@bishes be mad I agree with you. Gorillas won't even attack humans in the wild as long as you follow a few rules..Orangutans dont either. .So I dont think the humans were worried about these apes. I think they had other animal to worry more about
You know what's more mind boggling, we are the only being who can think about what we are thinking from 3rd person prospective. We can also imagine are own self in current state from 3rd person prospective.
You know what can be mind blowing. That native people like aborigines tell stories about animals that seem impossible and then the fossil record shows they existed long, long ago and went extinct in the time of early man. So it's possible that the aboriginal ancestors actually encountered those animals and those stories were passed down for thousands of years without to much change.
If you go back in time in the same position, you'd be standing in space. The entire solar system (the sun) is not stationary and is continously moving forward in space.
What's funnier is there are 2 separate images from different angles. Like it was a known thing. Tigers were scared so badly they'd rather wrestle huge alligators.
@@prehistoriccreature1800 a man of science i see. You realize tho that there are videos of jaguars killing alligators so i dont think the biggest cat in the world would struggle to do so.
The greatest ape that ever lived? Sounds a lot like DK, Donkey Kong. He's the leader of the bunch. You know him well. And he's finally back to kick some tail. With his coconut gun, he fires in bursts. If he hits ya, it's gonna hurt! DK!!!! DONKEY KONG IS HERE!
Well the head can't be so big compared to it's body. The Body and Head need to be a specific size to make sure that their Center of Gravity is at their waste...
@Ryan Lajara That aside, it is not impossible that a yeti could exist, it's just unlikely that it's related to the Gigantopothecus, since it would probably have trouble surviving in the cold heights of the Himalaya Mountains...
Time Machine: You have Arrived (Computer generated voice) Partner: Do you see anything Me: yes Partner: What is it? Me: it's time to leave now Partner: Why? Me: Remember king Kong?
“Oh, oobee doo I wanna be like you I wanna walk like you Talk like you, too You'll see it's true An ape like me Can learn to be humen too” R.I.P King Louie
Mario And Love Ya PlushMasters a gigantopithecus can kill a fully grown bush elephant? lol of course not. Review your comment. A gigantopithecus is not the strongest mammal on land. Lol you’re dumb
You know, when I went to the zoo, I noticed that gibbons, who are similar orangutans in lifestyle and physique, walk around on their hindquarters with their arms raised over their heads, which I found hilarious. Now the image of a giant orangutan with its arms dangling over its head is just terrifying.
Fool Slayer You're just walking through the peaceful woods when all of a suddenly this thing comes up from behind you, walking by. Instant heart attack
Guess is a bad way of putting it. There is a backlog of patterns being drawn from. We are only really aware of the mistakes. The number of times these hypotheses are found to likely be correct is far more numerous.
@@oscard.lisboa6105 It's paleontology not archeology for starters, and teeth are probably the best source of information you can get. Their size and shape is actually linked to the size of the animal, their structure and remaining chemistry will tell you their eating habits and the kind of environement they lived in, their developement will give you an estimate of the age of the animal and more. Teeth are just a wealth of knowledge. Also as a side note for others, they're no such thing as "half of it gets proven wrong every 50-100 years" knowledge is gained, things are corrected, but it's actually pretty rare when things are discovered to be straight up wrong
What does a 500kg primate eat? What ever the hell it wants to. But mostly I see them at the IHOP or Walmart in the cookie section. They seem to always break the auto carts.
Please do an episode on mimicry and aposematic creatures! The fact that some animals have evolved body shapes, colors, patterns and even appendages for the sole purpose of camouflage or signalling of some sort is unbelievably fascinating to me.
@@srobeck77 apes are omnivores just like their closest living cousins, homo sapien. They'll eat anything that they can grab onto, plants, insects, termites even monkeys too. They need that instant protein.
Yes… But what about the extinct giant lemurs? Please do an episode on them. Also, do one on the very early evolution of primates, including both Strepsirrhines and Haplorhines.
I like how they not only teach you the content, they teach you how the content was discovered on this channel, and that teaches you a lot about the anthropological scientific process. It also installs trust and provides evidence for those who might be doubtful.
My suggestions for future episodes: * The rise of grass and how it transformed ecosystems and animal evolution. * Early crocodilians, which were surprisingly diverse. * The rise of social insects like ants, wasps, and bees. * Entelodonts and "hell pigs." * Terror birds. * Top five biggest mysteries of the history of life. * Just for fun, a history of dinosaurs in movies (now we have another Jurassic Park film coming).
The region that it lived in modern South East Asia. Despite having a reputation as being rain soaked and water logged many portions of the region are quite dry and the mountains produce C4 type plants. This fits in with the suspected habitat, and it was most likely a mountain/hill dwelling land creature that bordered on the wetlands. Fun fact, they existed at the same time as some of the earliest known human ancestors of the region.
I've thought for a long time that 'Big Foot, 'Yeti', et al., are just evolved australopithecines. It's been shown, as in the case of the recently discovered living coelacanth, that a gap in the fossil record doesn't prove a species went extinct.
A good point about the dinosaurs thriving for so long. We humans are small compared to them and we appeared just 200k years ago, but the way we're going we might be on our way out. So size in this case tells us nothing, when we can be one of the species with shortest existence.
Graham Strouse You're referring to square-cube relationship, but it has diminishing returns, of course; you will reach a size where your circulatory system is not performing optimally.
To bad this video is 20 years out of date Gigantopithecus Black.. 10 years ago they worked out Gigantopithecus Black walked on two legs and its face was more pushed in like a humans face.. And the big one , may of died out only 1500 years ago in south china...Also, some think the story of sun wukong was based on a living Gigantopithecus Black t, This story was written by mocks 1300 years ago..
