Are u saying michael harner died😱plz tell me no i dont know him by means i consider my friend my dad gave me the way of the shaman when i was small i still have n love
Thank you Mr. Harner. Your book "The Way of The Shaman", in my opinion, should be the first stepping stone towards this divine call/ path. I am delighted to have read you and now seeing and hearing you live. Perhaps someday I will meet you in my journeys. With immense gratitude for your invaluable contribution always.
I had a similar experience when I went through A near death experience at the hospital where I almost died... Though according to the doctor it was just few mins....but to me it fells like have been out for long.... I guess time has no place in the afterlife, ...the things I saw at the other side has really changed my life... I come from a bloodline of shamans, kept running from myself till I couldn’t anymore .... I guess at some point in our lives, we will have to come to terms with who we truly are, the reason am here watching this too...
Peace, freind! You are very brave indeed. It's easy to get caught in the monkey mind and forget your path. That's one of the first things that happen to us as beings in this reality- as soon as we're born, we forget our mission! It can be healing to share your experiences. I thank you for sharing. I've also had an awakening to the world of Spirit Medicine through different means (as I am not in a culture that celebrates these paths, as I'm assuming you are not as well.) I was actually in for my first Channelling session, by a trusted medium. A freind of ours had told her about my incredibly lucid "dreams", and how I had been communicating with beings and learning things from them, remembering these "dreams" for years. So, my intention was to figure out the meaning of these dreams, who these beings were, if they we're real, and if so, what are my next steps. Basically through a shared experience, I had traveled with the medium to find out these awnseres unintentionally, and we found out I am too from a succession of Shamans, always working with the plant queendom, from life to life, and these beings are indeed very real, and I had met a few of my helping spirits. I have not been following my path since, up to yesterday, after months of mental anguish, and I will tell you, things are different for the better. Journey on, fellow healer!
I completed my advanced classes in Core Shamanism right after last Halloween in Bali under the tutelage of Dr Michael Harner's student. Thank you Dr Harner for your Spirit & Wisdom. Immensely grateful for you skilful drumming for my sessions on UA-cam as well.
This is the first time I have ever heard anyone relay what I have been trying to on my own of my experiences when 'going out of body', when shifting my conscious awareness into other reality systems. The type 2 explains it perfectly. Although I shift quite often I would not say I could do it at will. The drum might help! Thank you for sharing this talk. Michael is a wonderful speaker.
Congratulations on the long journey, Michael. You did what She told you to do, and now you can bug the rest of us -- in any time -- to do this as well. She will have sent you back pretty soon, of course, but at least then you can learn more quickly from your own teaching. It has been good to hear the notes of your skittering once and again. "...and so we sing and we dance upon the shifting and drifting of the Dunes of Truth always changing, always flowing, always different new forms grown from flakes of snow and crumbled old stones. There is no path but that we remember it no surface but that we climb ourselves up no map but the inspirations of spirit and virtue no goal but to move and discover new views. We are sung in its song as we are whirled in its dancing and in flowing within us, it makes us real." - zfr, (1985)
4:40 Time compression. Very interesting. Last night, I watched the film "Contact", and the Jodie Foster character basically has a similar experience. Through the use of an alien machine, she goes through a wormhole and travels to the star Vega. For her, the entire journey takes almost 18 hours, but for the folks back on Earth only a few seconds have passed by. Perhaps the shaman's experience of time is somehow related to Einstein's theory of relativity and time dilation.
sonic driving = vibration = frequency, you can also achieve this state by "shaking" or "rocking", essentially attracting or repelling energy in which you want to resonate with, such as with a version of the self, which vibrates at a higher frequency or a lower frequency, the neutral version of the self is a merged being, both physical and spiritual, with varying degrees of alignments associated with infinite versions of the self...from a shamanistic point of view, if you are not a shaman, you are experiencing nothing, until you experience everything, once you experience everything, you create something, you understand anything, and all things.
nothing = no thing, individual...a thing is an assembly of individuals, if you are experiencing nothing you are essentially experiencing your self, but just your physical self, not aware of other versions of yourself based on the atheist approach of proof and evidence, if you don't see it you don't believe it, from a shamanistic perspective its all about believing rather than seeing, from a sensual perspective we can only see in 2 dimensions, we can see ourselves and our reflection, for example, if i am looking at a tree i am seeing my self which has the characteristics of a tree, the tree is essentially me, it looks different, it feels different, but only because of my senses, if i had no senses it would simply be nothing, just like everything around me, so by stating i am surrounded by everything and nothing i am essentially both these thing vibrate from something.
