Good you asked. I'll be doing an in depth Pros-Cons when I get time in the spring. When it's brand new and has the correct line on it like Trilene Sensation Copolymer or a pure fluorocarbon is the best all around panfish reel ever made. It casts smoother than any reel and so nice when it works right. However, there are serious design and materials flaws that are so bad Zebco ought to be forced to recall this reel. The worse issue is rapid serious groove type wear where the line runs against the cone. There is no excuse for this. It makes the reel unusable and there is no affordable part to correct it. Any testing at all would have revealed this to the design and construction team. See Outfishing13 where he tears down a well used one.
Correction the flow was 800.
How do you like the bullet?
Good you asked. I'll be doing an in depth Pros-Cons when I get time in the spring. When it's brand new and has the correct line on it like Trilene Sensation Copolymer or a pure fluorocarbon is the best all around panfish reel ever made. It casts smoother than any reel and so nice when it works right.
However, there are serious design and materials flaws that are so bad Zebco ought to be forced to recall this reel. The worse issue is rapid serious groove type wear where the line runs against the cone. There is no excuse for this. It makes the reel unusable and there is no affordable part to correct it. Any testing at all would have revealed this to the design and construction team. See Outfishing13 where he tears down a well used one.