@Thot Slayer It likely has something to do with the sex ed (or lack thereof) at her school and her parents never talking to her about boundaries/inappropriate body areas. Semi-related, but sexual misconduct with minors can go undetected because the kid doesn't know the proper names for their body parts, so everyone they talk to doesn't realize what's really going on e.g., 'my dad likes eating my cookies'.
@Thot Slayer This was the 1980s darling. Think: Cavemen levels of sexism and religious hypocrisy at its apex swan song and a little girl raised by mindless bigots. Now comes in big beauty who is either born with a mental disorder which allows him to crave *ONLY* children which couldn't get the prescribed medication to help curb his urges or worse; a perverse degenerate who gets a thrill through manipulating a clueless and helpless 12 year old who wasn't raised with the internet so had zero clue about sex. Now with that as context this should paint a better picture for you. Or you should get off your fucking phone and go read a history book in an actual library.
It happened to me to a while ago about 13 years lol she had just pushed him out and he was tan like Mexican and I sat down and said “that’s not my baby is it” now it’s been 13 years and i still have my son and my then fiancé hasn’t spoke to me or my kid since but I re married a Mexican woman by complete chance we haven’t told him
yeah, yeah... this "child" is being "attacked" by a "predator" simply because she's female... But you'll sit there and laugh at an elementary school boy "having an affair with" his female teacher when he's only 10 or 11...
@@budgetcoinhunter why are you puting this when 12 yo had a baby with teacher as something small WeLL If ThIs HaPpEnEd tO a (insert whatewer here). this happened to her so lets focus on that
My family is black and when I was born I was really pale with like a pink tint. My aunty walked into the delivery room and saw me, she turned to my dad and was like "This isn't your child" and my dad responded "Don't worry she'll toast up"
Yoo my sister was born a very pale color as well and my aunt thought that wasn't my mom's baby too, but over time she got her color but not until she was like 10. My family is also black 😁
For the longest time my mom convinced me I could get pregnant from a kiss and I was born 10 years after this, so it's quiet possible to be naive enough to believe a something like that at that age, specially when you don't have any real access to information. But yeah on one hand I'm glad for the kid that he didn't become a father at such a young age but on the other hand damn to get cucked by your teacher... Oof. And I know that girl was dragged through the filth at her school because there was a girl at my middle school who was pregnant though I'm not sure who knocked her up.
I thought people became pregnant by kissing in a church until i was, like, 12. I had seen movies and stuff where there was a jump cut parents and baby from kissing at the wedding, so I assumed that was what happened. I was pretty sheltered as a child.
lol my bestfriend's brother told her that she would get pregnant with a kiss, apparently she already kissed her bf and then she told her brother that she was "pregnant" and her brother literally ran to her bf's house and started yelling, screaming, cursing, and kicking at the bf.. They are now happily engaged and expecting :D
Medicine Student here: I was helping a doctor with a delivery. The mom, white, blue eyed. The father, white, little tanned, green eyed. The baby: Chocolate skin, with dark brown eyes. I thought to myself: “Oh no! Don’t tell me I’m going to have to tell the dad that he’s probably not the dad after all.” I was silently panicking: Eyes wide open, heavy breathing. The mom looked at me and immediately starts bursting in laughter, the doctor was telling her not to do that because he was suturing her down-there. But she couldn’t contain herself. I asked: What? She said: “- 😂The baby was conceived by a sperm donor. 😂 The faces you are making 😂 thinking 😂😂😂😂*cough hard* you’ll have to tell the dad he isn’t the father. He’s sterile. He knows.” Why nobody told me that? 😰 I was so embarrassed. But the mom thanked me so much for making her child-birth so funny and memorable.
I used to work with an albino black woman. I worked with her for nearly 10 years but had no idea she was black until years later, but as soon as I found out I could instantly tell, she had the features of a black woman but her skin was white as can be and both of her parents are very dark skinned. She's one of the very few people I actually miss from that job, she was cool as fuck.
The mother just up and left, and that incredible wonderful man took on the baby that wasn’t his, and his two year old without any bad feels toward either child. That is the definition of love.
@@Magic_Skeleton This story might not be but the fact of the matter is, things like this did happen, will happen and are happening, sadly. Just search up 'world's youngest mothers' and yes, America/Britain/etc. are also countries listed there, goes all the way up to like the last decade (or even closer to this year). It's a lack of education and people like the gym teacher thinking they can get away it/getting away with it and I hope we as a species find a way to deal with that one day (education probably be the easier of the two but yeah). I personally believe that someone who is educated is less likely to have a teen pregnancy (or even before that) but that's just me.
@@glaciemdraco I did NOT mean my comment as "That stuff doesn't ever happen, must be fake" I was trying to say "Poor kid, I wish it wasn't real" but yes, I know that kinda stuff exists, and it's truly awful.
My question is: Why would he be stupid enough to show up? I mean it's good that he did. He got exposed and hopefully arrested, but why did he think that showing up would be a good idea?
To be fair, even with a black partner, you can have a white child. Depends on your family. Still though, women who lead their partners on like this are terrible. Imagine thinking you're having a child and building that up in your head for 9 months and then just losing that in an instant. Who does that to someone? So gross.
This is true, I am mixed black. My ex is white. Both of our children are white. They are not black. They don't look black, they look completely white, to the point where I have been mistaken for everything EXCEPT the biological mother of my children.
@@NeostormXLMAX alot of them are hoping it comes out looking like the BF so they don't have to admit to cheating at all. An in some cases they pressure the guy into signing the birth certificate and in some places that means he still has to pay child support even if he proves it isn't his.
@@axelf9947 Not trying to start an argument, but that's a little hard to believe when a lot of women today are saying "it's just a bundle of cells, get rid of it".
Each of those individuals is completely selfish and doesn't bother to think how many people will be affected by their cruel actions.this video shows that it won't just be in the immediate aftermath of the birth but for decades to come with people either lying to the child to protect it or being honest and warping the kids sense of self and understanding.
They just wanna mooch off of people to satisfy themselves. They dont care about the consequences their action may have on others, so long as they are satisfied, nothing else matters
Some feel guilty like that one woman who didnt want anything to do with her completely white baby after cheating on her black husband. Some just hope that the baby is the husband's so they don't have to admit that they cheated because confronting the truth is hard. And yes, like the incels itt have overly stressed, some are just vicious cunts
@@MrCat-se7ws She was a child. It wasn't her fault. She didn't know what was happening, or why it was happening. You can't blame her for something she didn't understand.
The one with the guy who didn't get the message about his co-worker's baby not being his hit me hard. I've had nightmares like that before...not sure why, dreams are weird sometimes
It's sad when you think about it all these guys still being the father even after knowing that the baby isn't theirs and realizing there are just as many Biological dads Not wanting anything to do with their actual children.
What really grinds my gears is the thought of those dads not wanting anything to do with their children having genes that make them that way, and then them reproducing their disgusting genes rampantly. Meanwhile, the good guy daddy who takes care of the child that isn't even his has not furthered his genes and they die off. Natural selection favors the disgusting trailer-trash infidel. Yikes.
It's also said that the actual father of the kid gets told repeatedly it isn't their baby and they had to go through the chick telling them they could've been the father then being told he isn't just because she wants to stay with the guy who doesn't know it isn't his then they both find out
Never trust a Brittany. I swear, some names define personality. EDIT: NO, I do not actually believe a person's name defines their personality. It was a joke based on *my* personal experience. All of your names are beautiful. Be you- regardless of the name you are given or have chosen. Much love- random pixel internet frog.
So true. Every time I met someone named Ashley, Brandon, Hayden, Dylan, or Logan always get on my nerves. There's only one time I met an Ashley who wasn't annoying.
I was in the delivery room when my first so was born. He came out very brown, with a full head of jet black hair. After a few moments the nurse asked me if I was sure I was the father, as the he looked like he was mixed. We are both super white. Turned out he had jaundice, and after a couple of days under the lights, he lightened up. We laugh about it to this day, especially since he looks just like I did at his age almost down to the fashion sense.
knew a kid came out looking more like she was part latino rather then from two very white parents. Turned out just random pigmentation. Dad already had doubt it was his considering medically he was shooting blanks as well. Thought he was free with his daughter coming out far from white. Well DNA tests don't lie it's his. Don't say it's not yours till the test comes back.
one of my cousins got a black kid, though both parents were white. turned out the kid got genes from somewhere down the line or smth since the dna test confirmed my cousin was indeed the dad.
12:19 This happened to a friend of mine. His white 'dad' raised him after his mother abandoned him when he was very small. My friend is clearly not white and doesn't appear to be mixed, either (his older siblings are not mixed). He's in his late twenties now, and he and his adoptive father are like two peas in a pod- best friends. They work together and 'play' together, too. They're almost inseparable.
