I live on Mexico, here they removed the Frozen “short" because people were complaining about it, some because we just wanted to see Coco and some because they tought that the theater was playing the wrong movie.
Ms Dreadedfate well try to look at it from their point of view. It doesn't make sense as a lead in to a film about a beautiful and wonderful Hispanic tradition that unlike in the US is celebrated widely in Mexico. Could you see why some people might be bothered by it? Maybe even insulted by it?
I cried twice in Coco. I am biracial, but half Mexican. And because of events before my birth, I have never been close to my Mexican side of the family, or the culture. My grandma (on my other side, not my abuela), was diagnosed with dementia a little over two years ago. Ever since I was a little girl, I have lived with her, and she was basically my second mom. To see THAT SCENE, plus with the introduction to grandmother coco in the beginning, I felt so in touch with this movie despite being so disconnected with my culture. This movie truly holds a special place in my heart.
I heard this movie was VERY popular in China; like arguably the highest profiting movie to ever be released in China. And for those of you familiar with censorship laws in China, Coco was just huge over there. From what I heard, a lot of people over there could relate to the connections and relationships with their family and ancestors.
Peter Wojo That's tight! But I thought censorship laws didn't allow any mysticism in China that isn't based on God for their movies? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Kevin Rivera The way I understand it, the censorship laws over there prohibit showing gore such as bare human bones. The best example I know that I can compare it to is how WoW is censored over there so the undead enemies, npcs, player characters, etc. are sort of covered up with flesh where the bones stick out. I honestly didn't even think of mysticism being censored.
Peter Wojo Me neither. Just remembered it from watching a video on China's effect on the Hollywood industry. Anyway, thanks for the extra tidbits of info. Very much appreciated.
yeah, i was talking to my family about this recently...they're in china and they saw it and they're actually the ones that recommended for me to see it! coco in particular resonated really deeply with a lot of chinese people because they have very similar traditions relating to how they celebrate and remember the dead. in fact, one of my earliest memories of going to visit my family in china was decorating gravestones and preparing food and money for my ancestors, which is quite similar to what people in mexico do to prepare for the day of the dead (from what i could see in coco, haha)
As a Latino, I _really_ appreciated certain small things of the culture and life in the movie. Three certain things, in ascending order: the character piñatas (which were Toy Story and Monsters Inc). If this movie had a supermarket, I'm positive we would've seen a long, high up shelf with character piñatas. _La chancla._ This is second because I haven't experienced it (my family was a bit kinder, light smacks "te doy pow pow") but I know la chancla. And one that I've definitely experienced, multiple times. "Hay que comer mas." "No gracias." *places more food in front of you* "Claro que si, te ves muy flaco."
Yeah, the chancla, pow pow and have to eat more thing is a common habit among latinos/hispanic culture not just Mexican. My brothers and i were raised with a mixed of both.
Dude, this film made me appreciate my Mexican heritage so much. And I'm pretty White washed if you know what I mean. The grandma is my Abuelita to a T! XD What did you think of the Olaf short? I dunno, man, me personally I felt a little confused and low key insulted by it.
I was late to the screening so I caught pretty much the second half. Halfway through the song where he was collecting stuff I think. I finally started seeing him as a bit annoying, but I thought it was fine from what I caught, though definitely should not have been as long as it was, though that did prevent me from missing the beginning.
I had a very deep connection with this movie. Even though I am Mexican, I know nothing about day of the dead, but I had an emotional impact with the grandma. I recently lost my grandma this year, and I haven't seen her in ten years. My family heard from Mexico that my grandma was really ill and my mom wanted to see her again. I helped her out to see her one last time. Though she wanted to stay longer and we did help her out to stay longer, but she needed to come back home. After she came back ten days later, my grandma passed away. The grandma in the movie reminded of her in her final days from the videos my mom got from her phone. I hope to see her again, some day.....
I was okay with the twist mainly because SPOILERS! Ernesto stealing the music from Hector changes the whole meaning of Remember Me up until that point. It went from being a big extravagant love song to a soft sweet song made for Coco. Sure we've seen the trope before but its really interesting to think about how this big song is way different than you are lead to believe.
invaderpez12 Yes! It’s so interesting when you think of the other song Miguel sang, Un Poco Loco as well! At first you think it’s a quirky songs about a quirky love interest... then you realize it’s a daddy saying yes to a little girl’s whims and fancy’s. So sweet!
Well said! Changed from the ballad written by a playboy that abandoned his family to a lullaby a loving father wrote for his daughter whom he deeply cared for wrote.
My favorite little animation trick that I kept seeing in the movie was when Miguel's ears flopped (like when he takes off his hood, etc.). It was such a small, cute detail that made Miguel seem so real, even though he was animated. Pixar's attention to detail amazes me every time!
When I watched Coco the first time, I didn’t see Olaf’s Frozen Adventure since I went to an early screening. I saw the movie a second time and saw the Frozen short. I absolutely hated it. But I really love Coco. One of my favorite Pixar movies.
fun fact. Here in Mexico people demanded that the frozen short was taken out of the screening because too many families would spend 20+ minutes wondering if they got to the wrong movie...
agreed! pixar are always coming up with insane ideas that no one ever thinks of! Back in 1990s, they said, what if toys have feelings? In 2006, what if cars have feelings? in 2015, what if Feelings have feelings? and now, in 2017, what if MEXICANS have feelings? Just that idea alone, pixar has transcended beyond everyone else in the film industry with these mind blowing unimaginable (and sadly unrealistic) universes they create! I bet next, they are gonna do something like if black people have feelings? Damn pixar, props to you!
I actually saw it last night. Dude, my DAD cried during it. He NEVER cries during movies. xD And yeah, I was groaning inwardly all the way through the Frozen "Short" (I gotta stop calling it that...) and actually got up during the mid of it to get a drink. I couldn't take it. I actually USED to like Frozen at one point, but...I got sick of Disney acting like it was their ONLY good movie they've done. lol
Jade Gryphon yeah im not going to say frozen was bad, i enjoyed frozen! Its just theyre milking it to DEATH!!! Like jeesssussss chrisssttt, i know its one of there most successful movies in a while but goddamn lol
Just came from seeing the movie. The animation was GORGEOUS. Also I'm surprised that a 2 hour movie kept me interested the entire time. Every other movie I go see I start to yawn about half way through. Also the ending made me cry.
I loved this movie, but it was hard to watch for me, because I know someone who is going through dementia. So Mama Coco hit a little too close to home. I first started sobbing at the very beginning when Miguel is talking about her father and she starts saying "Papi? Is papi coming home?" And it's so sad because people with dementia typically revert back to childhood, so this poor woman has forgotten that he will never come home, and it absolutely broke my heart. I went and saw this alone (BECAUSE MY FRIENDS THINK THEY'RE TOO COOL FOR DISNEY) and the kid sitting next to me have me some weird looks for sobbing so early on lol
MnMsandOreos My father had dementia (Alzheimer's) he passed away 13 years ago, he used to sing to me when I was little and he played guitar, my mom passed away 3 years ago... The ending of this movie broke me...
The ending of this movie made me cry, not gonna lie, but I have to say, of all the afterlives out there, I most wish this one is the real one. The idea that your family is still all around you, even when you can't see them anymore, is honestly the best part of this movie for me. As long as we remember them, the people we loved are still here and that's probably a hope everyone can find some warmth and comfort in.