Joe Vinski La Controverse de Valladolid est un livre dans lequel Jean-Claude Carrière parle de la situation des indiens d’Amérique en 1550. A l’époque, un grand débat avait eu lieu afin de savoir si les indiens étaient au même niveau que la race humaine ou est-ce qu’ils étaient des êtres inférieurs. Ce débat fait suite au massacre important des indiens d’Amérique que les Espagnols avaient effectué à l’époque. Les événements contés dans La Controverse de Valladolid se déroulent dans un couvent. Dans une pièce, certaines personnes ont été réunies pour débattre de la situation et du statut qu’il faut donner aux indiens d’Amérique. On retrouve le frère dominicain Bartolomé de Las Casas ainsi que l’historien et théologien Juan Ginès de Sépulvéda. D’autres personnalités importantes comme le légat du pape, envoyé de Rome, et le supérieur du couvent sont présentes. Il y’a deux camps. Celui de ceux qui considèrent que les indiens d’Amérique ont une âme et celui de ceux qui soutiennent que les indiens d’Amérique sont inférieurs à la race humaine. Il est à noter que cette rencontre a eu lieu à la demande de Charles Quint, qui était à l’époque l’empereur des deux mondes, et du Pape Jules III. Le frère dominicain Bartolomé de Las Casas défend la théorie selon laquelle les indiens d’Amérique étaient des créatures de Dieu. Selon lui, ce sont des êtres comme les espagnols et possèdent des âmes comme tous les êtres humains. De l’autre côté, l’historien et théologien Juan Ginès de Sépulvéda n’est pas du tout de cet avis. Selon lui, les indiens d’Amérique ne sont pas des descendants d’Adam et Eve. Il avait même écrit un livre où il défend sa position. La publication de ce livre dépend de l’issue du débat de la controverse. En effet, si à la fin de la réunion, les indiens d’Amérique ne sont pas considérés comme des enfants de Dieu, le livre sera publié. Dans le cas contraire, il ne pourra pas être publié. Dans la Controverse de Valladolid, chacun des participants prend la parole pour défendre sa position. C’est Las casas qui intervient le premier. Il parle de la situation des indiens d’Amérique après la colonisation de leurs terres par les espagnols. Il évoque le mauvais traitement qui leur est infligé par les colons. D’après ce qu’il a vu, beaucoup d’atrocités sont commises sur le peuple amérindien. Vient le tour de Sepùlveda qui défend sa position contre les indiens d’Amérique. Dans son discours, il affirme que ces indiens sont des créatures que Dieu ne reconnaît pas. Pour lui, s’il y’a la guerre, c’est uniquement par la volonté de Dieu. Donc à ses yeux, il s’agit d’une lutte légitime. Les deux personnages ont donc soutenu des thèses opposées. Les arguments évoqués par l’un réfutent les arguments de l’autre. Un fait intéressant dans ce livre est qu’on retrouve une analyse vraiment approfondie de certains thèmes phares. Les indiens étant au centre de cette controverse, tout ce qui leur tourne autour est analysé. On débat de leurs religions, des dieux qu’ils adorent. On aborde aussi leurs potentialités artistiques, les types de maisons dans lesquels ils vivent. C’est en quelque sorte une autre manière de découvrir les indiens d’Amérique à travers le livre de Jean Claude Carrière. Ceci permet à tout le monde de se faire une idée sur ce peuple un peu mal connu. Si les deux antagonistes avaient des avis différents, ils s’entendaient au moins sur un fait : toutes les âmes doivent être sauvées. Le salut des âmes était très important et primordial aussi bien pour Las Casas que Sépulvéda. Un moment important de la controverse est celui où des indiens sont introduits dans la pièce. Ils sont au nombre de quatre. On retrouve une famille de trois personnes (le père, la mère et l’enfant) et un jongleur. Ils sont examinés sous toutes les coutures. On les fait passer par différents tests. Comme s’ils étaient des animaux, on les sent et on les touche . Il est demandé au jongleur de jongler. Des bouffons sont même introduits dans la pièce afin de voir quel est le degré d’humour de ces êtres. Durant tout les temps que les quatre indiens sont présents dans la pièce, on a cherché à voir s’ils ressemblaient véritablement aux êtres humains. La décision devait revenir au légat du Pape. C’est lui qui devait juger si oui ou non les indiens d’Amérique étaient des enfants de Dieu. Il a été envoyé uniquement pour ce but. Les arguments de Las Casas et de Sepùlveda sont étudiés par le légat du Pape. L’intervention des indiens d’Amérique au cours de la controverse, permit au légat du Pape de se faire une idée sur la manière dont ces indiens vivent. Avant que le légat du Pape ne prenne une décision, il a écouté les deux partis. Las Casas ayant été lui en Inde a pu donner des exemples de ce qui se passait réellement en Inde. Exemples à l’appui, il a montré de manière très réelle, les atrocités commises sur le peuple des indiens. Il a réussi à démystifier les différentes rumeurs que les gens balançaient sur le peuple indien sans qu’ils ne se soient rendus une seule fois en Inde. Sépulvéda quant à lui, n’ayant pas des exemples concrets s’appuie sur la force qu’il avait d’argumenter et de faire de la rhétorique. Très calme, il défendait sa position. L’un de ses arguments les plus poignants est celui où il montra que les indiens étaient des sauvages parce qu’ils faisaient des sacrifices humains. Si Sépulvéda était très calme et menait de façon posée son argumentation, Las Casas lui s’emportait de temps en temps. Il coupait parfois la parole à Sépulvéda pour donner des contre-exemples. Durant la controverse, deux styles très différents se sont opposés. Finalement, le légat du Pape donna sa décision. Au nom du Pape ainsi que celui de toute l’Eglise, il déclara que les indiens étaient des créatures divines qui possédaient une âme. Ainsi, il est du même avis que Bartolomé de Las Casas. Les indiens doivent alors être mieux traités et leurs conditions doivent s’améliorer. Mais le légat du Pape sait aussi que cette décision aura d’énormes répercussions sur le plan économique. En effet, les indiens représentaient pour le peuple espagnol une main d’œuvre intéressante et peu coûteuse. Vu que les indiens ne peuvent plus être réduits en esclavage, lé légat du pape demande alors à ce que les colons utilisent les esclaves africains. Les africains étaient considérés comme ayant moins d’humanité que les indiens. Ceci permettra aux colons d’avoir toujours une main-d’œuvre à exploiter. Las Casas n’était pas de cet avis. Mais lorsqu’il voulut intervenir une fois encore, on lui signifia que ce n’était pas le sujet de la controverse de Valladolid.