The All One..!! Recently had the beautiful and profound experience of Shamanic soul was after a 25yr dormancy (depression unresolved grief) following passing of my father...ill have another session in a months time...I felt I lost bit of time while under guidance of the Shaman..I wanted to stay there it was bliss...I was following his breath and felt deeply deeply connected to my souls source...
Reminds me of instructions • method on releasing Soul from bodily containment.. from Thoth - in EMERALD TABLETS through the use of similar technique^^ involving a(n) specific short.phrase in repetitive utterance 😎🤝 ☄️
im a guitar player one night i was rehearsing songs with headphones on and i was jamming on two chords in 4/4 time after a few minutes with my eyes closed i began to see geometric paterns of gold light and when i was done i thought i played for a few minutes but over an hour passed by
I have been doing time travel to save my life and others lives. I have changed some events where i died. So now for memory i remember the murder or illness or other multiple future and i go back to myself to change my death. Easy to do once dead not always easy when alive and pre occupied. Everything he says is true. I just named things differently. So glad if found this channel frequency. His lecture is accurate to my experiences. The only people who understand me are super psi, spyckics, and American Indians. The older cultures remember must do time travel to get info and save the children. Some zen buddhists understand also. Thanks for the sage smell while watching. Love sage.
@burnmydust Sometimes, though such development may occur spontaneously, or due to some accident, a person will tend to become unbalanced, because of his inability to distinguish between the physical and the new realities he can suddenly see. He will eventually be diagnosed as schizophrenic, because he will see or hear things which a “normal” person does not see or hear. - Bentov
This said, the merging being addressed in the video is a merging with an inner layer of your own being (in my experience), and this is what leads to the shift in consciousness systems which brings you into contact with other of your [soul] lifetimes. Which you can then merge with in the ways I stated above.
Piękny wykład. Szkoda że tego pana już z nami nie ma . Poczułem od razu że rok lub dwa lata temu odszedł. Ps. Przepraszam że pisze po Polsku. Chyba Google wam przetłumaczy ;)
Query; can we consider this merging a merging of the Mortal Coil (chemical consciousness) with our higher (Etheric) selves? As "western" practitioners can we not achieve a conscious coupling with this plain of existence merely through perspective??
is there any transcript of this. Some passages of his speech are very important, but rather incomprehensible for a foreign listener. For example at 13:16 (under what circumstances they are not able to come back?)
no, he said they can stay there permanently if they want to, but why not do good and bring the knowledge back to this suffering reality and help their people,tribes, Nation, ect before they go there permanently. so they dedicate their lives to the practice of going and returning.
@TrollOvGrimness There are varying degrees to which you/I can come in.. I can hang out in their field and just observe, or I can come fully in and it is as though I AM that individual -with varying degrees of awareness / connection to the details of their lifetime. I cannot say with any certainty whether I am merging with a free will individual currently experiencing a physical incarnation, or the akashic 'record' of it. I lean toward the latter, both are the same in degree of reality.
Shamanism the new Buzz word - Shamanism is Big Business , Big Bucks in the Western World. Rather than try to become a Shamanic Practitioner, simply live from your heart and the rest will take care of itself.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a family, though? Don't you think it sucks that we all have to hide in our little caves because we can't trust any of the billions of our neighbors? Not trying to start an argument, I live in a cave too. I just think it's criminal that I have to in order to feel safe.
