I have no problems watching it, other than this building rage. Did they not have any QA whatsoe... actually that's a ridiculous question, of course they didn't.
He has a point. I was, probably, the only one in my block that played it.. Even the older 'pro-gamers' looked at me with "the fuck is this kid talking about".
MorrinWellSmith I remember most of my friends playing GTA 2 and we played it in multiplayer at LAN parties and everyone was saying "this would be fun if it was in 3D like Driver". Then GTA 3 came and everyone hated it because it was boring and had no multiplayer.
I played this game back in the day, during middle school. Right in the 5th grade, too, we had this half-ass computer class once a week, where the _teach_ was laid-back enough to let us play most of the time. GTA and RollerCoaster Tycoon are the only games I remember us having played there. Not all that much, but it was fun sharing the experience. Although I played a fair bit more of RollerCoaster Tycoon at home, I didn't play much of GTA, yet enough for me to feel significant nostalgia for it to this day. I continue to like the sprites and the animations, outdated as they are. I rather like all the 90's cars, the sprites are well done for a top-down view. But the zooming... that's always been ghastly and, I think, the main reason I didn't play it more. I remember it making the game a lot harder than it could've been, but watching it now, it's quickly headache inducing. I surmise that watching someone else play it is even worse than playing it yourself. I wonder if there isn't a helpful little mod out there by now that addresses this one major problem with the game...
Good to see ya back guys. I'm glad you two have been taking this seriously, relatively speaking. It's the highlight of my weekend to see what yahtzee has to say, sadly enough. I lead a very boring life, as you must be able to tell. As long as you guys keep making these I'll keep coming back for more. This is my favorite podcast, which sounds special until I tell you it's the only podcast I listen to. But then you should feel special because I can't stand to listen to anyone drone on for an hour, except you! All the love in the world, Me.
I already have that on the 360 controller I bought to play PC Dark Souls. It has 2 scroll wheels placed where the curvature of your hands makes them right next to where you're actually holding the controller. Only problem is that they just function the same way as the buttons (IE left scroll upwards= D-Pad Down).
***** How do they work for Shooters or other action games? I'm sure a console gamer would appreciate the speed at which you can swap weapons and items.
naeviaus I don't really use them that often. Nothing in Dark Souls requires me to press the A/B Buttons or D Pad quicker than just pressing the actual buttons, and Dark Souls is pretty much the only game that I use it for. I may play Bastion soon, though, so I'll edit this if it changes my opinions. EDIT: With the amount of replies to this chain, I assume that at least some of you are wondering about if Bastion has changed my opinion. Turns out it hasn't, it not actually using the D Pad. Hope it was worth the weight.
Strangly enough I didn't notice that we went without a week with these. Thinking about it now, Brutal Doom was two weeks ago. I have the worst grasp of time.
Ironically, the touchpad on the PS4 controller would be good for either: - Casual use of native Windows 8 apps and Start screen on HTPCs - Using the classic Steam interface on gaming PCs hooked up to a TV - For controlling a mouse cursor in the PS4's built-in webbrowser None of those actually do work of course.
I really like the sound mix here! The last video (Doom) was making it pretty hard to listen to it, while doing something else. This is absolutely perfect, talking understandable, game in the background. Perfect!
My best moment in old GTA was when i was rampaging in a tank. Got stuck on a lamp post and got out to run for it but the cop got me behind the tank. "Busted" came up on the screen but suddenly the tank rolled backwards and squashed the cop. Took me a few seconds to realize that was enough to cancel out the arrest and i was free to continue my rampage.
Oh and then there was that time i was burning people with a flamethrower and a guy ran off the screen, a few seconds later the same guy drove past in a convertible still on fire. He stopped and waited in traffic and everything like it was an everyday thing.
About the camera, it zooms out while he's pressing the accelerator, when he lets off it zooms back in. when it's bouncing in and out it's because he's tapping the accelerator... all Gabe's fault imho.
The first GTA games would have been 10 times more popular if the driving camera had just defaulted to a medium zoom out and stayed there. You could only see 10 feet in front of you to start, and it only zoomed out when you sped up, but it took too long so you always hit something because you couldn't see far out enough to avoid hitting stuff. The dead stop after hitting something made the camera zoom back in, repeating the whole cycle over again. I remember thinking "Wow the anarchy in this game would be AMAZING if the zoom didn't make it unplayable." Then GTA 3 would not only fix that, but add all the insane production value on top of it and blow everyone's mind. I remember first watching my college roommate playing it in 2001 and my jaw was on the floor the entire time.
Yeah man, holy shit... I played this briefly back in the day, but I have no memory of how nauseating the camera was. This is the first let's drown out i have to consume like an audio only podcast because I'm afraid the camera could give me brain cancer...