*Thank you!* I've been reading about Giganthopitecus since I was a kid and I've always wanted to know about it. Honestly, I first thought of it as an oversized gorilla, but now I know! You're doing amazing work.
I had a problem with one of the illustrations of Gigantopithecus, the one where it is standing there eating foliage. The background looks like a modern day rubber plantation in South East Asia. (I live in Malaysia so it struck me as being obviously familiar) Just look at how uniformly spaced the trees are, and it just sticks out as being planned, not the way a jungle or forest would look like.
Could you guys do a video about the cretaceous polar forest of Australia and Antarctica, or about the Azhdarchidae ? These are subjects that are so rarely talked about and I'm sure you would show how interesting they are. I really loved this video, this channel is so good !
@@c4call the tooth science is indisputable and proven. The part that's iffy is assuming you know when it died out when there are so few fossils to begin with. Maybe it just didn't leave a fossil that anyone has found yet for the last 100,000 years
Doesn't it suck more that Deinonychus was portrayed as Velociraptors? I mean, Velociraptor isn't particularly interesting but Deinonychus is badass. I mean, the opening scene in Jurassic Park with Dr. Grant's speech about it's claws was all clearly about Deinonychus seeing as it's name means "terrible claw".
I'm so glad there is people that do the research for us bc you know I can't imagine how long it took for them to come up with that conclusion ever since the man bought the tooth back then. ?
Fellow Neckbearder! It's good to see another fedora user out there, not enough around these days as they're being hunted by cringe compilations, but we're in this together! Science and truth shall be our sword and religion our enemy...
Though I agree with the sentiment, especially in your last sentence, I don't put all that much into my fedora (pun intended!). I wear what I wear, as I see fit, because I enjoy it & the image it gives off. If others don't like it, I say,..."HAH!" Or, tough! Or, if they're particularly annoying, well, you get the drift! Carry on with what does it for you, my brother, & "nolite te bastardes carborundorum!"
The last Gigantopithecus was caught on camera in the Indian jungle where it lived quite comfortably amongst the ruins of an ancient city. It really tried very hard to adapt and become like us. It could talk and sing reasonably well, and acquired the nickname Louie - strangely it sounded a lot like Christopher Walken 😉 Sadly it vanished under a heap of collapsing ruins. It's not known if it survived it's first rendezvous with a juvenile homo sapiens.
Amazing to think that these guys were still around for some of the early modern humans in Asia... must have been terrifying to come across those even if they were peaceful.
Still waiting to find out when and where insects came from. What ocean dwelling critters evolved the ability to transition from water to land. When did they do this in relation to the vertebrates? Everyone seems to gloss over this bit of evolution. We go from fish with proto legs and variations of lungs to amphibians and other early arthropods. But every image depicting these creatures show recognisable insects flitting around primitive vegetation.
Your videos are amazing! I’ve watched some over five times already (huge fan of life on earth series). I get so much inspiration from your videos for my classes, please keep up with the great work! Hint: would just love an animated tectonic history of the continents throughout the phanerozoic, including bio-connections and ruptures. Would be a great tool for teaching!
I'd really love to see something about late Permian flora and fauna, for some reason I don't feel like I know as much about them as with other periods.
I just learned about them and I already miss them.
Hubblebub Lumbubwub I wish they were still alive too
For at least 100,000 years, humans existed at the same time as them. Can you imagine how crazy that must have been?
Hubblebub Lumbubwub even though it can probably crush ur skull
Hubblebub Lumbubwub Kinh Luis in the jungle boom was a gigantipithacus
@bishes be mad I agree with you. Gorillas won't even attack humans in the wild as long as you follow a few rules..Orangutans dont either. .So I dont think the humans were worried about these apes. I think they had other animal to worry more about
this fact that humans are so smart that we have gotten to the point of being able to know what lived before us is mind boggling
JammyMonkey and the intellectual capacity to make dank memes
ChrisW very true
You know what's more mind boggling, we are the only being who can think about what we are thinking from 3rd person prospective. We can also imagine are own self in current state from 3rd person prospective.
@jdtrickster4 That as silly as saying praise electromagnetism, or gravity.
You know what can be mind blowing. That native people like aborigines tell stories about animals that seem impossible and then the fossil record shows they existed long, long ago and went extinct in the time of early man. So it's possible that the aboriginal ancestors actually encountered those animals and those stories were passed down for thousands of years without to much change.
I wish I could go back in time and see what the spot where I'm standing looked like millions or billions of years ago
Would be awesome. I'd probably be in the dangerous ocean.
Same man. I'd be underwater during this period as well (Florida)
I would love to do that, I wanna see the animals
it's most likely that where you were was underwater, or was some sort of forest, if you were in specific areas, a desert, grassland, or swamp
If you go back in time in the same position, you'd be standing in space. The entire solar system (the sun) is not stationary and is continously moving forward in space.
“What happened to the words greatest ape” he’s fighting Godzilla in March he’s got training to do kongs a busy guy
lol Xd
@J DV r/woosh
@@Tyler-fx9hf r/thisisnotreddit
@@yordinihoudini ok
That dude had been constantly chasing me in temple run !
@@juanlorenzo7937 Hahaha, one more triggered by my lame joke ! :-)
@000 OOO ikr
@@darkushippotoxotai9536 nah it's not lame
I love the illustration of the Gigantopithecus chasing the tiger into the river like it was a tabby cat.
What's funnier is there are 2 separate images from different angles. Like it was a known thing. Tigers were scared so badly they'd rather wrestle huge alligators.
Auhuhhuu Wrong, the maximum size of a mugger is 18 feet while an alligator’s is 14 feet.
@Crazy Steve
Ur dumb af. Alligator destroys tiger
Dumbass tigers stand no chance even against Mugger Crocs.
@@prehistoriccreature1800 a man of science i see. You realize tho that there are videos of jaguars killing alligators so i dont think the biggest cat in the world would struggle to do so.
So.. "Planting C4", and "C4 Plants" are two completely different things..
Learned something new today.
sloop i préfère planting c4
Words are fun.
