Food Safety and "farm to fork" pathway [Shetland Neurodiversity Project]

  • Опубліковано 14 вер 2024
  • #### What is food safety?
    Food safety is the scientific discipline that ensures that food is handled, prepared, and stored in ways that prevent foodborne illnesses. It covers the entire food chain, from production to consumption, to protect public health from potential hazards such as contamination or misuse of additives.
    #### What is the EU’s "farm to fork" pathway?
    The "farm to fork" pathway is a comprehensive approach that covers every step of food production, from the agricultural farm to the consumer's table. It aims to prevent food contamination, promote hygiene, and ensure animal health and welfare. This pathway helps maintain food safety across all stages, including production, processing, transportation, and retail.
    #### What is the General Food Law, and why is it important?
    The **General Food Law**, adopted by the EU in 2002, defines the basic principles for the EU's food safety policy. It regulates food safety issues covering the entire food chain, from animal feed and food production to retail sales. This law also establishes the principles of risk analysis, ensuring that scientific and technical assessments are conducted to protect human, animal, and environmental health.
    #### Who provides scientific advice on food safety within the EU?
    The *European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)* is responsible for providing scientific advice on food safety. EFSA works on emerging priorities set by the European Commission, European Parliament, and member states, ensuring that the latest data on biological hazards, contaminants, and food consumption are analyzed for decision-making.
    #### What is food fraud, and why is it a concern?
    Food fraud is the intentional substitution, addition, tampering, or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients, or packaging. It poses significant risks to public health and undermines consumer trust in the food industry. For example, the 2013 horsemeat scandal caused widespread concern about the integrity of food supply chains and led to major reforms in food safety and traceability.
    #### What role does the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) play?
    The *Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)* is an early warning system used by the EU to protect consumers from food that does not meet European safety standards. When a food safety threat is detected, alerts are sent across the EU, which can result in the recall of unsafe products, stopping shipments, and removing contaminated food from shops and warehouses.
    #### How does the EU regulate veterinary medicines in food-producing animals?
    The EU ensures that food products, such as meat, milk, and eggs, do not contain harmful residue levels of veterinary medicines. Regulation (EC) No 470/2009 sets the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for substances used in veterinary medicine, ensuring they do not pose a health risk to consumers. Before any veterinary medicine is authorized, the European Medicines Agency evaluates its safety and establishes MRLs.
    #### What are the emerging technologies in food safety and preservation?
    Emerging technologies in food safety include **active antimicrobial packaging systems**, which can suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms within food packaging. These systems maintain microbial safety while enhancing shelf life and preserving the sensory qualities of the food. Novel analytical methods and rapid detection systems are also being developed to identify a broader range of contaminants and improve food safety monitoring.
    #### How does the EU address food-borne zoonotic diseases?
    Food-borne zoonotic diseases, caused by pathogens transmitted between animals and humans via contaminated food, are a significant concern for the EU. The EU promotes the implementation of good agricultural and engineering practices to reduce the risk of zoonotic infections. Education programs and surveillance systems help monitor and prevent these diseases from spreading through food.
    #### Why is biosecurity important in food safety?
    Biosecurity is crucial to protecting food value chains from biological risks, such as zoonotic diseases and contamination. The EU implements biosecurity strategies to safeguard the health of animals and plants, prevent the spread of disease, and protect public health. Effective biosecurity policies also enhance the safety and sustainability of international trade in food products.