Exposing Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel:Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • ★WATCH our UPDATED VIDEO that has around 8.9 MILLION views here: • FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED... ★www.SO4J.com/false-teachers ★2018 DVD ★www.SO4J.com/store ★From SO4J-TV: "So many churches these days Preach a: Worldly Man-centered pragmatic Shallow "gospel" that is focused merely on this life,& is CONTRARY to God's Word VS the TRUE GOSPEL which is about the Good News of "REPENTANCE & FAITH in JESUS" (Mark 1:15). So many professing Christians lack Biblical Discernment as well. ★Professing Christians should be diligently SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY (Acts 17:11),& BE DISCERNING & COMPARE what you are HEARING- from these False Teachers (&anyone, including us) along w/their False Prophecies (that are Mixed w/Truth in their Sermons),& Compare it w/God's Word. Remember too, it's not always what False Teachers say, it's what they DON'T say. MANY seem to ONLY want to talk about "God's Love" (along w/their: Money-talk,&/or Self-Esteem,or Pragmatic people-pleasing talk,&more)- they are NOT at all preaching like: Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc. did when they would warn people & talk about: Sin, Hell, the Coming Judgment, etc (John 16:8). Love is NOT merely giving people what they want, Love Warns too of Danger, which is also what this video aims to do. ★This DVD is a resource that we, SO4J-TV, had the honor of producing w/JUSTIN PETERS: "CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER" aka: "A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT" DVD (8.5 Hours, 2 DVDs) which ends w/the true Gospel. This is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel/Charismatic movement. Justin's teaches his excellent biblical eye-opening Seminar around the World that Exposes the Deceptions of the Prosperity gospel.
    ★”JUDGING- SHOULD CHRISTIANS JUDGE?" excerpt above & below By Martha Mac ©SO4J-TV® www.SO4J.com/judging-others-should-christians-judge "We are NOT to Judge a person's MOTIVES (Matt 7:1), but we ARE to Judge a Fellow Believer's & Teachers: FRUIT / ACTIONS (Matt 7:15-20, John 7:24,1 Cor 5:12-13, 6:1-20,1John 4:1); to make sure they're NOT Teaching CONTRARY to GOD'S WORD, and that the ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE is CORRECT, for the Protection of Gods People, His Sheep (John 10). If a certain Bible Teacher continually Teaches error (re: Essential Christian Doctrine,etc) after they, the the Bible Teacher or Professing Christian, has been warned by the Body of Christ of this Error- it would be very UNLOVING & BIBLICALLY INCORRECT if we, God's People, didn’t lovingly WARN other FELLOW believers in Christ (like Jesus, Peter, Paul, etc.) of these BIBLICAL ERRORS. We are to WARN others out of LOVE for the TRUTH (Eph 4:15, Jude 1:1-4) & for the ETERNAL SAFETY of God's People, His Flock (Acts20:28-32,1 Pet5:2-4, John 10). We Warn others of the DANGERS of these Teachings &/or False Teachers who are TEACH things that are CONTRARY to God's Word- those who are keeping people Focused on this Life, on the BROAD PATH leading to Destruction (Hell) w/their: Vague Watered-Down-gospel of Half-truths, etc. It does NOT matter what the INTENTIONS or MOTIVES of these Ministers are either i.e. A False Teacher might be a WELL MEANING PERSON, who's Agenda might NOT be out to Intentionally hurt God's People. In fact they might believe 1000% that they are doing God's Work. But whether they're out to Deceive people on Purpose or Not, it doesn't matter, as this False Teacher might be a Victim of Satan's Lies himself- being that he is DUPED & DECEIVED! And there are many Ministers who are NOT doing what God's Word Exhorts them to do and that is to GUARD the SHEEP (God's People, His Flock) that has been ENTRUSTED to THEM. (Acts 20:28-32, 1Tim 6:20-21, 1 Pet 5:2-4). We are to Warn and/or Lovingly Correct any Bible Teachers out there who are saying things that are CONTRARY to God's Word. Acts20:26-32; Gal1:6-9; 2 Tim2:17-18, Eph5:11, Ezek3:17-19. We should be VIGILANT & DISCIPLINED in our STUDY of GOD's WORD (1Tim 2:15) to be constantly SEARCHING & "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES" (Acts17:11) closely to see if what we ourselves &/or a Bible Teacher is saying is TRUTH or not- OR is it TWISTING of the SCRIPTURE (whether deliberately or not)..If a Preacher is NOT Correctly Teaching Essential Christian Doctrine & is merely keeping people focused on this Life & on the Broad Path to Hell, OR they’re Prophesying Falsely (Deut13:1-18, Deut18:20-22), we are to "MARK THEM" (NAME NAMES of Deceivers,of which Paul did 8 TIMES in 2nd Tim (Rom16:17-18,Titus 1:10-14,1John 4:1, 1Cor14:29,1Thess5:21,John 7:24)
    ★GO TO: ►www.JustinPeters.org OR ►www.SO4J.com OR ★False Teachers List: ►www.SO4J.com/false-teachers ★Video & Graphics by ©SO4J-TV® 2015 by Rick Wagner & Martha Mac
    ★Keep Looking UP!^ (Col.3:1-4) ❤️ SO4J-TV #SO4J [SoldOutForJesus]
    ★Video is COPYRIGHTED By ©Justin Peters Min & ©SO4J-TV® ★Please do NOT Rip/Steal this video or upload any of Justin Peters Seminars on social media & more which is COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Instead Support these Gospel Efforts by sharing these videos from our channel.


  • @CeCeW51
    @CeCeW51 7 років тому +81

    FINALLY! Someone who is exposing these horrible prosperity preachers for who they are. They are liars & giving Christianity a bad name. Prosperity preaching is nothing but coveting!

    • @obinna1214
      @obinna1214 7 років тому +3

      Cindy w then please agree with me in prayer, let all your prosperity be given to me In Jesus mighty name Amen

    • @nunya9555
      @nunya9555 5 років тому +3

      Prosperity isn't just money. Prosperity is also not having to spend your money on cancer treatment, insurance deductibles, fines, damage to property, etc. The list goes on and on. You know, the courses listed in Deuteronomy. Prosperity is having all of the blessings in Deuteronomy in your life. This takes faith. Do you believe in the God of Abraham? These blessings are for you.
      If you were born in the USA, even poor, you are wealthier than most in the world. That is the definition of prosperity. That prosperity that we as Americans enjoy is only the result of our nation's Christian foundation. That prosperity functions to fund the gospel to the nations! Do not take that lightly! If you had more money, would you give more to the church? Probably, if there was a hint of faith in you. Oh no, you would be applying biblical prosperity because of your faith!
      I for one, think we should always strive to do more, be better, and make more money to sponsor the Great Commission. That is our #1 job as Christian's. Not to tear down our brothers and sisters because their calling is different.

    • @LoneWolf1024W
      @LoneWolf1024W 5 років тому +1

      dont talk without knowing god's presence and you are talking like a small kid

    • @l-ssfhgr6118
      @l-ssfhgr6118 4 роки тому

      Someone exposing ? Mr. Peters is a professional speaker in a commercial religious Business. Speaking out against other ministries is all part of the game. It's all about revenue. Defund him and he'd be selling used cars in a week.

  • @cennysumampouw4398
    @cennysumampouw4398 4 роки тому +20

    Pray for many people will watch this so they will know the true!

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому +19

    Your 100% Correct! The Lord is using Justin to Expose these LIES & TWISTING of Scripture! Anyone involved in Word of Faith reading this needs to RUN from this FALSE Twisted "gospel" that knows NOTHING about what REAL FAITH is! RUN! FAITH comes by HEARING Gods Word (Rom10 17) which leads to BELIEVING (Heb11 6), & then OBEYING GODS WORD (1 John2 3-6) out of a Love for JESUS (John14 15). Very Little is said about Holiness & Obedience to Gods Word..but Much about what else..MONEY!

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 4 роки тому +4

      Praise God for the ministry of Justin and S04J-TV.
      I'm watching from the UK..and it's just as necessary here and on continental Europe. This 'word-faith' nonsense has spread like gangrene everywhere and is destroying churches from the inside.
      All professing believers i n Christ have a duty to keep 'contending for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints'.
      In Christ..

  • @alanstrong3295
    @alanstrong3295 4 роки тому +9

    Got to keep on telling the truth and exposing the ungenuine evangelists. Prayer for getting those false ministers and teachers back on track are needed. Jesus Is Lord!