I don't mind the "twist" in this movie because it worked for the storyline. I do think that one problem right now in Hollywood is that everyone feels like there _has_ to be a twist in every movie which is leading to that trope being overused. I do appreciate that Pixar wasn't afraid to go dark. Finally, I could feel myself star to tear up here and there, until the end. When Hector looked at the photograph I couldn't hold it back anymore, and by the end there was just so much water running down my face I looked like someone was pouring a bucket of water over my head.
I didn't cry but I thought Hector (spoiler alert) being Miguel's true great grandfather and inspiration was forgiving. And I didn't mind the twist either of Earnesto being the surprise villain. Mainly because I didn't know what to expect in terms of antagonism.
The thing is, I wasn't _expecting_ there to be a twist like that in this movie-- or at least not for it to happen in exactly the way it did-- so it still came as a surprise to me. But once it happened I turned to my friend and whispered in awe/outrage "DISNEY GOT US WITH THE TWIST VILLAIN AGAIN"
At that last scene I absolutely LOST it and cried my eyes out. I continued crying after leaving the theater. I was in my boyfriend's car and we were headed to our next destination and I was STILL bawling my eyes out. It just struck a chord with me. I lost my paternal grandmother 7 years ago and I did not take it well. My maternal grandfather is struggling with Parkinson's and we don't know how much longer he'll be around, after he's gone I know my other grandma will follow him shortly after. It was such a powerful scene that made me think about all these sad things and I couldn't get over it. Gahhh. PIXAR WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS!
as a mexican, i find the movie a love letter to Mexico. and it's nice that they show internationally a taste of Mexico. it would be cool if more movies are made on the theme of Dia De Los Muertos, being seen like a celebration, like Christmas.
I saw it Saturday. I made it up until that same point without crying too. Then I was totally sobbing. I'm Mexican so it was extra emotional for me. I loved it. It's tied with Monsters inc for my favorite Pixar movie. I felt like that Olaf short was never going to end. I didn't hate it, but it was so long. Thanks for the review.
Laura Leydes Same here, it spoke to my Mexican heritage as well. But the part that hit me the hardest was Coco, Miguel's great grandma. She reminds me so much of my grandma, down to how she sounds when she speaks. And she has dementia, so she has her moments when she forgets things or people.
Disney always trying to force feed us Frozen lol. Thank you for this honest review, you're always straight to the point! I think I'll go and see the movie but I'll take my time getting snacks during the Frozen short lol
Definitely you should lol. The Frozen short is way too long for a "short", and it wasn't even remotely good, just mostly mediocore. I usually enjoy the short movies, because they're usually good, and short. Besides the fact this is 20 minutes is a bad thing, and to make it worse, it is so mediocre.
Just when you think the _'Frozen'_ featurette is about to end...? They stick in a five-minute long montage, and then it just keeps... on... going... It definitely should have been a televised Christmas Special instead.
Neevy Lucero yes,take your time ordering snacks. talk like the sloths in zootopia : Hello...sir...i...will take...a...large...popcorn...with...a...medium...blue...raspberry...slushie...please... XD XD XD
As a librarian I loved that line at the end of the film about visiting your library. I can also confirm that libraries could not have afforded to pay Disney to have that line put in.
Coco was absolutely wonderful. As for Olaf's Frozen Adventure...I liked it. I think all the hate for it is a bit overblown. The episode (that's pretty much what it was) itself was fine. It's the fact that it was shoved in front of Coco that's the issue here. If it had aired on TV (as it should have) then the reception to it would have been a lot better.
I'm a pretty huge fan of Frozen and was somewhat looking forward to the Olaf short, but 21 minutes is waaaaaaaay too long for what's supposed to be a "short"! It wasn't even that great, but I definitely agree it would have been harmless if it was just aired on TV. Before a full length Pixar movie though? Completely out of place.
I do not like Frozen, but because it is Pixar, I was looking forward to it. By the third song I wanted to stab myself in both ears and gouge my eyes out. I HATE FROZEN!
Well that’s exactly why it was hated. Because ppl complained about it being shown before the coco movie and it was 20min long instead of the normal 5 to 10 short. Disney should have stuck with it being aired on tv
Well Chinese culture has a very similar relationship with the dead. Don’t they celebrate their own day of the dead, where they burn incense and paper money and leave food out for the dead as well? Sounds very similar.
Daniela Chavez yes! Our traditions include leaving offerings at a grave. Cleaning the graves, lighting incense for your family members and their neighbors (because if you light an incense for your families neighbors, someone related to this neighbors might light an incense for your families when you're not there. Even if not, you're doing something nice for a grave that no longer has visitors), and leaving some food, pouring some booze, and burning ghost money and incense. We have a specific day we do it (not sure when, I think sometime near winter?), but some overseas Chinese (like my family) do it near the chinese new year and pray to a picture of a family member if the grave is too far away or in a different Continent.
My fiance and I just saw Coco last night. I thought with what I heard about the Olaf short that a bunch of people would show up late. But after the short, no one else came. But then again, quite a few people brought their kids, so I assumed that the kids wanted to see both the short and Coco. The short wasn't bad to me. It was definitely misplaced, but for what it was, I thought it was cute. Weak and unnecessary, but cute. I just happen to be someone who's a little tired of Frozen, but I at least preferred this short over Frozen Fever. As for the movie itself, I really enjoyed it. I felt connected to it too, since my fiance is Mexican and I'll be marrying into his family/culture soon. I knew little about his culture before meeting him, and it's been so nice to embrace something that's basically brand new to me. I feel like Coco is a love letter to Mexican culture. It doesn't use typical stereotypes, but instead incorporates actual slang and traditions used within the culture. My fiance definitely understood more of the jokes than I did, since some were spoken entirely in Spanish, but I was able to appreciate little things like how tamales and conchas were present on some of the character's plates. They're both foods I've come to like, especially conchas. I also laughed over Hector being called "chorizo", since chorizo has become my favorite meal that my fiance's mom makes. It was nice to see traditional Mexican foods be used instead of just tacos and burritos. For someone who's been learning more about Mexican culture, and who will be marrying into it, I think this movie is a beautiful representation of Mexico's culture.
berrypie11 This is so sweet! Although I prefer the triangle cookies to Concha’s. Have you had them? It’s usually something kids pick, but I love it! It’s a huge triangle with each side being different flavors, the most common a sugar-strawberry-chocolate triangle.
I feel the same way. I love that ride; especially with the new animatronics at the end. (That room is one of my favorites at Disney. The fireworks on the ceiling are so cool.)
I loved it, technically watched it the day before it's premier because of the movie theaters around here, but I ADORED it. I was mainly excited because I love Dia de los Muertos and Pixar, and MAN did I love the twist (even though I figured it out a bit ahead of time) and same as you Andre, I made it through the movie without crying... then... "Remember me, though I need to say goodbye, remember me, don't let it make you cry" and it's realistic too! Music is ACTUALLY known to do that! GAH I'm tearing up just thinking about that scene again!!!
I went to see coco with my daughter and I literally teared up/cried 3 times since because of the fact that she don't live with me so all the pixar/disney/animated movies is what 80% of "Daddy-daughter" time is used for when I have her twice a month
Beautiful movie. If any movie ever has truly had "heart" it's this one. I pressured my dad to see it with me, based on how good I heard it was, and we were both crying at the end. Two grown men too proud to stand up and walk out until the credits rolled for a bit so we could dry our eyes.
