This is such an important issue. Both environmentally and financially. I have been trying to live by this recently, and there is only advantages to it.
61, Vegan for over 6 years and it has been life changing. I’d love to see a debate between any carnivore and Dr Caldwell Esselstyn or Dr T Colin Campbell.
I grow 50% of my food in my backyard garden and have apple and pear trees. Some of that gets frozen and used during the winter months. I also forage sometimes for leaks and wild mustard . Have chickens for fresh eggs.
N=1 Here. I was vegan 2 years and vegetarian plant based the next 10 years. I regret every minute of it. Never felt better in my life since trying carnivore last fall. I support local farmers and butchers and do not eat factory meat. I eat meat and Im very happy. No disrespect to plant based friends. I wish you health and happiness.
Happy for you. Yet why so absolute? There is many space inbetween vegetarian and carnivore. I’ve tried both too but realised human evolution mainly points towards an omnivore diet. Just curious, not attacking or anything as I have been there too.
Same here, although I don't regret eating whole plant based foods for two years, it just didn't work for me. I'm eating meat, animal fats and of course vegetables (low glycemic vegetables) mostly green and I feel incredibly better, now I sleep very well and overall feel absolutely great! In my experience it has a lot to do with your nervous system type. The common denominator is removing junk food from your diet, seed oils, all kinds of sugars and flours. Before trying any diet remove junk food completely from your diet.
So thick we could cut it with a knife. Yet, everyone practised diplomacy & respect. THAT is what a great host generates & supports. Excellent conversation!🏆 Bravo!
yo this is a really good episode. Ive been vegan for 2 years now and for me my health improved immensely, my friend tried it and lost muscle and bad weight and got sick. everyone is different and this episode is just awesome. much love guys
Going vegan is not about health, its a ethical stance. You can be vegan and live off of chips and Oreos. If you want to change for health you must do whole food plant based. I suspect your vegan friend was not doing it the healthy way.
@@sevnhana2898 There is no point in being vegan if your health is compromised. I've done veganism the roght way for 2 years and it still didn't work for me.
Rebel Blossom I almost died on a vegan diet. No, it wasn’t done incorrectly unless the nutritionist and doc I worked with were idiots. No, I didn’t survive on Oreos and crisps. Within a year, I became deficient in iron and calcium. Oh, and ruined my thyroid. But those are facts that some vegans are unable to accept and you are apparently one of them.
So glad I searched "carnivore" today. I'd have missed out on this INCREDIBLE channel. WOW! Impressive! NEW SUB here! GREAT job keeping the group focused, functional & diplomatic - all whilst discussing a potentially polarizing subject. BRAVO!!
This was a great episode. I am very interested in nutrition, gardening, cooking and being very healthy. I found it interesting that no one talked about balance in what you eat. Just like in life, I believe balance is good for most people. There are people who have true medical issues and they need certain diets to help them live a healthy lifestyle. A few years ago, I began my journey into raised bed gardening. Once you realize what chemical free, fresh vegetables should taste like, you will be hooked! You will also find great joy in seeing your hard work pay off. Quite thrilling to pull a carrot out of your very own garden.
Great episode guys! I was veggie and then vegan for a total of 4 years - in the end, it wasn't right for me and I was loading up on all sorts of fresh juices and salads each day, but my health was deteriorating. The high carb approach just wasn't working. Although, I believe it helped in the first year or so and acted as a kind of cleanse from how I was previously eating. It wasn't until I reintroduced high-quality meat and fish back in and removed all grains that I saw a significant improvement to the health symptoms I was experiencing. Around this time I also became aware of how certain plants can be toxin (e.g. nightshade vegetables) especially if you have gut/autoimmune issues. So it's certainly not black or white as a lot of vegans would have you believe (me being one of them back in the day). It's a sensitive subject that's for sure. We all need to do our own thorough research on the subject, not just go along with whatever documentary is currently trending. If in doubt, work with a nutritional therapist/functional medicine doctor to tailor the right diet for you.
Mr. Dr. Paul Saladino, you are a CHAD💪 To stand your ground and speak up, in a room full of ppl disagreeing w you, and to even call out his point and when he does get called out "I don't want to get to you into the weeds about that"
But he denied he knows Professor Bart Kay, they have spoken many times, and Professort Bart Kay put a youtube video dedicated for him, which is a must view.
It must be hard speaking out in a room when you know you’re wrong about everything you believe in, and you’re speaking to people who truly know what they are speaking about.
I got goosebumps when Rich spoke up about the ethics of animal agriculture. It’s not just about killing animals, it’s about torture and environmental issues as well.
They clearly aren’t irrelevant, because food and diet can involve higher and direct suffering, or lower and indirect suffering. Where suffering is concerned, lower is clearly better. You can choose to wilfully ignore this, but it is ridiculous for you to try and look down on those who aspire to lower suffering. If it all doesn’t matter, then stop being so vocal about it and just live your life 😂
Mello.B33 - I’m not actually a vegan, just someone who recognises truth. You care an awful lot about this, which baffles me when you state that you believe life is all about suffering. In that case, think of yourself only and ignore the rest of us. You sound like you’ve had a rough life, and I’m sorry to hear that.
@@mello.b3373 I love how you can't provide a single peer-reviewed scientific study on the level of a cohort study or meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials that shows a whole food plant based diet increases your risk of all-cause mortality. All you're doing is talking out of your ass and arguing from nature and tradition. Our ancestors raped and shit in the woods. Why don't you get off the internet and live in a cave if you really care about our ancestors and what they did that much? We're opportunistic eaters. We can eat a variety of things from both sides of the spectrum and not necessarily die right away. That doesn't mean we don't still have an optimal diet for longevity. We aren't in an ice age right now or foraging for food anymore wondering where our next meal is coming from. How come you carnivore lovers don't eat road kill like a vulture or see a squirrel running in the road and tackle it? You are such cherry-pickers with this shit.
my thinking is no specific diet works for everyone. We all have allergies and lifestyles that range so much. You just have to find what's right for you personally. IMO
After listening to UA-cam videos constantly for 9 months, I only learned 2 things for certain. No processed food and no sugary drinks. I believe abstaining from those two class of junk gets to about 70% to good health. The remaining 30% is so controversial.
I was vegan for two years and lost fourteen pounds and felt great....until I didn't. I was craving meat all of a sudden so after some deliberation I ate some red meat and loved it! I then cut way back and went slowly back to eating a standard American diet....which is crap. With the shutdown due to the virus, I gained back all of the weight due to eating a lot of sweets, especially at night. I went on a low calorie, low carb diet and started losing the weight. After having a stomach bug for two days I quit the sugar. I have progressed to doing keto with great success, got to my goal weight and feel really good. I'm dealing with chronic headaches and migraines which are triggered by numerous foods, including caffeine. I'm now down to a cup of green tea a day with the goal of quitting entirely. I'm also considering trying full carnivore if I am still having pain without caffeine for some time. I think cutting out grains is the most important and beneficial thing I've done for sure, including sugar....which is the devil. I'm very knowledgeable about foods that trigger migraines so if anyone needs advice or has questions, hit me up, I'm glad to talk!
Dr Paul Saladino you're the man! thank you everyone else also but I believe 110% that the carnivore diet is the proper human diet and how educated and professional Dr Paul Saladino is and how fit and healthy he is from the inside out shows that as he is glowing ! :D
The thing that vegans never understand is that growing plant food kills animals. I'm an organic farmer. I kill a variety of animals every single day growing plants. Animals and insects eat plants. Animals and insects live in the habit in which we grow; the farm. Just to dumb it down a bit, if I was to kill one elk, I could survive an entire year on that one single Animal. When you harvest 10 acres of wheat or corn, you're killing thousands of Animals throughout that process, with via habitat displacement, pest issues, toxicity even from organic pesticides , harvest, processing, storage, etc. A vegan diet kills more animals than a strictly carnivore diet, its not even close.
