The nature of Self explained in a very simple and nice way which is always a witness to all our actions. This every one of us shd sincerely experience to remain a true happy entity always.Blessed v r to listen to the experience of great masters as Ramana Maharshi.
Thanks brother. But one thing disturbs me a lot that people don't read Upanishads and other Scriptures. They don't want to Know anything yet they pass all negative comments about Ramana Maharshi. One need a very subtle mind to understand Ramana.
@@TheServitorofGod96 @The Servitor of God You are 1000% right bhai. Vedanta teaching are very difficult for ordinary people like us. It need strict decipline. Most people today give more priority to money, power, fame and bodily vanity than God. There is nothing outside that can satisfy our search. Period. All path leads to God which evil people don't understand. I can't blame them because there is very less in social media to teach good things like teaching of Ramana Maharshi. You keep making these videos because your videos have more educational value than an entire School. Slowly, more people are showing intrest in Vedanta. Keep doing your dharma. Namaste bhai.
Very great work " The servitor of God " . Continue the work , very clearly you had taught us a good lesson through this video . In all states God should be realised ( i.e _ waking state , sleeping state and mind state ). In all such states God should be realised . In the Adi Granth Sahib Ji also known by Guru Granth Sahib Ji it is said in Ang 556 , As long as there is breath in the body , he does not remember the lord , what will he do in the world hereafter ? One who remembers the lord is a spirtual teacher , the ignorant one acts blindly . One of Baba Nanak Ji's quote was " Even kings and emperors with heaps of domains and wealth cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God " . Waheguruji ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh
@@jamalmohamed5980 அதன் பொருள் , கால்சா வாகி குருவிற்கு சொந்தம் , அணைத்து வெற்றிகளும் வாகிகுருவுக்கே சொந்தம் . " The Khalsa belongs to Waheguruji , and all victories belongs to Waheguruji . This is a wishing in Sikkhism when they meet Sikhs , instead of giving shake hands or Namaskar , they would say this . This slogan was introduced by Guru Gobind Singh Ji after he initiated the Khalsa in 1699 . Khalsa was established to promote justice and to fight against tyrant rule . To know more about , you need to study more about History or philosophy .
@@jamalmohamed5980 I had the same question for a Sikh friend and he explained that 'Wahe" (in Punjabi, Wah in Hindi) usually said like "Wah, Wah" to appreciate /applaud/salute something and Khalsa means purity and Fateh means victory. In short, salute to Guru's purity and his victory. Readers, please correct me if I am incorrect.
What I like best about hinduism is that it allows you to ask questions. Infact whole Upanishads and Bhagvat Gita is a questionnaire only.. topics like these force me to think and make my mind wonder... expecting more videos on this
Sri.Ramana always thedirectPath. Many thanks friend. for THAT WHICH IT IS.Not as a professor but Sri Ramana. in simple looking words that have above quotation in English and yours in sanskrit. thank you friend
Once, I had a dream which was incredibly super real! I was walking along a beach with a man, who's face I wasn't allowed to see. As we walked I could feel the sand beneath my feet and everything felt just like it feels in real life, but it was more pronounced! It's hard to explain. As we walked, the person in long clothing had told me lots of things but I wasn't allowed to remember everything. I only remember that he said when we dream, we go there, to that place and he said if I think about my family, I'll go there instantly! He said I' will upwards, very fast and I'll be with my children.I picked a spikey shell as I thought I must bring it home to prove to my family that this had happened to me for real. Foolishly I thought of home and I was picked up with an enormous force and I woke up in bed! When I was traveling home, I could feel the shell dematerializing and passing through my hand like an emulsion. It's difficult to describe. When I woke up, I head indentations in my hand, where the spikes were! Don't know what to think about it.😐 Don't know what to think about it. Foolishly I thought about my family, as I really couldn't stop myself and
We must remember that the "I", from time to time, does realize in a lucid sleep, that the body is in a sleep state, and that the "I" can then direct this lucid experience in whichever direction the "I" desires.
Brother, can u please put a video on identifying fake friends 🙏🙏🙏. If u have uploaded it already pls share the link 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✨. The quotes are really helpful for me 🙏
"In the mighty name of Jesus, I plead His precious blood over our life, protecting us from all harm and evil. May His divine covering shield us and bring peace and blessings into our mind, body, spirit and souls. Amen."
