EP7 Highlight - Unpopular Gaming Opinions *they are spicy* - Kit & Krysta Podcast

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @kingofthesharks
    @kingofthesharks 2 роки тому +22

    I completely felt Kit's expressions and "okay...?" during Krysta's rants about Aerith lol
    That character is just fundamentally lovable to me and many others. But I guess different folks vibe with different strokes. So can't exactly change how Krysta sees her!I thought FF7R brought her to life perfectly as well

  • @christianvanmater3233
    @christianvanmater3233 2 роки тому +24

    I honestly haven't played much StarFox, but I did play a fair amount of Starlink, that open world game from Ubisoft, and it made me think that that might be a good direction for StarFox to head in.

    • @radnetro
      @radnetro 2 роки тому

      Exactly, Starlink already have the backbone they need for a new StarFox

    • @angrymikko
      @angrymikko 2 роки тому

      That was pretty great. I feel like some sections would work better as a 3rd person shooter with walking on ground rather than being on the ship but overall it was very enjoyable and a massive game.

    • @Evenmoresteven
      @Evenmoresteven 2 роки тому

      I played the entire game as Fox and I just treated it as a new Star Fox game. It was great. They should definitely just hand it off to Ubisoft.

    • @paperluigi6132
      @paperluigi6132 2 роки тому

      @@angrymikko Imagine Starlink with the ground gameplay of Star Fox Assault.

  • @nickk3077
    @nickk3077 2 роки тому +17

    For a next gen Star Fox game, I had the idea that there could be dozens and dozens of alternate paths in the game, with secret levels and sequences constantly. Maybe one small decision you made in the early game could come back later in a major way. One idea is not taking a certain route and leaving a boss alive or helping a military base of some sort out and them coming out to help against a tricky situation. I mean, it there are so many opportunities to take with this and I can't just list everything out right here. Star Fox Zero had medals in each level, which made the levels more interesting to explore, however, the game felt like it was missing that replay value of different areas and whatnot. It felt way too limited. In a next gen Star Fox game, I want nearly every playthrough to feel extremely different from the last. Perhaps there could also be several different story routes too! Not like Star Fox Command, but, like, good and interesting and well-thought out. The graphics wouldn't look like Star Fox Zero but would be ground-breaking and impressive! We can still have many vehicles, but make sure that all of them are fairly fast paced, unlike the gyrocopter. Finally, the characters could be fleshed out more, there could be more characters, unlike Star Fox Zero, which played it way too safe. There could be a brand-new villain, with a new plot, an area outside of the Lylat System Star Fox in known for! Starlink sorta did this, but it really wasn't a true Star Fox game in the end, with the lack of non-stop action I really liked about the series. The multiplayer mode could be expanded and feel like its own big gaming experience! Seriously, why hasn't any of this crossed Nintendo's mind!?
    EDIT: So, like, one unpopular opinion I have is that Star Fox Zero is a good game, however it has so many problems aside for the large learning curve of the controls. For instance, the story was lame. The characters never were developed in any interesting ways. There aren't any new characters. There is a lack of unique paths in the game. Many missions take place without your team, which is very weird! Those stages felt like they were added in last minute so that there are more levels to play. I mean, I prefer having a few more levels even if they are without your team than not having any new levels. I know I just said a lot against Star Fox Zero, but trust me, I do actually like this game. The action is constant! The bosses are very fun, and I personally love how all of them are in all range mode. It gave the Landmaster more depth in a good way. The high score-based system is back and is still addictive. The 2 unlockable Arwing vehicles were super cool, but I wish they were integrated into the game more. The bonus missions are a cool idea, but I wish there was more with them. I like how they were unlocked by finding those tokens, but I wish the tokens didn't replace alternate exits. I thought the controls were smooth! I know this bit seems weird, but everything feels good to operate! I know the asymmetric gameplay can be hard for many, but I was able to grasp the controls after several hours of playing!

  • @TerryVideoZone
    @TerryVideoZone 2 роки тому +7

    I think a big problem with Aerith dying is that it's been so heavily spoiled that it doesn't really come as a surprise. Back when VII was fresh I feel like it definitely would have been a bigger deal to people, especially when there were few games available globally that tried that sort of thing at the time. Nowadays though, it's pretty much common knowledge and most game players treat it as such. A lot of people aren't going to get emotionally attached to the character because they already know what's coming. In hindsight VII's systems also work in dissonance to party-member death as well, since you can just take the materia she was equipped with and put it on another character if you were using her and there's really no lasting impact outside the context of the story, aside from not having access to her limit breaks anymore.

  • @markasscop
    @markasscop 2 роки тому +10

    the state of star fox is frustrating b/c I feel like the answer is right in front of them, just do what assault did but fix what didn't work [on foot controls] and expand on top of that, assault was already a step in the right direction but then they just...stopped

    • @petwisk2012
      @petwisk2012 2 роки тому

      Well there's whatever the Hell command was

    • @WMDistraction
      @WMDistraction 2 роки тому

      Hear me out- Star Fox: Just Cause

    • @IISuzakuII
      @IISuzakuII 2 роки тому

      That's not the problem though. We you need to wonder is if anyone at Nintendo(Devs and Directors) wants to do one.

