You mean Yeshua..that's what his mother name him..Jesus is Cesar Borgia aka Julius Cesar aka Son of Zeus. Becareful attaching yourself with Greco Roman deities.
@@thewatchers9123 exactly. The bible stories were taken from Sumerian an ancient Egyptian history in which the origins of all these stories came from the atlantians according to edgar cayce.
@@o.e.bangerz6548 Well then you dont know what happened a few years ago when Chris made statements about homosexuality and unrepentant sin in ones life. He spoke a word to the nation and it went viral. They interviewed him on the Breakfast Club and Chris held firm. It was a phone interview.
My husband is struggling so bad right now with life... this gives me hope... I’m just wondering when and how he will hit rock bottom.. praying that GOD will save him..He says he don’t believe in him ... but he says he hates him.. to me it sounds like he just doesn’t understand GOD.. Please please pray for him...
My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
I was once where your husband is now and I have no doubt that he will get through it. This might sound crazy but the mere fact that he says he hates God let’s me know he desires a personal relationship with him. Please get him the book “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. That book will answer many of his questions and in Jesus name I pray.
Sister Sweet KELLZ C, I appreciate and thank the Father for your courage to express your need. I touch and agree with the prayer below. I have no need to promote my channel, but my main focus is discipleship and deliverance And, importantly, how to maintain our Salvation by learning to die daily by appreciating the price that was paid for us. HalleluYah!!! However, I would give my life to counsel with your husband, if you feel compelled. Glory to the Most High. Peace and respect to you and your family.
He must take up his cross or be crushed beneath it... In other words what Jesus did was to save us from the weight & burden of our own sins.. If he denies the cross he has no protection from the burden he has put on his own shoulders.. The burden of the cross is lighter than the burden of Sin.. Humble yourself so HE can lift you up..!
We stand with you that both the Love of God and grace of Christ will be revealed to your husband. God has a way of turning up the fire just enough on us men in order for us to respond in faith to Him.
Bro this is so amazing to see. I've watched this guy commentate on tv over the years and no disrespect to his sports knowledge but this is his true gift! His faith, intelligence, lucidity, and dedication make him a light of hope in a world of darkness.
I already had high respect for him as his work as a commentator but as a fellow Christian, I respect him even more. It’s a great thing to hear him speak on his relationship with Christ and the work he is doing within his ministry.
Chris, I didn’t like your sports analysis a whole bunch, but after listening to you on this, my respect level has increased, and I have a love for you in Christ! I’m also excited to see someone with a “big voice” represent Jesus without wavering.
Who cares what color jesus. Whatever he did wasnt big enough for us to know about until the slave master told about him... The old testament is very anti African and the history of christianity has been very anti African. Look at the list of the slave states in America. Then look at a list of the states that make up the bible belt in America. . Look at all the flood myths that predate Noah's myth. Look at zeus and gilgamesh and then ask why is Noah the only flood stories that has an African baby being born into slavery. Why Zeus ain't have to enslave a baby with his flood.. How can a nation ever win when they have allowed their slave master to define their cocnept of a god.
peace brother. i'm curious if you have any recommendations for latino preachers. i'd love to tap into some of those ministries. i'm actually teaching myself spanish right now because i'd love to be able to sit in on a spanish-language sermon one day.
@@k.h.a.l.i.l. grace & peace to you my brother. this may sound sad, but i currently don't listen to a lot of latino/spanish speaking preachers. really none. the only one that i would feel comfortable recommending right off the top of my head would probably be pastor samuel rodriguez. by what i've seen on ig, it appears that he holds services in both english and spanish so you may be able to find some online services in which he preaches solely in spanish. i believe he has a pentecostal background - like myself - and that's evident in his style of presentation, so i don't know if that's your cup of tea, or not. but like i said, he's the only one i can think of right now that i would theologically feel comfortable of recommending anyone to listen to. hopefully someone else sees this thread and can maybe offer some other recommendations. blessings to you my brother.
@@mcintron4099 appreciate the response, man. i will check him out. i grew up in the deliverance church which falls under the non-denominational/pentecostal adjacent umbrella. as an adult, i just identify as what brother ruslan calls a "charismatic with a seatbelt" lol as long as the hoopla doesn't stand in the way of sound doctrine and making well rounded disciples, i'm open to anyone who aint dry!
@@k.h.a.l.i.l. bro! that's funny cause i also listen to ruslan as well. and that comment about the "charismatic w/ a seatbelt" had me rolling. and i feel ya about your upbringing. i don't agree w/ everything ruslan says & i've told him so. but, i so respect the way he analyzes & thinks. and i'm totally w/ you about all the hoopla. i still hold true to foundational biblical pentecostal doctrine & beliefs, but it has to be grounded in the word for me. one thing that i've heard from pastor rodriguez that i love is that it has to be orthodoxy w/ orthopraxy. respect my bro!
@@mcintron4099 thanks for the recommendation, bro. i've listened to some clips on his IG and i like what i've heard so far. out of curiosity, what are some issues you have with ruslan's perspective that compelled you to let him know about it?
I had the same prayer chris wow. And i had a dream woke up in a cold sweat 3:00 in the morning. I got up to use the bathroom and saw my bed a bit wet. My whole body was sweating. In the dream my car got repo and things were bad, i had a t shirt riding a bike warning and talking about to people about The Most High. Everyone laughed and scoffed at me, calling me all types of things. Then while sitting on my bike i was taken so high in the sky, i looked down people, were screaming and pointing at me. I felt like i would fall, you know the feeling you have in the plane when a small bump happens or so, underneath your body feels funny... i had the same exact feeling on this bike... he showed me everything i saw the whole world. Then i woke up in a sweat , when i walked to the bathroom the dream hit me and i was in tears bruh big ass man like me. ( he lead me to history, showed me the lies in religon especially christianity.) I was lead to solomon and christ mostly. We have to follow his commandments alot has happen in the past, but we must be humble thats what im trying to master. Its hard man, this whole world is an enemy of god 😯
So you prayed then had a dream and that was enough to convince you Solomon and Jesus had your back ,huh? Once I looked at a Playboy then had a wet dream I wonder what that meant? A dream about what a person was thinking about before they fell asleep is totally unimpressive. Correlation not causation.
@@surunitemiakanni-oye4346 Unfortunately you mistake a religion with God. God is not a religion. Christianity did not originate in racist Europe. It was brought to Europe and Europeans created a religion to advance their economic interests. That has nothing to do with Jesus-Christ.
@@ngomaibinda Keep on fooling yourself. What is a religion without its god? Interesting that first we had the Trans Saharan slave trade by the Arabs followed by the Trans Atlantic slave trade by the Christians. The common nexus is the man-made construct of religion - which seeks to elevate its adherents to a superior hierarchy and dominion over others. And Jesus Christ? The white, blue-eyed blonde the Europeans worship as the “son of God”? Say hi when you get to heaven for all those murdered and raped in his name.
I applaud you Chris Broussard for your faith,steadfastness, and your commitment to advancing the kingdom! Surely it is much needed in this time! Stay focused, encouraged, and motivated to be a light in darkness! Your brother in Christ.🙏♥️
Christianity is neither a white man's religion or black man's religion. Christianity is based on the gift of salvation offered by Christ through his sacrifice on cross for the sin of ALL humanity. Jesus Christ is the savior of ALL humanity and he will come back to judge all humanity as well. The main question we should ask ourselves is, where will we end up when we die and spend the rest of eternity, do we accept Jesus as our Lord and personal savior or will we reject him as Lord and savior? That is the question we should be asking ourselves.
@@ab497 That is not true. I know the sun. I know the sun is the source of all my food warmth and medicine. I didnt have to wait for european slave masters or authors to tell me about the sun. The sun is the god bible god wish he could be. Man creates things that we want but the creator creates things that are essential to life on this planet. There is not one thing that man has ever created that man cant live without.. and that goes for the bible.. That is we know that the bible is man made therefore it is not divine nor necessary for the survival of mankind. True divinity dont need introduction... especially from europeans
@@mosywilliams8458 Why? According to who? You see many of us are descendants of slaves and our ancestors were introduced to this belief system by slave masters. We cant afford to just believe in anything that was given to our ancestors by slave masters.. We must examine this belief system with a free critical mind opposed to just believing like slaves and babies do. There is no reason to believe in the sun. The sun is too powerful for belief.. We KNOW the sun.. We know what the sun does.. We dont need any book from an oppressor to tell us what the sun does. In reality, the sun does more for mankind than any god that you have been introduced to by man. You saying that the creator of the sun is jesus or bible god is just claim with ZERO evidence to support. No one had to tell you that the sun exists. But someone had to tell you about jesus.. Thats a problem and an example of divinity vs man made.. Idk any pagans.. Europeans were pagans and i dont think the sun is good to them enough for them to worship. But worshiping the sun makes more sense than worshiping a god that you never knew about until a slave master told you. But there is nothing in nature that requires worship or sacrifice.. Only man and the gods that man creates require worship and blood sacrifice.. And whats more pagan than a father allowing his son to die for an atonement. Washed by the blood of jesus is hella pagan.. Putting goat blood on ya ear is hella pagan.. Eating crackers or bread as a representation of someones flesh is very pagan. Growing crops, having medicine, knowing what time it is, being able to see, having warmth all from one source is divine.. The sun is the god that bible god wish he could be
Great interview! The show host, Lisa Fields was fantastic guiding a encouraging discussion with Chris Broussard. May God continue to bless this outlet.
Christianity came full circle for me when i noticed that everyone around me that weren’t Christian were living stressful unfulfilled lives. The keep chasing material things, food, status, looks and self centered things yet nothing works. I seen right through them yet most will never figure it out that all those things will never make them happy. Since coming back to the Lord i’ve been happy with whatever i have, money doesn’t mean anything to me in a time i’ve never had more, i don’t crave to buy more stuff i don’t need... i just want to serve God and give like i’ve never given before. God is real, pray for wisdom and guidance and you’ll see the world for what it really is
@@DJ-uc8mk take your negativity somewhere else “homie” and don’t worry about other people that ain’t worried themselves “homie” and go do something with your life instead of your trying to bring people down to your level “homie”
@@silverandblack9242 Say bro.. Dont be so sensitive. Maybe i could have challenged your methods with bettor words. But its all good bro... Peace and Love
@@DJ-uc8mk naw, i’m good, you’re just not smart bruh... never take financial advice from a broke person, never take dieting advice from a fat person, never take life advice from a....