Between the camera and the constant honking idk how anyone was able to play this headache dispencer for more than 5 minutes let alone enough to qualify it for a seuquel, but i guess that a good thing
Honestly it was infinitely more fun watching Yahtzee play than Gabe. At least he was having fun messing around instead of aimlessly driving in circles. Kind of goes against the "boring game" point of "Let's Drown Out" but whatever.
The Extra Credits guys have said that motion controls are the uncanny valley of game controls. VR helmets like the Occulus Rift are the uncanny valley of display technology. All that Kickstarter money would have been better spent putting amusing captions on pictures of cats.
Interesting enough, James Mackavoy and Patrick Steward both played on Dune's adaptation films, Patrick Steward as Gurney on Dune and James as Leto 3rd (the god emperor) on Children of Dune.
I find that Karl Pilkington is not a very bright man, but he is a man who thinks in a world of people who do not. The things that he comes up with are, on occasion, absolutely amazing. My favourite thing is when he tries to talk around the riddle of the two doormen who do and do not lie.
Man, this game was THE craze at my school when it came out. At our breaks at school we used to draw our own seperate GTA picture then at the end of the break we taped them all together to make one big map. Was awesome :)
Kitty Pryde wasn't even close to being an original team member. She wasn't even a member of the second team. She didn't come around until almost two decades after the X-Men were created. What kind of nerd doesn't know this?!
Huh? When I was in middle school, GTA 2 (which came out when I was in 6th grade) was a pretty big deal among the kids. Though idk if it's because we were in middle school. Hmmm...however, my older brother was already out of high school by then and his friends were into GTA 2 as well, so idk. Maybe GTA 1 and 2 weren't near as popular as the 3D games, but they definitely weren't _unpopular_ like they're saying here.
I've been a fan since your heavenly sword video and in all these years Yahtzee has yet to disappoint me. your dry wit and humor is a shining beacon of entertainment in a world drowned in boring videos full of whiny politically correct SJ warriors more concerned with not offending anybody than making something entertaining. Thank you for making content worth watching. The addition of Gabe only makes a good thing even better. Y'all brighten my day, thanks for being awesome. Please keep up the good work!
Aw what?! I guess it's a good thing I have a decent backlog to watch then. They can still make new ones even if not in person. We have the technology, we can rebuild Let's Drown Out!
I find myself rewatching LDO quite a lot. But considering he moved a few months back, and they've not produced anything since, it doesn't seem likely that they'll make any more.
Yeah they said they aren't making any more, Gabe has went too far into Australia that the kangaroos ate all the internet cables, so they cant even do it over Skype, which means they would need to do pre-recordings and send it to each other. Alot of fucking around and wouldn't be as good and Yahtzee said would just slowly die. Sucks, but hey we can always do what Im doing and go for a marathon of all of them :)
Dude, everyone cared about GTA 1 and 2. It was all over the game magazines at the time. GTA was the shit. Ofcourse when GTA 3 hit the shit hit the fan and the popularity spiked tenfold. But still, the previous games were great in their own rights. I remember aligning myself with a gang and hanging in their neighborhood while aggro'ing cops, and the gang always came out to help me, huge fights happened and it was glorious. Haven't seen gameplay like that in the modern GTA games ..
When it comes to Karl Pilkington I'll paraphrase Gabriel's comments about Steve Irwin. I hated him at first cos I thought it was all just an act. Then I realised no that's genuinely what he's like and oh God that's amazing!
If anyone actually sees this and is curious, in the original comic line of Days of Future Past, Rachel Summers, sister to Alex and Scott Summer (Havok and Cyclops) sends Kitty Pryde back in time because of her abilities. Any person she touches also becomes intangible so they are safe when she's using her powers. She uses this power to save Senator Kelly from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Mystique, Pyro and a few others but not Magneto?
I get the feeling that Patric Seward is a really personable guy who one could totally talk to well. If you start a conversation with "hey I loved your performance in PBS's Macbeth where you made that ham sandwhich will instructing the murderers" then it wouldn't be that bad. Edward Herrmann, for example, looks like the kind of guy who would be hard to talk to but he's actually really nice and easy to talk to. I was on a set with him for a small movie a while back and he actually came out and ate lunch with the grips and talked about movies with people.
9:30 When I was in year 8, I once heard one of the younger kids on the school bus yell at someone "You're a doofhead!". Everyone on the bus just burst out laughing...
I think the PS4 touchpad was pretty cool. Its not bad enough to get in the way, but its able to be there to relieve more controls for games that would really use up more commands. I think shadow fall used it really well, and kept things like the real D-pad free for other commands it used.
Yahtzee, you might want to look up Brain-computer interfaces, they (somewhat) provide thought control for computers. If Gabe finds reading academic papers interesting and have access to them, have him look up some of the later papers of Anton Nijholt, specifically "Turning shortcomings into challenges: Brain-computer interfaces for games".
