters and Papers from Prison. Best book. Outside the box. Thanks you for good presentation,also your accent is clear enough English. I am American and I appreciate that your narrator was clear enough for an American.
Christian. Denominations separate us. Christ bring us all into the unity of the faith! PRAISE HIS NAME! What an inspiration his faith is to stand for justice for the oppressed and marginalized!
“Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth fathered the "God is Dead" movement! Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was mentioned, was a false teacher. Please be warned! Most never heard of his name till he became in style with the liberal church, the father of the "God is dead" movement. He was your typical, liberal Lutheran preacher who did not appear to be saved. “In his prison letters, Bonhoeffer questioned the role of Christianity and the church in a ‘world come of age,’ where human beings no longer need a metaphysical God as a stop-gap to human limitations . . . Bonhoeffer, on one occasion, told his congregation unequivocally that the Bible is filled with material that is historically unreliable. Even the life of Jesus, he said, is ‘overgrown with legends’ (myths) so that we have scant knowledge about the historical Jesus. Bonhoeffer concluded that the life of Jesus cannot be written.” “Bonhoeffer moved happily in ecumenical circles. When in Rome he greatly enjoyed the masses held in the Roman Catholic churches there. He worked happily with the liberal leaders of the World Council of Churches, forming close friendships with many of them and regarding them as true Christians. He greatly admired Mahatma Gandhi and had planned a visit to India to study under him and learn from him.” Bonhoeffer-“What are we to think of other religions? Are they as nothing compared to Christianity? We answer that the Christian religion as religion is not of God. It is rather another example of a human way to God, like the Buddhist and others, too, though of course these are of a different nature.” Jesus Christ, the thrill of hope, for a sick, hurting, and weary world-Romans 10:9-10 from the Bible: “That if you confess with your mouth the LORD Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.”
Actually he made a pointed distinction about our duty in injustice- not just to care for the wounded( "putting bandaids on")--but work to stop the injustice.
Where's God's actions upon the Earth? Why the sick game of belief in something unseen when you are told in the commandments to not bear false witness? To make a claim for the resurrection, to make a claim for Jesus, is bearing false witness. Saying the Bible is the word of God is bearing false witness. To speak of something as true that you yourself have not witnessed is to tell a lie.
@@amyrenee1361 I believe you may be confused in order to state your position. To make a claim for Jesus is a claim for faith after much study in the history of the Hebrew nation.
@@amyrenee1361 i dont understand what's your point of argument If you said about God action upon earth when this video about Nazi, then i want to ask what happen to Nazi and how Adolf Hitler name until now he remember as evil, like a cursing About claiming Jesus is false witness, now it's another question i find confusing You ask this because you are atheist or you are from another religion? And who told you that Christianity is false? Isn't the one that told you is human?
Thank you for sharing such profound insights. Every time I listen, I learn something new
@@CHs.Wisdom When I was Lutheran I deeply admired Bonhoeffer. But it was Chesterton and Tolkien which led me to the Catholic Faith. Even now as Roman Catholic I deeply admire Bonhoeffer. 🙏♥️
I also learned something new. I wasn't aware that the Nazis removed all crucifixes.
Thank you for posting.
@@CHs.Wisdom they're too busy teaching woke nonsense and dei.
Alot of true history not taught and never will be
Because that would be considered “woke “
We will need men and women like Bonhoeffer in the years to come.
Yes, we surely will.
And right now!
True. Or other pioneers of faith such as Hudson Taylor whose mission outweighed personal wellbeing.
Yes and a great saint Maximilian Kolbe
Why is the legacy of this man not taught In EVERY history book in the U.S. He is an ICON of what EVERY Pastor, Preacher, and REligious Leader should be.
Well spoken
He was when I was in school. Junior high 1978.
Could not agree more.....
My grandfather lived in the same period in the Netherlands.He was a member of the resistance in the netherlands.He hid a young jewish woman in his house.He was a christian and membre of the protestant church..He often said when we asked him why he took the risk to resist,Gods people(the jews)where in danger.And I could not sit on my hands and do nothing.I often thing of him and all those people who jeopardize their lifes to save others.I feel great respect for all that gave their lifes.
Hi Heleenglazenburg Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
You are blessed to have had such a remarkable grandfather.
My father as well. They hid the local pastor who was working for the resistance. He was also in the Netherlands.
Would he have turned his back if he wasn’t a Christian? I hope not. Many of today’s so-called Christians ignore oppression and bigotry. Many champions of justice and compassion are not Christians. Be kind, always.