अद्धभुत वीडियो मुझे पसंद आया. धन्यवाद अपलोड करने के लिए ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ For more Videos of Shri. Raman Maharshi ji please watch ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Body to Soul Raman channel. धन्यवाद Body to Soul Raman ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My dear brothers & Sisters, "Know that, Truly Allah - Eshwar - Rahman - Vishnu - God - Bhagwan - Malik - Shiva - Paramatma All one and the same." Avatar - Prophet - Messenger - Buddha "Lord Krishna is the Holy Messenger (Representative) of Allah (Vishnu)" And So Lord Kalki - Prophet Muhammad is the Avatar (Representative) of Vishnu (Allah) (The one who knows his self knows God)
people need to ask him...but others can see my body when i am asleep and i can see your body when you are the body does not disappear in sleep.
What's point in others seeing you if you not at all know that they are seeing. You only draw inference after you wake up. But this world is as good as dead while we sleep !
I bloody well disagree on so many points! The body never sleeps. It is constantly functioning to keep you breathing, reparing, alive etc whether you are consciously awake or asleep. If it is the I-thought only that creates your body, what re-creates it after sleep? Why do we not stay in sleep consciousness? And what 'wakes us up'? If sleep is a state of happiness explain to me the 'nightmare' I had last night. Also, did not state remotely where we 'go' when we sleep!
Not really! Everything slows down, especially your digestive system, our brain is regenerating . Same goes for other organs like liver which doesn't need to produce so much bile.etc,etc! Why would we die if we were deprived of sleep? Our body clearly sleeps at night, just enough to keep us breathing and pumping the blood!
one fellow next door was looking like this swamy ji few years back , living in himalayas eating kand mool and today he became first man of the country wearing expensive clothes. so many women keep roaming around him and also he has lot of boyfriends who go after him in roads. very very popular.
Are you aware of being within the body in sleep? Many lucid dreamer are. Sleep is not just a happy state of mind. You can feel every emotion during sleep. It is not necessary to wake up and feel other emotions.
I think when he says “sleep” he’s referring to Deep Sleep, not lucid or dream states. In deep sleep there is no Mind or Body awareness. All that’s left is just pure awareness with nothing to be aware of.
If it is dream or emotions only dream state where your mind works. only in deep sleep you are not aware of anything .only the self resides , as in all states waking dreaming and deep sleep. That is the egoless " I ". Find out the same. eternal bliss. essence of Maharshi's teaching.
Thanks for video, but the explanation escapes me. Why is the “I” the eternal? J says the “I” is the barrier. Is there an explanation in Tamil that makes Ramana’s words clearer?
what wakes the body up, if it is the natural state of being? which wants to be unnatural by waking up? why does it do that? what is the point? what does it get out of being unnaural?
There is no such thing as sleep but for those that have iost there souls, sleep exist for them only, the soul finds rest in occupying another body whether it be on this earth or in one of the seven heavens change is rest for soul.
I Am .. The Self in One Dimension is no one and no thing which is only aware of itself and nothing else.. One without a Second.. It’s Absolute Reality .. In it exists no knowledge, knower or knowable.. It alone exists.. It’s Aatma.. It’s Brahman! All creation and cosmos and everything else APPEARS in that Indivisible I Am.. In two dimension, comes the sense of duality thru the divine force called Maya.. All is a dream of I Am.. within that dream everything appears in dream including God and the devotees.. All r manifestations of I Am.. When a person sees God or experiences God, it’s also all within the 11th dimensional existences which is within the cosmic dream of I Am.. All knowledge is within these dimensions.. and then there r Gyaanis like Ramana Maharshi who has grasped absolute indivisible ultimate eternal existence where there is nothing except the awareness of I Am and that I Am is Self.. His own Self.. All multiplicities were simply illusions.. There was never a two.. It was always One Awareness!
Some followers of Advaitha wrongly interpret Maya as the illusion through which Brahman falsely appears as the universe. Maya is the 'creative" shakhti of Brahman and it is absolutely real. It also means, the material realm is also very real.
@@indianmilitary To be precise, Brahman the Absolute Reality and Phenomenal Universe as temporary or transitory reality that projects in Awareness.. But all these intellectual speculation is adding more delusion in mind.. it will lead nowhere.. Emptier the mind, closer to truth!
