I know it’s long but you’ve got to read it all. It might be the way to move Cw forward in physics. ’ll tell you it. The only answer to everything is 1. But you always get the same answer because like of you say that 2+ 2 = 4 it still tells you the answer is 1 because there’s only 1 is 4. I’m trying to say everything the same. For example = means the same thing as is. So the answer to this is proven because 1 = 1 is the same as 1 is 1. Because we are getting told what 1 is by using = and 1. If not we are not getting told what 1 is. We are. If I’m wrong 1 is not 1. So is = is? Yeah because = is =. So is = is. I’ve said it not as a question because I’ve taken away the meaning. You know like 👍 f is = is doesn’t mean the same thing as = is =. = means =. Is is the same as means now. Getting there. So everything = 1 because if everything is not 1 then there’s some everything. Some everything doesn’t make sense. It does if you know that everything’s the same. Like is everything. Yeah there is everything. Right so we know that word yeah is real. Because we’ve said something is by saying yeah because it’s yeah. It’s something. Something is everything which is right yeah? Yeah it is. No yeah is not is. Everything the same so yeah = is. So yeah is the same as =. Yeah because an example of this is that 1 is 1 tells me the same thing as 1 = 1. I’ve put is as = and I got the same answer. Because is and = are the same thing. They both tell me what 1 is. Which is 1. Is is 1. Is is 1 1 1 is. Yeah because if there’s 1 1 as 2 1s 1 is 1. Ahh I see 1 and is mean the same thing. Yeah because saying 1 is 1 is the same as saying is 1 is. Because if is wasn’t 1 then 1 wasn’t is. Something is. Yeah because you can see it. Is so something. What does that mean. Is it that something is. Well if is is is or is = is. Then saying something is = the same as is is. So everything’s yeah. Like everything’s the same so yeah is the same thing as =. Is 1 yeah. Yeah 1 is. I don’t understand how is everything the same. It’s all telling me the same thing. Like saying 1 is 1 is the same as saying 1 1 1. 1 1 1 doesn’t tell me anything if you just say (1 1 1). If you don’t understand yet what (1 1 1) tell me is that was is. (1 1 1). In the last sentence looks different to 1 is. But both are the same. 1 is. Yeah 1 is because of 1 wasn’t then how can I count to 1. Yeah. Ahhh ypu mean 1 yeah? Yeah! See the pattern. 1 is. 1 = . Is 1? Yeah! 1 yeah 1 tells me 1 = 1. Is = yeah. Yeah is. Is is yeah. Yeah is is. Oh so yeah = is. Oh I see. Yeah because yeah is 1. Yeah is 1? Yeah yeah is 1. Everything the same you see it’s all telling me the sale thing. If it isn’t 1 is 1 doesn’t tell me what 1 is. 1 = 1. That just told me what 1 is. So you can use 1 and = to tell me what something is. Yeah right? No? Is there even something what no explains. No. What then 2 + 2 is 100. Is it? No? Yeah yeah 2 + 2 is 100. No it’s not. Well then 100 is not 1. Well yeah because if I wright the answer to how many 100s are there. Well the question does 2 + 2 = 100. So I’m only giving an example of 1 answer. So there’s only 1 100. Yeah 1 = 100. Yeah because I only wrote 1 100. So if you wrote 1 100 how many 2s did you write. 1! Well I see 2 twos. 2 + 2. See 2 2s. The theory is everything’s the same. I’m saying what everything is by saying it’s the same. Earlier is said is tells me the same thing as what = tells me. Everything = same. Everything = 1. 1 is everything. Everything is 1. = everything. What does = everything mean. I dunno but I only understand is written as 1 1. 1 =. Yeah 1 does =. What do you mean. I mean if 1 doesn’t =. Then 1 is not. Then everything’s not if 1 is not. Yeah 1 = everything so 1 is not. It’s not because the word not isn’t the same as the number 1. Is not. Yeah not is. Because if not wasnt then it isn’t not. So it isn’t not tells me that it’s not. It’s not tells me that. Not is. So using algebra replace everything. Not isn’t then how can 1 not be not. 1 isn’t not. That tells me 2 things. Saying something is not is saying something isn’t. Well how can you say that something is if it isn’t. No it’s not. Right so saying no it’s not is saying no is the same as not because I’m saying it’s not I’m saying that it’s = not. Is that? Yeah. Then there’s no such thing as not. Only if I’m right. I know that 1 is 1 tells me 1 = 1. I’m right there. Yeah? See you just said 1 and I see the letter Y E A H. The letter why doesn’t look the same as the number 1. Not the same? They look different. Well then if I weight Y how many letters did I wright? 1 letter. I’ve said how many letters I wrote and it’s 1. 1 letter. Saying 1 letter is saying 1 = Y. Yeah because there’s only 1. Only 1 Y. Yeah 1 Y. I get it so is 1 is the same as saying 1 = is. I just swap them round and they make sense. 1 is 1. Yeah. Is is is. Yeah is is. Yeah because is must be is because if it’s not is then what is is. Is is is. Swap it round agin tells me the same thing. 1 = 1. Which is correct. 