If Bonhoeffer could only. see the Pro-palestine, leftist movement. He'd be so sick
Thank you for this video of a true disciple of Christ.
When I picked up his book "The cost of discipleship" more than 30 years ago, what grabbed my attention was the words "when Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die".
That book influenced my life deeply. If we heed the call we indeed die in many instances, more than once, as we choose life in the spirit over the carnal life.
But once you realise "I have died with Christ, and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me", nothing can shake you. You become unshakable. Glory to God!
Same with me…
Praise God. Hallelujah!
Your comment is simply profound!
I also read cost of Discipleship and it changed my life too.
Thank you folks! I'm a pastor in rural America and really appreciate the tremendous testimony of our dear brother, as well as this challenge. God is so good, and Christ is worth it all!
What is your opinion of Trump and MAGA movement ?
Trump is like Hitler and even Quotes him. Disturbing
God has sent us strong delusion through Trump, that some should believe the lie; God is separating the sheep from the goats. Hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, do not follow false prophets.
@@eschmidtiii4673 I agree, "hold fast to the gospel Of Jesus Christ."
@@eschmidtiii4673 Please elaborate. Thank you.
"I have made a mistake coming to America. I must live through this difficult period in our national history with the Christian people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of the Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people." Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Quite amazing.
Ein Hirte
I remember reading that too,in his book. I can’t imagine making that decision to return to Germany. Knowing what was probably in store for him. Such courage and faith!
Don’t call it a mistake, God calls us and we must go. Here in America we need light in this present darkness as well, so for such a time as this you were called to come to America!!
@@sharonjackson9523 woosh
We need men of such today. Ones who will stand up against evil.
So true. Dr. William Makis is one of them. Also Dr. Peter Breggin.
Arthur Pawlowski is one!!!
the bigger call is to become these men ourselves
We have men like Bonhoeffer in USA, but the people won't listen.
I think it will be women who will stand up.
I admire Boenhoffer so much! What a tremendous man who lived his faith to the end. He is an example of true Christianity.
True Christianity is for you killing of Jews by Nazis like Luther and Boenhoffer????
Rudolf Richard Hess also. Hitler was a false prophet who sold his soul to the Synagogue of Satan. You will know them by their deeds to prepare for these the climate change end times.
Jesus humanities Christ Messiah gave us the truth about these the climate change end times due to the precession of our stars shadow equinoxes when earth's orbits eclipse the Sun's electromagnetic gravitational equator separating it's two fermie cells for the next 1,000 years causing these the climate change end times. "As it was in the days of Lot & Noah so to shall it be in the days of the son of man." Jesus
The covidiot quackzine is the Jewish Passover, Roman Rapture, Nazi final solution to depopulate the planet because we are in the last days due to earth's orbits eclipsing the sun's magnetic equator for the next millennium. Jesus died so we wouldn't commit this global genocide again.
TicToc the first of 19 sedimentary layers will be deposited when the new moon pulls the oceans out & around the planet east to west with the first of 19 major conjunctions of mercury & venus in 2033 & every 40 years thereafter for the millennium it takes the earth's orbits to eclipse the sun's magnetic equator separating the fermie cells of it's oort cloud magnetosphere.
"Do not forget this one thing 1 year is as 1,000." Jesus
Yes Amen
DB life was a life of compassion. He was moved by his commitment to Christ/as we today also should be.Gods best all the family of God .We are to admire Jesus as well as love Him.
Bonhoeffer is one of those rare individuals whose deep faith and actions resonate across so many Christian denominations. Much respect to him. Thanks for this tribute.
Thank you for your feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the program :). God bless you
@@Freight_Train AND race. He was in Harlem attended black church. Took a beating for standing for black folks
@@timeless4495 👍
He also said 'silence in the face of evil, is itself evil'. I get what he's saying totally. But at what point, by that standard, is everybody on earth evil, other than a few standouts like him? Because that's pretty typical, to not do anything in the face of evil, and just look the other way and look out for #1. Like, with 99.9% of people. Including most all people who you would normally consider nice, good, god-fearing people. So he's setting the bar pretty high!
@@Joeyjojoshabbadoo I understand what you're saying, but Jesus did not preach against all the atrocities of the time period. I think most of what he stood against was the Jewish leaders corruption of God's word. Doing nothing against certain evils might be a virtue--for example a mother or father who have their children's well-being to consider before speaking out about something that could get them killed, leaving the children as orphans. I think it has to be case by case basis with a lot of prayer asking God for guidance on what to do.