Allahu akbar
Well duh, you need to be "Planting C4s" before you can get "C4 Plants". WE LEARN THIS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Y'ALL
Can somebody call the counter terrorists in, also call Mihn Lee the "Gooseman".
I can't believe Le Monke is extinct...💔
you had 100000 years to accept the fact that they went extinct
This is an ape like a human, if this is an monkey, then so are humans.
Rip monke ❤️
*Ugle monke*
@@lukeiamnotyourfatheranymore yet is still hard to accept 😭
"What do you wanna know about the story of life on earth?" EVERYTHING!
October sky?
"Bring me everyone."
"What do you mean everyone?"
Imagine wandering in the forests of Asia and hearing a booming “uh oh, stinky” coming somewhere in the forest.
oo oo ah ah uh oh stinkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And once you cut off its head in combat, it gets back up and picks up a sword
What is it jacksepticeye?
I clicked on this video specifically to find a comment like this.
The greatest ape that ever lived? Sounds a lot like DK, Donkey Kong.
He's the leader of the bunch. You know him well. And he's finally back to kick some tail.
With his coconut gun, he fires in bursts. If he hits ya, it's gonna hurt! DK!!!! DONKEY KONG IS HERE!
coconut gun!.....whats that...(?
Logan F donkey kongs oversized potato cannon is what it is
Very nostalgic comment. knew every word to that song.
I hate and love this comment.
Then there’s chunky, hes dead
"we have only found teeth and jaws"
imagine if they were just regular sized monke with massive heads
Well the head can't be so big compared to it's body. The Body and Head need to be a specific size to make sure that their Center of Gravity is at their waste...
@@mynamedoesntfi--6161 nothing gets past you huh.
@@dreadlock375 Let me guess, you found this funny?
Either that, or they were just living jaws, like Pac-Man
@@mynamedoesntfi--6161 so what your saying is giant head, normal body and giant feet?
I love the silly idea that Bigfoot is actually Gigantopithecus.
*if it's still alive*
@Ryan Lajara That aside, it is not impossible that a yeti could exist, it's just unlikely that it's related to the Gigantopothecus, since it would probably have trouble surviving in the cold heights of the Himalaya Mountains...
We don't know with any certainty how silly or not any of that is.
@@LJ-ej3fv Whoever said the cold heights? Why not the lush, jungle himmilayan valleys where most sightings and print finds take place?
They moved to Oregon and Washington like everyone else is doing.
Time Machine: You have Arrived (Computer generated voice)
Partner: Do you see anything
Me: yes
Partner: What is it?
Me: it's time to leave now
Partner: Why?
Me: Remember king Kong?
Spot on! That's classic 🏆
Lol. Write a movie! I so want to read after that 😭
@Alfredo hmmm... 🤔 not even a chuckle or slight snicker?
Alfredo no one cares
@Samueldedieu Then say something funny
*”oh I’m the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle V.I.P”*
"I've reached the top, I had to stop, and that's what's botherin' me"
@@riaramirez4733 "I want to be a man, man-cub, and stroll right into town
And be just like those other men"
@@sydneybrown9239 I'm tired of monkin around
Wither Soldier oh shoobie doo I wanna be like you I wanna walk like talk like you
@@Constantine7564 you see it’s true ooo an ape like meeee can learn to be human tooo
“Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
An ape like me
Can learn to be humen too”
R.I.P King Louie
Hey, Genghis Khan's pp, how are u doing down there?
dont worry he survived
I think they even referenced Gigantopithicus in the live action remake
@@stanstanstan2597 referenced? King Louie IS a Gigantopithecus is the live action adaptation
I can’t imagine how cool and terrifying they would be
now imagine a giant chimpanzee
@@calamortaimagine a gorilla mixed with chimpanzee mixed with orangutan mixed with Gigantopithecus
@@calamorta you mean an angry gorilla?
is it because you are blind like your profile picture implies?
"what does a 500-kg primate eat?" anything it wants...
Big bananas
@Strength of the Wild exactly yooo. I wanna be strong enough to knock a bear out cleaned instead of having a laptop
haha such an original comment
Mario And Love Ya PlushMasters a gigantopithecus can kill a fully grown bush elephant? lol of course not. Review your comment. A gigantopithecus is not the strongest mammal on land. Lol you’re dumb
King kongs
It went extinct because it was eating C4, obviously.
I’m Just imagining all of them exploding at once
Ik I'm kinda late but I liked your comment before I watch the plant part and now I'm BIG BRAIN
Rush hour ?
Thought you meant plants that utilize a C4 photosynthetic cycle
“We need Kong. The world needs him.”
Lmaoo 💀
"Mmmm Monke."
@@driptennyson1024 look at this monke looks at this monke sooo huge
You know, when I went to the zoo, I noticed that gibbons, who are similar orangutans in lifestyle and physique, walk around on their hindquarters with their arms raised over their heads, which I found hilarious. Now the image of a giant orangutan with its arms dangling over its head is just terrifying.
Fool Slayer You're just walking through the peaceful woods when all of a suddenly this thing comes up from behind you, walking by. Instant heart attack
@Corvo@AZ Bigger than Bigfoot
John Wang Very-Bigfoot?
Orangutans do the same thing on occasion. It’s funny but also kind of weird.
Rosie Low Biggerfoot?
I still find it mind blowing how we can figure out all this stuff out from just teeth and jaw fossils, but I love science for it.
its basically speculation and connecting the few dots archeology offers... basically they guess alot
That’s why every 50-100 years half of it’s proved wrong
Guess is a bad way of putting it. There is a backlog of patterns being drawn from. We are only really aware of the mistakes. The number of times these hypotheses are found to likely be correct is far more numerous.
@@oscard.lisboa6105 It's paleontology not archeology for starters, and teeth are probably the best source of information you can get. Their size and shape is actually linked to the size of the animal, their structure and remaining chemistry will tell you their eating habits and the kind of environement they lived in, their developement will give you an estimate of the age of the animal and more. Teeth are just a wealth of knowledge. Also as a side note for others, they're no such thing as "half of it gets proven wrong every 50-100 years" knowledge is gained, things are corrected, but it's actually pretty rare when things are discovered to be straight up wrong
@@adraen5942 still speculation tho
That poor tiger is going. "Leave me alone you big bully!!!" lol.