  • @Debloko666
    @Debloko666 2 роки тому +1

    What Star Fox needs is to not be Star Fox 64 again.

  • @whereaboutsunknown3822
    @whereaboutsunknown3822 2 роки тому +14

    I didn't play the original FF 7, but I really like Aerith in the remake. She's just got a spunky, fun personality. Hanging out with her was my favorite part of the game 😅. I'm a girl for reference too. I just genuinely like her personality.

    • @Ramen-fb4xr
      @Ramen-fb4xr 2 роки тому +3

      Lol same here, I thought Aerith and Cloud had amazing chemistry in the Remake

  • @TheCrazyShyGuy
    @TheCrazyShyGuy 2 роки тому +5

    The thing with StarFox is... complicated. Many people (including me) want a new StarFox game, but it would be difficult (however not impossible) to make one that fits with the expectations.

  • @connorduffus
    @connorduffus 2 роки тому +14

    My issue with Star Fox is that they keep rebooting the SNES original. Like, do something new with the series.

  • @evanroznoy940
    @evanroznoy940 2 роки тому +21

    I think the StarFox opinion is a very frustrating part of today's gaming landscape... feels like certain genres are being killed off because they aren't 'grand' enough or because they don't have the same intent as open world game 275,302. It sucks, but post-Wii I feel like we're getting fewer and fewer polished 'niche' and quirky titles, and when we do get them everyone just complains they aren't something else.

    • @nickk3077
      @nickk3077 2 роки тому +5

      To be fair, we have barely seen any new and innovative ideas that expand upon the formula Star Fox introduced since Star Fox 64. I'd love to see it though... Maybe one day.

    • @corrinflakes9659
      @corrinflakes9659 2 роки тому +3

      I do feel Star Fox was unique but tbh if Kid Icarus were to replace its formula, I wouldn't exactly be one to complain. Uprising had a better cast of characters, honestly. Uprising had no Slippy equivalent.

    • @danny2256
      @danny2256 2 роки тому +5

      Totally agreed. I don't love the idea that games need to be a certain length or something, or completely renovate their identity to drive interest in sales. I think there's room in the world for all sorts of games. This is why I'm very excited for games like Ex-Zodiac or Astro Dogs for more modern takes on Star Fox. Would love a new star fox rail shooter too, and I don't want them to reboot the story for the fourth time lol. I wanna see more of that post-Command world.

    • @evanroznoy940
      @evanroznoy940 2 роки тому +2

      Oh I completely agree that StarFox hasn't exactly been great recently, but I feel like a game doesn't need to change it's formula to give us a new good entry. Like, I still want more Sin and Punishment games, as unlikely as that seems, and they shouldn't really be anything but rail shooters. I'm not opposed to Star Fox itself becoming more worthy of being a notable Nintendo IP, I think it's knly got one really strong entry with 64, but it can still do that with on-rail gameplay. If anything, Uprising proves that too!

    • @TerryVideoZone
      @TerryVideoZone 2 роки тому +2

      unfortunately niche games have been mostly relegated to something that indie developers and the occasional square-enix release that gets 0 marketing goes for (and Capcom games, they've been kind of having a renaissance of not aggressively failing to pander to the western market now that hack fraud Inafune isn't poisoning the well at that company). It's too bad because AAA development has become so homogenized with pretty much everyone pumping out the same flavour of open world games with safe twists. The only game to really try to break the mold of what an open world game can be I'd say is Elden Ring, and even then that's still a Certified FromSoft HellGame, so maybe it was a little too niche for mainstream gamers. My best bet with finding good niche games in the past few years has definitely been hunting for them in the indie scene though. Japanese-developed small-budget/indie games in particular have been a shining light in a sea of mediocrity in the past few years.

  • @LedZeppo32
    @LedZeppo32 2 роки тому +10

    FF7 Aerith Death: I've had this discussion with quite a few people. I'm not the biggest FF7 fan, but that death scene whether people like it or not is iconic; and I believe it goes beyond being the first game most played. I think it's more. FF7 wasn't the first game to have main characters die. That was happening since FF2. However, it was the first time that people saw death in what was the most "realistic" graphics up to that point. Up to that point we never saw graphics as "realistic" as they were in FF7. It helped create a connection to the characters previous FF games weren't able to do. Aerith was also the innocent one of the group. Cloud was a mercenary with a dark past, Tifa and Barrett were part of Avalanche, Yuffie was a thief...etc. Aerith was more the innocent of all them. I'm not sure the death would have been as impactful if it was one of the others. Aerith was innocent and always trying to look on the sunny side, and see the good in people. To have that ripped from the player when you're not that far in the game was very impactful. So, I think it's impactful for many reasons: the character herself, it was the first time we as an audience really saw what we thought was "realistic" graphics to a point we could relate or put ourselves in the game, the music, and the overall innocence. Sidenote: I believe the director or one of the creators also added the scene, because they just lost their mother or father.