“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Bonhoeffer was true hero of faith - Hallelujah 🙏🙌
He was a true disciple of Christ and a hero to both the world and heaven
Thank you for sharing that quote. It was one I was unaware of.
God bless!!
@@MrKingamaziah yes he was thanks !
I read a biography of him. It was a pretty large book. I was glued to every page. What a blessed man he is.
🙏Please tell us the Title of that biography 🤓☝️
@@floraridaswoboda Bonhoeffer , Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Fascinating. Highly recommend.
I read this book in the German translation with copies of the original letters . I read it twice. Thick book with overwhelming details. The title truly describes him.
I read the book as well- exceptional .
Yes, excellent read.
Salvation is free but discipleship is costly.
That's true enough!!!
Amen 🙏
Great way of putting it
If Bonhoeffer could only. see the Pro-palestine, leftist movement. He'd be so sick
Big Amen to die for our faith our father I pray for your boldness and strength and hope and faith to grow in mighty name Jesus Amen thank you Jesus 🙏
Powerful story, may his life and all other Martyrs lives rest in eternal peace. Great upload.
This man had so much love and compasssion for his people that he went back to Germany to speak up for them even knowing that death was likely awaiting him
He felt that Germany is his place from God. Not a save life in America. It was his destiny.
His biography by Eric Metaxis is an incredibly well done and important biography. Dietrich Boenhoffer is easily one of the greatest theologians of the modern era. His teachings are other worldly and definitely worth time studying. The ending of his life in a concentration camp with only three weeks left in the war, when Dietrich was in his prime for teaching and insight, is a great loss to humanity.
Metaxis is literally the worst book written on Bonhoeffer and his family has denounced it.
@@pastorrachelmanke5809 I’ve read his family denouncing it and I’ve read their response however when they explain to us what Bonhoeffer was really about it’s the same description Eric gives on Bonhoeffer.
Please tell me what Eric gets wrong about Bonhoeffer
@eugene3484 many before didn't tell truth about gentleman.
Ric's book 😊 They made a film about him.
First his relative's angry to bring up the past😮
Then excepted😮
Www2--H has a son in germany😮
@@pikespeak8669 I’m not understanding
As a Christian myself, I highly recommend, and I urge my fellow Christians to
read, "The Cost Of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer! And here is another
word to the wise; Any government, or any institution and ideology (religious
or otherwise), which suppresses freedom of speech, freedom of expression,
and freedom of thought, has essentially nothing going for it!!
Referring to the current, corrupt Democrat regime in the U.S. White House & their unholy alliance with Big Tech & mainstream media censorship.
You are absolutely correct Mark
God bless you abundantly AMEN 🙏🏻✝️
@@markpalka6382 oh my brother! It’s such a good book… I read and it’s so good I bought it for my collection
I'm halfway through it. Uncompromisingly brilliant!
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1 verse 21
Forgive me, Lord, for my cowardice and stupidity. I am ashamed as a Christian to have fallen for cheap grace.
“Cheap grace”? I don’t know what you mean by that, friend. The grace of YHVH that saves all who believe on Him through believing on Jesus Christ, was by no means cheap, and honestly, how horrid for you to refer to it as such. Our redemption comes at a tremendous cost, for the grace and mercy we have received to take away our transgressions was purchased with the precious ßIood of the only unique (meaning of begotten) Son of YHVH, God incarnate bodily as a man, who gave Himself as the substitutionary atonement for our transgressions. That was YHVH in Christ on the cross, our Creator in the flesh, who gave Himself in our place so that He could justly forgive us for our transgressions, and YHVH says it was Him who was pierced for our iniquities in Zechariah 12. You just called the ßIood of YHVH “cheap”. Do you understand that? Do you understand Acts 20 when it says the ßIood of God purchased our pardon from our transgressions? Do you understand 2 Corinthians 5 when it says YHVH was IN CHRIST reconciling the world to Himself? Do you understand Jesus Christ when He says He is the Almighty I AM in John 8, and the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, in Rev 1, which are all OT TITLES OF YHVH? We owed a debt to YHVH that could only be paid for us by the perfectly righteous ßIood of a Savior being shed in our place, and because only YHVH is perfectly righteous, He veiled Himself in flesh and entered our world to be our Kinsman Redeemer, the righteous dying for the iniquities of the unrighteous, so the unrighteous could be set free from the coming wráth of YHVH. He knew He had the power to raise Himself up again the 3rd day. How can you call what God did on our behalf “cheap”? Have you been deceived like the foolish Galatians in Galatians 3 into believing you are made righteous by your own works? Why don’t you reread that chapter and understand that our righteousness comes by our faith in what God incarnate, Jesus Christ, did on our behalf, as His perfect righteousness is imputed to us who believe, just like Abraham’s faith in YHVH was counted as righteousness to him, Romans 4. We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit BY FAITH, and NOT BY OUR OWN WORKS OF THE FLESH. Who has deceived you into believing otherwise, so that you commit such ßlasphemy against God by referring to the grace purchased through His shed ßlood as being “cheap”? That’s what you need to ask forgiveness for.
