I had two removed and the recovery was brutal. I slept 3 hours a night for 2+ weeks, was on a constant rotation of Oxycodone and prescription Ibuprofen, and couldn’t eat anything but pasta and smoothies. I had mine done over winter break and I am so happy I did because I would have never been able to make it to class or focus on my school work. Everyone is different and you know your body better than anyone else so I would recommend considering how quickly you tend to recover from colds, previous surgeries, etc. and make a decision based on that! Good luck!
Abby Asselin I was too but girl it was not bad at ALL... I felt drowsy and my face was swollen and a little bruised, but I had no pain. Just make sure to follow their directions and not touch the incisions and you should be good!! Best of luck!
I would looooove a video about how to start a youtube channel or vlogging! I've been trying to film a few stuff to try and start vlogging but have been struggling really bad.. I've had two of my wisdom teeth removed and still have to get the last two removed, it wasn't too bad except during the night when the painkillers would stop working..
I recently started a youtube channel like 4 months ago and have 159 subscribers with like 9,000 views in 4 months! I've learned a lot with starting a youtube channel and honestly, I think I could make a video about it. It's important to realize that it's A LOT of work!!! People start channels and don't realize how much effort it takes to make/edit/upload a video! If you want to start vlogging, go ahead and do it!! It's amazing to document your life and be able to look back at it. Start it and don't look back but remember it's a lot of work! Editing a video takes at LEAST 2 hours!!!
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out on a thursday and went back to school on a monday. Didn't need pain medicine besides tylenol (and I really dont have a high pain tolerance)! It's really not that bad, as long as you make sure that you are super careful with your recovery for those 2-3 days!
Sorry to be so off topic but does anybody know a trick to log back into an instagram account? I somehow lost my account password. I love any assistance you can offer me.
I had two removed on a Wednesday and was back to work on Friday. The first day hurt the worst but if you take care of it properly you should have absolutely no issues! I also wouldn't put it off because you feel so much better when they're gone!
You can definitely get it done on Thursday and go back on Monday or Tuesday... I got all 4 of mine pulled on a Thursday and was ready for work on Monday , as long as you take the meds they give you afterwards you should be fine
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out on a Wed/Thurs and was back in work on Monday totally doable. Everyone’s body reacts differently to the removal aftermath. I had anesthesia and was in really bad pain for 4 days, while my boyfriend took 2 wisdom teeth out this week and was fine, maybe because he had local anesthesia. My best advice: meal prep soup in the crockpot, smoothies, and other fav soft food. Buy extra gauze from the pharmacy because the bottom teeth bleed the most. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! 💫
I got all four of mine out at once! No anesthesia. I was awake and that was brutal. I was a sore slobbering mess. But you would definitely be OK to go back to class on a Monday if you have them out on a Thursday. Just make sure you rest and do a liquid diet if you can to avoid infection.
I had all 4 out on a Tuesday and was eating normal by Friday. My recovery was pretty quick, but make sure to do everything they say. It gets annoying to salt water rinse the areas 3-4 times a day, but in the end it pays off. You'll be fine!
I had all of my wisdom teeth removed on a Friday and was back at work on Monday! I still had a little bit of swelling on Monday, but definitely nothing that would prevent me from going back to work. Just have to use breaks between class to clean the incisions!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed right during the middle of the semester - I was really worried but it was fine. I had no pain apart from the first day but I just took panadol and it was manageable. I had taken the week off work/uni but I was back within two days! you will be fine xx
1. Yes to the video on how to start a youtube channel 2. Would you consider making a video explaining when you graduate (how long law school normally is), when you should start applying for jobs, when you start prepare for the bar exam, or maybe address all those things with what your personally doing the next year? I’m so fascinated by all this since I took the medical route ❤️ I did work 3 years with a PI attorney and I helped him prep for litigation before I started optometry school.
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday morning and was good to go back teaching on a Monday! I had a little pain but Tylenol was good enough for a day. Totally doable!!
I had all 4 removed, all 4 were impacted. Got them out on a Thursday and was back to school Monday! I was still reallllly swollen but not in much pain at all!
YES please make a video about how to start a youtube channel in university! I'm doing my masters in international affairs, and my days are pretty interesting. I feel like I want to start a channel, but don't know how to balance that with a rigorous workload.
1) everytime i watch one of your yt vids i laugh at least 47 times. i love your humor and work ethic. 2) i'm a pretty recent subscriber but came across the video you posted regarding your acne journey and got on Epiduo right after watching it. I'm finishing up my fourth month of being on it and have seen DRASTIC improvements. during my menstrual cycle or exam season Ill get a few good pimps but nothing too crazy. so TYSM for that video
I got all four of mine out at once on a Wednesday and went back to class on Monday. The only thing was that you can’t the heavy duty painkillers they give you and go to school, so I was in pain the first couple days. But regular ibuprofen did help a bit. Overall I was eating solid food again in a week. It’s not that bad of recovery.
I had all 4 taken out at once and I totally think you can do it!!! I stopped taking anything stronger than tylenol literally the day after I had taken them out. The only problem I had was with actually eating food - solid food took me like a week to be able to eat and having to flush out the cuts was a pain. But follow your surgeons advice and definitely ice your face that first day to minimize swelling! Good luck!