What do you think the animals eat? 😂 We produce more plants for livestock than humans. Choosing vegan is choosing to do the least harm; most vegans I know realize it's impossible to be perfect.
Paul put all these people to shame with all his facts and knowledge they were all truly dumbfounded by his true knowledge and he was the only one that looked the youngest and healthiest of them all ☺️, Paul has Great, Great skin complexion, the one guy who is an athlete who was strict vegetarian his skin is pretty much just hanging on him
I never liked any meat since I was a kid. I don’t label my self but I guess I’m closest to a vegetarian. I love salads and at 63, I’ve been in good health.
Little did you know... well they started saying that a vegan, a carnivore and an omnivore sounds like the stunts of a bad joke. Very good episode, and you acted as a very good mediator.
Well I’d argue that the overall health of our environment should take precedence above literally everything else considering it impacts everyone’s health.
Rich Roll is awesome. I would love for you to have another show talking about the affordability of a healthy diet and have a more diverse panel. May I recommend Jasmine Leyva, Ron Finley (Gangsta Gardening), vegan rapper Grey, and/or DJ Cavem
@@CScott-wh5yk YES! It’s awesome to have you remind me of my comment. I’m actually moving to a high raw vegan now. My husband became mostly plant based, kids are vegetarian and vegan 🌱 after they told me they would never change. Thanks for asking!!!
It sounds to me that there is no one right way to eat. Our way of eating must be personalized to our individual bodies and health. on another note: I can definitely understand why the tension in this room is palpable. Reasons we eat the way we do go far beyond simply eating. All in all, trying to find the best way to eat is very discouraging sometimes.
Hi Minimalists - I am putting on weight when older but slim when young - my Dad keeps buying me food and eating too much bread - when i first became minimalist I lost about 10 kilos 83 kg down to 76 kilos. I also did try plant based milks as well, I decided to drink water and tea, and found out all these smoothies have fillers and even fruit was going off - i chucked out so much food and bad stuff - then I found shortbread and tea was nice relaxing way to lose weight and it was so easy - I chucked out all these supplements - chucked all the old clothes - bought all sports gear new - my physio she recommended a stainless steel bottle and walking and japanese diet - lately I was back to consuming meat - it could be that I was influenced by the supermarket - I prefer walking and having an ice cream small size and drinking more water - diluted juice - got rid of the bags and the old shoes - the old me - journey to health - i liked Dr Oz and Daniel Plan as well - will start on my birthday.
With very limited time, I've resorted to a local meal prep company that has been instrumental in improving my dieting habits. Everyone has a different circumstance and I'm ok not cooking my meals if I know that they're being prepared to my standards.
While I mostly follow a plant-based diet, I agree with Saladino that the numbers of greenhouse gas emissions have been exaggerated. As Saladino correctly states, there's a whole cycle to gases like methane. That doesn't of course mean that eating farm meat is ethical nor healthy. And unfortunately, that's most of the meat sold and consumed worldwide.
I heard that your blood type determines what type of diet best suits you. Like me, I'm O type, so low carbs and animal proteins work best. So to argue what diet is best is kind of waste of time, everyone is different.
@@adamawakening4551Have you been on the "one optimal diet" and what has been your experience? Since you mention Dr. Chaffee, I assume you think Carnivore is the optimal diet. I agreed as I have been on it for 9 months. I got on the train from watching Paul, Frank, Chaffee, Mykaela, and a few doctors. I don't think it's a bad diet, I just don't think it's the best diet. And some of the hardcore Carni advocates will straight out warn you about it. I have developed gallstone pain, electrolyte issues, rash, and itchy skin due to bile dysfunction, and frequent urination that irritates the shit out of me. I'm a generally healthy person and when years ago I was on a vegetarian or low-fat diet, I did have unpleasant health issues on the same scale as Carni but just different. I notice my body doesn't do well with carbs and fats (separately or together). No one size fits all diet. Although I am not a fancy academic like these doctors or a smarty pants like you, I know what I know at least anecdotally.
Wow 100% carnivore is what you also should feed your pet cats - they can't digest plants. Inuit people mostly eat what they catch or hunt, and forage. I just had to become vegan for intestinal reasons after 5 years of Paleo/Keto because of indigestible Protein. Diet needs may be hereditary.
I love the premise of the episode. The only thing I don't like is most people think that their beliefs and values are the correct ones. Most people don't think that everyone comes to their values on their own. I agree with factory farming is bad. That goes both for cattle ranching as well as soy bean production. Soybean production kills more animals. Yes I know it sounds strange but you really think about it there is so much more involved. Like habitat loss, water consumption too ground animals being tilled up in farm equipment. Im not saying soybean farming should be banned. Im saying commercial farming is bad. There is no such thing as cruelty free. We all agree feed lots are bad, thats easy to see. But what we dont see is a field where animals used to graze naturally was turning into a human food plot where chemical fertilizer and herbicides have been sprayed or put down to mass produce food to rot on shelves and then thrown into the garbage.
So how is the FAO an "independet Organisation" when it selfs describes on the website: The Animal Production and Health Division’s work is carried out by the Office of the Director (...) as well as with multi-stakeholders platforms and other groups, who guide the livestock sector towards more socially, economically and environmentally desirable outcomes.
It's interesting that the carnivore has only tried EXTREME diets, such as an all raw vegan diet. As a plant based athlete I'm not at all surprised to hear that it didn't work.
But monocrops are incredibly BAD for the planet. A store-bought vegan diet is more harmful to the planet (and animals and insects) than a 100% organic, pasture-raised carnivore diet ... just as a store-bought carnivore/omnivore diet is way more harmful than an organic, plant-based harvest grown in your own back yard. The food INDUSTRY is the culprit, regardless of what anybody eats. If carnivores and vegans got together on THAT message, then we could really change things.
I really would have liked to have heard Dr. Saladino talk about the animals killed, often brutally and slowly in the farming and harvesting of vegetables. Millions aof sentient animals get poisoned, shot, and torn to pieces by farm equipment. So, in terms of ethics there's a death toll regardless of what diet you chose. The biggest take-away should be to get off of the standard American diet.
#metoo Ryan, and how any monoculture sterilises the environment to grow only one product be it dairy, beef, honey, bananas, water, plants etc.. To misquote Rich we, individually and collectively, are reductionists and are easily misled into thinking reducing our intake by/to any one thing, will be our saviour. Humans, as biological beings, cannot exist on one 'product', we need air, water, food, connections etc. so what makes the growers assume their product is any different. I have seen quite a few documentaries now where the farmer 'gets out of the way' and encourages the land to regenerate naturally which allows the natural symbiosis of different species to occur thereby improving all aspects of the final product. And AND! a side benefit was that the farmer wasn't left broke trying to control nature, and didn't have to work as hard to get his 'new and improved' product to market. If only the consumer could be educated to prioritise healthy eating in the household budget and willingly pay the real cost of real food. To misquote Michale Pollan Eat real food, mostly local, not too much waste. Lead from the shopping trolly? Work with nature, not against it?
I couldn't agree more. As a hunter i get to hear all the ways I personally am cruel and killing defenseless animals. Then I kindly remind them that nature is far more cruel than I am. Weather eaten alive by Predators or starving to death, hunting them is Humane in comparison. Plus hunters fund conservation. Fees from the licenses pay for it.
Jo-anne, I don't disagree with you. I never suggested otherwise. In fact, I'm very much in support of Biodiversity, reducing monocropping, and regenerative farming practices. My point is that you can't eat anything, vegitables or meat, without sentient animals dying. So the ethical argument proposed by vegan advocates is vertually mute. In fact it could be argued that eating meat might be more ethical when calculating and comparing the number of sentient animals destroyed in the processing of meat and vegetables.
i want to tread lightly and cause the least harm. veganism is what's right for me. thank you, Joshua, for all you do in spreading the minimalist message.