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ if Yahweh has to crucify his only son, if he requires a blood sacrifice to forgive, he has no Grace- especially when scriptures say that "God" is responsible for the hardening of hearts, the blinding of eyes, and disillusionment of the mind. Those with power and authority have the responsibility to lead and guide those beneath them. To confuse, mislead, abandon, and allow wickedness to run rampant in the world is not just. Maybe you never read Romans 11:32 "For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all"
If I break your legs intentionally so that I can appear merciful when I give you a wheelchair, I am neither just nor merciful.
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christwhat's cheap is the Bible. Imagine if I wrote a book for my kids and then left them. Imagine if I didn't speak to them, if I didn't help them as I watched murderers, robbers, and rapists destroy my offspring. Then generations later, in my own wrath, I sent plagues, war, and pestilence upon my offspring. Mercy is OWED. God should be asking his creation for forgiveness, not the other way around!
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ Listen again. For one of his examples, Bonhoeffer said that forgiveness without repentance is cheap. The ultimate sacrifice, of course, was Christ dying for humanity, when they choose to follow Him. The " cheap" part is accepting Christ's forgiveness--without true repentance, which means turning away ( from the sin.)
You should wash out your blasphemous mouth and go back and study a bit more…
Dietrich Bonhoffer was a true hero -- without a gun. He had the Gispel and strong convictions. He was a man of courage who dared to oppose Hitler & his indicrinating ways & challenged the church of his day. He stood out amongst the fearful & corrupt -- and paid for it w/ his life .A courageous man that ,yes,shoukd be taught to students .
I have such respect for Dietrich Bonhoeffer and read his Biography. He truly was a follower of Jesus and so courageous.
No, he was not truly a follower of Jesus. Bonhoeffer was an evil heretical sectarian who followed himself.
A true believer of our Lord Jesus Christ, a Christian
A story worth telling, an example worth emulating.
Wow! This is really inspiring. It is wrong to be silent when evil is taking place.
I agree.
Sadly, many are remaining silent.
Christ is worth it all! We need more people as Bonhoeffer to defy the works of satan even until death. God bless you as servants of Christ!
♥️. I’m sure it was a grand day in heaven when he arrived there.
Thank you for your feedback. We hope you enjoyed the program. God bless you
He's actually resting in the grave alongside everyone else until that glorious day when the trump will sound and these marvellous words will be heard:
[23] ... Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Matthew 25:23 KJV
This video had me in tears .What a strong-willed person what strong faith. ❤
What a brave man, a true believer and a shining example to us all!
How many of us are that brave? He knew his God and God knew him. May we all be privileged to have such a faith
Amen. Yet he was not born with this faith; he developed it just as we can all develop a faith like this. We pray that this man and this program can be an encouragement to us all.
God bless
God calls us all. It’s up to each one of us to answer His call
I hope i can be as brave and courageous as this man when facing the trials that are coming our way as the world grows ever darker. We must be willing to stand for Jesus and are fellow man as he did with the compassion of Christ
After I graduated college I took a class on religion taught by a wonderful pastor. I did a report on Bonhoeffer. It was so inspiring to me. I should of studied Divinity instead of psychology. This was a great video. Thank you.
Thank you for your feedback. May God lead you and bless you.
I wished I had been better in school but I was in love and married at seven teen. We were married 59 years and it was a good marriage. He passed 3 years ago to be with Jesus. I miss him every day. It was worth it. When I was about thirty I went to Junior college for interior design. Drafting was my favorite and I had highest grade for the semester but dropped out to take care of my grandmother who had fallen and broke her leg so I never went back. Just saying don’t mess around with learning. Reading or watching what’s going on in our country is also a way to learn. Teachers also need to get you interested. I only had one teacher that did it right. She taught TEXAS history. For example she told us about the 1900 storm in Galveston Texas. She told us the gory stuff and that got our attention. It was history but interesting. If every teacher taught like that they would get better results. I had another history teacher that wrote notes all over the chalk boards. A lot of them in that day. We had to copy all that stuff every tie the subject change. The he stood at a podium and lectured all day. I liked the guy but talking about boring. Any how in three years of him I had C avg. Now I’m 79 and am an avid reader and watcher of news and other stuff. Stay up on politics. Be sure of who to vote for or you can get us in a real mess. It’s crazy now.