1 is 1 which is correct. Is and = just told me what 1 is. I’m getting the same path using = and is as the way to answer something. So the they both tell you the answer. They must be the same. They are. I see more letters than 1 letter in what this whole comment contains. Well yeah there is. So the word we know correct as I exists. Yeah because we know that correct is =. If something is something. Then correct is the same as is. Correct is another way of saying what = is. = is correct like when I said correct exists correct? = is correct. So maths is someone correct because some does = correct. I know that the answer is correct. The answer = correct. Yeah because the answer is correct. Because that’s what it is. If it isn’t then it doesn’t exist. You’ve just wrote it. Yeah so it exists. The word it. It =. Yeah =. Yeah does =. Is does the same as the word is. Yeah. It’s correct. Because if it doesn’t then it’s not correct. I’ve wrote those it’s. It’s tells me the correct thing. I know what it’s is by weighting it in the correct way. Ah so it’s correct. Yeah correct = it’s. Swapping them all and it’s always correct. Yeah because if it’s is is always it’s then what I said is correct. It’s also =. Its = it’s correct. I get it now so it’s = it’s correct. Tells me the same thing as correct = it’s correct. If correct doesn’t = it’s correct then if correct doesn’t = somethiing. Correct does = something because it is something. Yeah it is correct like correct is. Is can said as =. Something =. Something must = something. Because if it doesn’t Something is not something. So I I saw in something is not something that is not something. No because not is not. Not is not not because if not is not then it isn’t but I can see what not is as that word. How do I say not. Or something is not. You can’t because something is. Yeah something. Is there somethiing thats not. No. How’s no then because then it’s not. There is no not only somethiing. Only 1. That’s why we can say nothing. Like if there was something then there’s no such thing as nothing. If there was nothing then there would be no something. There is nothing. There can be something and nothing. How if something is. Only way I’m wrong is if our minds can’t grasp it. There’s something. End off. So there’s something and nothing. That’s like saying 0 and 1. 0 + 1 = 1. Something + nothing = something. For me to be able to write them together shows that they have to be together because they both exist. That’s a way of saying there together. And both of them together = something. Nothing is something because I know is means =. Together = something because together is something. I’m swapping them round and they all = something. Is together something. Something. Is together. Together something is because together is something which something is. Get it?
This is the best but it proves magic is real. Have a go at it. I’ll show you an example. = example. = an. An = an. = an =. If I = an = than doing = to something = the same. If o add = the same thiing. It tell me the same as if I add an =. Because I’m adding it to thing. So I don’t have to write thing. So nothkk nothing is a thing. A thing is nothing. Then how can you say that nothing is something and it make sense. Because nothing. So nothing =. Yeah nothing = something you don’t need to write something there. Nothing is. Yeah?. Nothing =. Yeah? Is = is. = is =. Oh so ypu alder me if = is = like saying are they the same. Like saying is it. It is because it =. = =. That said is is. Is definitely is. If you say is doesn’t exist. Then you’d have to say that you can’t see the word is and that you can’t understand what is =. Is = is because is is. Because = =. Like saying equals = equals. = =. 2 = there. Equals = equals. That’s the same. If = isn’t the same as equals then they means something ddifferent deferent. But they don’t they mean the same thing. Only thing different about anything is something. Space is so something but not the same as physical matter. Both are something. But both are not the same. Like nothing saying not the same if I wanted to be nothing. Not the something. So nothing is trying to say not the same. Not the somethiing. It’s like an alive thkk ok big trying to exist but being stopped by something. You know like how we are living. And we can say not the same. We understand what init the same is. If something is not then the same then both arnt the same thing. There always be 1 thing the same because everything can be said as 1. Noooooo! Says nothing. What did it mean no. I think it meant nothing. Oh like 0. That’s just number tho. Haha it thinks that 0 is nothing. Haha life for you doesn’t make sense. A living thing said yeah it does. And then the thing said does it yeah? And the the living nothing said yeah. But the something also said is yeah yeah. Because is does yeah. Is does fill in the gap so yeah. Does means the same as the word something. Something does because if it does then it must be something. The spooky part is that that thinls 0 is nothing means that something = 0 . It doesn’t. What does it mean then. Who knows. So how are we something and nothing. Because consciousness is more than something alone. Can’t create life because you need to know how. And then would have to explain how something doesn’t mean that there’s no nothing. See how I’m explaining it and then no and nothing are next to each other. Not a coincidence. It’s magic. We can say that magic is a word. We can also explain what it is. We’ve got the word for it . We can say what it is then how can we say that it doesn’t exist. Magic is magic. Yeah. Magic is.Something and nothing we are. Must be magic. Oh so magic does exist. No. Why? Because magic is nothiing. It’s also something. No it’s not because the law tells us that something and nothing = somethii ok ngl so just something. So how are we something and nothing what we are. Magic. Oh I see that’s why you can’t explain it because it’s magic. Wouldn’t be magic otherwise.