Then, the gigantipithicus ate it
@@danedupuy5356 and than King Kong ate the Gigantipithicus
Orange Soda then, godzilla ate king kong
Alphew` but then, an ant ate godkong
@@danedupuy5356 then the anteater ate the ant
"What does a 500-pound ape eat?" The obvious answer is "Anything it wants to."
Over 1000 pounds.
Over 9000!!!
500kg. That's 1100lbs.
About 80 bald eagles, for our American friends
What does a 500kg primate eat?
What ever the hell it wants to.
But mostly I see them at the IHOP or Walmart in the cookie section. They seem to always break the auto carts.
Savage. I likes.
Too bad that this comment is stolen, for the most part
Edward Gross Australopithecus
Feels bad man
We all know it's just King Louie
He did confirm that he's an extant Gigantopithecus
Can i have some rubax ?
Shoo be do
@@benh1496 I wanna be like yoo ooo oooh
This is ridiculous
that Gigantopithecus
would be talkin'
like Christopher Walken
how magnificus it would be
Idk why there so many dislikes this is cool
Anthony Hopkins
@@michaelyu2744 A gigantopithecus like him
“Like nothing you’ve ever seen” I have in fact seen The Jungle Book, so checkmate lady
Lady: 😦
I'd like to know about the first fungi on land, what they did to land and air, and what they were when they were in the oceans. Thanks for asking.
Hey, great minds think alike! Look for an episode on this very topic in the coming weeks! (BdeP)
Hope to see Prototaxites there!
You are the sauce which is awesome.
I'm so looking forward to this 😍
What did the mushroom say to the other mushroom? ... I’m a fun-guy! Eh? Eh? 🙃
Please do an episode on mimicry and aposematic creatures! The fact that some animals have evolved body shapes, colors, patterns and even appendages for the sole purpose of camouflage or signalling of some sort is unbelievably fascinating to me.
I demand this episode
Dem octopussies tha change in2 uvva animuls n dat
binky2819, sounds interesting idd
But humans are the most mysterious animal.
Q. What does a 500 kg primate eat? ... A. Anything it wants to.
Even pineapple pizza?
Especially pineapple pizza, as all living creatures should have the opportunity to.
You got there before me.
Just ask your average american
"Give me the C4."
"Wait what? We don't have explosives."
"Oh I mean the plant."
Perhaps the plant is explosive...
@@merrickfernandez4734Its Called a
Somebody had to go there, right?☑️?THX
Oh, how magnificus it would be...
A gigantophitecus like me~~ can learn to be like someone like youu uuu~~
Oobidoo I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you, talk like you
I wanna use that flame just the same as you can do
Rather superfluous commenticus
"A gigantoficus like me..."
I love the thumbnail. Tiger says “nope nope nope nope nope…”
And then humans showed up like stab stab fire burn. and no more gigantopithecus.
Big Falcon Rocket no more climate change came and said "get out of my house" and the street of the universe are dangerous mate
Shere Khan saw King Louie.
Tiger wants none of that.
Damn if you lose your teeth they know everything about you
Edit: corrected my spelling
Please explain what 'losing you're thoot' means dude
@@skooter__ teeth. Loosing your teeth.
@@samregis3651 Dude calm english is not my first language
@@samregis3651 You're wouldn't work anyways. You're is you are. Your is showing possession.
"The question is, what does a 500kg primate eat?"
The answer? Whatever it wants.
Bambú, lots and lots of bambú
Rats. Someone beat me to it.
Definitely not because it was too slow to catch any prey animals. As this video said, they were plant eaters (like modern apes).
@@srobeck77 apes are omnivores just like their closest living cousins, homo sapien. They'll eat anything that they can grab onto, plants, insects, termites even monkeys too. They need that instant protein.
@@muizrahim861 incorrect, gorillas are herbivores, not omnivores
Yes… But what about the extinct giant lemurs? Please do an episode on them.
Also, do one on the very early evolution of primates, including both Strepsirrhines and Haplorhines.
Extinct Madagascar mega fauna in general.
For a brief moment I fought you were about to say: What about the droid attacks on the wookies?
I like how they not only teach you the content, they teach you how the content was discovered on this channel, and that teaches you a lot about the anthropological scientific process. It also installs trust and provides evidence for those who might be doubtful.
My suggestions for future episodes:
* The rise of grass and how it transformed ecosystems and animal evolution.
* Early crocodilians, which were surprisingly diverse.
* The rise of social insects like ants, wasps, and bees.
* Entelodonts and "hell pigs."
* Terror birds.
* Top five biggest mysteries of the history of life.
* Just for fun, a history of dinosaurs in movies (now we have another Jurassic Park film coming).
walt776 +
walt776 +
Ooooh yes I agree! Eons needs to do an episode on social insects!!! The genetics of them is really neat!
And how humans were domesticated by wheat.
The region that it lived in modern South East Asia. Despite having a reputation as being rain soaked and water logged many portions of the region are quite dry and the mountains produce C4 type plants. This fits in with the suspected habitat, and it was most likely a mountain/hill dwelling land creature that bordered on the wetlands. Fun fact, they existed at the same time as some of the earliest known human ancestors of the region.
Arebu singaporean or filipino?
The Rock Apes of Vietnam.
Imagine being a human in that time seeing a 11 ft angry ape face to face 🦧
your way of speaking is very clear
It’s very sssshssssh though
except when you say epoch
Big foot has now been confirmed.
I've thought for a long time that 'Big Foot, 'Yeti', et al., are just evolved australopithecines. It's been shown, as in the case of the recently discovered living coelacanth, that a gap in the fossil record doesn't prove a species went extinct.
@Jerrol Hale aaarrgh!
Rex_ Rhett
I think they are still around, their is alot of places on Earth that is not used or discovered.
@Jerrol Hale the wookie is Australia's version of bigfoot called the yowie!
Brantley - .
.there are NOT alot of places that are undiscovered
Could you talk about terror birds or early human ancestors? That would be great!
