Her book is quite different and very expressive of a womans struggle to be herself than society's trend. As well I am surprised to find Eden the author in such a composure, I expected a total different person reading her book.
It is very interesting to listen this kinds of conversations because it was supposed to be so. But let's be honest if we get fired from our job, unless we are talking about ppl who are beyond the middle income, how do we expect to apply what u said? It doesn't even give you a chance to take a breath. We could see how our society is living during this crisis. Everybody is quite what ever happened, not because society has nothing to say or to do but if you are poor and living hand to mouth u lose that power. Your mind will not get a chance to think bigger, instead u will be getting busy just to survive. It is a great principle but it may need a little modification to apply in our life.
You have point Emu, But some times we need principel to live in this world, i am not in that level but i appriciat those who have life principel. We can start by saying "NO" when we need to say it. At list to those who is immediate family. Then people will know that we are resonabel for things. from my expireace when i told to my friend my feelings (her behaviour towards me) i recognized the next day our friendship started to fade. I feel sorry but i am proude to have courage to speek my mind.
ኤደንዬ ስወድሽ❤
መፅሐፍሽ ምን ያህል እንዳጀገነኝ ብታውቂ!
በነገራችን ላይ ፕሮግራምሽ ጠቃሚ ነዉ ጬኸት በበዛበት ሠአት ነጥሮ የወጣ እግዜር ይሥጥልን 👏👏👏👏 🙏🙏🙏
ኤደን እህቴ ስላየሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል
ያነሳሽው ሀሳብ በጣም ጠቃሚ እና አስተማሪ ነው። ቆይ እስቲ ላስብበት የማለት ልማድ ብዙ የለንም። ላስብበት ስንል ግን እንቢ እና እና እሺ ምንለውን ነገር ለይተን እናውቃለን። ያለምክንያት እሺ ባለማለቴ ተጎድቼ ነበር አሁን ግን ቆይ ላስብበት ማለት ስጀምር ብዙ ጥሩ ለውጥ አይቻለሁ።
ከአመጿ ጀርባ የሚለው መጽሐፍሽን እንዴት እንደምወደው አጠይቂኝ። አንድን ሀሳብ የምትገልጺበት መንገድ እንደ ጣፍጭ ምግብ ነው። እያንዳንዱ ገጽ አንድ መጽሐፍ ይወጣዋል። በሌላ መጽሐፍ እጠብቅሻለሁ ኤደን።
ሶፊ ስለጋበዝሽልን እንግዳ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ
እርጎዬ የሆነች እንግዳ ነው ያቀረብሽልን እናመሰግናለን
እረ ሶፊ እሚገርም እሚገርም ሀሳብ ያላቸው ሰዎች ናቸው ምታቀርቢው በጣም ምርጥ ነው
ዘግይቸም ቢሆን ይህን ፕሮግራም በማየቴ ደስ ብሎኛል ላላዩት በማጋራት የበኩላችንን ግዴታ እንወጣ እላለሁ thanks 🙏
በነገራችን ላይ እኛ ልጆቻችን ያሳደግንበት መንገድ በጊዘው ባገኘ ነው እወቀት ነው ስለዚህ
የኛም ድርሻ በግዜው ልክ ነን
ለመቃወም አይደሉም
አሁን ደግሞ ያለንበት እናንተም ያደጋችሁበት
ዘመን ጥሩና የተሻለ ነው ነገሮችን አስፍተን ማየቱ ጥሩ ነው ያለፈውን መኮነን የለብንም
መነሻ ሆነናል ተባረኩ በርቱ
እፁብ ድንቅ ሴቶች የተባረካቹ ናችሁ
ምን ነበር ካደ በላይ ላይክ ማረግ ቢኖረዉና ,,, የልጅቶ አደበት ለስላሳ የሶፊ አዳማጭነት እጅግ ማራቂና አስተማሪ ነው ወላሂ ደጋግቢ ደጋግሜ ባዳምጠው የማይሰለች
ሶፊዬ ውድድድ ነው የማረግሽ በርችልኝ !!! የኤዲን መጽሃፍ ብዙ ቦታ አጣሁት
አንድ ቦታ ልጠቁምሽ
@Aha psychological service ሀያ ሁለት አከባቢ ታገኝዋለሽ
ዋው ሶፍዬ አቤት አጠያዬቅ
እጅግ ግሩም ነበር እግዚአብሔር ይጨምርላቹ ማስተዋልን !!