I FINALLY got to see Coco yesterday, and I have to say my favorite thing about this movie (besides the incredible animation and wonderful representation of Mexican culture) is how TIGHT it is. Like literally, I can't think of any detail or scene in this movie that isn't absolutely necessary and doesn't drive the story forward in some way. And yes I did cry. I think I cried at the same moment you did, Andre. 🎶 _"Remeeeember meeee.... Though I have to travel far, remember meeee..."_ 🎶
The only good nothing about the "short" is that if you're running a little bit late, you can relax because it's 20 minutes long and you know you'll have plenty of time to get there, get the tickets, snacks, use the restroom, take a short nap, and it still wouldn't be done.
Coco is my new favorite Pixar movie. I was bawling the entire final act, the story was as gorgeous as the animation. And oh my lord I love Hector. His animation, his character, his mannerisms, his design, his backstory, his voice, both singing and talking, ugh he’s amazing. And I love the songs in this movie, I even find myself humming La Llorona, which is completely in Spanish. I can’t speak Spanish.
Remy I don't think anything he shows is really a spoiler unless you like to go into movies blind, but then why would you watch a video review when you know hes going to show clips.
I liked Coco, they got me in the end, too, right in the feels. I liked Olaf Thing, I was surprised when you said it was 20 minutes. It didn’t feel that long. Also, one of the reasons I saw Coco in theaters was cause of the Olaf thing.
I'm surprised you didn't mention Book of Life. A lot of comments are asking about how they compare - I love Book of Life and wasn't as excited for Coco because I worried it wasn't going to be as good as I feel Book of Life is. I can say now that they both are favorites. They show different aspects of The Day of the Dead and tell very different stories, though the main characters both are finding themselves as musicians despite their families disapproval. I feel like I learn something different about the culture and holiday from both movies. They're both beautiful in their own ways. I actually came home from Coco and immediately watched Book of Life because I was so sad to leave that world. I highly recommend both.
Saw Coco, loved it. There was no Olaf -short- featurette at my screening. I didn't cry during Coco either. I mean, I think someone might've started cutting an onion during the last 10 minutes so my eyes started watering and... I wasn't crying, you're crying!! It was the onion the onion!! Seriously though, it was amazing and I really loved it. For personal reasons I was kind of triggered by it, but in a good way.
This is hilarious Andre, I'm going to see this movie in December in 3D with my sister. I'm especially looking forward to the Frozen short at the beginning because I love Frozen!!!!!! I love your videos, keep it up!!!!!!
The 'leaves' are petals from marigolds. These flowers are very symbolic for day of the dead and the petals spread on the ground (or the bridge) esp. are supposed represent passage for the dead.
I had the best time seeing this movie!!!! There was a huge Mexican American family in front of us and they were loving it and they were so nice. It seemed like everyone cried at the end.
My favorite part of this was when, after the incredibly sad "teaching kids about death" moment, some little girl behind me said in a totally serious voice "Well, that got emotional."
Even though THE TROPE is becoming more and more common (if not too common), it worked with this movie and there really wasn’t any other way to have the feelings punch at the end without that happening. It would not have been as impactful of final act/moment were it not for that, and hence it didn’t feel forced here. It was just the narrative device that worked best with the type of story being told. This is an incredible movie and since it was in creation for 7 years, I️ like to think that THE TROPE wasn’t yet one at the time of Coco’s original conception.
I went to an 11:15 showing of Coco and with trailers plus the Frozen short, the actual movie didn’t start until noon. Theaters have to cut back on trailers and Disney has to understand people will pay to see Coco.
as a Mexican I fee like the outrage over frozen is not coming from Mexicans but from Americans acting offended for our sake we have no problem sharing the stage we welcome inclusion the conversation doesn't have to be just about us.
After a few days, they stopped airing the Frozen short in front of Coco in Mexico because a lot of people there complained about it so much. I think people aren't outraged at it as much as they just didn't like the short. I thought it was boring.
The short was ok and I don’t think this is pity from most Americans. People just didn’t like it enough to have it shoved in front of them right before a stunning movie. As for your argument though, we’re never really front and center when it comes to movies. I just don’t see a problem with letting a great movie about our culture be great all on its own.
ShinyGoldBacon i thought the frozen “short” was boring too, and it was way too long for my taste, that’s why i was happy when i heard it was removed in Mexico
It was kind of irritating. I start thinking about what's happening in the US, been so xenophobic and it's efforts to put their culture above the Foreigners. But I don't know the real intent for this short
Oh yeah. The trope they use is a staple in Pixar and animation in general. However, I loved the way they used it. Also, when I saw it, not only was the Frozen short shown in an aspect ratio that prevented it from going wall to wall, but it was shown in a way that had it letterboxed as well. And I’m not defending the short, but most short films are 20-30 minutes in length. Even animated ones. Take Wallace and Gromit for example. However, when Pixar popularized the short film medium for a general audience, they showed shorts that were 2-8 minutes. I know other studios did that before Pixar, but before Pixar, the majority of short films were 20-30 minutes.
Loved Coco, cried, watched it with Hispanic cousins and Uncle and got their take on the authenticity, which made some jokes even funnier tbh, and I found it funny that a Christmas special aired right before a movie about death
I am a mexican woman living in México who practices the día de los muertos tradition since a very young age, and I can tell how much research was put into this movie, one of the things that made it so very popular here was the fact it represented our culture accurately and we could all see our family members being represented by Miguel's family. I sobbed at the end because I couldn't avoid remembering our lost ones and wishing with all my heart I could see them again in the afterlife. Also I would like to point out (for some of the people saying it is a rip off of another day of the dead animated movie from years ago) Coco represents México, that one other movie is based on cliches of what people think mexican people and their traditions are. There's a reason why Coco was such a success here while the other wasn't.
Saw "Coco" and loved it !, it made me cry twice. The only thing I will have discourse over is the Frozen featurette, absolutely hated it and was expecting a nice Pixar-made short. But all in all I highly recommend seeing this movie!
Fun fact: China does not allow movies with ghosts, so this movie shouldn't have gotten past the censors. However, they were so moved by the story that they let it through without a single cut.
Yeah man, this movie got me too. I haven't cried this much at a film since the first time I saw It's A Wonderful Life. Brought back a whole lotta feels. But I wouldn't have it any other way. 10 out of 10, bought the soundtrack, can't wait to buy the Blu Ray.
A note on the difference you noticed in animation between the living & the dead: the animators basically had to throw out their whole book on how to animate people and rework it from scratch, because skeletons have no muscle structure!
Coco is in my top 3 favorite movies, easily, and is definitely my favorite Pixar movie. They really outdid themselves. I also have probably never cried as much in any other movie or show as I did in Coco
My god, this film was so good! I saw it with my dad tonight, and afterwards, I was like.... one inch away from asking if we could just stay for the next showing so I could watch it again now that I had the full context! Probably would have done it if my dad hadn't been with me and my roommate, or there hadn't been the Frozen film.
I was fortunate enough to see this movie late after they pulled the Frozen "short" so sounds like I dodged a bullet there. xD But in all seriousness, I love Coco; I think it's right up there with Up, Inside Out, The Incredibles, and Toy Story as one of Pixar's best in my eyes. Also I went to see it with my girlfriend (who is half-Hispanic) and her mother and it was really interesting to hear them talk about just how well the movie portrayed their culture; especially with how much they said the grandmother and great-grandmother characters reminded them of their own family members.
I went to see this movie yesterday and it’s one of my favorites now. Lots of beautiful colors and scenes and I didn’t cry but I almost did. Always had an obsession with The Day of the Dead but this movie made me have more of an appreciation and understanding of it. Just an awesome movie! I really want to go see it again.