Chris brought me here and now I'm subscribed!! I'm going to watch other interviews. Thank you for this!! The Lord brings us together in ways only He can!!
Honestly bro Christianity is not a white man’s religion , I’m black , I serve Christ and my life is greater than it has ever been living and being truly obedient to Christ, the gospel isn’t limited to race. I see black people denying the gospel a lot nowadays not gone lie.. but then we wonder why we can’t come together as a race and unite, always having a negative stigma in our community. Wonder why we populate the prisons and why we the main race that’s killing each other. I desperately wana see change in our race, I believe at this point only God himself can break the stigma going on in the black community. God Bless Chris B!
You talk about our prison percentages as non-christians.... Man our people our 80% christian in this nation.. But let us talk about our christian population that was enslaved by christians. Let us talk about how the states that make up the slave states are the same states that represent the bible belt.. Let us talk about why most christian european nations have the enslavement of african people under god in their history.. Let us talk about how many of the poorest nations on the planet are african nations with HIGH populations of black christians... You need to look at history... Keep ya faith but look at history and it is plain to see why many black men dont deal with christianity and why many more are walking away from christianity. Aint nothing cool about getting your god from a slave master.
You say Jesus told someone something.... Can you give me any literature that was authored by jesus... Can you give me any literature that was composed about jesus during the time of jesus.... Can you give me the oldest composed literature about jesus written in the language that jesus allegedly spoke. Im asing this because you talking about what jesus said.. So if you quoting jesus i reckon that you got some literature that im not aware of
@@nickjones1314hello not sure if your a believer or not but everything i read or quote is in the bible. now if you want to debate with me about the scripture i posted i will share it with you. john 14:1-6 kjv or nlt version. i only share what the Holy Spirit says. praying for you unbelief Nick Jones. have a bless day.
@@elevatedfaith6864 I understand everything you read was in the bible but can you tell me what jesus actually wrote. If someone is trying to get literature truly from jesus without any greek middlemen, how would we do so. I have no desire to debate with you.. Nor do i need your prayers.. Im asking you basic questions on one topic and you offering me everything BUT what im asking you for... I notice that it is difficult for people who believe a lot to actually know things... We believe this and we believe that but when someone asks us about what do we actually know, then we offer prayer or a debate in a subject that we "believe" Dont pray for me, just show me the literature composed by jesus and that would be enough blessing in itself for me.
@Shon Benjamin LOL There was no king of england named james. James is a latin name. And before king james gave yall his version of gods word he wrote a book about werewolves vampires and demons. But trip this though... If you read deut in the geneva bible or even in the bishops of england bible, they pretty much say the same thing.. So were the bishops of england brothas too and was one in charge of the geneva bible a brotha.. We both know they werent.. The deuteronemies before kjv are almost identical and we both know they were written by europeans. Also if you look at deut in the oldest completed old testament that we have, it says nothing about yokes on necks and slave ships... Someone added that stuff in there at a later time.
@Shon Benjamin Naw bruh - we dont answer questions like that. You said king james was black... I showed you how he wrote about werewolves and vampires before he gave you your god.. Then i showed versions of deut that were written before king james by obvious white authors... I was specific but reply what a generalization saying if white folks can trick everyone why they kaint trick us again.. Address the issues that posted. Address the issue that the oldest completed deut written in greek says nothing about slave ships and yokes on necks. I kaint deal with no hebrew israelite camp.. I respect the brothahood but its hard for me to believe pretend mythology is real... Yall base yall whole faith on what moses allegedly wrote and in reality we have ZERO writings from moses. I would rather be a Crip than a hebrew israelite
We as people in general spend a lot of time on our differences whether faith beliefs, or even cooking a meal. But if we can put more energy on common ground we can accomplish more. Hence how the leaders before us made progress.
Well, there were some blacks that held on to some kind of African spirituality, like the Gullah Geechee people. I’m sure people like Nat Turner came to understand that the version of Christianity espoused by many white people was a perversion.
Love this! Especially, when there doesn’t seem to be a lot of men leading spiritually. And also because the church is teaching women to be submissive 🤷🏾♀️ Which is fine, but how can she if her lead is not being taught spiritual headship
@@godlovescouture8605 its hard for men to follow the god of their oppressor. If the route to heaven is through slavery it will be hard for men to naturally fall in line.. If the slave master never forced bible god on us we would be going to hell.. A lot of us know better than that... And our daughters... even our daughters that come from the womb of christian women aint gone fall in line with this foolishness.. trust!! The next generation gone have black women looking at christianity sideways.
@@whatshatnin4572 I just want you to read the Bible for yourself. Bible teaches freedom not slavery. Our “oppressors” were twisting the Bible to fit their agenda at the time. You are entitled to your opinion. The good thing about God is he allows you to question him and doesn’t force you do anything . You missing out.
I appreciate Chris Broussard upholding the real truth and not compromising. I've seen Chris stand his ground with Sa Neter who is very combative and divisive. Salute Jude I'm a new subscriber
I did not know Chris Broussard was on fire for the Gospel like this or even that he is Christian at all. This is great! I'm especially grateful that he takes on the roots of Black Christianity prior to the Transatlantic slave trade. This knowledge should be shared far and and wide in our communities. Because knowledge is Power.
Because if our African ancestors were Christians prior to the slave trade, it negates the whole argument that we were because Christians because it was forced on us by slave holders. And furthermore rejects the notion that those of us who maintain our Christian faith are doing so because the white man imposed it upon on us. Rather it's a freedom of conscious choice of one's own accord.
@@delbertphillips5124 Find Christianity in west Africa before the slave trade. We are not Ethiopians. We come from Nigeria, Ghana and the Congo area.. You cant find Christianity in those places before the enslavers came.
@@DJ-uc8mk Not that I've researched the roots of Christianity to West Africa. Thus, I'll take your word that Christianity was not in West Africa prior to the transatlantic slave trade. Even if this is the case does it make Christianity a white man's religion when there were already Africans in other regions practicing the faith before slavery in the Americas? What I can speak to is that Christianity being a white man's religion is an Islamic talking point. Well let me tell you that the Arabs were the first slave traders of African people. Long before the white man. Hence, the fact that Islam is so widely practiced in Africa. So if we're to question the origins of Christianity in the African American community. We have to do the same with the origins of our ties to Islam. Case in point- the dialect of the Caribbeans was to shortwave white slave holders when he stripped our ancestors of their African languages. Similarly Swahili was developed to shortwave the Arabs as they forced their language and religion on African captives. Therefore, we need to know our actual history rather than just being moved by what ever new version of events comes along.
Also some black men (like myself) look at the evidence (or more accurately lack of evidence) and adopt the atheist position... I know this is hard for black ppl to wrap their heads around... But this is very true... Science > Religion every time....
@Nick jaramillo Hold up.. Just because you serve a god that kaint speak for himself dont mean that i need you to speak for me. I havent shared my beliefs with you therefore you dont know my beliefs so please dont speak on them. Find you some literature written by jesus if you gone quote jesus.. Jesus had nothing to do with john 14
@Nick jaramillo You dealing with mythology.. One day as a nation we gone have to grow up.. We gone have to stop reading the words of man and acting like they the words of a god.. The bible is copywritten bro.. Therefore it is owned by man.. Stop acting like some god wrote the bible when the bible was written in greek. Jesus aint never did anything... you dealing with belief and mythology... You dont have no facts
@Nick jaramillo LMAO at love letter. BlessYaHeart Nick.. How am i lost spiritually.. We havent spoke of anything spiritual.. Im telling you the bible is not historic.. No snake ever talked and no 500 year old man ever build no boat. You getting your spirituality from a book... a book that my ancestors got while being enslaved. .. There is nothing spiritual about allowing your oppressor define your concept of a god. There is nothing divine about being introduced to your god by your slave master.. im talking facts and you are talking faith.. facts are greater than faith
@Nick jaramillo Hades is a concept that started in greek mythology. Look it up.. The greeks invented hell and hades.. Loki's daughter was named hell and she was the one who watched the underworld in nortic mythology which came from the germans who predate anything christian. Like i say bro all you doing is giving me rehashed mythology. You talk about christ.. Everything you learned about christ came from the gospels... Can you tell me the author of the gospels? no you cant because they are written as a pseudepigrapha. Bro we have no writings from jesus.. everything that we think jesus said is 3rd hand info at best. The gospels were written decades after the life of jesus.. They were first written in greek.. Jesus never spoke greek.. Why are the greek giving us our jesus.. Its because are heavy with mythology.. The greeks gave us our old testament as well. The names of the gospels were given by some european about 180 years after the fact.
Some people actually require evidence beyond "This book says so" "Look at the trees!!" "If you question it, you're going to hell" "You just need faith"
This is how they calm us, use one of our own to come in and take us write back into relax mode. We don't need religion, had it for 500 years and look at us GLOBALLY
Chris is just another new Philip Quaque. He seem peaceful, respectful but his information is extremely toxic to our people. White supremacy keeps a few Chris/Philip Quaque in they back pocket at all times
It's not about religion, it's about Jesus. Black people have been following Jesus since the beginning. The important question is, "is Jesus who He said He is?" The answer is yes. If you focus on politics, you miss the truth.
@@Culture-and That is not true... We would have never known anything about bible god if man never told us. That is not divine... There are people on islands who have never seen white folks... Do you think they know about bible god? CourseNot... They have to wait for europeans to find out about bible god... There is nothing divine about waiting for white folks to know a god
Thanks for this interview. This is one thing that I've been looking for regarding defending the faith against the "...this is the white man's religion " or the "they have taken so much from us," arguments that we get from brother and sisters.
@@samuelshalomahyisrael2313 Kan. Psalms 147:19-20 [19]He sheweth his word vnto Iacob: his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel. [20]He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his iudgements, they haue not knowen them. Praise yee the Lord.
We are not Africans/ hamites and or Japhites we come from the line of Shem one of the sons of Noah from that line came Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Jacob(Israel)had 12 sons which through them became the 12 tribes of Israel! Yes they was so-called black men. Now we have been spread across the world (Deuteronomy 28:68). The Lord only deals with Israel!! ONLY! Psalms 147:19-20 [19]He sheweth his word vnto Iacob: his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel. [20]He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his iudgements, they haue not knowen them. Praise yee the Lord.
Exodus 11:7 7 But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.
if there were contradictions, those who make laws and run governments wouldn't need to come out with altered versions..they would just leave it as is why would anyone spend time and valuable resources making new versions of the bible they also wouldn't need to create wars and sell propaganda through hollywood if God wasn't real
@@averagejoe4256 Some people don’t have the thought processes or the will to critically think. Word of mouth is sufficient for some people to believe nonsense.