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  4 роки тому +1

      To: @Alan Strong - Amen to all you said..! ★Titus 1:9 (NASB) “Hold FIRM to the TRUSTWORTHY WORD as TAUGHT, so that he [you] may be able to GIVE INSTRUCTION in SOUND DOCTRINE and also to REBUKE those who CONTRADICT it.”

  • @charlie8357
    @charlie8357 9 років тому +96

    You folks here are crazy calling Justin out over a five minute video. This is just an clip of an 8 hour study where he absolutely breaks his argument down and defends his position. By the way a lot you people are just internet theologians who can't stand to hear the truth of these false prophets because you believe in them. Please folks put away all the emotions you felt when you wiggled on the floor aside and think critically. Justin has a masters in theology you better believes he knows his bible.

    • @worldexposed9245
      @worldexposed9245 6 років тому

      You have no understanding

    • @davelong6582
      @davelong6582 6 років тому +11

      Justin speaks the truth

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 6 років тому

      Carlos Gonzalez Well! I'll take all the wiggles I can get from the Holy Ghost. I have a masters from the master. lol hahahaha Hallelujah .

    • @JewandGreek
      @JewandGreek 5 років тому +3

      JP might have a Masters in theology but what he says about Word of Faith teaching and teachers is full of misinformation. I've done 8 videos rebutting his nonsense.

    • @r.a.fuentes2970
      @r.a.fuentes2970 5 років тому

      My pastor has a phD in theology so this guy must be a lying deceiving devil

  • @johnjewel6711
    @johnjewel6711 8 років тому +38

    God bless the true men of God.... Amen

    • @rickeyripley5957
      @rickeyripley5957 5 років тому +4

      My sister is one of those who blindly follows tv preachers like benny hinn an TD jakes..she doesnt read the bible an therefore doesnt test the spirit ..my sister is now possessed by a demon an hates the truth of God..

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  4 роки тому +2

      To: @Rickey Ripley 59 - Oh Wow.. sorry to hear about that.. she should read Costi Hinn’s book (Costi Hinn is Benny Hinns nephew who left the Prosperity Gospel.. had listed to John MacArthurs (SO4J-TVs senior Pastor) conference called “Strange Fire” along with other things where the Lord in His mercy truly opened up Costis eyes and ears to the True Gospel- what an amazing testimony and so encouraging! // ★Anyone our therr want more info about that can Check out Costi Hinn’s Book: “GOD, GREED, & THE (PROSPERITY) GOSPEL: HOW TRUTH OVERWHELMS A LIFE BUILT ON LIES” [2019] ★www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0310355273 ❤️ SO4J-TV

  • @crocodile7801
    @crocodile7801 9 років тому +16

    Excellent and praying for you before OUR Father!

  • @ipaporod
    @ipaporod 9 років тому +30

    Question to a Gospel of Prosperity Preacher:
    I am a born again Christian who rejoice his spirit in reading Yahweh's word and having a daily communion with the Holy Spirit. I have no desires of material earthly things other than those needed for my survival and well being!.My heavenly loving father provides me with enough food for me and my dog Ralphy (my faithful companion) and a small house that serves as shelter from rain and the sun. Although, by society's standards, I am considered to be poor (could use a little more money) , I am truly happy and wouldn't wish to have to many changes in my life as it is.
    I am content with what God gave me and always ask of him to give me enough as long as it is in accordance with his will. Question: does that means that I am not prosperous and blessed with material things because of a lack of faith? or that by not asking God for material blessing, I am not allowing my Lord to bless me as He intends to?.
    If that would be the case, then St.Paul , Elijah, John The Baptist and Jesus faith WERE not at the level of today prosperity preachers' faith, WHICH I REALLY DOUBT!.
    I never thought that the church of Christ would be using faith as a mean to obtain material blessing. If that would be the case then our faith, hopes and dreams would be on the material temporal state of things and not on the spiritual eternal reality. I rather put my faith in God and Jesus to guide me in the right path to salvation, which is the MAIN GIFT/BLESSING AND FINAL PURPOSE OF CHRIST SACRIFICE IN THE CROSS!.I pray to Yahweh to bless me spiritually and to grant me knowledge and wisdom in understanding his word so others could be blessed by His gospel.
    The main reason Christ died was not for me to be prosperous and rich, He died because my sinful condition was so bad and precarious that He felt merciful enough to grant me eternal life through Jesus Christ sacrifice in the cross (REDEMPTION). I needed a savior and He provided one, that's the MOST precious and valuable gift/blessing that anyone could give a sinner. I practiced sin for a major part of my life but now ,through Jesus Christ, I am part of the holy family of our beloved Yahweh, what a wonderful ending,!.GLORY BE TO THE ALL MIGHTY YAHWEH, HIS HUMBLE SON JESUS CHRIST AND THE GLORIOUS HOLY SPIRIT!.

    • @davidkelly848
      @davidkelly848 8 років тому +6

      +Ismael Rodriguez Hi Ismael, just want to thank you for your inspiring testimony. In contrast to all the animosity and even vilification thrown by people on these forums , your words are refreshing , encouraging and honoring to God. Of course we should always give clear and persuasive reason for the hope that is in us , and if we can do it with the sincerity and humility that you do it , all the better. God bless you brother and Ralphy also.

    • @toniayers6550
      @toniayers6550 8 років тому +4

      +Ismael Rodriguez AMEN! that was TRUTH and TRUTH is both beautiful and humbling.

    • @michaelnewzealand1888
      @michaelnewzealand1888 6 років тому +2

      Amen brother. A good testimony!

    • @nunya9555
      @nunya9555 5 років тому +1

      You just shared your Gospel testimony on the internet. There is obviously prosperity in your life, otherwise you would not have the health to testify or the electricity and access to the internet. Prosperity is more than just money, do not be short sighted. God clothes the flowers in beauty but for a short season, and how much more does he love you? Surely he has clothes for all year, and much more! Some ministries have different callings. Some minister to an elderly group of parishioners, with old time hymnals, in a church with no youth. Other congregations are predominantly young, and still some are mixed. Prosperity churches were brought to the forefront by God (in my opinion) to boost the faith of some so that they could see that He has more for them financially. They grew in faith, applied Biblical teaching, and grew their business to use profits to raise up great churches FOR GLOBAL IMPACT. Some are His hands, some are His feet. We all make up the body of Christ.
      If you don't like your brother, and speak ill of him, do you love him? Have you sinned against him? And just because he has a different calling?
      Yes, many preachers have become obscenely rich. I think they have lost sight of the purpose of they haven't proportionately distributed that wealth into the ministry.

    • @keithpanganiban7230
      @keithpanganiban7230 5 років тому +2

      Wow. Thank u sir. Thats a very enlightening testimony. God bless you and i pray god shower you with good health and security. Thanks for the positive message.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  5 років тому +3