I started with the veggie diet n the first thing I noticed was muscles were weaker n skin looked saggy: then I started meat diet n I noticed muscles got fuller n I knew I was stronger , n my skin literally filled out but not weight gain:
Yeah that’s was protein does for you. If you didn’t know, meat contains protein which is crucial for muscle development. Protein can also be found in nuts and seeds, if you want meat alternatives.
Animals are the "middle man" to nutrition. People can get the same nutritional components from plants, minus the ammonia, feces, tpa, saturated fat and cholesterol.
No. You're wrong. Not only is saturated fat and cholesterol not bad, but you're obviously biased towards meat and think of it only as mass-produced low quality meat, when that's not what any carnivores promote. We promote high-quality animal husbandry, keeping animals on their natural diet in good conditions. We don't have ruminant digestive systems, we have carnivorous scavenger digestive systems. It's literally that simple. We have evolved away from breaking down vegetation, it's the whole reason we evolved. Humans have had animal-based food for 2 millions years and have only very, very recently had access to huge amounts of plant/carbs. The Inuit and Massai on their ancestral diet have zero modern disease. Zero. All they eat is animals. Funny how people on purely meat diets have perfect health, but western people who eat the almost completely plant-based (SAD diet is plant based) are in shit health. I've been vegetation, vegan, keto and carnivore. Carnivore trumps them all by far and has literally cured life-long issues such as; Chronic anxiety, depression, skin rashes and acne, neuroticism, chronic life destroying gut pain is totally gone, all PCOS symptoms. My life is unbelievably better after going carnivore. Meat heals and you're ignoring real evidence if you say otherwise. You also didn't listen to the people in the podcast at all who had great results removing plant material.
@@trashukun3787 is a moron. Look at the peer review research, facts on leading cause of death in US and other countries that adopt high saturated fat diet, is heart disease from cholesterol as a result of saturated fat. All cultures and populations will longest living people, over 100, and high quality of life, eat little to no animal product, and have low to no heart disease, diabetes or strokes.
@@labbott3933 You're looking at epidemiological studies, not interventional. Epidemiology can be a terrible way to prove causation as it merely accounts for correlation. Saturated fats and cholesterol have been misclassified as bad because of the correlating foods that go with it. You may be able to blame a patty but in reality, the french fries, buns, and soda are accounting for the true cause of disease. Interventional studies (actually scientific and measurable) prove that animal-based foods are nutritious and whole. Plants on the other hand have evolved to produce toxins that can lead to chronic disease. If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, apes and humans separated at the time that we began predominantly eating animal foods when plant foods became sparse in Northern Africa.
Good nutrition needs a good nutritionists for preventive care as all of us are different. Health insurance should, in my opinion, should cover preventive care first, then medical. Better care for animals we eat should be fed no antibiotics or mistreated. Quality food in quality health out. All of us need to get involved in our health, stay away from junk food, smoking, to much drinking , practice good mental health for whole health and happiness.
Keep dreaming. Its unsustainable and killing this planet. Only reason why 8 billion people could have meat is with factory farming. Grandma isn't going to go out and shoot a deer. Neither are urban dwellers.
@@cobbb11 People don't necessarily have to hunt wildlife in order to avoid factory farming. Pasture-raised animal agriculture is sustainable and the animals can graze land that isn't suitable for plants. Also, if you watched the entire video, what's your rebuttal to Paul Saladino's response to greenhouse gases from animal agriculture not being a topic of concern?
@@benkimmel not sustainable for the whole planet, and still not ethical. And since Saldino is basically bought and paid for by the meat industry, why would I expect him to say anything even slightly critical of his cash cow (no pun intended)
@@cobbb11 Do you have sources that confirm that Saladino is bought and paid by the meat industry? Also, you didn't answer my question. What's your take on the data he brought up from the EPA and FAO?
@@benkimmel how about the fact that he is a psychiatrist and not even trained in a field that deals with nutrition and health? Send me a link to the references he claims. Don't feel lime googling right now.
Actually I think diet varies from person to person, people with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten, so they have to prevent it, some people are hypersensitive to specific foods, therefore should avoid it, some people have diabetes therefore maintaining glycemic control is more important...basically you should tailor diet to your health. If you're vegan find a solution to get proteins into your system., if you are non vegan try to include fibers and vegetables in your diet. If you're suffering from eating disorders , best to seek medical aid ..If you have autoimmune conditions remove inflammatory foods..because you need to know what is the root cause of your problem and how to address it. ' You are what you eat'
It’s interesting reading some of the comments referring to the “torture” of animals used for food. It would seem when reading some of these that we are hanging them while still alive or somehow taking joy in killing these animals. That is simply not the case, there is nothing to be gained form killing stressed animals and those who hunt are some of the most ardent conservationists and those who raise ruminant animals for food take great care to treat the animals well and raise them in a low stress environment. There are always exceptions of course but you cannot paint everyone with the same brush. Don’t believe everything you read or hear, do some real research and talk to some real people.
The problem is, gullible idiots see one video of a psycho farmhand ground and pounding a calf, and the light switch in their brain turns to "bad" and that's it.
Does being cruel to an animal (or torturing an animal) only happen before the killing? Or does it not happen during the killing as well? One can vote with their dollar on less cruel practices to get the same nutrients and calories by not paying someone to torture/kill someone who did not want to die.
Its kinda of odd: here we have „the secret“ which motivate us to believe more in ourselves, that make us ask the universe for more, more money, more success, more financial freedom. We have „the secret“ encouraging us to make vision boards to visionize what we want and where we want to be in the future. Then we have „minimalism“ which encourages us to get rid of the things we own, because it’s not helping us deal with what ever we are dealing with. It’s telling us that, we should not focus only in money and success, but focus in ourselves, in our families, in ourselves friends. It’s actually telling us that having too many things is not making us happy. It’s kind of confusing.
So in the begging Joshua is talking to Dr. Wood. Joshua asks Dr. Wood, for those of us who don’t know the technology and the terms that these experts know, What the term “ endotoxins” are. And then Dr. Wood states these endotoxins are in your gut. “Gut” seems to be a very general term. So can we take it back a step even further and explain the term “ Gut” ?? Due to surgery, I no longer have a large intestine. It’s been suggested to me that “gut” refers to the large intestine. Is this to your knowledge, Dr. Wood, true? Because this opens a whole new can of worms of what to do, for people like me missing their large intestine, where in the large intestine supposedly some important functions occur.
I loooove Paul …… I am lucky to have been raised on offal specifically liver and I crave it…. I eat it with bacon and duck eggs and feel so much better. It’s the cheapest part of my diet .
It seems like if we eat healthy we really don’t know exactly where the food is actually coming from, and we can’t be really sure of where meat is true my sourced from. It’s all very confusing. It’s hard trying to find good quality meats and fresh produce.
Wish the host would’ve not interrupted so much about his own personal experiences and let the guests talk more at length about the points at hand. I’m surprised at how patient the guests were each time they were interrupted just so the host could ramble on about his n=1 anecdotal experiences
Such a great podcast! Highly recommend. As Paul Saladino refers to the green house gas emissions by animal agriculture as documented by the EPA and FOA, I highly recommend you go read through the data on those websites. Rich Roll’s comments are actually more accurate.
@@star-warsienblaming livestock is a cover up created by Big Oil. That’s why people like Bill Gates are also heavily invested in fake meat and plant based foods. Fossil fuel companies put more input into monocrops-synthetic fertilizer. People are unrealistic about what food is available thanks to global food supply systems. Eating local is best. Ethical hunting and fishing is best. Growing some stuff is good but good luck doing that in the winter or keeping pests away in season. Plants don’t have a detox system like animals do. Even with all the crap livestock in animal agriculture get put in them they can detox. Pesticides on plants stay on the plants and get into the body. We’ve been psychologically conditioned by industries over the years through commercialization. It creates a mind/body disconnect. Walk around in nature anywhere. Do you see fruits and vegetables growing or do you see animals and fish? Saladino has more medical training and he’s considering anthropology. Yes, doing things like our ancestors does make sense. Everyone else in the room seems to be speaking anecdotally. Roll had a health scare and went vegan. The mediator looks weak and skinny. The other doctor? He seems fairly biased. I admire Saladino’s conviction. He’s also tried more different diets than the others for the sake of experimentation.