When I was born I looked Asian and had dark thick black hair (both of my parents are white) and my sister was born with almost white blond hair. My parents never questioned paternity, and my hair eventually changed to blonde as I got older and I look just like my dad! Sometimes you just can’t tell with babies I didn’t look like either of my parents when I was born. My mom even said that she would have thought they had given her the wrong baby if they had taken me out of the room as soon as I was born, luckily she held me immediately after so she wouldn’t have to question it! Lol. (I was also really big, weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces at birth)
Same here, my parents have olive skin, dark hair and brown/black eyes and the rest of my siblings were all born with olive skin brown eyes, and dark hair. Then came me white skin, Blue eyes and blonde hair. Till I was 4 my hair turned brown and my eyes turned green. I still don't look like either of my parents nor my siblings
Yeesss same here. When I was born, I had tan skin, black hair, the lot (My mum said i almost looked maori). As I got older my hair went to white blonde and it slowly started going brown and I have light skin. Both my parents are white, both have some form of brown hair and blue eyes. People say me and my mum look so alike it's almost startling. So yeah, you never know what the kid will look like till they grow up haha
When I was being born my father ran into a local convenience store and started to run around screaming, "I'M A DAD!!!" When my sibling was born I asked, "When can we bring her back?"
I was eleven months two weeks and three days old when my sis was born...... I watched the whole thing apparently and Im hoping I NEVER recover that memory
@Itz_Baxe Glitters [2] , you can't actually recover that memory so don't worry. We can't form memories from when we were under 3-4 years old I believe. So even if you "recovered" it, it likely would just be your imagination of the event (guessing you could imagine it because your family told you about it) and not the real thing.
@@lizuia I don't know about that one chief. I have a pretty good memory of when my brother was born. Everyone says that the details line up, and I was never told what had happened besides I went to my aunt's house.
I asked my mom almost the same thing when my sister was born. I told my mom "Take her home." She replied she is home and I said "No, take her back from where you got her from." I was around 4-5.
Why do people Cheat? Like that's not gonna help anybody. if I ever found out my BF cheated then he gets no second chances. I wouldn't truest him not to do it again.
Both for slightly different primal reasons, and many people don't consciously realize. Men do because it is more likely to ensure the continuation of their bloodline. For just about all of human history, and even before we were humans, the females tended to be the nurturing caregivers, and, living in smaller communities, the men were able to spread their genes and still provide food and protection within the community. Women, on the other hand, are subconsciously simultaneously looking for partners with strong genes AND provider characteristics. Studies have shown that even before online dating existed, something like 60+% of women have a backup partner in mind, and keep tabs on them in case their current relationship ends or hits a rough patch.
And yet people be more surprise if the babies got it from Mom side of the family or the Dad side of the family, believe me, back than everyone thought my third sister and I was Twins but we wasn't same goes to my older and baby sister too. XD
People can get greedy; they want multiple partners for multiple things like a fuckbuddy and the stable good boy/girl. Relationships can get rocky and difficult with issues with money, a baby, finding the person isn't who you thought they were in the beginning, or whatever killed it, so you're vulnerable to cutie that just flirted with you. Hell, some people find themselves trapped in relationship, but don't/can't give up what was built to start again, so find something on the side to be a little happy. Sometimes people just don't care and hope to get away with cuckholding. Then there are the ones that listen to their meddling family/friends. (This one, imo, is low key fucked up if your fam and friends dislike your SO for whatever petty reason and try to sabotage the relationship.) A person can find a lot of reasons, but none of them are excuses though.
One of my friends is black, and he married a white woman. First, they had a completely blonde white boy and a year later they got a blue-eyed white baby girl. Everyone thought his wife had cheated on him, she didn't. He was the real biological father of both babies but somehow the mom's genes were way stronger than his. They always get judgmental looks from people on the street but they do not even care anymore at this point. They look just like their mom but they have their fathers exact personality and facial expressions.
We're not judging!! We're just trying to piece the story together in our minds in the insanely short window of time before it looks like we're staring! We are on your side, we just need to understand!
My bosses sister had a healthy black baby girl. She was Caucasian and she thought her husband was too (not racists). He accused her of Adultery, was just about to divorce her officially when the DNA test came back…..(early 2000’s) Not only was he the father, the genes came from HIS side of the family. His Great Great Grandfather to be exact. His family had NO CLUE about this. Maybe a back door adaption (or secret adaption)or maybe a child from the late 1800’s/early 1900’s “Orphan Train” program to get homeless kids families. Happened way more then you think until after WW2. Welp. A decade later they are still married. Love their baby girl. But they have to keep telling people “No, she is not adapted”. She would be about 17ish now I think. I hope she is doing ok in this crazy political climate. At the very least, the first boy she brings home is gonna be confused 🤨. I can’t imagine the teachers reaction to meeting the parents for the first time. Yea. DNA tests are resealing a lot of secrets, including secret adaptions. One 70 year old adapted women, raised black her whole life, learned she was actually 100% Italian. Got to meet her “white” siblings. When asked how this make her feel, she just signed and replied, “Well, I still like Jazz.” Gonna make it harder for her to fill out the next census or fill out government documents. “What race to you Identify as?” 🤔……….😅Depends on my mood, the position of the stars, and what day of the week it is.
When I was born, my mum thought she had given birth to my sister again, because my sister and I looked so similar at birth. I'm a guy, but the first time she saw me, I was wrapped in a blanket. What clued her in that I wasn't my sister again was my nose, apparently, looked different. 26 years later, and we still look like siblings, but I took after my mother's side, and my sister took after my father's side. And my nose is huge. Thanks, mum.
@ Well north africans and levantine arabs have a lot of european dna from either slavery of european women or the crusades while for example yemeni arabs have a lot of african dna
My boyfriend is Puerto Rican and black and I'm light skinned black with some Irish (red hair and green eyes) in family. That baby is gonna be a crab shoot
@@essencec.466 Im Puerto Rican and I was born with straight black hair and pale skin, my sister is dark skinned with curly hair and light coloured eyes, my mother is blonde and pale as they come. Not even our facial structure is similar.
Can confirm. Not Latin American, but am mixed Anglo/Native American/you name it. My 23andMe profile looks like a jigsaw puzzle (0.1% Filipino?), and family photos were interesting. Had one sister with blond hair, the other 3 of us had varying shades of brown hair, 2 of us had hazel eyes & 2 brown. When I was in jr. high the white guys thought I was Latino, the Latino guys thought I was white...and the fight was on! These days, for whatever reason people tend to think I look asian. I usually point out my Native American ancestry at that point and people usually drop it. Go fig.
@ Lebanese people are more semitic than Syrians. The history of mixing can not explain the lightness. It is most likely due to their canaanite ancestors.
If I were a man and I had to find out my wife cheated after she gave birth I’d cry. Like, imagine being so happy that you’re gonna have a baby for 9 months or so, then the kid is born and they look nothing like you or your wife. That’s heartbreaking!
Every time I watch one of these I just get that nagging thought in the back of my head, and I've seen other people say it before, too... think of all the people who didn't realize they were cheated on because they were the same race as the mom and/or baby...
@@giannis5868 Found out my sister and I have a heretofore unknown half sister in Wisconsin. Same race, but her mom told her that her dad died during WWII. Turns out our dad was a bit friskier than anyone suspected during the war. Knocked up madame while his ship was undergoing repairs (she took a torpedo hit), went back out to sea apparently unaware he was a dad, made it back, got married to my mom in '47. Dad died in '79, mom died in '08, leaving us kids with a mystery on our hands. 🧐
The opposite of this happened during my friend's shift who is a nurse. When the baby was born, you know how they look like wierd little aliens rather than humans. The baby's father gave her child one look and said "this is not mine." He started yelling and cursing at her exhausted wife accusing her of cheating. The mother frantically denied any of the sort and while the father in his fury refused to listen to the doctors and nurses who were trying to tell him that babies all look the same at the time of birth and he should calm down and give it time. And in his moment of rage he shouted "well I've been banging xyz too!" And then he realised what he just said but it was too late. The mother started crying and just told him to get out and the nurses and doctors were completely dumbfounded. Later he found out that the baby was indeed his and that he screwed himself up.
Check out the story of a mother who has a DNA of a dead (or probably still alive inside of her) twin who passed a different DNA to her children. Father is certainly the biological father but DNA showed that the mother is not the biological mom.
That 2nd story [Edit: Meant the 3rd story].... best thing that could have happened to that baby. Would be 30 years old. Hopefully living a good life and having no clue about the birth father or birth mother.
My in-laws tried to convince my husband that our son was actually his best friend's/my BIL's. Total ridiculousness, BIL can't stand me. Seeing my husband and son together, it's obvious their relationship - son got his coloring from me but they have the exact same traits and son is apparently a carbon-copy of my husband at age one. I don't speak to my in-laws anymore.
I get that she'd probably deserve it, but it would mean risking the baby's life.. It's not the baby's fault the mum is garbage. I don't think I couldn't take them to the hospital haha
@@CDMaccles something something natural selection. She can still call an ambulance it's just more of a pain in the ass for her and a higher medical bill.
2:23 Bless that nurse for not beating the crap out of that gym teacher as soon as he saw him bc god know i would not have the strength to restrain myself
Thotimusprime Official Fuck that nurse. Child rapists should be publicly executed via immolation. If I was that girl’s father, I’d be facing an undeserved homicide charge. Even the most hardened convicts think that child rapists are literal subhumans, which says a lot.
@@suracha8130 Dont bother. Those moral high ground types would rather be raped and killed 100 times over before they'd ever get rid of the parasites. This type of human* is known as a enabler. They cannot be reasoned with.