Here in Mexico, cinemas stoped showing the Frozen short after the first week because everyone hated it. It wasn't even related to Día de los Muertos, it was lame, and, the movie premiered in October, two months before Christmas, it didn't make sense
When I saw the movie I was amazed of how much detail they put into the movie and of course I was one the people who cried towards the end and including cars 3 made me cry as well. This is my reason to why I want a career into having a job at Walt Disney's animation studios/ Pixar, they make the characters come to life, they put details into pretty much everything and their story tell is fantastic.
i think i'm okay with Frozen short since it conveys the same mesage of being together as a family and a bit of laugh before the depressing state☺.Save the best for the last you know!!
I saw it today. I also cried at that same part at the end. Sometimes movies make me tear up a little, but this movie made actual tears roll down my cheek. There were plenty of emotional and heartwarming moments, some awful moments where I was horrified at the villain, and a lot of beautiful animation. And thankfully, not much gross out humor. As far as animal sidekicks go, Dante was the right amount of silly and adorable(And a very good dog). I think this is Pixar's absolute best film. Except for, maaaaaybe, Up. I got into the theater halfway through the frozen short. I wished I had gone in a bit later because that was not very enjoyable. Though, one joke made me giggle. (Spoiler? Olaf likes that people kill Christmas trees and, as he put it, "Decorate their corpses". lol, the little snowman has a dark side.)
When with my 17 month daughter and I was crying because of the song, Remember Me also something else in the movie that happened to a character was trying to do something but couldn’t do it because his live was cut short thinking about my eyes are watering up😢
Just when I thought I had figured out my top 5 favorite movies of 2017... this movie dropped! It is definitely one of my top 5, if not top 3 favorite movies of Pixar. It has some pacing issues and the constant change in language was getting irritating at some point, but even then it's a 10 out of 10.
I'm from Chile, I already have seen it and I adored it as much as I've noticed other people adored it too in my country : 3. I agree with you about the Frozen short, it was too long and if you added to it the other commercials its almost 30 minutes. Personally, despite the length, I found the short terribly boring and nothing that deserved to be called as a "short", no wonder that in Mexico they just don't screen it anymore because of many complaints.
From what I understand, the Frozen featurette will only be screened before Coco for the first two weeks in theaters, after that you can go without losing those 20 minutes of your life.
Like I said, good thing I waited. Because it would be a waste of my money to see the short on the big screen when I can wait until TV. And now I have last Thursday. I enjoyed both Coco and Olaf's Frozen Adventure at separate times.
My boyfriend was actually sobbing near the end of the film, I had to gently pet his hand. While I didn't get nearly as emotional--although I have sobbed during Toy Story 3 and Up--it was indeed a beautiful film--proof that when Pixar can still make amazing movies--when they aren't Cars sequels. Also, that plot twist was fantastic! It doesn't always work for other Disney movies--but this one did it perfectly to the point where the perspective of the characters suddenly changes.
I saw Coco with my 6 year old daughter. About half way through the Olaf thing she was asking when the real movie would start.
Alex Andrews me and my friends went to see it they where asking did we enter the right movie
In my case it was myself asking my wife. "So, when the hell is this Frozen short going to end?" It felt as if I watched 2 movies.
Yea it was so long that I ended up falling asleep half way lol
Same with my niece. She was like “when is coco starting” and I’m telling after this after this.
I felt like I was watching Frozen 2
I live on Mexico, here they removed the Frozen “short" because people were complaining about it, some because we just wanted to see Coco and some because they tought that the theater was playing the wrong movie.
Leo GA I can kind of see why the short was ok but too long it was 30 minutes long add 10 more minutes it would be a movie
They completely removed if from all Mexican theatres because of all the hate. I still find that funny lol
Ms Dreadedfate well try to look at it from their point of view. It doesn't make sense as a lead in to a film about a beautiful and wonderful Hispanic tradition that unlike in the US is celebrated widely in Mexico. Could you see why some people might be bothered by it? Maybe even insulted by it?
The “short” bored me because it was waaaaayy too long, that’s why i was happy when i heard it was removed
I saw Coco over a week ago and it was the first weekend where Olaf's Frozen Adventure wasn't playing anymore here in the states.
I cried twice in Coco. I am biracial, but half Mexican. And because of events before my birth, I have never been close to my Mexican side of the family, or the culture. My grandma (on my other side, not my abuela), was diagnosed with dementia a little over two years ago. Ever since I was a little girl, I have lived with her, and she was basically my second mom. To see THAT SCENE, plus with the introduction to grandmother coco in the beginning, I felt so in touch with this movie despite being so disconnected with my culture. This movie truly holds a special place in my heart.
oblivionwitch yes
I heard this movie was VERY popular in China; like arguably the highest profiting movie to ever be released in China. And for those of you familiar with censorship laws in China, Coco was just huge over there. From what I heard, a lot of people over there could relate to the connections and relationships with their family and ancestors.
Peter Wojo That's tight! But I thought censorship laws didn't allow any mysticism in China that isn't based on God for their movies? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Kevin Rivera The way I understand it, the censorship laws over there prohibit showing gore such as bare human bones. The best example I know that I can compare it to is how WoW is censored over there so the undead enemies, npcs, player characters, etc. are sort of covered up with flesh where the bones stick out. I honestly didn't even think of mysticism being censored.
Peter Wojo Me neither. Just remembered it from watching a video on China's effect on the Hollywood industry. Anyway, thanks for the extra tidbits of info. Very much appreciated.
actually zootopia holds that place as the highest animated grossing film in china. coco did pretty well though
yeah, i was talking to my family about this recently...they're in china and they saw it and they're actually the ones that recommended for me to see it! coco in particular resonated really deeply with a lot of chinese people because they have very similar traditions relating to how they celebrate and remember the dead. in fact, one of my earliest memories of going to visit my family in china was decorating gravestones and preparing food and money for my ancestors, which is quite similar to what people in mexico do to prepare for the day of the dead (from what i could see in coco, haha)
As a Latino, I _really_ appreciated certain small things of the culture and life in the movie. Three certain things, in ascending order: the character piñatas (which were Toy Story and Monsters Inc). If this movie had a supermarket, I'm positive we would've seen a long, high up shelf with character piñatas. _La chancla._ This is second because I haven't experienced it (my family was a bit kinder, light smacks "te doy pow pow") but I know la chancla. And one that I've definitely experienced, multiple times. "Hay que comer mas." "No gracias." *places more food in front of you* "Claro que si, te ves muy flaco."
Jon Mercano I'm from te doy pow pow too mannnnn😂
Jonathan Noriega omg my mom used to say that too lol
Yeah, the chancla, pow pow and have to eat more thing is a common habit among latinos/hispanic culture not just Mexican. My brothers and i were raised with a mixed of both.
Dude, this film made me appreciate my Mexican heritage so much. And I'm pretty White washed if you know what I mean. The grandma is my Abuelita to a T! XD
What did you think of the Olaf short? I dunno, man, me personally I felt a little confused and low key insulted by it.
I was late to the screening so I caught pretty much the second half. Halfway through the song where he was collecting stuff I think. I finally started seeing him as a bit annoying, but I thought it was fine from what I caught, though definitely should not have been as long as it was, though that did prevent me from missing the beginning.
moviemaster marco you trippin. logan made me tear up.
dem exit LOGAN might not have made me cry but man was I depressed for an entire month.
moviemaster marco right!!
moviemaster marco You feel me I had man tears coming out
Oh-oh. Reviews all seem to report crying, not my strong suit. I usually only giggle or laugh in public which can be problematic.