    ★WATCH our UPDATED video w/over 10 MILLION views: ua-cam.com/video/ptN2KQ7-euQ/v-deo.html
    ★TO ALL REGARDING HEALING: The Bible assures us that ONLY when God’s Kingdom is fully put into place, in-the-future, will death-&-sickness-&-pain be finally removed and destroyed. Until then, it’s good and right to pray for physical healing as God’s Word tells us to do. The ANSWER we receive from the Lord WON'T be: Healing OR No-Healing.. but it will be healing NOW or healing LATER (i.e. Heb 11:39-40, Heb 11:13)-with the GRACE to live FAITHFULLY (2 Cor 12:7-10) and JOYFULLY (James 1:2-4) in anticipation of a FULL and PERMANENT HEALING in God’s NEW HEAVENS & NEW EARTH (Rev 21:1-3). We need to remember God does NOT promise us on this-side-of-Eternity Health & Wealth 24/7 (Heb 11:13, 39-40) ... as God is Sovereign (Psalm 115:3, Prov 16:9; 19:21, Job 42:2, Rom 9:18)- which Word of Faith (WoF) does not talk about. The LORD can & does Heal, but He can also call us, at times on this-side-of-eternity to share in the various sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:14, 2 Cor 6:4-10, 2 Cor 11:23-30, Heb 11:36-40) i.e. He sometimes uses Trials & Tests at times to sanctify the Believer, etc & many more reasons. The LORD always does ALL things for HIS Glory & for the True Believers good (Rom 8:28, 2 Cor 12:7-10).. Lord Bless.. and may we Keep looking UP!^ (Col 3:1-4) SO4J-TV ❤️ # SO4J
    ★Check out our TV SERIES we Produced with Justin Peters and Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn's Nephew) about Costi Hinn's Testimony on how he LEFT the: Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel-- AND they talk about the "Sovereign Grace of God" in his life of how the Lord mercifully opened Costi Hinn's eyes (and his wife's eyes) to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ.
    ★PLAYLIST LINK (7 videos) - Justin Peters & Costi Hinn & SO4J-TV ua-cam.com/play/PLNUq3RKxstWfg-slahLYcSuLMSpz8RVlZ.html
    ★PLAYLIST LINK (8 videos) ua-cam.com/play/PLNUq3RKxstWcnjzoCvj69qcc9IvCRitBv.html on: SPIRITUAL WARFARE - A BIBLICAL APPROACH ★Justin Peters & Jim Osman & SO4J-TV
    ★FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED - Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters | SO4J-TV - ua-cam.com/video/ptN2KQ7-euQ/v-deo.html
    ★FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL - JUSTIN PETERS & SO4J-TV / 10 Dangers of Extra-Biblical Revelations ua-cam.com/video/pmltLsKHmgE/v-deo.html
    ★DVD: “CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER ll” (8.5 Hours, 2 DVDs). ★MORE INFO at: ►JustinPeters.org OR ►SO4J.com
    ★BOOK: Costi Hinn’s Book: “GOD, GREED, & THE (PROSPERITY) GOSPEL: HOW TRUTH OVERWHELMS A LIFE BUILT ON LIES” [2019] ★www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0310355273
    ★Book: “DEFINING DECEPTION" - Costi Hinn's 2018 Book he Co-Authored with Anthony G. Wood.
    ★MORE: NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION FALSE TEACHING: www.SO4J.com/new-apostolic-reformation-latter-rain
    - Hebrews 11:39-40 (NASB) “And all these, having GAINED APPROVAL through their FAITH, did NOT receive what was PROMISED, 40) because GOD had provided SOMETHING BETTER FOR US..” (Many of the people that Hebrews was talking about SUFFERED GREATLY on this earth... it was not Health & Wealth 24/7 as the Word of Faith Movement falsely teaches!)
    - Hebrews 11:13 (NASB) "All these DIED in FAITH, WITHOUT RECEIVING the PROMISES, but having seen them and having WELCOMED THEM from a distance, and having confessed that they were STRANGERS and EXILES on the EARTH…”
    - Hebrews 11:36-40 “..others experienced MOCKINGS and SCOURGINGS, yes, also CHAINS and IMPRISONMENT. 37) They were STONED, they were SAWN IN TWO, they were TEMPTED, they were put to DEATH with the SWORD; they went about in SHEEPSKINS, in GOATSKINS, being DESTITUTE, AFFLICTED, ILL-TREATED, 38) (men of whom the WORLD was NOT WORTHY), WANDERING in DESERTS and MOUNTAINS and CAVES and HOLES in the GROUND. And all these, having GAINED APPROVAL through their FAITH, did NOT RECEIVE what was PROMISED, 40) because GOD had provided SOMETHING BETTER FOR US..”
    -1 Peter 4:12-14 (NASB) "Beloved, do NOT be surprised at the FIERY ORDEAL (TRIAL) among you, which comes upon you for your TESTING, as though some STRANGE THING were happening to you; but to the degree that you SHARE the SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, keep on REJOICING, so that also at the revelation of HIS GLORY you may REJOICE with EXULTATION. If you are REVILED for the NAME OF CHRIST, you are BLESSED, because the SPIRIT OF GLORY and of GOD rests on you."
    - 2 Corinthians 11:23-30 "Are they servants of Christ? I know I sound like a madman, but I have served him far more! I have worked harder, been put in PRISON more often, been WHIPPED times without number, and faced DEATH again and again. FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES the Jewish leaders gave me THIRTY-NINE LASHES. THREE TIMES I was BEATEN WITH RODS. Once I was STONED. THREE TIMES I was SHIPWRECKED. Once I spent a WHOLE NIGHT AND A DAY ADRIFT AT SEA. I have traveled on many LONG JOURNEYS. I have FACED DANGER FROM RIVERS AND FROM ROBBERS. I have FACED DANGER FROM MY OWN PEOPLE, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have FACED DANGER IN THE CITIES, IN THE DESERTS, AND ON THE SEAS. And I have FACED DANGER from men who CLAIM to be BELIEVERS BUT ARE NOT.I have worked HARD AND LONG, enduring MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. I have been HUNGRY and THIRSTY and have OFTEN GONE WITHOUT FOOD. I have SHIVERED IN THE COLD, without enough clothing to keep me warm. Then, besides all this, I have the DAILY BURDEN OF MY CONCERN FOR ALL THE CHURCHES. Who is weak without my feeling that weakness? Who is led astray, and I do not burn with anger? If I must boast, I would rather BOAST about the things that show how WEAK I am."
    - 2 Corinthians 6:4-10 "In everything we do, we show that we are True Ministers of God. We Patiently ENDURE TROUBLES AND HARDSHIPS AND CALAMITIES OF EVERY KIND. We have been BEATEN, been put in PRISON, faced ANGRY MOBS, WORKED TO EXHAUSTION,ENDURED SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, and GONE WITHOUT FOOD. We prove ourselves by our Purity, our Understanding, our Patience, our Kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love. We Faithfully Preach the Truth. God’s power is Working in us. We use the Weapons of Righteousness in the Right hand for Attack and the left hand for Defense. We serve God whether people HONOR US OR DESPISE US, whether they SLANDER US OR PRAISE US. We are HONEST, but they call us IMPOSTERS. We are IGNORED, even though we are WELL KNOWN. We live CLOSE TO DEATH, but we are still alive. We have been BEATEN, but we have NOT BEEN KILLED. Our HEARTS ACHE, but we always have JOY. We are POOR, but we give SPIRITUAL RICHES TO OTHERS. We OWN NOTHER, and yet we have EVERYTHING (Eternal Life..)."
    -2 Corinthians 12:7-10 “Lest I should be Exalted above Measure by the Abundance of the Revelations, a THORN in the FLESH was given to me, a MESSENGER of SATAN TO BUFFET ME, lest I be EXALTED ABOVE MEASURE. Concerning this thingI PLEADED WITH THE LORD THREE TIMES that it might DEPART FROM ME. And He said to me, "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU, for MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS." Therefore most gladly I will rather BOAST IN MY INFIRMITIES, That The POWER OF CHRIST may rest upon me. Therefore I take PLEASURE IN INFIRMITIES, in REPROACHES, IN NEEDS, IN PERSECUTIONS, IN DISTRESSES, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE.FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG."
    - Romans 8:28 (NASB) “And we know that GOD causes ALL things to WORK TOGETHER for GOOD to those who LOVE GOD, to those who are the CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE...
    - Revelation 21:1-3 (NASB) “Then I saw a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH... and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, 4) and He will WIPE AWAY EVERY TEAR FROM THEIR EYES; and there will NO LONGER be any DEATH; there will NO LONGER be any MOURNING, or CRYING, or PAIN; the first things have PASSED AWAY."

    • @itiswellwithmysole7123
      @itiswellwithmysole7123 5 років тому +1

      Our New bodies are not a healed old body.
      Even taking your side on this, wouldn't one think it was a 50/50 thing to get healed now?? So what percentage of people that Justin & the group pray for, get their healings " now " instead of later? It is Zero % . So you have no evidence of even one healing from Justin's Ministry to back up your teaching.

    • @janeteaton3240
      @janeteaton3240 5 років тому +1

      SO4J-TV I absolutely agree ! I’ve struggled with IBSD and TMJ , they may not sound huge, but the have and do seriously impact my life and ability to function . I’ve struggled for over 25 yrs . I would go to bed every night and pray for relief . I. D.o.n.t believe in dreams , but as I fell asleep praying and asking God if I could just touch his hem and be healed. It seemed like a quick response from Jesus that healing was great but here is something greater .. it was to be with him in heaven where all my sickness and struggles would fall off , there was completeness and wholeness in Christ. ( no I did not go to heaven, or see Jesus ) it seemed like an answer to my prayer in my sleep . Maybe I needed to be asleep to be still enough to hear . LOL. I. D.o.n.t know what it was really . I do know that I woke at peace , stopped fighting against my illness , accepted it knowing that I will someday be healed and whole and all of this struggle now is tiny compared to eternity . Like I said I do not know what to say that was ...
      1 Peter 5:6-11
      I do know that God didn’t promise us a rose garden here and now , but he did promise us eternity with him .

