I have bipolar disorder and right now I am having a bit of a hypomanic mood swing, this is helping me more than meds can right now. Thank you, I probably listened to this 25 times in a row now and it's keeping me from going insane. It's calming me more than anyone could understand. Amazing track.
I always feel really embarassed whenever I go back and check things I did when manic. It's hard living like this. Instrumental core also helps me maintain stability whenever I listen.
If it´s not yours, don´t take it. If it´s not true, don´t say it. If it´s not right, don´t do it. You can take away the ¨not¨ and ¨don´t¨ at the same time from all of them once you follow them
I was on youtube, and suddenly, I heard this song, I had a really bad back pain for the whole song, it hurt so bad I screamed, but then after the song ended, suddenly the pain went away. I went to go tell my mom but when I jumped off of the porch like a boss, I didn't touch the ground. I looked down and saw that I was floating, then I heard the song ringing in my head again, and all of a sudden I knew how to fly. So I flew to my mom's house to tell her what happened, and she acted like she didn't see me. I cried on the fly back home. When I got back, I lied down on the grass, and when I looked up, I saw a bunch of angels flying around, but then I saw something above the clouds, it was heaven. I was wondering on how I could see all of these things, then all of a sudden, a realization came to mind.... I am an Angel.
***** you mean great wall of China? Even when you're trying to sound smart and insult me, you failed, miserably. Don't worry though, lucky you my ten year old cousin volunteers teaching young boys such as yourself.
2014, still in high school, back when i first started going to the gym.....there was a god-tier playlist playing everytime....but this....this is the crown jewel. i would get insane motivation hearing this
ryan diepeveen hahahahhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhhhahhhahaahhahahahahhahahahhhhahahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaha........................................ahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhhhahahahahahahahaahahahhahaha
Music made by gods. It elevates you, takes you to the most epic battle you've ever imagined, where you slaughter all the enemies, where the glory is yours and everyone respects what you've just done. You can do anything with this music.
I am asleep. A dark sleep. Complete darkness. A light. A spark. It appears before me, calling my name I have not heard before. It shows me a path, a path through the darkness. A dream is all it was..... or was it? I wake up somewhere unknown to me. I look down, beneath my feet I see the earth, the stars, the galaxy. I lift higher and higher above what is beneath me. And I shine, I shine with a light so bright it blinds me. Wings of flawless white feathers form upon my back. A sword and shield are created before my eyes. And then, I hear a voice call my name to battle the evil I was once consumed by. I am the archangel
Not many songs actually make me feel strong emotions, but this one.. this one does big time. so much awesome should not be possible in the space of 3 minutes 33 seconds..
"Our spears may be broken, our arrows twisted, our shields shattered, yet we do not end here. Today is the day. When we said Enough. When we said we will not go in the dark quietly, we will not fall easily, so men, pick up your swords! FOR ROME! FOR *THE EMPEROR!*"
I'm a Dubstep/house music professional and I actually think that sub- mellow bass at 1:50-2:10 is pretty well coordinated through ableton or fl studio whatever software you use but I still don't understand why you're not famous yet your music is amazing and you should be out on a stage full of maybe 50 million people watching you e.g tommorowland well done and keep up the good work
She was everything to me. But they took her. And with her, they took my kindness and my mercy. That was their mistake, because now, all I’ve got left is a cold heart. They thrive on doubt. They feast on fear. These wretched abominations blight this world, and every last one of them will perish by my hand.
that *epic* moment when an epileptic kid goes into a crisis state at a dubstep festival and everybody finally accepts him/her for who s/he is and cheer him/her on joyfully/unknowingly fucking *epic*
aryan verma Wtf is your problem? Xbox wasted there money over nothing when ps4 did. So that's why I said its the other way around and you don't need to tell me to shut up because I wasn't trying to be mean to you.
Crusty Moist, and I decided to burn you at the stake for burning a cat (an army of crazy cat ladies forms behind me, i point to you and scream “GEEEEET HIIIIIIM!”
