I spent 47 years in different symphonic orchestras as a first flutist, and I listened many world famous flutist. Bouriakov is an exception among those. He is genial.
I heard him at the NFA in San Diego in 2005. He played a couple of unaccompanied Bach partitas (phenomenal) and then he accompanied his mentor, William Bennett (internationally great flutist) on piano ! He is a compleat musician in the very disciplined European tradition. Galway and Bennett recognized his extraordinary talent and have been important in his career here. He's got the goods and I look forward to hearing more from him as a soloist.
Great to see some knowledgable people posting about this stuff! I have worked with kids for years whose previous teachers taught them there's only ONE way to play the flute. It's great to see other teachers out there who know there are MANY ways to play ;-)
About the critiques of his interpretation: Isn't this one of the reasons why this piece is so intriguing.....out of all of the pieces out there, I think this one lends itself to a huge variety of many different and good interpretations, with none of them being "right" or "wrong". I suppose each of us imagines this piece differently. I really enjoyed this!
Hi Karina - we all have to make our embouchure where we get the best aperture. People with a pronounced "cupids bow" in the middle of their lip will have to work around that. Side embouchure TOTALLY okay....
dude this is amazing your phrasing is incredible i love the grace notes and how fast you can make them. im playing this solo for an audition and you definitely make it look a lot easier than it really is. i havnt found other performances of this piece quite like yours and i also love your dynamics and emotion into the piece. well done!!
The way he holds the flute is just fine. I play weirdly also. I got hit in the mouth with a baseball bat bat in seventh grade and had to work with a completely different embouchure because the scar tissue drew it to a weird side angle. Didn't think I'd be able to continue learning the flute. Probably a good thing I was pretty young.
I think ya'll should stop picking on him and tearing him apart. He's great! I learned this piece with Claude Monteux as my teacher, and I played it much like him as it's intended: "obligato" which means nothing need be strictly adhered to, open interpretive; not easy to do if you are not a great player as this young man is.
Some people don't know flutes or music... When this piece is played its to be told like a story. His embouchure is suited to him. It obviously wouldn't suit everyone, it's like hitting a golf ball in the sweet spot. Everyone has to find it!!
I do also like your interpretation and of course your pure tone. It seems to me that this Hungarian melody has something common with my country, Japanese music.
Some people play not directly in the middle of their mouth for flute because the way their upper lip is shaped doesn't allow a full stream of air all the way through across the mouth peice. It would be like cutting the air stream in half.
un sonido muy limpio y su digitacion tambien lo que detallo es sue mbocadura que no esta centrada, yo tenia ese mismo problema y me acoto el maestro naranjo que estaba desperdiciando columna de aires y al corregir si he mejorado en cuanto asonoridad.. esta obra es muy hermosa de verdad el arreglo de la banda esta muy bien armonizado.
There's a lot discussion here about the nuances of the piece. But he is playing with a wind band. I'm not sure what level they are at. Therefore I would say if this was played with a piano(which Denis is also a virtuoso) he might be able to show more nuances. His technique is flawless and a brilliant performer.
robimof39 he’s playing with the Tokyo Wind Symphony Orchestra, one of the best concert bands out there. If they are not virtuosic enough, I don’t know who is.
@tubonianflute, hi my teacher also has the same embochure and she said to me the reason why she has an embochure to the side is because her teeth are crooked slightly. she also said that that was the best way for her to get the pureist sound for her is to play to the side like thay. note: all musicicans embochures develop differently.and just as you said its really important to just get the clearest sound as possible and matching the airstream to the center of the whole
@earthfalling Many great flute players play with the "Cupid's Bow" embouchure. Rampal was one of them. I personally do NOT see how it affects the TONE, but playing on an un-centered embouchure must be difficult because the the facial muscles are symmetrical and you're only using 1 side of the face for embouchure muscles.