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  4 роки тому +1

      To: @It is well with my sole: Thanks for your feedback on here-we talk about the Sovereignty of God in the pinned statement on this video .. so we’re not sure what you are talking about .. but actually one of us here at SO4J-TV was healed of epilepsy .. please Re-read our above statement on the Sovereignty of God & Healing .. as God does not promise us health & healing 24/7 on this side of eternity .etc. though He can and does heal .. ❤️SO4J-TV
      ★Hebrews 11:39-40 [NASB] “And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40) because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.”
      ★MACARTHUR BIBLE COMMENTARY: “The many accomplishments and sufferings described in these verses apply generally to those faithful saints. Some experienced great success, whereas others suffered great affliction. The point is that they all courageously and uncompromisingly followed God, regardless of the earthly outcome. They placed their trust in him and in his promises (cf. Heb 6:12; 2 Tim. 3:12)…. They had faith in the ultimate fulfillment of the eternal promises in the covenant (v. 13). ❤️

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  4 роки тому +1

      To: @Janet Eaton - Thanks for sharing that here ❤️🙏

  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 10 років тому +18


  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому


  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому +2

    Lords Prayer: YOUR WILL be DONE on EARTH as it is in Heaven" reminds us 2 Pray 4 Gods Plan (Will) in our lives,Not our own Plan. We're to Pray 4 Gods Will 2 be done, not 4 merely our Desires. We're encouraged 2 ask God 4 things we NEED in GIVE us TODAY our DAILY BREAD Phil 4 19 Paul reminds the Philippians,"God will supply all your NEEDS according 2 His riches in Glory.. God Promises Believers He'll Supply our NEEDS not all our WANTS.

  • @Spaseebo
    @Spaseebo 9 років тому +25

    Justin Peters is a true man of God.

    • @nunya9555
      @nunya9555 5 років тому

      That he may be, but he is also a sad little man that belittles others. Note that he cuts these videos to show what he wants to show. No one is perfect, and some may even be devils in disguise. But the attitude this man shows towards others is horrible.

    • @r.a.fuentes2970
      @r.a.fuentes2970 5 років тому

      Let him give up the pews and the pulpit and the sound system and the building and give him a street corner like it was done back in the day yelling to the top of your lungs preaching the word...cause everything you have right now cost someone money and thats no good...preaching from a street corner still is a good thing to do post a video when you do all this and have your following stand on the street giving out moody tracts...wait are moody tracts good or bad???

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    Check out these other 2 SO4J UA-cam Videos on this Topic:
    UA-cam (com) com/watch?v=uIMwMH8fV9Q
    UA-cam (dot) com/watch?v=K7hd_6bO4g0

  • @OdenKnight
    @OdenKnight 10 років тому +15

    Wasn't there something in Revelations warning those who would add to, or subtract from the words of the Bible? How do they sleep at night knowing full well what they are doing is misleading people? This sort of misinformation is only making things worse for both believers and non-believers alike.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  12 років тому

    @badinfluence7 To Watch more of Biblical View on Money & Stewardship,etc. Check out CrossTV.com's Video series playlist called ► "The Good Steward" ►By CrossTV.com - ►Mark Kielar on Biblical Stewardship - These are only 4 Parts out of 19 Parts here ►UA-cam(DOT)com/playlist?list=PL6E535CB509EB550A // ★QUOTE by Martha Mac, SO4J-TV: "FAITH is NOT Speaking into Existence what WE want, it's BELIEVING and OBEYING what HE wants." (1 John 2:3-6) ♥N✞SO4J-TV

  • @redrocklove
    @redrocklove 13 років тому +2

    Lord have mercy. Please shine your Truth in the darkness. This breaks my heart...save your sheep from wolves! Save those I know out of these lies.

  • @thankfull8770
    @thankfull8770 7 років тому +3

    I am very glad to hear Pastor Justin Peters. He understands what the real God is saying through the bible. I have been in my bible since I got it from my parents at age 12- 1969. Later I was in the charismatic faith movement for 20 years. I kept getting a check in my spirit. But i use to say to myself well the pastor knows more...I had found that they use the same verses over and over again... Easy to memorize the same ones used over and over again... I have since then read even more of my bible the new testament. I have found even more verses that should be preached in the church and have not been in this movement. I know some churches do teach it all...I have said many times to my husband. WHY aren't they saying these important verses??? He said because this is how they deceive... I have asked God to show me what HE wants and not what I want. 1 Tim 6:10,11=For the love of money is a root of all evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through many sorrows. 11: But you O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. God is talking about normal spiritual things as said here. Your character to be like Jesus. To many times pastors of where we had gone over the years. All the faith prosperity message. They would say the love of money is the root of all evil. THEN go on to a story as usual about the world and Not continue in Gods word on What He said. God is saying here= Some have left the faith For Greediness. Pierced themselves= sorrows. See what His word says PURSUE= righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. . This is what he is talking about. I am sadden that the enemy has used these So called faith pastors on the pulpit. But what a better way to get to Gods people and deceive with Ministers of righteousness = 2 Corn 11: 13-15: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.14: And no wonder! For Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light. 15: Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. BE most concerned== 1 John 2:15 = Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. THIS SHOULD BE A BIG CONCERN TO A TRUE BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST.

  • @martinavery1609
    @martinavery1609 6 років тому +2

    Keep going Justin, and ignore your avaricious critics! A friend from the Church of England.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    @church11000 ...Thanks for your comments...busy working...Check out: SO4J(dot)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(dot)php // God Bless!

  • @paulaboyle3845
    @paulaboyle3845 9 років тому +28

    Whaaaat?!?!? Did Larry Huch and Paula White really deny that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God? And this is why the world is going to hell in a hand basket!!!!!!

    • @paulaboyle3845
      @paulaboyle3845 8 років тому +1

      Elikav Nilson I don't care for Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland. I can't believe that Kenneth said that! I don't care for any of the TV preachers really. Did you see where Creflo Dollar tweeted that Jesus bled and died so that way we could be financially prosperous?

    • @paulaboyle3845
      @paulaboyle3845 8 років тому +2

      Elikav Nilson Oh I have heard them talk about controlling the weather. It's scary how a lot of people love these people. Another one I can't stand is Joel Osteen. He is a feel good preacher and he has a book out called The Power of I AM, and it has nothing to do with God. It has to do with what we say about ourselves, like I am blessed, I am healthy...I am blah blah blah. Whatever happened to preaching about true repentance? We can't get to heaven by being "good" or by our deeds. I definitely understand what you mean by denying the cross. We can't deny it and still make it into heaven. Thank you as well for responding to my comments! God Bless you too :-)

    • @jbcampbell3455
      @jbcampbell3455 6 років тому +1

      Elikav Nilson you and Justin are taking them totally out of context! 😡

    • @jbcampbell3455
      @jbcampbell3455 6 років тому +2

      Paula Boyle “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
      ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭8:9‬
      “The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous”
      The Poor can’t help the poor folks!
      It is literally Satan himself who wants all Christians as poor and ineffective as possible!
      It’s the love of money that is the root of evil. Not money. It’s a tool!!! And if you are rich you can hire people, create jobs. Give millions and Billions to missions and support the poor and hungry and local churches!
      All Kings Of Israel, David, Solomon, Hezekiah and others all richest men of their day. Job, richest man, it was taken away, he proved his heart was right when he refused to curse God and God have him back twice as much as he had,... but “riches are bad”?!? Idiots! Wake up!
      Jesus had so much money he had a money keeper named Judas, who was stealing from the offerings from the huge crowds and it was so much that none of the disciples even knew but Jesus knew.
      Judas was angry about the woman who poured out the expensive perfume on Jesus feet because it could have been sold and the money given to the poor. But Judas didn’t care about the poor. It sure seems like a lot of you are acting like Judas on this post.
      The disciples didn’t die poor
      And penniless either! Peter owned a fishing boat and all the rigging for a business of which he returned after his ministry had ended. At least his preaching ministry. John owned 2 homes and supported 2 families.
      You say the disciples were poor at the end. Incorrect! But even if they were you would have to assume that every action, after Jesus ascended to the Father, of the disciples was 100% without sin and totally done in Godly wisdom. But One Only had to
      Think to know that’s not true!
      They were imperfect men! Heck Peter denied Christ 3 times while He was with him. One had a cussing problem. Wake up! They weren’t necessarily good money managers or were they great orators. Yet Jesus died for the least of them. And He died and roads again for every one of us too! Not
      So that we could live in poverty and sickness until He returns and therefore be largely in effective for Christ. But to be rich to be healthy and to bless everyone He tells us to! That’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit!
      Remember, He said unless I go to my Father, you cannot receive the Holy Spirit! Listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice and learn it! Anything you hear from your thoughts or from anyone else test it in the Word of God!
      Grow UP in Christ and start eating spiritual Meat and stop drinking babies milk!