Have a go at it. I’ll show you an example. = example. = an. An = an. = an =. If I = an = than doing = to something = the same. If o add = the same thiing. It tell me the same as if I add an =. Because I’m adding it to thing. So I don’t have to write thing. So nothkk nothing is a thing. A thing is nothing. Then how can you say that nothing is something and it make sense. Because nothing. So nothing =. Yeah nothing = something you don’t need to write something there. Nothing is. Yeah?. Nothing =. Yeah? Is = is. = is =. Oh so ypu alder me if = is = like saying are they the same. Like saying is it. It is because it =. = =. That said is is. Is definitely is. If you say is doesn’t exist. Then you’d have to say that you can’t see the word is and that you can’t understand what is =. Is = is because is is. Because = =. Like saying equals = equals. = =. 2 = there. Equals = equals. That’s the same. If = isn’t the same as equals then they means something ddifferent deferent. But they don’t they mean the same thing. Only thing different about anything is something. Space is so something but not the same as physical matter. Both are something. But both are not the same. Like nothing saying not the same if I wanted to be nothing. Not the something. So nothing is trying to say not the same. Not the somethiing. It’s like an alive thkk ok big trying to exist but being stopped by something. You know like how we are living. And we can say not the same. We understand what init the same is. If something is not then the same then both arnt the same thing. There always be 1 thing the same because everything can be said as 1. Noooooo! Says nothing. What did it mean no. I think it meant nothing. Oh like 0. That’s just number tho. Haha it thinks that 0 is nothing. Haha life for you doesn’t make sense. A living thing said yeah it does. And then the thing said does it yeah? And the the living nothing said yeah. But the something also said is yeah yeah. Because is does yeah. Is does fill in the gap so yeah. Does means the same as the word something. Something does because if it does then it must be something. The spooky part is that that thinls 0 is nothing means that something = 0 . It doesn’t. What does it mean then. Who knows. So how are we something and nothing. Because consciousness is more than something alone. Can’t create life because you need to know how. And then would have to explain how something doesn’t mean that there’s no nothing. See how I’m explaining it and then no and nothing are next to each other. Not a coincidence. It’s magic. We can say that magic is a word. We can also explain what it is. We’ve got the word for it . We can say what it is then how can we say that it doesn’t exist. Magic is magic. Yeah. Magic is.Something and nothing we are. Must be magic. Oh so magic does exist. No. Why? Because magic is nothiing. It’s also something. No it’s not because the law tells us that something and nothing = somethii ok ngl so just something. So how are we something and nothing what we are. Magic. Oh I see that’s why you can’t explain it because it’s magic. Wouldn’t be magic otherwise.
