BTS - FROM NOBODIES TO LEGENDS [2019] Reaction | Serabut React



  • @missndira7011
    @missndira7011 3 роки тому +33

    Ade juga yg paham bts dekat malaysia ni 😭 finally someone can actually understand the hype behind this great 7 boys who just love music and performance but being criticised just because they are part of kpop

  • @mochismollhands
    @mochismollhands 3 роки тому +58

    fun fact: BTS mmng dah ada sebijik rumah setiap orang. tapi diorng beli mcm utk aset personal diorng sendiri. BTS sekrang still live together in one big house and big landyard. diorng dh biasa tinggal sama2 dri debut and bila diorng dh ada mampu untuk duduk sendiri pun diorng xmau. diorng suka tinggal sama2 mcm dorm la. diorg dah rasa mcm family sendiri. tpi kalini dorm diorng rumah banglo yang sngt besar. 😂 ada 3 kitchen 5 bathroom kot and setiap satu member ada bilik sendiri. korng boleh tengok house tour diorng kat youtube. ada orng buat video pasal tu. ike bapak besar la. ☺️ they deserve that tho

  • @kthqqq5592
    @kthqqq5592 3 роки тому +87

    i love the way how you guys so speechless and so blown-out when react to this. thank you so much ✨

  • @pipeporo7316
    @pipeporo7316 3 роки тому +26

    dari segi genre, muzik bts tersangatlah diverse, boleh suit to different type of ppl music preference (if ada masa pls check out b-sides diorg. legit out of this world!!) sebab tu age demographic fans bts sangat diverse. in term of lyricism, bts sangat titikberatkan aspek lirik. poetic, penuh mesej and impactful thats why first thing bila diorg release lagu, fans (army) akan look into their lyrics and learn something from it. as a guy yang dah berumur almost 30 & bekerjaya, these are the main reason sebab apa aku respect and still being a fan

  • @amyliayusni22
    @amyliayusni22 3 роки тому +6

    sumpahh diorang selalu buat ARMY cry because proud of them and their achivement😭 RM memang pandai . Dia suka membaca masa sekolah dlu kalau tidak dia nak sambung belajar business tapi sbb dia dh ada under BIG HIT AS rapper . Dialah yg pertama create group BTS.Dulu jugak dia suka sajak sbb tu dia boleh create his song sendri ... RM is the best leader everrr💜💜

  • @user-dh6nt8xy6m
    @user-dh6nt8xy6m 3 роки тому +45

    yes.. each of BTS member have shares in the company.
    I hope you guys can explore more in their music. They have many genres with good message on each song. idk what song to recommend because too many good songs. recently, I love blue and grey. check out to the lyrics. You can watch at MTV unplugged Blue & Grey.

    • @ruzedotter1505
      @ruzedotter1505 3 роки тому +1

      Yup xtau nk recommended yg mana...all song semua best2 many genre touched me alot was heartbeat n magic shop, the song for army's produce by Jungkook

  • @syaazu
    @syaazu 3 роки тому +17

    Korang sumpah legend tho. Thank you for the reaction 🥺 sangat jarang ye nak jumpa channel reaction cam korang ni :) I'd love to support your channel 💜 borahae~

  • @sharifahashikin5576
    @sharifahashikin5576 3 роки тому +28


  • @mochismollhands
    @mochismollhands 3 роки тому +14

    thank you so much for reacting this. deep down saya rasa tersangatlah menghargai reaction video korang yg ni. rasa mcm nak nangis tengok korng tau. like people out there does'nt know how much army struggling to fight for this to get breakthru any discrimination towards bts from other peopls yg simply only hate bts without know about them. aku menangis gembira tengok korang react to this. thank you so much.
    i hope yu guys keep doing great things what you guys want to do and dont give up ye. love this channel so much. pls react about bts more love ya 💕

  • @fathlicious_
    @fathlicious_ 3 роки тому +15

    Big thankyou for you guys. Thankyou for reacting to this video. Thankyou for all your positive comments❤️

  • @natasyaumaira3622
    @natasyaumaira3622 3 роки тому +8

    Aku berterima kasih sangat dengan korang Sebab kenal and react video ni.. Kiteorang as army, memang kiteorang protect dorang Dari haters.. Thank you and stan you guys always🙆‍♀