@@Prashant-cw3ir No spéculation. It is based on the vedic metaphysics Sankhya which can be validated by logic, double slit quantum experiment and embodied expérience (direct knowledge through focus and meditation). Point is Advaitha (non dual and conscious shiva) and dvaitha (duality capable shakthi) are INCOMPLETE without each other. It also means, they always exist together for thé perpétuel duality cycles of nature to happen. eg birth/décay, manifestation/ concealment of the universe etc. Mithya does not mean false either. It is temporary existence but not false. eg Tasks in your office may .be temporary but not false. So, you have to finish them. In thé same way, thé subject/object split may .be temporary but it does not mean thère is no subject or object. Based on sankhya, Tat tvam asi also means, you (conscious and immanent self) are already that (conscious, omniprésent and transcendent self) regardless of whether you reach samadhi or not because without thé conscious, immanent and omniprésent self nothing can exist or nothing can be perceived in its current form. ERWIN SCHRODINGER (ONE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS) Schrodinger's biographer Moore, wrote -- “His system - or that of the Hindu Upanishads/Vedas - is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all. He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naïve--and will NOT understand Quantum theory and consciousness.
@@indianmilitary Well you are so keen on proving yourself right .. I never said mithya is false.. Nor I said world is an illusion.. Inner world (the world your mind creates within you that projects itself in your dream and that which is different in each person is definitely mithya.. But external world.. that which is the same for all isn’t false.. It’s transitory.. It is ever changing.. It is relative.. That is what I said.. why r u explaining me as if I am opposing you? Subatomic particles act as both waves and particles hence it’s an appearance and not exactly this or that while the consciousness in which it appears is absolute.. The appearance is relative!
@@indianmilitary All these r still within the limits of your mind and not in your experience.. It’s just an indirect knowledge of what you have accumulated.. this is why I called it speculation.. It’s like sayin “sex is amazing” .. no matter how u describe it and what meanings u give to describe it.. one who has experienced it knows exactly what it is and one who has read abt it (no matter how many books but no experience) will never know it and it becomes a mere speculation no matter how wonderfully explained right? So All I am sayin is focus on direct experience of truth rather than adding more information to your mind because as Vivekananda says, 1000 lbs of theories is worth nothin compared to an ounce of experience!
In deep sleep also soul won't go any where. It watches u always. In the morning who tells that I slept so much time peaceful. That soul watched . THAT IS CALLED ORIGINAL "I" IN BHAGAVANS TEACHING. HE IS TELLING TO WATCH THAT ORIGINAL "I"' AND NOT BODY BOUND "I". If there is anything mistake please excuse me. 🙏🙏🙏
I am wondering: Is the I-thought the same as the "I am"? In answer to my own question, I think not. The I am refers to beingness whereas the I thought is purely mental.
@@lordMegatron You must enter the " Samadhipada" to empty your brain. Then there is no " I" and " I thought. Simple as singing bhajans, meditation, etc. All part of quitening the mind and lond time to master. Hari om.