Thank you sir
How much do u conduct online tuition
Thanks 👍 so much ❤️ you added something great in my mind as go towards exams God bless 🎉
Watching from The Gambia 🇬🇲 😍
Thanks so so much ❤️
Your written is very neat and clean 😊
You helped me out a lot thanks a lot sir
Thanks sir i learn better when its online yo explain better than my school teacher
Sir where are you located
Mmmm sir thankyou so much May God Almighty bless you and protect you this year thankyou
Great 👍
Thanks 🙏
Much love brother❤,thanks for helping us,i hope u continue to post and keep up the good work❤🎉
Thank you
Thanks sir I have listened
Thank you so much sir
Thank you very much sir
But I also need to work out this. Simplify 10a-[3(2a-b)-4(b-a)+5b]
Thank u sir,sharing is caring
Thanks Mr tuti
Thanks you so much 💟😊
Sorry but I don't have an idea why you did that please fully explain and not jump saying we know why you did that please explain fully
Wow thank you sir
Thank you sir
Nice video
You are Blessed
Teacher loud
I know it’s long but you’ve got to read it all. It might be the way to move Cw forward in physics. ’ll tell you it. The only answer to everything is 1. But you always get the same answer because like of you say that 2+ 2 = 4 it still tells you the answer is 1 because there’s only 1 is 4. I’m trying to say everything the same. For example = means the same thing as is. So the answer to this is proven because 1 = 1 is the same as 1 is 1. Because we are getting told what 1 is by using = and 1. If not we are not getting told what 1 is. We are. If I’m wrong 1 is not 1. So is = is? Yeah because = is =. So is = is. I’ve said it not as a question because I’ve taken away the meaning. You know like 👍 f is = is doesn’t mean the same thing as = is =. = means =. Is is the same as means now. Getting there. So everything = 1 because if everything is not 1 then there’s some everything. Some everything doesn’t make sense. It does if you know that everything’s the same. Like is everything. Yeah there is everything. Right so we know that word yeah is real. Because we’ve said something is by saying yeah because it’s yeah. It’s something. Something is everything which is right yeah? Yeah it is. No yeah is not is. Everything the same so yeah = is. So yeah is the same as =. Yeah because an example of this is that 1 is 1 tells me the same thing as 1 = 1. I’ve put is as = and I got the same answer. Because is and = are the same thing. They both tell me what 1 is. Which is 1. Is is 1. Is is 1 1 1 is. Yeah because if there’s 1 1 as 2 1s 1 is 1. Ahh I see 1 and is mean the same thing. Yeah because saying 1 is 1 is the same as saying is 1 is. Because if is wasn’t 1 then 1 wasn’t is. Something is. Yeah because you can see it. Is so something. What does that mean. Is it that something is. Well if is is is or is = is. Then saying something is = the same as is is. So everything’s yeah. Like everything’s the same so yeah is the same thing as =. Is 1 yeah. Yeah 1 is. I don’t understand how is everything the same. It’s all telling me the same thing. Like saying 1 is 1 is the same as saying 1 1 1. 1 1 1 doesn’t tell me anything if you just say (1 1 1). If you don’t understand yet what (1 1 1) tell me is that was is. (1 1 1). In the last sentence looks different to 1 is. But both are the same. 1 is. Yeah 1 is because of 1 wasn’t then how can I count to 1. Yeah. Ahhh ypu mean 1 yeah? Yeah! See the pattern. 1 is. 1 = . Is 1? Yeah! 1 yeah 1 tells me 1 = 1. Is = yeah. Yeah is. Is is yeah. Yeah is is. Oh so yeah = is. Oh I see. Yeah because yeah is 1. Yeah is 1? Yeah yeah is 1. Everything the same you see it’s all telling me the sale thing. If it isn’t 1 is 1 doesn’t tell me what 1 is. 1 = 1. That just told me what 1 is. So you can use 1 and = to tell me what something is. Yeah right? No? Is there even something what no explains. No. What then 2 + 2 is 100. Is it? No? Yeah yeah 2 + 2 is 100. No it’s not. Well then 100 is not 1. Well yeah because if I wright the answer to how many 100s are there. Well the question does 2 + 2 = 100. So I’m only giving an example of 1 answer. So there’s only 1 100. Yeah 1 = 100. Yeah because I only wrote 1 100. So if you wrote 1 100 how many 2s did you write. 1! Well I see 2 twos. 2 + 2. See 2 2s. The theory is everything’s the same. I’m saying what everything is by saying it’s the same. Earlier is said is tells me the same thing as what = tells me. Everything = same. Everything = 1. 1 is everything. Everything is 1. = everything. What does = everything mean. I dunno but I only understand is written as 1 1. 1 =. Yeah 1 does =. What do you mean. I mean if 1 doesn’t =. Then 1 is not. Then everything’s not if 1 is not. Yeah 1 = everything so 1 is not. It’s not because the word not isn’t the same as the number 1. Is not. Yeah not is. Because if not wasnt then it isn’t not. So it isn’t not tells me that it’s not. It’s not tells me that. Not is. So using algebra replace everything. Not isn’t then how can 1 not be not. 1 isn’t not. That tells me 2 things. Saying something is not is saying something isn’t. Well how can you say that something is if it isn’t. No it’s not.