Why didn't they let you zoom manually? That would've been awesome and feels obvious from a design point of view. Edit: This is not as naseous when playing on a CRT with 800x600 155 hz. It is not made to play on LCD/LED with 60/120 hz. It simply does not work.
+Lolwutfordawin It kinda reminds me of a car chase being filmed by a helicopter camera man. A really horrible camera man. Still though, I do wish indie devs would use scaling more instead of using such tiny sprites without scaling.
+Joe Mountfort It's easier when YOU play, as you know what camera will do next, tho. I'm a little sick, just a little, watching it, but i didn't have any problems playing it 5- years ago. Didn't have any problems playing it 20 years ago, also. I think i became a little easier to "sicken" nowadays, so i may have some problems now.
I think there's one really good use for motion controls that Yahtzee overlooked, and it is the reason a lot of first person games were on the wishlist for the Wii: A replacement mouse, for precision cursor/camera movement. A mouse is nothing more than a motion controller bound to a fixed plane, and it still beats out a controller for pointing, clicking, and dragging. If they made motion controllers just a little more precise (less waggling at the screen and hoping something moves in the direction you want it too), gamepads could finally catch up to the only thing they still fall behind in. Heck that could be a potential use for the pad on a PS4 controller, to a lesser extent. You wouldn't be able to move, look, and act all at the same time with it because using the pad would take up one of your thumbs (unless you got used the touchpad with your index finger or something, but that seems really uncomfortable. Maybe they should put the touchpad on the back, like on the back like the Vita), but you could totally use the pad for more easily selecting a group of units in an RTS. Put it this way, if you were playing something like Maniac Mansion (or any point 'n click adventure) on a console, would you use the d-pad, an analog stick, motion control, or a touch-pad to control the cursor?
On the Xbone controller, it actually does have a decent feature. The rumble in the triggers is actually pretty cool. It does a good job of adding something to Forza. And it doesn't feel gimmicky at all. At least, it's way less gimmicky than an unreachable touchpad. It does eat batteries like crazy though, and there doesn't appear to be any way to turn rumble off either. And I think E3 this year is going to be pretty good. Certainly better than it's been in recent years. Last year was the hardware wankery, and before that things had already gotten stale from a console generation going on too long. Now we actually get to see new stuff. Maybe a lot of that is stuff that was teased last year, but this time we actually get to see it. I'm hopeful they'll announce some cool stuff too though. It seems likely to me. I think we're going to start seeing 3rd parties get over the initial hurdle of new hardware. Also, MS are doing a lot of hand-wringing, so I think we might see a different, more pleasing side to them this year. Sleeping Dogs was never initially a True Crime game. The studio pitched it as a new IP to the publisher (I forget who), but they decided to rebrand it as a True Crime game because they were the owners of the IP. Then once they got cancelled and picked up by a new publisher, they dropped the True Crime name and went back to the original idea. The studio also never changed through that.
"unreachable touchpad" WTF? Oh, wait. You use and Xbox controller, than means you have deformed hands, right? Srsly, tho' the pad is RIGHT NEXT TO THE BUTTONS. It is easy to use
Well, come on. The sticks are in different timezones, for Christ's sake! You say the touch pad is unreachable, I say the xbox controller is for people who got on the wrong side of a made man wielding a hammer
LordMorltha People love to complain about pads, and I find that most of the complaints are utterly ridiculous, with the exception of things like physical characteristics of the pad affecting the function - like the shitty 360 d-pad, and the baffling domed analogue sticks of the PS3 pad that see your fingers slip off if you get a bit sweaty. When people say stupid crap like "unreachable track pad" or "I can't use this pad because the analogue sticks aren't in the right place", I tend to switch off. The thumbsticks on both controllers are easily reachable because they were designed with our thumb's range of motion in mind. Symmetrical, asymmetrical, it makes no difference. People claim that sort of thing because they prefer the feel of one pad over another, and make the dumbass leap that it must be the position of the sticks rather than the overall ergonomics of the pad as a whole. The track pad is easy to reach for all but the most arthritic of hands. The people that say this kind of stuff are usually the ones who haven't actually used the pad in question....like all those people whining about the WiiU gamepad being too big and uncomfortable to hold....it was utter bollocks. I have quite small hands, and that gamepad is a joy to hold...people who hadn't used it were just put off by the thought of it, or had a fanboy axe to grind. There's not been a truly broken or uncomfortable control pad released for years now.
The PS4 controller's touch thingy-deally could be good if you used it as an analog input distinct from the sticks and the triggers. It could be applied to any analog task that is distinct from moving around and looking. AC4 used it for multi-touch map navigation so that you could pan and zoom as you can in google maps on your phone. You could use it as a context sensitive "use" button and have supplemental input given through the way and direction you swipe (opening doors toward or away from you -- quickly or slowly, rotating/examining 3d held objects, etc). I think you could also get it to work quite well as a rough equivalent to mouse wheel input (scrolling between options in a context menu, switching items, etc).