Love this so much! This goes to show how we can look at one facet of someone's life and think we may know that person. GOD bless you all and may we serve the Lord in integrity, spirit and truth.
I really love this interview, but what saddens me is that I had come to Christ through the Catholic Church and I see so many people leaving the Catholic Church for the same relationship with Christ...there's something fundamentally wrong with the Catholic Church and the way they teach the faith to their people. I don't know, I've been influenced by the AME church as well as charasmatic people....I don't know man. Outside of that, I love apologetics and the defending of the faith to non-believers. I love Street preaching and debating....this is such an awesome interview! I'm glad I came across this and your channel.
Getting your god from the same people who gave you santa has to strange.. There is nothing divine or godly in or with the catholic church. You would have to study history to realize that
Actually in Kerala india, there is a group called the st. Thomas Christians who identify themselves as the syro malabar Catholics...I was saved through charismatic Catholics, Christianity has lasted in India far longer than any European church or white Christianity...if you studied church history...St. Nicholas was a real person. He was a bishop of the church who bitch slapped Arius at the council of Nicaea when Arius was defending heresy that Christ wasn’t fully human/divine.
Yeah black men.cant understand a story an oppressed minority in the midst of an.domonant empire seeking deliverance and then claiming to have an encounter with Almighty Hod! Black men cant read the story for themselves...right?
For sure, once you understand your history you will truly be enlightened and shed all types of stereotypes and false understandings. But at the end it’s all about our relationship with The Most High regardless of our ethnicity, color, or culture.
I left Christianity because of too many inconsistencies. For me learning of African spirituality systems have benefited me far beyond the allegories and misinformation I've come across in Christianity.
I have faith that the Sun will rise tomorrow, because it rise yesterday, and the day before that. If it wasn't raising, why would i have faith that it would raise?
@@dexterroberts631 What you understand is that the earth is spinning exposing the east and west hemispheres to sunlight in an alternating fashion. We call it night and day. As far as your faith, well we have evidence that all stars die and so will our star (the sun). That will happen whether you believe it or again a belief is what we claim when we are not certain as we say "we believe so"..that's what a belief is " religious or otherwise.
True, believe, to believe is not to be sure " i believe so ". I know all this about the stars and the universe, that nothing is forever. I used that example of the Sun raising every morning only to illustrate that faith, is observing things in life that are recurring, like the season, for i know, i have faith, that after the spring, will come summer. The christian religion, ask those who " believe " to have " faith in some unseen mysterious father god up in the sky, that he will make your life a heaven on earth.
Loved this conversation! I always literally pay attention when Chris Broussard is speaking as an analyst as he comes off as truthful. Excited to see what the King Movement is all about. Definitely think this is a conversation that needs to be had more in the black communities!! Also was wondering how you created the video border and what platform or you using to change the video layout? I’m assuming zoom and something else but the double screen and transitions are excellent.
Here's a better question: What benifit is there in viewing people's acceptance or rejection of the Gospel through the lens of skin color? Isnt it far more important to work on all of humanity to bring them to the Gospel? The great commission doesnt mention race or skin color, so why should race matter now?
The Great Commission actually does allude to race. The part where Jesus says, " will be witnesses to be in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the other parts of the earth," he's speaking of families and loved ones (Jurusalem), Judea (community), Samaria (other races and enemies; remember the Samaritans were discriminated against by the Israelites because they were not of pure Israelite/Hebrew blood). So, the Great Commission does address race.
@@teddystpatrick see the part where it says "...and the other parts of the earth"? This is where the scriptures themselves EXPLICITLY say that you are wrong. None of what you said is in scripture. That is what is called isogesis. Mentioning city names in a verse mentioning "and the other parts of the earth" does not "allude" to anything. It is talking about LOCATIONS. Dont be silly.
I agree with you. But I think it's very important to get black people on board because there is a lot of mistrust due to the fact that the slave holders gave Africans a distorted version of Christianity. Most people will think you are completely delusional if you're black and practice Christianity. We need to break that stigma and hopefully others will see that it's not insane after all.
Always been one of my favorite analysts especially in the NBA. Has everyone who knows basketball 🏀 respect and his credibility is flawless. 🙏🏽 Praise God‼️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
HalleluYah. This is one of the important important pieces in the church that's been left out, discipleship. Not many men have the courage or dedication to die for other men. There's no greater love than this, than for a man to lay his life for his friends. Much respect for your service. I've always respected this guy since his perspective on gay men in the nba. Glory to the Most High
@@nickjones1314 not sure how to receive that. But, anytime you offer love, friendship, respect or your time, you're dying for your family. We must die daily in order to fulfill the whole law
@@almightysanointedsquad8221 So when i give time and energy to people that means im dying for them.. Why it doesnt mean that im living for them... Why all the death?
@@nickjones1314 it's not a literal death. Just as seed has to die the ground to grow so do we. Death is a symbol of newness. If you believe Jesus died so you can live, then you are saved. So yes, if you give yourself to someone else, you deny ( die to yourself) yourself, so someone else can live. Selfish to selfless.
@@nickjones1314 well guess it's about perspective. We live, when we give to others. As Paul said, we die daily. Meaning we resist our old selfish ways, we kill the flesh daily to live in the spirit. Deliverance is key in living a righteous and holy life.
Me personally Christianity is not about color, it is about salvation through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately we live in a racist society and also godless as well. Jesus said go and preach the gospel to every creature, no color is mentioned. Islam I feel is not the true teaching, neither is Buddhism, etc. Having said that, it is free will to believe what you want, but when Jesus comes, it is between individuals and Jesus Christ because He is the Judge.
@John Thomas, Jr I agree with your comments. Well said! Something for you to consider: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
When they portray Jesus as Caucasian and not how hes described in the bible.. they made it about race. If you are not familiar with brass.. it comes in many colors. White skin isnt one of the choices however. And the one option to have white hair.. they made brown... Revelation 1:14-15 King James Version 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
@@Neondeandre The Bible uses wool as a description of whiteness in color all throughout the scripture. It doesnt mean the hair was wooly. Brass that burns in a furnace glows. Jesus was in his glorified body. These verses have nothing to do with skin color.
@@ab497 Not Quite my friend. Daniel 10:5-6 I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude. Revelation 1:13-14 And in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire,
Kudos to the brother for tackling some tough issues especially with the conscious community. It's true that Christianity and the church can bring people together and foster community that hasn't been matched in the secular world. And black preachers do a great job of making us feel good and love Jesus. But at some point we have to reconcile that the book doesn't always back up the feel good messages we get in church. No, it doesn't promote racism, but we have to deal with things like Jews are the chosen people. God looked at all the people in the world and he didn't choose you, he chose them (unless you're a Hebrew Israelite). You don't have a problem with that, do you? And then there's the ton of pro-slavery rhetoric such as 1 Peter 2:18 "Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh." That's only one verse, there's lots more such as how you should beat your slaves. So it will be interesting to see that as this brother studies apologetics, how he comes to deal with the reality of what the Bible actually says. And no, the Koran and Islam isn't any better, unfortunately. Muhammad owned slaves and sex slaves. Are you ok with that? Those aren't my words, so don't get mad at me, that comes from the Koranic literature. Do your research folks! I will credit the conscious community for that, they do bring out a lot of seldom discussed facts!
You quote 1 Peter 2:18 but do you understand the context of that verse in entirety or did you simply/abruptly end your reading at that verse? The verse before that (1 Peter 2:17) says to honor all men. Men here is in reference to mankind, man and woman alike. Honor all. In fear of God. Fear here is used to define respect. So in respect of God, honor all mankind. Why? The verse after (1 Peter 2:19) says because doing so is thankworthy. This unpopular (and fleshly undesirable) act of kindness is worthy of thanks from God! Why? The remaining of the verses from that chapter explain that Jesus did the same. He didn't hurl insults, swear revenge or retaliate in violence towards his aggressors when he was persecuted. He suffered for doing the Will of God and endured it patiently. The remaining verses go into depth about why Peter is encouraging us to follow the steps of the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't take my word for it, read it yourself. I'm paraphrasing and my words don't COMPARE to the Word of God. The problem is, following Jesus is hard to do because it requires a person to deny the desires of the flesh. Surely easier said than done. As for the master/slave argument.... it's one that is never-ending. The nature of such a relationship has existed since the beginning of creation and will always exist. Have people abused their positions of power? Yes. Does that change the truth? No. Do I agree with the master/slave parts of the Bible? Yes. Why? Because I have learned and am learning to accept truth brother. I encourage you to open your heart to be able to understand it to at least KNOW what you're choosing to reject.
@@Heard_0f_God Brother, you asked, " you understand the context of that verse?" What is the correct context where people should be obedient to a cruel slave master? I'm sorry, there is no context where that is justified. If that were true, black people would still be in slavery today! Then you said, "Do I agree with the master/slave parts of the Bible? Yes. Why? Because I have learned and am learning to accept truth brother." Uhh... what truth is that? Seriously, you believe that slavery is ok??!! I understand that it's very hard to accept that the book could ever be wrong, that goes against what we've been taught our whole lives. But sometimes you really have to use your own conscience, moral compass, and most importantly logic and reason to decide what's right, not a book. Luckily for us, society has advanced beyond what that book says. I'm sorry, but the book was written by bronze age shepherds and they got some things wrong. That doesn't mean that everything in there is wrong and that there isn't wisdom in there too. But we have to recognize when we read something that is wrong. How about beating slaves, that's ok too? Exodus 20: 20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. 21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money. So You can beat your slaves as long as they don't die within a day. Since this is the truth, would YOU be willing to be a slave, be beaten, obey your cruel master, and you and your children be passed on to your master's children as property (Leviticus 25:46)? That is what the Bible advocates. Is that the "truth" that you are referring to? And I haven't even mentioned about selling your daughters into slavery and how they must "please their master." (Exodus 21:7) Brother, can you accept the real truth of what is right and what is wrong? Wouldn't God want you to believe the right and moral thing? Isn't that why God gave you a mind, logic, and reason?