@@dharmavarta Perhaps....but we've found that emptying of the mind isn't necessary. Thoughts and emotions, sensations, projections can come and go....and they don't effect the Being. Keeping the attention on the Being, thoughts and other mind stuff loses it's grip/control over us. I don't agree that it takes a long time. I've found that delays are simply because of incorrect approach//not following the instructions of the Guru. Whether it's the path of Devotion or Knowledge - if the flame aspiration is kept burning - progress will happen....also, 'sharanagati' helps tremendously. Thankyou for sharing 🙏....Om Namah Shivaya
@@lordMegatron It's is knowledge from yoga sutra which I told you. 5 tendencies of mind will always be there and they are judgement, wrong judgement, sleep, memory and imagination. These cannot be deleted, but make them weak and destroy them finally. Secondly, it says there are many ways including Guru, but desire to get librated Or get atma bodh is totally a depends on person. Since, path of variagya is extremely difficult today, most people are expected to start with "practice" which take long time. What are we overcoming is 5 klesha -avidya (ignorance), asmita (over-identifying with your ego), raga (desire, or attachment to pleasure). I have found that all vedic schools including Advaita vedanta agree with these knowledge. Overcoming these obstacles will take you to a state called " स्थिति प्रज्ञा " ( stithi pragya) where you give up all raga ( राग) and dvesha ( द्वेष)( geeta chapter 2, 54). Geeta Chapter 2, skoka 64,) Personally, I am hugely benefited from this knowledge. हरि ओम्।।
What he( Ramana)say is deep sleep, is not sleep as we think of it. Big difference. And to be honest- dont read things out, we can read, and you kind of distort the message which is so profound and your reading aloud is not🙏
there are three things in people body. Physical structure: formed by solid state (bone, skin etc), water (blood, urine, liquid etc. ), Aire (rethething) and heat (body temperature) we get sick when four of these having confliction Mind controls five sensation,, imaginary, action and thouht when these two things (body and mind)) stop funtion (sleeping, death, meditation) the soul will appear. Al karma from past, present will be stored in the soul that why you have dream ( seem a movie it will appear what you stored in there) It is logically there is nothing to do with GOD God has nothing to do with us You have your own karma and pay for this Nobody can pucish or reward you except your own daiy action
wrong logic Yes I do think about God in sleep, there are many instances where God has appeared in sleep to his devotees and given them directions and one more thing I have had this experience many a times I have realized what I am dreaming is just a dream
@@ConsciousSurfingintoReality i didnt say in deep sleep one can have lucid dreaming..I meant if one is aware of dreaming when in sleep, thats lucid dreaming. When we are in deep sleep we will not have dream.
@@AdmnAdmn-xn2cq Hey, I know this haha I rather wrote back to the person who talked about wrong logic of Ramana Maharshi. And yes, you are completely right :) Have you ever lucid dreamt?
This yogi saved my life from the dream realm if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today, given that he is one of my spiritual guides
It was a gift from heaven, they spoke the most important subject ever, the Reality. Wondrous, thanks a lot. Thanks again, Om tat sat !!
As it is without any exaggeration,imitation or deviation. What else! Beyond words. Excellent.
The nature of Self explained in a very simple and nice way which is always a witness to all our actions. This every one of us shd sincerely experience to remain a true happy entity always.Blessed v r to listen to the experience of great masters as Ramana Maharshi.
Beautiful teaching for all of us to be practiced daily. Love and gratitude 🙏
This this is the entire knowledge of upanishads and vedas.
Super bhai. Keep it up. Very deep.
हरि ओम्।।
Jai Sri Krishna
Jai Sri Ram 🙏
Thanks brother. But one thing disturbs me a lot that people don't read Upanishads and other Scriptures. They don't want to Know anything yet they pass all negative comments about Ramana Maharshi. One need a very subtle mind to understand Ramana.
@The Servitor of God
You are 1000% right bhai.
Vedanta teaching are very difficult for ordinary people like us.
It need strict decipline.
Most people today give more priority to money, power, fame and bodily vanity than God.
There is nothing outside that can satisfy our search. Period.
All path leads to God which evil people don't understand. I can't blame them because there is very less in social media to teach good things like teaching of Ramana Maharshi.
You keep making these videos because your videos have more educational value than an entire School.
Slowly, more people are showing intrest in Vedanta. Keep doing your dharma.
Namaste bhai.
Namaste Bhai 🙏
@@TheServitorofGod96 yes this is what is explained in mandukya upanishad and ashtavakra gita
@@TheServitorofGod96 what bad things do they say to ramana maharshi?
This video brought me a lot of clarity. God bless🙏🙏
Tbh, sb upr se chla gya
I don't know if i am dumb or if I'm using my mind to understand this conversation.
Ramana talks are tough for me.
Very beautiful explanation of Self in 3states of our body. What ultimately remains is our True Self alone as a witness to our changeable body.
Very great work " The servitor of God " . Continue the work , very clearly you had taught us a good lesson through this video . In all states God should be realised ( i.e _ waking state , sleeping state and mind state ). In all such states God should be realised . In the Adi Granth Sahib Ji also known by Guru Granth Sahib Ji it is said in Ang 556 ,
As long as there is breath in the body , he does not remember the lord , what will he do in the world hereafter ?
One who remembers the lord is a spirtual teacher , the ignorant one acts blindly .