Bless Dietrich for his decision to go back to Germany!
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing
So true and history repeats. God is seeking men who will stand firm, like this man.
Thank you for your feedback. God bless you
Thank you so very much for sharing such an inspirational christian historical story.
I had heard about Bonhoeffer many years ago but this is the first time, his life and dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was revealed to me. I am so grateful. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you and all those who are cooparating with you to spread His word, abundantly AMEN!!!
No joke... this man is one of the reasons I was never able to cross over from agnosticism to athiesm and why Christianity was fascinating to me. I'm a believer today... years after his death he played a role in that.
Praise God Jesus love for us is amazing ❤
Há mais alegria no Céu por um pecador que se arrependa do que por 99 justos que não precisam se arrepender Lucas 15:7❤
@@nonyabidness5708 Dude, he was amazing but an assassination attempt isn't what Christ would have prescribed. Christianity wasn't why he was brave. He was brave despite it.
@@nonyabidness5708 Praise God, dear one! 💖🖖🏽❤️🩹
God bless you! ❤❤❤
Calling yourself a Christian does not make you a Christian. Only those who deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus Christ are true Christians. Read your Holy Bible and pray to God for understanding.
Absolutly 😊
Indeed. I wish more people would live out the meaning
Making yourself a private interpreter of books which were deemed by the catholic church to be inspired scripture, does not turn you into a Christian. Only true catholics are Christians. All so called Christians who are not catholic are nothing more than heretics on the way to hell. You need to check out youtube channel MHFM1 for crucial information on the bible, the historical church of Christ and the Great Apostasy prophesied in the bible which indeed could and did happen only from the catholic faith, the one and only truly universal faith established by Jesus Christ and his apostles.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Thank you Lord Jesus for the cross and for this video.
I've read Bonhoeffer,. Before the end of the first chapter, I loved him. He is not a martyr. He is a conviction.
Dietrich was a great Christian role model. Eric Metaxas did a great job writing about him. Riveting stuff!
He is one of the few heroes that I have. What an amazing man. His biography by Eruc Matexas is riveting. One of the best books I have ever read. Well worth the time...I couldn't put it down. I think it's called Pastor, prophet, martyr, spy. ❤
Sadly, Eric
Sadly, Eric
Sadly, Eric
Sadly, Eric
My phone is wacko. Eric Metaxis wrote the book " Bonhoeffer," because he was paid to do so. He learned nothing in his research. He hated writing the book, and disagreed with Bonhoeffer's perspectives. Eric Metaxis is part of the extreme Religious Right Nationalist community of false Christians, was a Trump supporter, and helped promote the Evangelical Right's insinuation into the political current Republican Party. The parallels to the union of Church and State during the 1930's in Germany and uniting the German population with the absurd claim that Hitler was God's man, is mirrored by the Evangelical Right Church's claim that Trump is God's Savior of an America that has never truely existed. Nationalism based on White Supremacy, a love of Authoritarian control, Dominionism, spreading fear, stirring up violence, hatred of the other, banning books, anti semitism, targeting gays, a hyper masculinity mindset, an anti immigrant sentiment, and wrapping Christianity together with Fascist ideology is taking Hitler's playbook and installing it once again in America. The similarities are not coincidental. We must not allow this path to continue here. It must be stopped. For the love of Christ and His commandment to love one another, vote Blue. This may be our last chance before darkness swallows us whole. This is the beast with the fatal head wound come back to life. Rev. Ch. 13. Trump is the little horn with the big boastful words spoken of in Dan. Ch.7 and 9. We must push back hard and drive a stake into the heart of this beast once and for all. Eric Metaxis is part of it.
The most beautiful thing in this world is a human being sacrificing their life for another.
Very interesting testimony. I met Richard Wurmbrand - I have never fully recovered from the sheer intensity of his holiness and utter humility. He quietly radiated the presence of the Lord with him and in him.
DB clearly was similar as he awaited his death and execution. At peace with God.