The AB baby reminded me of a girl I went to school with, the whole delivery ward was up in a panic when she was born because she was O- with and AB+ mother. Until a doctor looked up the past records for checkups for the baby and found on an ultrasound early on there were originally two baby's. She had absorbed her sibling and took both O- Gene's from her dad in the process
I'm sorry to hear that. I know traditionally Among many African communities in the motherland there are many superstitions about them. While cousin is the only Albino I know, I've seen 1 or 2 others. In California at least where I live, I'm used to people making fun of me for being dark so I've rarely ever considered that people would bully others for being at the opposite end of the spectrum
The one with the young girl impregnated by her gym teacher: I hope the parents didn’t blame and punish her for what happened. That entire situation was on the pedo teacher, not the literal child that had no idea what was happening to her.
You're assuming teenagers are incapable of trying to hit on and flirt with people older than them; some will and do. She was probably too embarrassed she willingly did it because pregnancy has a chance to not happen and she got unlucky.
Besides, what if he just straight up ra*ed her? The only reason why she'd say sorry then is because she'd feel disgusted about what happened and felt like somehow it was her fault because of people like you.
@@vukkulvar9769 sadly laws are in favour of these women and men cannot do much. However if a man cheats , women ends up with his earnings and maybe half of his salary .Feels like laws are biased and does not believe in equality
@@priyanshsharma1744 go to law school and understand how the law works. You’ll change your stance. But that also depends what country you live in. Conjugal settlement is meant for the support of the family, not on taking sides between the parties. If you cheated, youre considered in bad faith. Its the law’s way of punishing you for not upholding the oath you took in the marriage. You forfeit your shares upon the profits of the properties. It doesnt punish you because youre a man, even women lose custody of their children and share in the properties. Dont get disillusioned and stay properly informed
My friends brother had a crazy ex he’d just broken up with maybe a month before, and she calls him to tell him she’s pregnant and it’s his. Go through the whole pregnancy thing, he’s ecstatic, but she’s obviously using the baby as sort of leverage on him. Finally baby is born. Friends brother is Asian and Native American, girlfriend is Chinese. Baby comes out Exact same color as a chocolate bar. Girlfriend goes crazy and starts screaming at boyfriend like it’s his fault and abandons the baby at the hospital while he’s sleeping. The real dad never came forward, but it was revealed she had a coworker fuckbuddy in the side while she was dating my friend’s brother. He legally adopted the little girl and she has no idea about the whole fiasco, just that her dad and lots of aunts and uncles (big family) love her.
I came out blue cause the umbilical cord was strangling me - My mom lost a lot of blood. Both my mom & I almost died, the doctors & nurses were no help. My father & grandparents were freaking out cause the doctor told them things like, "Either your wife or your daughter", almost making them decide which of us should die in order to save the other. Thank God we both survived, & later on I gained 3 brothers. None of them had the same issue I did, thank God! My first brother was the heaviest out of all four of us. My second brother was born on thanksgiving & gained the nickname "Turkey Baby". And the youngest was almost born in the toilet, cause my Mom thought she had to pee. We still joke about it today.
my parents had three children, me, my younger brother, and my youngest brother. growing up we all looked different, but because he knew my mom would never cheat and he didn’t dip, he realized we were definitely his. all the weird habits or the way we stared at people, the smirks we gave, our personalities, the way our head tilted slightly when we were confused, all of our qualities mirrored our father. he doesn’t even speak of his beliefs and morals bc he’s a very “keep to himself” type of guy, but sometimes we talk about life and we would play “what would you do” and needless to say, all four of us would have similar answers and viewpoints. the only reason all three of us looked different is because we were mixed with our mom, dad, and another family member. so i resemble our paternal granny, my younger brother resembles our paternal uncle, and my youngest brother resembles our maternal uncle. the only one who looked identical to my father was the second child born, my little brother up in heaven :)
Un1234l Nah, I think you're just an asshole. Let them live their damn lives. If they have doubt, they'll figure it out. You don't need to add unnecessary paranoia and anger on someone.
i've been binge watching all of these for the last month... anything to do with dads. long story short, I miss my dad. these vids help me cope and remember funny times. thanks. so for anyone who wants to read... my dad passed away just over a month ago, and i had taken care of him for the last year and a half, and he could not hold his bowels. some of my fondest memories with this man was when he taught me how to ride a bicycle... i now own and operate the largest bicycle shop in my bumbfuck nowhere county. I'm 24. worst part was that I never knew he was my stepfather, i mean... he had a different last name, and looked nothing like me, but our demeanor and mindset and the way we interacted with people was exactly the same. i never thought much of it, he was always 'dad'. he always felt like 'dad'. my mother was a cheating abusive whore, and he would find her cheating several times a month. when i was younger he'd take me out for pizza and root beers at the local pizza joint several times a month. when i was older I found out those were the nights he found my mom cheating. (he told me this when i dated someone identical in behavior to my dear old mum.) Worst part is, because he never formally adopted me, my state does not recognize me as his son. (Florida, go figure.) I couldn't even get his ashes. the state eventually found out my grandma had a brother with grandkids (who are just as twacked out as my mum) who got all of the money that i had invested with my dad, i.e. $700k in stocks and bonds, his $200K vintage Porsche, both his house and my grandma's, and the estate lawyer ended up going into the house where I lived with him for the last year+ (i was in Louisiana visiting my best friend in the USAF because i have only him as a friend and i needed a bro, for a weekend) and took more of my shit than his. they took all of my tools, (some i needed to work the bike shop) my old harley, (58 panhead, i had kept the title in the filing cabinet with his titles, I guess the lawyer did not even bother to check names) a couple of heirloom jap swords that my grandfather brought back from WWII, and a few other bits and bobs like my dad's diplomas. the bloody tweakers got everything. even my shit. I can't afford a lawyer, because i was effectively homeless after that, and i've been sleeping in the back of my bike shop, the nights I can't bother to afford a motel. i'm super depressed and this shit is so fucked. i know i've rambled through this, thanks all for reading. i guess these vids just help me remember funny times with my dad.
I'm really sorry to hear this... This is just so messed up. Were you informed in any way about your things being taken away? What happened to your dad afterwards and how are you doing?
@@dodgedemonsrtx I gave up. I moved on. I found work as a commercial fisherman. my last outing, I fell off the boat in 100% weather. treading water for just over 20 minutes, but that night I had a dream that my dad came to me and told me to go find my biodad. well... I came in a week later, sold everything I owned, and hopped on my motorcycle and went from florida to california to look for him at an address and info my mother had. I met his brother on a fluke, and he informed me he lived in Cedar Rapids, IA. I currently am sitting next to my biodad, who is... not what I expected. i'm still sorting out my mental state, and I sat down and had to cry at work today because a song came on the radio that reminded me of my stepdad... the country song about the stepdad called 'my boy' or something. really got to me. anyway.. a little bit of a happy ending. my biodad is... well he's not like me, at all.... then he does things that really frustrate me because they were things I used to do. and he's a hardcore video gamer... where I like hunting and fishing and working on cars etc...
I lucked out to resemble my Gram; she's one of the most beautiful women in the world, to me, so It's one of the few things that keep my self esteem from being entirely shit...
That's why you don't sign anything until you get a paternity test. Even if it looks like you. Even if everyone tells you it looks like you. Even if you're "100%" sure it's yours. Don't sign anything til you get atleast a preliminary OTC test. I've seen courts COERCE non-biological parents to pay support just because their name was on the birth cert.
This almost reminded me of the situation where I found out that the baby that I had fathered for three months wasn't mine. I was devastated and heartbroken...
GMLR 16 Yep. Broke my heart. Not only for the girl, but imagine the boyfriend having to come to grips with the reality that someone he loved was taken advantage of (or not, but I’ll give the girl the benefit of the doubt in this case) by someone who he may have genuinely trusted and liked. It’s fucked up.
@@WobblesandBean in croatia we r very religius country but also we r crazy sinners for example 1. Our most common swear is I fuck ur god/fuck god/fuck jesus and that is said atleast 10 times in a day by everyone who is older then 10yo 2. We drink waaaaaaay too much 3. We smoke too much etc etc So we kinda understand that people r sinners and that god is there to forgive those who have sinned not to punish them Some examples( that cheating wife who was bout to get stoned bcuz of cheating He forgive judas for betraying him He forgave peter for denieing him 3 times etc) Btw this is coming from 18yo who loves to dive into any topic avaiable and learn the most I can posibbly can
That second story reminded me of one of my teachers from high school. He and his wife (both very white) had a baby girl. Their daughter was born black, but has features exactly like her parents. There was a LOT of confusion right away but it turns out of one the wife's grandparents was black (she was adopted, so she never knew till she did some digging). Their daughter happened to have that gene expressed so she had dark skin. Genetics are so neat!
My fellow men out there, this is why you own your own house one day, own your car, sign a prenup and DONT co sign a thing. If you get cheated on or she gets bored...you lose nothing. Looking out for you bros 💙
Prenups are not iron clad. If your partner decided to actually fight it, chances are good it will get chopped up into itty bitty pieces in court. Depends on differing factors, length of the marriage , what exactly the terms covered in the prenup etc.
I never understood why people cheat. It’s so disrespectful and cruel, especially when there is then a chance of a child being involved. Thankfully both my kids look so much like my husband there is no doubt who’s they could be!! But I would happily let them be DNA tested a hundred times, because I know I wasn’t near anyone else for months and months before I started dating my husband, and with our second it was nearly a decade! There is no shame in consensual polyam relationships, but I’m yet to read a story about those people having children... Although I do love the idea of a sister wife to be friends with and share some of the burdens of child rearing etc. It would only work if my husband wanted that too.