Right so saying no it’s not is saying no is the same as not because I’m saying it’s not I’m saying that it’s = not. Is that? Yeah. Then there’s no such thing as not. Only if I’m right. I know that 1 is 1 tells me 1 = 1. I’m right there. Yeah? See you just said 1 and I see the letter Y E A H. The letter why doesn’t look the same as the number 1. Not the same? They look different. Well then if I weight Y how many letters did I wright? 1 letter. I’ve said how many letters I wrote and it’s 1. 1 letter. Saying 1 letter is saying 1 = Y. Yeah because there’s only 1. Only 1 Y. Yeah 1 Y. I get it so is 1 is the same as saying 1 = is. I just swap them round and they make sense. 1 is 1. Yeah. Is is is. Yeah is is. Yeah because is must be is because if it’s not is then what is is. Is is is. Swap it round agin tells me the same thing. 1 = 1. Which is correct. 1 is 1 which is correct. Is and = just told me what 1 is. I’m getting the same path using = and is as the way to answer something. So the they both tell you the answer. They must be the same. They are. I see more letters than 1 letter in what this whole comment contains. Well yeah there is. So the word we know correct as I exists. Yeah because we know that correct is =. If something is something. Then correct is the same as is. Correct is another way of saying what = is. = is correct like when I said correct exists correct? = is correct. So maths is someone correct because some does = correct. I know that the answer is correct. The answer = correct. Yeah because the answer is correct. Because that’s what it is. If it isn’t then it doesn’t exist. You’ve just wrote it. Yeah so it exists. The word it. It =. Yeah =. Yeah does =. Is does the same as the word is. Yeah. It’s correct. Because if it doesn’t then it’s not correct. I’ve wrote those it’s. It’s tells me the correct thing. I know what it’s is by weighting it in the correct way. Ah so it’s correct. Yeah correct = it’s. Swapping them all and it’s always correct. Yeah because if it’s is is always it’s then what I said is correct. It’s also =. Its = it’s correct. I get it now so it’s = it’s correct. Tells me the same thing as correct = it’s correct. If correct doesn’t = it’s correct then if correct doesn’t = somethiing. Correct does = something because it is something. Yeah it is correct like correct is. Is can said as =. Something =. Something must = something. Because if it doesn’t Something is not something. So I I saw in something is not something that is not something. No because not is not. Not is not not because if not is not then it isn’t but I can see what not is as that word. How do I say not. Or something is not. You can’t because something is. Yeah something. Is there somethiing thats not. No. How’s no then because then it’s not. There is no not only somethiing. Only 1. That’s why we can say nothing. Like if there was something then there’s no such thing as nothing. If there was nothing then there would be no something. There is nothing. There can be something and nothing. How if something is. Only way I’m wrong is if our minds can’t grasp it. There’s something. End off. So there’s something and nothing. That’s like saying 0 and 1. 0 + 1 = 1. Something + nothing = something. For me to be able to write them together shows that they have to be together because they both exist. That’s a way of saying there together. And both of them together = something. Nothing is something because I know is means =. Together = something because together is something. I’m swapping them round and they all = something. Is together something. Something. Is together. Together something is because together is something which something is. Get it?