I'm someone who's practiced astral projection a lot etc. I believe in ancients had some abilities n connections with the world that we've lost. I've long considered myself somewhat of a not very good shaman. In the beginning of this video before i really got into watching I I figured I'd try n astral project back into time tho. I can basically face to face with a young man "maybe 20 years old?" That all i can guess was far more capable then myself in the realm as he noticed me n introduced himself as Joncha n he had some kind of large cat that I don't believe was fully grown n he introduced him as Puncha n scratched the cat bum for a smile. He lived or was in some kind of Forrest near a waterfall. I wasn't there well n struggled for any connection. I did all this not truely buying it. I lost connection n came back tho. The reason I'm leaning towards it may of been real is I did some research on the names. Joncha "maybe incorrectly spelled in my spelling tho" Joncha is an Indian surname n I was like ok but that dosent mean much necessarily. The part that freaked me out was I looked up the cat's name "Puncha" I misspelled it but Poonchha means tail apparently in one of the Indian languages n the cat had a poofball on his tail n he would play with the cat tugging it's tail a bit. Maybe I skimmed by the word before or heard it before or something but after googling. I'm vastly less against that it was BS. I did this after breathing excersices. I could feel the sunlight well while I was laying in the room. Joncha jumped in the water tho n Puncha layed by it n cleaned n sunbathed, I jumped in as well tho could barely feel the water. I was barely there n it was difficult to stay. I'm not saying it was real but with the cat's name meaning tail in one if the Indian languages apparently it really makes me wonder n feel the need to attempt again n possibly study more about it. Joncha n Puncha if y'all are real tho I hope y'all had great lives
I have no clue if he is real if I have any long distant relation to him. I do have a bit of native American in me tho. I'm Irish Scottish polish native n German that I know of. Tho I do believe/know natives came from asia.
If it was real that's amazing if it wasn't real that's still amazing n almost had to of accessed some distant blip of a memory n I almost had to of known Poonchha ment tail somehow wether it be from a show about lions or tigers etc set in India or what I couldn't say. Either way tho I just had something occur that I need to research more n play around with. Either I just did something very shamanistic or I accessed my brain in a way only people with photographic memory n or the audio version of it do n I didn't realize I did it.
sweet guy, but he's off. I read his stuff many years ago....Read: Shamans and Religion: An anthropological exploration in critical thinking by Alice Beck Kehoe (2000). for good critique of Harner p 82-84
An anthropologist/ archeologist commenting on spirituality is a different world than a shaman experiencing spirituality. A musicologist commenting on music is a different world than a musician creating music. With that in mind I will gladly look into your recommendation. Thx
Well we know insects like flies experience time more slowly than we do, almost like bullet time from the matrix, making them kind of hard to swat. As for my personal experience of time I was raised in a information dense and accelerated culture (L.A.) however when I went into the wilderness of Alaska for two years my perception of time and information flow changed. My point was that time as we normally experience it by the ticking of the clock is not an illusion but really just one of many ways a mind can handle the flow of time.
Harner is simply wrong about sonic driving-Neher's Theory of pseudo-epileptic fit induction. It isn't found in most African groups, nor in Siberia. Harner accused a Siberian native of lying in the 1990's when she said that she had no clue what his "boom boom boom" was, save that it wasn't part of kamlaniya, since all real shamanic cultures do this. If the Nanai and Ulchi, the type specimens for shamans aren't real, then who is?
you want to connect with real shamans of white lodge? 1 go to bed relax and previously stay sexually continent for 6 months...minimum. 2 then repeat the word OOOMMMNNIIISSSS BBAAAAUUUUUMMMMM IIGGNNEEOOOSSS master kalusuanga, come to me come to me come to me...wake my concioussness in astral world...(repeat that many times as yu fall asleep or listen to drums) 3 patience and do it every night at 4 am after 5 h sleep.
@@barbaraettles1865 - Where did I say his 'age' is an issue? I referred to the obvious 'slowwwwwwnessssss' of his presentation. Be accurate Barbara - it matters.
@@MANHATTANBEEFMAN I don't want to discuss whether or not you had implications in your words -my main information that I wanted to transfer to you is that he died in Feb of 2018 at the age of 89. You will be slower too at that age if you are alive at all.
he is almost 90 and has dedicated his life for nearly 70 years to help others.., it is hard to soldier through your lack of manners; discourtesy and arrogance. get some manners, grow up.
