Empowering Scottish Communities The Peo 2024 08 29

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • The People’s Assembly platform, grounded in the principles of the Scottish Community Empowerment Act of 2015 and the UN Charter for Self-Determination, is designed to empower communities in a way that is both innovative and legally sound.
    While the criticisms raise valid points, they ultimately fail to account for the transformative potential of the platform, especially when viewed in the context of existing legal frameworks and technological advancements.
    Far from being an unattainable ideal, the People’s Assembly represents a practical and forward-thinking approach to community empowerment.
    With continued engagement and support, it has the potential to reshape how communities across Scotland govern themselves-making direct democracy not just a theoretical concept, but a lived reality.
    Here are a few relevant quotes from the Scottish Government that align with the goals of the People’s Assembly platform and the Scottish Community Empowerment Act of 2015:
    On Community Empowerment:
    “Community empowerment is a key priority for this government. We believe that communities are best placed to understand the needs of their areas, and they should have the power to make decisions and take action to improve their lives.”
    - Aileen Campbell, former Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government.
    On the Purpose of the Scottish Community Empowerment Act:
    “The Community Empowerment Act is a landmark piece of legislation that will help communities achieve their own goals and aspirations through taking independent action and by having their voices heard in the decisions that affect them.”
    - Scottish Government, official guidance on the Community Empowerment Act.
    On Digital Innovation and Governance:
    “Digital technology offers us new ways of doing things that make it easier to collaborate and involve more people in decision-making processes. Our vision is to create a digital Scotland that is inclusive, innovative, and empowering.”
    - Scottish Government, from the Digital Strategy for Scotland.
    On the Role of Local Democracy:
    “Local democracy is the bedrock of our democratic system. We are committed to ensuring that power is transferred to communities, enabling them to play a direct role in shaping the decisions that impact their lives.”
    - Scottish Government, from the Local Governance Review.
    These quotes reflect the Scottish Government's commitment to community empowerment, digital innovation, and local democracy-all of which are central to the vision of the People’s Assembly platform.
    These statements from Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond
    Nicola Sturgeon on the Power of the Scottish People:
    “It is not up to any politician, certainly not up to any single political party, to decide Scotland's future. That decision rests with the people of Scotland.”
    - Nicola Sturgeon, in her speech following the 2014 independence referendum.
    Alex Salmond on the Role of the People in Scotland's Future:
    “The campaign continues, and the dream shall never die. The cause of Scotland is not the property of any political party or individual. It belongs to all of us.”
    - Alex Salmond, in his resignation speech as First Minister after the 2014 referendum.
    These quotes underline the idea that Scotland's direction should be determined by its people, making them powerful endorsements of a platform like the People's Assembly, which seeks to empower communities through direct democratic participation.