I come from a very mixed family so it's always a huge toss up to what the baby will come out looking like. I was born looking like a full blown Chinese baby. After a few years the Hawaiian genes kicked in and my hair became thick, long, and curly. I have no physical trace of Asian left and now no one believes my baby pictures are actually me 😂😂
In my country the birth certificate is signed for you and you have no choice in the matter unless an other man come dispute the claim. Men have no rights in my country when it come to paternity. DNA test are outlawed unless mandated by a judge.
i would say don't sign til a paternity test shows it's yours. Even if it looks like you. Even if everyone tells you it looks like you. Even if you're "100%" sure it's yours. And even then, those DNA companies have admitted lying about genetic history before.
"About an hour later, her phys ed teacher-"
Nakima666 dad should have used that chair for something else
@Thot Slayer It likely has something to do with the sex ed (or lack thereof) at her school and her parents never talking to her about boundaries/inappropriate body areas.
Semi-related, but sexual misconduct with minors can go undetected because the kid doesn't know the proper names for their body parts, so everyone they talk to doesn't realize what's really going on e.g., 'my dad likes eating my cookies'.
@Thot Slayer This was the 1980s darling. Think: Cavemen levels of sexism and religious hypocrisy at its apex swan song and a little girl raised by mindless bigots. Now comes in big beauty who is either born with a mental disorder which allows him to crave *ONLY* children which couldn't get the prescribed medication to help curb his urges or worse; a perverse degenerate who gets a thrill through manipulating a clueless and helpless 12 year old who wasn't raised with the internet so had zero clue about sex.
Now with that as context this should paint a better picture for you. Or you should get off your fucking phone and go read a history book in an actual library.
Nakima666 and I don’t like it
This has exactly 666 likes
The one about the guy who had three kids and then found out he never had the ability to have kids was heartbreaking😭
That made my heart sympathetically sink...poor fellow had lived a lie the whole time, and that doctor had to play Orpheus for him...
Wait does that mean the wife..
@typical siblings
Well.. yes.
@@asrieldreemurr4038 oh.
*“i don’t think this is my baby”*
that’s sad.
jimin Ikr.. poor dude
This makes me sad as well...
It happened to me to a while ago about 13 years lol she had just pushed him out and he was tan like Mexican and I sat down and said “that’s not my baby is it” now it’s been 13 years and i still have my son and my then fiancé hasn’t spoke to me or my kid since but I re married a Mexican woman by complete chance we haven’t told him
Now your on 666 likes. I think it's more than fitting for a cloaker to bestow this.
Now you will see the true power of the D̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶S̶i̶d̶e̶ *WULULULUULULU*
"Fine, but black." made me laugh so hard.
Corbin Brier me too
Sounds Racist out of context.
@@mrsigmagrinder8737 But in context it's hilarious.
Corbin Brier I like your profile picture
@@emeraldqueen1994 Thanks!
the gym teacher had the balls to show up to the hospital like its nothing 😂😂
I just read a story on reddit about a gym teacher raping a 13 year old girl. Coincidence? I think not.
yeah, yeah... this "child" is being "attacked" by a "predator" simply because she's female...
But you'll sit there and laugh at an elementary school boy "having an affair with" his female teacher when he's only 10 or 11...
@@budgetcoinhunter why are you puting this when 12 yo had a baby with teacher as something small WeLL If ThIs HaPpEnEd tO a (insert whatewer here). this happened to her so lets focus on that
My family is black and when I was born I was really pale with like a pink tint. My aunty walked into the delivery room and saw me, she turned to my dad and was like "This isn't your child" and my dad responded "Don't worry she'll toast up"
Lmao that’s a epic dad move respect.
Yoo my sister was born a very pale color as well and my aunt thought that wasn't my mom's baby too, but over time she got her color but not until she was like 10. My family is also black 😁
Your Dad sounds like a first-class badass! Hope you are all doing well! ^_^
I was the lightest black child
"Toast up" so cute lol
How do you think you're the father if all you've done is kissed her. God damn 1989.
its a 12 year old in 1989 whose world would NOT *CONSIDER* the option of something like that P.E. teacher...
For the longest time my mom convinced me I could get pregnant from a kiss and I was born 10 years after this, so it's quiet possible to be naive enough to believe a something like that at that age, specially when you don't have any real access to information. But yeah on one hand I'm glad for the kid that he didn't become a father at such a young age but on the other hand damn to get cucked by your teacher... Oof. And I know that girl was dragged through the filth at her school because there was a girl at my middle school who was pregnant though I'm not sure who knocked her up.
I thought people became pregnant by kissing in a church until i was, like, 12. I had seen movies and stuff where there was a jump cut parents and baby from kissing at the wedding, so I assumed that was what happened. I was pretty sheltered as a child.
lol my bestfriend's brother told her that she would get pregnant with a kiss, apparently she already kissed her bf and then she told her brother that she was "pregnant" and her brother literally ran to her bf's house and started yelling, screaming, cursing, and kicking at the bf.. They are now happily engaged and expecting :D
@@xsuns7508 LMAO IM DYING idk but this is so funny imma screenshot lol (also yesss stan txt yeonjun is a cutie)
Medicine Student here: I was helping a doctor with a delivery. The mom, white, blue eyed. The father, white, little tanned, green eyed. The baby: Chocolate skin, with dark brown eyes.
I thought to myself: “Oh no! Don’t tell me I’m going to have to tell the dad that he’s probably not the dad after all.” I was silently panicking: Eyes wide open, heavy breathing. The mom looked at me and immediately starts bursting in laughter, the doctor was telling her not to do that because he was suturing her down-there. But she couldn’t contain herself. I asked: What? She said:
“- 😂The baby was conceived by a sperm donor. 😂 The faces you are making 😂 thinking 😂😂😂😂*cough hard* you’ll have to tell the dad he isn’t the father. He’s sterile. He knows.”
Why nobody told me that? 😰
I was so embarrassed. But the mom thanked me so much for making her child-birth so funny and memorable.
I enjoyed this thoroughly
@@incognitohuman1959 I didn't.
This was funny and adorable. Im glad the couple had a child. I hope there okay today
@Pure_Water just here to say i think you won that argument bc thorzyan deleted their comments lmaoo
this is hilarious ;fdlshakg
'Because even he's realizing that even if she did cheat, there is no way the baby would be THAT white'
I used to work with an albino black woman. I worked with her for nearly 10 years but had no idea she was black until years later, but as soon as I found out I could instantly tell, she had the features of a black woman but her skin was white as can be and both of her parents are very dark skinned. She's one of the very few people I actually miss from that job, she was cool as fuck.
Why the hell does this dude even makes these videos if he cant even monetize them??
Had to pause to laugh on that one 😆
@@Shadow77999 to make us smile it’s not all about the doe
I’m black and I was white when I was born my dad said he was confused but after roasting me for a while I got some pigment lol 😂
😂😂 roasted you until you got some pigment
That's fantastic. Props to your dad. He sounds cool.
Lol, he somersaults accross the room and points at her baby shoes "What are those?!?!?", little baby cheeks instantly start to darken.
@@cjlooklin1914 lolll
Marshmallows yum. Damn it now I'm hungry.
The mother just up and left, and that incredible wonderful man took on the baby that wasn’t his, and his two year old without any bad feels toward either child. That is the definition of love.
And sadly genetic parasitism. It's a genetic deadend for the "good" one, just to benefit the genes of the bad ones.
@@Endoptic en he still has one kid
The female conscious, as absent as ever.
I disagree.
No the definition of cucked
"Her phys ed teacher-"
Spoiler: unfortunately, it did. :(
Well of course that’s not real.. that’s just some 20-60 year old man making up shit on reddit
@@Isa-cr7fd honestly, I hope you're right.
because if it is real... poor girl
@@Magic_Skeleton This story might not be but the fact of the matter is, things like this did happen, will happen and are happening, sadly. Just search up 'world's youngest mothers' and yes, America/Britain/etc. are also countries listed there, goes all the way up to like the last decade (or even closer to this year). It's a lack of education and people like the gym teacher thinking they can get away it/getting away with it and I hope we as a species find a way to deal with that one day (education probably be the easier of the two but yeah). I personally believe that someone who is educated is less likely to have a teen pregnancy (or even before that) but that's just me.
@@glaciemdraco I did NOT mean my comment as "That stuff doesn't ever happen, must be fake" I was trying to say "Poor kid, I wish it wasn't real"
but yes, I know that kinda stuff exists, and it's truly awful.
Phys Ed teacher: *enters*
This comment is my favorite.
@@ShigaDabii Your profile picture is my favourite.
ezzoo C no u
What was this!? Lmaoooo
PLEASE say that teacher left the hospital in a goddamn cop car.
Or an ambulance.
@You Know Who I Am the hospital they were at wouldnt take him
Or a body bag
Should've left in an urn.
@Aubree Dobson no it was pe
Hey lets play a game. Its called "Stay faithful to your partner".
Better than any other challenges on the internet
(Although, the one about the 12-13 year old is an exception, due to the circumstances as told by the story)
It should be an easy game, especially if you aren't an unfaithful, disloyal, lying, backstabbing sack of shit
@@joahsanchez5051 congrats youve already won the game
"He may be your father, but he ain't your daddy"
One of the best quotes ever for a few of these scenarios
joebear 119 guardians of the galaxy is amazing
Guardian's of the Galaxy
Itz_Baxe Glitters [2] not to. Be rude but...
*Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
i dont like where this is going
That was a big yikes
Brertt Enormous yikers
I was like that fallout meme seriously what the actual *h e c k*
*h o l u p...*
As soon as I saw those words I was like "Oh god no."
I was already prepping the shovel.
my jaw literally dropped when they said the gym teacher showed up. i knew where it was going
Swats teams are on the way!
Why should a gym teacher not responsibly check on his little treasure cranking out another little treasure ....?
sadly the second I saw the 12-13 year old part I had a hunch where this was going. the teacher was simply the confirmation....
My question is: Why would he be stupid enough to show up? I mean it's good that he did. He got exposed and hopefully arrested, but why did he think that showing up would be a good idea?
@@manfredschmalbach9023 hahahaah you are killling it.
To be fair, even with a black partner, you can have a white child. Depends on your family.
Still though, women who lead their partners on like this are terrible. Imagine thinking you're having a child and building that up in your head for 9 months and then just losing that in an instant. Who does that to someone? So gross.
Gotta get that government financial aid!
Morals be damned
This is true, I am mixed black. My ex is white. Both of our children are white. They are not black. They don't look black, they look completely white, to the point where I have been mistaken for everything EXCEPT the biological mother of my children.
@@NeostormXLMAX alot of them are hoping it comes out looking like the BF so they don't have to admit to cheating at all. An in some cases they pressure the guy into signing the birth certificate and in some places that means he still has to pay child support even if he proves it isn't his.
@@NeostormXLMAX It's harder to have an abortion than you'd think... it's natural instinct to keep your baby alive, even if they haven't been born yet.
Not trying to start an argument, but that's a little hard to believe when a lot of women today are saying "it's just a bundle of cells, get rid of it".
Incredible how women cheat and even wait till birth to tell the "father" before breaking up or something
I just dont understand why??
Each of those individuals is completely selfish and doesn't bother to think how many people will be affected by their cruel actions.this video shows that it won't just be in the immediate aftermath of the birth but for decades to come with people either lying to the child to protect it or being honest and warping the kids sense of self and understanding.
They just wanna mooch off of people to satisfy themselves. They dont care about the consequences their action may have on others, so long as they are satisfied, nothing else matters
Please don't generalize an entire gender sweet heart. Thanks
@@daniellew3260 Ok sweet heart.
Some feel guilty like that one woman who didnt want anything to do with her completely white baby after cheating on her black husband. Some just hope that the baby is the husband's so they don't have to admit that they cheated because confronting the truth is hard. And yes, like the incels itt have overly stressed, some are just vicious cunts
1:39 "finally, one happy ending in this thread"
me: *chuckles* I'm in danger
Just be a virgin, then you don't have to worry about this stuff
*Modern problems require modern solutions*
Dagan Ward being a virgin and not having to deal with hoes is the best life
Or be gay and just go with another dude XD
Or marry a transgender with sex reassignment surgery.
*Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions*
Or just date trans women
How is remaining a virgin modern?
Who else knew EXACTLY what was going to happen this point forward?
I was like...oh no...
@@kalechips5972 My exact words: "Oh no... oh no oh no oh no. No..."
You act like it’s hard to notice 🤦♂️
I just kind of looked at the screen with an "uh oh" face.
Why would that mother say “God forgive us?” Her daughter was a victim!
Shut up you don't know the story
tsu bateva So do you think the 12 year old girl, impregnated by her gym teacher, was a victim or not?
@@MrCat-se7ws Please stop talking
@@MrCat-se7ws She was a child. It wasn't her fault. She didn't know what was happening, or why it was happening. You can't blame her for something she didn't understand.
Grace Burch be QUIET ATHEIST.... an evil child is one who bathes sin.
The one with the guy who didn't get the message about his co-worker's baby not being his hit me hard. I've had nightmares like that before...not sure why, dreams are weird sometimes
It's sad when you think about it all these guys still being the father even after knowing that the baby isn't theirs and realizing there are just as many Biological dads Not wanting anything to do with their actual children.
What really grinds my gears is the thought of those dads not wanting anything to do with their children having genes that make them that way, and then them reproducing their disgusting genes rampantly. Meanwhile, the good guy daddy who takes care of the child that isn't even his has not furthered his genes and they die off. Natural selection favors the disgusting trailer-trash infidel. Yikes.
Lol my dad chose beer over me and now lives in a trailer park it’s a fact
It's also said that the actual father of the kid gets told repeatedly it isn't their baby and they had to go through the chick telling them they could've been the father then being told he isn't just because she wants to stay with the guy who doesn't know it isn't his then they both find out
@@thefilth7368 But the one who raised the kid got to pass his values and what he learned. Fuck the genes
“Baby was Al-bean-o”
Sebashtian Brown that’s how we pronounce it in Britain.
@@jadenlynch5575 ...and in the rest of world
^ didn't know that
@Aiden Pearce it is how you pronounce it!
Aiden Pearce we usually say al bye no.
Never trust a Brittany. I swear, some names define personality.
EDIT: NO, I do not actually believe a person's name defines their personality. It was a joke based on *my* personal experience.
All of your names are beautiful. Be you- regardless of the name you are given or have chosen.
Much love- random pixel internet frog.
So true. Every time I met someone named Ashley, Brandon, Hayden, Dylan, or Logan always get on my nerves. There's only one time I met an Ashley who wasn't annoying.
Brittany, Stephanie, Courtney... for some reason, those names just _sound_ annoying. No offense to any non-annoying people with those names.
SnazzJaz Banks thank you for our first example
Also Britney can be different from Brittany
I was in the delivery room when my first so was born. He came out very brown, with a full head of jet black hair. After a few moments the nurse asked me if I was sure I was the father, as the he looked like he was mixed. We are both super white. Turned out he had jaundice, and after a couple of days under the lights, he lightened up. We laugh about it to this day, especially since he looks just like I did at his age almost down to the fashion sense.
knew a kid came out looking more like she was part latino rather then from two very white parents. Turned out just random pigmentation. Dad already had doubt it was his considering medically he was shooting blanks as well. Thought he was free with his daughter coming out far from white. Well DNA tests don't lie it's his. Don't say it's not yours till the test comes back.
A few of my cousins had jaundice and came out with curly hair so they were confused but as time passed you can tell they were mexican.
oh God I wonder how many loving monogamous marriages were ended by a jaundiced newborn.
A 13 yo and the baby daddy is a gym teacher
*Special Victim’s Unit*
*dun dun*
@@nathandarrow4610 DUNNNNN
@@hollowgasts1372 no. listen to the law and order sound effect ua-cam.com/video/gP3MuUTmXNk/v-deo.html
cue the DUN DUN
You're not my dad~
*YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!* bOoGie WoOgiE wOoGiE!
Liesl K I laughed so damn hard. I literately found this vine through a Ouran Hs host club crack video.
it's the best vine
Dxxkzjzknz I love thiy
_kid voice_ 'You not my daaad! you always wanna hear something, ugly *ss f*ckin noodlehead.'
one of my cousins got a black kid, though both parents were white. turned out the kid got genes from somewhere down the line or smth since the dna test confirmed my cousin was indeed the dad.
i can just imagine him being like "HMM"
@@therubywaffle165 No need to imagine, I'm sure he did that lmao
The worst thing is that the mother will most probably reject her husband for not trusting her
Samuelx01 how's that "the worst thing"
@Sho Tohara what?
12:19 This happened to a friend of mine. His white 'dad' raised him after his mother abandoned him when he was very small. My friend is clearly not white and doesn't appear to be mixed, either (his older siblings are not mixed). He's in his late twenties now, and he and his adoptive father are like two peas in a pod- best friends. They work together and 'play' together, too. They're almost inseparable.
Same thing with my dad and oldest brother. My dad is closer to his adopted son (my half brother) than any of his biological sons.
Any guy can get a women pregnant, but it takes a man to be a father
When I was born I looked Asian and had dark thick black hair (both of my parents are white) and my sister was born with almost white blond hair. My parents never questioned paternity, and my hair eventually changed to blonde as I got older and I look just like my dad! Sometimes you just can’t tell with babies I didn’t look like either of my parents when I was born. My mom even said that she would have thought they had given her the wrong baby if they had taken me out of the room as soon as I was born, luckily she held me immediately after so she wouldn’t have to question it! Lol. (I was also really big, weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces at birth)
Same here, my parents have olive skin, dark hair and brown/black eyes and the rest of my siblings were all born with olive skin brown eyes, and dark hair. Then came me white skin, Blue eyes and blonde hair. Till I was 4 my hair turned brown and my eyes turned green. I still don't look like either of my parents nor my siblings
Yeesss same here. When I was born, I had tan skin, black hair, the lot (My mum said i almost looked maori). As I got older my hair went to white blonde and it slowly started going brown and I have light skin. Both my parents are white, both have some form of brown hair and blue eyes. People say me and my mum look so alike it's almost startling. So yeah, you never know what the kid will look like till they grow up haha
I dunno. Might want to get a paternity test done.
@@Un1234l my birth video was traumatising enough
My dad was born with red hair but it darkened to black when he grew up
When I was being born my father ran into a local convenience store and started to run around screaming, "I'M A DAD!!!"
When my sibling was born I asked, "When can we bring her back?"
When my sister was born, I just asked my parents if we could go to McDonalds 'cause I was hungry.