So much nostalgia, I barely played GTA 1 when I was a kid because I had to play it on a friends house, but GTA2? I overplayed the shit out of it, I can still remember the map for the 3 cities.
“When was the last time someone went to hospital with a virus”
This hasn’t aged well.
Yeah, in 2020 we call that a weekday.
I immediately proceeded to the comments when they said that and was not disappointed.
@@theblackwidower And 2021... 2022 looks even worse, what with omicron variant.
Is there anything more terminally online than running to a comment section to scream THING DIDN'T AGE WELL every time a real life event happens?
Holy fucking shit, that camera is hellspawn.
Have a bucket ready.
I have never had a problem feeling sick watching any game ever, but this is giving me the weirdest headache.
It is not helping my hangover.
I have no problems watching it, other than this building rage.
Did they not have any QA whatsoe... actually that's a ridiculous question, of course they didn't.
Luckily, I mostly just listen to these things. The parts I did watch made me cringe at the thought of having to do it for an hour or two.
Wait you mean people actually watch these? I just listen to them and occasionally glance over if they mention something about the game
Also, Gabe is nuts. "Bring two taxis to the crane". Then he proceeds to bring EVERYTHING but a bloody taxi... ;)
Legitimately hilarious, that, he took over half an hour to realise.
'Don't crack your bones at the mic. Some people are really grossed out by it...'
*Yahtzee ferociously cracks knuckles*
Gabe: "when's the last time you ever heard of anyone going to the hospital because of a virus?"
2020: *glances nervously*
Came here to make or like this comments 😮
Sigh, miss this series. Miss this duo.
Weird, I don't remember the camera being this vomit inducing.
It's because it running at a faster framerate I think, RE4 HD had the same problem. Everything looked too fast.
Thatguy7242 That would explain it, actually. Thanks for the update.
Actually, it's because he sucks.
@@SleekMinister yeah, he seems unable to drive in a straight line, which causes the permanent speed variations.
I do, it was pretty terrible to drive with it. Lol
The second I saw he missed the "bring two taxis" message.... I knew.
"No one gave a shit about GTA 1 & 2" Now that's bollocks.
He has a point.
I was, probably, the only one in my block that played it..
Even the older 'pro-gamers' looked at me with "the fuck is this kid talking about".
Really? People round where I lived went ape shit over the game. I'm sure it was number 1 in the game charts in the UK for a while
MorrinWellSmith I remember most of my friends playing GTA 2 and we played it in multiplayer at LAN parties and everyone was saying "this would be fun if it was in 3D like Driver".
Then GTA 3 came and everyone hated it because it was boring and had no multiplayer.
Molo9000 Well i guess you guys were lucky..
Uh, Driver was awesome.
GTA2 is one of my all time favorites, and I still maintain that it has by far the best radio stations of all the GTA games.
I played this game back in the day, during middle school. Right in the 5th grade, too, we had this half-ass computer class once a week, where the _teach_ was laid-back enough to let us play most of the time. GTA and RollerCoaster Tycoon are the only games I remember us having played there. Not all that much, but it was fun sharing the experience.
Although I played a fair bit more of RollerCoaster Tycoon at home, I didn't play much of GTA, yet enough for me to feel significant nostalgia for it to this day. I continue to like the sprites and the animations, outdated as they are. I rather like all the 90's cars, the sprites are well done for a top-down view. But the zooming... that's always been ghastly and, I think, the main reason I didn't play it more. I remember it making the game a lot harder than it could've been, but watching it now, it's quickly headache inducing. I surmise that watching someone else play it is even worse than playing it yourself.
I wonder if there isn't a helpful little mod out there by now that addresses this one major problem with the game...
Over the course of about 3 seconds:
*zoom in*
*zoom out*
*zoom in*
*zoom out*
*zoom in*
*zoom out
I could listen to just Y and G describe Pilkington for hours. It's so nice to hear someone talk on nearly any subject with insight and a vocabulary.
Good to see ya back guys. I'm glad you two have been taking this seriously, relatively speaking. It's the highlight of my weekend to see what yahtzee has to say, sadly enough. I lead a very boring life, as you must be able to tell. As long as you guys keep making these I'll keep coming back for more. This is my favorite podcast, which sounds special until I tell you it's the only podcast I listen to. But then you should feel special because I can't stand to listen to anyone drone on for an hour, except you!
All the love in the world,
"AIDS is not corn." -Gabriel Morton, 2014
Million dollar idea: Add a scrollwheel to your controller.