2passnthru2 I acknowledged his expertise, and expressed that a key element - his presentation - was scattered. This was apparently not a context where he needed to rely on citation, which is really what I was looking for. He was talking about global 'shamanic' small task. It helps to refer, even in passing, to something that can be verified. Obviously he is committed to this work, if he can speak with such apparent authority. That doesn't exempt him from academic standards. An ad hominem attack on your part is unnecessary.
your ad hominem attack on me doesn't make you any less a pathetic narcissist and bully. sir I will always standup for what is Right and up to who is trying to demean the accomplishments of the greatest humanitarians in the world to try make themselves look superior to them. you are rude, compassionless and obviously willfully ignorant. you are just a Troll for the anti intellectuals..etc or anything that makes us free. if you would have listened to what he said, it wouldn't have mattered. you have obviously fooled yourself, about what you are. that doesn't mean you can fool us.
2passnthru2 Wow. ActaSanctorum didn't attack you at all, I'm not sure where you thought they did, but your response is wholly indicative of exactly what you claimed they were being: a narcissistic bully. All you did was attack them and said they didn't understand the bulk of what Harner said, which they obviously did and they admitted to, but it appears everything you accused ActaSanctorum of doing , you certainly did your best to personify. But I agree, this talk is a bit all over the place. But it's not _that_ bad, I think the real issue is the microphone volume, Harner is very difficult to understand at times because his voice is almost inaudible.
Michael Harner was lost to us in Feb of 2018 at the age of 89 when he transitioned to spirit. Personally I feel a great loss.
He's more with us now than he ever was.
Are u saying michael harner died😱plz tell me no i dont know him by means i consider my friend my dad gave me the way of the shaman when i was small i still have n love
he was a fraud tho
Do you know if anyone continues with Michael Harners practices? I took several classes with him and found him to be very good.
This is one of the bravest humans of the modern world.
Finding him, and finding journeying, saved my life. Thank you, Mr. Harner. ♥
Hi! Can you elaborate? ❤️
Thank you Mr. Harner. Your book "The Way of The Shaman", in my opinion, should be the first stepping stone towards this divine call/ path. I am delighted to have read you and now seeing and hearing you live. Perhaps someday I will meet you in my journeys.
With immense gratitude for your invaluable contribution always.
I enjoyed the way of the shaman book i still have my book my dad gave me when i was small
Dude! I've done this! I've sat in a historic place and actually saw the ruins as they were when they were new and lived in!
He reminds me of Ram Dass. They look alike and basically speak of very much the same things. Love for them both!
Harner interviewed him once, I saw the video on UA-cam.
Always love to see Michael and the wonderful humor which was his, and which I am sure he has taken with him to the next time and space condominium.
I had a similar experience when I went through A near death experience at the hospital where I almost died...
Though according to the doctor it was just few mins....but to me it fells like have been out for long....
I guess time has no place in the afterlife, ...the things I saw at the other side has really changed my life...
I come from a bloodline of shamans, kept running from myself till I couldn’t anymore ....
I guess at some point in our lives, we will have to come to terms with who we truly are, the reason am here watching this too...
Peace, freind!
You are very brave indeed. It's easy to get caught in the monkey mind and forget your path. That's one of the first things that happen to us as beings in this reality- as soon as we're born, we forget our mission! It can be healing to share your experiences. I thank you for sharing.
I've also had an awakening to the world of Spirit Medicine through different means (as I am not in a culture that celebrates these paths, as I'm assuming you are not as well.)
I was actually in for my first Channelling session, by a trusted medium. A freind of ours had told her about my incredibly lucid "dreams", and how I had been communicating with beings and learning things from them, remembering these "dreams" for years. So, my intention was to figure out the meaning of these dreams, who these beings were, if they we're real, and if so, what are my next steps.
Basically through a shared experience, I had traveled with the medium to find out these awnseres unintentionally, and we found out I am too from a succession of Shamans, always working with the plant queendom, from life to life, and these beings are indeed very real, and I had met a few of my helping spirits.
I have not been following my path since, up to yesterday, after months of mental anguish, and I will tell you, things are different for the better.
Journey on, fellow healer!
Can you share your experience with me?
Don’t let yourself forget the essential nature of that vision, the essence of love, that’s what I have sometimes done myself with mine. 🙏
What were your steps in returning to shamanic heritage? Where does one start?