  • @hidden_valley
    @hidden_valley 3 роки тому +1

    Aku pduli psal kpop msa zaman blackpink debut 2016. Aku cuma tau pasal bts pn sbb tgk byak fanmade video yg shipped ahli2 dlm dua group ni. And lpas dh lama cuma lyan BP and short video fanmade tu, last month bru aku try explore group ni. N kurang dr sbulan aku dh fham knapa org bg prhatian kt group ni. Multi talented, humble, respect budaya org, complete package utk sbuah group yg success.. org ckp nyanyi dgn mnari ja pun pmpuan dok gila. Tak. Yg gila tu fanatic.Tp diorg punya ARMY sgt supportive and behave. Haters cuma tgk diorg perform and judge. Tp ARMY tgk diorg pnya struggles dr diorg zero to hero, cmana diorg handle everything hnya dgn spread good messages.. diorg mampu gain S.Korea pnya ekonomi hnya dgn popularity diorg. So they earned my respect. And i keep following BP and BTS smpai diorg disbanded..
    P/s: aku layan music diorg, bkn idolakan diorg naaaaa..

  • @cristianoronaldo-eu5pk
    @cristianoronaldo-eu5pk 3 роки тому +3

    "before hate someone kenal dulu" huhu kemon malaysian maju kan pemikiran jangan tengok satu benda je k! peace no war, just RESPECT is the key man~

  • @mindeunoia1456
    @mindeunoia1456 3 роки тому +26

    loveeee this channel❤️

    • @SerabutTv
      @SerabutTv  3 роки тому +4

      We love our famz too! ❤️🥰

  • @oneforrall
    @oneforrall 3 роки тому +7

    Nice reaction, Aku dah lama tahu pasal kpop dari tahun 2005-2006 lagi zaman beast super junior, tapi Aku Tak pernah check out pun cuma dengar nama je.. Aku start check out kpop tahun 2018 memang era bts dah kiri kanan bts pergi twitter bts pergi youtube bts real life pun jumpa army bts 😂 so no choice terpaksa check out dan sampai sekarang boleh kata kan Aku peminat bts. Yang best ngan bts ni Lagu diorang ada banyak genre cuma tinggal pick je mana yang sesuai dengan mood..

  • @travelleroflife7757
    @travelleroflife7757 3 роки тому +12

    Thank you for this reaction!
    Oh ya.. Klu nak react lagi kat video yg camni.. Ada lg satu video yg latest jg la.. 'The Most Beautiful Life Goes On: The Journey of BTS' by The Asian Theory (klu tak silap tajuk camtu)
    Btw thank you sgt2 for this video reaction and harap dpt tgk korang react byk lg utk lagu2 BTS

    • @mrsr4085
      @mrsr4085 3 роки тому +1

      Yeahh this one is good to react .

    • @ruzedotter1505
      @ruzedotter1505 3 роки тому

      Sya setuju..pls react beautiful life goes on story of bts

  • @Izzah1421
    @Izzah1421 3 роки тому +10

    Thank you for the reaction!! Nanti korg react lah Mic Drop, rapline Cypher pt4 or Ddaeng.

  • @zahrulharon4510
    @zahrulharon4510 3 роки тому +2

    Akhirnya ada jugak reactor dari malaysia react video nie. Aku nie start starstruck dgn BTS masa tgk mv Blood Sweat and Tears (BST). And then like my fellow army said, once you Jim-in, you cant Jim-out. Betul2 rabbit hole beb once ko dah minat kat BTS.