Read both of there biographies - how much deeper as Christians we need to climb the everlasting ladder of fervent service as our goal till we reach Heavens Gates. Jim Elliott also comes to my mind missionary who was speared to death in Ecuador. Our lives don't belong to us, they belong to Jesus. Thy prayer - help this weak vessel deny thy self to honor you in every way.
I absolutely envy that you got to meet Richard Wurmbrand. I read his book Tortured for His Faith when I was only 14. It was so horrible yet his faith so strong, his knowledge of the Bible thorough, and he was a kind man. I have so many of his books now. He’s in Heaven now but someday we’ll all be together!
@@jsshay01 It was amazing how it happened. I was reading a book when a friend came and said, get your glad rags on. There's a good speaker tonight in Liverpool. I was reluctant. Friend said, you can read the book anytime. I went. A little late. Hall packed. Taken to the front to sit on the side of the stage as the host said, ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome our guest, Mr Richard Wurmbrand. He gave his testimony. I could barely lift my head to look at him. Truly, the presence of God exuded from him. It was very overwhelming. I'm so glad I went. I picked up my book next day to continue reading it. Tortured for Christ. My friend hadn't told me it was him speaking. I also met a Russian man Valeri Barinof. He had been tortured, too.
His family made it to the UK. He came to visit my husband a lot and showed us his scars. Very, very humbling. I was upset but he just said....it's okay. Jesus was with me all the time.
He returned to Russia.
I also went to hear him speak. as a young child, I was aware of him and many others were true martyrs, but failed to realize the impact he and others had on the Christian faith, all while deeply hated by the evil parties in charge. This is a very important story you tell of this man's similar life. Thank God Almighty for his gift to humanity these people became.
So beautuful, I had to pray your prayer. I am a weak vessel.
What a brave and truly spiritual man of God he was. I thank all in the making of this incredible video
This type of courage is unusual and difficult to replicate. Most pastors express what is popular. As a former pastor, I know the difficulty of thinking deeper than popular culture and expressing the contents of one’s conviction when those convictions refute the popular position. A rare man indeed. Thanks for the video.
For all the Saints who from their labours rest . He was and is a saint. He fought against evil. He was the true patriotic German and a good example of Christian service .
I've always been drawn to Bonhoeffer - cheap grace resonates with me - I have always felt so blessed by God throughout my very fortunate life - maybe I haven't stepped out of my comfort zone ?
Hi valeriekelly Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
Thank you - God Bless you too x@@WillieUnvlkan
@@valeriekelly315 read what I wrote on my description?
Can you handle privacy 🌺🌺
Danke für dieses wundervolle Video, es erzählt die Geschichte um Dietrich Bonhoeffer so, dass man gerne zuhört.Unser Gemeindehaus trägt seinen Namen❤
Ich sehe Parallelen zwischen ihm und Olaf Latzel!
Bonhoeffer changed my life FOREVER!
People like Bonhoeffer Will always be an inspiration and help us remember that there were good German people who gave their life for the sake of humanity and Future Peace times.
Oh my L-rd and savior Yeshua, with tears in my eyes, what a beautiful and inspiring example of grounding one’s self in G-d’s truth and will for our lives as brothers and sisters in Christ, and with the conviction, humility, selflessness, compassion, love, and grace as Yeshua and rhetorical Apostles. In fact, he very much reminds me of the Apostle Paul.
Admittedly, I have never heard about Dietrich and am so very thankful that HaShem allowed me to live to see this day.
Thank you for your time and professionalism in sharing Dietrich’ life and journey with us.
As an American mutt who is part German, I am filled with pride in knowing about Dietrich.
Numbers 6:24-26 and Shalom Shalom. 🙏✝️✡️🇮🇱❤️
Amen Amen! Baruch HaShem! He brings out his chosen for such a time as this! For in Him, I AM, all things are present! 🙏🔥🙌🏾
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Thank you.
I couldn’t agree more 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I recall a poem one of my lecturers read out while Bonhoeffer was in prison it was really interesting background to the story of his resistance and also his struggle .
Hi Sharynhonor Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
I read his biography . He is an inspiring man and a great Christian.
Just finished Eric Metaxis' biography of Bonhoeffer. Wonderfully research with a deep understanding of the man and life's conundrums.
How can Christians like Metaxes laud Bonhoeffer, while idol worshipping a Fascist thug like Trump, who increasingly exhibits all the red flags Bonhoeffer warned about? Christian Nationalism is exactly the type of Fascism that most German Christians went along with. How can American Christians not see the parallels?