I already have that on the 360 controller I bought to play PC Dark Souls. It has 2 scroll wheels placed where the curvature of your hands makes them right next to where you're actually holding the controller. Only problem is that they just function the same way as the buttons (IE left scroll upwards= D-Pad Down).
***** How do they work for Shooters or other action games? I'm sure a console gamer would appreciate the speed at which you can swap weapons and items.
naeviaus I don't really use them that often. Nothing in Dark Souls requires me to press the A/B Buttons or D Pad quicker than just pressing the actual buttons, and Dark Souls is pretty much the only game that I use it for. I may play Bastion soon, though, so I'll edit this if it changes my opinions.
EDIT: With the amount of replies to this chain, I assume that at least some of you are wondering about if Bastion has changed my opinion. Turns out it hasn't, it not actually using the D Pad. Hope it was worth the weight.
naeviaus Since its quite likely that this is the last console generation its probably never going to happen.
And some kind of sensor, or rolling ball that would track movement of the controller over flat surface, for increased precision over analog stick.
Mission arrow: *pointing left*
I remember nicking buses in this game and ramming everything out of the way until the fucker exploded.
Good Times.
He wants taxis, Gabe! But the only cars you aren't stealing are the bloody cabs!
Strangly enough I didn't notice that we went without a week with these. Thinking about it now, Brutal Doom was two weeks ago. I have the worst grasp of time.
Ironically, the touchpad on the PS4 controller would be good for either:
- Casual use of native Windows 8 apps and Start screen on HTPCs
- Using the classic Steam interface on gaming PCs hooked up to a TV
- For controlling a mouse cursor in the PS4's built-in webbrowser
None of those actually do work of course.
I really like the sound mix here! The last video (Doom) was making it pretty hard to listen to it, while doing something else. This is absolutely perfect, talking understandable, game in the background. Perfect!
Still love these! I wish they'd come back
My best moment in old GTA was when i was rampaging in a tank. Got stuck on a lamp post and got out to run for it but the cop got me behind the tank. "Busted" came up on the screen but suddenly the tank rolled backwards and squashed the cop. Took me a few seconds to realize that was enough to cancel out the arrest and i was free to continue my rampage.
Oh and then there was that time i was burning people with a flamethrower and a guy ran off the screen, a few seconds later the same guy drove past in a convertible still on fire. He stopped and waited in traffic and everything like it was an everyday thing.
"Don't be Gabriel" sounds like good solid advice Yatzee.
"zoom in, shake. zoom out, shake. steal cars." should have been the games initial title
Oh, thank god you figured out that you were supposed to give the crane taxis. I was gonna lose my mind :D
About the camera, it zooms out while he's pressing the accelerator, when he lets off it zooms back in. when it's bouncing in and out it's because he's tapping the accelerator... all Gabe's fault imho.
"What if I wish for shit?"
The hand you shit into now have what you wish for while the hand you wish into remains empty so the point still stand.
You just sign up for the task of shit. Which the mighty power is very confused by, thus why they keep giving us shit.
And it all makes sense now.
+Ellixer Eluxee Actually you get shit in both hands. Your shittin' hand gets shit, and the wishing hand gets what you wish for.
I love these videos, I always look forward to them!
The first GTA games would have been 10 times more popular if the driving camera had just defaulted to a medium zoom out and stayed there. You could only see 10 feet in front of you to start, and it only zoomed out when you sped up, but it took too long so you always hit something because you couldn't see far out enough to avoid hitting stuff. The dead stop after hitting something made the camera zoom back in, repeating the whole cycle over again.
I remember thinking "Wow the anarchy in this game would be AMAZING if the zoom didn't make it unplayable." Then GTA 3 would not only fix that, but add all the insane production value on top of it and blow everyone's mind. I remember first watching my college roommate playing it in 2001 and my jaw was on the floor the entire time.
Welcome to 1997 videogaming... It was a simple time with simple games and headache inducing cameras. Honestly, i loved that game back in the day.
You got used to it fast, as well as the driving, and shooting.
I remember the PS1 version camera wasn't so crazy.
Yeah man, holy shit... I played this briefly back in the day, but I have no memory of how nauseating the camera was. This is the first let's drown out i have to consume like an audio only podcast because I'm afraid the camera could give me brain cancer...
Did they fix it with GTA2 or is it this is emulated and the physical version was less eratic?
Between the camera and the constant honking idk how anyone was able to play this headache dispencer for more than 5 minutes let alone enough to qualify it for a seuquel, but i guess that a good thing
Honestly it was infinitely more fun watching Yahtzee play than Gabe. At least he was having fun messing around instead of aimlessly driving in circles. Kind of goes against the "boring game" point of "Let's Drown Out" but whatever.
The problem with Pilkington is how his head is perfectly round, so his ideas have to bounce around so damn much before they get out of his mouth.