@@onlimi616 The first question in your response goes to show at least one of three things: that 1.) You did not read -or- 2.) You did not understand -or- 3.) You reject the Word of God Number 3 becomes clear because following that question you said there is no context where slavery is justified. At this point, I can quote scriptures and expand on them to provide a deeper insight on the matter to enlighten you, but your mind seems made up on choosing to reject the Word of God. You go on to say things like we have to use our "own conscience, moral compass and logic, not a book". Then you proceed to quote from that same "book" in an attempt to lessen its value. I'll start by saying, as long as you choose to reject the Word of God as being what it truly is, you'll never understand the content hidden in the locks of the scroll. Luckily you say? You do realize that luck comes from a false goddess, right? Tyche. The so called advancements of society (which according to you come from a false goddess) as well as our conscience, moral compass and logic will never be beyond the Word of God. We are all slaves rather we want to be or not. As I said in the first response, I'll say it again, "The nature of such a relationship has existed since the beginning of creation and will always exist". In order to understand this, you have to be willing to understand the true nature of it. A master is someone who is in charge over a person or people and a slave is the person (or people) who is under the control of the person who is in charge. Although there appears to be many forms of slavery (boss/worker -or- government/civilian -or- preacher/congregation -or- husband/wife), they all truly fall under the category of one of two masters, God or satan. I can, do and am learning to accept God's truth. God does want us to believe the right and moral thing. That is a part of why God gave us a mind, logic and reason, BUT if said qualities are not guided and influenced by the Spirit of God then the actions thereof are void by default. I could answer your questions but you'd reject them the same way you rejected my original response because as long as you choose to reject the Word of God as being what it truly is, you'll never understand the content hidden in the locks of the scroll. Our qualities or our advancements of technology will not get us into the Kingdom of God brother. That book? The one they call the Word of God? If used properly, would answer many questions you seek answers to. But you have to desire it first.
@Invincible How you know what jesus cares about... We have no literature from jesus.. Nothing written about jesus during the life of jesus. If jesus and bible god are so divine why must they rely on simple minds to speak for them. Who is the puppet master pulling the dummies strings? thats what we need to be looking at.. Who is the greek speaking for jesus.. And who is the greek speaking for a moses that never existed. Why are there so many flood stories that predate noahs flood story but noah is the only flood story that i know that has an african being born into slavery.. Who is writing these mythologies.. Dam sure aint jesus or moses.
We need focus on the Black struggles and issues of the day... less on Religion. We are American descendants of slavery from Africa... we didn’t have organized religion in Africa. No disrespect!❤️☮️❤️
So, why were there instructions on slavery in both testaments? For Hebrew and non Hebrew? If god allowed the enslavement and suffering of chattel slavery, allowed the slave bible to be taught, and allowed Paul to write epheisan 6:5, why do we need social justice now? Please explain.
Bcuz the original form of slavery had nothing to do with what we know it to be. If you were a slave in that time, that's bcuz you could not repay a debt to the person. Therefore you were a slave to them by working off your debt. It was more about debt. Not a lifetime sentence passed down to generations, not whippings, etc. Ppl of today who can't pay off their debt, would be slaves to their creditor until worked it off
@@byronsmith1096 Explain this Leviticus 25:44-46 ESV As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.
@@byronsmith1096 hmmmmmmm! There was instructions for both types of slaves! One for indentured servitude and captured people from other lands, you could harm and pass down to future generations
@@bigtimespeakers8211 Bottom line there is no good explanation for this. God allowed the Israelites to BUY slaves from the nations around them, keep them for life and pass them to their kids as an inheritance. They were allowed to beat slaves, provided they didn't kill them or do certain types of permanent damage. The only New Testament instructions given to slaves was to obey their masters. Slave masters were told to treat their slaves justly. Nothing about not having slaves, or setting anyone free. There is NO way for Christians to get around these facts. They are written in the Bible.
Shalom beautiful people of The Most High God and many blessings to you and your beautiful families (personal/ministry). Mr. Broussard is right. Some black men do reject Christianity because of the forced false foundations that the gospel of Jesus Christ have been built upon through hate and bigotry. When hate and bigotry is the first thing brought to mind when it comes to Christianity then it shows us the initial spirit that has been utilized to forerun the gospel in a vile and unrighteous manner. This is why it is important for people of color to disassociate themselves from approaching Christianity with the same mindsets and heart conditions of those who have promoted and practiced it in an unrighteous and unintegral fashion. Because to do so is to keep oneself free from being obstructed from coming into the truth about one's true origin, original image, and kingdom design. And it opens up opportunities for one to have an encounter with Christ, not Christianity. The enemy satan has used hate and bigotry in Christianity to keep people away from the truth about who they are and away from having real encounters with The LORD because he understands the power in real change and in real transformations. This is also why the enemy has even utilized many other religions and religious practices to keep this facade in place for people to embrace and accept as truth when in fact it is the total opposite. And that is why it helps situations like these on a greater scale when there are real born again believers who bear the fruit and life of Jesus Christ before those who do desire the truth about life and spirituality but are tired of the hypocrisy. People such as yourselves (Mr. Broussard and Ms. Fields) are much appreciated in the kingdom because you make room for sensitive issues like these to expose truth and create room for intimate encounters with Jesus Christ, especially for those who have been skeptical about Christianity or who have had bad experiences with it.
We have zero information from jesus. We have no books authored by jesus... No writings from jesus nor do we have any writings about jesus during the time of jesus. Jesus never talked about anything..
@@eastsideapologetics6147 I know that we have no literature form jesus.. We have no words from jesus.. you cannot quote jesus because we have no literature from jesus or any literature about jesus from the time of jesus.. We always say "Jesus said . . ." and then we quote the red letters in the gospels... But the gospels were written in greek.. Jesus never spoke greek. The gospels were written decades after the life of jesus... And the names mark matt luke and john were attributed to the gospels almost 200 years after the life of christ.. So we dont know who wrote the gospels.. The gospels are a pseudepigrapha. When you quote jesus you are quoting 3rd hand info at best...
When he said, “and I could never leave Jesus.” I felt that.
The real "Jesus" is God's laws/commandments NOT Christianity. Christianity is trash, not the Bible.
You mean Yeshua..that's what his mother name him..Jesus is Cesar Borgia aka Julius Cesar aka Son of Zeus. Becareful attaching yourself with Greco Roman deities.
Why ?
@@thewatchers9123 exactly. The bible stories were taken from Sumerian an ancient Egyptian history in which the origins of all these stories came from the atlantians according to edgar cayce.
My favorite sports analyst. This guy is a great commentator and an even better Christian. As a black man, I love listening to him.
Bro REAL TALK been tryna put ppl up on him most real sports watchers kno him but most ppl sleep on his apologetics
Same here Bro! I had no idea he was saved until 2019! This guy is awesome. Very dope testimony. Every time he talks though I hear “Lebraaawn!”
The light is shining through him. God is good.
@@o.e.bangerz6548 Well then you dont know what happened a few years ago when Chris made statements about homosexuality and unrepentant sin in ones life. He spoke a word to the nation and it went viral. They interviewed him on the Breakfast Club and Chris held firm. It was a phone interview.
@@fothgt8554 Had no idea I’m going to have to check that interview out. That’s BIG! Appreciate that update. 💯💯💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
What.. we all knew Chris B was a vocal Christian while he was at espn. First time hearing brother speak non sports. Great stuff 👏
I never knew that.
Right!? Super good man
Chris reminds me of Philip Quaque
My husband is struggling so bad right now with life... this gives me hope... I’m just wondering when and how he will hit rock bottom.. praying that GOD will save him..He says he don’t believe in him ... but he says he hates him.. to me it sounds like he just doesn’t understand GOD.. Please please pray for him...
My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety.
On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰
YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌
LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌
If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
I was once where your husband is now and I have no doubt that he will get through it. This might sound crazy but the mere fact that he says he hates God let’s me know he desires a personal relationship with him. Please get him the book “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. That book will answer many of his questions and in Jesus name I pray.
Sister Sweet KELLZ C, I appreciate and thank the Father for your courage to express your need. I touch and agree with the prayer below. I have no need to promote my channel, but my main focus is discipleship and deliverance And, importantly, how to maintain our Salvation by learning to die daily by appreciating the price that was paid for us. HalleluYah!!! However, I would give my life to counsel with your husband, if you feel compelled. Glory to the Most High. Peace and respect to you and your family.
He must take up his cross or be crushed beneath it... In other words what Jesus did was to save us from the weight & burden of our own sins.. If he denies the cross he has no protection from the burden he has put on his own shoulders.. The burden of the cross is lighter than the burden of Sin.. Humble yourself so HE can lift you up..!
We stand with you that both the Love of God and grace of Christ will be revealed to your husband. God has a way of turning up the fire just enough on us men in order for us to respond in faith to Him.
I didn’t know Chris was Christian. This brother is a blessing to the cause of
This brother just officially became my favorite analyst! God bless Chris Broussard
Christ is King! Brother Broussard! SHALOM.
Bro this is so amazing to see. I've watched this guy commentate on tv over the years and no disrespect to his sports knowledge but this is his true gift! His faith, intelligence, lucidity, and dedication make him a light of hope in a world of darkness.
Only a man of God like Chris could withstand doing a show with Rob Parker. I don't know how you do it, Brother.
I already had high respect for him as his work as a commentator but as a fellow Christian, I respect him even more. It’s a great thing to hear him speak on his relationship with Christ and the work he is doing within his ministry.
Jesus is a fictional character
@@hughjanus2781 Not to me
Chris, I didn’t like your sports analysis a whole bunch, but after listening to you on this, my respect level has increased, and I have a love for you in Christ! I’m also excited to see someone with a “big voice” represent Jesus without wavering.
His sports topic be normally on point too
That’s real!
@@RoninBgk usually they are. He just sometimes may ride Lebron a lot though lol .
Das the most messed up comment ever.
Became a bigger Fan and supporter of Chris! Your platform is nice
Our ppl will never wake up until they learn to stand on their own. It's time to graduate family.
Our biggest enslaver is the Christian Church, our greatest deceiver. What colour was Jesus - if he ever existed?
@@surunitemiakanni-oye4346 he was a middle eastern mam so Jesus must've been a dark skin man
@@surunitemiakanni-oye4346 Bruh, Jesus was brown skinned or probably a little darker
Who cares what color jesus. Whatever he did wasnt big enough for us to know about until the slave master told about him...
The old testament is very anti African and the history of christianity has been very anti African. Look at the list of the slave states in America. Then look at a list of the states that make up the bible belt in America. .
Look at all the flood myths that predate Noah's myth. Look at zeus and gilgamesh and then ask why is Noah the only flood stories that has an African baby being born into slavery. Why Zeus ain't have to enslave a baby with his flood..