I completed my advanced classes in Core Shamanism right after last Halloween in Bali under the tutelage of Dr Michael Harner's student.
Thank you Dr Harner for your Spirit & Wisdom.
Immensely grateful for you skilful drumming for my sessions on UA-cam as well.
He passed in 2018
Hi! Where can I learn this in Bali and who is his student? Are they still operating? Thanks! ❤️
Thanks for posting this. The more people who see it, the better.
I looove the drumming!!!🥰🙏🏽💯
This is the first time I have ever heard anyone relay what I have been trying to on my own of my experiences when 'going out of body', when shifting my conscious awareness into other reality systems. The type 2 explains it perfectly. Although I shift quite often I would not say I could do it at will. The drum might help! Thank you for sharing this talk. Michael is a wonderful speaker.
Thank you! Enjoyed watching and listening very much. Well Wishes for you and yours. ❤🧡❤
Michael Harner, you are awesome.
Congratulations on the long journey, Michael. You did what She told you to do, and now you can bug the rest of us -- in any time -- to do this as well. She will have sent you back pretty soon, of course, but at least then you can learn more quickly from your own teaching. It has been good to hear the notes of your skittering once and again.
"...and so we sing and we dance
upon the shifting and drifting of the Dunes of Truth
always changing, always flowing, always different
new forms grown from flakes of snow and crumbled old stones.
There is no path but that we remember it
no surface but that we climb ourselves up
no map but the inspirations of spirit and virtue
no goal but to move and discover new views.
We are sung in its song as we are whirled in its dancing
and in flowing within us, it makes us real."
- zfr, (1985)
Thanks. I like the rambling style. It’s good to get back into his mind after all these years... and a a good mind it is.
Excellent video. Thank you for uploading it.
great video
Great knowledge, thank you all.
4:40 Time compression. Very interesting. Last night, I watched the film "Contact", and the Jodie Foster character basically has a similar experience. Through the use of an alien machine, she goes through a wormhole and travels to the star Vega. For her, the entire journey takes almost 18 hours, but for the folks back on Earth only a few seconds have passed by. Perhaps the shaman's experience of time is somehow related to Einstein's theory of relativity and time dilation.
One of my all-time favorite films!
You watched a movie of somebody else experiencing it .... wow cool :/
Eryan724 hey, shut chyer aperture : )
Mushrooms taught me this the other night. No joke the most intense experience I've ever had
My love & respects to beloved late Sir M.Harner
sonic driving = vibration = frequency, you can also achieve this state by "shaking" or "rocking", essentially attracting or repelling energy in which you want to resonate with, such as with a version of the self, which vibrates at a higher frequency or a lower frequency, the neutral version of the self is a merged being, both physical and spiritual, with varying degrees of alignments associated with infinite versions of the self...from a shamanistic point of view, if you are not a shaman, you are experiencing nothing, until you experience everything, once you experience everything, you create something, you understand anything, and all things.
nothing = no thing, individual...a thing is an assembly of individuals, if you are experiencing nothing you are essentially experiencing your self, but just your physical self, not aware of other versions of yourself based on the atheist approach of proof and evidence, if you don't see it you don't believe it, from a shamanistic perspective its all about believing rather than seeing, from a sensual perspective we can only see in 2 dimensions, we can see ourselves and our reflection, for example, if i am looking at a tree i am seeing my self which has the characteristics of a tree, the tree is essentially me, it looks different, it feels different, but only because of my senses, if i had no senses it would simply be nothing, just like everything around me, so by stating i am surrounded by everything and nothing i am essentially both these thing vibrate from something.
The All One..!! Recently had the beautiful and profound experience of Shamanic soul was after a 25yr dormancy (depression unresolved grief) following passing of my father...ill have another session in a months time...I felt I lost bit of time while under guidance of the Shaman..I wanted to stay there it was bliss...I was following his breath and felt deeply deeply connected to my souls source...