I had a very deep connection with this movie. Even though I am Mexican, I know nothing about day of the dead, but I had an emotional impact with the grandma. I recently lost my grandma this year, and I haven't seen her in ten years. My family heard from Mexico that my grandma was really ill and my mom wanted to see her again. I helped her out to see her one last time. Though she wanted to stay longer and we did help her out to stay longer, but she needed to come back home. After she came back ten days later, my grandma passed away. The grandma in the movie reminded of her in her final days from the videos my mom got from her phone. I hope to see her again, some day.....
My grandma passed away this year and my mom last year -- this movie hit me right in the feels!
my great gandma died last year in día de los muertos, so.... haha
Okay I legitimately teared up just reading this. I hope you get to see her again too
I was okay with the twist mainly because
Ernesto stealing the music from Hector changes the whole meaning of Remember Me up until that point. It went from being a big extravagant love song to a soft sweet song made for Coco. Sure we've seen the trope before but its really interesting to think about how this big song is way different than you are lead to believe.
invaderpez12 Yes! It’s so interesting when you think of the other song Miguel sang, Un Poco Loco as well! At first you think it’s a quirky songs about a quirky love interest... then you realize it’s a daddy saying yes to a little girl’s whims and fancy’s. So sweet!
Well said! Changed from the ballad written by a playboy that abandoned his family to a lullaby a loving father wrote for his daughter whom he deeply cared for wrote.
invaderpez12 I agree. I think it worked with the plot well
My favorite little animation trick that I kept seeing in the movie was when Miguel's ears flopped (like when he takes off his hood, etc.). It was such a small, cute detail that made Miguel seem so real, even though he was animated. Pixar's attention to detail amazes me every time!
Gabriella Sipe yeah , I loved that. Even his little dimple on his right cheek :) this movie was beautiful ❤️
I brought my wife just to see her cry......I ended up crying more!
same here, i took my mother just to get her reaction, but I ended up crying even more the second time.
Carlos Ramos
I took my Nintendo switch because if the movie was bad I will play Sonic
I ended up playing sonic
a d good 4 u
Zahir Sookoor That is karma hunney! X,D (Your coment made me laugh, thanks! :D)
Backfired! :)
When I watched Coco the first time, I didn’t see Olaf’s Frozen Adventure since I went to an early screening. I saw the movie a second time and saw the Frozen short. I absolutely hated it. But I really love Coco. One of my favorite Pixar movies.
I thought that the Frozen short was cute and funny, but it had no business being before Coco.
fun fact.
Here in Mexico people demanded that the frozen short was taken out of the screening because too many families would spend 20+ minutes wondering if they got to the wrong movie...
Ixpantenco I had a guy beside ask me, if he was in the right theatre when I saw it...
I was wondering about that while I'm watching the movie.
MegaSoulHero _
In my opinion, Coco is the best Pixar movie since Toy Story 3.
Matthew Smart Best movie since Up or Inside Out
It’s officially in my top ten favorite movies along with toy story.
Matthew Smart my top three finding nemo , up and coco every single one made me cry !!!
Definitely. There were some gems in between but this was definitely on the level of their earlier work.
agreed! pixar are always coming up with insane ideas that no one ever thinks of! Back in 1990s, they said, what if toys have feelings? In 2006, what if cars have feelings? in 2015, what if Feelings have feelings? and now, in 2017, what if MEXICANS have feelings? Just that idea alone, pixar has transcended beyond everyone else in the film industry with these mind blowing unimaginable (and sadly unrealistic) universes they create! I bet next, they are gonna do something like if black people have feelings? Damn pixar, props to you!
I actually saw it last night. Dude, my DAD cried during it. He NEVER cries during movies. xD And yeah, I was groaning inwardly all the way through the Frozen "Short" (I gotta stop calling it that...) and actually got up during the mid of it to get a drink. I couldn't take it. I actually USED to like Frozen at one point, but...I got sick of Disney acting like it was their ONLY good movie they've done. lol
Jade Gryphon yeah im not going to say frozen was bad, i enjoyed frozen! Its just theyre milking it to DEATH!!! Like jeesssussss chrisssttt, i know its one of there most successful movies in a while but goddamn lol
I was literally bawling like an infant during the entire 3rd act of this movie. Why do you this to me Pixar? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Jacob Dominguez *bawling
The Loog Noog thank you 👍
Me too.
Jacob Dominguez what happened
Jacob Dominguez same!!!!
Just came from seeing the movie. The animation was GORGEOUS. Also I'm surprised that a 2 hour movie kept me interested the entire time. Every other movie I go see I start to yawn about half way through. Also the ending made me cry.
I loved this movie, but it was hard to watch for me, because I know someone who is going through dementia. So Mama Coco hit a little too close to home. I first started sobbing at the very beginning when Miguel is talking about her father and she starts saying "Papi? Is papi coming home?" And it's so sad because people with dementia typically revert back to childhood, so this poor woman has forgotten that he will never come home, and it absolutely broke my heart. I went and saw this alone (BECAUSE MY FRIENDS THINK THEY'RE TOO COOL FOR DISNEY) and the kid sitting next to me have me some weird looks for sobbing so early on lol
That part broke my heart too, and I don't even know anyone with dementia! ;~;
MnMsandOreos My father had dementia (Alzheimer's) he passed away 13 years ago, he used to sing to me when I was little and he played guitar, my mom passed away 3 years ago... The ending of this movie broke me...
The ending of this movie made me cry, not gonna lie, but I have to say, of all the afterlives out there, I most wish this one is the real one. The idea that your family is still all around you, even when you can't see them anymore, is honestly the best part of this movie for me. As long as we remember them, the people we loved are still here and that's probably a hope everyone can find some warmth and comfort in.
It’s been months but I was crying at that part too for a similar reason so I’m with you in spirit 😅
My grandma also had dementia. She passed away a year ago. Yes I cried but I loved the movie even more now.
I don't mind the "twist" in this movie because it worked for the storyline. I do think that one problem right now in Hollywood is that everyone feels like there _has_ to be a twist in every movie which is leading to that trope being overused. I do appreciate that Pixar wasn't afraid to go dark. Finally, I could feel myself star to tear up here and there, until the end. When Hector looked at the photograph I couldn't hold it back anymore, and by the end there was just so much water running down my face I looked like someone was pouring a bucket of water over my head.
I didn't cry but I thought Hector (spoiler alert) being Miguel's true great grandfather and inspiration was forgiving. And I didn't mind the twist either of Earnesto being the surprise villain. Mainly because I didn't know what to expect in terms of antagonism.
The thing is, I wasn't _expecting_ there to be a twist like that in this movie-- or at least not for it to happen in exactly the way it did-- so it still came as a surprise to me. But once it happened I turned to my friend and whispered in awe/outrage "DISNEY GOT US WITH THE TWIST VILLAIN AGAIN"
This twist villain stuff is getting old already. Can Disney just do antagonism the old fashioned way?