How can a nation ever win when they have allowed their slave master to define their cocnept of a god.
@@Pikkon-17 If so, do you ever wonder why all the modern European depictions of Jesus is of a white, blonde blue-eyed man in their image?
As a Latino brother, I LOVE this convo and what CB and the J3P are doing! Godspeed to you all!
peace brother. i'm curious if you have any recommendations for latino preachers. i'd love to tap into some of those ministries. i'm actually teaching myself spanish right now because i'd love to be able to sit in on a spanish-language sermon one day.
@@k.h.a.l.i.l. grace & peace to you my brother. this may sound sad, but i currently don't listen to a lot of latino/spanish speaking preachers. really none. the only one that i would feel comfortable recommending right off the top of my head would probably be pastor samuel rodriguez. by what i've seen on ig, it appears that he holds services in both english and spanish so you may be able to find some online services in which he preaches solely in spanish. i believe he has a pentecostal background - like myself - and that's evident in his style of presentation, so i don't know if that's your cup of tea, or not. but like i said, he's the only one i can think of right now that i would theologically feel comfortable of recommending anyone to listen to. hopefully someone else sees this thread and can maybe offer some other recommendations. blessings to you my brother.
@@mcintron4099 appreciate the response, man. i will check him out. i grew up in the deliverance church which falls under the non-denominational/pentecostal adjacent umbrella. as an adult, i just identify as what brother ruslan calls a "charismatic with a seatbelt" lol as long as the hoopla doesn't stand in the way of sound doctrine and making well rounded disciples, i'm open to anyone who aint dry!
@@k.h.a.l.i.l. bro! that's funny cause i also listen to ruslan as well. and that comment about the "charismatic w/ a seatbelt" had me rolling. and i feel ya about your upbringing. i don't agree w/ everything ruslan says & i've told him so. but, i so respect the way he analyzes & thinks. and i'm totally w/ you about all the hoopla. i still hold true to foundational biblical pentecostal doctrine & beliefs, but it has to be grounded in the word for me. one thing that i've heard from pastor rodriguez that i love is that it has to be orthodoxy w/ orthopraxy. respect my bro!
@@mcintron4099 thanks for the recommendation, bro. i've listened to some clips on his IG and i like what i've heard so far. out of curiosity, what are some issues you have with ruslan's perspective that compelled you to let him know about it?
No introduction needed!!!! This is the man! Errr body knows and loves Chris!!! Praise GOD! This is fire 🔥
NO introduction needed? if no one introduced you to jesus how would know him
I like how this Brother explained, the in and outs,and was courageous enough to articulate the Truth,on why people don't believe.
I like how this conversation flowed, no interrupting one another, the right questions were asked and lots of knowledge shared
More faith than knowledge
I had the same prayer chris wow. And i had a dream woke up in a cold sweat 3:00 in the morning. I got up to use the bathroom and saw my bed a bit wet. My whole body was sweating. In the dream my car got repo and things were bad, i had a t shirt riding a bike warning and talking about to people about The Most High. Everyone laughed and scoffed at me, calling me all types of things. Then while sitting on my bike i was taken so high in the sky, i looked down people, were screaming and pointing at me. I felt like i would fall, you know the feeling you have in the plane when a small bump happens or so, underneath your body feels funny... i had the same exact feeling on this bike... he showed me everything i saw the whole world. Then i woke up in a sweat , when i walked to the bathroom the dream hit me and i was in tears bruh big ass man like me. ( he lead me to history, showed me the lies in religon especially christianity.) I was lead to solomon and christ mostly. We have to follow his commandments alot has happen in the past, but we must be humble thats what im trying to master. Its hard man, this whole world is an enemy of god 😯
So you prayed then had a dream and that was enough to convince you Solomon and Jesus had your back ,huh? Once I looked at a Playboy then had a wet dream I wonder what that meant? A dream about what a person was thinking about before they fell asleep is totally unimpressive. Correlation not causation.
i had a dream too and saw white jesus, i said fuck no!!!
This brotha spitting truth. This interview shouldn't gotten any thumbs down.
Looking forward to listening to this conversation. Love the work Chris is doing in the community and how outspoken he is about his faith.
A few for personally from listening to this: DEEP, INSPIRING, CLARITY, COMPLETED, MOTIVATED
So happy to know that Chris is a Christian and he's so passionate and knowledgeable about Christ. Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord for what? A black man who is manifestly ignorant of the clearly racist history of the religion he blindly follows?
@@surunitemiakanni-oye4346 Unfortunately you mistake a religion with God. God is not a religion. Christianity did not originate in racist Europe. It was brought to Europe and Europeans created a religion to advance their economic interests. That has nothing to do with Jesus-Christ.
@@ngomaibinda Keep on fooling yourself. What is a religion without its god? Interesting that first we had the Trans Saharan slave trade by the Arabs followed by the Trans Atlantic slave trade by the Christians. The common nexus is the man-made construct of religion - which seeks to elevate its adherents to a superior hierarchy and dominion over others.
And Jesus Christ? The white, blue-eyed blonde the Europeans worship as the “son of God”? Say hi when you get to heaven for all those murdered and raped in his name.
I applaud you Chris Broussard for your faith,steadfastness, and your commitment to advancing the kingdom! Surely it is much needed in this time! Stay focused, encouraged, and motivated to be a light in darkness! Your brother in Christ.🙏♥️
Faith is an unreliable path to truth
Christianity is neither a white man's religion or black man's religion. Christianity is based on the gift of salvation offered by Christ through his sacrifice on cross for the sin of ALL humanity. Jesus Christ is the savior of ALL humanity and he will come back to judge all humanity as well. The main question we should ask ourselves is, where will we end up when we die and spend the rest of eternity, do we accept Jesus as our Lord and personal savior or will we reject him as Lord and savior? That is the question we should be asking ourselves.
There is nothing divine about being introduced to a god by slave masters
@@whatshatnin4572 Everything we've ever known has been introduced through warfare, slavery, conquest or trade.
@@ab497 That is not true. I know the sun. I know the sun is the source of all my food warmth and medicine. I didnt have to wait for european slave masters or authors to tell me about the sun. The sun is the god bible god wish he could be. Man creates things that we want but the creator creates things that are essential to life on this planet. There is not one thing that man has ever created that man cant live without.. and that goes for the bible.. That is we know that the bible is man made therefore it is not divine nor necessary for the survival of mankind. True divinity dont need introduction... especially from europeans
@@whatshatnin4572 The belief needs to be there. In Jesus, and not a creation such as the sun. Paganism will not suffice, so get right with God.
@@mosywilliams8458 Why? According to who? You see many of us are descendants of slaves and our ancestors were introduced to this belief system by slave masters. We cant afford to just believe in anything that was given to our ancestors by slave masters.. We must examine this belief system with a free critical mind opposed to just believing like slaves and babies do.
There is no reason to believe in the sun. The sun is too powerful for belief.. We KNOW the sun.. We know what the sun does.. We dont need any book from an oppressor to tell us what the sun does. In reality, the sun does more for mankind than any god that you have been introduced to by man. You saying that the creator of the sun is jesus or bible god is just claim with ZERO evidence to support. No one had to tell you that the sun exists. But someone had to tell you about jesus.. Thats a problem and an example of divinity vs man made..
Idk any pagans.. Europeans were pagans and i dont think the sun is good to them enough for them to worship. But worshiping the sun makes more sense than worshiping a god that you never knew about until a slave master told you. But there is nothing in nature that requires worship or sacrifice.. Only man and the gods that man creates require worship and blood sacrifice.. And whats more pagan than a father allowing his son to die for an atonement. Washed by the blood of jesus is hella pagan.. Putting goat blood on ya ear is hella pagan.. Eating crackers or bread as a representation of someones flesh is very pagan. Growing crops, having medicine, knowing what time it is, being able to see, having warmth all from one source is divine.. The sun is the god that bible god wish he could be
Great interview! The show host, Lisa Fields was fantastic guiding a encouraging discussion with Chris Broussard. May God continue to bless this outlet.
Christianity came full circle for me when i noticed that everyone around me that weren’t Christian were living stressful unfulfilled lives. The keep chasing material things, food, status, looks and self centered things yet nothing works. I seen right through them yet most will never figure it out that all those things will never make them happy. Since coming back to the Lord i’ve been happy with whatever i have, money doesn’t mean anything to me in a time i’ve never had more, i don’t crave to buy more stuff i don’t need... i just want to serve God and give like i’ve never given before. God is real, pray for wisdom and guidance and you’ll see the world for what it really is
LOL... thats how you did it... You didnt look at history or any facts.. Just the homies in your circle...
@@DJ-uc8mk take your negativity somewhere else “homie” and don’t worry about other people that ain’t worried themselves “homie” and go do something with your life instead of your trying to bring people down to your level “homie”
@@silverandblack9242 Say go outside ya house and see what color everyone is wearing so you can know what your favorite color is.
@@silverandblack9242 Say bro.. Dont be so sensitive. Maybe i could have challenged your methods with bettor words. But its all good bro... Peace and Love
@@DJ-uc8mk naw, i’m good, you’re just not smart bruh... never take financial advice from a broke person, never take dieting advice from a fat person, never take life advice from a....
As a Christian for many years ( 73) going to Church .. Never heard it explained this way !! Makes so much sense what he is saying !!
Chris brought me here and now I'm subscribed!! I'm going to watch other interviews. Thank you for this!! The Lord brings us together in ways only He can!!
Amen was pausing taking notes
Honestly bro Christianity is not a white man’s religion , I’m black , I serve Christ and my life is greater than it has ever been living and being truly obedient to Christ, the gospel isn’t limited to race. I see black people denying the gospel a lot nowadays not gone lie.. but then we wonder why we can’t come together as a race and unite, always having a negative stigma in our community. Wonder why we populate the prisons and why we the main race that’s killing each other. I desperately wana see change in our race, I believe at this point only God himself can break the stigma going on in the black community. God Bless Chris B!
You talk about our prison percentages as non-christians.... Man our people our 80% christian in this nation.. But let us talk about our christian population that was enslaved by christians. Let us talk about how the states that make up the slave states are the same states that represent the bible belt.. Let us talk about why most christian european nations have the enslavement of african people under god in their history.. Let us talk about how many of the poorest nations on the planet are african nations with HIGH populations of black christians...
You need to look at history... Keep ya faith but look at history and it is plain to see why many black men dont deal with christianity and why many more are walking away from christianity. Aint nothing cool about getting your god from a slave master.