  • @fa.sha__z6813
    @fa.sha__z6813 3 роки тому +1

    fyi sehingga ke hrini hnya ada 12 artis yg brjya sold out kn concert ticket diorang kt Wembley Stadium and semuanya nma2 besar like Michael Jackson and Queens.. BTS sold out the stadium not just for one but two nights straight… quee utk dptkn tiket on the the 2nd day lg pjg dr 1st day .. ticket konsert diorang tak prnh ckp.. skli klua terus habis😂 south korea siap plan nk buat stadium baru dgn kapasiti yg lebih bsr sbb permintaan yg terlalu tggi utk konsert BTS .. ig thats one of the reason SK's keep on tgguhkn diorang pnya military service.. impact yg diorang bwa utk SK's economy bkn Million but Billion .. setiap kli President SK's Moon Jae In pegi lawatan rasmi kt negra org.. pemimpin negara tu msti tnya bila BTS nk perform kt negara diorang lol
    I noticed that you gave a like to my comment under another video.. thank you sm sbb sudi bca✨ looking forward for more BTS reaction in this channel!

  • @sitiaishah7944
    @sitiaishah7944 3 роки тому +1

    and during love yourself :speak yourself tour tula, yg yb syed saddiq nk adkn concert sbb pulangan ekonomi mmg bnyk gila, Singapore and Thailand mencatatkan ekonomi/sektor pelancongan pd concert bts ni berjuta² bygkn la 2 mlm kut concert tu sold out...mmg pulangan ekonomi yg bnyk gila

  • @itsmewhi
    @itsmewhi 3 роки тому +6

    thank you for reacting guysss!! 😭😭😭😭🥺
    next react to WHO IS BTS INTRO plsss 🙏🏻

  • @fatinaisyah8190
    @fatinaisyah8190 3 роки тому +2

    kalau korg nk thu lagu diorg wktu first2 smpai lah skrg adalah lagu related pasal kehidupan diorg..dekat lirik lagu depa apa yg diorg inginkn and now diorg dapt... setiap mv mesti ada teory yg diorg nk smpaikan

  • @farhanadalila4254
    @farhanadalila4254 3 роки тому +7

    Omg! Hope yall can react to more bts songs and videos. Love the reaction🤗

  • @honeyyybee4150
    @honeyyybee4150 3 роки тому +1

    Hahahaa yg stadium tu aku rase klau ikut seat dlm tu mmg xckup. Tapi maybe diorg ada tambah seat yg dlm padang tu. Sbb kalau tgok concert tu yg dlm pdg tu pun full. Btw thanks for react to this vid 🤍 Aku jd tergelak tgok uolss punya react. Nice keep going 👍👍😊

  • @bellabelli8977
    @bellabelli8977 3 роки тому +1

    I still remember how hard i cry watching this although i've watch it for about 3 to 4 times already..

  • @ameerasofia4298
    @ameerasofia4298 3 роки тому +2

    Lol I’ve been stalking you guys since last week hshshs...always love y’all’s reactions
    And selamat berpuasa !

  • @cernz1983
    @cernz1983 3 роки тому

    You won my subs. First time jumpa Malaysian reactor yg cuba nak faham BTS. So, korg boleh fahamkan kenapa ARMYs sgt protected dgn BTS. Sampai ke Butter era pun, haters n antis still ada dan cuba jatuhkan BTS. Bayangkan bila 1 fandom nak fight dgn other fandom yg lain, and worldwide. That's why we so loud. Not only fandom, right now we are against music industry too.
    Just cadangan utk korg buat subs english. Mana tau ada rezki, boleh jd internationally.

  • @sharuby3450
    @sharuby3450 3 роки тому +2

    Klu nak dikira dr segi kualiti muzik, grup lain dr company lain pon same level je, but BTS win semua aspek sbb kuasa fandomnya. Kuasa fandom army mampu letakkan bts di market amerika, billboard n grammy.

    • @fatinnurain4986
      @fatinnurain4986 3 роки тому +3

      Bagi saya mmng fandom (army) yg bawak diorang jdi famous tapi cara diorang produce n promote lagu tu yg lain dri group lain sbb diorang ada story n org bole rasa dekat or bole rasa empati kat diorang ni and tu mnybbkan fandom diorang makin besar.....sbb klu nk compare fandom, dulu pon bts punya fandom bukannya ramai sama gak mcm group lain. Ni saya punya pandangan la klu dri segi beza bts dgn group kpop yg lain.