As a flautist, I always wondered if it is his way of playing the flute [posture, embouchure at the side of the mouth] that gives him his characteristic tone....no-one plays like Bouriakov...
it is played very well but if you watch must flute players they either keep the flute slanted or play with a slanted embouchure this is stop the air going up the headjoint thus the sound goes down the flute this means the air is warm when it reaches the keys, it is of course down to trial and error were you find the sweet spot if you like
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Similar debates occurred with Heifetz who played in such control that many believed as you do. He also did not move much. Other recordings and players do not have the control to make music of this difficulty sound so 'mechanical' or 'cold and technical. What we are use to is the modifications from the players limits that they do to get through the piece as best they can. They take a bit longer here and try to sound impressive when they emphasize what is more playable.
@SexyNerd4u Just finger the lower notes and squeeze the embouchure very tiny and make them come out 2 octaves higher. You'll notice that on the final note AFTER the harmonics, it actually switched to a normal High "D" fingering!!! Off the harmonic.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Also, getting the desired sound and color changes from the notes in the opening limit the best players. You can run through it but the best effects are not possible. He has a ease of access to such sound that is not matched by anyone I know of right now. He really is like Heifetz. Maybe he just has to learn to emulate a less capable player.
I love that you hear the flute the most because I play flutevand thats my favorite song I also have a suggestion for you that will make you sound even better when you practice and play hold your flute straight across from your head
@elv4g0 I think if you have read any of my previous posts then you will know that I was not judging him based on his appearance. But on this subject I will say that I despise people who move around the stage with intentional choreography but I do believe that if you have truly given yourself to the music, then the music will naturally move your body in some way. Watching him is like watching an opera singer move their mouth but having no facial expressions.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute well, i think this discussion will never end, becouse it's a personal opinion and i also respect yours... it gives me a lot of musical emotion through his playing so i think it doesn't have to like to everybody... about the movement, it's something that each person should solve by themselves, becouse for someone it's more natural to keep natural and, come on, he isn't like a stick with a flute xD it's also an interesting discussion! :D
you have to play with the best combo of what's good for your hands, your embouchre, lungs, etc. If you had to play the flute for several hours a day completely parallel to the floor you'd pretty much not be able to move your neck and shoulders and would have injuries. Whatever works, right?
i'd have to disagree statement. I kind of agree that he doesn't feel it, but his sound is AMAZING without a doubt. not many flutists can achieve such a gorgeous and powerful tone
Personally, I think it's harder to express your passion when your reading off a sheet. When you can remember the notes you don't have to concentrate as hard then you can really let the emotions out. Although to be fair he is rather good anyway, I'd do anything to be even half as good as him so I'm not complaining. I could easily sit though one of his concerts.
@wayateflautista Well it seems like there are quite a few people here that agrees with me so obviously it's not "just me". I agree with you that he has a lot of elegance, finesse, and technical mastery of the piece but that's where i draw the line. His playing is often emotionally barren with the only exception being in his performance of the Bach Chaconne on his CD which was exquisite. The keyword here is PASSION which he completely seems to lack. His a perfect orchestral player but that's all.
i think its just fine.. this is how should a flute sound... thin... if you would want to hear a thicker sound why not search for a clarinet version of this song.... he played it perfectly...
Hi, I am a flute player and I am extremely interested in playing this piece. However, I am not able to find the concert band accompaniment for it. Do you know how I can get the music for this? Thank you so much!
how can he play with that embouchure?? well, if i twist the mouthpiece 180 degrees so the whole is under the flute, i can still play blowing up, but it doesnt sound good.....
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Me to. I think the two travel together though. Do you think he is not aware of the nuances in phrasing that you are not hearing? You know he demonstrates it to you elsewhere. Personally I think he is doing them, but they are to compacted in crisp technique and increased pace and it is harder for us to perceive. He needs to 'speak slower' at times or give a bit more pause here and there to give us old geezers a chance to catch the feel of what he is providing.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Too bad This is one of the greatest version i have ever heard. I'm sorry but the problem is yours and not him. It's amazing, you cannot just say that... maybe you could ask him if he 'feels' or not the music...you cannot pretend to know that
I know exactly what your saying. I sit in our high school varsity band (I play saxophone) everyday next to the chair above me who does the exact same thing.. He doesn't play for feel, he just reads off the page and doesn't show ANY interest.. It pisses me off cause I know for a fact if given another chair test, I could definately beat him..