Great interview! Awesome job Chris B.
John 14:6 Jesus told him, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
You say Jesus told someone something.... Can you give me any literature that was authored by jesus... Can you give me any literature that was composed about jesus during the time of jesus.... Can you give me the oldest composed literature about jesus written in the language that jesus allegedly spoke. Im asing this because you talking about what jesus said.. So if you quoting jesus i reckon that you got some literature that im not aware of
@@nickjones1314hello not sure if your a believer or not but everything i read or quote is in the bible. now if you want to debate with me about the scripture i posted i will share it with you. john 14:1-6 kjv or nlt version. i only share what the Holy Spirit says. praying for you unbelief Nick Jones. have a bless day.
@@elevatedfaith6864 I understand everything you read was in the bible but can you tell me what jesus actually wrote. If someone is trying to get literature truly from jesus without any greek middlemen, how would we do so. I have no desire to debate with you.. Nor do i need your prayers.. Im asking you basic questions on one topic and you offering me everything BUT what im asking you for... I notice that it is difficult for people who believe a lot to actually know things... We believe this and we believe that but when someone asks us about what do we actually know, then we offer prayer or a debate in a subject that we "believe" Dont pray for me, just show me the literature composed by jesus and that would be enough blessing in itself for me.
@Shon Benjamin LOL There was no king of england named james. James is a latin name. And before king james gave yall his version of gods word he wrote a book about werewolves vampires and demons.
But trip this though... If you read deut in the geneva bible or even in the bishops of england bible, they pretty much say the same thing.. So were the bishops of england brothas too and was one in charge of the geneva bible a brotha.. We both know they werent.. The deuteronemies before kjv are almost identical and we both know they were written by europeans.
Also if you look at deut in the oldest completed old testament that we have, it says nothing about yokes on necks and slave ships... Someone added that stuff in there at a later time.
@Shon Benjamin Naw bruh - we dont answer questions like that. You said king james was black... I showed you how he wrote about werewolves and vampires before he gave you your god.. Then i showed versions of deut that were written before king james by obvious white authors... I was specific but reply what a generalization saying if white folks can trick everyone why they kaint trick us again.. Address the issues that posted. Address the issue that the oldest completed deut written in greek says nothing about slave ships and yokes on necks.
I kaint deal with no hebrew israelite camp.. I respect the brothahood but its hard for me to believe pretend mythology is real... Yall base yall whole faith on what moses allegedly wrote and in reality we have ZERO writings from moses. I would rather be a Crip than a hebrew israelite
We as people in general spend a lot of time on our differences whether faith beliefs, or even cooking a meal. But if we can put more energy on common ground we can accomplish more. Hence how the leaders before us made progress.
I think you're great brother keep doing what you doing man we need that as a follower of Christ and as a nation of people thank you
Wow I never knew this about Chris.. God bless his ministry!!!
Loved this!! Let’s go!! ❤️✝️
You literally don’t have to ask Chris anything lol he’ll go on and on love that brother
Definitely, that's the analyst in him 😂
Amen 🙏🏾 Your speaking the Truth 💯
Nat Turner was a he had a choice of religions. Lol
Well, there were some blacks that held on to some kind of African spirituality, like the Gullah Geechee people. I’m sure people like Nat Turner came to understand that the version of Christianity espoused by many white people was a perversion.
@Kevin Wilmore factz
@Kevin Wilmore the same ppl that gave him the Bible were the same ppl that cooked his body and and consumed it literally!!! making soap out his skin
@Gad Judah Preach
I appreciate this. Keep pushing Saints!
Chris, I would be interested in hearing more abt your men's group....great interview. I hve these conversations with some of my friends all the time.
God bless you brother Chris. Keep spreading the gospel and be the light that Matthew 5:16 talks about. Thank you brother Chris
When I saw Chris, I had to tune in. Love his NBA takes at times.
Love this! Especially, when there doesn’t seem to be a lot of men leading spiritually. And also because the church is teaching women to be submissive 🤷🏾♀️ Which is fine, but how can she if her lead is not being taught spiritual headship
You think it's fine for women to be taught to be submissive? Umm.... how can I meet you? :0)
@@onlimi616 Lol Churches are full of women who want to be submissive. But the men are not in right position
@@godlovescouture8605 its hard for men to follow the god of their oppressor. If the route to heaven is through slavery it will be hard for men to naturally fall in line.. If the slave master never forced bible god on us we would be going to hell.. A lot of us know better than that... And our daughters... even our daughters that come from the womb of christian women aint gone fall in line with this foolishness.. trust!! The next generation gone have black women looking at christianity sideways.
@@whatshatnin4572 I just want you to read the Bible for yourself. Bible teaches freedom not slavery. Our “oppressors” were twisting the Bible to fit their agenda at the time. You are entitled to your opinion. The good thing about God is he allows you to question him and doesn’t force you do anything . You missing out.
@@godlovescouture8605 beautiful responses ma’am!
I appreciate Chris Broussard upholding the real truth and not compromising. I've seen Chris stand his ground with Sa Neter who is very combative and divisive. Salute Jude I'm a new subscriber
@oneconcerned Can you send a video about Baby Sargon/Baby Moses or Giglamesh/Noah or Pandora/Eve
@oneconcerned You dealt with him up close... yea I can agree to disagree but when it gets taken to the streets smh
I did not know Chris Broussard was on fire for the Gospel like this or even that he is Christian at all. This is great! I'm especially grateful that he takes on the roots of Black Christianity prior to the Transatlantic slave trade. This knowledge should be shared far and and wide in our communities. Because knowledge is Power.
What is so significant about black christians before the slave trade
Because if our African ancestors were Christians prior to the slave trade, it negates the whole argument that we were because Christians because it was forced on us by slave holders. And furthermore rejects the notion that those of us who maintain our Christian faith are doing so because the white man imposed it upon on us. Rather it's a freedom of conscious choice of one's own accord.
@@delbertphillips5124 Find Christianity in west Africa before the slave trade. We are not Ethiopians. We come from Nigeria, Ghana and the Congo area.. You cant find Christianity in those places before the enslavers came.
@@DJ-uc8mk Not that I've researched the roots of Christianity to West Africa. Thus, I'll take your word that Christianity was not in West Africa prior to the transatlantic slave trade. Even if this is the case does it make Christianity a white man's religion when there were already Africans in other regions practicing the faith before slavery in the Americas? What I can speak to is that Christianity being a white man's religion is an Islamic talking point. Well let me tell you that the Arabs were the first slave traders of African people. Long before the white man. Hence, the fact that Islam is so widely practiced in Africa. So if we're to question the origins of Christianity in the African American community. We have to do the same with the origins of our ties to Islam. Case in point- the dialect of the Caribbeans was to shortwave white slave holders when he stripped our ancestors of their African languages. Similarly Swahili was developed to shortwave the Arabs as they forced their language and religion on African captives. Therefore, we need to know our actual history rather than just being moved by what ever new version of events comes along.
Also some black men (like myself) look at the evidence (or more accurately lack of evidence) and adopt the atheist position... I know this is hard for black ppl to wrap their heads around... But this is very true... Science > Religion every time....
facts > faith knowing > belief history>mythology
@Nick jaramillo Hold up.. Just because you serve a god that kaint speak for himself dont mean that i need you to speak for me. I havent shared my beliefs with you therefore you dont know my beliefs so please dont speak on them. Find you some literature written by jesus if you gone quote jesus.. Jesus had nothing to do with john 14
@Nick jaramillo You dealing with mythology.. One day as a nation we gone have to grow up.. We gone have to stop reading the words of man and acting like they the words of a god.. The bible is copywritten bro.. Therefore it is owned by man.. Stop acting like some god wrote the bible when the bible was written in greek.
Jesus aint never did anything... you dealing with belief and mythology... You dont have no facts
@Nick jaramillo LMAO at love letter. BlessYaHeart Nick.. How am i lost spiritually.. We havent spoke of anything spiritual.. Im telling you the bible is not historic.. No snake ever talked and no 500 year old man ever build no boat. You getting your spirituality from a book... a book that my ancestors got while being enslaved. .. There is nothing spiritual about allowing your oppressor define your concept of a god. There is nothing divine about being introduced to your god by your slave master.. im talking facts and you are talking faith.. facts are greater than faith
@Nick jaramillo Hades is a concept that started in greek mythology. Look it up.. The greeks invented hell and hades.. Loki's daughter was named hell and she was the one who watched the underworld in nortic mythology which came from the germans who predate anything christian. Like i say bro all you doing is giving me rehashed mythology.
You talk about christ.. Everything you learned about christ came from the gospels... Can you tell me the author of the gospels? no you cant because they are written as a pseudepigrapha. Bro we have no writings from jesus.. everything that we think jesus said is 3rd hand info at best. The gospels were written decades after the life of jesus.. They were first written in greek.. Jesus never spoke greek.. Why are the greek giving us our jesus.. Its because are heavy with mythology.. The greeks gave us our old testament as well. The names of the gospels were given by some european about 180 years after the fact.
Thx for helping strengthen my Faith!
lol. The same reason some other men reject it. They're not feeling the shit.
We've done the research and gave up our greco-european indoctrination identity.
@@jtvibe2k9 We need more black men (and people in general) who reject violent magical space daddies unless you can provide evidence
Some people actually require evidence beyond
"This book says so"
"Look at the trees!!"
"If you question it, you're going to hell"
"You just need faith"
@@MindoftheNorthStar I can provide evidence for a creator. But don’t mock it and say magical space daddies.
@@Old_Demon04 You literally can not provide evidence for your God. Why do you think they call it "faith"?
This video should be shared on social media
I know alot of races that reject Christianity- it goes beyond race
This is how they calm us, use one of our own to come in and take us write back into relax mode. We don't need religion, had it for 500 years and look at us GLOBALLY
Chris is just another new Philip Quaque. He seem peaceful, respectful but his information is extremely toxic to our people. White supremacy keeps a few Chris/Philip Quaque in they back pocket at all times
It's not about religion, it's about Jesus. Black people have been following Jesus since the beginning. The important question is, "is Jesus who He said He is?" The answer is yes. If you focus on politics, you miss the truth.
@@Culture-and you dont get god from a slave master
@@whatshatnin4572 You don't "get God" from anywhere. He is who He is. Misrepresentation doesn't change the nature of God.