At that last scene I absolutely LOST it and cried my eyes out. I continued crying after leaving the theater. I was in my boyfriend's car and we were headed to our next destination and I was STILL bawling my eyes out. It just struck a chord with me. I lost my paternal grandmother 7 years ago and I did not take it well. My maternal grandfather is struggling with Parkinson's and we don't know how much longer he'll be around, after he's gone I know my other grandma will follow him shortly after. It was such a powerful scene that made me think about all these sad things and I couldn't get over it. Gahhh. PIXAR WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS!
as a mexican, i find the movie a love letter to Mexico. and it's nice that they show internationally a taste of Mexico. it would be cool if more movies are made on the theme of Dia De Los Muertos, being seen like a celebration, like Christmas.
I saw it Saturday. I made it up until that same point without crying too. Then I was totally sobbing.
I'm Mexican so it was extra emotional for me. I loved it. It's tied with Monsters inc for my favorite Pixar movie.
I felt like that Olaf short was never going to end. I didn't hate it, but it was so long.
Thanks for the review.
Laura Leydes Same here, it spoke to my Mexican heritage as well. But the part that hit me the hardest was Coco, Miguel's great grandma. She reminds me so much of my grandma, down to how she sounds when she speaks. And she has dementia, so she has her moments when she forgets things or people.
Andre you don’t need a theme park, you can always go to Guanajuato or Oaxaca here in México!
or Chiapas, Michoacán, Mixquic and Xochimilco in mexico city, etc
Janitzio. In the Day of the Death
Edo Rampo Xochimilco
nail it bro
I cried so hard at the end. I cried at one part but the end hit me so hard.
Alyssa Levenberg i was right next to another family i was trying so hard to not cry but the movie was so emotional that i failed miserably.
I cried a lot at the end and during the credits and thinking about it after it was over . . . So, yeah.
Buckets of tears!
Btw nice work on channel frederator
Just finally saw it last night with some of my friends and we all were bawling at the end, two of us trying to stop the heaving sobs. So good!!
Disney always trying to force feed us Frozen lol. Thank you for this honest review, you're always straight to the point! I think I'll go and see the movie but I'll take my time getting snacks during the Frozen short lol
Oh you really like this ride with goblins and Norway folklore well TOO BAD IT'S FROZEN NOW
Definitely you should lol. The Frozen short is way too long for a "short", and it wasn't even remotely good, just mostly mediocore. I usually enjoy the short movies, because they're usually good, and short. Besides the fact this is 20 minutes is a bad thing, and to make it worse, it is so mediocre.
Just when you think the _'Frozen'_ featurette is about to end...? They stick in a five-minute long montage, and then it just keeps... on... going... It definitely should have been a televised Christmas Special instead.
They have chosen to remove the Olaf (not so) short from films presentation list for a number of reasons
Neevy Lucero
yes,take your time ordering snacks. talk like the sloths in zootopia :
Hello...sir...i...will take...a...large...popcorn...with...a...medium...blue...raspberry...slushie...please... XD XD XD
In Mexico they no longer show the Frozen short. They stopped it a week after opening.
Gregorio Cruz do they show an el chapo short instead?
RuggedALAN That was kind of racist, but funny. No, they completely omitted any shorts.
As a librarian I loved that line at the end of the film about visiting your library. I can also confirm that libraries could not have afforded to pay Disney to have that line put in.
Coco is near perfect! It’s completely flawless! One of my favorites Pixar movie.
Coco was absolutely wonderful. As for Olaf's Frozen Adventure...I liked it. I think all the hate for it is a bit overblown. The episode (that's pretty much what it was) itself was fine. It's the fact that it was shoved in front of Coco that's the issue here. If it had aired on TV (as it should have) then the reception to it would have been a lot better.
I'm a pretty huge fan of Frozen and was somewhat looking forward to the Olaf short, but 21 minutes is waaaaaaaay too long for what's supposed to be a "short"! It wasn't even that great, but I definitely agree it would have been harmless if it was just aired on TV. Before a full length Pixar movie though? Completely out of place.
Just take Undertale and that’s the hate.
I do not like Frozen, but because it is Pixar, I was looking forward to it.
By the third song I wanted to stab myself in both ears and gouge my eyes out.
Well that’s exactly why it was hated. Because ppl complained about it being shown before the coco movie and it was 20min long instead of the normal 5 to 10 short. Disney should have stuck with it being aired on tv
Also it was pretty boring the songs at least.
The plot twist was great
the funniest part about Disney being worried that non-Mexican people wouldn't watch "Coco" is that it made a shit ton of money on China of all places
Well Chinese culture has a very similar relationship with the dead. Don’t they celebrate their own day of the dead, where they burn incense and paper money and leave food out for the dead as well? Sounds very similar.
Daniela Chavez yes! Our traditions include leaving offerings at a grave. Cleaning the graves, lighting incense for your family members and their neighbors (because if you light an incense for your families neighbors, someone related to this neighbors might light an incense for your families when you're not there. Even if not, you're doing something nice for a grave that no longer has visitors), and leaving some food, pouring some booze, and burning ghost money and incense. We have a specific day we do it (not sure when, I think sometime near winter?), but some overseas Chinese (like my family) do it near the chinese new year and pray to a picture of a family member if the grave is too far away or in a different Continent.
RighteousLeggings That's interesting! Despite the distant, it's amazing to see how we're more similar than different.
Daniela Chavez Yup, they do that. It's called ghost festival.
“Black “ folks honor their ancestors in the same way as well. Most in America Christian so it depends on who you’re talking to.
Aren't the "Spirit Guides" Alebrijes!? I'm not mexican but I recognize that design style.
Dai Nobu Yes, they are
Esteban R Longoria B I knew it!
yes they are
Ayyy waddup cuz
My fiance and I just saw Coco last night. I thought with what I heard about the Olaf short that a bunch of people would show up late. But after the short, no one else came. But then again, quite a few people brought their kids, so I assumed that the kids wanted to see both the short and Coco. The short wasn't bad to me. It was definitely misplaced, but for what it was, I thought it was cute. Weak and unnecessary, but cute. I just happen to be someone who's a little tired of Frozen, but I at least preferred this short over Frozen Fever.
As for the movie itself, I really enjoyed it. I felt connected to it too, since my fiance is Mexican and I'll be marrying into his family/culture soon. I knew little about his culture before meeting him, and it's been so nice to embrace something that's basically brand new to me. I feel like Coco is a love letter to Mexican culture. It doesn't use typical stereotypes, but instead incorporates actual slang and traditions used within the culture. My fiance definitely understood more of the jokes than I did, since some were spoken entirely in Spanish, but I was able to appreciate little things like how tamales and conchas were present on some of the character's plates. They're both foods I've come to like, especially conchas. I also laughed over Hector being called "chorizo", since chorizo has become my favorite meal that my fiance's mom makes. It was nice to see traditional Mexican foods be used instead of just tacos and burritos. For someone who's been learning more about Mexican culture, and who will be marrying into it, I think this movie is a beautiful representation of Mexico's culture.
berrypie11 This is so sweet! Although I prefer the triangle cookies to Concha’s. Have you had them? It’s usually something kids pick, but I love it! It’s a huge triangle with each side being different flavors, the most common a sugar-strawberry-chocolate triangle.
They should definitely add a Coco-themed attraction to the Latino district in Epcot!
it is just mexican District dude not a " latino" district but yep a Coco atraction perfectly fits in there.
There is a rumor going around that the boat ride in Epcot's Mexico Pavilion could be re-themed to Coco. Having seen the movie, I would love that.
Same. Though it would be a little bittersweet. I loved the Three Caballeros ride.
I feel the same way. I love that ride; especially with the new animatronics at the end. (That room is one of my favorites at Disney. The fireworks on the ceiling are so cool.)