    • @lovekingdomofbelievers.2893
      @lovekingdomofbelievers.2893 5 років тому +1

      (Galatians 4 )
      5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
      6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
      7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  11 років тому

    QUOTE: "Faith is NOT Speaking into Existence what WE want, it's BELIEVING and OBEYING what HE wants."--Quote by Martha Mac, SO4J-TV // For more on the Topic of "Mountain Moving Faith"..etc. go to: SO4J(DOT)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(DOT)php#mountain_moving_faith :)

  • @ruthannsmith374
    @ruthannsmith374 7 років тому +11


  • @jamesbolton502
    @jamesbolton502 4 роки тому +1

    OMG Finley a man that speaks the truth about the Bible and God him self thank Justin for your testimony I believe that you Justin speaks the truth in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen...

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 5 років тому +1

    As a Christian for over forty years I remember when I first got saved how enthusiastic I was and how I witnessed to everyone and even condemned people who wouldn't listen TO MEEEEE! Hahaha. God is no respecter of persons and I know that I've passed from death unto life because I love my brother. People don't show love some times even if they mean good. When I learned to love people and tried to love them no matter what I started realizing that only God knows what's in a mans heart. I'm still working on being nice to people, that's one of my New Years resolutions hahsha.

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 6 років тому

    I've found out as a born again spirit filled Christian eschatology student that my job is to love God with all my heart mind and soul and love my neighbor as myself. I know these people are an easy target but that's not my job to point out what is wrong with everyone but that Jesus is right for everyone and no matter what you're doing or your situation, even if it looks Hopeless God can make a way where there seems to be no way. All we have to to is ask him in our most honest way. Please give Jesus an opportunity to put his love in your heart. It's not the fear of hell that saved people but the love of God. Love you so much.

  • @nicoleann0703
    @nicoleann0703 15 років тому

    God bless you, SO4JTV. Justin Peters came to my church to speak; he did a wonderful job. What a gentle and Godly man comparing these 'word of faith' teachers to the Word of God so that their lies and false doctrines can be exposed.

  • @ronbyrd1616
    @ronbyrd1616 4 роки тому

    Indeed, all who cry lord lord are not of me . The Truth shall set you free, not wealth nor health .

  • @khadijabeharrysingh2483
    @khadijabeharrysingh2483 5 років тому +3

    2019! Thank U Sir! Love And Respect From 🇹🇹❤️

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  13 років тому

    @dapawa. This is merely a PREVIEW Video of a 6HOUR DVD called: A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT as seen in the MORE INFO & here: SO4J(dot)com/justin-peters-a-call-for-discernment-video(dot)php . For More about: WHAT IS WRONG W/the PROSPERITY GOSPEL go to: SO4J(dot)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(dot)php / FALSE TEACHERS HERE: SO4J(dot)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(dot)php / BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS HERE: SO4J(dot)com/false-teachers-beware-of-false-teachers(dot)php

  • @jasonsensation14U
    @jasonsensation14U Рік тому

    I was watching your video on the false teachings and you are absolutely right? I was desperate I gave $200 to the ministry thinking that God was going to give me back $2000 it never happened because the ministry told Me that God would bless me ten fold and I believed it😢

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Yes..Amen to Eszlee1 & JCCOUTINO...! There's soo much False Teaching out there that Twists the Scripture for it's own Selfish Wants & Desires. PTL for this Faithful Servant (JUSTIN PETERS) the Lord is using this very dear Christian Brother who preaches the True Gospel & Exposes the False. Lord Bless You both..and all the other Faithful Servants of the Lord out there taking a Stand for Jesus!

  • @bonniebell2050
    @bonniebell2050 4 роки тому +3

    I am sooo glad someone is calling these ppl.out..They're all about money..I use 2 listen 2 some of these false (profits)..prophets..TU 4 the warning..I can't stand how they use our father & Jesus..

  • @jacintoxi6099
    @jacintoxi6099 9 років тому +2

    I have read the bible for myself, God rejoices in the prosperity of his people. All because we want money does not mean we wont seek God first. And God is prospering those churches and no one is going to hell since
    we are saved by grace. So even if he thinks we are wrong, we will just be wrong in his eyes, still prospering, and still go to heaven. Thanks be to God. Read your BIBLES people.

    • @thankfull8770
      @thankfull8770 7 років тому +1

      I have been in my bible since I got it from my parents at age 12- 1969. Later I was in the charismatic faith movement for 20 years. I kept getting a check in my spirit. But i use to say to myself what do I know the pastor knows more...I had found that they use the same verses over and over again... Easy to memorize the same ones used over and over again... I have since then read even more of my bible the new testament. I have found even more verses that should be preached in the church and have not been in this movement. I know some churches do teach it all...I have said many times to my husband. WHY aren't they saying these important verses??? He said because this is how they deceive... I have asked God to show me what HE wants and not what I want. 1 Tim 6:10,11=For the love of money is a root of all evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through many sorrows. 11: But you O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. God is talking about normal spiritual things as said here. Your character to be like Jesus. To many times pastors of where we had gone over the years. All the faith prosperity message. They would say the love of money is the root of all evil. THEN go on to a story as usual about the world and Not continue in Gods word on What He said. God is saying here= Some have left the faith For Greediness. Pierced themselves= sorrows. See what His word says PURSUE= righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. . This is what he is talking about. I am sadden that the enemy has used these So called faith pastors on the pulpit. But what a better way to get to Gods people and deceive with Ministers of righteousness = 2 Corn 11: 13-15: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.14: And no wonder! For Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light. 15: Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. BE most concerned== 1 John 2:15 = Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. THIS SHOULD BE A BIG CONCERN TO A TRUE BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST.

    • @obinna1214
      @obinna1214 7 років тому

      jacinto Xi Amen. this people read The word, with asking the Lord for understanding.

    • @kelvinmorris1991
      @kelvinmorris1991 5 років тому

      Prosperity isn't just about money

  • @Honestatleast
    @Honestatleast 10 років тому +17

    I don't know how it is that I have missed Justin Peters. Disturbed and fed-up with folk like Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyers, both Osteens...(for the quasi-baptists, Beth Moore), for the great damage they do, I've spent a few days watching several of Mr. Peter's videos. I now need to buy his book and resources, for there is someone I dearly love---a deeply wounded, hurting and desperate soul---caught up in the false, hell-gate "christianity" of these opportunity peddlars; she follows them all. Their entitled, "easy", permissive "gospel" has spread so far that there is now a church on every corner in America that beleives, and teaches, as much: she has found one of those, for when Copeland, Osteen, Meyers or Moore are not on the boob-tube, "Christian" television networks. As Mr. Peters has said, "They make merchandise out of sick and hurting and desperate people", as they are the one I love. Maybe He is pushing me to do something beyond my comfort zone, for, oh (!) how I have had to know and see the horrific cost of these multi-millionaire false prophets who feed to over-flowing off the desperate. I'm grateful for Justin Peter's message and heart for Him.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  12 років тому

    @kenstasiato Justin's DVD includes: 2-DVDs totaling 6 hours.The $20 helps cover Shipping & Handling (which is included), as well as the Cost to Produce it.We (Justin too) have personally given out MANY of these DVDs for FREE when we've been able to do so. // The 3-DVDs we offer on SO4J.com help to:Support the Ministry in a very small way. / 1 Cor 9:14 “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who Preach the Gospel should receive their living from the Gospel.” // ♥N✞SO4J-TV :)

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому +4

    TO Yemnema: Your speaking to ppl who were Really involved in WoF, we understand why u say these things. :) When involved in WoF wed wonder why some of the WoF Preacher's things hed say contradicted Scripture. Theyd isolate scriptures & take them out of context. Peter & Paul did Not have their Best Life Now,they suffered greatly 4 Christ (2 Cor 11 23-30, 2 Cor 6 4-10),but God used it 4 His Eternal Glory--the NT was written in Prison..King David suffered,& Psalms were written. Lord Bless! :)

  • @discobikerAndRosie
    @discobikerAndRosie 5 років тому

    I once went to a tent meeting with an aunt. The preacher was doing a healing service, so I stood up front with others who needed physical healings. He'd pray over someone, holding their hands. He made verbal commands & people would collapse onto the ground. When it was my turn, he took my hands, praying. He kept pushing on me, trying to make me fall backwards. I stood my ground, as I felt no spiritual presence. The dude was a fake! I know how it feels when the Holy Spirit comes upon me because it has happened before. The Lord was not with this man & I knew it when he tried to force me. Beware of false teachers who come in the name of the Lord! John14:6.