Reminds me of instructions • method on releasing Soul from bodily containment.. from Thoth - in EMERALD TABLETS through the use of similar technique^^ involving a(n) specific short.phrase in repetitive utterance 😎🤝 ☄️
Beautiful talk informative and cheerful .I will be checking out Mr garners book🙏🙏
im a guitar player one night i was rehearsing songs with headphones on and i was jamming on two chords in 4/4 time after a few minutes with my eyes closed i began to see geometric paterns of gold light and when i was done i thought i played for a few minutes but over an hour passed by
Yes, I've seen weird moving geometric patterns while playing jaw's freaked me out enough at times that I had to stop. Also really beautiful.
You should look into Tool and their music. Specifically; Maynard James Keenan and the music & lyrics he writes, and Danny Carey and his drumming.
Beautifully Simply Put! Thankyou 🙏🏼
My mom and dad were students of Michael Harner in the 1980’s. They met each other there.
I have been doing time travel to save my life and others lives. I have changed some events where i died. So now for memory i remember the murder or illness or other multiple future and i go back to myself to change my death. Easy to do once dead not always easy when alive and pre occupied. Everything he says is true. I just named things differently. So glad if found this channel frequency. His lecture is accurate to my experiences. The only people who understand me are super psi, spyckics, and American Indians. The older cultures remember must do time travel to get info and save the children. Some zen buddhists understand also. Thanks for the sage smell while watching. Love sage.
Grace Serena Christie i seen parts of my life befor it happened. it fucked me up for a while.
What a delightfully pleasant gentleman.
My exact thoughts :))
Haven't seenHarner in awhile and this was 2011.Still has the humor,still speaks the truth- just needs his notes now
the guy had a stroke
Loved the book I have it !
He talks about the mechanism to achieve a goal but what really matters is the intent.
Type 2, simultaneous . Thank you.:)
Nice. Hope that all people learn something -- even on the time driven side of the duality
What a beautiful man
8:54 he says something about being in two realities at once. I have schizophrenia and this is exactly what it's like.
Watch the interview of Izhtak Bentov.
@@lymphomasurvive which one?
@burnmydust Sometimes, though such development may occur spontaneously, or due to some accident, a person will tend to become unbalanced, because of his inability to distinguish between the physical and the new realities he can suddenly see. He will eventually be diagnosed as schizophrenic, because he will see or hear things which a “normal” person does not see or hear. - Bentov
This said, the merging being addressed in the video is a merging with an inner layer of your own being (in my experience), and this is what leads to the shift in consciousness systems which brings you into contact with other of your [soul] lifetimes. Which you can then merge with in the ways I stated above.
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! = ))))))))))))))))))))
He is sharp!
We can travel in other altered states like lucid dreams and OBEs.
How do you use drumming to go into an altered state? Anyone know? 💚
i have only been a shaman once but it was an o.k. time
Hahaha this ia hilarious for a reason i only half understand
Nicely put!!!
Piękny wykład. Szkoda że tego pana już z nami nie ma .
Poczułem od razu że rok lub dwa lata temu odszedł.
Ps. Przepraszam że pisze po Polsku.
Chyba Google wam przetłumaczy ;)
Query; can we consider this merging a merging of the Mortal Coil (chemical consciousness) with our higher (Etheric) selves? As "western" practitioners can we not achieve a conscious coupling with this plain of existence merely through perspective??
RIP Michel Harner.
cool stuff v interesting:)
is there any transcript of this.
Some passages of his speech are very important, but rather incomprehensible for a foreign listener.
For example at 13:16 (under what circumstances they are not able to come back?)
no, he said they can stay there permanently if they want to, but why not do good and bring the knowledge back to this suffering reality and help their people,tribes, Nation, ect before they go there permanently. so they dedicate their lives to the practice of going and returning.
❤❤❤❤ 🙏
@TrollOvGrimness There are varying degrees to which you/I can come in.. I can hang out in their field and just observe, or I can come fully in and it is as though I AM that individual -with varying degrees of awareness / connection to the details of their lifetime. I cannot say with any certainty whether I am merging with a free will individual currently experiencing a physical incarnation, or the akashic 'record' of it. I lean toward the latter, both are the same in degree of reality.
Is he adorable??!!
ace ty
What's the meaning of his Rome comment?