I was eleven months two weeks and three days old when my sis was born...... I watched the whole thing apparently and Im hoping I NEVER recover that memory
@Itz_Baxe Glitters [2] , you can't actually recover that memory so don't worry. We can't form memories from when we were under 3-4 years old I believe. So even if you "recovered" it, it likely would just be your imagination of the event (guessing you could imagine it because your family told you about it) and not the real thing.
@@lizuia I don't know about that one chief. I have a pretty good memory of when my brother was born. Everyone says that the details line up, and I was never told what had happened besides I went to my aunt's house.
I asked my mom almost the same thing when my sister was born. I told my mom "Take her home." She replied she is home and I said "No, take her back from where you got her from." I was around 4-5.
"Her phys. ed teacher-"
*steps on brakes hard
*change gears to reverse and steps on it, pulling off a 180-turn and hightailing outta here
Did you hit him on the way out?
Sometimes the copier is just low on toner... hahahahaha! That was good
Why do people Cheat? Like that's not gonna help anybody. if I ever found out my BF cheated then he gets no second chances. I wouldn't truest him not to do it again.
Both sexes chest. Women however will not break up with the guy and usually just lie
NF straight facts
Both for slightly different primal reasons, and many people don't consciously realize.
Men do because it is more likely to ensure the continuation of their bloodline. For just about all of human history, and even before we were humans, the females tended to be the nurturing caregivers, and, living in smaller communities, the men were able to spread their genes and still provide food and protection within the community.
Women, on the other hand, are subconsciously simultaneously looking for partners with strong genes AND provider characteristics. Studies have shown that even before online dating existed, something like 60+% of women have a backup partner in mind, and keep tabs on them in case their current relationship ends or hits a rough patch.
And yet people be more surprise if the babies got it from Mom side of the family or the Dad side of the family, believe me, back than everyone thought my third sister and I was Twins but we wasn't same goes to my older and baby sister too. XD
People can get greedy; they want multiple partners for multiple things like a fuckbuddy and the stable good boy/girl. Relationships can get rocky and difficult with issues with money, a baby, finding the person isn't who you thought they were in the beginning, or whatever killed it, so you're vulnerable to cutie that just flirted with you. Hell, some people find themselves trapped in relationship, but don't/can't give up what was built to start again, so find something on the side to be a little happy. Sometimes people just don't care and hope to get away with cuckholding. Then there are the ones that listen to their meddling family/friends. (This one, imo, is low key fucked up if your fam and friends dislike your SO for whatever petty reason and try to sabotage the relationship.) A person can find a lot of reasons, but none of them are excuses though.
One of my friends is black, and he married a white woman. First, they had a completely blonde white boy and a year later they got a blue-eyed white baby girl. Everyone thought his wife had cheated on him, she didn't. He was the real biological father of both babies but somehow the mom's genes were way stronger than his. They always get judgmental looks from people on the street but they do not even care anymore at this point. They look just like their mom but they have their fathers exact personality and facial expressions.
We're not judging!! We're just trying to piece the story together in our minds in the insanely short window of time before it looks like we're staring! We are on your side, we just need to understand!
@@eagillum this comment is sooooo true like Im just very confused 😭😭🤣
My bosses sister had a healthy black baby girl.
She was Caucasian and she thought her husband was too (not racists).
He accused her of Adultery, was just about to divorce her officially when the DNA test came back…..(early 2000’s)
Not only was he the father, the genes came from HIS side of the family. His Great Great Grandfather to be exact.
His family had NO CLUE about this. Maybe a back door adaption (or secret adaption)or maybe a child from the late 1800’s/early 1900’s “Orphan Train” program to get homeless kids families.
Happened way more then you think until after WW2.
Welp. A decade later they are still married. Love their baby girl.
But they have to keep telling people “No, she is not adapted”.
She would be about 17ish now I think.
I hope she is doing ok in this crazy political climate.
At the very least, the first boy she brings home is gonna be confused 🤨.
I can’t imagine the teachers reaction to meeting the parents for the first time.
Yea. DNA tests are resealing a lot of secrets, including secret adaptions.
One 70 year old adapted women, raised black her whole life, learned she was actually 100% Italian. Got to meet her “white” siblings.
When asked how this make her feel, she just signed and replied,
“Well, I still like Jazz.”
Gonna make it harder for her to fill out the next census or fill out government documents.
“What race to you Identify as?”
🤔……….😅Depends on my mood, the position of the stars, and what day of the week it is.
@@equarg fascinating story but it’s spelled adopted not adapted
@@coolstufftodo5256 Maybe they're from New York.
When I was born, my mum thought she had given birth to my sister again, because my sister and I looked so similar at birth. I'm a guy, but the first time she saw me, I was wrapped in a blanket.
What clued her in that I wasn't my sister again was my nose, apparently, looked different.
26 years later, and we still look like siblings, but I took after my mother's side, and my sister took after my father's side. And my nose is huge. Thanks, mum.
@bryan diaz varela
HA! No, I'm not a trap. But, if I was, I'd rock it like a hurricane!
@bryan diaz varela
I may or may not live at or around 1,865 unspecified units of measurement from the Netherlands.
bryan diaz varela
Hello fellow Dutchling
I liked where this flirting was going. I WANT MORE. GIVE ME MORE.
BORING...No one cares
Genetics are weird. Especially for Latin American people since we are mix of other races.
@ Well north africans and levantine arabs have a lot of european dna from either slavery of european women or the crusades while for example yemeni arabs have a lot of african dna
My boyfriend is Puerto Rican and black and I'm light skinned black with some Irish (red hair and green eyes) in family. That baby is gonna be a crab shoot
@@essencec.466 Im Puerto Rican and I was born with straight black hair and pale skin, my sister is dark skinned with curly hair and light coloured eyes, my mother is blonde and pale as they come. Not even our facial structure is similar.
Can confirm. Not Latin American, but am mixed Anglo/Native American/you name it. My 23andMe profile looks like a jigsaw puzzle (0.1% Filipino?), and family photos were interesting. Had one sister with blond hair, the other 3 of us had varying shades of brown hair, 2 of us had hazel eyes & 2 brown. When I was in jr. high the white guys thought I was Latino, the Latino guys thought I was white...and the fight was on!
These days, for whatever reason people tend to think I look asian. I usually point out my Native American ancestry at that point and people usually drop it. Go fig.
@ Lebanese people are more semitic than Syrians. The history of mixing can not explain the lightness. It is most likely due to their canaanite ancestors.
"Her phys-ed teacher comes in" oof
"she kept saying "I'm sorry daddy" *OOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF*
2:23 excuse me im gonna get a shovel.
Goatie The demon i’ll grab my space marine chapter the emperor needs this man to be purged
You Tube im gonna get some lego
Im gonna get my road roller
I’m gonna get a priest and a flamethrower.
I'm gonna get all by D4s to go with the Legos.
If I were a man and I had to find out my wife cheated after she gave birth I’d cry. Like, imagine being so happy that you’re gonna have a baby for 9 months or so, then the kid is born and they look nothing like you or your wife. That’s heartbreaking!
Every time I watch one of these I just get that nagging thought in the back of my head, and I've seen other people say it before, too... think of all the people who didn't realize they were cheated on because they were the same race as the mom and/or baby...
I know that's so sad. I wonder if people ever find out about that.
@@giannis5868 Found out my sister and I have a heretofore unknown half sister in Wisconsin. Same race, but her mom told her that her dad died during WWII. Turns out our dad was a bit friskier than anyone suspected during the war. Knocked up madame while his ship was undergoing repairs (she took a torpedo hit), went back out to sea apparently unaware he was a dad, made it back, got married to my mom in '47. Dad died in '79, mom died in '08, leaving us kids with a mystery on our hands. 🧐
7:24 "Sometimes the copier is just low on toner"
LMAO 😅😂😭
I was applied toner a bit too much...
The opposite of this happened during my friend's shift who is a nurse. When the baby was born, you know how they look like wierd little aliens rather than humans. The baby's father gave her child one look and said "this is not mine." He started yelling and cursing at her exhausted wife accusing her of cheating. The mother frantically denied any of the sort and while the father in his fury refused to listen to the doctors and nurses who were trying to tell him that babies all look the same at the time of birth and he should calm down and give it time. And in his moment of rage he shouted "well I've been banging xyz too!" And then he realised what he just said but it was too late. The mother started crying and just told him to get out and the nurses and doctors were completely dumbfounded. Later he found out that the baby was indeed his and that he screwed himself up.
When I saw the title I just thought "and what about a "you are not the mother" one ?". It took me a good minute to realise what was wrong
Well, one fit that story, LOL (the donor egg).
Check out the story of a mother who has a DNA of a dead (or probably still alive inside of her) twin who passed a different DNA to her children. Father is certainly the biological father but DNA showed that the mother is not the biological mom.
@@oneesandada379 I feel like God was drunk with this
@@fatesalt7413 He probably was for a lot of things
I mean, babies could be switched at birth
That 2nd story [Edit: Meant the 3rd story].... best thing that could have happened to that baby. Would be 30 years old. Hopefully living a good life and having no clue about the birth father or birth mother.
That person is an idiot it's a black albino.
think you mean 3rd story?
Oh! My mistake. You're right. Thank you for the assist.
i’m so pissed at the fact people can just cheat on their partners so easily. like if you can’t stay loyal, break up
they want their cake and eat it too. Its a good mix after all, sex and security.