One of Baba Nanak Ji's quote was
" Even kings and emperors with heaps of domains and wealth cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God " .
Waheguruji ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh
Proud of you my Sanatani Brother 🙏❤️
I am proud that you read "Guru Grant Sahib'' 🚩
ஞான கணேஷ்,
What does that last Hindi line mean bro. ?
@@jamalmohamed5980 அதன் பொருள் , கால்சா வாகி குருவிற்கு சொந்தம் , அணைத்து வெற்றிகளும் வாகிகுருவுக்கே சொந்தம் .
" The Khalsa belongs to Waheguruji , and all victories belongs to Waheguruji .
This is a wishing in Sikkhism when they meet Sikhs , instead of giving shake hands or Namaskar , they would say this . This slogan was introduced by Guru Gobind Singh Ji after he initiated the Khalsa in 1699 . Khalsa was established to promote justice and to fight against tyrant rule . To know more about , you need to study more about History or philosophy .
@@jamalmohamed5980 I had the same question for a Sikh friend and he explained that 'Wahe" (in Punjabi, Wah in Hindi) usually said like "Wah, Wah" to appreciate /applaud/salute something and Khalsa means purity and Fateh means victory. In short, salute to Guru's purity and his victory. Readers, please correct me if I am incorrect.
Oh ok great 👍
Really superb. These are useful sharing extremely useful for people who want to practice.
Thank you for bringing clarity on confusions arise while doing self enquiry.
Thank you very much
What I like best about hinduism is that it allows you to ask questions. Infact whole Upanishads and Bhagvat Gita is a questionnaire only.. topics like these force me to think and make my mind wonder... expecting more videos on this
You don get it do you..
Hare Krishna🌹 🙏🌷
Hare Krishna 🙏🌺
Perfect teaching thankyou for sharing may we all see
Genuine conversation.......
Sri.Ramana always thedirectPath.
Many thanks friend. for THAT WHICH IT IS.Not as a professor but Sri Ramana. in simple looking words that have above quotation in English and yours in sanskrit. thank you friend
Jai shree Hari 🙏
Very very profound 🙏
Thank you 🙏
So awesome 👏🏼🌷
Once, I had a dream which was incredibly super real! I was walking along a beach with a man, who's face I wasn't allowed to see. As we walked I could feel the sand beneath my feet and everything felt just like it feels in real life, but it was more pronounced! It's hard to explain.
As we walked, the person in long clothing had told me lots of things but I wasn't allowed to remember everything. I only remember that he said when we dream, we go there, to that place and he said if I think about my family, I'll go there instantly! He said I' will upwards, very fast and I'll be with my children.I picked a spikey shell as I thought I must bring it home to prove to my family that this had happened to me for real. Foolishly I thought of home and I was picked up with an enormous force and I woke up in bed! When I was traveling home, I could feel the shell dematerializing and passing through my hand like an emulsion. It's difficult to describe.
When I woke up, I head indentations in my hand, where the spikes were!
Don't know what to think about it.😐
Don't know what to think about it.
Foolishly I thought about my family, as I really couldn't stop myself and
Lucid dreaming is a great experience which can help to understand and realize what we really are!
The problem was thinking at all.
Let go of I
Kodisa kodisa namaskaarangal to my dearest Bhagavaan.
Learned a lot 😃.
Thank you 💓
Thank you maharshi ji
Om Shri Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. Om Shri Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi
We must remember that the "I", from time to time, does realize in a lucid sleep, that the body is in a sleep state, and that the "I" can then direct this lucid experience in whichever direction the "I" desires.
Thank you. Om.
Brother, can u please put a video on identifying fake friends 🙏🙏🙏. If u have uploaded it already pls share the link 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✨. The quotes are really helpful for me 🙏
I will make video on this topic.
@@TheServitorofGod96 thank you so much brother 🙏🙏
Thank you for bringing about that topic...we need a video on that
JAI BABAJI 🌸🌹🌺🌷🌻🌟🦚🌈🙏JAI MAA 🌹🌺🌷🌸🌻🌟🦚🌈🙏
God is in my dreams and everywhere
Too good
Perfect dialectics
Pranam Bhagavan
Aum Tat Sat
🌲Shri Swami Samartha
Jay Shankar🌳🌿🌸🌹🙏
"In the mighty name of Jesus, I plead His precious blood over our life, protecting us from all harm and evil. May His divine covering shield us and bring peace and blessings into our mind, body, spirit and souls. Amen."