@SexyNerd4u You're ABSOLUTELY CORRECT...they are supposed to be harmonic fingerings, overblowing the lower notes 2 octaves. I cannot believe that anyone could overlook or ignore this!! Also the beginning is WAY, WAY too fast. The opening should be like 1 great big cadenza, ot rushed through. I know the music has a lot of 32nd and 64th notes, but it's a little mis-leading. Listen to Rampal's classic recording of it. He also plays the harmonics!
some more movement from the soloist would have made this such a cool performance, because he did an amazing job! Just more of the physical stuff would have made more visually pleasing and not just aurally pleasing. :)
@excalibur1812 I completely agree with you in that he plays the opening too fast. His overall tempo too fast, but he also neglects to take some time in many areas that makes him sound like he has no understanding of the music at all. There's a school of thought on this piece which says that because Doppler went into so much trouble to write the rhythms out so precisely, we must play it exactly as written. But i've always believed that the pen can never fully express whats on the composer's mind.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute i'd love to be as good as you!!! You seem to know better than him! I'm pretty sure you are better than him. ^_^ I'd love to see you play in orchestras someday! I'd love to see your video!
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Regarding phrasing and delivering a message, it is almost completely his responsibility except for our job of listening. I think we would get more from his playing if he took more time to deliver the message. I am older than this exceptional flutist. I think your name is familiar. Did you just win a competition for the UA-cam symphony project. I think I voted for you, at least I know I voted for the winning flutist.
***** The embouchure he uses in this recording is an off center embouchure. Sir Jean Pierre Rampal also played off center. It has to do with the shape of the lips.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute You are Very Correct. I like dennis' tech. a lot. but he is very A personality on the lyrial part. as a audiance No1 shld have 2 work 2 listen, thats rude. a true professional will reach out 2 the audiance - after all, they are paying his bills, basically. no Im not a professional, but I'm inspired to be 1day. I have been told by many professionals that an "orchestral Flautists' job is to sing out" which I feel dennis does sometimes but not enough. his tone is amazing though!
@jjgdo1: Whilst I understand where u r coming from, any player worth their salt should be able to play this piece without having to stretch their limits. It is an advanced piece, but advanced players should be able to tackle it without those problems. But you might be right if it were not for the fact that he did not emphasise ANYTHING, even the parts that should be. Just because it was falsely said about Heifetz does not mean it doesn't apply here, or in all his other recordings.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute You must loose the argument for a simple reason. Knowing something is not present is impossible. Sure, he could imbue this with more 'spirit', but no one can say there is NO spirit in his work here and sound reasonable to readers - Well reasonable readers and listeners, not the jealous ones. I prefer the opening patient and with more of the feel of a natural conversation, but still I enjoyed many things he does with it. Is there nothing here you like? Listen again.
@jjgdo1 Once again, you are talking about technical things. I never said he was not a brilliant flute player. In fact, as a flute player, I agree he is one of the best there is. But I'd much rather listen to a decent musician than just a brilliant flute player.
А блестящий не значит приличный? Техника и способ выражения у Дениса очень сильно выходят за рамки обычности и это круто. Считаю, что у такого рода музыкантов надо постоянно учиться, изучать их творчество и вдохновляться. Критиковать музыкантов такого уровня за "компьютерность" это бред полный, вы уж извините)
I have been playing this piece for years and I was passionate about playing this when I first practised it, however, tho, I find it more and more boring after playing it for trillions.
@elv4g0 Ofcourse I cannot say with 100% certainty that he feels it or not, only he can confirm that himself. But I don't think it's unreasonable to make such a claim after hearing a performance that did not speak to me on any emotional level. If this were any other profession then yes, I cannot tell you what's inside someone else's mind. But in music, the performer must open themselves up and channel the music through to the audience, which allows us to see inside them.