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  5 років тому

      To: @Disco Biker: Thanks for sharing your story with us about being so-called "slain in the spirit".. the same thing happened to me as well when we were in this unbiblical movement. The evangelist was pushing us over--- one of the ladies near me fell towards me which made me fall.. Lol. It was truly a farce-- the whole thing. We praise the LORD that He has pulled you (and us too) out of the unbiblical false prosperity Gospel..!! Thanks so much again for sharing your story with all..!! May we Keep Looking UP!^ (Col 3:1-4)🙏📖😊

  • @barbarafiore136
    @barbarafiore136 9 місяців тому

    I’m retired and don’t have much $ …but I support Justin’s ministry…. Don’t just subscribe find it in your heart to support too…He’s ministry is very important to us all..❤

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  12 років тому

    @badinfluence7 Hi:) Check out this webpage & see how the Prosperity Gospel Twists Scripture (scroll down) ►SO4J(DOT)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(DOT)php ★WATCH LOTS of VIDEOS & see why Word of Faith is Unbiblical.. ►SO4J(DOT)com/false-teachers-prophets-teachings(DOT)php // So many of us were VERY involved in the Prosperity gospel at one time. We understand first hand how its very deceptive.. SO4J(DOT)com/judging-others-should-christians-judge(DOT)php // ♥N✞

  • @Serenitynature
    @Serenitynature 5 років тому +1

    Prosperity gospel preachers who twists God’s word is from Satan. I am so happy that you showed the courage to expose them. For them Christianity is a business to live in expensive mansion and owning private jets. These are the so called prophets that Jesus warned us not to get trapped in their lies. Please carry on the exposure, I fully support you.

  • @Diegostyle
    @Diegostyle 10 років тому +5

    Pray for our brother Justin Peters. He seems ok with just being mediocre. WHERE'S THE FIRE!!! my dear brother?

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 10 років тому +3

      Oh brother..where is your fire..if you failed to see the glory of God in Justins's motivation and teaching??
      We have these treasures in jars of clay...

    • @williamnegron6399
      @williamnegron6399 10 років тому

      I used to be just like him until the Lord showed me that that there is UNLIMITED POWER IN YESHUA!!! I'm out of the box now!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise Yeshua! Read Smith Wigglesworth and John G Lake work, and then and only then will you understand. Amen!!

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 10 років тому +3

      Surely if you have that 'power' it would only confirm to you the truth and sincerity in Justin's teaching regarding these health&wealth teachers?? I used to be from what sounds like your background and found it to be sorely lacking in truth, and therefore, POWER. Ultimately, it isn't about 'POWER' rather it is about truth. Take the truth away and what you have left is sinking sand.

    • @williamnegron6399
      @williamnegron6399 10 років тому

      Not everybody that is called is chosen. YHWH says that he will separate his sheep from his sheep but Lord, Lord did we not eat and drink in your presence and teach in the streets… Luke13:24-28 you have to understand that Satan has infiltrated the churches. So sorry if your were in a church that misled you, but the Bible speaks clearly on those false teacher's. The Power of theLord is what we should seek! Luke 10:19 "See, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and none at

    • @williamnegron6399
      @williamnegron6399 10 років тому

      all shall hurt you. Check your strongs on POWER AND AUTHORITY!

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому +1

    @AlbertaJCW001 ..The Greater Works that JESUS is talking about is Preaching the GOSPEL..There's No Greater Miracle than 2 be Saved from Eternal Hell. Read what Binding & Losing means & other Word of Faith Scripture Twisting Here: SO4J(dot)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(dot)php // God Bless You! :)

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    @11frankie21 Thanks 4 your comments:) I don't think you've seen this 4 Hour DVD to be able to make that kind of Judgment. This Video is merely short clips of a 4 Hour DVD we produced w/Justin. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised after seeing this DVD how Credible & Fair Justin is. It's very eye opening when U hear & see what these False Teachers are saying & compare it to God's Word. We know b/c many of us were heavily involved in Word Faith. Lord Bless :)

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    Seeing Results 2 a Prayer doesnt mean Gods In something; we can be Deceived Matt7 21-23,Dt 13:1-18. We need to Read GodsWord & Obey it: John 14 15. God can & does Heal,but He allows ppl to go thru Trials&Tests 4 His Eternal Purposes. God can use Sorrow in our Life to Draw us 2Him (2Cor7 8-10)ie Davids sufferings& writing Psalms, Paul in Prison writing NT. God cares MORE about our EternalSoul than our Temporal Happiness. Check out a NEW John Piper Video: UA-cam (dot) com/watch?v=jLRue4nwJaA

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  13 років тому

    @Conservmom ThankU! As stated on our FacebookPage: We recently helped Justin Produce (for the 2nd time,but now for 2011)the updated 6 Hour DVDs vs the older 4 Hour version. Its such a blessing to us to have had the honor to work w/Justin on various projects. Hes credible &does a thorough Job in his DVDs&Seminars. Justin does it all this b/c he soo loves the Lord& is so concerned for the many deceived in this movement. Thanks 4 your kind support of JustinPeters & also SO4J-TVs Gospel Efforts! :D

  • @gerryyyyy
    @gerryyyyy 7 років тому +2

    Thank you pastor Justin Peters.

  • @douglasmcminn7597
    @douglasmcminn7597 2 роки тому

    Justin - there is a young lady playing cricket in Australia for the team Adelaide Strikers - she bowls leg spinner which is very difficult to do - she suffers from MS but she bowls both left arm and right leg spin balls - absolutely unique but with a disability diagnosed some time ago - no one else in the world can do it - now there’s a girl who fights everyday of her life - wow

  • @liberpasaribu3547
    @liberpasaribu3547 2 роки тому +1

    Thankyou Sir for explain the false prophet clearly. May Jesus Crist bless u and all your beloved family. Amen 🙏

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Re: Matt 17 20 The Mustard Seed does not stay small. Faith does Not always have an Immediate Result. Moving Mountains is a saying for: Removing Difficulties OR Overcoming Obstacles. Faith in God will see us through any Difficulty or Obstacle. Even Jesus never physically Moved a Mountain. (End)

  • @badinfluence7
    @badinfluence7 12 років тому

    Oh happy day when I found a church and preacher with the courage to preach the FULL Gospel, including the 2nd chapter of Acts! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Joel Osteen's daddy was a prominent Baptist minister until he learned about these benefits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and then he got the left foot of fellowship....

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому +1

    Praise the Lord Lavern! Thanks for writing :)

  • @vossministrieschannel1210
    @vossministrieschannel1210 9 років тому +4

    Dear Bro. Peters first let me offer my heartfelt thanks for the work you're doing for our Lord and Saviour. When the word of faith preachers claimed that Jesus descended into hell and was tormented by the Devil and demons, how was Jesus able to overcome Satan and take the keys of hell from him? It does not make sense. This is a teaching Catholics believe in their prayers that Jesus descended into hell. There's no such place. Hell, in the Bible just means being separated from God! Hell fire is something that the Devil, demons and the disobedience will suffer once and for all (Mal.4:1-2)! Once the fire devours, it'll be put out! Our God is a Loving Father who would not permit anyone to live in torment!