अद्धभुत वीडियो
मुझे पसंद आया.
धन्यवाद अपलोड करने के लिए
For more Videos of Shri. Raman Maharshi ji please watch
Body to Soul Raman
Body to Soul Raman
Hare Krishna Radhey Radhey
🌳Shri Swami Samartha
Jay Shankar🌲 🛕🌸🙏
Infinite Pranam to lead us to our Real Self. 🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹
Radhe krishna
My dear brothers & Sisters,
"Know that, Truly Allah - Eshwar - Rahman - Vishnu - God - Bhagwan - Malik - Shiva - Paramatma All one and the same."
Avatar - Prophet - Messenger - Buddha
"Lord Krishna is the Holy Messenger (Representative) of Allah (Vishnu)"
And So
Lord Kalki - Prophet Muhammad is the Avatar (Representative) of Vishnu (Allah)
(The one who knows his self knows God)
people need to ask him...but others can see my body when i am asleep and i can see your body when you are the body does not disappear in sleep.
You saw all these when you are awake. You can this in dream too, but you can't say anything in deep sleep
What's point in others seeing you if you not at all know that they are seeing. You only draw inference after you wake up. But this world is as good as dead while we sleep !
Please explain nightmares. It makes me confused. Please explain it. I feel scared in it
Could anyone explain in short the content ?
The question should be where do we go when we sleep..
Whose body? What body?
Nirvana Shatakam by Adi Shankaracharya says it all!
I bloody well disagree on so many points!
The body never sleeps. It is constantly functioning to keep you breathing, reparing, alive etc whether you are consciously awake or asleep.
If it is the I-thought only that creates your body, what re-creates it after sleep? Why do we not stay in sleep consciousness? And what 'wakes us up'?
If sleep is a state of happiness explain to me the 'nightmare' I had last night.
Also, did not state remotely where we 'go' when we sleep!
You are confusing “dream
Sleep” (or lucid dreaming) with “Deep Sleep”.
Not really! Everything slows down, especially your digestive system, our brain is regenerating . Same goes for other organs like liver which doesn't need to produce so much bile.etc,etc!
Why would we die if we were deprived of sleep? Our body clearly sleeps at night, just enough to keep us breathing and pumping the blood!
It's the God who wakes you up from sleep.(for many it's called alarm ⏰)
You made me laugh, thank you
The (arm of Allah) Alarm...
God is the reality
This reality requires belief like Mirabai,bhakt prakash,sant Kabeer etc…
Still I don't no why my sleep break every around 3:30AM daily and also seen understandable dreams often. Still I not found why its happen
🕉 🙏
one fellow next door was looking like this swamy ji few years back , living in himalayas eating kand mool and today he became first man of the country wearing expensive clothes. so many women keep roaming around him and also he has lot of boyfriends who go after him in roads. very very popular.
The " I" who says I had a good dream is different from the dreamer.
Jai shree krishna 🙏❤️
1Kth Like to this Video:)😇😇
Are you aware of being within the body in sleep?
Many lucid dreamer are.
Sleep is not just a happy state of mind. You can feel every emotion during sleep. It is not necessary to wake up and feel other emotions.
I think when he says “sleep” he’s referring to Deep Sleep, not lucid or dream states. In deep sleep there is no Mind or Body awareness. All that’s left is just pure awareness with nothing to be aware of.
If it is dream or emotions only dream state where your mind works. only in deep sleep you are not aware of anything .only the self resides , as in all states waking dreaming and deep sleep. That is the egoless " I ". Find out the same. eternal bliss. essence of Maharshi's teaching.
Body doesn't go anywhere .
MIND is switched off.
Conciousness is de-clutched ( we dont know wts happening in our surroundings ).
Thanks for video, but the explanation escapes me. Why is the “I” the eternal? J says the “I” is the barrier. Is there an explanation in Tamil that makes Ramana’s words clearer?
The body l, is the false I. The I as consciousness is the real Self
I checked the cctv footages, my body was lying right there on my bed while I was asleep ..
Why are saying "mehershi"?
what wakes the body up, if it is the natural state of being?
which wants to be unnatural by waking up?
why does it do that? what is the point? what does it get out of being unnaural?