@jjgdo1 I'm sorry but you all really sounding like the people from that story "The Emperor's New Robes". It is a performer's job to project his music to the audience, not the audience's job to work for it. If they cannot hear it, then the performer has failed. Perhaps he is doing those nuances, but nuances are just tools to support the actual music. Like I said earlier, he runs through every passage without contemplation. You make it sound like it's our fault for not catching up with him.
@jjgdo1 Maybe I sound unreasonable, but I'm not trying to win over a jury here. I am simply stating what I heard, and I heard no musical expression, just like I would hear none if a computer was programmed to play music. I don't see how it's impossible to claim such a thing. I am not talking about logics here as you are trying to, I am talking about feelings. Although I will say that his recording of the Chaconne on his CD was exquisite. His live performances however has always disappointed.
Chiawen Kiew It has some technical parts that can help showing off your technicality, but it has lots of beautiful, musical sections. This piece allows for lots of musicality and emotion. Even the fast parts made for showing off technicality can be performed expressively. It is a reason many flutists love this piece.
CHEAT, CHEAT, CHEAT. You did not use harmonic fingerings at the end of the introduction...... shame shame..... I'm watching.... I enjoyed your performance. Very good job...
he cheated. at the end of the first section you're supposed to play harmonics and then for the final downbeat switch to the normal ledger line D fingering....heeeee didn't.
I meant how the mouthpiece is sitting on his mouth... it's quite a weird position lol. (I actually play the flute and my teacher would correct me straight away if I held my flute like that)
It's an off center embouchure, like JP Rampal's. He plays from the sides of his lips, rather than from the center. He also blows into the flute at a steep angle, like Galway. There's nothing wrong with how he plays, it's just different than how most people play.
I responded to that in a different post: Jean-Pierre Rampal played from the left side of his embouchure because he had a "split lip". Why Bouriakov plays like that I have no idea. Perhaps it is that which accommodates his embouchure best?
I spent 47 years in different symphonic orchestras as a first flutist, and I listened many world famous flutist. Bouriakov is an exception among those. He is genial.
I heard him at the NFA in San Diego in 2005. He played a couple of unaccompanied Bach partitas (phenomenal) and then he accompanied his mentor, William Bennett (internationally great flutist) on piano ! He is a compleat musician in the very disciplined European tradition. Galway and Bennett recognized his extraordinary talent and have been important in his career here. He's got the goods and I look forward to hearing more from him as a soloist.
Great to see some knowledgable people posting about this stuff! I have worked with kids for years whose previous teachers taught them there's only ONE way to play the flute. It's great to see other teachers out there who know there are MANY ways to play ;-)
Браво Денис!!!Воздушно и легко!!!❤
Damn, his tone is awesome.
i love how smooth all your notes are together and how they all flow so well together
you have a great interpretation of this piece, also
About the critiques of his interpretation: Isn't this one of the reasons why this piece is so intriguing.....out of all of the pieces out there, I think this one lends itself to a huge variety of many different and good interpretations, with none of them being "right" or "wrong". I suppose each of us imagines this piece differently. I really enjoyed this!
Flutastic! Морозов Алексей флейта
I totally agree.
I guess it's quite randomly asking but do anyone know of a good website to watch new movies online ?
Formidabile 👍👌 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Complimenti vivissimi a tutti!!! Cordiali saluti, Anna
Восхитительно 👏👏👏👏👏
I think he has great control and a beautiful tone, not all people are able to be AS expressive when performing. Well Done!
Very beautifull with this winds orchestra..
Perfection never seemed so effortless.
Браво!!!очень тонкая и мастерская игра.
wonderful full tone.
Totally dope, dude....i gotta try that....
Hi Karina - we all have to make our embouchure where we get the best aperture. People with a pronounced "cupids bow" in the middle of their lip will have to work around that. Side embouchure TOTALLY okay....
Penso che attualmente sia il piu' bravo flautista del mondo
Nicely done!
dude this is amazing your phrasing is incredible i love the grace notes and how fast you can make them. im playing this solo for an audition and you definitely make it look a lot easier than it really is. i havnt found other performances of this piece quite like yours and i also love your dynamics and emotion into the piece. well done!!