    • @sharuby3450
      @sharuby3450 3 роки тому +1

      @@fatinnurain4986 mmg sy amati bts ada strategi marketing yg hebat dan punya storyline dlm setiap pembikinan album mereka berbeza dr grup lain

  • @nurulshadirazailan7158
    @nurulshadirazailan7158 3 роки тому +1

    Tu lh..kita jgn hina org,sebab kita x tahu masa depan dia mcm mana..maybe dia lebih berjaya dari kita..kerja keras diorang selama ni dh berhasil..dulu ramai hate dia sebab diaorang dari agensi kecil.but now x lagi sebab diorang dh berjaya 💜✨

  • @hanahjamilah297
    @hanahjamilah297 3 роки тому +1

    BTS MMG deserve apa yg diorang achieve skrg 😄😄

  • @xcxrr
    @xcxrr Рік тому

    Hope u guys can terus buat video..tak kesah lah..content react or content apa2 tengok channel korang!! Lawak and very enjoy... Semoga terus sukses!!!

  • @Abanghomeboisforever
    @Abanghomeboisforever 3 роки тому +2

    Wahh akhirnya ada orang malaysia reaction video ni👍

  • @nurulnajwa7234
    @nurulnajwa7234 3 роки тому +1

    I'm late but here I am🥺🥺
    If ikutkan klu setiap Kali buat react lagu should dgr meaning dulu...faham betul betul...sbb dorang punya lagu semua ada meaning don't just vibes but understand 😭🤍
    But yeah I love you reaction🥺🥺🥺🥺
    Edit : dorang dah lalui byk benda smpai skrg...but I love the way they humble because is like they keep reminding themselves that even they become successful please please remember our first debut when everyone hate us.. something like that...They are the most humble person ever😭😭😭😭

  • @afiqahsabali487
    @afiqahsabali487 3 роки тому +2

    shah tk cukup tido ke? please take a rest too! 🙂 btw selamat berpuasa serabut tv! semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan.

  • @Itsangel013
    @Itsangel013 3 роки тому +1

    Aku jadi Army dari 2013-2014 ngelewatin semua fase ini 😭😭

  • @ftinvvv
    @ftinvvv 3 роки тому +6

    Next react to "this is bts pleaseee"

  • @anasuhah8654
    @anasuhah8654 3 роки тому +3

    Army here..❤️

  • @_nxdh_3882
    @_nxdh_3882 3 роки тому +2

    very recommended to react the 2018 ver too, its have more deep message there

  • @bellaanatasha
    @bellaanatasha 3 роки тому

    Im crying😭😭😭😭thankyou so much for reacting to this video..

  • @Alsya.J
    @Alsya.J 3 роки тому +2

    boleh tak lepas ni korang react BTS MAMA 2019

  • @munirahazmi5131
    @munirahazmi5131 3 роки тому

    Fun fact: aku start minat bts sbb kisah dorang, mcm mana dorang start.. then aku mula kenal dorang.. now i am addicted to them.. so addicted

  • @fitrihani72
    @fitrihani72 3 роки тому +1

    wahhhh this reaction was the best..i hope you react to bts more..

  • @_nxdh_3882
    @_nxdh_3882 3 роки тому +1


  • @nurnatasya9919
    @nurnatasya9919 3 роки тому +1

    i think you guys should reac to lagu solo diorang jugak like jungkook euphoria, still with you nyanyi dekat concert also jin , epiphany and V winter bear mv 😘🐻

  • @Alsya.J
    @Alsya.J 3 роки тому +1

    Yeahh another reaction to BTS again, thank you guys

  • @alyalovely1383
    @alyalovely1383 3 роки тому +2

    Please reaction to bts variety show -run bts

  • @iyfaaahmad7583
    @iyfaaahmad7583 2 роки тому

    Ilove the way you guys react their hardworking thankyouuuu😭😭😭

  • @puterinraisyah
    @puterinraisyah 3 роки тому

    omg srs happy gila tgk reaction ni love it soo much💜

  • @missrosepinknadia1289
    @missrosepinknadia1289 3 роки тому +2

    kualiti muzik diorg buat sendiri tu yg unik dari org lain. apa yg diorg buat tu kira puas hati la.