There is no such thing as sleep but for those that have iost there souls, sleep exist for them only, the soul finds rest in occupying another body whether it be on this earth or in one of the seven heavens change is rest for soul.
Hmmmmm, let me see… where’s? A better question should be where does our “mind” goes when we sleep.
It is not meharshi it should be spell as Maharshi.
Did this narrator start to learn how to read out loud 1 year ago? I mean when we were 5-8 years old we read like this 😅. Anyway nice teaching
He is not the servitor of God he himself is the GOD.
Yes thought of God emerges in sleep too
I don't think you think anything in deep sleep.
I Am .. The Self in One Dimension is no one and no thing which is only aware of itself and nothing else.. One without a Second.. It’s Absolute Reality .. In it exists no knowledge, knower or knowable.. It alone exists.. It’s Aatma.. It’s Brahman! All creation and cosmos and everything else APPEARS in that Indivisible I Am.. In two dimension, comes the sense of duality thru the divine force called Maya.. All is a dream of I Am.. within that dream everything appears in dream including God and the devotees.. All r manifestations of I Am.. When a person sees God or experiences God, it’s also all within the 11th dimensional existences which is within the cosmic dream of I Am.. All knowledge is within these dimensions.. and then there r Gyaanis like Ramana Maharshi who has grasped absolute indivisible ultimate eternal existence where there is nothing except the awareness of I Am and that I Am is Self.. His own Self.. All multiplicities were simply illusions.. There was never a two.. It was always One Awareness!
Some followers of Advaitha wrongly interpret Maya as the illusion through which Brahman falsely appears as the universe. Maya is the 'creative" shakhti of Brahman and it is absolutely real. It also means, the material realm is also very real.
@@indianmilitary To be precise, Brahman the Absolute Reality and Phenomenal Universe as temporary or transitory reality that projects in Awareness.. But all these intellectual speculation is adding more delusion in mind.. it will lead nowhere.. Emptier the mind, closer to truth!
@@Prashant-cw3ir No spéculation. It is based on the vedic metaphysics Sankhya which can be validated by logic, double slit quantum experiment and embodied expérience (direct knowledge through focus and meditation). Point is Advaitha (non dual and conscious shiva) and dvaitha (duality capable shakthi) are INCOMPLETE without each other. It also means, they always exist together for thé perpétuel duality cycles of nature to happen. eg birth/décay, manifestation/ concealment of the universe etc.
Mithya does not mean false either. It is temporary existence but not false. eg Tasks in your office may .be temporary but not false. So, you have to finish them. In thé same way, thé subject/object split may .be temporary but it does not mean thère is no subject or object.
Based on sankhya, Tat tvam asi also means, you (conscious and immanent self) are already that (conscious, omniprésent and transcendent self) regardless of whether you reach samadhi or not because without thé conscious, immanent and omniprésent self nothing can exist or nothing can be perceived in its current form.
ERWIN SCHRODINGER (ONE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS) Schrodinger's biographer Moore, wrote -- “His system - or that of the Hindu Upanishads/Vedas - is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all. He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naïve--and will NOT understand Quantum theory and consciousness.
@@indianmilitary Well you are so keen on proving yourself right .. I never said mithya is false.. Nor I said world is an illusion.. Inner world (the world your mind creates within you that projects itself in your dream and that which is different in each person is definitely mithya.. But external world.. that which is the same for all isn’t false.. It’s transitory.. It is ever changing.. It is relative.. That is what I said.. why r u explaining me as if I am opposing you? Subatomic particles act as both waves and particles hence it’s an appearance and not exactly this or that while the consciousness in which it appears is absolute.. The appearance is relative!
@@indianmilitary All these r still within the limits of your mind and not in your experience.. It’s just an indirect knowledge of what you have accumulated.. this is why I called it speculation.. It’s like sayin “sex is amazing” .. no matter how u describe it and what meanings u give to describe it.. one who has experienced it knows exactly what it is and one who has read abt it (no matter how many books but no experience) will never know it and it becomes a mere speculation no matter how wonderfully explained right? So All I am sayin is focus on direct experience of truth rather than adding more information to your mind because as Vivekananda says, 1000 lbs of theories is worth nothin compared to an ounce of experience!