The way he holds the flute is just fine. I play weirdly also. I got hit in the mouth with a baseball bat bat in seventh grade and had to work with a completely different embouchure because the scar tissue drew it to a weird side angle. Didn't think I'd be able to continue learning the flute. Probably a good thing I was pretty young.
I think ya'll should stop picking on him and tearing him apart. He's great!
I learned this piece with Claude Monteux as my teacher, and I played it much like him as it's intended: "obligato" which means nothing need be strictly adhered to, open interpretive; not easy to do if you are not a great player as this young man is.
Easy to listen to... very inspiring ! If you mind his embouchure, close your eyes so you can fully enjoy a fantastic flautist !
@tubonianflute exactly right; it's not a centered embouchure that's important, it's a centered TONE that's important, and that he has!
Some people don't know flutes or music...
When this piece is played its to be told like a story. His embouchure is suited to him. It obviously wouldn't suit everyone, it's like hitting a golf ball in the sweet spot. Everyone has to find it!!
Denis wow i love you
A warm rich sound and phrasing that feels natural, not affectedl. A simple pleasure to hear. And I am a Hungarian, and it made me happy.
Woahhh. His embouchure is even more off kilter than mine. That's insane, haha :]
I do also like your interpretation and of course your pure tone. It seems to me that this Hungarian melody has something common with my country, Japanese music.
sswkr ever heard of Narnia that is out of this world haha
Some people play not directly in the middle of their mouth for flute because the way their upper lip is shaped doesn't allow a full stream of air all the way through across the mouth peice. It would be like cutting the air stream in half.
un sonido muy limpio y su digitacion tambien lo que detallo es sue mbocadura que no esta centrada, yo tenia ese mismo problema y me acoto el maestro naranjo que estaba desperdiciando columna de aires y al corregir si he mejorado en cuanto asonoridad.. esta obra es muy hermosa de verdad el arreglo de la banda esta muy bien armonizado.
There's a lot discussion here about the nuances of the piece. But he is playing with a wind band. I'm not sure what level they are at. Therefore I would say if this was played with a piano(which Denis is also a virtuoso) he might be able to show more nuances. His technique is flawless and a brilliant performer.
robimof39 he’s playing with the Tokyo Wind Symphony Orchestra, one of the best concert bands out there. If they are not virtuosic enough, I don’t know who is.
!!! nice
@tubonianflute, hi my teacher also has the same embochure and she said to me the reason why she has an embochure to the side is because her teeth are crooked slightly. she also said that that was the best way for her to get the pureist sound for her is to play to the side like thay. note: all musicicans embochures develop differently.and just as you said its really important to just get the clearest sound as possible and matching the airstream to the center of the whole
Many great flute players play with the "Cupid's Bow" embouchure. Rampal was one of them. I personally do NOT see how it affects the TONE, but playing on an un-centered embouchure must be difficult because the the facial muscles are symmetrical and you're only using 1 side of the face for embouchure muscles.
I enjoy watching him finger open g#. Makes want to try one.
As a flautist, I always wondered if it is his way of playing the flute [posture, embouchure at the side of the mouth] that gives him his characteristic tone....no-one plays like Bouriakov...
it is played very well but if you watch must flute players they either keep the flute slanted or play with a slanted embouchure this is stop the air going up the headjoint thus the sound goes down the flute this means the air is warm when it reaches the keys, it is of course down to trial and error were you find the sweet spot if you like
Similar debates occurred with Heifetz who played in such control that many believed as you do. He also did not move much. Other recordings and players do not have the control to make music of this difficulty sound so 'mechanical' or 'cold and technical. What we are use to is the modifications from the players limits that they do to get through the piece as best they can. They take a bit longer here and try to sound impressive when they emphasize what is more playable.