I'm guessing the time-keeper was wearing a collar
He is already outside of time.
the time not is 9 am 5 8 2017
LOL, great opening.
Shamanism the new Buzz word - Shamanism is Big Business , Big Bucks in the Western World. Rather than try to become a Shamanic Practitioner, simply live from your heart and the rest will take care of itself.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a family, though? Don't you think it sucks that we all have to hide in our little caves because we can't trust any of the billions of our neighbors?
Not trying to start an argument, I live in a cave too. I just think it's criminal that I have to in order to feel safe.
I'm someone who's practiced astral projection a lot etc. I believe in ancients had some abilities n connections with the world that we've lost. I've long considered myself somewhat of a not very good shaman. In the beginning of this video before i really got into watching I I figured I'd try n astral project back into time tho. I can basically face to face with a young man "maybe 20 years old?" That all i can guess was far more capable then myself in the realm as he noticed me n introduced himself as Joncha n he had some kind of large cat that I don't believe was fully grown n he introduced him as Puncha n scratched the cat bum for a smile. He lived or was in some kind of Forrest near a waterfall. I wasn't there well n struggled for any connection. I did all this not truely buying it. I lost connection n came back tho. The reason I'm leaning towards it may of been real is I did some research on the names. Joncha "maybe incorrectly spelled in my spelling tho" Joncha is an Indian surname n I was like ok but that dosent mean much necessarily. The part that freaked me out was I looked up the cat's name "Puncha" I misspelled it but Poonchha means tail apparently in one of the Indian languages n the cat had a poofball on his tail n he would play with the cat tugging it's tail a bit. Maybe I skimmed by the word before or heard it before or something but after googling. I'm vastly less against that it was BS. I did this after breathing excersices. I could feel the sunlight well while I was laying in the room. Joncha jumped in the water tho n Puncha layed by it n cleaned n sunbathed, I jumped in as well tho could barely feel the water. I was barely there n it was difficult to stay. I'm not saying it was real but with the cat's name meaning tail in one if the Indian languages apparently it really makes me wonder n feel the need to attempt again n possibly study more about it. Joncha n Puncha if y'all are real tho I hope y'all had great lives
I have no clue if he is real if I have any long distant relation to him. I do have a bit of native American in me tho. I'm Irish Scottish polish native n German that I know of. Tho I do believe/know natives came from asia.
If it was real that's amazing if it wasn't real that's still amazing n almost had to of accessed some distant blip of a memory n I almost had to of known Poonchha ment tail somehow wether it be from a show about lions or tigers etc set in India or what I couldn't say. Either way tho I just had something occur that I need to research more n play around with. Either I just did something very shamanistic or I accessed my brain in a way only people with photographic memory n or the audio version of it do n I didn't realize I did it.
I do tend to have good memory but I wouldn't think it to be that significantly great.
Great way to open lol
Wow i have been a shaman since we had to fight wooly mammoths mastadones in WA state. Only spychics understand me.
tusk tusk
"Spychic" pretending to be a psychic but actually having inside information .... wow leqrn something new every day....thanks urbandictionairy
sweet guy, but he's off. I read his stuff many years ago....Read: Shamans and Religion: An anthropological exploration in critical thinking by Alice Beck Kehoe (2000). for good critique of Harner p 82-84
An anthropologist/ archeologist commenting on spirituality is a different world than a shaman experiencing spirituality. A musicologist commenting on music is a different world than a musician creating music. With that in mind I will gladly look into your recommendation. Thx
Australian Aborigines! There are over 200 groups in Australia, they dont all have the same beliefs.
I'm willing to bet... he means the ones he met. xD
Dear Micheal got to retire. Bless him.
Speds in the crowd
24:51 LOL - Taking the piss out of Maurizio!
No matter how in depth or at length one discusses the recipe, one cannot taste the dish.
This time is , illusion. Other word for, lies.
Romke Mient Kroes I wouldn't say that time as we habitually experience it is a "lie". What we are finding out about time is that it is malleable.
Then share your knowledge/experience about time?
Well we know insects like flies experience time more slowly than we do, almost like bullet time from the matrix, making them kind of hard to swat.