    • @quezcatol
      @quezcatol 2 роки тому +1

      It wasnt just that (I got ff7 back in 1997) its that Aeris death serves a purpose- by staying dead. She most likely influenced the lifestream to not attack humanity when it fought off the meteor- as we see her face when it uses holy to fight it off. Accepting death isnt easy but it is what we have to do. However in the ff7 remake showing Zack being alive in a third timeline makes me wonder if Aeris wont survive this time and instead leave us for that one ;) Probably sepiroth will try and leave this 2nd timeline for a 3rd and zack and aeris will take him out there and re-unite.

    • @LedZeppo32
      @LedZeppo32 2 роки тому

      @@quezcatol There's actually been discussions about the Remake where the story isn't an exact Remake of the original, but sort of a multi-verse story where Sephiroth and Aerith know what's going on. Apparently Aerith has dialog in the Remake that hints she's been here before. Like knowing Cloud is a Mercenary without being told, and she mentions Marlene to Tifa when no one has told her about Marlene yet

  • @Tribdinosaur
    @Tribdinosaur 2 роки тому +10

    YES hahaa totally agree with Krysta about 'gratuitous death' in video game stories in order to heighten drama. I'm SO over it! There many ways to do good, mature dramatic stories that aren't reliant on characters dying.

    • @untitled_unmastered
      @untitled_unmastered 2 роки тому +1

      That is an understandable point, but I think that the real problem is killing main characters for the sake of just killing them. I mean sure if it makes sense for the main plot of the story that’s ok with me at least, but if it is a pointless death just to make you feel bad or “engaged” I think is just lame drama haha

    • @IISuzakuII
      @IISuzakuII 2 роки тому

      @@untitled_unmastered And it worked... I as I got older I have come to question does it make sense to make entertainment for the lowest common denominator worth it.

    • @joegardner851
      @joegardner851 2 роки тому

      Aerith’s death has a purpose. I get the argument but her dying pretty much what saves the planet.

  • @Rockmanbalboa
    @Rockmanbalboa 2 роки тому +2

    on the FF topic i think is a double edge sword, on one side being independent stories gives them opportunity to explore other themes and narratives with new characters and worlds, but it ends up having narratives that are so independent that end up either having so many spin-offs to some of the installments, letting some fans with a lot and others with nothing but the numbered game. that if they dont decide to retcon lore to either connect some games or give backstories to characters. i think the tales series does what final fantasy has been trying for a long time better.

  • @Zebliin
    @Zebliin 2 роки тому +3

    Star Fox Assault was the perfect direction for the series and then we never got another game like it

  • @_blawnk
    @_blawnk 2 роки тому +1

    The impact of Aerith's death, while significant narratively, had a bigger impact in my opinion from a game design perspective. It was one of the first examples I can think of where you lose a JRPG party member permanently, and that's huge because JRPG party members require investment of resources-you spend time grinding them for EXP, you teach them skills (give them Materia in FF7), spend money on their equipment, and FF7 dared to throw away the player's investment into a party member. It was a bold move from a gameplay perspective back then.

  • @KeshieNorthStar
    @KeshieNorthStar 2 роки тому +4

    FF9 is a bit slow, takes a good while to get going in both story and in gameplay... It plays like a very classic Final Fantasy down to the tee, including the slower paced gameplay, grinding is pretty on the nose of being a bit much, BUT, its what makes RPGs a bit better with what you get out of grinding. Getting innate skills out of equipment just gets my brain clicking with ideas how to combine and plan your party to really get the most out of bosses. Plus the characters are really fun, not always indepth, but fun, and have some great narratives and stories in them (bless Vivi my beautiful son). I think it has a lot going for it even compared to 7. Personally... I think the series really hit rock bottom after FF11, got a bit better with 14, and still has a lot to go after the sharp decline with 15 and Strangers of Paradise...

  • @Play_Dreams
    @Play_Dreams 2 роки тому +17

    They can make a Starfox game that plays like Kid Icarus: Uprising in terms of structure.

    • @teamyumesuki5527
      @teamyumesuki5527 2 роки тому

      Starlink was the closest to a Star Fox game as you can play Fox all game.

  • @brandonscott3423
    @brandonscott3423 2 роки тому +4

    I do find it interesting Nintendo can’t really fins a good spot for starfox it’s animals in space that alone could lead to tons of cool games and characters

  • @Light23K
    @Light23K 2 роки тому +5

    You guys are fun. I don’t miss Nintendo minute a bit. I can listen to you guys all day.

  • @NightFlyStudio
    @NightFlyStudio 2 роки тому +2

    Aerith dying or characters permanently dying wasn't really a new concept in RPGs back then. FFVII was just the first JRPG to appeal to the West in such a massive fashion. Not a lot of people played JRPGs here before FFVII so the more people that experienced it ended up talking about it.
    Heck, 2 years before it, Chrono Trigger has the main character die. And if you don't know how to get him back (like I did back then) you just beat the game without him.