Just finger the lower notes and squeeze the embouchure very tiny and make them come out 2 octaves higher. You'll notice that on the final note AFTER the harmonics, it actually switched to a normal High "D" fingering!!! Off the harmonic.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Also, getting the desired sound and color changes from the notes in the opening limit the best players. You can run through it but the best effects are not possible. He has a ease of access to such sound that is not matched by anyone I know of right now. He really is like Heifetz. Maybe he just has to learn to emulate a less capable player.
I love that you hear the flute the most because I play flutevand thats my favorite song
I also have a suggestion for you that will make you sound even better when you practice and play hold your flute straight across from your head
That's really kind of a personal thing. Everyone's physicality is different. That may work for you, but not for someone else. Js
@@rudolphmcneill3333 just came back and idk why I even commented that lol I was in 7th grade what do I know😅
@@lemons3820 that was kind of cute ;)
I think if you have read any of my previous posts then you will know that I was not judging him based on his appearance. But on this subject I will say that I despise people who move around the stage with intentional choreography but I do believe that if you have truly given yourself to the music, then the music will naturally move your body in some way. Watching him is like watching an opera singer move their mouth but having no facial expressions.
well, i think this discussion will never end, becouse it's a personal opinion and i also respect yours...
it gives me a lot of musical emotion through his playing so i think it doesn't have to like to everybody...
about the movement, it's something that each person should solve by themselves, becouse for someone it's more natural to keep natural and, come on, he isn't like a stick with a flute xD
it's also an interesting discussion! :D
@elv4g0 Yes! Well said, I was actually going to suggest that we should simply agree to disagree, but damn UA-cam cut it out...
he doesn't have the embouchure hole on the center but he sound magnificent! he i definitely a good play at the flute!
Thankfully this guy has folk on utube who can advise him ...hopefully with a few demonstrations in the near future ...
you have to play with the best combo of what's good for your hands, your embouchre, lungs, etc. If you had to play the flute for several hours a day completely parallel to the floor you'd pretty much not be able to move your neck and shoulders and would have injuries. Whatever works, right?
i'd have to disagree statement. I kind of agree that he doesn't feel it, but his sound is AMAZING without a doubt. not many flutists can achieve such a gorgeous and powerful tone
it doesn't say rubato or cadenza at the begining...
but if you understand it as a cadenza it should always be an 'Hungarian' one...
Personally, I think it's harder to express your passion when your reading off a sheet. When you can remember the notes you don't have to concentrate as hard then you can really let the emotions out.
Although to be fair he is rather good anyway, I'd do anything to be even half as good as him so I'm not complaining. I could easily sit though one of his concerts.
Courtney Motte I agree having the music blocks the communication from performer to audience
@wayateflautista Well it seems like there are quite a few people here that agrees with me so obviously it's not "just me". I agree with you that he has a lot of elegance, finesse, and technical mastery of the piece but that's where i draw the line. His playing is often emotionally barren with the only exception being in his performance of the Bach Chaconne on his CD which was exquisite. The keyword here is PASSION which he completely seems to lack. His a perfect orchestral player but that's all.
i think its just fine.. this is how should a flute sound... thin... if you would want to hear a thicker sound why not search for a clarinet version of this song.... he played it perfectly...
Listen to the classic recording of Rampal playing it!
There's out there also a recording of this piece from Patrick Galloise one of Rampal students that really merit attention.
This is NOT an orchestra. It's a concert band.
I am a flute player and I am extremely interested in playing this piece. However, I am not able to find the concert band accompaniment for it.
Do you know how I can get the music for this?
Thank you so much!
Erica wang
i get it from here, hope you can too
Hello, congratulations... I want the score for my band, where can I buy it? Sorry for my english, I don't speak it.
I tend to disagree. It's definitely a showpiece but you can put musicality/emotion into it for sure.
how can he play with that embouchure?? well, if i twist the mouthpiece 180 degrees so the whole is under the flute, i can still play blowing up, but it doesnt sound good.....
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Me to. I think the two travel together though. Do you think he is not aware of the nuances in phrasing that you are not hearing? You know he demonstrates it to you elsewhere. Personally I think he is doing them, but they are to compacted in crisp technique and increased pace and it is harder for us to perceive. He needs to 'speak slower' at times or give a bit more pause here and there to give us old geezers a chance to catch the feel of what he is providing.