The Extra Credits guys have said that motion controls are the uncanny valley of game controls.
VR helmets like the Occulus Rift are the uncanny valley of display technology.
All that Kickstarter money would have been better spent putting amusing captions on pictures of cats.
Any opinion on this take in light of current VR?
Man I remember this game, back when I was 4/5 years old, memorize the way to the 2 tanks and rampaging around the town
Yahtzee didn't call out Gabe for saying Mario Maker "looks like it could be interesting."
Interesting enough, James Mackavoy and Patrick Steward both played on Dune's adaptation films, Patrick Steward as Gurney on Dune and James as Leto 3rd (the god emperor) on Children of Dune.
“Hello I’m yahtzee croshaw and where the fuck were you?!” XD
Gabe's tentative use of the accelerator while driving is... hard on the eyes. Brainache after less than 5 minutes.
I find that Karl Pilkington is not a very bright man, but he is a man who thinks in a world of people who do not. The things that he comes up with are, on occasion, absolutely amazing. My favourite thing is when he tries to talk around the riddle of the two doormen who do and do not lie.
Did everyone else get a bit miffed at half past when the need to grab 2 yellow taxis was absolutely and completely lost?
+David Donald No, because if you're watching for the gameplay, you're doing it wrong.
"Barely people gave a shit about 1 and 2."
GTA 1, and 2, some of the most controversial, talked about games off all time...
GTA back when you needed actual physical maps that came with the game to navigate.
Just bought and downloaded your book. Very excited.
the game was positivly throwing cabs at his face, but he wasn't having non of it. I love these, don't change :P
I beg to differ Yatzhee: if I go on a killing spree and then get caught, crazy women will write romantic letters to me in prison!
But your still on the receiving end of a power shower...
You'll also become Bubba's bitch in prison.
Man, this game was THE craze at my school when it came out. At our breaks at school we used to draw our own seperate GTA picture then at the end of the break we taped them all together to make one big map. Was awesome :)
Kitty Pryde wasn't even close to being an original team member. She wasn't even a member of the second team. She didn't come around until almost two decades after the X-Men were created. What kind of nerd doesn't know this?!
Always a fan of the conversation in these things but watching yellow cabs not be stolen is driving me crazy.
Oh thank god.
I would love to add Karl Pilkington to these videos. Watching Yahtzee and Gabe try to explain video games to Karl would be brilliant.
Huh? When I was in middle school, GTA 2 (which came out when I was in 6th grade) was a pretty big deal among the kids. Though idk if it's because we were in middle school. Hmmm...however, my older brother was already out of high school by then and his friends were into GTA 2 as well, so idk.
Maybe GTA 1 and 2 weren't near as popular as the 3D games, but they definitely weren't _unpopular_ like they're saying here.
"a little indie game" WTF? This was triple A at the time
E3 the investor meeting it has become?
It always was an investment meeting. They added fans to it
I've been a fan since your heavenly sword video and in all these years Yahtzee has yet to disappoint me. your dry wit and humor is a shining beacon of entertainment in a world drowned in boring videos full of whiny politically correct SJ warriors more concerned with not offending anybody than making something entertaining. Thank you for making content worth watching. The addition of Gabe only makes a good thing even better. Y'all brighten my day, thanks for being awesome. Please keep up the good work!
Yahtzee moved to the USA, so they don't make Let's Down Outs anymore, and the world is worse off because of it.
Aw what?! I guess it's a good thing I have a decent backlog to watch then. They can still make new ones even if not in person. We have the technology, we can rebuild Let's Drown Out!
I find myself rewatching LDO quite a lot.
But considering he moved a few months back, and they've not produced anything since, it doesn't seem likely that they'll make any more.
Yeah they said they aren't making any more, Gabe has went too far into Australia that the kangaroos ate all the internet cables, so they cant even do it over Skype, which means they would need to do pre-recordings and send it to each other.
Alot of fucking around and wouldn't be as good and Yahtzee said would just slowly die.
Sucks, but hey we can always do what Im doing and go for a marathon of all of them :)
The Golden Croshaw award should be for being "Best of a bad bunch"
Dude, everyone cared about GTA 1 and 2. It was all over the game magazines at the time. GTA was the shit. Ofcourse when GTA 3 hit the shit hit the fan and the popularity spiked tenfold. But still, the previous games were great in their own rights. I remember aligning myself with a gang and hanging in their neighborhood while aggro'ing cops, and the gang always came out to help me, huge fights happened and it was glorious. Haven't seen gameplay like that in the modern GTA games ..
When it comes to Karl Pilkington I'll paraphrase Gabriel's comments about Steve Irwin. I hated him at first cos I thought it was all just an act. Then I realised no that's genuinely what he's like and oh God that's amazing!