I forget how it goes, but there’s a joke about how women want four different kinds of guys all at once
“What are the results of the paternity test??”
*guitar strum*
/Phillipe’s not your dad/
My in-laws tried to convince my husband that our son was actually his best friend's/my BIL's. Total ridiculousness, BIL can't stand me. Seeing my husband and son together, it's obvious their relationship - son got his coloring from me but they have the exact same traits and son is apparently a carbon-copy of my husband at age one.
I don't speak to my in-laws anymore.
Brievel Montague I have never heard good stories about in-laws.
@@sololad2423 That's because good in-laws don't end up in stories :D
Why'd they do that lmao?
Bri bri my MIL and BIL are great. The rest can wipe my ass
@@clsmith03 They didn't/don't like me.
>my wife always hits them with "Yeah we're not sure if he's mine." It's always funny to see people nod for a moment and then go "Wait what?"
if im driving u to the hospital to have my kid and u say it's not mine im stopping the car until you get out
Boosted Monkey hell yea!
Exactly what I thought, I mean I feel bad for the baby but GTFO bitxh
Siyovaxsh En-sipad-zid-ana should’ve thought before cheating
I get that she'd probably deserve it, but it would mean risking the baby's life.. It's not the baby's fault the mum is garbage. I don't think I couldn't take them to the hospital haha
@@CDMaccles something something natural selection. She can still call an ambulance it's just more of a pain in the ass for her and a higher medical bill.
“Well that’s that Brittany” had me dying🤣🤣
I can’t imagine being there all nine months of the pregnancy with the woman you love and it turns out she cheated and the damn kid isn’t yours.
My two year old pronounces words more correctly than this robot voice
Damn get that nigga on genus world records cause a two yeal old talking most woulds still be in a crib and pooping there pants
Your two year old is also much smarter than any software ever made.
@Bucket Listwelp my brother must be -10 iq cause he didnt start speaking until he was 4-5ish
@Bucket List ahhh ok I got you
lol big sad
Bless that nurse for not beating the crap out of that gym teacher as soon as he saw him bc god know i would not have the strength to restrain myself
Thotimusprime Official Fuck that nurse. Child rapists should be publicly executed via immolation. If I was that girl’s father, I’d be facing an undeserved homicide charge. Even the most hardened convicts think that child rapists are literal subhumans, which says a lot.
@@CommentsRage Nah, dude's got the right idea, burn em' all
@@CommentsRage then you are a happy mediocre human, and society loves you. Don't worry about it.
@@suracha8130 Dont bother. Those moral high ground types would rather be raped and killed 100 times over before they'd ever get rid of the parasites. This type of human* is known as a enabler. They cannot be reasoned with.
Comment's Rage I would have put Him in a coma and knocked his teeth out
The AB baby reminded me of a girl I went to school with, the whole delivery ward was up in a panic when she was born because she was O- with and AB+ mother. Until a doctor looked up the past records for checkups for the baby and found on an ultrasound early on there were originally two baby's. She had absorbed her sibling and took both O- Gene's from her dad in the process
👀 I didn't realize that could effect blood type
Is that called Chimera Syndrome?
Before I had a name I was nicknamed ‘The Sunshine Baby’ by the nurses on the maternity ward because I had bright red hair and yellow skin (jaundice)
HAHAHAH I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this! I'm sorry, that's horrible.
I used to be a yellow baby like you.....
Blue Planet-san You’re supposed to laugh at it, it’s kind of funny 😂
@@gihrenzabi7271 but then you took an arrow to the knee.
If your skin is yellow doesn't that mean your kidney (or liver idk) has failed?
My Auntie also had an Albino baby (my cousin). Apparently there was a funny exchange like it
Albino babies are so cute. I feel bad that they’re bullied in the black community though.
In which black communit(ies)? I've never known that to be a thing
Dion Jones Oh. It might be different where you are? They’re less accepted in the Sudanese community here.
I'm sorry to hear that. I know traditionally Among many African communities in the motherland there are many superstitions about them. While cousin is the only Albino I know, I've seen 1 or 2 others. In California at least where I live, I'm used to people making fun of me for being dark so I've rarely ever considered that people would bully others for being at the opposite end of the spectrum
Dion Jones I think it’s because it’s not common and may seem a bit alien. They’re quite striking though!
*"wElL tHaT's ThAt BrItTaNy"*
when i was born my dad thought my mom cheated cuz i was much darker than both of them lol
Hahhahha (who is going to tell them)
s(he) s(hit) (her)self
Altrocado I mean she deserves it
@@altreon3608 ssself
That last one... What a great dude
The one with the young girl impregnated by her gym teacher: I hope the parents didn’t blame and punish her for what happened. That entire situation was on the pedo teacher, not the literal child that had no idea what was happening to her.
You're assuming teenagers are incapable of trying to hit on and flirt with people older than them; some will and do. She was probably too embarrassed she willingly did it because pregnancy has a chance to not happen and she got unlucky.
They obviously did because she kept repeatedly saying “sorry daddy”
So you guys are saying the ADULT PEDOPHILE who had the shameless Ness to show up at the delivery, is less at fault then the 12 year old victim??
Besides, what if he just straight up ra*ed her? The only reason why she'd say sorry then is because she'd feel disgusted about what happened and felt like somehow it was her fault because of people like you.
I just wish the dad beat the fuck out of the gym teacher with the chair.
I couldn't imagine being a father in the delivery room only to be ready to sign the papers to see that baby clearly is not mine.
I think mandatory paternity testing should be a thing. This is very important for families and fathers.
@@adelb7897 It's also important to know that the woman is a cheater.
@@vukkulvar9769 sadly laws are in favour of these women and men cannot do much. However if a man cheats , women ends up with his earnings and maybe half of his salary .Feels like laws are biased and does not believe in equality
@@priyanshsharma1744 my 45 will beg to differ cant take a woman side if she got no head
@@priyanshsharma1744 go to law school and understand how the law works. You’ll change your stance. But that also depends what country you live in. Conjugal settlement is meant for the support of the family, not on taking sides between the parties. If you cheated, youre considered in bad faith. Its the law’s way of punishing you for not upholding the oath you took in the marriage. You forfeit your shares upon the profits of the properties. It doesnt punish you because youre a man, even women lose custody of their children and share in the properties. Dont get disillusioned and stay properly informed
My friends brother had a crazy ex he’d just broken up with maybe a month before, and she calls him to tell him she’s pregnant and it’s his.
Go through the whole pregnancy thing, he’s ecstatic, but she’s obviously using the baby as sort of leverage on him.
Finally baby is born.
Friends brother is Asian and Native American, girlfriend is Chinese.
Baby comes out
Exact same color as a chocolate bar.
Girlfriend goes crazy and starts screaming at boyfriend like it’s his fault and abandons the baby at the hospital while he’s sleeping.
The real dad never came forward, but it was revealed she had a coworker fuckbuddy in the side while she was dating my friend’s brother.
He legally adopted the little girl and she has no idea about the whole fiasco, just that her dad and lots of aunts and uncles (big family) love her.
Well at least that dude is responsible. If you see your friend's brother tell him that someone out there really respects him.
katasoarus rex AWWW
your friends bro deserves heroic recognition. Absent father? not while I'm here!
that is such a messed up thing to do to someone.
My eyes instantly widened when I read “about an hour later, her phys ed teacher stopped by...”
"Sometimes the copier is just low on toner" i-
“Even if she did cheat, there’s no way the baby could be THAT white.”
I came out blue cause the umbilical cord was strangling me - My mom lost a lot of blood. Both my mom & I almost died, the doctors & nurses were no help. My father & grandparents were freaking out cause the doctor told them things like, "Either your wife or your daughter", almost making them decide which of us should die in order to save the other. Thank God we both survived, & later on I gained 3 brothers. None of them had the same issue I did, thank God!
My first brother was the heaviest out of all four of us. My second brother was born on thanksgiving & gained the nickname "Turkey Baby". And the youngest was almost born in the toilet, cause my Mom thought she had to pee.
We still joke about it today.
my parents had three children, me, my younger brother, and my youngest brother. growing up we all looked different, but because he knew my mom would never cheat and he didn’t dip, he realized we were definitely his. all the weird habits or the way we stared at people, the smirks we gave, our personalities, the way our head tilted slightly when we were confused, all of our qualities mirrored our father. he doesn’t even speak of his beliefs and morals bc he’s a very “keep to himself” type of guy, but sometimes we talk about life and we would play “what would you do” and needless to say, all four of us would have similar answers and viewpoints. the only reason all three of us looked different is because we were mixed with our mom, dad, and another family member. so i resemble our paternal granny, my younger brother resembles our paternal uncle, and my youngest brother resembles our maternal uncle. the only one who looked identical to my father was the second child born, my little brother up in heaven :)
sprite of the woodlands awww that’s actually such a great text to read. Thank you.
I dunno. 95% of the people cheated on thought their partners "would absolutely 100% never cheat" too.
Un1234l stop, dude. That's unnecessary.
Reality is harsh, bud. Gotta accept and face the facts. No good living life ignorant and naive. Makes you weak.
Un1234l Nah, I think you're just an asshole. Let them live their damn lives. If they have doubt, they'll figure it out. You don't need to add unnecessary paranoia and anger on someone.