Where Does Our Body Go While We Sleep? YOU MEAN SOUL GO WHEN SLEEP,
In deep sleep also soul won't go any where. It watches u always. In the morning who tells that I slept so much time peaceful. That soul watched .
If there is anything mistake please excuse me. 🙏🙏🙏
I am wondering:
Is the I-thought the same as the "I am"?
In answer to my own question, I think not. The I am refers to beingness whereas the I thought is purely mental.
'I am' & 'I - thought' both are same.
The 'Beingness' seems more "Am" than "I am"....if that makes any sense.
You must enter the " Samadhipada" to empty your brain.
Then there is no " I" and " I thought.
Simple as singing bhajans, meditation, etc. All part of quitening the mind and lond time to master.
Hari om.
@@dharmavarta Perhaps....but we've found that emptying of the mind isn't necessary. Thoughts and emotions, sensations, projections can come and go....and they don't effect the Being. Keeping the attention on the Being, thoughts and other mind stuff loses it's grip/control over us.
I don't agree that it takes a long time. I've found that delays are simply because of incorrect approach//not following the instructions of the Guru. Whether it's the path of Devotion or Knowledge - if the flame aspiration is kept burning - progress will happen....also, 'sharanagati' helps tremendously.
Thankyou for sharing 🙏....Om Namah Shivaya
It's is knowledge from yoga sutra which I told you.
5 tendencies of mind will always be there and they are judgement, wrong judgement, sleep, memory and imagination.
These cannot be deleted, but make them weak and destroy them finally.
Secondly, it says there are many ways including Guru, but desire to get librated Or get atma bodh is totally a depends on person. Since, path of variagya is extremely difficult today, most people are expected to start with "practice" which take long time.
What are we overcoming is 5 klesha -avidya (ignorance), asmita (over-identifying with your ego), raga (desire, or attachment to pleasure).
I have found that all vedic schools including Advaita vedanta agree with these knowledge.
Overcoming these obstacles will take you to a state called " स्थिति प्रज्ञा " ( stithi pragya) where you give up all raga ( राग) and dvesha ( द्वेष)( geeta chapter 2, 54).
Geeta Chapter 2, skoka 64,)
Personally, I am hugely benefited from this knowledge.
हरि ओम्।।
Sounds like the blind leading the blind
What he( Ramana)say is deep sleep, is not sleep as we think of it. Big difference. And to be honest- dont read things out, we can read, and you kind of distort the message which is so profound and your reading aloud is not🙏
Totally agree😉
Siempre sigan a un gurú que no haya muerto, o su propio "sí mismo", el resto es mortal por lo tanto no llegaron a ningún lugar especial.
there are three things in people body.
Physical structure: formed by solid state (bone, skin etc), water (blood, urine, liquid etc. ), Aire (rethething) and heat (body temperature) we get sick when four of these having confliction
Mind controls five sensation,, imaginary, action and thouht
when these two things (body and mind)) stop funtion (sleeping, death, meditation) the soul will appear.
Al karma from past, present will be stored in the soul that why you have dream ( seem a movie it will appear what you stored in there)
It is logically there is nothing to do with GOD
God has nothing to do with us
You have your own karma and pay for this
Nobody can pucish or reward you except your own daiy action
Mine goes to nightmare land
It goes home. And then goes to sleep.
It's not mehershe,it's Maha rishi
wrong logic
Yes I do think about God in sleep, there are many instances where God has appeared in sleep to his devotees and given them directions
and one more thing I have had this experience many a times I have realized what I am dreaming is just a dream
Its called lucid dreaming, when in sleep state you realise you are dreaming.. 👍
Maharshi says about states of deep sleep! If you dream or are aware of dreaming in sleep, it is not a deep sleep.
Maharshi is talking about dreamless sleep ie सुषुप्ति sushupti
@@ConsciousSurfingintoReality i didnt say in deep sleep one can have lucid dreaming..I meant if one is aware of dreaming when in sleep, thats lucid dreaming. When we are in deep sleep we will not have dream.
@@AdmnAdmn-xn2cq Hey, I know this haha I rather wrote back to the person who talked about wrong logic of Ramana Maharshi. And yes, you are completely right :) Have you ever lucid dreamt?