@@Culture-and That is not true... We would have never known anything about bible god if man never told us. That is not divine... There are people on islands who have never seen white folks... Do you think they know about bible god? CourseNot... They have to wait for europeans to find out about bible god... There is nothing divine about waiting for white folks to know a god
We must differentiate Christian from Christianity. Christianity ✝️ is a religion. Christians are of Christ
Because children are supposed to believe in fairytales, not grown men.
He’s dropping so many jewels, I had to rewind and take notes. Starting the well known Christian apologetics and the books to read. ✅✅✅✅👍🏽👍🏽🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for this interview. This is one thing that I've been looking for regarding defending the faith against the "...this is the white man's religion " or the "they have taken so much from us," arguments that we get from brother and sisters.
Hey Chris been listen you for a while now. From first take to undisputed. Always like your comments on NBA. Never knew you are a brother in Christ.
We are Hebrew Israelites that are scattered to the 4 corners of the earth
#Facts The tribe of Judah. Fourth born son oh Israel. We are a nation. Good to see this comment
@@samuelshalomahyisrael2313 Kan.
Psalms 147:19-20
[19]He sheweth his word vnto Iacob: his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel.
[20]He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his iudgements, they haue not knowen them. Praise yee the Lord.
We are not Africans/ hamites and or Japhites we come from the line of Shem one of the sons of Noah from that line came Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Jacob(Israel)had 12 sons which through them became the 12 tribes of Israel! Yes they was so-called black men. Now we have been spread across the world (Deuteronomy 28:68). The Lord only deals with Israel!! ONLY!
Psalms 147:19-20
[19]He sheweth his word vnto Iacob: his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel.
[20]He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his iudgements, they haue not knowen them. Praise yee the Lord.
Exodus 11:7
7 But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.
Using Christianity in an attempt to justify or dismiss slavery is insane and dismissive.
And it goes against Christianity. The Bible says slave trader do not adhere to the gospel.
Because some of us woke up to the contradictions and the unprovable fables.
if there were contradictions, those who make laws and run governments wouldn't need to come out with altered versions..they would just leave it as is
why would anyone spend time and valuable resources making new versions of the bible
they also wouldn't need to create wars and sell propaganda through hollywood if God wasn't real
@@averagejoe4256 Some people don’t have the thought processes or the will to critically think. Word of mouth is sufficient for some people to believe nonsense.
Chris, this is great news .
Awesome information and Breakdown from Chris on the True Meaning of Christianity Regarding Race.
Love this so much! This goes to show how we can look at one facet of someone's life and think we may know that person. GOD bless you all and may we serve the Lord in integrity, spirit and truth.
Solid interview
I really love this interview, but what saddens me is that I had come to Christ through the Catholic Church and I see so many people leaving the Catholic Church for the same relationship with Christ...there's something fundamentally wrong with the Catholic Church and the way they teach the faith to their people. I don't know, I've been influenced by the AME church as well as charasmatic people....I don't know man. Outside of that, I love apologetics and the defending of the faith to non-believers. I love Street preaching and debating....this is such an awesome interview! I'm glad I came across this and your channel.
Getting your god from the same people who gave you santa has to strange.. There is nothing divine or godly in or with the catholic church. You would have to study history to realize that
Actually in Kerala india, there is a group called the st. Thomas Christians who identify themselves as the syro malabar Catholics...I was saved through charismatic Catholics, Christianity has lasted in India far longer than any European church or white Christianity...if you studied church history...St. Nicholas was a real person. He was a bishop of the church who bitch slapped Arius at the council of Nicaea when Arius was defending heresy that Christ wasn’t fully human/divine.
Great video!
Just became my favorite analyst with bias of course , praise the Lord.
Preach Chris!
Great job! God bless!
Half way through and man I love this
I love CB! He’s a good brotha! However, that Christian faith is NOT going to work for black men who OVERstand our history!
Yeah black men.cant understand a story an oppressed minority in the midst of an.domonant empire seeking deliverance and then claiming to have an encounter with Almighty Hod! Black men cant read the story for themselves...right?
For sure, once you understand your history you will truly be enlightened and shed all types of stereotypes and false understandings.
But at the end it’s all about our relationship with The Most High regardless of our ethnicity, color, or culture.
They reject it because they found out what the truth is.
The truth is that donkeys dont talk and 500 year old men do not build boats
I left Christianity because of too many inconsistencies. For me learning of African spirituality systems have benefited me far beyond the allegories and misinformation I've come across in Christianity.
Christ didn't even form a religion when he lived on earth. He said he is A KING. He has a KINGDOM.
We dont have any literature from chirst so its very difficult if not impossible to say christ said anything.
You believe or have faith because there is an absence of evidence.
It's called faith
@@icemike1 Exactly, and one wouldn't need it if they had evidence...
I have faith that the Sun will rise tomorrow, because it rise yesterday, and the day before that. If it wasn't raising, why would i have faith that it would raise?
@@dexterroberts631 What you understand is that the earth is spinning exposing the east and west hemispheres to sunlight in an alternating fashion. We call it night and day. As far as your faith, well we have evidence that all stars die and so will our star (the sun). That will happen whether you believe it or again a belief is what we claim when we are not certain as we say "we believe so"..that's what a belief is " religious or otherwise.
True, believe, to believe is not to be sure " i believe so ". I know all this about the stars and the universe, that nothing is forever.
I used that example of the Sun raising every morning only to illustrate that faith, is observing things in life that are recurring, like the season, for i know, i have faith, that after the spring, will come summer.
The christian religion, ask those who " believe " to have " faith in some unseen mysterious father god up in the sky, that he will make your life a heaven on earth.
Thanks Chris Broussard for sharing your enlightening testimony.
GOD bless Chris ...
Loved this conversation! I always literally pay attention when Chris Broussard is speaking as an analyst as he comes off as truthful. Excited to see what the King Movement is all about. Definitely think this is a conversation that needs to be had more in the black communities!!
Also was wondering how you created the video border and what platform or you using to change the video layout? I’m assuming zoom and something else but the double screen and transitions are excellent.
Here's a better question:
What benifit is there in viewing people's acceptance or rejection of the Gospel through the lens of skin color?
Isnt it far more important to work on all of humanity to bring them to the Gospel?
The great commission doesnt mention race or skin color, so why should race matter now?
The Great Commission actually does allude to race. The part where Jesus says, " will be witnesses to be in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the other parts of the earth," he's speaking of families and loved ones (Jurusalem), Judea (community), Samaria (other races and enemies; remember the Samaritans were discriminated against by the Israelites because they were not of pure Israelite/Hebrew blood). So, the Great Commission does address race.
Totally agree. The Gospel is not for just blacks- Whosoever will let him come!!
@@teddystpatrick see the part where it says "...and the other parts of the earth"?
This is where the scriptures themselves EXPLICITLY say that you are wrong.
None of what you said is in scripture. That is what is called isogesis.
Mentioning city names in a verse mentioning "and the other parts of the earth" does not "allude" to anything. It is talking about LOCATIONS. Dont be silly.
I agree with you. But I think it's very important to get black people on board because there is a lot of mistrust due to the fact that the slave holders gave Africans a distorted version of Christianity. Most people will think you are completely delusional if you're black and practice Christianity. We need to break that stigma and hopefully others will see that it's not insane after all.
He is so awesome...
Always been one of my favorite analysts especially in the NBA. Has everyone who knows basketball 🏀 respect and his credibility is flawless. 🙏🏽 Praise God‼️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
HalleluYah. This is one of the important important pieces in the church that's been left out, discipleship. Not many men have the courage or dedication to die for other men. There's no greater love than this, than for a man to lay his life for his friends. Much respect for your service. I've always respected this guy since his perspective on gay men in the nba. Glory to the Most High
Much rather live for my folks than to die for them.
@@nickjones1314 not sure how to receive that. But, anytime you offer love, friendship, respect or your time, you're dying for your family. We must die daily in order to fulfill the whole law
@@almightysanointedsquad8221 So when i give time and energy to people that means im dying for them.. Why it doesnt mean that im living for them... Why all the death?
@@nickjones1314 it's not a literal death. Just as seed has to die the ground to grow so do we. Death is a symbol of newness. If you believe Jesus died so you can live, then you are saved. So yes, if you give yourself to someone else, you deny ( die to yourself) yourself, so someone else can live. Selfish to selfless.
@@nickjones1314 well guess it's about perspective. We live, when we give to others. As Paul said, we die daily. Meaning we resist our old selfish ways, we kill the flesh daily to live in the spirit. Deliverance is key in living a righteous and holy life.
Me personally Christianity is not about color, it is about salvation through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately we live in a racist society and also godless as well. Jesus said go and preach the gospel to every creature, no color is mentioned. Islam I feel is not the true teaching, neither is Buddhism, etc. Having said that, it is free will to believe what you want, but when Jesus comes, it is between individuals and Jesus Christ because He is the Judge.
@John Thomas, Jr
I agree with your comments.
Well said!
Something for you to consider:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
When they portray Jesus as Caucasian and not how hes described in the bible.. they made it about race. If you are not familiar with brass.. it comes in many colors. White skin isnt one of the choices however. And the one option to have white hair.. they made brown...
Revelation 1:14-15
King James Version
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
@@Neondeandre The Bible uses wool as a description of whiteness in color all throughout the scripture. It doesnt mean the hair was wooly. Brass that burns in a furnace glows. Jesus was in his glorified body. These verses have nothing to do with skin color.
@@ab497 Not Quite my friend.
Daniel 10:5-6
I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude.
Revelation 1:13-14
And in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire,
In Lamentation 5:10, Jeremiah speaks of the people's color because of their hardship. He says that they were black like an oven.
Chris Broussard a solid brother, good man
Kudos to the brother for tackling some tough issues especially with the conscious community. It's true that Christianity and the church can bring people together and foster community that hasn't been matched in the secular world. And black preachers do a great job of making us feel good and love Jesus. But at some point we have to reconcile that the book doesn't always back up the feel good messages we get in church. No, it doesn't promote racism, but we have to deal with things like Jews are the chosen people. God looked at all the people in the world and he didn't choose you, he chose them (unless you're a Hebrew Israelite). You don't have a problem with that, do you? And then there's the ton of pro-slavery rhetoric such as 1 Peter 2:18 "Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh." That's only one verse, there's lots more such as how you should beat your slaves. So it will be interesting to see that as this brother studies apologetics, how he comes to deal with the reality of what the Bible actually says. And no, the Koran and Islam isn't any better, unfortunately. Muhammad owned slaves and sex slaves. Are you ok with that? Those aren't my words, so don't get mad at me, that comes from the Koranic literature. Do your research folks! I will credit the conscious community for that, they do bring out a lot of seldom discussed facts!