Cure Hana I really want this movie to incorporate in the Mexico pavilion.
I loved it, technically watched it the day before it's premier because of the movie theaters around here, but I ADORED it. I was mainly excited because I love Dia de los Muertos and Pixar, and MAN did I love the twist (even though I figured it out a bit ahead of time) and same as you Andre, I made it through the movie without crying... then... "Remember me, though I need to say goodbye, remember me, don't let it make you cry" and it's realistic too! Music is ACTUALLY known to do that! GAH I'm tearing up just thinking about that scene again!!!
I went to see coco with my daughter and I literally teared up/cried 3 times since because of the fact that she don't live with me so all the pixar/disney/animated movies is what 80% of "Daddy-daughter" time is used for when I have her twice a month
Beautiful movie. If any movie ever has truly had "heart" it's this one.
I pressured my dad to see it with me, based on how good I heard it was, and we were both crying at the end. Two grown men too proud to stand up and walk out until the credits rolled for a bit so we could dry our eyes.
Are you going to review Hey Arnold:the jungle movie?
Just watched it on showbox
I need this to happen too, I personally think that the ending was like an after thought
I FINALLY got to see Coco yesterday, and I have to say my favorite thing about this movie (besides the incredible animation and wonderful representation of Mexican culture) is how TIGHT it is. Like literally, I can't think of any detail or scene in this movie that isn't absolutely necessary and doesn't drive the story forward in some way.
And yes I did cry. I think I cried at the same moment you did, Andre.
🎶 _"Remeeeember meeee.... Though I have to travel far, remember meeee..."_ 🎶
The only good nothing about the "short" is that if you're running a little bit late, you can relax because it's 20 minutes long and you know you'll have plenty of time to get there, get the tickets, snacks, use the restroom, take a short nap, and it still wouldn't be done.
The depths of your knowledge of 80s/90s animation theme songs never ceases to amaze me XD :P Yeah the HUGE Library lobby paid them under the table XD
I watched Coco ; Cried in the same scene you did ; Really loved it (new favourite Pixar); Then, I got home and cried again because it ended.
Andre this is the coco movie review I have been waiting for
Edward Sanchez Productions my friend
We all have
My theater never aired the Frozen short. Thank jesus.
Coco is my new favorite Pixar movie. I was bawling the entire final act, the story was as gorgeous as the animation. And oh my lord I love Hector. His animation, his character, his mannerisms, his design, his backstory, his voice, both singing and talking, ugh he’s amazing. And I love the songs in this movie, I even find myself humming La Llorona, which is completely in Spanish. I can’t speak Spanish.
4:25 haha me and my entire spanish class actually did go see this for a field trip. It was awesome.
Sam the trexosaurus I legit saw this comment the moment he mentioned that, lol.
Tomorrow we assemble as fans and as stars for the Avengers infinity war trailer so I must ask Andre are you ready for the Internet to break?
I just got home from watching this movie and man, this movie hit me in the heart
I LOVED THIS MOVIE!! It's one of my favorite Pixar movies.
Can't wait to see this movie. I already have the Miguel pop figure
Remy I don't think anything he shows is really a spoiler unless you like to go into movies blind, but then why would you watch a video review when you know hes going to show clips.
JustSomeKid InTheComments yes. It's him in the skeleton paint
That's amazing. I need one.
Let's hope Disney make more traditional shorts like runaway brain and more Roger Rabbit shorts as well ,and of course more how to shorts with goofy
I liked Coco, they got me in the end, too, right in the feels. I liked Olaf Thing, I was surprised when you said it was 20 minutes. It didn’t feel that long. Also, one of the reasons I saw Coco in theaters was cause of the Olaf thing.
In my city they wrote a petition to ban the short and they removed it from all the COCO screenings.
Sergio Gonzalez Same in my city (I'm from Colombia, no Olaf "short" here).
I'm surprised you didn't mention Book of Life. A lot of comments are asking about how they compare - I love Book of Life and wasn't as excited for Coco because I worried it wasn't going to be as good as I feel Book of Life is. I can say now that they both are favorites. They show different aspects of The Day of the Dead and tell very different stories, though the main characters both are finding themselves as musicians despite their families disapproval. I feel like I learn something different about the culture and holiday from both movies. They're both beautiful in their own ways. I actually came home from Coco and immediately watched Book of Life because I was so sad to leave that world. I highly recommend both.
“We only have got that one guy who {comes to the library and] uses the computer. And, we all know what he’s doing on that computer. So...”. LOLOL!!!
Saw Coco, loved it. There was no Olaf -short- featurette at my screening. I didn't cry during Coco either. I mean, I think someone might've started cutting an onion during the last 10 minutes so my eyes started watering and... I wasn't crying, you're crying!! It was the onion the onion!!
Seriously though, it was amazing and I really loved it. For personal reasons I was kind of triggered by it, but in a good way.
Yeah 2 days after the movie came out Disney removed the short from the theaters because people were complaining it was too long
This is hilarious Andre, I'm going to see this movie in December in 3D with my sister. I'm especially looking forward to the Frozen short at the beginning because I love Frozen!!!!!! I love your videos, keep it up!!!!!!
This movie was so good China's censorship committee loved it.
Oh my gosh I had tears streaming down my face in this movie. I try to make my seat go back as far as I could so no one could see me crying lol
The 'leaves' are petals from marigolds. These flowers are very symbolic for day of the dead and the petals spread on the ground (or the bridge) esp. are supposed represent passage for the dead.
You hit the nail on the head there Andre. At 20 min run time it's not a short. I wish they kept it as a Blu-Ray bonus.
He bridge isn’t made of leaves its made of marigold petals
Alberto Molina bruh I don't even know what marigold is but if it is cempazuchil then yeah
I had the best time seeing this movie!!!! There was a huge Mexican American family in front of us and they were loving it and they were so nice. It seemed like everyone cried at the end.
My favorite part of this was when, after the incredibly sad "teaching kids about death" moment, some little girl behind me said in a totally serious voice "Well, that got emotional."
Thanks! this is the review I was waiting for. Love you Andre, greetings from 🇲🇽
Even though THE TROPE is becoming more and more common (if not too common), it worked with this movie and there really wasn’t any other way to have the feelings punch at the end without that happening. It would not have been as impactful of final act/moment were it not for that, and hence it didn’t feel forced here. It was just the narrative device that worked best with the type of story being told. This is an incredible movie and since it was in creation for 7 years, I️ like to think that THE TROPE wasn’t yet one at the time of Coco’s original conception.
I went to an 11:15 showing of Coco and with trailers plus the Frozen short, the actual movie didn’t start until noon. Theaters have to cut back on trailers and Disney has to understand people will pay to see Coco.
as a Mexican I fee like the outrage over frozen is not coming from Mexicans but from Americans acting offended for our sake we have no problem sharing the stage we welcome inclusion the conversation doesn't have to be just about us.
Alfredo Colin Agreed. I actually loved the short and don't mind that it was shown before Coco.
After a few days, they stopped airing the Frozen short in front of Coco in Mexico because a lot of people there complained about it so much.
I think people aren't outraged at it as much as they just didn't like the short. I thought it was boring.
The short was ok and I don’t think this is pity from most Americans. People just didn’t like it enough to have it shoved in front of them right before a stunning movie. As for your argument though, we’re never really front and center when it comes to movies. I just don’t see a problem with letting a great movie about our culture be great all on its own.