Hello!! I need the score of this arrangement for band. Someone have it?? Please, it is urgent!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Hi José, I would also like to get my hands on this arrangement! Did you manage to find it?
Too bad
This is one of the greatest version i have ever heard.
I'm sorry but the problem is yours and not him.
It's amazing, you cannot just say that...
maybe you could ask him if he 'feels' or not the music...you cannot pretend to know that
Is he playing out of the side of his mouth or what... very good though!!
I know exactly what your saying. I sit in our high school varsity band (I play saxophone) everyday next to the chair above me who does the exact same thing.. He doesn't play for feel, he just reads off the page and doesn't show ANY interest.. It pisses me off cause I know for a fact if given another chair test, I could definately beat him..
who´s the director????
You're ABSOLUTELY CORRECT...they are supposed to be harmonic fingerings, overblowing the lower notes 2 octaves. I cannot believe that anyone could overlook or ignore this!! Also the beginning is WAY, WAY too fast. The opening should be like 1 great big cadenza, ot rushed through. I know the music has a lot of 32nd and 64th notes, but it's a little mis-leading. Listen to Rampal's classic recording of it. He also plays the harmonics!
some more movement from the soloist would have made this such a cool performance, because he did an amazing job! Just more of the physical stuff would have made more visually pleasing and not just aurally pleasing. :)
Strange embouchure!
i hope you are not saying that only becouse he isn't "dancing" like some people does
Mr.Yasuhiko Shiozawa
"oh," 1:06
Open G# system makes my brain hurt...
@excalibur1812 I completely agree with you in that he plays the opening too fast. His overall tempo too fast, but he also neglects to take some time in many areas that makes him sound like he has no understanding of the music at all. There's a school of thought on this piece which says that because Doppler went into so much trouble to write the rhythms out so precisely, we must play it exactly as written. But i've always believed that the pen can never fully express whats on the composer's mind.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute i'd love to be as good as you!!! You seem to know better than him! I'm pretty sure you are better than him. ^_^ I'd love to see you play in orchestras someday! I'd love to see your video!
@MarcoLorenzoFlute Regarding phrasing and delivering a message, it is almost completely his responsibility except for our job of listening. I think we would get more from his playing if he took more time to deliver the message.
I am older than this exceptional flutist. I think your name is familiar. Did you just win a competition for the UA-cam symphony project. I think I voted for you, at least I know I voted for the winning flutist.
At 4:00, that high note was really well played except very off-key!
Emma, I don't think so. That ending note is 8va one octave up
To me it sounded a bit sharp. :) (also I know it was an octave higher..??? I don't get what that has to do with being in tune...)
You were the one who said it was off key???
/me scratches head
***** The embouchure he uses in this recording is an off center embouchure. Sir Jean Pierre Rampal also played off center. It has to do with the shape of the lips.
I..what... I don't think u understood what I meant... oh well haha
If Humphrey Bogart played the flute, that is what it would look like.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute You are Very Correct. I like dennis' tech. a lot. but he is very A personality on the lyrial part. as a audiance No1 shld have 2 work 2 listen, thats rude. a true professional will reach out 2 the audiance - after all, they are paying his bills, basically. no Im not a professional, but I'm inspired to be 1day. I have been told by many professionals that an "orchestral Flautists' job is to sing out" which I feel dennis does sometimes but not enough. his tone is amazing though!
is this Tokyo Kosei?
Whilst I understand where u r coming from, any player worth their salt should be able to play this piece without having to stretch their limits. It is an advanced piece, but advanced players should be able to tackle it without those problems. But you might be right if it were not for the fact that he did not emphasise ANYTHING, even the parts that should be. Just because it was falsely said about Heifetz does not mean it doesn't apply here, or in all his other recordings.