  • @pilsberry
    @pilsberry 2 роки тому +2

    Kid Icarus was the rail shooter successor of Star Fox... still want to see my boys Falco and Slippi back in action 😢

    • @kurokamina8429
      @kurokamina8429 3 місяці тому

      Kid Icarus uprising is the follow up we should have gotten after Assault. They are both basically the same game but KIU expanded upon it. It really annoys me that Sakuri actually choose Kid Icarus instead which just doesn't make sense, its a 2d souls like game, not a 3rd person on rail shooter.

  • @Tribdinosaur
    @Tribdinosaur 2 роки тому +3

    Krysta, yes, I'm a Slippy fan.
    Also Kit on StarFox needing a huge, freshening up. Yes. Absolutely.
    The current StarFox is too restrictive. We need more of the game.

    • @_SereneMango
      @_SereneMango 2 роки тому +1

      Assault was in the right direction...

  • @BDspeedwolf
    @BDspeedwolf 2 роки тому +1

    Ubisoft's Starlink would be the PERFECT seed starting point for a concept for Starfox.

  • @EaglexHeart
    @EaglexHeart 2 роки тому +2

    I agree with Krysta's opinion about Aerith in both the original and the remake. I did not like her. I tried to like her even as a battle party member but Tifa and Barret were able to do so much more support and attack wise that Aerith wasn't needed for most of my playthrough.
    If we are going to talk about life changing deaths in video games I was shaken more times from Final Fantasy IV from how many party members sacrificed themselves for the sake of saving the party and the world. Need an example? Porom and Palom, the twin mages. talk about bravery for two so young.
    And there is Cid. o7 Your airship, she is a beauty sir!

  • @Laf631
    @Laf631 2 роки тому +3

    Poor Krysta getting roasted for her accurate, but unpopular opinion.

  • @untitled_unmastered
    @untitled_unmastered 2 роки тому +2

    Have they talked about mother 3 so far ?? I wish they could give their thoughts about this topic

    • @ivanzoneBR24
      @ivanzoneBR24 2 роки тому

      They said the most elaborate joke in the Nintendo fandom is begging for Mother 3 when a lot of people are just doing for trolling instead of genuinely want to play that game localized.

  • @Weda_Bretajune
    @Weda_Bretajune 2 роки тому +3

    Ive liked every Starfox game except for Starfox Zero.
    *Edit* Even Command and Adventure, which ive heard many didn't care for.

  • @danielpacheco3855
    @danielpacheco3855 2 роки тому

    Also I haven’t played any final fantasy games if I were to play one which game should I start first?

  • @elcheshireilustracion9396
    @elcheshireilustracion9396 2 роки тому +1

    Well, first of all, my unpopular opinion: FFVI is superior to VII.
    As of deaths in videogames I think the one that really got to me was Aggro, from SotC. And then the twist at the end! What a rollercoaster of emotions.

    • @Clinkety
      @Clinkety 2 роки тому

      That's not an unpopular opinion. FF VI is either the best or second best FF game depending on who you ask.

  • @MockiN6j4y
    @MockiN6j4y 2 роки тому +1

    I'm pretty sure my brother beat Star Fox Zero, and I don't think he had an issue with the controls either

  • @zalmute423
    @zalmute423 2 роки тому

    Star fox - well Kit - you are in luck because Star Link I think was the evolution the star fox games needed. Outside of the toys for life stuff (which i liked) - the game had you taking on ship missions over multiple planets, scavenging parts, fighting bosses, etc. I loved fliying from land to space and back. Even having the star wolf crew pay a visit was nice. Star link 2 could have improved on everything people didnt like about the original and would serve as a great template for the series going forward. Maybe make it a once per gen thing.
    Arieth - i think what makes her interesting is that she is the last of a super race and has that ancient connection with the big bad. Her as a person - she is the white mage of the group which back then has its template. Buti felt that she was actually pretty interesting from her dialogue in the original. I think though that Kit hit on something. It meant more to poeple because they werent familiar with rpgs back then.
    And being new to final fantasy- losing someone like that probably meant more than someone like me - who played final fantasy 4 and 6 which had some pretty meaningful character deaths in it.
    Krysta- I am 100 percent with you. I am tired of dystopias.

  • @danielpacheco3855
    @danielpacheco3855 2 роки тому

    So like an open world FPS star fox? (Tbh I never played it just in the NSO NES collection)

  • @Mattyboy-dn4oo
    @Mattyboy-dn4oo 2 роки тому +2

    I liked Aerith in the Remake, but more so because of how in service she was to the main character. Cloud starts to open up a little more as he spends time with her. Her extroverted personality and his social awkward personality do lead to some cute moments, but I personally couldn’t find her super compelling or relatable. I even read Tales of Two Pasts and I found Tifa’s backstory to be far more enjoyable to read than Aerith’s because it feels more grounded, relatable, and inspiring given all that Tifa’s been through. It made me like and appreciate her even more as a character while my thoughts on Aerith didn’t change too much.
    Tho from a gameplay perspective, she is the best healer. It’s easy to become attached to her in that sense, so I could see people getting upset at her dying for that reason.
    If you can’t tell, I’m Team Tifa lol