Got your request
No bird tho
@@Jacob-sb3su word
Gnomes liked to ride em
Both your wishes have been fulfilled
Me at 3am: Aight I should probably go to sleep
Also me at 3am: Big Monke
Once again, being a giant sucks when massive climate change happens.
Leila Smith yet for some reason animals never seem to learn. BEING BIG SUCKS!
A good point about the dinosaurs thriving for so long. We humans are small compared to them and we appeared just 200k years ago, but the way we're going we might be on our way out. So size in this case tells us nothing, when we can be one of the species with shortest existence.
Leila Smith It’s an advantage when the climate is colder-large mammals maintain their body temperature than smaller animals.
Graham Strouse You're referring to square-cube relationship, but it has diminishing returns, of course; you will reach a size where your circulatory system is not performing optimally.
Ike Rants yes but consider this dinosaurs are awesome
Love the videos please keep up the great work !!!!
your welcome
Joe Vinski best rapper alive yea
To bad this video is 20 years out of date Gigantopithecus Black.. 10 years ago they worked out Gigantopithecus Black walked on two legs and its face was more pushed in like a humans face.. And the big one , may of died out only 1500 years ago in south china...Also, some think the story of sun wukong was based on a living Gigantopithecus Black t, This story was written by mocks 1300 years ago..
Joe Vinski La Controverse de Valladolid est un livre dans lequel Jean-Claude Carrière parle de la situation des indiens d’Amérique en 1550. A l’époque, un grand débat avait eu lieu afin de savoir si les indiens étaient au même niveau que la race humaine ou est-ce qu’ils étaient des êtres inférieurs. Ce débat fait suite au massacre important des indiens d’Amérique que les Espagnols avaient effectué à l’époque.
Les événements contés dans La Controverse de Valladolid se déroulent dans un couvent. Dans une pièce, certaines personnes ont été réunies pour débattre de la situation et du statut qu’il faut donner aux indiens d’Amérique.
On retrouve le frère dominicain Bartolomé de Las Casas ainsi que l’historien et théologien Juan Ginès de Sépulvéda. D’autres personnalités importantes comme le légat du pape, envoyé de Rome, et le supérieur du couvent sont présentes. Il y’a deux camps. Celui de ceux qui considèrent que les indiens d’Amérique ont une âme et celui de ceux qui soutiennent que les indiens d’Amérique sont inférieurs à la race humaine. Il est à noter que cette rencontre a eu lieu à la demande de Charles Quint, qui était à l’époque l’empereur des deux mondes, et du Pape Jules III.
Le frère dominicain Bartolomé de Las Casas défend la théorie selon laquelle les indiens d’Amérique étaient des créatures de Dieu. Selon lui, ce sont des êtres comme les espagnols et possèdent des âmes comme tous les êtres humains. De l’autre côté, l’historien et théologien Juan Ginès de Sépulvéda n’est pas du tout de cet avis. Selon lui, les indiens d’Amérique ne sont pas des descendants d’Adam et Eve. Il avait même écrit un livre où il défend sa position. La publication de ce livre dépend de l’issue du débat de la controverse. En effet, si à la fin de la réunion, les indiens d’Amérique ne sont pas considérés comme des enfants de Dieu, le livre sera publié. Dans le cas contraire, il ne pourra pas être publié.
Dans la Controverse de Valladolid, chacun des participants prend la parole pour défendre sa position. C’est Las casas qui intervient le premier. Il parle de la situation des indiens d’Amérique après la colonisation de leurs terres par les espagnols. Il évoque le mauvais traitement qui leur est infligé par les colons. D’après ce qu’il a vu, beaucoup d’atrocités sont commises sur le peuple amérindien.
Vient le tour de Sepùlveda qui défend sa position contre les indiens d’Amérique. Dans son discours, il affirme que ces indiens sont des créatures que Dieu ne reconnaît pas. Pour lui, s’il y’a la guerre, c’est uniquement par la volonté de Dieu. Donc à ses yeux, il s’agit d’une lutte légitime.
Les deux personnages ont donc soutenu des thèses opposées. Les arguments évoqués par l’un réfutent les arguments de l’autre. Un fait intéressant dans ce livre est qu’on retrouve une analyse vraiment approfondie de certains thèmes phares. Les indiens étant au centre de cette controverse, tout ce qui leur tourne autour est analysé. On débat de leurs religions, des dieux qu’ils adorent. On aborde aussi leurs potentialités artistiques, les types de maisons dans lesquels ils vivent. C’est en quelque sorte une autre manière de découvrir les indiens d’Amérique à travers le livre de Jean Claude Carrière. Ceci permet à tout le monde de se faire une idée sur ce peuple un peu mal connu.
Si les deux antagonistes avaient des avis différents, ils s’entendaient au moins sur un fait : toutes les âmes doivent être sauvées. Le salut des âmes était très important et primordial aussi bien pour Las Casas que Sépulvéda.
Un moment important de la controverse est celui où des indiens sont introduits dans la pièce. Ils sont au nombre de quatre. On retrouve une famille de trois personnes (le père, la mère et l’enfant) et un jongleur. Ils sont examinés sous toutes les coutures. On les fait passer par différents tests. Comme s’ils étaient des animaux, on les sent et on les touche . Il est demandé au jongleur de jongler. Des bouffons sont même introduits dans la pièce afin de voir quel est le degré d’humour de ces êtres. Durant tout les temps que les quatre indiens sont présents dans la pièce, on a cherché à voir s’ils ressemblaient véritablement aux êtres humains.
La décision devait revenir au légat du Pape. C’est lui qui devait juger si oui ou non les indiens d’Amérique étaient des enfants de Dieu. Il a été envoyé uniquement pour ce but. Les arguments de Las Casas et de Sepùlveda sont étudiés par le légat du Pape. L’intervention des indiens d’Amérique au cours de la controverse, permit au légat du Pape de se faire une idée sur la manière dont ces indiens vivent.