"A child that was obviously not the fathers"
*SPEECH* 100
*LOGIC* 100
i've been binge watching all of these for the last month... anything to do with dads. long story short, I miss my dad. these vids help me cope and remember funny times. thanks.
so for anyone who wants to read... my dad passed away just over a month ago, and i had taken care of him for the last year and a half, and he could not hold his bowels. some of my fondest memories with this man was when he taught me how to ride a bicycle... i now own and operate the largest bicycle shop in my bumbfuck nowhere county. I'm 24. worst part was that I never knew he was my stepfather, i mean... he had a different last name, and looked nothing like me, but our demeanor and mindset and the way we interacted with people was exactly the same. i never thought much of it, he was always 'dad'. he always felt like 'dad'. my mother was a cheating abusive whore, and he would find her cheating several times a month. when i was younger he'd take me out for pizza and root beers at the local pizza joint several times a month. when i was older I found out those were the nights he found my mom cheating. (he told me this when i dated someone identical in behavior to my dear old mum.)
Worst part is, because he never formally adopted me, my state does not recognize me as his son. (Florida, go figure.) I couldn't even get his ashes. the state eventually found out my grandma had a brother with grandkids (who are just as twacked out as my mum) who got all of the money that i had invested with my dad, i.e. $700k in stocks and bonds, his $200K vintage Porsche, both his house and my grandma's, and the estate lawyer ended up going into the house where I lived with him for the last year+ (i was in Louisiana visiting my best friend in the USAF because i have only him as a friend and i needed a bro, for a weekend) and took more of my shit than his. they took all of my tools, (some i needed to work the bike shop) my old harley, (58 panhead, i had kept the title in the filing cabinet with his titles, I guess the lawyer did not even bother to check names) a couple of heirloom jap swords that my grandfather brought back from WWII, and a few other bits and bobs like my dad's diplomas. the bloody tweakers got everything. even my shit. I can't afford a lawyer, because i was effectively homeless after that, and i've been sleeping in the back of my bike shop, the nights I can't bother to afford a motel. i'm super depressed and this shit is so fucked. i know i've rambled through this, thanks all for reading. i guess these vids just help me remember funny times with my dad.
I'm really sorry to hear this... This is just so messed up. Were you informed in any way about your things being taken away? What happened to your dad afterwards and how are you doing?
Can u update ?
@@dodgedemonsrtx I gave up. I moved on. I found work as a commercial fisherman. my last outing, I fell off the boat in 100% weather. treading water for just over 20 minutes, but that night I had a dream that my dad came to me and told me to go find my biodad. well... I came in a week later, sold everything I owned, and hopped on my motorcycle and went from florida to california to look for him at an address and info my mother had. I met his brother on a fluke, and he informed me he lived in Cedar Rapids, IA. I currently am sitting next to my biodad, who is... not what I expected. i'm still sorting out my mental state, and I sat down and had to cry at work today because a song came on the radio that reminded me of my stepdad... the country song about the stepdad called 'my boy' or something. really got to me. anyway.. a little bit of a happy ending. my biodad is... well he's not like me, at all.... then he does things that really frustrate me because they were things I used to do. and he's a hardcore video gamer... where I like hunting and fishing and working on cars etc...
Sometimes if the baby doesn’t look exactly like the parents he or she might take after their grandparents or other relatives.
I like your profile pic!
I lucked out to resemble my Gram; she's one of the most beautiful women in the world, to me, so It's one of the few things that keep my self esteem from being entirely shit...
True, people often forget about grandparents. Genes can skip generations.
Feeling sorry for the poor souls who could not discover the treachery on account of being the same race as the mother
That's why you don't sign anything until you get a paternity test. Even if it looks like you. Even if everyone tells you it looks like you. Even if you're "100%" sure it's yours. Don't sign anything til you get atleast a preliminary OTC test. I've seen courts COERCE non-biological parents to pay support just because their name was on the birth cert.
@@maxdecphoenix I’ve taken this policy to heart, soul, and mind
This almost reminded me of the situation where I found out that the baby that I had fathered for three months wasn't mine. I was devastated and heartbroken...
Not one story about a man getting pregnant with someone else's baby.something is wrong with my social construct button.
wait, that's illegal...
Sex=\=gender. Plus intersex people exist.
Erik Tiber intersex people are always easily identifiable as to what gender they actually are.
In Mpreg/Omegaverse universe, this is a real problem.
@@tibbygaycat intersex are the only ones who get to say "not male or female" and they're already extremely rare
2:22 we all knew where this was going
GMLR 16 Yep. Broke my heart. Not only for the girl, but imagine the boyfriend having to come to grips with the reality that someone he loved was taken advantage of (or not, but I’ll give the girl the benefit of the doubt in this case) by someone who he may have genuinely trusted and liked. It’s fucked up.
if i was her father when the gym teacher showed up i'd make sure he left in a hundred goddamned pieces
in some nations you could even get off scott free. in america there is a concept known as jury nullification for this reason.
@@bezretmet yeah i know, jury nullification is great
When he said “Hey hey daddio” that rly hit me😔
6:08 It’s people like that aunt who give Christians a bad name
People like that are to Christianity as the Pharisees were to the Jews.
well... being led by nonces probably doesn't help your case much.
Christians give christians a bad name. At least in the US, ones like the aunt are the status quo.
@@WobblesandBean in croatia we r very religius country but also we r crazy sinners for example
1. Our most common swear is
I fuck ur god/fuck god/fuck jesus and that is said atleast 10 times in a day by everyone who is older then 10yo
2. We drink waaaaaaay too much
3. We smoke too much etc etc
So we kinda understand that people r sinners and that god is there to forgive those who have sinned not to punish them
Some examples( that cheating wife who was bout to get stoned bcuz of cheating
He forgive judas for betraying him
He forgave peter for denieing him 3 times etc)
Btw this is coming from 18yo who loves to dive into any topic avaiable and learn the most I can posibbly can
"steves lunch box"
My man Steve is getting some pretty damn stupid lunch LMAO
It may have been an ex.
Man the parents that decide to raise and love kids that are theirs are so amazing.
Let me try on those nightmare-vision goggles.
Everything looks the same...
That second story reminded me of one of my teachers from high school. He and his wife (both very white) had a baby girl. Their daughter was born black, but has features exactly like her parents. There was a LOT of confusion right away but it turns out of one the wife's grandparents was black (she was adopted, so she never knew till she did some digging). Their daughter happened to have that gene expressed so she had dark skin. Genetics are so neat!
video topics: 😞
background music: 🥳
Alot of good daddies in these stories, just goes to show. Blood doesnt always make family
"Sometimes the copier is just low on toner"
That’s cute.
You're not the Father
Father : nothing*
Doctor : Default dancing*
My fellow men out there, this is why you own your own house one day, own your car, sign a prenup and DONT co sign a thing. If you get cheated on or she gets bored...you lose nothing.
Looking out for you bros 💙
Prenups are not iron clad. If your partner decided to actually fight it, chances are good it will get chopped up into itty bitty pieces in court. Depends on differing factors, length of the marriage , what exactly the terms covered in the prenup etc.
Id rather go to prison than pay anything 😂 no one is going tobe leeching off of me.
same for women! it's gonna suck if it was actually joe who took the kids
Bros before hoes
Kinda thanks!? Read the comment below
10:43 "code yellow in labor room"
Me: whips out phone and follows the large Male nurses
video: albino
text to speech: *ALBEANO*
Well how are you going to pronounce it then
@Ethan Wilde oh okay, thank you
@Ethan Wilde it's just that we pronounce it as albeano where I live
I never understood why people cheat. It’s so disrespectful and cruel, especially when there is then a chance of a child being involved.
Thankfully both my kids look so much like my husband there is no doubt who’s they could be!! But I would happily let them be DNA tested a hundred times, because I know I wasn’t near anyone else for months and months before I started dating my husband, and with our second it was nearly a decade!
There is no shame in consensual polyam relationships, but I’m yet to read a story about those people having children... Although I do love the idea of a sister wife to be friends with and share some of the burdens of child rearing etc. It would only work if my husband wanted that too.
because sometimes you mean someone hotter than your partner, and you can't keep it in your pants.
I come from a very mixed family so it's always a huge toss up to what the baby will come out looking like. I was born looking like a full blown Chinese baby. After a few years the Hawaiian genes kicked in and my hair became thick, long, and curly. I have no physical trace of Asian left and now no one believes my baby pictures are actually me 😂😂
I was born dark. VERY dark. My grandma thought my mom cheated and was pissed af
5:31 I can just imagine him walking through his front door all like, “Hey honey, guess what I FOUND OUT today?”
If it doesnt look like its yours
DONT sign the birth certificate
Leave and divorce
While that may be true, there's still genetics to take into consideration. :pp Maybe your parent looked like that when they were born? lol
In my country the birth certificate is signed for you and you have no choice in the matter unless an other man come dispute the claim.
Men have no rights in my country when it come to paternity. DNA test are outlawed unless mandated by a judge.
@@vukkulvar9769 wow i didnt know that. it seems very unfair to the man in my opinion!
i would say don't sign til a paternity test shows it's yours. Even if it looks like you. Even if everyone tells you it looks like you. Even if you're "100%" sure it's yours.
And even then, those DNA companies have admitted lying about genetic history before.
That las one made my heart break. Poor guy deserves someone better
Ugh, these AI voices
AI: Army hospital _featuring Lewis_
Me: I'm sorry, was that the original version of the song or one of the remixes?
I honestly can.only watch ones with the AI voice