Interesting debate, humans are highly adaptable and so different that there is no ultimate diet I would say. Although it's sad to hear people prioritizing their needs over the life of others. Also, Have you ever discussed the relation between veganism and minimalism as social movement and human evolution towards simple and ethical living? Thank you :)
It's very disappointing that they didn't cover the environmental issues regarding animal agriculture properly, and it's a shame that Rich wasn't prepared with knowledge about specific studies, because Paul came with some very misleading numbers. When he said that greenhouse gas emissions would drop by 2.6% in the US if ruminants are removed, he's referring to an absolutely ridiculous study that assumes everyone will eat 4700 calories every day, and even then it's still using optimistic estimates as to how much damage methane actually does. And then he says it would be catastrophic if we removed all our ruminants, when in fact we're using up a vast amount of space that we could instead give back to nature to help grow natural habitats instead of destroying them and help increase biodiversity again instead of decreasing it. You can't trust what Paul is saying when it comes to the damage of animal agriculture.
Such a cringeworthy episode, goodness! My blood pressure is up. Did Paul and Rich even make eye contact the whole episode? 🙌🏼🙌🏼Rich Roll, I appreciate your vibe so much and value your presence and ALL that you offer! Thanks for representing! ♥️🥬🥦 New fan, I LOVE how your content enriches my life!
Interesting podcast Josh and Ryan 🙏🏻 I highly recommend two authors that have given me tremendous value - Nutritionist Colin Campbell ‘The China Study’ and Dr M McGregor ‘How Not to Die’.
China study book is a complete lie, if you take the published report numbers it shows the inverse relationship between meat intake and all cause mortality. The numbers used to publish that book was a subset of the data and was cherry picked to support their view. Pure propaganda.
Thanks for your opinion. These books have helped me tremendously with my health complications. I’m now living an infection and pain free life thanks to their advice on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. So grateful to be on this minimalist journey. Thank you J & R 🙏🏻
@@bishamuesmus301 how can that even be possible? And whatabout all other data we have on meat being linked to heart disease? I think you’re just uncomfortable with the idea of giving up meat and have scoured the internet for arguments against obvious data. There’s literally an argument to be found for literally anything on the internet. It’s a wild place. There’s people who think the earth is flat, that Australia isn’t real, that vegetables are bad for you, etc. I find it easy to believe plants are healthy due to. 1. Data 2. A comparison of our bodies vs that of our closest ape relatives who are all frugivores 3. The unethical aspect and grotesque nature of the meat industry. 4. The environment. Whatever Paul said in this is conplete bullshit. Cowspiracy was a bit off but a 2018 peer reviewed meta analysis found that eliminating all animal products would reduce global emissions by 28%
After abstaining from meat and consuming a plant based diet for the past year im feeling better now after consuming more meat once again, but just wanted to mention 2 people I know who ate alot of beef, one was my late father who raised his own farm beef and the other a friend same age as me, both after eating red meat for decades developed thick blood disease, also known as Polycyhemia Vera, and both needed blood draws........ Dr's believe heavy red meat consumption is responsible for the disease.
Polycythemia Vera is a disease that occurs when blood cell production faces a mutation. Unless you are blaming red meat for that mutation; where is the evidence? It doesn't make much sense. Mainstream healthcare will use red meat as the scapegoat for anything of course. There is no longer any critical thinking in healthcare; it is TOP-DOWN toe the line or get sued for trying something different unfortunately.
@Vladimir of Svalbard For the most part I agree bcoz I love steak, and always will.... I'm just recounting from some personal experiences. Too much of anything can be bad especially for some.
@@HCallahan You have to also consider other factors in their life. Did they smoke, drink, eat grains & sugar, etc.? I'd assume 1-3 of the above to be yes.
To say the the vegan diet tastes the best is strange, unless you thin that an omnivore can't eat vegan food... isn't the omnivore diet by definition the best in terms of choice... am I missing somethings?
Let's also try purchasing only what we will cook and eat.
This is such an important issue. Both environmentally and financially. I have been trying to live by this recently, and there is only advantages to it.
61, Vegan for over 6 years and it has been life changing. I’d love to see a debate between any carnivore and Dr Caldwell Esselstyn or Dr T Colin Campbell.
A statement I agree with: people need to learn how to cook.
a free instant pot for every household! i LOVE my instant pot!!
What about “love people and use thing” ?
I thought that was way more insightful in comparison lol
Aajonus Vonderplanitz would disagree.
@@loccdogg3965 Of course, that too.
I grow 50% of my food in my backyard garden and have apple and pear trees. Some of that gets frozen and used during the winter months. I also forage sometimes for leaks and wild mustard . Have chickens for fresh eggs.
Seriously goals, that’s so awesome!
Soooo cool!
Dr Paul Saladino your information has helped me. Carnivore transformed my Life.
N=1 Here. I was vegan 2 years and vegetarian plant based the next 10 years. I regret every minute of it. Never felt better in my life since trying carnivore last fall. I support local farmers and butchers and do not eat factory meat. I eat meat and Im very happy. No disrespect to plant based friends. I wish you health and happiness.
Happy for you. Yet why so absolute? There is many space inbetween vegetarian and carnivore. I’ve tried both too but realised human evolution mainly points towards an omnivore diet. Just curious, not attacking or anything as I have been there too.
@@GbizzGrassfed meat, raw organic honey, organic fruits, and raw grassfed dairies. Way to go and very sustainable
Strange that people who follow a carnivore diet don't look healthy then
Same here, although I don't regret eating whole plant based foods for two years, it just didn't work for me. I'm eating meat, animal fats and of course vegetables (low glycemic vegetables) mostly green and I feel incredibly better, now I sleep very well and overall feel absolutely great! In my experience it has a lot to do with your nervous system type. The common denominator is removing junk food from your diet, seed oils, all kinds of sugars and flours. Before trying any diet remove junk food completely from your diet.
I can feel the tension in the room and I wasn’t even there
So thick we could cut it with a knife. Yet, everyone practised diplomacy & respect. THAT is what a great host generates & supports. Excellent conversation!🏆 Bravo!
yo this is a really good episode. Ive been vegan for 2 years now and for me my health improved immensely, my friend tried it and lost muscle and bad weight and got sick. everyone is different and this episode is just awesome. much love guys
Going vegan is not about health, its a ethical stance. You can be vegan and live off of chips and Oreos. If you want to change for health you must do whole food plant based. I suspect your vegan friend was not doing it the healthy way.
@@sevnhana2898 There is no point in being vegan if your health is compromised. I've done veganism the roght way for 2 years and it still didn't work for me.
Rebel Blossom I almost died on a vegan diet. No, it wasn’t done incorrectly unless the nutritionist and doc I worked with were idiots. No, I didn’t survive on Oreos and crisps. Within a year, I became deficient in iron and calcium. Oh, and ruined my thyroid. But those are facts that some vegans are unable to accept and you are apparently one of them.
I can pretty much guarantee he was iodine deficient, vegans have to supplement iodine, most people don't seem to be aware of this.
@@ines.IR.rieger Absolute fucking lie lmao there is no way to become clinically deficient of calcium in a year.
So glad I searched "carnivore" today. I'd have missed out on this INCREDIBLE channel. WOW! Impressive! NEW SUB here! GREAT job keeping the group focused, functional & diplomatic - all whilst discussing a potentially polarizing subject. BRAVO!!