Avant que le légat du Pape ne prenne une décision, il a écouté les deux partis. Las Casas ayant été lui en Inde a pu donner des exemples de ce qui se passait réellement en Inde. Exemples à l’appui, il a montré de manière très réelle, les atrocités commises sur le peuple des indiens. Il a réussi à démystifier les différentes rumeurs que les gens balançaient sur le peuple indien sans qu’ils ne se soient rendus une seule fois en Inde. Sépulvéda quant à lui, n’ayant pas des exemples concrets s’appuie sur la force qu’il avait d’argumenter et de faire de la rhétorique. Très calme, il défendait sa position. L’un de ses arguments les plus poignants est celui où il montra que les indiens étaient des sauvages parce qu’ils faisaient des sacrifices humains.
Si Sépulvéda était très calme et menait de façon posée son argumentation, Las Casas lui s’emportait de temps en temps. Il coupait parfois la parole à Sépulvéda pour donner des contre-exemples. Durant la controverse, deux styles très différents se sont opposés.
Finalement, le légat du Pape donna sa décision. Au nom du Pape ainsi que celui de toute l’Eglise, il déclara que les indiens étaient des créatures divines qui possédaient une âme. Ainsi, il est du même avis que Bartolomé de Las Casas. Les indiens doivent alors être mieux traités et leurs conditions doivent s’améliorer. Mais le légat du Pape sait aussi que cette décision aura d’énormes répercussions sur le plan économique. En effet, les indiens représentaient pour le peuple espagnol une main d’œuvre intéressante et peu coûteuse. Vu que les indiens ne peuvent plus être réduits en esclavage, lé légat du pape demande alors à ce que les colons utilisent les esclaves africains. Les africains étaient considérés comme ayant moins d’humanité que les indiens. Ceci permettra aux colons d’avoir toujours une main-d’œuvre à exploiter. Las Casas n’était pas de cet avis. Mais lorsqu’il voulut intervenir une fois encore, on lui signifia que ce n’était pas le sujet de la controverse de Valladolid.
"Now you might think it's ridiculous
That me, a gigantipithicus
Would ever dream I'd like to team
With the likes of you, mancub.."
Kudos to the Disney song writing team for trying to rhyme "gigantipithicus".
Beat me too it..
Scrolled comments 20s in to find the top Louie reference. 😁
I thoroughly appreciate the “wooo-wooo” noise for the scanning animation.
Whoever made jungle book knew this!
You mean the book or the movie? The book talks of orangutan which is highly unlikely since they only live in the island of Borneo and not in India.
There is no orangutan in the book
The new shite movie
Yeaaaah that's where I heard it :>
These videos are always amazing. Todays audio and music was especially spot on.
William Sims do you know the name of the music?
No the audio is horrible you can hear her mouth moving too much, mic too close or sensitive its very off-putting
I don't know about the other 7 billion of us but I'm currently in bed watching videos. Thanks for asking
Im doing the same 3 months later
3 months later
3 months later
3 months later
3... months... later?
Her voice is so pleasant to the ears.
The host kinda has that Deb from Napoleon Dynamite vibe going on.
William Weaver LMAO that ponytail definitely doesn't help 😭
Vote for Pedro and Deb!
Bless her heart, her sinus voice and lisp drives me nuts. I wish they fixed her voice post process
She could prolly drink whole milk cuz she so skiny.
*throws banana*
Throws ARK player
John von Shepard Damn it beat me to it
+TheArmedDodo lol
*Thank you!* I've been reading about Giganthopitecus since I was a kid and I've always wanted to know about it. Honestly, I first thought of it as an oversized gorilla, but now I know! You're doing amazing work.
I had a problem with one of the illustrations of Gigantopithecus, the one where it is standing there eating foliage. The background looks like a modern day rubber plantation in South East Asia. (I live in Malaysia so it struck me as being obviously familiar) Just look at how uniformly spaced the trees are, and it just sticks out as being planned, not the way a jungle or forest would look like.
Could you guys do a video about the cretaceous polar forest of Australia and Antarctica, or about the Azhdarchidae ? These are subjects that are so rarely talked about and I'm sure you would show how interesting they are.
I really loved this video, this channel is so good !
That episode of Walking with Dinosaurs was my favorite! Leaellynasaura is still my favorite dinosaur.
same, it was certainly the most original out of the series
It’s amazing how much we can find out from teeth and jawbones
Yes but the way she explains is boring and lecture type
Davis Hatler I mean yeah but u know how much they got wrong so no it’s not that amazing. It probably looked so much different
Its evening more amazing that all that evidence could've been wiped out by Chinese people.....
A bunch of theories that people get paid to come up with
@@c4call the tooth science is indisputable and proven. The part that's iffy is assuming you know when it died out when there are so few fossils to begin with. Maybe it just didn't leave a fossil that anyone has found yet for the last 100,000 years
Discovery Chanel: its a huge ape that is extinct
A child: no he just went to the jungle book and became king Louie
Interesting trivia in the most recent Jungle Book, they upgraded him to a Gigantopithecus, which justifies his large size.
Suprised nobody roasted this dude for his name
Imagine walking through the prehistoric jungles of Asia and just hearing an enormous booming “UH OH STINKY”
I have one tamed on Ark survival 😂😂
Tperry182324 exactly i love them in ark 😂😂
@@ZEROMT02 not when u use the spyglass
I have two I make them stand in front of my vault like security guards 😂
Tperry182324 lol same
Same, his name is Biggy🤣🤣🤣
Such an underrated channel. Please do a video on fungi evolution. Mycology is my absolute favorite
Wait what...? A whole video and a whole comment section without any mention of Jungle Book's Louie?!
exactly my thought when I read the title
Aciebel lmao I was about to write one about it
Aciebel or Bigfoot lol
Haha! I always wondered why he was so big... Now I know!
I wanna be like you
What happened?
Spotify offered him 100 mil and he left us. 😐
Joe rogan
Can you do an episode on dromaeosaurs? Raptors are awesome.
I'm tired of dinosaurs. Give the other eras some love!
Ryan the Raptor Guy I live raptors, sucks that jurassic park portrayed veloceraptors as dinocychus
Doesn't it suck more that Deinonychus was portrayed as Velociraptors? I mean, Velociraptor isn't particularly interesting but Deinonychus is badass. I mean, the opening scene in Jurassic Park with Dr. Grant's speech about it's claws was all clearly about Deinonychus seeing as it's name means "terrible claw".
