  • Опубліковано 22 лип 2024
    LIVE T/C:-10/07/2024
    Integrated disease-pest management in Rice crop Brief synopsis:- Rice is a staple crop that many developing countries rely upon for national stability and economic progress. On the other hand, rice pests-diseases represent a major biotic barrier to world rice production. This review aims to provide information on major rice pests and disease, their identification, biology, and various IPM treatments, particularly biological management strategies. Rice crops in Gujarat are affected by several major pests that can cause significant yield losses. Here are some of the most notable ones pest like yellow stem borer, brown plant hopper, leaf hoppers and plant hoppers, gall midge, rice leaf folder, grain-sucking bugs. Key Components of Integrated Pest Management in Rice Pest monitoring by use of tools like light traps, pheromone traps, and field scouting to assess pest levels. Do cultural practices like crop rotation and intercropping to disrupt pest life cycles. proper water management and timely planting to reduce pest incidence. Use mechanical practices with manual removal of pests and use of physical barriers and installation of bird perches to encourage natural pest predators. Biological control practices with introduction of natural enemies like parasitoids, predators, and pathogens. Chemical control by judicious use of pesticides based on economic threshold levels (etl). preference for biopesticides and reduced-risk chemicals to minimize environmental impact. Plant diseases are one of the major constraints in achieving the potential yield. Rice, the most important food crop in the world, is attacked by a number of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Due to hanged cultivation practices, reduced varietal diversity resulting in narrow genetic base and apparent climatic changes, the dynamics of rice diseases has changed over time. Rice crops in Gujarat are susceptible to several major diseases that can significantly impact yield. Here are some of the most prevalent ones: Diseases like Rice Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Sheath Blight, Brown Spot, Rice Tungro Disease, False Smut Effective management of these diseases involves integrated disease management (IDM) strategies, including the use of resistant varieties, proper cultural practices, biological control, and judicious use of chemical treatments. Use balanced amounts of plant nutrients, especially nitrogen. Ensure good drainage of fields (in conventionally flooded crops) and nurseries Keep fields clean. Remove weed hosts and plow under rice stubble, straw, rice ratoons and volunteer seedlings, which can serve as hosts of bacteria. Allow fallow fields to dry in order to suppress disease agents in the soil and plant residues.