How to Extract Numbers From Text Strings Using Excel Formulas

  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2024
  • It makes more sense when you watch the video but I'm here to explain this Excel formula to you. Now, let's get started!
    First, let's look at the formula itself. It starts with "=TEXTJOIN("",TRUE,", which means we are using the TEXTJOIN function. This function helps to join text strings together. The "" between the first two commas indicate that we are not using a delimiter, and TRUE is telling the function to ignore empty values.
    Next, we have "IFERROR(--MID(A3,SEQUENCE(LEN(A3)),1),""))". This part of the formula is where things get a little more complicated. It's basically saying that we want to look at cell A3 and extract each individual character.
    To do this, we use the MID function. MID stands for "middle" and it allows us to extract a portion of a text string. We then use SEQUENCE to create an array of numbers from 1 to the length of the text string in cell A3.
    The "--" in the formula is simply a way to convert the extracted characters from text to numbers. This is important because we are going to be doing some math with them later on.
    Finally, we wrap everything in an IFERROR function to handle any errors that might occur. Here, we don't want to see any error messages, so we simply return an empty string "".
    So what this formula is doing is taking the text in cell A3, extracting each individual character, converting them to numbers, and then joining them together with no delimiter. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as cleaning up data or performing calculations.
    I hope that explanation helps you out! If you have questions, ask.
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