  • @FishHookEXE
    @FishHookEXE 2 роки тому

    It feels like Star Fox would fit perfectly in a subset of games that doesn't really exist much anymore - I think Star Fox would be a perfect download-only $20 budget project. It's fast to play, snappy, in a genre that doesn't get much love, has a sizable but not huge fan base.
    Unfortunately, most of the big publishers aren't making that bite sized experience anymore because game budgets for the big games have gotten so out of control. Nintendo maybe puts out one a year of that smaller scale game these days?
    Otherwise, if it's gonna be a $60 main title, then yeah you *have* to rebuild it for the modern audience. I don't think that take is spicy I think it's actually correct

  • @legendaryhardbacon
    @legendaryhardbacon 2 роки тому +9

    Unpopular Gaming Opinion: The Last of Us is the most overrated game in existence 🤷
    I really like these discussions coming from you two, since you had years where you couldn't! Hope to see more 😀

    • @Clinkety
      @Clinkety 2 роки тому +1

      No, that title goes to Red Dead Redemption 2.

  • @HybridAngelZero
    @HybridAngelZero 2 роки тому

    I would love a Star Fox with a bigger world and more exploration, maybe unlocking new vehicles to explore more terrain... but of course there would still be rail shooting sections, too!
    And I will politely disagree with both of your Final Fantasy opinions. FFVII and IX are two of my favorite games if all time, though I can definitely see that they could be jarring going from the SNES games to those, especially if you started with FF4, which I wager a lot of people did.
    I do absolutely agree that I am burnt out on sad, dreary apocalypse dramas. The huge success of both The Walking Dead and Last of Us is likely to blame, but thankfully brighter games seem to be trending into style recently.
    And I am so over shock value character deaths, too. There are games and shows I have dropped because "anyone could die" just reads to me as "don't bother getting invested in this story if its characters"

  • @eduardopazhurtado3882
    @eduardopazhurtado3882 2 роки тому

    Star Fox should do what they did with SF2, that is still the most innovative game of the series. Picking up your path in an open space setting is the way to go. But I loved Star Fox Zero, the controllers are great, and if you got to the end of the game, you should have already dominated the controller a long way back before that. Your honesty is great guys, I love what you're doing. And I totally agree with Kit regarding FF hahahaha.

  • @facepwnagewtf
    @facepwnagewtf 2 роки тому

    I don't think the Star Fox one is a hot take, it's literally what the series needs. Star Fox hasn't properly innovated itself in a meaningful way for over 25 years now. While I've been a huge fan of Star fox since the originals release It desperately needs something to reinvigorate the franchise or it will simply be gone forever.

  • @luxdalet
    @luxdalet 2 роки тому

    I might be one of the 5 people who finished Star Fox Zero and still loves it lol

  • @zitrodivad
    @zitrodivad 2 роки тому +8

    did you guys play Starlink? when it featured star fox characters? that would be a good direction for the series to go to

  • @MaestroDrake
    @MaestroDrake 2 роки тому +1

    Starfox Assault Warriors.

  • @DangerCrow
    @DangerCrow 2 роки тому

    I slightly agree with these. Star Fox is an interesting franchise and I would love to see more, but I definitely agree that the rail-shooter genre is very niche so it’s unlikely to get made since it would not attract a large audience. I would be open to some other style of gameplay, but the core gameplay of flying your Arwing needs to stay.
    Aerith is sooo overrated. She is very much the male gaze appeal character. And her character development is very boring.
    I haven’t played Final Fantasy 1-6 so I can’t speak for if the series went downhill, but I do enjoy 7 and 8. Can’t stand 9. 10 and 12 are great too though.

  • @Benji-Lindz
    @Benji-Lindz 2 роки тому

    You weren't wrong; those were definitely unpopular opinions. Haha!

  • @Charles_Groebs
    @Charles_Groebs 2 роки тому +3

    Hot Take: Nintendo should make another F-Zero game, but won’t because it’s not as popular as other titles.

    • @dauntvs6670
      @dauntvs6670 2 роки тому

      They have released a lot of low selling games compared to the Nintendo evergreens , (like Astral Chain, Pikimin or WarioWare) I think it's more a situation like F-Zero in which they dont know what to do with the franchise

  • @R2319
    @R2319 2 роки тому

    Krysta's opinion reminded me an old skit. If you want a weird mix of old UA-cam and 90s nostalgia, I'd recommend it.