  • @qhnjwa
    @qhnjwa 3 роки тому

    idk how to say but,bcs of them I love myself

  • @zaliasani1910
    @zaliasani1910 3 роки тому +1

    New subscriber here🙋🏻‍♀️ I love the way you guys react to them. Next please react to mic drop by BTS :)

    • @SerabutTv
      @SerabutTv  3 роки тому +1

      Welcome aboard 🤗🥰👋

  • @nurkhaliessya1347
    @nurkhaliessya1347 3 роки тому

    Finally...thank you guys .... I really like this channel... From ARMY 보라해

  • @syhrhsamsu9
    @syhrhsamsu9 3 роки тому

    Nice reaction. Next React to BTS Crash Course 2020: History & Music.
    Video tergkn semua album2 bts, lagu group and solo 👍🙏

  • @putrifatiha6929
    @putrifatiha6929 3 роки тому

    Lawak la korg ni 😂next reacts' boy with fun' but live punya dia xde mv, lagu ni xrmi org tau tapi bgi aq best so korg tgk ii lah mne tau suka hahah

  • @jinsbread
    @jinsbread 3 роки тому +1

    8:11 HAHAHAHA 😭😭 btw suka reaction korang srs susah nak jumpa malaysian react to bts

    • @ruzedotter1505
      @ruzedotter1505 3 роки тому +1

      Yup indonesia, filipin..europe, us malaysian jarang react how they struggle succesfull amazing of BTS

  • @nurulshafika4951
    @nurulshafika4951 3 роки тому

    realy love this video, Thnk you for react, i realy2 love it

  • @zba350
    @zba350 3 роки тому

    UN speech in 2018...its great message

  • @lemonade2697
    @lemonade2697 3 роки тому +1

    This is should go viral 💜

  • @qilah3005
    @qilah3005 3 роки тому +1

    And BTS shareholder this company too

  • @sarydlh9352
    @sarydlh9352 3 роки тому +2


  • @chimchim9479
    @chimchim9479 3 роки тому

    Aku army 2020,bts 💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @nuraliahnadhira7218
    @nuraliahnadhira7218 3 роки тому

    5:30 if korang rasa tu stai better react diorang punya cypher pt.1-4 (skali lirik is better).
    Btw minat channel korang sbb react plus discuss so keep it up💜💜💜

  • @ainafadhilah3154
    @ainafadhilah3154 3 роки тому +2

    React lh karma is an army

  • @nurrrnatasha5785
    @nurrrnatasha5785 3 роки тому

    Love yall punya reaction guys ❤

  • @hikmahhik4298
    @hikmahhik4298 3 роки тому +1

    Yeah finally!! ❤️

  • @widzbruh4629
    @widzbruh4629 3 роки тому

    Aku srs hrp rmi meleis terutama yg dok kutuk bts tnpa sbb tu,tgk vid ni😔klu prasan AMRY slalu overacting bila nk protect dorg tpi bukan sbb ape cuma tgkla mcm mana keadaan dorg 7 thun lps smpi skang..moral kita bole amik is jgn putus asa tpi tula meleis yg kaki kecam tnpa sbb ni aku x tau asal😌nk kata bts kacau life dorg x taula anyways thx for da reaction bro we appreciated it

  • @Nina-fy5fn
    @Nina-fy5fn 3 роки тому +1


  • @nrlhnssia4131
    @nrlhnssia4131 3 роки тому

    Hopefully bts dapat masuk Malaysia..

  • @adlinalilyy68
    @adlinalilyy68 3 роки тому

    thanks from army🥺🥺💜💜

  • @unknown-vg5np
    @unknown-vg5np 3 роки тому +3


  • @fatinaisyah8190
    @fatinaisyah8190 3 роки тому

    and if kalau nk buat reaction BTS i recommend lagu depa yg hyper

  • @luvxs_
    @luvxs_ 3 роки тому

    y'all...thank u so much for this 😭💜

  • @Amienismail0104
    @Amienismail0104 3 роки тому

    Done subscribe tq for reaction

  • @nurimanizzatibintinadzri2836
    @nurimanizzatibintinadzri2836 3 роки тому

    saya lah tu one of 100k foreigners tu 🤭🤭

  • @CumaSeorangManusia06
    @CumaSeorangManusia06 3 роки тому +2


  • @batinaidris
    @batinaidris 3 роки тому

    Actually kn, info dlm video nobody to legend 2018 ade yg xde dlm nobody to legend 2019.. So i rase boleh jgk if korang nk react to that video..