    • @Mr10glorious
      @Mr10glorious 9 років тому +3

      VossMinistries Channel1
      The Bible is very clear that there is a literal Hell!! The Bible says that God MADE/CREATED hell for the devil and his angels!! The confusion is usually between the two main camps! The Calvinists,who believe that the word just mentioned is not true because if it was how would/could God have "predestined" most of humanity to an eternal hell(definitely sick and monstrous!) and the"Armenian" view,that does not believe that hell was designed/created for men but men that refuse God's one and only free "gift"(a true gift is never forced on a person otherwise it is not a gift) and method of salvation are already part of and in the kingdom of darkness "before" they die and if they remain in that condition that is where they stay!!
      Justice is giving people what they do deserve based on what they have done,i.e.works,good or bad! Mercy is giving people do not deserve and can NOT earn no matter what they do,i.e. good works! God's system is the innocent gets punished for the guilty and the guilty goes free and does not get punished but instead gets what the innocent person(Jesus) deserves,Blessings and freedom!
      God is not on a "justice" system,God is on a "mercy" system!! The cross is all about Mercy and Forgiveness!! God gave Jesus what He did not deserve(punished for the guilty) so that He could give you/us/mankind, (mercy,grace,eternal life,blessings), what we did not deserve!! Now that IS "GOOD NEWS",i.e.,the GOSPEL!!

    • @archiestewartjr.3588
      @archiestewartjr.3588 5 років тому

      @@Mr10glorious I accept your gift Lord. I'm not worthy. Thank you. Great point brother

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    The False Prophets that we need to Warn people of are people like Benny Hinn who mix the TRUTH of God's Word with MANY FALSE PROPHECIES, & TWIST SCRIPTURE for Financial Gain $. Watch & Listen to the MANY False Prophecies of Benny & More at: SO4J( dot) com/false-teachers-prophets-teachings (dot) php
    • Matt 24 11 Jesus Warns,"MANY FALSE PROPHETS will rise up & DECEIVE MANY people." Lord Bless U! :)

  • @moggierone18
    @moggierone18 12 років тому

    I very much enjoy Justin peters sermons, Glory to God

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    YES! Great Word! These Word of Faith False Teachers do NOT Preach what Jesus Preached at all! They Preach a MAN Centered gospel thats Focused on the Temporal Things of this Life. Thanks 4 Sharing your important comment...!

  • @raymorocks
    @raymorocks 14 років тому +1

    I remember watching Joel Ostean's father
    before he passed. Wow now that man truly knew the Word and how to preach it.
    A real man of God. I only wish I could remember his name.?. I wana say John, but don't know. Peace all..

  • @qaz123456781
    @qaz123456781 13 років тому +1

    Justin Peters is a great man of God and knows what he is talking about.

  • @underthestars2596
    @underthestars2596 8 років тому +1

    Thank you, Peters, for bringing this teaching out. There is much confusion and maybe to much circus?. Why not Get to know God in His ovn Word? HE want us set aside for Himself, in that quiet place in our heart. God help us all :)

  • @ginelgeorge6220
    @ginelgeorge6220 3 роки тому

    God bless you, brother Justin.
    Hello from Cardiff UK

  • @yeshua4U
    @yeshua4U 15 років тому

    Thank you for taking the time to post this message.
    Foolishness, pride, lies, and flattery are the road signs to destruction.
    May the Power of Heaven bless your work and give you a harvest 100 fold on your investment in His Truth and the uncovering of treachery.

  • @ashleyvalkoss2130
    @ashleyvalkoss2130 5 років тому +2

    I was raised in a luke-warm Christian family and even we knew “bo peep” and her flock of miscreants was not of God.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  11 років тому +1

    @jagotiberan211 .. it's not that he doesn't believe that God can't Prosper someone.. it's that God does not guarntee Health & Wealth 24/7 in this Lifetime.. as sometimes God ALLOWS things to spin-out-of-control in our life for His Eternal Purposes.. i.e.(i.e. Paul during His Trials: 2 Cor 6, & also 2 Cor 11, 2 Cor 12:7-10, 2 Cor 1.. and the man named: Job, Jesus, the Disciples were Martyred for Christ,etc. ) Love in Christ, SO4J-TV :)

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    @ChristTrip - Check out this page that has Q&As, Articles, Video..etc: SO4J(dot)com/prosperity-gospel-unbiblical-so4j-tv-video(dot)php ... Lord Bless You! :)

  • @misscarolelizabethjohnson8065
    @misscarolelizabethjohnson8065 11 місяців тому

    We believers are being transformed constantly to be like our Father in Heaven, why be "Shocked" or "Surprised" by the fact that they too are being transformed into being as their father, The Enemy, The Evil One roaming the Earth? And, in reality, it comes to this: It Is a Free Will Choice. His word states: "Choose this day whom you will serve." We have chosen God's free gift of being always with Him. They too have chosen. C'ya, CJ-4-JC always

    @777STEFANDANKO 13 років тому

    HalleluJah for Justin Peters and servants of God like him!

  • @nicholashillofficial
    @nicholashillofficial 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your message with us, despite knowing that many WOF disciples would oppose it. I am deeply ashamed to admit that I followed this cult movement for about 10 years. It destroyed my faith in Christ simply because it’s doctrine just doesn’t hold up in times of trouble, which then makes you question either your own faith or God Himself. WOF preachers lie very close to the truth. Our own carnal nature wants to hear their message of health, wealth, and happiness. We also want to believe that it is true. Often, these services combine the message with a compelling and charismatic delivery then mix it up with rock music and a light show. What results is an intense sensory experience, which becomes a poor substitute for an encounter with God. In these ten years I never heard one WOF preacher deliver sermons on the doctrine of hell, depravity of sin, the absolute necessity of righteousness, or the need to die to self. I am now finally making my way back to serve the Lord in humility. Thank you for sharing.

  • @jbean530
    @jbean530 4 роки тому

    For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul? In the end, you reap what you sow. Some sow unto good, and others sow unto death.

  • @sundowner701
    @sundowner701 14 років тому +1

    Wow. What an eye opener. Thank you!

  • @seasonoflife.
    @seasonoflife. 5 років тому +4

    Until and unless if we really abide in the sound doctrine like Peter, there are many believers who will come up with the wrong doctrine... Anyway thank you sir for well critics. Appreciate

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    In this time of GREAT DECEPTION, we need to FOCUS %100 on GOD'S WORD & PROMOTE God's Word as well. Believers need to STOP Promoting other people's "Spiritual Experiences" (Visions of Hell / Heaven,etc ) that are UNBIBLICAL when closely Examined with Gods Word! More & More people are getting DECEIVED..as they're Focusing MORE on: SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, MYSTICISM, & PERSONAL WORDS from God than they are Focusing on Reading GOD'S WORD & DOING what it says!

  • @switchfootrelientk
    @switchfootrelientk 12 років тому

    I was just about to reply to orenjiotoku with this exact passage and exegesis. I'm so glad that there are people like you who understand scripture and are willing to stand for the truth of the Gospel. All we need to do is look at 1 Corinthians 5, 1 John 4, 2 Timothy 4, and Revelation 2 to see that we ARE supposed to judge and test those who claim to profess the Gospel of our Lord.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Re: Matt 17 20 (Speaking to Mountains) The subject in this verse is Faith in God (literally Littleness of Faith), NOT Speaking to Things. The Object of a persons Faith MUST be God, NOT OUR spoken word. Word of Faith Theology considers Faith a Force to be Manipulated by OUR spoken word, which is in direct Contradiction to Scripture. Speaking to things is NOT our Ticket to get whatever WE WANT. (continued)

  • @Pom.lifestyle
    @Pom.lifestyle 10 місяців тому +1

    God know everything amen I love Jesus name amen

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  10 місяців тому

      Amen .. PTL .. His Mercy endures forever .. ❤️ Lord Bless You!

  • @carpentersdaughter2
    @carpentersdaughter2 15 років тому

    Excellent, excellent, the more the word gets out about the WOF Movement, the better. Praise God, keep up the good work.
    God bless,

  • @Conservmom
    @Conservmom 13 років тому

    Hi! I just purchased the DVDs. I live in U.S. and found the DVDs cheaper with SO4-JTV website. Got them for $20. Can't wait til they come in. Keep preaching the word and shining the light! God bless your ministries.

  • @billsmith2689
    @billsmith2689 3 роки тому +1

    With the mouth confession is made onto Salvation.

    • @SO4JTV
      @SO4JTV  3 роки тому +1

      To: @Bill Smith- Amen - True .. and may we Repent & Trust in JESUS-&-believe in God’s unfailing WORD (James 4:6-10, Titus 2:11-15,)! 🙏❤️

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Re: Matt 17 20 Isolated Verses must be interpreted in the Local Context as well as the teaching of the ENTIRE Bible. The local context of this verse is about Spiritual Warfare (casting out demons). Jesus is saying: Nothing is Impossible to God. The reason the Disciples failed at Speaking to Things was because they had too little Faith in God. Mustard Seed, smallest of seeds, but grows into a large tree. Faith starts Small, but grows Strong. (cont.)