  • @JoeNayDoh
    @JoeNayDoh 2 роки тому

    Surprisingly I agree with a lot of these. Don't have the hatred towards Aerith, but she's just a whatever character to me. No emotional attachment there. Was never a fans of zombies, so the whole post apocalyptic zombie wasteland just do nothing for me. An I've had a Series S in my Amazon cart so many times, but haven't pulled the trigger cause there just isn't a new Xbox game that appeals to me at the moment

  • @Tchiko.
    @Tchiko. 2 роки тому

    For me rail shooters have to be rail shooters, not a good idea to transform F-Zero or Dodonpachi in an open world...
    In the best case it’s just not the same genre. Those old games have deep mechanics and high gameplay density that have to be preserved.
    Talking about unpopular opinion, Star Fox Zero is pure genius and is the best rail shooter ever B|

  • @drowningin
    @drowningin 2 роки тому +8

    My issue with Final Fantasy is it left behind Fantasy, and since 7 has embraced this weird steam punk with lots of leather and belts. Return to whimsical like FF9. 16 looks like it might return, but not sure. It's not the series I used to love.
    Edit: you don't like 9??? The recent ones have been good??? Whaaaat

    • @evanroznoy940
      @evanroznoy940 2 роки тому

      14's the best and I don't care what anyone else says

    • @drowningin
      @drowningin 2 роки тому

      @@evanroznoy940 11 > 14, and I assume he wasn't talking about MMOs

    • @corrinflakes9659
      @corrinflakes9659 2 роки тому +4

      You do realize Fantasy isn't exclusively Medieval Europe-inspired right? You can have fantasy in literally any era, including the future.

    • @drowningin
      @drowningin 2 роки тому

      @@corrinflakes9659 that's why I called it steam punk style that I didn't like that has become the norm of the series. There's a reason the games are universally hated by the FF community, no one wants cars and sky scrapers in their fantasy

    • @corrinflakes9659
      @corrinflakes9659 2 роки тому +4

      @@drowningin “it left behind Fantasy,” “no one wants cars and sky scrapers in their fantasy”
      Listen, I’m not sayinf you can have setting preferences. But also settings in high fantasy are essentially flavoring to support a narrative or host a narrative. Star Wars has 0 real world Earth history connection for even the humans, so despite it being set in space, it’s as high fantasy as LOTR. You can swap the settings with Frodo and his alien hobbit friends leaving his home planet of Shire to travel to a distant galaxy and cast an ancient galactic conqueror’s soul-infused ring into a specific magical star of its original source, accompanying them is an esper named Gandalf, and dwarf and elf stand-in aliens. Same with Star Wars, Luke starts in an isolated desert where he was raised, the airs of the desert create a double Sun mirage, parents killed by dark warlock Darth Vader, who has a continent-levelling weapon on Death Tower, a flying monolithic base, he joins psychic wizard Obi Wan, recruits human and bearfolk mercs Han and Chewbacca, he saves rebellion’s Princess Leia in Death Tower, and dog fights on gliders to blow up the Death Tower’s source.
      TL;DR Settings have significantly less priority to characters, themes, and plot.

  • @danny2256
    @danny2256 2 роки тому +1

    I wish more hot takes and unpopular opinions were positive rather than negative... For example, my unpopular opinion is that I actually think Star Fox Zero is an awesome game, and I enjoyed the controls a lot! But I know it's a minority opinion, it just worked for me.
    And I know it's just how internet discourse is for gaming, but I'd be interested if you maybe talk about unpopular positive opinions you have in the future!

  • @godzila70
    @godzila70 2 роки тому

    let the people who made Starlink make the next Starfox game. Starlink is the best Starfox game and the only one that matters PERIOD!

  • @lululumpia
    @lululumpia 2 роки тому +2

    these ff opinions...

  • @nandreshiram2269
    @nandreshiram2269 2 роки тому +5

    (Edited for grammar) If we’re adding hot takes into the ring, I’ll throw in mine:
    Pokémon as games, historically, have never been hard. Early Pokémon games prior to Gen 5 were only difficult for many due to many being very young when they played them, and most of those games have really bad level scaling which creates (in my opinion) an artificial sense of difficulty. And while difficulty options would be nice to have for future Pokémon games, I feel they aren’t completely necessary to enjoy the games, and I feel difficulty is not a major issue of recent releases.

    • @OrangeShanker
      @OrangeShanker 2 роки тому +1

      Completely agree. Replayed Pokemon Blue and it wasn't difficult compared to new ones, just tedious

    • @dddgaming885
      @dddgaming885 2 роки тому +1

      Agreed. Everyone likes to meme Whitney's Miltank, but playing crystal 4 years ago and not grinding at all I had no problems at all.
      I'm not saying the very hand-holdy direction its been going isn't bad, but the new games being too easy doesn't make the earlier ones hard.

  • @austinl8074
    @austinl8074 2 роки тому +3

    Woah woah woah. 7 & 8 I get, but 9!? :O

  • @Cyndillquil
    @Cyndillquil 2 роки тому +3

    Based Kit and Krista not liking FF9. I don’t understand the hype for that one at all

    • @ShallBePurified
      @ShallBePurified 2 роки тому +1

      FF9 is the best post FF6 Final Fantasy game. Well maybe excluding FF14 nowadays. I actually didn't get the hype for the OG FF7. I played it and thought it was cool, but it didn't really do anything for me. FF7R really made the characters great, though, but I didn't like the story direction they took at the end, and because of its nature, it's incomplete until like 40 years until they finish the story in 7 parts.

    • @TerryVideoZone
      @TerryVideoZone 2 роки тому

      FFIX is kind of one of those games where if you didn't play it at a certain point in your life it's probably not going to connect with you as much as it could have. I kind of had that experience with Chrono Trigger too at least where I felt like if I played it when I was younger I probably would have been completely blown away by it, but by the time I had gotten around to it I had already played JRPGs that felt a lot more incredible to me like Final Fantasy V and Dragon Quest III, so I only really saw it as a game with a solid take on a time travel story with good team-building mechanics, but lacking in individual character-building.