These guys are famous since at least 2015..
This was a great episode. I am very interested in nutrition, gardening, cooking and being very healthy. I found it interesting that no one talked about balance in what you eat. Just like in life, I believe balance is good for most people. There are people who have true medical issues and they need certain diets to help them live a healthy lifestyle. A few years ago, I began my journey into raised bed gardening. Once you realize what chemical free, fresh vegetables should taste like, you will be hooked! You will also find great joy in seeing your hard work pay off. Quite thrilling to pull a carrot out of your very own garden.
Dr. Tommy Wood looks so kind
He really is!
Thanks Rich Roll for being such a great representative for the whole foods, plant based diet.
Great episode guys! I was veggie and then vegan for a total of 4 years - in the end, it wasn't right for me and I was loading up on all sorts of fresh juices and salads each day, but my health was deteriorating. The high carb approach just wasn't working. Although, I believe it helped in the first year or so and acted as a kind of cleanse from how I was previously eating.
It wasn't until I reintroduced high-quality meat and fish back in and removed all grains that I saw a significant improvement to the health symptoms I was experiencing. Around this time I also became aware of how certain plants can be toxin (e.g. nightshade vegetables) especially if you have gut/autoimmune issues. So it's certainly not black or white as a lot of vegans would have you believe (me being one of them back in the day).
It's a sensitive subject that's for sure. We all need to do our own thorough research on the subject, not just go along with whatever documentary is currently trending. If in doubt, work with a nutritional therapist/functional medicine doctor to tailor the right diet for you.
You just had a bad vegan diet. When will people actually eat a balanced vegan diet?
@@samvandervelden8243 exactly!
@@samvandervelden8243It doesn’t exist.
Yup, if I go vegan, and abstain from meat for a long period, I start to lose hair....
You weren't vegan. You were just following a bad diet. Stop spreading no sense
Mr. Dr. Paul Saladino, you are a CHAD💪
To stand your ground and speak up, in a room full of ppl disagreeing w you, and to even call out his point and when he does get called out "I don't want to get to you into the weeds about that"
But he denied he knows Professor Bart Kay, they have spoken many times, and Professort Bart Kay put a youtube video dedicated for him, which is a must view.
It must be hard speaking out in a room when you know you’re wrong about everything you believe in, and you’re speaking to people who truly know what they are speaking about.
Speaks volumes how Dr. Salandino looks so much healthier than everyone else in the room…
Have you seen what he looks like now?
Not really, many vegans look far better, he looks wrecked in comparison
@@burger101fulcuz he is eating isnane amounts of fruit and honey. Those are high in fructose which speeds up aging. Its not the meat
@@BarabasCsaba7 Nah its him being white as hell and living right on the equator 🤣🤣
I got goosebumps when Rich spoke up about the ethics of animal agriculture. It’s not just about killing animals, it’s about torture and environmental issues as well.
They clearly aren’t irrelevant, because food and diet can involve higher and direct suffering, or lower and indirect suffering. Where suffering is concerned, lower is clearly better. You can choose to wilfully ignore this, but it is ridiculous for you to try and look down on those who aspire to lower suffering. If it all doesn’t matter, then stop being so vocal about it and just live your life 😂
Mello.B33 - I’m not actually a vegan, just someone who recognises truth. You care an awful lot about this, which baffles me when you state that you believe life is all about suffering. In that case, think of yourself only and ignore the rest of us. You sound like you’ve had a rough life, and I’m sorry to hear that.
i think eating carnivores would be most beneficial to me.actually
@@mello.b3373 I love how you can't provide a single peer-reviewed scientific study on the level of a cohort study or meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials that shows a whole food plant based diet increases your risk of all-cause mortality. All you're doing is talking out of your ass and arguing from nature and tradition. Our ancestors raped and shit in the woods. Why don't you get off the internet and live in a cave if you really care about our ancestors and what they did that much? We're opportunistic eaters. We can eat a variety of things from both sides of the spectrum and not necessarily die right away. That doesn't mean we don't still have an optimal diet for longevity. We aren't in an ice age right now or foraging for food anymore wondering where our next meal is coming from.
How come you carnivore lovers don't eat road kill like a vulture or see a squirrel running in the road and tackle it? You are such cherry-pickers with this shit.
Mello.B33 ...Because that was a great comeback to support your argument 🙄 Really shows your maturity & knowledge 👏🏻
This talk has blown my mind. I am trying to make ethical choices that has thought about the environment.
I wish the panel had been given more opportunity to talk.
my thinking is no specific diet works for everyone. We all have allergies and lifestyles that range so much. You just have to find what's right for you personally. IMO
Every other living species has one specific diet that they thrive on - but humans don’t? I mean I guess that’s possible, but idk.
This is the one maximal episode I wish I could get. But can't afford to pay a monthly fee just to access it.
After listening to UA-cam videos constantly for 9 months, I only learned 2 things for certain. No processed food and no sugary drinks. I believe abstaining from those two class of junk gets to about 70% to good health. The remaining 30% is so controversial.
A very wise observation. I’m sure all 4 of the gentlemen in this video can attest to the benefits of eating locally and growing your own food.
Paul Saladino is killing it here : )
I was vegan for two years and lost fourteen pounds and felt great....until I didn't. I was craving meat all of a sudden so after some deliberation I ate some red meat and loved it! I then cut way back and went slowly back to eating a standard American diet....which is crap. With the shutdown due to the virus, I gained back all of the weight due to eating a lot of sweets, especially at night. I went on a low calorie, low carb diet and started losing the weight. After having a stomach bug for two days I quit the sugar. I have progressed to doing keto with great success, got to my goal weight and feel really good. I'm dealing with chronic headaches and migraines which are triggered by numerous foods, including caffeine. I'm now down to a cup of green tea a day with the goal of quitting entirely. I'm also considering trying full carnivore if I am still having pain without caffeine for some time. I think cutting out grains is the most important and beneficial thing I've done for sure, including sugar....which is the devil. I'm very knowledgeable about foods that trigger migraines so if anyone needs advice or has questions, hit me up, I'm glad to talk!
You are attracted to caffeine because you aren’t eating carbs. Go back to whole food plant based
Dr Paul Saladino you're the man! thank you everyone else also but I believe 110% that the carnivore diet is the proper human diet and how educated and professional Dr Paul Saladino is and how fit and healthy he is from the inside out shows that as he is glowing ! :D
Pls watch biolayne
The thing that vegans never understand is that growing plant food kills animals. I'm an organic farmer. I kill a variety of animals every single day growing plants. Animals and insects eat plants. Animals and insects live in the habit in which we grow; the farm. Just to dumb it down a bit, if I was to kill one elk, I could survive an entire year on that one single Animal. When you harvest 10 acres of wheat or corn, you're killing thousands of Animals throughout that process, with via habitat displacement, pest issues, toxicity even from organic pesticides , harvest, processing, storage, etc. A vegan diet kills more animals than a strictly carnivore diet, its not even close.
What do you think the animals eat? 😂 We produce more plants for livestock than humans. Choosing vegan is choosing to do the least harm; most vegans I know realize it's impossible to be perfect.
70% of that corn/ soy are fed to the 80 BILLION land animals we breed and kill EVERY single year
I love Rich, I am an avid listener of his Podcast, but why did they not bring in a vegan doctor instead? Him with 2 doctors seems like an odd fit.
Most vegan docs don’t want a debate, especially those in the limelight and against Saladino.
I sure they could find a vegan doctor
Paul put all these people to shame with all his facts and knowledge they were all truly dumbfounded by his true knowledge and he was the only one that looked the youngest and healthiest of them all ☺️, Paul has Great, Great skin complexion, the one guy who is an athlete who was strict vegetarian his skin is pretty much just hanging on him
Yes because plant based is complete bullshit 😅
Exactly, Paul radiates health. Case closed.
