Old faithful. A Marshall that won't break your heart periodically. Some Marshalls are moody but not the DSL. Consistent AF. The 50 watt head sounds best in my opinion. Don't know what happened at the end there. I toured relentlessly with one. Never a hiccup. Great job micing it up as always.
@eduardwilliams1245 there was actually solder hanging around loose in close to the jack portion and was intermittently touching the hot and ground together. But yes this amp is a workhorse. Guitar has since been fixed
Old faithful. A Marshall that won't break your heart periodically. Some Marshalls are moody but not the DSL. Consistent AF. The 50 watt head sounds best in my opinion. Don't know what happened at the end there. I toured relentlessly with one. Never a hiccup. Great job micing it up as always.
@eduardwilliams1245 there was actually solder hanging around loose in close to the jack portion and was intermittently touching the hot and ground together. But yes this amp is a workhorse. Guitar has since been fixed
Just picked up a TSL100 JCM2000 over the weekend