@MarcoLorenzoFlute You must loose the argument for a simple reason. Knowing something is not present is impossible. Sure, he could imbue this with more 'spirit', but no one can say there is NO spirit in his work here and sound reasonable to readers - Well reasonable readers and listeners, not the jealous ones. I prefer the opening patient and with more of the feel of a natural conversation, but still I enjoyed many things he does with it. Is there nothing here you like? Listen again.
Once again, you are talking about technical things. I never said he was not a brilliant flute player. In fact, as a flute player, I agree he is one of the best there is. But I'd much rather listen to a decent musician than just a brilliant flute player.
А блестящий не значит приличный? Техника и способ выражения у Дениса очень сильно выходят за рамки обычности и это круто. Считаю, что у такого рода музыкантов надо постоянно учиться, изучать их творчество и вдохновляться. Критиковать музыкантов такого уровня за "компьютерность" это бред полный, вы уж извините)
I'd like to know his teacher just for ask him : WHY?????
I have been playing this piece for years and I was passionate about playing this when I first practised it, however, tho, I find it more and more boring after playing it for trillions.
Ofcourse I cannot say with 100% certainty that he feels it or not, only he can confirm that himself. But I don't think it's unreasonable to make such a claim after hearing a performance that did not speak to me on any emotional level. If this were any other profession then yes, I cannot tell you what's inside someone else's mind. But in music, the performer must open themselves up and channel the music through to the audience, which allows us to see inside them.
I'm sorry but you all really sounding like the people from that story "The Emperor's New Robes". It is a performer's job to project his music to the audience, not the audience's job to work for it. If they cannot hear it, then the performer has failed. Perhaps he is doing those nuances, but nuances are just tools to support the actual music. Like I said earlier, he runs through every passage without contemplation. You make it sound like it's our fault for not catching up with him.
Maybe I sound unreasonable, but I'm not trying to win over a jury here. I am simply stating what I heard, and I heard no musical expression, just like I would hear none if a computer was programmed to play music. I don't see how it's impossible to claim such a thing. I am not talking about logics here as you are trying to, I am talking about feelings. Although I will say that his recording of the Chaconne on his CD was exquisite. His live performances however has always disappointed.
The piece of music he's playing does not really allow for that much musicality/emotion. It's basically a showpiece.
Chiawen Kiew It has some technical parts that can help showing off your technicality, but it has lots of beautiful, musical sections. This piece allows for lots of musicality and emotion. Even the fast parts made for showing off technicality can be performed expressively. It is a reason many flutists love this piece.
CHEAT, CHEAT, CHEAT. You did not use harmonic fingerings at the end of the introduction...... shame shame..... I'm watching.... I enjoyed your performance. Very good job...
@Hazapi96 It's not just you. Haha that is horrible flue posture. Beautiful playing, but the flute should be angled higher. Lol
Played well, but what the heck is up with his posture? I don't understand how anyone can play like that.
yes sir,me too...unbelievable
sounds better with band.... Doppler wasn't a,great composer..
the orchestra version is just too thin
Well this is one of those pieces where the orchestra is truly meant to be accompaniment. It's doesn't need to be so very full during the flute parts.
he cheated. at the end of the first section you're supposed to play harmonics and then for the final downbeat switch to the normal ledger line D fingering....heeeee didn't.
that embouchure IS odd, theres something weak about the sound it produces
He seems to have some sort of problem with holding the flute properly..? Very odd.
It's not a problem. He is just relaxing his arms and shoulders while he plays. It is very good technique.
I meant how the mouthpiece is sitting on his mouth... it's quite a weird position lol. (I actually play the flute and my teacher would correct me straight away if I held my flute like that)
It's an off center embouchure, like JP Rampal's. He plays from the sides of his lips, rather than from the center. He also blows into the flute at a steep angle, like Galway. There's nothing wrong with how he plays, it's just different than how most people play.
I see. Guess you learn something new every day!
I responded to that in a different post: Jean-Pierre Rampal played from the left side of his embouchure because he had a "split lip". Why Bouriakov plays like that I have no idea. Perhaps it is that which accommodates his embouchure best?
Wow. Clearly you've never been to the Met.