I have bipolar disorder and right now I am having a bit of a hypomanic mood swing, this is helping me more than meds can right now. Thank you, I probably listened to this 25 times in a row now and it's keeping me from going insane. It's calming me more than anyone could understand. Amazing track.
I always feel really embarassed whenever I go back and check things I did when manic. It's hard living like this. Instrumental core also helps me maintain stability whenever I listen.
It is incredible how this music has an incredible psychological effect on people. when i listen to instrumental core i feel invincible
9 years passed already. I hope you have better mental health now
Man, what an amazing, nostalgic sound.
brasileiro detectado
Back in eary 2010s every bodybuilding motivation video used this music
AWHH NOSTALGIA!!! Loved old UA-cam so much and miss it every day...
"All it takes for evil to truly triumph, is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
If it´s not yours, don´t take it.
If it´s not true, don´t say it.
If it´s not right, don´t do it.
You can take away the ¨not¨ and ¨don´t¨ at the same time from all of them once you follow them
My landlord listened to this and he started paying me rent
Your landlord heard this and now i’m paying him rent 0_o
@@jetoptimusprime You and your landlord listened to this and now I’m paying both of you guys rent.
I was on youtube, and suddenly, I heard this song, I had a really bad back pain for the whole song, it hurt so bad I screamed, but then after the song ended, suddenly the pain went away. I went to go tell my mom but when I jumped off of the porch like a boss, I didn't touch the ground. I looked down and saw that I was floating, then I heard the song ringing in my head again, and all of a sudden I knew how to fly. So I flew to my mom's house to tell her what happened, and she acted like she didn't see me. I cried on the fly back home. When I got back, I lied down on the grass, and when I looked up, I saw a bunch of angels flying around, but then I saw something above the clouds, it was heaven. I was wondering on how I could see all of these things, then all of a sudden, a realization came to mind....
I am an Angel.
Hey why dont you where this *Pulls out straight-jacket* JIM! WE GOT A LIVE ONE!
Matt Proeschel Was I supposed to be offended by that?
Matt Proeschel Or was that a joke?
joshua Pugh It was a joke my little angel. Now get in the jacket.
lol you hitting D'mitri? or just high as fuck...
Kinda wished this was on spotify. Such a great remix!
Battery level: 1%
Battery level after this song: 100%
If only it was true
You Have Fast Charge Bro.
Mine become 420%
my pc heard this...
Now it controls every satellite in the world.
12 year but still be my ringtone until now
Amazing instrumental
@@wallriderss6505 yeah it gives me energy back when I'm in a bad mood
@@mr.q1662 Every Phone Call gets instant to a legandy Vibe moment
Never before have two genres as unalike as these mixed this beautifully.
congrats piotr adamski :D
Two steps from hell AND instrumental core?!?!? The gods have blessed us
My ten year old cousin listed to this while in English class. He now has a PhD in ancient Greek philosophy.
+kodak kamo LOL hahaha
***** you mean great wall of China? Even when you're trying to sound smart and insult me, you failed, miserably. Don't worry though, lucky you my ten year old cousin volunteers teaching young boys such as yourself.
I'm sure they were joking. Your teeth are white as hell though. What tooth paste do you use?
Jason Gafar cool,I wish it so
@@JenkiDan i wanna know too
I played this song over and over again and...
Nothing really, you can't break the replay button
2:50 i love is moment
1:23 as well :)
0:55 :)
2014, still in high school, back when i first started going to the gym.....there was a god-tier playlist playing everytime....but this....this is the crown jewel. i would get insane motivation hearing this
My mom brought me here , she said i would finally grow up when i heard this song
ryan diepeveen hahahahhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhhhahhhahaahhahahahahhahahahhhhahahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaha........................................ahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhhhahahahahahahahaahahahhahaha
Slaking Arn't you use to the internet,Its full of trolls.
Slaking That was not necessary you capitalist manpig.
Communist Owl That was not necessary you uh..
communist owl!!