As for my personal experience of time I was raised in a information dense and accelerated culture (L.A.) however when I went into the wilderness of Alaska for two years my perception of time and information flow changed.
My point was that time as we normally experience it by the ticking of the clock is not an illusion but really just one of many ways a mind can handle the flow of time.
Time is subjective also yes. And perhaps past now and future is in a sense all one. There is also timeless.
Romke Mient Kroes When you say timeless, what do you mean? Does any kind of action occur in the "timeless" space?
destiny? i think not
Harner is simply wrong about sonic driving-Neher's Theory of pseudo-epileptic fit induction. It isn't found in most African groups, nor in Siberia. Harner accused a Siberian native of lying in the 1990's when she said that she had no clue what his "boom boom boom" was, save that it wasn't part of kamlaniya, since all real shamanic cultures do this.
If the Nanai and Ulchi, the type specimens for shamans aren't real, then who is?
Sources? I'd like to know more.
How I use sonic driving...
he is great by god
Oh, that first joke just made me Weep!
Thumbs up if Esalen brought you here :D
you want to connect with real shamans of white lodge?
1 go to bed relax and previously stay sexually continent for 6 months...minimum.
2 then repeat the word OOOMMMNNIIISSSS BBAAAAUUUUUMMMMM IIGGNNEEOOOSSS master kalusuanga, come to me come to me come to me...wake my concioussness in astral world...(repeat that many times as yu fall asleep or listen to drums)
3 patience and do it every night at 4 am after 5 h sleep.
my Teecher ei never kan know beaqus me mony is not enogh.
Difficult to listen to.
If this guy were any slower - he'd be moving backwards in time...
increase the video speed
@@jahnwarnermedia - ...doesn't solve his real-life 'issue'...
@@MANHATTANBEEFMAN his age is an issue for you? He has passed away now. Be grateful he made this video.
@@barbaraettles1865 - Where did I say his 'age' is an issue? I referred to the obvious 'slowwwwwwnessssss' of his presentation. Be accurate Barbara - it matters.
@@MANHATTANBEEFMAN I don't want to discuss whether or not you had implications in your words -my main information that I wanted to transfer to you is that he died in Feb of 2018 at the age of 89. You will be slower too at that age if you are alive at all.
I never hear this guy say anything of merit.
Brendan Hall come back in a few months and see if it seems any better.
26:05 LOL!
Obviously a very knowledgeable person on the subject, but his presentation skills are so lacking that it makes
it hard to soldier through his talk
he is almost 90 and has dedicated his life for nearly 70 years to help others.., it is hard to soldier through your lack of manners; discourtesy and arrogance. get some manners, grow up.
I acknowledged his expertise, and expressed that a key element - his presentation - was scattered. This was apparently not a context where he needed to rely on citation, which is really what I was looking for. He was talking about global 'shamanic' small task. It helps to refer, even in passing, to something that can be verified. Obviously he is committed to this work, if he can speak with such apparent authority. That doesn't exempt him from academic standards.
An ad hominem attack on your part is unnecessary.
your ad hominem attack on me doesn't make you any less a pathetic narcissist and bully. sir I will always standup for what is Right and up to who is trying to demean the accomplishments of the greatest humanitarians in the world to try make themselves look superior to them. you are rude, compassionless and obviously willfully ignorant. you are just a Troll for the anti intellectuals..etc or anything that makes us free. if you would have listened to what he said, it wouldn't have mattered. you have obviously fooled yourself, about what you are. that doesn't mean you can fool us.
2passnthru2 Wow. ActaSanctorum didn't attack you at all, I'm not sure where you thought they did, but your response is wholly indicative of exactly what you claimed they were being: a narcissistic bully. All you did was attack them and said they didn't understand the bulk of what Harner said, which they obviously did and they admitted to, but it appears everything you accused ActaSanctorum of doing , you certainly did your best to personify.
But I agree, this talk is a bit all over the place. But it's not _that_ bad, I think the real issue is the microphone volume, Harner is very difficult to understand at times because his voice is almost inaudible.
after a severe stroke please understand there is a context
He gets to the beef of his point and starts mumbling......
Too much drugs.
Too little nature....
You meant "medicine"🤗🙏
Don't be afraid to use your imagination.