  • @PhilDVG
    @PhilDVG 2 роки тому +3

    Aerith was definitely overrated. I didn't care that she died at all and I never really used her anyway. I would've been pissed if I grinded with her before the event. Plus others died in previous FF games too.

    • @TyandOnGoing
      @TyandOnGoing 2 роки тому +1

      Facts i was annoyed my main healer died so i had to change yuffie as my main healer just for her to run off later in the game.

  • @germanvegacastro4238
    @germanvegacastro4238 2 роки тому +3

    Aerith dies? :'(

  • @Starwars4J
    @Starwars4J 2 роки тому

    I want to hear Kit's third

  • @DavidAmarante
    @DavidAmarante 2 роки тому +1

    I TOTALLY agree with Kit's opinion about FF after leaving NIntendo consoles. I never felt the same way as I had felt playing IV or VI after the games got more "advanced".

  • @mellow8176
    @mellow8176 2 роки тому

    this channel is just the best

  • @MelodyTCG
    @MelodyTCG 2 роки тому +2

    I agree with kit on final fantasy. It feels like a hack and slash now rather than an RPG

  • @beilstein
    @beilstein 2 роки тому

    I guess we're not getting Elden Ring content.

  • @rylade475
    @rylade475 2 роки тому +5

    My unpopular opinion: Fire Emblem Fates and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl get way too much hate.
    Both could certainly use improvements but i still really enjoyed both of those games-if a game hooks me heavily, it did its job right

  • @fernicusmaximus9282
    @fernicusmaximus9282 2 роки тому +2

    I agree FF7 Remake Aerith was a huge downgrade from the original, she was very annoying, and personality was all over the place. Even Sephiroth was pretty bad. The rest of the cast was fine.

  • @timestopMachinist
    @timestopMachinist 2 роки тому

    i actually didnt have trouble with the controls in star fox zero. it took me like one or two stages to get the hang of them and then i was fine. the final boss was disappointing though, i agree there, although i found it too easy and short (why was brain andross missing?). the problem with rebooting star fox is that the last game in the series was a reboot (zero), and the one before that was a remake (643d). so that would be the 3rd time in a row they basically retell the story of 64 with levels that would probably be thematically almost identical. i dont know what the best move is but id like it if they released SOMETHING.
    for ffvii, i liked aerith's character. its really just subjective though, im sure the reasons one person likes her are the reasons another does not. i can explain how her death was impactful though. it wasnt just that a character died, it was a MAIN character. she was a party member no different than any of the others that dont die, so when she was permanently removed, you felt the gap in the party screen, you lost all the gear on her, and (if you used her like i did) your party had to completely change to compensate. she was my main healer, so i was scrambling to find a way to make up for all the moves and heals she had (although the materia system helps soften the blow).
    my hot take is that shadow of the colossus isnt that good. i played the ps4 version recently and was disappointed. the world is huge and expansive, but its empty. i understand that it serves the narrative, but it's boring to traverse. you take down a few large bosses which are all visually similar (some almost identical), they're mostly simple puzzles. almost all plot is in the opening and ending, and it was super predictable. there are some hidden collectables, but theyre basically useless, and i beat the game without knowing they existed because it takes forever to get anywhere and dying starts you at the center of the map again, so i had little incentive to explore. i can see how such huge bosses was impressive back on the ps2, but the game looked awful and ran like shit on ps2, plus the controls were awkward. every concept in shadow of the colossus has been done better since in games such as nier.

  • @n0ctiz456
    @n0ctiz456 2 роки тому +1

    I love the PS1 final fantasy games but to each their own

  • @DiruMede
    @DiruMede 2 роки тому

    I was so surprised by Krysta picks! 100% agree with her choices!

  • @shadowsquid1351
    @shadowsquid1351 2 роки тому

    Agree with both of you about Final Fantasy, I also think FF went down on PS1 but was good on SNES & FFX was good. PS1 FF were truly style over substance imo.
    Keep these cool vids coming, good content 👍

  • @moddedinkling4168
    @moddedinkling4168 2 роки тому +4

    Basically everything emphasized here about Star Fox was pretty much done well in Starlink: Battle for Atlus. It should definitely look into more inspiration from Star Wars games.
    The problem with Final Fantasy as a whole is simply the fact that each game is a little too independent from each other. It doesn't necessarily mean you can't have impactful character development, but there's just a lot less connection after being limited to a single game.
    And the Xbox Series X...? Honestly, the existence of Game Pass really justifies the Series S. There's just no reason to buy a Series X unless you want to support backwards compatibility and want to collect physical games.
    Nintendo's subtlety in displaying a post-apocalyptic world is really the way to go. It doesn't need to be the forefront of a game and its narrative to be effective at storytelling. Kirby, Splatoon, and I would argue that even Breath of the Wild (despite seeing a lot of the apocalyptic event in two games...or two timelines) did it so well just because it doesn't shove it into your face. However, Terrako's death...or double death... felt quite forced in Age of Calamity.