12 million+ people have leveled up in life thanks to this song
I have been looking for this music for 5 years, omg I found it.!!!!
a message to future generations: *don't let this music die.*
bro thought he was optimus prime
This is so good it makes the original seem like a remix
Music made by gods. It elevates you, takes you to the most epic battle you've ever imagined, where you slaughter all the enemies, where the glory is yours and everyone respects what you've just done. You can do anything with this music.
I am asleep. A dark sleep. Complete darkness. A light. A spark. It appears before me, calling my name I have not heard before. It shows me a path, a path through the darkness. A dream is all it was..... or was it? I wake up somewhere unknown to me. I look down, beneath my feet I see the earth, the stars, the galaxy. I lift higher and higher above what is beneath me. And I shine, I shine with a light so bright it blinds me. Wings of flawless white feathers form upon my back. A sword and shield are created before my eyes. And then, I hear a voice call my name to battle the evil I was once consumed by. I am the archangel
TheNuggetCZ hahahhaha
the best song through ages..
I was 13 yo - this song was the best I’ve ever heard
Now in 24 and it’s still the best
Not many songs actually make me feel strong emotions, but this one.. this one does big time. so much awesome should not be possible in the space of 3 minutes 33 seconds..
1:23 is the reason I'm here
0:55 is the reason I'm here
0:00 is the reason I'm here
I'm here for these reasons too !
Don Jake Sosa
me too, all those reasons :))
0:54 for me :D
2024? someone?
One of my favourite tracks.
@@stavros8983 i love it too
Listening to this day
I feel unbeatable when listening to this
u are unbeatable
I am ur 100th like les goooo
@@Jiggaman5000 hellaishis dude🤘thanks
@@daws-vm5th np
@@daws-vm5th 🤙🤙🤙
Amazing !!! I found this song when I was watching TheGamingLemon .
When you prepare for school but then check the calendar and realize you're still on Spring break.
Oh yes
Unlucky for me then. :/
How old r u
Blurr Technoz I go to the school and the staff b like " there's no school "
Blurr Technoz true
Gf: Hey can you come over?
Bf: I'm sorry. I'm busy right now.
Gf: But I'm home alone.
Bf: *(epic entrance)*
@@dumbking2426 this has some dashiexp humor in it 😂👏🏼
i cant even tell how much i sang this song in my childhood, i didnt knew this name but i just enjoyed life and sang what ever i heard, miss u❤
Words cannot express the beauty of the music you produce...
I can picture Zeus fighting an army; just by listening to this song! EPIC!
You're the only one.
*forever alone*
Dude you just got me dreaming now !
When my Internet Explorer heard this, it turned into Google Chrome
my truck heard this now it's Optimus prime
+ReprovedCape 07 same here xD
When my cock heard this it became an erection.
+Whiskii Face Gross O_o Not your proudest fap
+Millie_Trina Prower
One day I will be a proffesional wrestler and I will make this my theme song. One day
You got it man
Big bet
@@blocboy2297 And you will be there in my match in the fans area, while I'm entering I'll high five you, maybe One day 😉
i spent so long trying to find out what this song was after seeing it thegaminglemons video, definately worth the effort
Was it when he jumped out of the plane in 'The Life of Franklin' Video? If so I came here because of that too!:D
that and in the battlefield 4 funtage
MattyPlaysMC i came here when he stolen the jet
I came here when he jumped off of Mt chilliad in his first gta v video
"Our spears may be broken, our arrows twisted, our shields shattered, yet we do not end here. Today is the day. When we said Enough. When we said we will not go in the dark quietly, we will not fall easily, so men, pick up your swords! FOR ROME! FOR *THE EMPEROR!*"
+Vincent Rogers sure will julius ceasar
+Vincent Rogers Roma Invicta
Danial Syah ;)
+Vincent Rogers from what film?
alexkGamer269 made it up bro ;3
Azhar CRIT
My new favorite music of motivation. Thanks a bunch!!
The musics name is "Two steps from Hell".
The video is 3:33 minutes long.
a triangle has 3 sides.