An extra ordinary man!
This channel is such a blessing. May our Lord sustain this wonderful work you are doing.
Love Bonhoffer such an inspiration God bless him, he is home in glory with Jesus. I am looking foward to meeting him ❤
He had a direct path to heaven.
A friend of mine that worked for the prison system was used to hear death-row inmates ‘accept the Lord’ and all that and had grown cynical to it.
Then, one convict did actually become peaceful after conversion. In all previous executions, he had seen the inmates fight off the execution and it would take six correctional officers to subdue them. In the case of the one inmate that renewed my friend's faith, when the moment came, that inmate stoop up, told the guards, ‘no need for so many, I know where I am going’ and walked to the electric chair in peace without offering any resistance and telling everyone he had no bad feelings against anyone as he had brought justice on himself by his own bad decisions.
Thank you for sharing
What a man. I hope and pray to have his conviction and courage if ever I find myself in a similar situation.
What a beautiful child. What a beautiful soul.
What a exemplary man
Such bravery and dedication!!!!
That was incredible. What an incredible story of a Great Faithful Man.
This should be taught to everyone.
A lot of love for the creators of this film.
Thank you for your feedback and kind words.
He certainly was a great faithful man. We enjoyed producing this program, and we are delighted you enjoyed watching it. Please feel free to share our program too all your family and friends. We believe it is a story worth sharing. God bless you.
Have read Bonhoeffer biography by Eric Metaxas 3 times-riveting. THANK YOU for this well done video which quickly gives an excellent overview of who this amazing follower of Christ was.
How can Christians like Metaxes laud Bonhoeffer, while idol worshipping a Fascist thug like Trump, who increasingly exhibits all the red flags Bonhoeffer warned about?
Wonderful story…. what a great example of Christian courage…
Bonhoeffer rightfully and bravely opposed Hitler. GOD heard Bonhoeffer 's prison prayers.
Micah “ 6:8”He has told you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you; to love kindness, do justice and walk humbly with your God.”
That's all well and good. Bonnhoeffer's greatest contribution was in the morality of human stupidity. Important work which should be taught universally.
Thank you for your insightful comment about Bonhoeffer's work on the morality of human stupidity. You've highlighted an important and profound aspect of his philosophical contributions that indeed deserves attention.
We appreciate you bringing this to light. You're absolutely correct that this is a significant part of Bonhoeffer's legacy and one that has valuable lessons for our society today.
We apologize that we weren't able to cover this aspect in our program. Unfortunately, our TV network time slot limits us to less than 30 minutes per episode. This constraint often means we have to make difficult choices about which aspects of a person's life and work to focus on.
Your point is valid and important. While time didn't permit us to explore all of Bonhoeffer's valuable insights, we're grateful for viewers like you who help fill in these gaps and encourage a more comprehensive understanding of his work.
Thank you for engaging with our content and for your commitment to Bonhoeffer's full legacy. Your feedback helps us consider how we might address such important topics in future programs or supplementary materials.
Thank you Father for the life and testimony of Dietrich.
Thank you from Canada 🇨🇦.
Hi dear good morning, how are you doing?
Very interesting story.. l had never heard of him before and an very blessed to have learnt about him today
There are several wonderful books available
I appreciate Bonhoeffer. I studied about him in seminary. He was greatly inspired by the black church and the struggle in America.
I just finished the Biography of Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas.
Can’t wait for the movie coming in November
Wonderful inspirational faith in Jesus Christ.
What a story! What a man!
Exactly a century later we (humanity) are (is) repeating the same mistakes!😢😳! Similarities are unreal! This time with substantially catastrophic consequences! When we think the canvas we occupy is greater that the spirit & soul of other canvasses that is the slippery slope to evil! Happened with Kayin, and even after warning failed to turn & history is there to judge us! May HaShem be gracious to us even in judgement which we deserve! Even though we ALL fall short l, do not forget the “not so guilty” & your beloveds!😢❤️🙏🔥🙌🏾
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Was A HERO Of The Highest Order! I'm Going To Get His Biography As Soon As I Can. Blessings On His Family And His Descendant's Too.🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️
Thank you for this beautiful presentation 🙏🏼May God continue to bless your wonderful ministry & I pray that as a result, many souls will be saved & sealed for our Fathers Kingdom🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
Thank you for your kind words. May God bless you.
Acts 1:14
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
The power of Jesus in a soul🔥🙌🔥Praise God🙌🙌🙌
Thank God for this Man
Yes indeed.