This is the best but it proves magic is real. Have a go at it. I’ll show you an example. = example. = an. An = an. = an =. If I = an = than doing = to something = the same. If o add = the same thiing. It tell me the same as if I add an =. Because I’m adding it to thing. So I don’t have to write thing. So nothkk nothing is a thing. A thing is nothing. Then how can you say that nothing is something and it make sense. Because nothing. So nothing =. Yeah nothing = something you don’t need to write something there. Nothing is. Yeah?. Nothing =. Yeah? Is = is. = is =. Oh so ypu alder me if = is = like saying are they the same. Like saying is it. It is because it =. = =. That said is is. Is definitely is. If you say is doesn’t exist. Then you’d have to say that you can’t see the word is and that you can’t understand what is =. Is = is because is is. Because = =. Like saying equals = equals. = =. 2 = there. Equals = equals. That’s the same. If = isn’t the same as equals then they means something ddifferent deferent. But they don’t they mean the same thing. Only thing different about anything is something. Space is so something but not the same as physical matter. Both are something. But both are not the same. Like nothing saying not the same if I wanted to be nothing. Not the something. So nothing is trying to say not the same. Not the somethiing. It’s like an alive thkk ok big trying to exist but being stopped by something. You know like how we are living. And we can say not the same. We understand what init the same is. If something is not then the same then both arnt the same thing. There always be 1 thing the same because everything can be said as 1. Noooooo! Says nothing. What did it mean no. I think it meant nothing. Oh like 0. That’s just number tho. Haha it thinks that 0 is nothing. Haha life for you doesn’t make sense. A living thing said yeah it does. And then the thing said does it yeah? And the the living nothing said yeah. But the something also said is yeah yeah. Because is does yeah. Is does fill in the gap so yeah. Does means the same as the word something. Something does because if it does then it must be something. The spooky part is that that thinls 0 is nothing means that something = 0 . It doesn’t. What does it mean then. Who knows. So how are we something and nothing. Because consciousness is more than something alone. Can’t create life because you need to know how. And then would have to explain how something doesn’t mean that there’s no nothing. See how I’m explaining it and then no and nothing are next to each other. Not a coincidence. It’s magic. We can say that magic is a word. We can also explain what it is. We’ve got the word for it . We can say what it is then how can we say that it doesn’t exist. Magic is magic. Yeah. Magic is.Something and nothing we are. Must be magic. Oh so magic does exist. No. Why? Because magic is nothiing. It’s also something. No it’s not because the law tells us that something and nothing = somethii ok ngl so just something. So how are we something and nothing what we are. Magic. Oh I see that’s why you can’t explain it because it’s magic. Wouldn’t be magic otherwise.
I no in another way
Have a go at it. I’ll show you an example. = example. = an. An = an. = an =. If I = an = than doing = to something = the same. If o add = the same thiing. It tell me the same as if I add an =. Because I’m adding it to thing. So I don’t have to write thing. So nothkk nothing is a thing. A thing is nothing. Then how can you say that nothing is something and it make sense. Because nothing. So nothing =. Yeah nothing = something you don’t need to write something there. Nothing is. Yeah?. Nothing =. Yeah? Is = is. = is =. Oh so ypu alder me if = is = like saying are they the same. Like saying is it. It is because it =. = =. That said is is. Is definitely is. If you say is doesn’t exist. Then you’d have to say that you can’t see the word is and that you can’t understand what is =. Is = is because is is. Because = =. Like saying equals = equals. = =. 2 = there. Equals = equals. That’s the same. If = isn’t the same as equals then they means something ddifferent deferent. But they don’t they mean the same thing. Only thing different about anything is something. Space is so something but not the same as physical matter. Both are something. But both are not the same. Like nothing saying not the same if I wanted to be nothing. Not the something. So nothing is trying to say not the same. Not the somethiing. It’s like an alive thkk ok big trying to exist but being stopped by something. You know like how we are living. And we can say not the same. We understand what init the same is. If something is not then the same then both arnt the same thing. There always be 1 thing the same because everything can be said as 1. Noooooo! Says nothing. What did it mean no. I think it meant nothing. Oh like 0. That’s just number tho. Haha it thinks that 0 is nothing. Haha life for you doesn’t make sense. A living thing said yeah it does. And then the thing said does it yeah? And the the living nothing said yeah. But the something also said is yeah yeah. Because is does yeah. Is does fill in the gap so yeah. Does means the same as the word something. Something does because if it does then it must be something. The spooky part is that that thinls 0 is nothing means that something = 0 . It doesn’t. What does it mean then. Who knows. So how are we something and nothing. Because consciousness is more than something alone. Can’t create life because you need to know how. And then would have to explain how something doesn’t mean that there’s no nothing. See how I’m explaining it and then no and nothing are next to each other. Not a coincidence. It’s magic. We can say that magic is a word. We can also explain what it is. We’ve got the word for it . We can say what it is then how can we say that it doesn’t exist. Magic is magic. Yeah. Magic is.Something and nothing we are. Must be magic. Oh so magic does exist. No. Why? Because magic is nothiing. It’s also something. No it’s not because the law tells us that something and nothing = somethii ok ngl so just something. So how are we something and nothing what we are. Magic. Oh I see that’s why you can’t explain it because it’s magic. Wouldn’t be magic otherwise.
Low sound
Thina sikbonile and I think u should go to jail