自制费城三明治!做法简单早午餐,随时吃纯正街头小吃!超满足食谱!Homemade Cheese Steak Philly Sandwich, It's Simple And Delicious!

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • 要说最街头风、最令人满足的三明治,一定少不了费城牛肉芝士三明治。丰富的肉汁,有焦香味的洋葱,像黄油般在嘴里融化的牛肉,还有浓郁奶香的芝士,再加上柔韧有嚼劲的恰巴塔面包,简直是绝了!这次我用的是肉眼牛排,牛肉会更加多汁柔软,制作过程还加入了我的小技巧。这样一个街头小吃,只要跟着我的视频,在家也能复刻出浓浓的烟火气❤️‍🔥真的太好吃了,您们一定要试试!
    When it comes to the most streetwise, satisfying sandwich, it has to be the Philly cheese. The rich gravy, the charred Onions, the beef that melts like butter in your mouth, the creamy cheese, the soft chewy Ciabatta bread, it's amazing! This time I'm using the Rib-Eye Steak, which is juicier and softer, and I've added my little tricks to the process. Such a street food, as long as follow my video, can also be engraved at home thick fireworks gas really too delicious, you must try!
    食材 ingredients:
    2个恰巴塔 Ciabatta
    4片车达芝士 4 pieces Cheddar cheese
    500g肉眼 Rib-Eye Steak
    1颗洋葱 1 onion
    20g黄油 better
    蛋黄酱 mayonnaise
    2瓣大蒜 2 cloves garlic
    初榨橄榄油 extra virgin olive oil
    黑胡椒 black pepper
    盐 salt
    糖 sugar