I think the fact he's eating more fruits is part of the reason why his health is great! Fruits alone are very healing, and have so much nutrients.
I never liked any meat since I was a kid. I don’t label my self but I guess I’m closest to a vegetarian. I love salads and at 63, I’ve been in good health.
"if you deprioritize a good decision today you'll pay for your bad decisions later with interest" I love that. is that a personal quote?
Love you Paul Saladino!
This episode was way too short. Need a 3-4 hour version
36:09 “This offends our delicate westernized tastes.”
This is the best line in the video
Little did you know... well they started saying that a vegan, a carnivore and an omnivore sounds like the stunts of a bad joke.
Very good episode, and you acted as a very good mediator.
I should have liked to hear more from Tommy. His perspectives are much larger, in my opinion. We are on about diets here, not the environment.
Well I’d argue that the overall health of our environment should take precedence above literally everything else considering it impacts everyone’s health.
Rich Roll is awesome. I would love for you to have another show talking about the affordability of a healthy diet and have a more diverse panel. May I recommend Jasmine Leyva, Ron Finley (Gangsta Gardening), vegan rapper Grey, and/or DJ Cavem
Are you still vegan?
@@CScott-wh5yk YES! It’s awesome to have you remind me of my comment. I’m actually moving to a high raw vegan now. My husband became mostly plant based, kids are vegetarian and vegan 🌱 after they told me they would never change. Thanks for asking!!!
It sounds to me that there is no one right way to eat. Our way of eating must be personalized to our individual bodies and health. on another note: I can definitely understand why the tension in this room is palpable. Reasons we eat the way we do go far beyond simply eating. All in all, trying to find the best way to eat is very discouraging sometimes.
Hi Minimalists - I am putting on weight when older but slim when young - my Dad keeps buying me food and eating too much bread - when i first became minimalist I lost about 10 kilos 83 kg down to 76 kilos. I also did try plant based milks as well, I decided to drink water and tea, and found out all these smoothies have fillers and even fruit was going off - i chucked out so much food and bad stuff - then I found shortbread and tea was nice relaxing way to lose weight and it was so easy - I chucked out all these supplements - chucked all the old clothes - bought all sports gear new - my physio she recommended a stainless steel bottle and walking and japanese diet - lately I was back to consuming meat - it could be that I was influenced by the supermarket - I prefer walking and having an ice cream small size and drinking more water - diluted juice - got rid of the bags and the old shoes - the old me - journey to health - i liked Dr Oz and Daniel Plan as well - will start on my birthday.
With very limited time, I've resorted to a local meal prep company that has been instrumental in improving my dieting habits. Everyone has a different circumstance and I'm ok not cooking my meals if I know that they're being prepared to my standards.
While I mostly follow a plant-based diet, I agree with Saladino that the numbers of greenhouse gas emissions have been exaggerated. As Saladino correctly states, there's a whole cycle to gases like methane. That doesn't of course mean that eating farm meat is ethical nor healthy. And unfortunately, that's most of the meat sold and consumed worldwide.
Right, grass just decaying on its own releases methane.
How can Dr Saladino be an authority on a subject when he just started something only eight months ago,if l'm correct
I heard that your blood type determines what type of diet best suits you. Like me, I'm O type, so low carbs and animal proteins work best. So to argue what diet is best is kind of waste of time, everyone is different.
@@adamawakening4551Have you been on the "one optimal diet" and what has been your experience? Since you mention Dr. Chaffee, I assume you think Carnivore is the optimal diet. I agreed as I have been on it for 9 months. I got on the train from watching Paul, Frank, Chaffee, Mykaela, and a few doctors. I don't think it's a bad diet, I just don't think it's the best diet. And some of the hardcore Carni advocates will straight out warn you about it. I have developed gallstone pain, electrolyte issues, rash, and itchy skin due to bile dysfunction, and frequent urination that irritates the shit out of me. I'm a generally healthy person and when years ago I was on a vegetarian or low-fat diet, I did have unpleasant health issues on the same scale as Carni but just different. I notice my body doesn't do well with carbs and fats (separately or together). No one size fits all diet. Although I am not a fancy academic like these doctors or a smarty pants like you, I know what I know at least anecdotally.
Wow 100% carnivore is what you also should feed your pet cats - they can't digest plants. Inuit people mostly eat what they catch or hunt, and forage.
I just had to become vegan for intestinal reasons after 5 years of Paleo/Keto because of indigestible Protein. Diet needs may be hereditary.
I love the premise of the episode. The only thing I don't like is most people think that their beliefs and values are the correct ones. Most people don't think that everyone comes to their values on their own. I agree with factory farming is bad. That goes both for cattle ranching as well as soy bean production. Soybean production kills more animals. Yes I know it sounds strange but you really think about it there is so much more involved. Like habitat loss, water consumption too ground animals being tilled up in farm equipment. Im not saying soybean farming should be banned. Im saying commercial farming is bad. There is no such thing as cruelty free. We all agree feed lots are bad, thats easy to see. But what we dont see is a field where animals used to graze naturally was turning into a human food plot where chemical fertilizer and herbicides have been sprayed or put down to mass produce food to rot on shelves and then thrown into the garbage.
So how is the FAO an "independet Organisation" when it selfs describes on the website:
The Animal Production and Health Division’s work is carried out by the Office of the Director (...) as well as with multi-stakeholders platforms and other groups, who guide the livestock sector towards more socially, economically and environmentally desirable outcomes.
It's interesting that the carnivore has only tried EXTREME diets, such as an all raw vegan diet. As a plant based athlete I'm not at all surprised to hear that it didn't work.
What's good for us is also good for the planet and animals. A whole food plant based diet. Compassion is true strength! 🌱🙏🏼
But monocrops are incredibly BAD for the planet. A store-bought vegan diet is more harmful to the planet (and animals and insects) than a 100% organic, pasture-raised carnivore diet ... just as a store-bought carnivore/omnivore diet is way more harmful than an organic, plant-based harvest grown in your own back yard. The food INDUSTRY is the culprit, regardless of what anybody eats. If carnivores and vegans got together on THAT message, then we could really change things.
@@mello.b3373 dude you are so dumb. You can't just spout out things saying there is zero evidence when there absolutely is. Like wtf?
I really would have liked to have heard Dr. Saladino talk about the animals killed, often brutally and slowly in the farming and harvesting of vegetables. Millions aof sentient animals get poisoned, shot, and torn to pieces by farm equipment. So, in terms of ethics there's a death toll regardless of what diet you chose. The biggest take-away should be to get off of the standard American diet.
#metoo Ryan, and how any monoculture sterilises the environment to grow only one product be it dairy, beef, honey, bananas, water, plants etc.. To misquote Rich we, individually and collectively, are reductionists and are easily misled into thinking reducing our intake by/to any one thing, will be our saviour.
Humans, as biological beings, cannot exist on one 'product', we need air, water, food, connections etc. so what makes the growers assume their product is any different.
I have seen quite a few documentaries now where the farmer 'gets out of the way' and encourages the land to regenerate naturally which allows the natural symbiosis of different species to occur thereby improving all aspects of the final product. And AND! a side benefit was that the farmer wasn't left broke trying to control nature, and didn't have to work as hard to get his 'new and improved' product to market.
If only the consumer could be educated to prioritise healthy eating in the household budget and willingly pay the real cost of real food. To misquote Michale Pollan Eat real food, mostly local, not too much waste. Lead from the shopping trolly?
Work with nature, not against it?
I couldn't agree more. As a hunter i get to hear all the ways I personally am cruel and killing defenseless animals. Then I kindly remind them that nature is far more cruel than I am. Weather eaten alive by Predators or starving to death, hunting them is Humane in comparison. Plus hunters fund conservation. Fees from the licenses pay for it.