  • @lia.1234
    @lia.1234 3 роки тому

    Thanks sbb react Ni💞💜
    Mereka debut 13 jun 2013
    IQ RM (148)please react biodata diorang🥺💜

  • @naysyaz132
    @naysyaz132 3 роки тому +1

    Please react more to bts ❤️❤️

  • @nuralianasaipulazwan978
    @nuralianasaipulazwan978 3 роки тому +1

    please reaction to THIS IS BTS

  • @tinnitus___
    @tinnitus___ 3 роки тому

    React to Mic Drop official mv ft. Steve Aoki & Mic Drop live MAMA 2017 in Hong Kong 💜
    Salah satu lagu terbaik BTS 💜

  • @whiteroses5985
    @whiteroses5985 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the reaction✋🏻✨

  • @yxsmnj4
    @yxsmnj4 3 роки тому

    Thanks for this video😍

  • @wulanrina460
    @wulanrina460 2 роки тому

    react lagu blue and grey react diaorg punya lyric pun ok

  • @bonobonoya4119
    @bonobonoya4119 3 роки тому

    Please react to THIS IS BTS (BTS INTRODUCTION) and THIS IS BTS ARMY. By XCELESETE. Sy btul ii nk tgk reaction korang psl ni. Nk tau pendapat korang.
    And one more thing, react to BTS SPRING DAY MV and SPRING DAY EXPLAINED. Sumpahh kalau korang tgk ni mmg korang takkan menyesal. Lagu ni berdasarkan tragedi besar dekat Korea.

  • @amyrasafryna5919
    @amyrasafryna5919 3 роки тому +1

    Diorang memang dah jadi shareholder kepada hybe ent.

  • @fatinaisyah8190
    @fatinaisyah8190 3 роки тому

    kalau nk thu perjalanan member BTS dgn lengkap korg boleh react Who is the seven member BTS ,nih pon sedih...hope korg buat reaction nihh pasal nih boleh thu background membe BTS diorg punya susah untuk nk jadi idol tuh bkn sng

  • @kxneybee7433
    @kxneybee7433 3 роки тому +1

    Sekarang drg beli satu building untuk diri diorang😭 sorang satu building

  • @naysyaz132
    @naysyaz132 3 роки тому +1

    Please react to bts mic drop 🙏🏻💕

  • @mrzeliky7830
    @mrzeliky7830 3 роки тому +1


  • @reeza4626
    @reeza4626 3 роки тому

    Aaaaaa love it! 💜

  • @jghseok3653
    @jghseok3653 3 роки тому

    Thank you for reacting this but may i know the name of intro song that you use?🥺 I like it. * 🤭 K dah tahu lepas stalk your channel ahaha.

    • @SerabutTv
      @SerabutTv  3 роки тому +1

      Yeah sorry for the late reply. 😉👌🏻 Hope you like it

  • @khattrina
    @khattrina 3 роки тому +1

    And kalau korang nak tahu, BTS ni salah sorang shareholder dalam HYBE Labels right now

  • @nazleenzainon6618
    @nazleenzainon6618 3 роки тому

    not me crying while watching this😭

  • @bbokari04
    @bbokari04 3 роки тому +1

    pls react to stray kids - miroh and god's menu kingdom mnet performance

  • @fitriafrianti8238
    @fitriafrianti8238 3 роки тому

    Next react lagu bts donk ...

  • @blackswan4268
    @blackswan4268 3 роки тому

    actually big hit have girl group before bts after some accident,that the cause that the big hit almost bankrup

  • @nurnatasya9919
    @nurnatasya9919 3 роки тому


  • @nadzirahrahim2068
    @nadzirahrahim2068 3 роки тому

    Next boleh tak react wayv action figure🙏

  • @nurnatasya9919
    @nurnatasya9919 3 роки тому

    reac too life goes onn mv cause jungkook yang direct that mv sendiri 😊

  • @sibukkandiri
    @sibukkandiri 3 роки тому

    nice reaction.