Beautiful mind
አመሰግናለው ሶፊ
Her book is quite different and very expressive of a womans struggle to be herself than society's trend. As well I am surprised to find Eden the author in such a composure, I expected a total different person reading her book.
Betam new yemamsgenew! temrebtalu
ድንቅ ግንዛቤ ነው ግን እህቴ እንዳለችው ዋጋ ያስከፍላል ወዳጅ ይሳጣል ነገር ግን አድካሚ ከሆነ የልምምድ ህይወት ወጥተን እጅግ ውብ የሆነ ታማኝነትን እናመጣለን ለዚህም እንዱ ምስክር ነኝ ብዙዎችን አሳጥቶኛል ግን ምርጦችን ደግሞ አፍርቼበታለሁ ታማኝ እና ካደግንበት የማስመስል እና የመጠባበቅ ህይወት ውስጥ የወጡ ያለካልኩሌሽን የሚወዱኝን አፍርቼያለሁ ተባረኩ ድንቅ ትምህርት ነው
My sister I learn a lot God bless you I'm glad I found you on here irs very important to me God bless
Enjoy the process
So wise,thank you for showing us how to overcome our weaknesses. God bless you both🙏🙏
በጣም ነው የማመሰግናችሁ በጣም ነው የገረመኝ ምክንያቱም የኔን ችግር ነው ኤዱ ያብራራሽልኝ በድጋሚ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
ምርጥ ምክር 💚💛❤🙏
Thank you for sharing this kind of knowledge appreciate you!
she is sooo wise. thank you for bringing Eden.
Keep it up the good work 👍
Selam Sofia and our insightful today guest. As always it is life lesson. #Tebarku....very rich conversation.
correct! taking our loved ones and those closest to us for granted is a big mistake. it will make us pay.
🥰🥰🥰🥰 enamesegnalen
በጣም እናመሠግናለን
Sofy thanks for sharing us nice idea
Amazing show.
So true
Thank you...dear sisters
I thank you !
Very important topic , wr really need this learning. Thank you both
It is very interesting to listen this kinds of conversations because it was supposed to be so. But let's be honest if we get fired from our job, unless we are talking about ppl who are beyond the middle income, how do we expect to apply what u said? It doesn't even give you a chance to take a breath. We could see how our society is living during this crisis. Everybody is quite what ever happened, not because society has nothing to say or to do but if you are poor and living hand to mouth u lose that power. Your mind will not get a chance to think bigger, instead u will be getting busy just to survive.
It is a great principle but it may need a little modification to apply in our life.
You have point Emu, But some times we need principel to live in this world, i am not in that level but i appriciat those who have life principel. We can start by saying "NO" when we need to say it. At list to those who is immediate family. Then people will know that we are resonabel for things. from my expireace when i told to my friend my feelings (her behaviour towards me) i recognized the next day our friendship started to fade. I feel sorry but i am proude to have courage to speek my mind.
Waw telek telek temhrt new yestachun
Bemiktelew Demo
Lebcha ebat mhonena
zara lemen ebat kuch beya alefe?
koi nege gen betwat ewotalhu beya
Endgenam endhu salwota yalfal mulu samentu.yaw yedgagemal
kezeh wost endat mewotat endmichal
Betnegrugn betam dess yelegnal
Thanks for the ladies detailed explaining I appreciate on your ideas so I start soon to know myself
ደጋግሚ አየሀት አዳመጥኮት ጭራሽ ኩምነገር አዘል አድንደበቶ የማይጠገብ ልጅ ወላሂ ሱባህርን አላህ
ታድያ ሰዉ ሁሉ ለየግሉ ይኑር ወይ!? ልጅ ልጅ ነዉ ቤተሰብም ደሞ ቤተሰብ... ለማህበረሰቡስ ደሞ!?
ብቻ በዚህ ምድር ለራስህ ብቻ ኖረህ ሙት የሚሉ ት/ቶች እየተስፋፉ ነዉ፤ ሰዉም ደሞ ጀምሮታል እንግዲህ ለኔ ለኔ ... ሆኗል ነገሩ።
Andande yarasune sayenore lalelawu eyanora advantage eyatawosadabte zamanu yalafawu sawu understand yadaregawole
እኔን ማን ይለውጠኝ??
በጣም የሚጎድለኝን ነገር እንዲህ ባለ ሁኔታ ታብራሩልኛላችሁ ኧረ በጣም የምትደንቁ ናችሁ!!