    • @drowningin
      @drowningin 2 роки тому +2

      No FF being independent is great. If they were linked it would limit the audience with each release because they got 13(not counting sequels or MMOs) single player games to go through. That's no fun.
      Sequels is how they fix the thing of them not being linked

    • @Rockmanbalboa
      @Rockmanbalboa 2 роки тому

      Battle for Atlas improves so much on the star fox formula, and yeah FF could really improve if they had some more perspective.

    • @moddedinkling4168
      @moddedinkling4168 2 роки тому

      @@drowningin it's fine to have independence, but not total levels of independence. Even though FF has some sequels, the overall franchise is barely connected outside of a complex multiverse (KH also comes to mind), whereas something like the Zelda franchise is independent, but consistently has various sequels

  • @AlphaCodzombieskiller115
    @AlphaCodzombieskiller115 2 роки тому

    Do you 2 know the game series Sly cooper its really good its about a raccoon that is a thief

  • @claymoreth
    @claymoreth 2 роки тому

    On that note with Aerith's death, I think Crono's death from Chrono Trigger is overrated. He's literally just the player, being a silent protagonist. Like, that's it. It's not like you stop playing the game afterwards.

  • @GameWheelReal
    @GameWheelReal 2 роки тому +1

    Seeing Star Fox Zero Style Fox in the thumbnail being crossed out is not an unpopular opinion, believe me lol

  • @georgie9303
    @georgie9303 2 роки тому +1

    That whole discourse around FF lol.
    The PS1 games were the last truly GREAT FF games until they went downhill. 10 was solid, but 10-2/12/13/15 were hot garbage.

    • @TerryVideoZone
      @TerryVideoZone 2 роки тому

      gotta disagree on 12. Matsuno's world building is unparalleled.

  • @crabwaluigi
    @crabwaluigi 2 роки тому

    Sonic has its shares of problems as far as 2D you grind until you memorize the level and it’s better if they let you spin dash cause then you can do like spin dash jumps after 1 or two spins but I got more into it after playing smash, although still liked it. Star fox should get you on foot and explore the world as well. Command has decent multiplayer if you get a max room. Aireth idk about overated but she’s still ok. I wouldn’t call anybody in ff7 overated I feel that’s more Asia then somebody like me from the states.

  • @fireXdisaster
    @fireXdisaster 2 роки тому

    I agree with Krysta so much with their two statements, Aerith is so overrated, and sorry not sorry for spoiling a 25-year-old game, especially for those who are playing FF7 for the first time because of the remake, but she just dies in the end of disc 1 and just that, it's true they give it personality in the remake but as someone who played and finished the original one, she still feels....just okay, just for plot purposes.
    Also, yeah, zombie-killing games got meh, it's all the same, they're mostly serious and kinda dark-ish. We need more games like Dead Rising did, just killing zombies for the lolz and giggles. I really wish for a Dead Rising reboot and more fun zombie-killing games that are just for the fun and lolz.
    I have some hot takes as well:
    - Final Fantasy got a steep decline after X-2, especially with the XIII trilogy, oof those games are awful
    - Paper Mario got dead after Super Paper Mario, every game gets worse
    - Kinda the same, but with Mario & Luigi games, the last good was Bowser's Inside Story, after that, the games got terrible
    - Super Mario Galaxy is easily 100 times much better than Odyssey
    - Star Fox Zero was actually pretty great, it's not unplayable as people made it look, just because the weird gameplay, also needs a port
    - Probably because i hate the tactical genre, but Fire Emblem is overrated
    - The PS platformers like Crash, Spyro and all that, all boring
    - Halo and Gears died after 3, each game after 3 is just worse than the previous one

  • @quezcatol
    @quezcatol 2 роки тому

    I think starfox on snes was terrible even back in kindergarten and almost unplayable. That game isnt enjoyable at all. yes 3D graphics were impressive, but if the game runs like a snail - how can you enjoy it? the gameplay is one of the worst I ever played. And I loved the 64 version later, so im not against the franchises, but starfox on SNES I wouldnt even give a 5/10 that game is hardly playable at all.

  • @DongKEKong
    @DongKEKong 2 роки тому

    I destroyed andross on zero. It is not hard at all.

  • @bigduke5902
    @bigduke5902 2 роки тому +3

    Yet another grabby title meant to eilicit a negative response. You guys are starting to lose me.

    • @jasonfanclub4267
      @jasonfanclub4267 2 роки тому +13


    • @dddgaming885
      @dddgaming885 2 роки тому +3

      "grabby title" yeah, titles are supposed to be attention grabbing. And it's not exactly clickbait, since it's not misleading on the video topic at all.
      "Ellicit a negative response" the video is literally unpopular opinions.

    • @ShallBePurified
      @ShallBePurified 2 роки тому +4

      The segment is literally "unpopular gaming opinions." You get exactly what the title says. It's not tricking you into watching something it's not. You chose to come here. That's on you.