  • @hjrhoades6053
    @hjrhoades6053 10 років тому +25

    Jesus is NOT the only begotten Son of God? What Bible are these kooks reading?

    • @hjrhoades6053
      @hjrhoades6053 10 років тому +10

      Didn't God say that Jesus was His one and only Son? Certainly we're sons of God, but not in the sense Jesus is. We're adopted into God's family. Jesus is, was, and will always be God's one and only begotten Son.

    • @efandmk3382
      @efandmk3382 5 років тому +1


  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Paul & Peter suffered Greatly 4 the Lord- they did Not receive every fleshly thing they Desired. God gave them what they NEEDED during their Trials & Tests of Faith, which was STRENGTH & GRACE 2 endure 4 Gods Eternal Purposes (2 Cor 11:23-30, 2 Cor 6:4-10)-same w/Job, David, Jesus.. There are MANY Believers who've Suffered Greatly (Heb11 32-40) & did NOT Receive all of Gods Promises here on Earth,but will someday (Heb11 39). See: SO4J (dot) com/why-does-god-allow-suffering-trials-tests (dot)php

  • @floydnesbit5545
    @floydnesbit5545 Рік тому +1

    Justin is great,he is my favorite preacher.

  • @get-the-lead-out.4593
    @get-the-lead-out.4593 5 років тому +1

    Amen! It is not a sin to judge as long as they are based on the teachings in the Word of God
    John 7:24
    24 Stop judging by outward appearances, and start judging justly
    2 Timothy 3:15-17
    15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
    16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
    2 Timothy 4:2-4
    2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
    3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
    4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables
    Proverbs 17:15
    "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord"

  • @Eszlee
    @Eszlee 14 років тому

    May the Lord keep using Justin to warn the flock of wolves in sheeps clothing as Paul did.
    He is a BOLD servant of Christ Jesus.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    @JCCOUTINO.... Lord Bless You! :) We just saw your kind comment. YES, JESUS IS COMING SOON...and may He be Glorified in all that we are: SAYING, THINKING, DOING...and may His people be warned of these False Teachers..and RUN from any Teaching that is CONTRARY to GOD's WORD. So All 4 Jesus & All 4 God's Glory! (1 Cor 10:31) Praise His Name FOREVER!! Phil 2:5-11

  • @colleenmcnally7400
    @colleenmcnally7400 6 років тому

    I cant believe I just found him. God answered my prayers showing me this man of faith, God bless this man. Thank you Lord

  • @enforcerthirtythree
    @enforcerthirtythree 12 років тому

    God bless you Justin.You are doing a grand job.Well done.My prayers are with you.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  12 років тому

    @badinfluence7 "DISCERNMENT is NOT knowing the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. It is knowing the difference between RIGHT and ALMOST RIGHT." -Quote by Charles H. Spurgeon

  • @brotherjohnnyjones693
    @brotherjohnnyjones693 10 років тому +7

    Word of Faith teaches we are "gods" Funny the quest to be God caused the fall in the first place. Look, Satan will counterfeit Christianity all day long and sell it to the willing. They say don't let Satan teal your joy, but listen to me, he will gladly provide it!. Those that seek your "best life now" are trading their souls for stuff. Everything Satan offered Jesus he is offering to us too and many have accepted his offer. Creflo Dollar teaches that Jesus wasn't God because Jesus got tired, at the well, and sleeping on the boat and since God never tires or sleeps therefore Jesus wasn't God. Well, answer this then, What did God do on the seventh day?..... All of these clouds without water use James 4:2 on it's own, problem is that verse on it's own is out of context. Ever seen a one sided coin? I haven't either. You have not because you ask not... Well, it doesn't stop there now does it? Here is the entire thought: James 4:2-3New King James Version (NKJV) 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet[a] you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Word of Faith turns God into a cosmic score keeper and if your are the best Christian in the parking lot God will give you favor and the best spot to park your car. Ask Joel Osteen, he claims that favor all the time. In truth wouldn't the Christian thing to do with favor be to give it away and allow someone else to take the spot? No in the me first gospel of ME!!!!!!. Anyone following this teaching better look long and hard at 2nd Thessalonians 2:11&12. and repent and find a true Bible based church and turn off "gospel TV" and run from the evil filth that is pervasive there.

    • @Mr10glorious
      @Mr10glorious 10 років тому +1


    • @r.a.fuentes2970
      @r.a.fuentes2970 5 років тому +1

      I never heard Creflo say stuff like that hey you wanna be deceive by Justin so be it but when you point the finger there has to be something wrong in your doctrine

    • @skyfallful
      @skyfallful 3 роки тому

      @@Mr10glorious Awesome 👏

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    TO yamnema: Most Word Faith Churches are merely Focused on this Life. Teachings are on: How to Be Happy, Prosperous, Solve their Stress in Life Problems, How to Have a Better Life NOW. Can you imagine Peter & Paul Preaching Sermons like: "Discover Your Self-Confidence" OR "Lets Feel Good About Ourselves: Gods Way to the Good Life" OR "Self-Love: the Dynamic Force of Success?" These are the actual Book Titles of "Christian" Author Robert Schuller! ALL This is CONTRARY to GOD'S WORD. :)

  • @dovecry2
    @dovecry2 11 років тому

    I once worked at a ministry where the founder was famous for the seed-faith message. I told this older lady who called in that she didn't have to give one dime to the ministry and that God would bless her just because she was his child, not because she gave money to the ministry.It told her to try God on this that he was faithful and loved her . I was called in a reprimanded for this. I told the man over the group that we didn't' serve the same Jesus and I was fired.

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  15 років тому

    Wow, PTL 4 getting U out of that..& being a Teacher too. Keep Speaking out & Warning others. We need to take a Stand 4 Jesus against this Poison & Warn People..The Laborers are Few. When one's involved in Word of Faith its hard to understand:Whats so wrong with it? People-- Search the Scriptures. Compare what they Say & Do w/ Gods Word. Some are worse than others. Some give 75% Truth,but then the rest is Poison // Anyway, Lord Bless U! :)

  • @NYC2023-du8mg
    @NYC2023-du8mg 10 місяців тому

    Wolves in sheep's clothing exposing other wolves in sheep's clothing:
    1 John 4:1
    “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
    King James Version (KJV)

  • @lovethyloard
    @lovethyloard 14 років тому

    yes i see what you trully mean and yes we must only repent our sins to thy Loard Jesus if we are to be given everlasting i thank you for your replay and i hope to hear from you soon......may thy loard Jesus be with us all

  • @bluegiraffekid
    @bluegiraffekid 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Justin!

  • @cuevasjt
    @cuevasjt 15 років тому

    I'm a salesman. People like this give my job a bad name. In all seriousness, I thank God that there are people out there doing there homework to help combat perversion of the word.

  • @israelcrucifiedinchrist797
    @israelcrucifiedinchrist797 7 років тому


  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому

    Re: Matt 17 20...Faith in God must be in accordance with GODS WILL, NOT our own Selfish Desires, & should give God ALL the Glory. Keep this verse in the Context of the WHOLE Bible, which teaches NOTHING about our ability to Speak To Things. 1 John 5 14-15 says, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He Hears Us. And if we know that He Hears Us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." (cont.)

  • @saulrodriguez6276
    @saulrodriguez6276 6 років тому +1

    I understand that alot of preachers are not perfect... But of i see a tornado coming towards me.. im going to pray to Jesus... and i believe He will save me... Jesus said we would do greater things than Him... Instead of attacking Christians attack the devil... God delivered me from drugs ... I can tell a fake by the words He or She use... And u are in that list....

  • @SO4JTV
    @SO4JTV  14 років тому +1

    Re: John 14 12 ..When the Lord spoke of His Followers performing greater works, Hes referring to SALVATION. Jesus never Preached outside of Palestine, yet His Followers would spread the Gospel throughout the World. Jesus had only a limited outreach to Gentiles, but the Disciples (i.e.Peter & Paul) would reach the Gentile World w/the Gospel. The number of Believers would also grow far beyond the hundreds (Acts 1 15; 1 Cor 15 6) that were numbered during His lifetime.

  • @juathimlim4236
    @juathimlim4236 6 років тому

    Thank God for Justin Peters ministry of John the Baptist- Repent! For His Kingdom is near!