Illuminati confirmed!
For me it's 3:33 minutes long, so fuck off.
Just like you.
The music's name is "Strength Of A Thousand Men", not Two Steps From Hell. Two Steps From Hell is the group/band name.
And 3:33 x 2 = 6:66 = devil
imagine people just going to the nearest store to get toilet paper 0:27
UA-cam heard this...
now its replay button is broken lol :(
Same ^^
>Right click
dont worry i repaired it for you
Its my all time favourite music. I mistakenly deleted this music from my phone 3 years ago and i did not know the name. Finally i got it today. ☺
I love the gaming lemon
Me too
Me too
Murlin Games u guys came from gaming lemon
me too h's really good editor right :D h'is epic
u seen the vid too that how I got here
I'm a Dubstep/house music professional and I actually think that sub- mellow bass at 1:50-2:10 is pretty well coordinated through ableton or fl studio whatever software you use but I still don't understand why you're not famous yet your music is amazing and you should be out on a stage full of maybe 50 million people watching you e.g tommorowland well done and keep up the good work
1.7k people don't know what good music sounds like
BACK WORKOUT JUST FINISHED FOR 17/10/2023, IST 18:40 - 19:50, 💯🔥🔱👍💪👈
1:18 when u get that epic kill
When the bass hits harder than your dads belt
bro its been 9 years why are we here
@@nameunknown5106 idk
This song is fucking epic! When i die this will be my funeral song.
Wait who liked
Remove like
Fucking Epic
Boooom boooom . I love this music . Specialy violon .
When I heard this, I didn't wanted to look in the comment section beacause of the "When ... heard this" jokes.
What an Anti-Meme you got there.
When i heard ur comment i didnt FINDED the english grammar.
@@IsThatHim993 i seriously doesnt know how in 7 hells u HEARD his comment...
She was everything to me.
But they took her.
And with her, they took my kindness and my mercy.
That was their mistake, because now, all I’ve got left is a cold heart.
They thrive on doubt.
They feast on fear.
These wretched abominations blight this world, and every last one of them will perish by my hand.
Fkin EPIC!
that *epic* moment when an epileptic kid goes into a crisis state at a dubstep festival and everybody finally accepts him/her for who s/he is and cheer him/her on joyfully/unknowingly fucking *epic*
Best Coding-Music!
Its the force of your mind and the strength of your body, which are able 2 create awesome things!
I heard this song when I was a high school student on my 8th grade. It was almost a decade by now, and I still FRICCIN LOVE DIS REMIX!!
The last that dropped that hard ended world war 2
+JeD Denning you know what's funny? WW2 didn't end with a bomb. Unless your talking about hitters body dropping to the floor lol
this is such a legendary song
My dog listen to it… now he’s achieved ultra instinct
That lemon brought me here,the gaming lemon!!!!!
aryan verma i used to watch him what video did he use this song
His latest gta 5 vid on pc
Why did you stop??He's awesome
Me too!
Same, this music is legendary
two steps from hell + instrumental core = pure epicness \(°-°)/
Marvelous, Heroic! Haha
This should've happened more than once...
i mean the production values on this kickstarter are incredible!
I made my ps4 hear this song and it became a xbox
Its the other way around. Your Xbox heard this song and it became a ps4.
Celine Williams No its not,shut up
aryan verma Wtf is your problem? Xbox wasted there money over nothing when ps4 did. So that's why I said its the other way around and you don't need to tell me to shut up because I wasn't trying to be mean to you.
aryan verma I hate to be that one guy but: Get a PC you degenerate peasants :D
Ziveex :D I already have one lol. I'm a gaming nerd XD
nice to work out :)
This song is the CHOSEN ONE
SHOULDER WORKOUT JUST FINISHED FOR 22/11/2023, IST 18:30 - 19:34, 💯🔥🔱👍💪👈
Aż ciarki przechodzą
Widać że ma talent.