Kitty Pryde's new power could easily have been explained as a secondary mutation which is well established in the comics.
Holy shit that camera... Now I remember why I never finished GTA 1.
If anyone actually sees this and is curious, in the original comic line of Days of Future Past, Rachel Summers, sister to Alex and Scott Summer (Havok and Cyclops) sends Kitty Pryde back in time because of her abilities. Any person she touches also becomes intangible so they are safe when she's using her powers. She uses this power to save Senator Kelly from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Mystique, Pyro and a few others but not Magneto?
I can't deal with the camera
Can't deal
Ugh the camera in the 1st 30 seconds alone makes me queasy
snap, ok when your the one playing it, but not watching it.
Gabriel: Identifies strongly with Karl Pilkington.
God, I keep forgetting how atrocious that camera is.
The mentioning of Miyamoto with puppets was surprisingly accurate for the Star Fox Zero announcement at a few years later
I get the feeling that Patric Seward is a really personable guy who one could totally talk to well. If you start a conversation with "hey I loved your performance in PBS's Macbeth where you made that ham sandwhich will instructing the murderers" then it wouldn't be that bad. Edward Herrmann, for example, looks like the kind of guy who would be hard to talk to but he's actually really nice and easy to talk to. I was on a set with him for a small movie a while back and he actually came out and ate lunch with the grips and talked about movies with people.
Karl Pilkington is the kind of guy who's opinion you WANT to know where his brain goes with the information you give him.
I will donate everything I have to make "the golden Croshaw" a thing!
9:30 When I was in year 8, I once heard one of the younger kids on the school bus yell at someone "You're a doofhead!".
Everyone on the bus just burst out laughing...
I think the PS4 touchpad was pretty cool. Its not bad enough to get in the way, but its able to be there to relieve more controls for games that would really use up more commands. I think shadow fall used it really well, and kept things like the real D-pad free for other commands it used.
Yahtzee, you might want to look up Brain-computer interfaces, they (somewhat) provide thought control for computers.
If Gabe finds reading academic papers interesting and have access to them, have him look up some of the later papers of Anton Nijholt, specifically "Turning shortcomings into challenges: Brain-computer interfaces for games".
Man I loved gta 1 and 2 on my play station.
This game was massive when it came out. I remember buying it mail order and calling in sick from high school to play it. Brilliant game.
The camera makes my head hurt.
I downloaded it from steam expecting to be pleased with nostalgia, the zooming in and out made me sicker than any modern game has for a long time.
Can't watch, can only listen
Why didn't they let you zoom manually? That would've been awesome and feels obvious from a design point of view.
Edit: This is not as naseous when playing on a CRT with 800x600 155 hz. It is not made to play on LCD/LED with 60/120 hz. It simply does not work.
When you look at this, then you look at GTA V.
Hyper Super Man Old Channel and then u go play saints row 2
the constant zooming is genuinely making me ill...
+Lolwutfordawin ikr? how did people even play this? xD
+Lolwutfordawin It kinda reminds me of a car chase being filmed by a helicopter camera man. A really horrible camera man. Still though, I do wish indie devs would use scaling more instead of using such tiny sprites without scaling.
its hard to make me sick, but this FUCKING CAMERA!
+Joe Mountfort It's easier when YOU play, as you know what camera will do next, tho. I'm a little sick, just a little, watching it, but i didn't have any problems playing it 5- years ago. Didn't have any problems playing it 20 years ago, also. I think i became a little easier to "sicken" nowadays, so i may have some problems now.
I would enjoy an entire Drown out on educational theory actually :)
"What if I wish for shit?"
I nearly spat out my soda XD
7:01 Ahh god I love that exchange
"You're one of those people now?" "What are one of those people?" I was waiting for Gabriel to say "German".
Playing games and listening to podcasts... Kinda like how I listen to you two while playing Dark Souls.
Aeschylus was the one who got killed by an eagle dropping turtle, not Herodotus. Just sayin' :P
As far as I remember, there was no in-game map, just a printed one that came in the box. Ohh, '90s gaming. You so quaint.
I think there's one really good use for motion controls that Yahtzee overlooked, and it is the reason a lot of first person games were on the wishlist for the Wii: A replacement mouse, for precision cursor/camera movement.
A mouse is nothing more than a motion controller bound to a fixed plane, and it still beats out a controller for pointing, clicking, and dragging. If they made motion controllers just a little more precise (less waggling at the screen and hoping something moves in the direction you want it too), gamepads could finally catch up to the only thing they still fall behind in.
Heck that could be a potential use for the pad on a PS4 controller, to a lesser extent. You wouldn't be able to move, look, and act all at the same time with it because using the pad would take up one of your thumbs (unless you got used the touchpad with your index finger or something, but that seems really uncomfortable. Maybe they should put the touchpad on the back, like on the back like the Vita), but you could totally use the pad for more easily selecting a group of units in an RTS.