Jo-anne, I don't disagree with you. I never suggested otherwise. In fact, I'm very much in support of Biodiversity, reducing monocropping, and regenerative farming practices. My point is that you can't eat anything, vegitables or meat, without sentient animals dying. So the ethical argument proposed by vegan advocates is vertually mute. In fact it could be argued that eating meat might be more ethical when calculating and comparing the number of sentient animals destroyed in the processing of meat and vegetables.
Troy, Preach it brother!
i want to tread lightly and cause the least harm. veganism is what's right for me. thank you, Joshua, for all you do in spreading the minimalist message.
Only the carnivoire looks healthy and has a good body, speaks a lot doesn't it.
Rich Roll! Yas.
I started with the veggie diet n the first thing I noticed was muscles were weaker n skin looked saggy: then I started meat diet n I noticed muscles got fuller n I knew I was stronger , n my skin literally filled out but not weight gain:
Yeah that’s was protein does for you. If you didn’t know, meat contains protein which is crucial for muscle development. Protein can also be found in nuts and seeds, if you want meat alternatives.
Go Rich!
This is fascinating! and such a nice friendly vibe...
Animals are the "middle man" to nutrition. People can get the same nutritional components from plants, minus the ammonia, feces, tpa, saturated fat and cholesterol.
No. You're wrong. Not only is saturated fat and cholesterol not bad, but you're obviously biased towards meat and think of it only as mass-produced low quality meat, when that's not what any carnivores promote. We promote high-quality animal husbandry, keeping animals on their natural diet in good conditions.
We don't have ruminant digestive systems, we have carnivorous scavenger digestive systems. It's literally that simple. We have evolved away from breaking down vegetation, it's the whole reason we evolved. Humans have had animal-based food for 2 millions years and have only very, very recently had access to huge amounts of plant/carbs.
The Inuit and Massai on their ancestral diet have zero modern disease. Zero. All they eat is animals.
Funny how people on purely meat diets have perfect health, but western people who eat the almost completely plant-based (SAD diet is plant based) are in shit health.
I've been vegetation, vegan, keto and carnivore.
Carnivore trumps them all by far and has literally cured life-long issues such as; Chronic anxiety, depression, skin rashes and acne, neuroticism, chronic life destroying gut pain is totally gone, all PCOS symptoms. My life is unbelievably better after going carnivore.
Meat heals and you're ignoring real evidence if you say otherwise.
You also didn't listen to the people in the podcast at all who had great results removing plant material.
@@trashukun3787 is a moron. Look at the peer review research, facts on leading cause of death in US and other countries that adopt high saturated fat diet, is heart disease from cholesterol as a result of saturated fat. All cultures and populations will longest living people, over 100, and high quality of life, eat little to no animal product, and have low to no heart disease, diabetes or strokes.
trashu kun Says the one who just spewed a shit load of bias 🙄
@@megkathleen Facts mate, only empirical substantiated facts. I refuse to have a battle of wit we with an unarmed person (you).
@@labbott3933 You're looking at epidemiological studies, not interventional. Epidemiology can be a terrible way to prove causation as it merely accounts for correlation. Saturated fats and cholesterol have been misclassified as bad because of the correlating foods that go with it. You may be able to blame a patty but in reality, the french fries, buns, and soda are accounting for the true cause of disease. Interventional studies (actually scientific and measurable) prove that animal-based foods are nutritious and whole. Plants on the other hand have evolved to produce toxins that can lead to chronic disease. If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, apes and humans separated at the time that we began predominantly eating animal foods when plant foods became sparse in Northern Africa.
I live on meat,salt and water.
Except for when you cheat and eat sugar in the weekends
Please invite Dr. Aviva Romm. She will give you lots of enlightenment about the ADRENALs. Good information.
I hope I run into Ryan and his grandma at the supermarket. Greetings from Coral Springs, FL
Cook in iron pan
Good nutrition needs a good nutritionists for preventive care as all of us are different. Health insurance should, in my opinion, should cover preventive care first, then medical. Better care for animals we eat should be fed no antibiotics or mistreated. Quality food in quality health out. All of us need to get involved in our health, stay away from junk food, smoking, to much drinking , practice good mental health for whole health and happiness.
Damn Saladino destroyed the whole environmental impact argument real quick.
Keep dreaming. Its unsustainable and killing this planet. Only reason why 8 billion people could have meat is with factory farming. Grandma isn't going to go out and shoot a deer. Neither are urban dwellers.
@@cobbb11 People don't necessarily have to hunt wildlife in order to avoid factory farming. Pasture-raised animal agriculture is sustainable and the animals can graze land that isn't suitable for plants. Also, if you watched the entire video, what's your rebuttal to Paul Saladino's response to greenhouse gases from animal agriculture not being a topic of concern?
@@benkimmel not sustainable for the whole planet, and still not ethical. And since Saldino is basically bought and paid for by the meat industry, why would I expect him to say anything even slightly critical of his cash cow (no pun intended)
@@cobbb11 Do you have sources that confirm that Saladino is bought and paid by the meat industry? Also, you didn't answer my question. What's your take on the data he brought up from the EPA and FAO?
@@benkimmel how about the fact that he is a psychiatrist and not even trained in a field that deals with nutrition and health? Send me a link to the references he claims. Don't feel lime googling right now.
Yesss! My favorite episode:-)......
Needed dr berry on here. Saladinp being too nice
Most plant food produced in the US is for animal consumption, don't forget the grazing, deforestation...
Omg I was thinking to make liver Jerky… I need the recipe
Actually I think diet varies from person to person, people with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten, so they have to prevent it, some people are hypersensitive to specific foods, therefore should avoid it, some people have diabetes therefore maintaining glycemic control is more important...basically you should tailor diet to your health. If you're vegan find a solution to get proteins into your system., if you are non vegan try to include fibers and vegetables in your diet. If you're suffering from eating disorders , best to seek medical aid ..If you have autoimmune conditions remove inflammatory foods..because you need to know what is the root cause of your problem and how to address it. ' You are what you eat'
It’s interesting reading some of the comments referring to the “torture” of animals used for food. It would seem when reading some of these that we are hanging them while still alive or somehow taking joy in killing these animals. That is simply not the case, there is nothing to be gained form killing stressed animals and those who hunt are some of the most ardent conservationists and those who raise ruminant animals for food take great care to treat the animals well and raise them in a low stress environment. There are always exceptions of course but you cannot paint everyone with the same brush. Don’t believe everything you read or hear, do some real research and talk to some real people.
The problem is, gullible idiots see one video of a psycho farmhand ground and pounding a calf, and the light switch in their brain turns to "bad" and that's it.
Does being cruel to an animal (or torturing an animal) only happen before the killing? Or does it not happen during the killing as well? One can vote with their dollar on less cruel practices to get the same nutrients and calories by not paying someone to torture/kill someone who did not want to die.
Its kinda of odd:
here we have „the secret“ which motivate us to believe more in ourselves, that make us ask the universe for more, more money, more success, more financial freedom. We have „the secret“ encouraging us to make vision boards to visionize what we want and where we want to be in the future.
Then we have „minimalism“ which encourages us to get rid of the things we own, because it’s not helping us deal with what ever we are dealing with. It’s telling us that, we should not focus only in money and success, but focus in ourselves, in our families, in ourselves friends. It’s actually telling us that having too many things is not making us happy.
It’s kind of confusing.
Carnivore all the way, red 💊
21:00 Real Talk Starts.
So in the begging Joshua is talking to Dr. Wood. Joshua asks Dr. Wood, for those of us who don’t know the technology and the terms that these experts know, What the term “ endotoxins” are. And then Dr. Wood states these endotoxins are in your gut. “Gut” seems to be a very general term. So can we take it back a step even further and explain the term “ Gut” ?? Due to surgery, I no longer have a large intestine. It’s been suggested to me that “gut” refers to the large intestine. Is this to your knowledge, Dr. Wood, true? Because this opens a whole new can of worms of what to do, for people like me missing their large intestine, where in the large intestine supposedly some important functions occur.