Italianiec PL chyba nie rozumiesz
@@michal14531 qqQq11010¹q)p0⁰00011
I miss MW3
Try 1.5 speed...
it is cool but it changes the harmony of the song itself
2.0 is pretty sick too!
johnkats14 How do you speed up?
Ian Skrivarnik So how u do it?
this is awesome
finally i found this song ! long time searching for this masterpiece
My cat listened to this and became a dog.... it heard the track again and became a bear
And heard the track again and became a cave bear
and heard the track again and became a rat
+Speedy dk Nouri heard the track again and became a Fox
Skynone 5099 heard the track again and became a white shark
+Speedy dk Nouri heard the track again and became a piranha
Roses are Orange
Violets are Orange
Trees are Orange
Everything is Orange
I burnt your garden
Its okay, I burnt yours too. I also decided to burn your cat.
Roses are black
Violets are black
Everything is black
I'm blind
my bunt down garden herd this now it's a jungle
*heard this song*
Crusty Moist, and I decided to burn you at the stake for burning a cat (an army of crazy cat ladies forms behind me, i point to you and scream “GEEEEET HIIIIIIM!”
I listen to this when I take a shit.. u know u have to make it epic
that was a holy shit
clogged my toilet
Poor toilet
like a boss
All these classic tunes man
1st time listening: This is GREAT, 2 days after : CANT STAHP LISTENING... 46 days: help......meeee....
This soundtrack is good for action stuff, this song gave me goosebumps
My water listened to this and turned into beer...
From water to piss? Lame
you're lame
Into Wine**
It's Aug 28,2022 and it's still Legendary AF!
This is Music in Epic Proportions!
this is what i heard in my head before i took a major test in school...
Me too. And guess who's got an A ? \m/
me too. guess who's dropout now? (u cant listen to music during test)
Greets from future (2022) btw
Came here from Brad also known as TheGamingLemon!
No shit
Don't be Sarcastic because some people didn't come here from the gaming lemon dumbass
Devinn salvador i just came here from the gaming lemon right now -_-
So what?
ron9445 same
Best version of this song.
Beautiful music from the future brought to us early :D
This song makes me imagine an epic badass fight against angels and devils....
Angels would win 100%
I really dont like Dubstep but this remix is perfect , 2SFH ftw !
Do you mean strike force heroes 2?
Jonte Le Marquand Err no i meant 2 (two) S (Steps) f (from) H (Hell) FTW (for the win) :P
It's OrchestralDubstep, if you would like more like this song, I recommend Blood And Stone by Audiomachine.
AMAZING!!! I'm glad to find your channel man!
Try speed 2 >:)
sounds like drum and bass :D I like it
How do u do that?
you can change the speed on the video player... next to the resolution settings..
try speed 0.5
marshcracker935 niceeee
Brilhante ✨✨🎶
Lenda Ronaldinho😍😍😍😍😍
This makes me feel like a badass gladiator whose in an all out war and my comrades are all dead and I’m fighting and slaying every single enemy
that´s how i feel without the music ngl
CHEST WORKOUT JUST FINISHED FOR 20-09-2023, IST 17:00 - 18:16, 🔥💯🔱💪👈
i use play this song when i play skyrim while cooking and catching butterflies. pretty intense right?
+JoeydeLeon No way me too!
Mr.FunnyFilipinoFoodFanatic holy fuck
Were you perhaps, cooking the poor butterflies, from inspiration found in Skyrim?
Mr.FunnyFilipinoFoodFanatic What the fuck??? I gonna try this now
Thegaminglemon brought me here.
FTV same
FTV same here
FTV same
FTV same here.
FTV its awesome music
00:55 ❤
good music while working out
Best comment ever.
because of frank medrano video? :D
I once listened to this while working out. I'm now jacked.
@@TomeRodrigo Michal Urbanik
Suuuuuuuupeeeeeeeeer Frankyyyyyyyyyy !
TheGamingLemon Brought Me Here
TheGamingLemon always plays awesome music when streaming a game like in iron man vs Hulk now that was epic!
true dat
me too
Me too! :)
Greetings from Germany.