Put it this way, if you were playing something like Maniac Mansion (or any point 'n click adventure) on a console, would you use the d-pad, an analog stick, motion control, or a touch-pad to control the cursor?
As a Mainer, I am genuinely impressed with Gabriel's impression of a Maine accent.
The ending summary of this episode was rather good.
GTA 1 and 2 had best mapscreens ever. Actual paper maps.
Yahtzee Game of the Year - Euro Truck Simulator.
I was looking for GTA 1 gameplay... Yahtzee has just been a bonus.
Holy shit, a Trap Door reference.
Heck yeah! So much nostalgia.
re listening to the drownouts whilist trapped in my house cause of covid 19. when was the last time someone went to the hospital for a virus you ask?
LOL! 15:18 "Drive under the crane"... *Vroom* *Smash*!
Bad Boy Bubby may just be the greatest film of all time. So many quotable lines...
On the Xbone controller, it actually does have a decent feature. The rumble in the triggers is actually pretty cool. It does a good job of adding something to Forza. And it doesn't feel gimmicky at all. At least, it's way less gimmicky than an unreachable touchpad. It does eat batteries like crazy though, and there doesn't appear to be any way to turn rumble off either.
And I think E3 this year is going to be pretty good. Certainly better than it's been in recent years. Last year was the hardware wankery, and before that things had already gotten stale from a console generation going on too long. Now we actually get to see new stuff. Maybe a lot of that is stuff that was teased last year, but this time we actually get to see it. I'm hopeful they'll announce some cool stuff too though. It seems likely to me. I think we're going to start seeing 3rd parties get over the initial hurdle of new hardware. Also, MS are doing a lot of hand-wringing, so I think we might see a different, more pleasing side to them this year.
Sleeping Dogs was never initially a True Crime game. The studio pitched it as a new IP to the publisher (I forget who), but they decided to rebrand it as a True Crime game because they were the owners of the IP. Then once they got cancelled and picked up by a new publisher, they dropped the True Crime name and went back to the original idea. The studio also never changed through that.
The rumble paks won't work when used on PC so they're kinda irrelevant in that context.
"unreachable touchpad" WTF?
Oh, wait. You use and Xbox controller, than means you have deformed hands, right?
Srsly, tho' the pad is RIGHT NEXT TO THE BUTTONS. It is easy to use
LordMorltha Really? That's what you actually think? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This is UA-cam.
Well, come on. The sticks are in different timezones, for Christ's sake! You say the touch pad is unreachable, I say the xbox controller is for people who got on the wrong side of a made man wielding a hammer
People love to complain about pads, and I find that most of the complaints are utterly ridiculous, with the exception of things like physical characteristics of the pad affecting the function - like the shitty 360 d-pad, and the baffling domed analogue sticks of the PS3 pad that see your fingers slip off if you get a bit sweaty.
When people say stupid crap like "unreachable track pad" or "I can't use this pad because the analogue sticks aren't in the right place", I tend to switch off. The thumbsticks on both controllers are easily reachable because they were designed with our thumb's range of motion in mind. Symmetrical, asymmetrical, it makes no difference. People claim that sort of thing because they prefer the feel of one pad over another, and make the dumbass leap that it must be the position of the sticks rather than the overall ergonomics of the pad as a whole. The track pad is easy to reach for all but the most arthritic of hands.
The people that say this kind of stuff are usually the ones who haven't actually used the pad in question....like all those people whining about the WiiU gamepad being too big and uncomfortable to hold....it was utter bollocks. I have quite small hands, and that gamepad is a joy to hold...people who hadn't used it were just put off by the thought of it, or had a fanboy axe to grind.
There's not been a truly broken or uncomfortable control pad released for years now.
Is it weird I watched all of these in order to catch up for this one? That was a lot of hours.
The PS4 controller's touch thingy-deally could be good if you used it as an analog input distinct from the sticks and the triggers. It could be applied to any analog task that is distinct from moving around and looking. AC4 used it for multi-touch map navigation so that you could pan and zoom as you can in google maps on your phone. You could use it as a context sensitive "use" button and have supplemental input given through the way and direction you swipe (opening doors toward or away from you -- quickly or slowly, rotating/examining 3d held objects, etc). I think you could also get it to work quite well as a rough equivalent to mouse wheel input (scrolling between options in a context menu, switching items, etc).
less than five minutes in and I have a headache from the cameras constant movements. I can't handle watching, but I'll listen.
Yahtzee, thank you so much for introducing me to The Ricky Gervais Show. As you can guess, I love me some british snark.
So much nostalgia, I barely played GTA 1 when I was a kid because I had to play it on a friends house, but GTA2? I overplayed the shit out of it, I can still remember the map for the 3 cities.