2 words: Cognitive Dissonance!
You quote 1 Peter 2:18 but do you understand the context of that verse in entirety or did you simply/abruptly end your reading at that verse?
The verse before that (1 Peter 2:17) says to honor all men. Men here is in reference to mankind, man and woman alike. Honor all. In fear of God. Fear here is used to define respect. So in respect of God, honor all mankind. Why?
The verse after (1 Peter 2:19) says because doing so is thankworthy. This unpopular (and fleshly undesirable) act of kindness is worthy of thanks from God! Why?
The remaining of the verses from that chapter explain that Jesus did the same. He didn't hurl insults, swear revenge or retaliate in violence towards his aggressors when he was persecuted. He suffered for doing the Will of God and endured it patiently. The remaining verses go into depth about why Peter is encouraging us to follow the steps of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Don't take my word for it, read it yourself. I'm paraphrasing and my words don't COMPARE to the Word of God. The problem is, following Jesus is hard to do because it requires a person to deny the desires of the flesh. Surely easier said than done.
As for the master/slave argument.... it's one that is never-ending. The nature of such a relationship has existed since the beginning of creation and will always exist. Have people abused their positions of power? Yes. Does that change the truth? No. Do I agree with the master/slave parts of the Bible? Yes. Why? Because I have learned and am learning to accept truth brother. I encourage you to open your heart to be able to understand it to at least KNOW what you're choosing to reject.
@@Heard_0f_God Brother, you asked, " you understand the context of that verse?" What is the correct context where people should be obedient to a cruel slave master? I'm sorry, there is no context where that is justified. If that were true, black people would still be in slavery today!
Then you said, "Do I agree with the master/slave parts of the Bible? Yes. Why? Because I have learned and am learning to accept truth brother."
Uhh... what truth is that? Seriously, you believe that slavery is ok??!! I understand that it's very hard to accept that the book could ever be wrong, that goes against what we've been taught our whole lives. But sometimes you really have to use your own conscience, moral compass, and most importantly logic and reason to decide what's right, not a book. Luckily for us, society has advanced beyond what that book says. I'm sorry, but the book was written by bronze age shepherds and they got some things wrong. That doesn't mean that everything in there is wrong and that there isn't wisdom in there too. But we have to recognize when we read something that is wrong.
How about beating slaves, that's ok too? Exodus 20:
20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.
So You can beat your slaves as long as they don't die within a day. Since this is the truth, would YOU be willing to be a slave, be beaten, obey your cruel master, and you and your children be passed on to your master's children as property (Leviticus 25:46)? That is what the Bible advocates. Is that the "truth" that you are referring to? And I haven't even mentioned about selling your daughters into slavery and how they must "please their master." (Exodus 21:7)
Brother, can you accept the real truth of what is right and what is wrong? Wouldn't God want you to believe the right and moral thing? Isn't that why God gave you a mind, logic, and reason?
@@onlimi616 The first question in your response goes to show at least one of three things: that
1.) You did not read
2.) You did not understand
3.) You reject the Word of God
Number 3 becomes clear because following that question you said there is no context where slavery is justified. At this point, I can quote scriptures and expand on them to provide a deeper insight on the matter to enlighten you, but your mind seems made up on choosing to reject the Word of God.
You go on to say things like we have to use our "own conscience, moral compass and logic, not a book". Then you proceed to quote from that same "book" in an attempt to lessen its value.
I'll start by saying, as long as you choose to reject the Word of God as being what it truly is, you'll never understand the content hidden in the locks of the scroll. Luckily you say? You do realize that luck comes from a false goddess, right? Tyche. The so called advancements of society (which according to you come from a false goddess) as well as our conscience, moral compass and logic will never be beyond the Word of God.
We are all slaves rather we want to be or not. As I said in the first response, I'll say it again, "The nature of such a relationship has existed since the beginning of creation and will always exist". In order to understand this, you have to be willing to understand the true nature of it. A master is someone who is in charge over a person or people and a slave is the person (or people) who is under the control of the person who is in charge. Although there appears to be many forms of slavery (boss/worker -or- government/civilian -or- preacher/congregation -or- husband/wife), they all truly fall under the category of one of two masters, God or satan.
I can, do and am learning to accept God's truth. God does want us to believe the right and moral thing. That is a part of why God gave us a mind, logic and reason, BUT if said qualities are not guided and influenced by the Spirit of God then the actions thereof are void by default.
I could answer your questions but you'd reject them the same way you rejected my original response because as long as you choose to reject the Word of God as being what it truly is, you'll never understand the content hidden in the locks of the scroll. Our qualities or our advancements of technology will not get us into the Kingdom of God brother. That book? The one they call the Word of God? If used properly, would answer many questions you seek answers to. But you have to desire it first.
CHRIS BROSUAARD a brother for all season!!!!
Because Christianity is not the religion of the black man.
@Invincible save that Jesus shit for people who take the vaccine yall all in the same boat brainwashed.
@Invincible How you know what jesus cares about... We have no literature from jesus.. Nothing written about jesus during the life of jesus. If jesus and bible god are so divine why must they rely on simple minds to speak for them. Who is the puppet master pulling the dummies strings? thats what we need to be looking at.. Who is the greek speaking for jesus.. And who is the greek speaking for a moses that never existed. Why are there so many flood stories that predate noahs flood story but noah is the only flood story that i know that has an african being born into slavery.. Who is writing these mythologies.. Dam sure aint jesus or moses.
How can we connect with broussard and his ministry?
He has a link on his Instagram page!!!
We need focus on the Black struggles and issues of the day... less on Religion.
We are American descendants of slavery from Africa... we didn’t have organized religion in Africa. No disrespect!❤️☮️❤️
SMH, please educate yourself before opening your mouth
Christianity ✝️ is not an African religion. Islam ☪️ and Christianity were brought to continent.
I knew it !!! The way Chris handles himself in sports shows shows He is a believer, He is very respectful .
Anyone can be respectful and believe in themselves and in other human beings - much like the average atheist.
So, why were there instructions on slavery in both testaments? For Hebrew and non Hebrew? If god allowed the enslavement and suffering of chattel slavery, allowed the slave bible to be taught, and allowed Paul to write epheisan 6:5, why do we need social justice now? Please explain.
Bcuz the original form of slavery had nothing to do with what we know it to be. If you were a slave in that time, that's bcuz you could not repay a debt to the person. Therefore you were a slave to them by working off your debt. It was more about debt. Not a lifetime sentence passed down to generations, not whippings, etc. Ppl of today who can't pay off their debt, would be slaves to their creditor until worked it off
@@byronsmith1096 Explain this
Leviticus 25:44-46 ESV
As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.
@@byronsmith1096 hmmmmmmm! There was instructions for both types of slaves! One for indentured servitude and captured people from other lands, you could harm and pass down to future generations
@@bigtimespeakers8211 Bottom line there is no good explanation for this. God allowed the Israelites to BUY slaves from the nations around them, keep them for life and pass them to their kids as an inheritance. They were allowed to beat slaves, provided they didn't kill them or do certain types of permanent damage. The only New Testament instructions given to slaves was to obey their masters. Slave masters were told to treat their slaves justly. Nothing about not having slaves, or setting anyone free. There is NO way for Christians to get around these facts. They are written in the Bible.
@@softspokenatheist3541 well said
Gotta give him props for this !!
Shalom beautiful people of The Most High God and many blessings to you and your beautiful families (personal/ministry).
Mr. Broussard is right. Some black men do reject Christianity because of the forced false foundations that the gospel of Jesus Christ have been built upon through hate and bigotry.
When hate and bigotry is the first thing brought to mind when it comes to Christianity then it shows us the initial spirit that has been utilized to forerun the gospel in a vile and unrighteous manner. This is why it is important for people of color to disassociate themselves from approaching Christianity with the same mindsets and heart conditions of those who have promoted and practiced it in an unrighteous and unintegral fashion.
Because to do so is to keep oneself free from being obstructed from coming into the truth about one's true origin, original image, and kingdom design. And it opens up opportunities for one to have an encounter with Christ, not Christianity.
The enemy satan has used hate and bigotry in Christianity to keep people away from the truth about who they are and away from having real encounters with The LORD because he understands the power in real change and in real transformations. This is also why the enemy has even utilized many other religions and religious practices to keep this facade in place for people to embrace and accept as truth when in fact it is the total opposite. And that is why it helps situations like these on a greater scale when there are real born again believers who bear the fruit and life of Jesus Christ before those who do desire the truth about life and spirituality but are tired of the hypocrisy.
People such as yourselves (Mr. Broussard and Ms. Fields) are much appreciated in the kingdom because you make room for sensitive issues like these to expose truth and create room for intimate encounters with Jesus Christ, especially for those who have been skeptical about Christianity or who have had bad experiences with it.
Muslim here, but love this. Didn't know he was into religion.
He's huge on Christ I learned this last season
cause we not STUPID!
@oneconcerned Would you rather I say " because we are not stupid ". FOH you jesus preaching crook! You'll never get a penny outta my pocket Pimp!!!
@oneconcerned That face mask comment is real talk.. I think wearing a face mask all day every day i very dangerous.
Doesn't he think his brother prayed the same prayer about picking which religion is true and simply recurved a different answer.
Jesus talked about HIS KINGDOM.....NOT CHRISTIANITY.
That’s where the Kingdom Power is.
the kingdom is within yourself
We have zero information from jesus. We have no books authored by jesus... No writings from jesus nor do we have any writings about jesus during the time of jesus. Jesus never talked about anything..
@@DJ-uc8mk how do you know Jesus never talked about anything?
@@eastsideapologetics6147 I know that we have no literature form jesus.. We have no words from jesus.. you cannot quote jesus because we have no literature from jesus or any literature about jesus from the time of jesus.. We always say "Jesus said . . ." and then we quote the red letters in the gospels... But the gospels were written in greek.. Jesus never spoke greek. The gospels were written decades after the life of jesus... And the names mark matt luke and john were attributed to the gospels almost 200 years after the life of christ.. So we dont know who wrote the gospels.. The gospels are a pseudepigrapha. When you quote jesus you are quoting 3rd hand info at best...
@@DJ-uc8mk again I’m asking, how do you know?
I researched myself out of Christianity
@oneconcerned Amen! 😯 Sooo did you disagree with anything I stated in my original reply about the Son of God❓
Because all Black men are not FOOLS! Simple as that no more no less!