Ok… so who looks healthiest?! I’ll stick to my mainly meat diet, thank you!
Carnivore FTW!
The best Minimalist diet is Animal Based Diet… pick and choose what you like or crave … white rice and potatoes are fine 🙏🤴💟✝️☸️☯️👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I loooove Paul …… I am lucky to have been raised on offal specifically liver and I crave it…. I eat it with bacon and duck eggs and feel so much better. It’s the cheapest part of my diet .
@Pepsi Jacksonyou’re ignorant ..
@Pepsi Jackson if you say so… should really learn about nutrition and the human anatomy before you go and spue out incorrect information,……
It seems like if we eat healthy we really don’t know exactly where the food is actually coming from, and we can’t be really sure of where meat is true my sourced from. It’s all very confusing. It’s hard trying to find good quality meats and fresh produce.
It was a total embarrassment to Rich that he brought up the WHO as some sort of authority on health...😂
I find I do better on a mix of plants and carnivore. More carnivore. Every body is different. There’s no one regimen for everyone.
Wish the host would’ve not interrupted so much about his own personal experiences and let the guests talk more at length about the points at hand. I’m surprised at how patient the guests were each time they were interrupted just so the host could ramble on about his n=1 anecdotal experiences
Agreed. The contributors weren’t given the space to contribute.
Rick Rolls rocks!
Rich spoke the truth about animal ethics 🙌🏽 Showing the amazing benefits of vegan diets
23:00 Thank you Dr Saladino for clearing this whole propaganda around animal agriculture up.
If u go to the page he mentions, it actually says completely the opposite lol.
Alexandra Baracaldo lol exactly. He doesn’t know how to read data and uses studies performed on 2 people.
Here’s the link to the FAO page. It doesn’t support what was quoted.
Such a great podcast! Highly recommend. As Paul Saladino refers to the green house gas emissions by animal agriculture as documented by the EPA and FOA, I highly recommend you go read through the data on those websites. Rich Roll’s comments are actually more accurate.
I disagree, I have read through both. Roughly 90% of GHG emissions do not come from food. Paul is correct in this statement.
@@star-warsienblaming livestock is a cover up created by Big Oil. That’s why people like Bill Gates are also heavily invested in fake meat and plant based foods. Fossil fuel companies put more input into monocrops-synthetic fertilizer. People are unrealistic about what food is available thanks to global food supply systems. Eating local is best. Ethical hunting and fishing is best. Growing some stuff is good but good luck doing that in the winter or keeping pests away in season. Plants don’t have a detox system like animals do. Even with all the crap livestock in animal agriculture get put in them they can detox. Pesticides on plants stay on the plants and get into the body. We’ve been psychologically conditioned by industries over the years through commercialization. It creates a mind/body disconnect. Walk around in nature anywhere. Do you see fruits and vegetables growing or do you see animals and fish? Saladino has more medical training and he’s considering anthropology. Yes, doing things like our ancestors does make sense. Everyone else in the room seems to be speaking anecdotally. Roll had a health scare and went vegan. The mediator looks weak and skinny. The other doctor? He seems fairly biased. I admire Saladino’s conviction. He’s also tried more different diets than the others for the sake of experimentation.
Interesting debate, humans are highly adaptable and so different that there is no ultimate diet I would say. Although it's sad to hear people prioritizing their needs over the life of others. Also, Have you ever discussed the relation between veganism and minimalism as social movement and human evolution towards simple and ethical living? Thank you :)
Funny how the Carnivore is called Saladino
Big time Carnivore MD’s: SALADino, Dr. BERRY, and Dr. BAKER. Carb names LOL.
love it!
It's very disappointing that they didn't cover the environmental issues regarding animal agriculture properly, and it's a shame that Rich wasn't prepared with knowledge about specific studies, because Paul came with some very misleading numbers. When he said that greenhouse gas emissions would drop by 2.6% in the US if ruminants are removed, he's referring to an absolutely ridiculous study that assumes everyone will eat 4700 calories every day, and even then it's still using optimistic estimates as to how much damage methane actually does. And then he says it would be catastrophic if we removed all our ruminants, when in fact we're using up a vast amount of space that we could instead give back to nature to help grow natural habitats instead of destroying them and help increase biodiversity again instead of decreasing it.
You can't trust what Paul is saying when it comes to the damage of animal agriculture.
I needed this
Proper free range eggs are the go!
Such a cringeworthy episode, goodness! My blood pressure is up. Did Paul and Rich even make eye contact the whole episode?
🙌🏼🙌🏼Rich Roll, I appreciate your vibe so much and value your presence and ALL that you offer! Thanks for representing! ♥️🥬🥦
New fan, I LOVE how your content enriches my life!
Rich Roll hands down wins!!
Interesting podcast Josh and Ryan 🙏🏻
I highly recommend two authors that have given me tremendous value - Nutritionist Colin Campbell ‘The China Study’ and Dr M McGregor ‘How Not to Die’.
China study book is a complete lie, if you take the published report numbers it shows the inverse relationship between meat intake and all cause mortality. The numbers used to publish that book was a subset of the data and was cherry picked to support their view. Pure propaganda.
Thanks for your opinion.
These books have helped me tremendously with my health complications. I’m now living an infection and pain free life thanks to their advice on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. So grateful to be on this minimalist journey. Thank you J & R 🙏🏻
@@bishamuesmus301 how can that even be possible? And whatabout all other data we have on meat being linked to heart disease? I think you’re just uncomfortable with the idea of giving up meat and have scoured the internet for arguments against obvious data. There’s literally an argument to be found for literally anything on the internet. It’s a wild place. There’s people who think the earth is flat, that Australia isn’t real, that vegetables are bad for you, etc.
I find it easy to believe plants are healthy due to.
1. Data
2. A comparison of our bodies vs that of our closest ape relatives who are all frugivores
3. The unethical aspect and grotesque nature of the meat industry.
4. The environment. Whatever Paul said in this is conplete bullshit.
Cowspiracy was a bit off but a 2018 peer reviewed meta analysis found that eliminating all animal products would reduce global emissions by 28%
After abstaining from meat and consuming a plant based diet for the past year im feeling better now after consuming more meat once again, but just wanted to mention 2 people I know who ate alot of beef, one was my late father who raised his own farm beef and the other a friend same age as me, both after eating red meat for decades developed thick blood disease, also known as Polycyhemia Vera, and both needed blood draws........ Dr's believe heavy red meat consumption is responsible for the disease.
Polycythemia Vera is a disease that occurs when blood cell production faces a mutation. Unless you are blaming red meat for that mutation; where is the evidence? It doesn't make much sense.
Mainstream healthcare will use red meat as the scapegoat for anything of course. There is no longer any critical thinking in healthcare; it is TOP-DOWN toe the line or get sued for trying something different unfortunately.
@Vladimir of Svalbard For the most part I agree bcoz I love steak, and always will.... I'm just recounting from some personal experiences. Too much of anything can be bad especially for some.
What were his cows eating? This is extremely important to consider. If the cows were eating grains, then that makes a lot of sense.
@Mayordomo32 Hmmmm possibly........On the farm it was a mix of grass and grains, but primarily grass since they grazed in pasture most of the day.
@@HCallahan You have to also consider other factors in their life. Did they smoke, drink, eat grains & sugar, etc.? I'd assume 1-3 of the above to be yes.
Paul is very knowledgeable
To say the the vegan diet tastes the best is strange, unless you thin that an omnivore can't eat vegan food... isn't the omnivore diet by definition the best in terms of choice... am I missing somethings?
Order of how physically healthy they look 1-carnivore 2-omnivore 3-vegan
have you heard something called age :)
I miss carnivore Saladino
If u struggle eating liver….just eat it raw, it’s so sweet and soft and yummy
Feel like you were a bit biased towards Paul.