ShinyGoldBacon i thought the frozen “short” was boring too, and it was way too long for my taste, that’s why i was happy when i heard it was removed in Mexico
It was kind of irritating. I start thinking about what's happening in the US, been so xenophobic and it's efforts to put their culture above the Foreigners. But I don't know the real intent for this short
I was crying by the time the credits started to roll.
Oh yeah. The trope they use is a staple in Pixar and animation in general. However, I loved the way they used it. Also, when I saw it, not only was the Frozen short shown in an aspect ratio that prevented it from going wall to wall, but it was shown in a way that had it letterboxed as well. And I’m not defending the short, but most short films are 20-30 minutes in length. Even animated ones. Take Wallace and Gromit for example. However, when Pixar popularized the short film medium for a general audience, they showed shorts that were 2-8 minutes. I know other studios did that before Pixar, but before Pixar, the majority of short films were 20-30 minutes.
do you mind sharing what it the trope is because I have no idea and would like to know
Loved Coco, cried, watched it with Hispanic cousins and Uncle and got their take on the authenticity, which made some jokes even funnier tbh, and I found it funny that a Christmas special aired right before a movie about death
I cried 3 separate times all within the last 15 minutes
I am a mexican woman living in México who practices the día de los muertos tradition since a very young age, and I can tell how much research was put into this movie, one of the things that made it so very popular here was the fact it represented our culture accurately and we could all see our family members being represented by Miguel's family. I sobbed at the end because I couldn't avoid remembering our lost ones and wishing with all my heart I could see them again in the afterlife. Also I would like to point out (for some of the people saying it is a rip off of another day of the dead animated movie from years ago) Coco represents México, that one other movie is based on cliches of what people think mexican people and their traditions are. There's a reason why Coco was such a success here while the other wasn't.
this has to be one of my favorite animated movies of all time, especially me being mexican i got so many of the references!
Saw "Coco" and loved it !, it made me cry twice. The only thing I will have discourse over is the Frozen featurette, absolutely hated it and was expecting a nice Pixar-made short. But all in all I highly recommend seeing this movie!
Fun fact: China does not allow movies with ghosts, so this movie shouldn't have gotten past the censors. However, they were so moved by the story that they let it through without a single cut.
Yes.This is one of the movie of Disney that actually made me have those feels.
I saw it after the featurette was taken out. I'm glad, but I wish there was that traditional Pixar short.
The part that makes me get nearly teary is the scene at the end when hector is trying to cross the bridge - so much emotion for me there
Yeah man, this movie got me too. I haven't cried this much at a film since the first time I saw It's A Wonderful Life. Brought back a whole lotta feels. But I wouldn't have it any other way. 10 out of 10, bought the soundtrack, can't wait to buy the Blu Ray.
A note on the difference you noticed in animation between the living & the dead: the animators basically had to throw out their whole book on how to animate people and rework it from scratch, because skeletons have no muscle structure!
Coco is in my top 3 favorite movies, easily, and is definitely my favorite Pixar movie. They really outdid themselves. I also have probably never cried as much in any other movie or show as I did in Coco
Yew Geneolgia I still enjoyed Cars 3 and I watch it again soon.
What's funny is that I didn't see the part that says go to the library but I went to Barns and Noble anyway. XD
My god, this film was so good! I saw it with my dad tonight, and afterwards, I was like.... one inch away from asking if we could just stay for the next showing so I could watch it again now that I had the full context! Probably would have done it if my dad hadn't been with me and my roommate, or there hadn't been the Frozen film.
I was fortunate enough to see this movie late after they pulled the Frozen "short" so sounds like I dodged a bullet there. xD
But in all seriousness, I love Coco; I think it's right up there with Up, Inside Out, The Incredibles, and Toy Story as one of Pixar's best in my eyes. Also I went to see it with my girlfriend (who is half-Hispanic) and her mother and it was really interesting to hear them talk about just how well the movie portrayed their culture; especially with how much they said the grandmother and great-grandmother characters reminded them of their own family members.
Are you going to react to the infinity war trailer tommorow?
The Real Michael Garcia Or talk about the trailer at least, if he already seen the trailer?
I went to see this movie yesterday and it’s one of my favorites now. Lots of beautiful colors and scenes and I didn’t cry but I almost did. Always had an obsession with The Day of the Dead but this movie made me have more of an appreciation and understanding of it. Just an awesome movie! I really want to go see it again.
I still cry at the end of coco. It is that good.
Here in Mexico, cinemas stoped showing the Frozen short after the first week because everyone hated it. It wasn't even related to Día de los Muertos, it was lame, and, the movie premiered in October, two months before Christmas, it didn't make sense
When I saw the movie I was amazed of how much detail they put into the movie and of course I was one the people who cried towards the end and including cars 3 made me cry as well. This is my reason to why I want a career into having a job at Walt Disney's animation studios/ Pixar, they make the characters come to life, they put details into pretty much everything and their story tell is fantastic.
I am glad you feel that way. However I thought Cars 3 was better than Coco
I thought it was clever that the singer Miguel sings a cover of remember me at the end credits ❤
i think i'm okay with Frozen short since it conveys the same mesage of being together as a family and a bit of laugh before the depressing state☺.Save the best for the last you know!!
I saw it today. I also cried at that same part at the end. Sometimes movies make me tear up a little, but this movie made actual tears roll down my cheek. There were plenty of emotional and heartwarming moments, some awful moments where I was horrified at the villain, and a lot of beautiful animation. And thankfully, not much gross out humor. As far as animal sidekicks go, Dante was the right amount of silly and adorable(And a very good dog). I think this is Pixar's absolute best film. Except for, maaaaaybe, Up.
I got into the theater halfway through the frozen short. I wished I had gone in a bit later because that was not very enjoyable. Though, one joke made me giggle. (Spoiler? Olaf likes that people kill Christmas trees and, as he put it, "Decorate their corpses". lol, the little snowman has a dark side.)
i also made it till the end.....then the tears just couldn't be stopped
It’s the first movie that made me cry in three years. And it was ugly crying
When with my 17 month daughter and I was crying because of the song, Remember Me also something else in the movie that happened to a character was trying to do something but couldn’t do it because his live was cut short thinking about my eyes are watering up😢
Just when I thought I had figured out my top 5 favorite movies of 2017... this movie dropped!
It is definitely one of my top 5, if not top 3 favorite movies of Pixar.
It has some pacing issues and the constant change in language was getting irritating at some point, but even then it's a 10 out of 10.
I'm from Chile, I already have seen it and I adored it as much as I've noticed other people adored it too in my country : 3.
I agree with you about the Frozen short, it was too long and if you added to it the other commercials its almost 30 minutes.
Personally, despite the length, I found the short terribly boring and nothing that deserved to be called as a "short", no wonder that in Mexico they just don't screen it anymore because of many complaints.
From what I understand, the Frozen featurette will only be screened before Coco for the first two weeks in theaters, after that you can go without losing those 20 minutes of your life.
Like I said, good thing I waited. Because it would be a waste of my money to see the short on the big screen when I can wait until TV. And now I have last Thursday. I enjoyed both Coco and Olaf's Frozen Adventure at separate times.
My boyfriend was actually sobbing near the end of the film, I had to gently pet his hand. While I didn't get nearly as emotional--although I have sobbed during Toy Story 3 and Up--it was indeed a beautiful film--proof that when Pixar can still make amazing movies--when they aren't Cars sequels.
Also, that plot twist was fantastic! It doesn't always work for other Disney movies--but this one did it perfectly to the point where the perspective of the characters suddenly changes.