More people should be like him stand up for His Faith!
I think he was standing more for people than his faith.
I am so glad that he had such courage ❤
Hi lillianmcyrew Good morning I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
I read his biography,so challenging,we need men like him now more than ever
Thank God for this great man
Thank you.
Most inlightening.
Well seasoned aging Christian.
Running the race to finish.
Shalom Jerusalem
Shalom Church
What would this world have been like without Mr. Bonhoeffer? He taught us courage and what "Cheap Grace" is. Lord give us the strength and guts this man had. When I read "The Cost of Discipleship" it changed me.
We agree. Thank you for your feedback. May God bless you
I have read this book. I fully agree this should be a must read in our schools. Coming from Grrman immigrants who fled Germany I read every thing I could get my hands on Hitler, the murdrring of the Jews and destruction of so many countries in Germany. My Great-grandmother would never spesk of the country she came from as a baby.
Great documentary. Oh that my life would have an impact like that long after I'm gone for God's glory.
I have his Letters and Papers from Prison. Best book. Outside the box. Thanks you for good presentation,also your accent is clear enough English. I am American and I appreciate that your narrator was clear enough for an American.
Bonhoffer is the hero of every Lutheran!
Christian. Denominations separate us. Christ bring us all into the unity of the faith! PRAISE HIS NAME!
What an inspiration his faith is to stand for justice for the oppressed and marginalized!
“Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth fathered the "God is Dead" movement! Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was mentioned, was a false teacher. Please be warned! Most never heard of his name till he became in style with the liberal church, the father of the "God is dead" movement. He was your typical, liberal Lutheran preacher who did not appear to be saved. “In his prison letters, Bonhoeffer questioned the role of Christianity and the church in a ‘world come of age,’ where human beings no longer need a metaphysical God as a stop-gap to human limitations . . . Bonhoeffer, on one occasion, told his congregation unequivocally that the Bible is filled with material that is historically unreliable. Even the life of Jesus, he said, is ‘overgrown with legends’ (myths) so that we have scant knowledge about the historical Jesus. Bonhoeffer concluded that the life of Jesus cannot be written.”
“Bonhoeffer moved happily in ecumenical circles. When in Rome he greatly enjoyed the masses held in the Roman Catholic churches there. He worked happily with the liberal leaders of the World Council of Churches, forming close friendships with many of them and regarding them as true Christians. He greatly admired Mahatma Gandhi and had planned a visit to India to study under him and learn from him.”
Bonhoeffer-“What are we to think of other religions? Are they as nothing compared to Christianity? We answer that the Christian religion as religion is not of God. It is rather another example of a human way to God, like the Buddhist and others, too, though of course these are of a different nature.”
Jesus Christ, the thrill of hope, for a sick, hurting, and weary world-Romans 10:9-10 from the Bible: “That if you confess with your mouth the LORD Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.”
In Bonhoeffer, there was no contradiction between caring for the wounded under the wheels of injustice and driving a spanner into the wheel.
Actually he made a pointed distinction about our duty in injustice- not just to care for the wounded( "putting bandaids on")--but work to stop the injustice.
To be forever remembered. To be solemnly remembered.
Never Again Is coming world wide & this time is in America. ❤Sad 🙏
Thank you very much for this❤❤❤
From South Africa
Thank you for your feedback. God bless
Thank you so much. inspiring!
Thanks for this video, never knew about him and his story very inspiring. Truly faith with action
Where's God's actions upon the Earth? Why the sick game of belief in something unseen when you are told in the commandments to not bear false witness? To make a claim for the resurrection, to make a claim for Jesus, is bearing false witness. Saying the Bible is the word of God is bearing false witness. To speak of something as true that you yourself have not witnessed is to tell a lie.
@@amyrenee1361 I believe you may be confused in order to state your position. To make a claim for Jesus is a claim for faith after much study in the history of the Hebrew nation.
@@amyrenee1361 i dont understand what's your point of argument
If you said about God action upon earth when this video about Nazi, then i want to ask what happen to Nazi and how Adolf Hitler name until now he remember as evil, like a cursing
About claiming Jesus is false witness, now it's another question i find confusing
You ask this because you are atheist or you are from another religion?
And who told you that Christianity is false? Isn't the one that told you is human?
He wrote a powerful little book called the cost of discipleship which was life changing for me.
Thanks 4 the Jesus Christ who strengthens our heart
Thank you for this video. Very powerful & inspiring. Praise be to God!