They died because they didn't have mans red fire duh 🔥
Ellis Saunders, man’s red flower. Not red fire.
No, they died because they were eating those C4 plants. And they exploded.
Eric Stoverink C4 does tend to do that
King Louie uses “fire” and “flower” interchangeably throughout the song
Ellis Saunders I’ll let that slide since you’re hot..
PBS: "What happened to the World's Greatest Ape?"
Me: We invented the internet, I guess
We're not gigantopithicus 🤔
@@DankestDestroyer1098but we are the world's greatest ape
Gigantopithecus was also the likely ancestor of King Kong and his species, according to behind the scenes info for the 2005 remake
I look forward to these videos everyday Monday!
Excellent video of an amazing creature. The hostess I mean. Nah just kidding. Lol but she was fine. Ha.
I would love to see an episode about the Ice Age megafauna of Australia! Diprotodon, Thylacoleo, ect.
We are still here
Explains it's diet, greens and fruit. Shows images hunting a tiger..
It may have been self defense.
Or defending a youngling
@Nate Smith lol
If it wanted to I’m pretty sure that giant could eat a tiger😂
This channel is freaking amazing. Makes me want to go and play some Ark Survival
@@liminallilac Classy.
It’s just wanted to be like youuuu and walk like you and talk like youuuuu
Chill Gigantopithecus louii
You know it's truuuue.
Someone like meeee
"What Happened to the World's Greatest Ape?"
I'm right here brah
Your not a gigantopithicus 🤔
@@DankestDestroyer1098 maybe he is?
@@DankestDestroyer1098 what if, he is
Sweet! Well done! I was aware of this ape but I knew nothing about it until now. Was that a guest appearance of a moose about half way through?
It seems that it is a moose! The chocolate variety is my personal favorite.
Practical Paranoia yes. Like da ones in da UP.
Steven Baumann
Steven Baumann was
It’s king Lou
Trust me I’ve played ark they’re pretty dangerous .
Hahaha same
it just bugs me that they've made the giganto a goofy bigfoot instead of a menacing giant gorilla
Kallie is awesome. Apart from the great content, her voice makes me want to listen.
LOVED this - thank you PBS!
I'm so glad there is people that do the research for us bc you know I can't imagine how long it took for them to come up with that conclusion ever since the man bought the tooth back then. ?
Another good one! Thanks!
Fellow Neckbearder! It's good to see another fedora user out there, not enough around these days as they're being hunted by cringe compilations, but we're in this together! Science and truth shall be our sword and religion our enemy...
Though I agree with the sentiment, especially in your last sentence, I don't put all that much into my fedora (pun intended!). I wear what I wear, as I see fit, because I enjoy it & the image it gives off. If others don't like it, I say,..."HAH!" Or, tough! Or, if they're particularly annoying, well, you get the drift! Carry on with what does it for you, my brother, & "nolite te bastardes carborundorum!"
Keep on living my brotha
The last Gigantopithecus was caught on camera in the Indian jungle where it lived quite comfortably amongst the ruins of an ancient city. It really tried very hard to adapt and become like us. It could talk and sing reasonably well, and acquired the nickname Louie - strangely it sounded a lot like Christopher Walken 😉 Sadly it vanished under a heap of collapsing ruins. It's not known if it survived it's first rendezvous with a juvenile homo sapiens.
The Jungle Book lmao
@@sin9037 😉
@@sabineb.5616 🤓❤
These videos r fantastic and very informative - but I just wanted to add that you’ve such a lovely and comforting voice, a joy to listen to!! :) xx
Agreed. Quite remarkable really.
Amazing to think that these guys were still around for some of the early modern humans in Asia... must have been terrifying to come across those even if they were peaceful.
Peaceful?? I kinda doubt it
Makes you wonder if pockets of them survived long enough to interact with humans and that's where our yeti and Bigfoot legends come from....
I don't know if yeti and Bigfoot are just a legend some people said they saw Bigfoot
I remember fighting one of this fellas in sekiro
I punched one in Ark as well
Im still here guys
Still waiting to find out when and where insects came from. What ocean dwelling critters evolved the ability to transition from water to land. When did they do this in relation to the vertebrates? Everyone seems to gloss over this bit of evolution. We go from fish with proto legs and variations of lungs to amphibians and other early arthropods. But every image depicting these creatures show recognisable insects flitting around primitive vegetation.
Maxx B BBC Life in the Undergrowth episode 1 covers it pretty well
Scorpions had legs long before fish. They also made it to the surface first.
thats not true. there's quite a bit out there on ancient arthropods moving onto land.
The evolved from crustaceans.
T75 False
I wish if they could clone it back
Me too... If it was contained
Imagine if humans came from these apes instead of the apes we came from.. we would all look like steroid users 😂
Magic avocado im agree with yoy
I’m sure we already can
So it could terrorize New York and run off causing harm nooope
Your videos are amazing! I’ve watched some over five times already (huge fan of life on earth series). I get so much inspiration from your videos for my classes, please keep up with the great work! Hint: would just love an animated tectonic history of the continents throughout the phanerozoic, including bio-connections and ruptures. Would be a great tool for teaching!
"Plants in hotter climates are called C4"
One press of a button and half of the southern united states will blow up
I'd really love to see something about late Permian flora and fauna, for some reason I don't feel like I know as much about them as with other periods.
This was really cool! I love this Eons series. 👍🏽
Love this channel, they should do a video on pleistocene North America.
Gigantopithecus fossil also found in Semedo, Tegal, Indonesia.
"and for us fellow primates"
i bet a lot of Americans just gasped because of that information
What could go wrong?
BionicleSaurus screw what goes wrong. One animal escaping confined space would only cause minimal damage.
No cloning without DNA.
Clone it? I've seen that movie. If and when the ape escapes it'll climb the first skyscraper it sees. Mark my words lol
Anthony Price king jr lol
He lives on in our hearts.
PBS Eons: "What happened to the world's greatest ape!!"
GODZILLA: He fought me and lost.
It became the prime minister of the UK in December 2019.