I got all four wisdom teeth out during winter break. Recovery time depends on how they do it. I had them knock me tf out which means a longer recovery time but if you do laughing gas you should probably be back to school Monday. I’d see if you can wait for break though. I felt totally back to normal in about a week
I literally just got all four of my wisdom teeth out last Friday lmao! Yeah you should be good to go back to class on Monday, I went for a full day today and all I needed to do was take a few ibuprofen around noon to calm down some of the soreness. One tip is to make sure that you get your prescription pain medicine as soon as possible after they're taken out because once the initial anesthesia wears off it isnt gonna feel so hot. Also don't drink from a straw because it can dislodge the blood clots!
You could totally be in class monday. I had all 4 of mine cut out at the same time. I was drowsy all that day and the following day. I was sore of course but it was bearable. You will be totally fine though by the Monday if you schedule it for Thursday. Good luck.
i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed this summer (2 impacted) and my recovery was pretty speedy. Got it done on a Wednesday and went back to work on a Monday or Tuesday. Definitely put ice on both sides for 20 mins on, 20 mins off in the first 24-48 hours, and then put a warm compress a few times a day on days 3 and 4. The ice helps prevent bruising and swelling, and the heat helps reduce swelling after. They'll tell you what you can and can't eat.. follow that, listen to your body and you should be fine. I didn't get any pain meds other than Tylenol and it was fine, don't overdo it with the meds, take them as prescribed the first 1-2 days but then you can usually reduce the amount you take after. I had a little bit of swelling on one side because of a small infection but i got antibiotics and it went away - don't skip your saltwater rinses! Good luck, everything will go well!
I love watching your videos. I am still in undergrad as international affairs and pre law and part of Phi Alpha Delta and you make me motivated and remember that I want to be in law school and a lawyer someday. Also for wisdom teeth I got all 4 out and it took me like a week to feel better and I didn’t have any complications. Also my surgeon for it said the recovery can be worse as you get older. I know I waited a year or two after I needed them out and it probably made it tougher.
hey! i had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out when i was 16. it was not as painful as you think ( as long as your put under) i had it done on a friday and went to school on monday. my cheeks were still a little puffy but it wasnt painful. i think you should be fine to do it on a thursday. good luck!! your vlogs motivate me so much. thank you for the great content
Girl i got my wisdom teeth out on a friday and went on a 10 hour flight to Europe on a Tuesday. It was honestly sooooo so simple and pain free. The next day I could go out and leave my house. I also was super scared to get my wisdom teeth out but i'm telling you it was a breeze.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. I was put to sleep, so I wasn't aware of what was happening, but once I woke up I was totally fine - just drowsy and my mouth was swollen. I was prescribed a generic form of oxycodone, and it was recommended that I take one pill once I got home and before I had a chance to feel any pain. I remember only having to take about 3 pills and the recovery process was WAY better than I expected. I only had to deal with mild discomfort and the annoying process of changing my gauze and how I ate.
I had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out at one time and honestly it was not bad at all!! People say its so painful but i didn't experience any pain during or after it. But definitely get sedation for the procedure! You will be fine after a couple of days. Best of luck! xxx
I got all 4 wisdom teeth out on a Friday at noon. That Sunday I took a day beach trip and was back to work on Monday. I never took the hard pain reliever, just a high dose of ibuprofen. There was pain, but it was bearable and didn't stop me from doing anything. If your experience is anything like mine you should be able to go back to school Monday without a problem!
I had all four wisdom teeth removed on a Friday morning and went back on a Monday for finals I would say the first two days are the worst but it’s also different for everyone but just take the pain medicine and take it easy.
I had all four wisdom teeth removed and I need a good week to recover completely. I had a lot of pain to the point where I was constantly on pain meds and still had pain. After four days the pain got better though, like I could function again, but I still couldn't eat solid food. Hope it all goes well for you! xx
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out one day and was able to leave the house for some quick errands the next day (I wasn't the one driving though, of course!) I only had to take the pain meds they gave me for like 1-2 days, and aside from just being careful what I was eating for a few days I had a pretty smooth recovery! It's honestly not even 25% as bad as you think it will be, so don't worry too much!
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday after my finals and that Monday I started my full time summer job. I totally think you can do it. I had a really good and easy recovery. That Friday night I was eating pizza for dinner and I stopped taking the pain pills every few hours that Friday night also. My mouth hurt a little that Monday so I took 1 pain pill and then was done.
I think its totally possible to have the procedure on a Thursday and go back to school Monday! I had mine removed on a Monday about 5 years ago and actually went back to school the next day because I was so determined to not miss any school! I also recommend constantly “ice packing” your cheeks/jaw after the procedure because the constant icing really helped me. I hope it goes well! Thank you for helping me get through my 1L year and inspiring me! ❤️
I got all 4 of mine out at once back in July. I went to an oral surgeon and the whole surgery only took 10 min. I didn’t feel silly afterwards and I even told my husband how to get home from the hospital. I was super scared so I kept putting it off but it wasn’t bad at all. I was back to taking care of my 6 month old a few hours later and eating solids a couple days later. If you go to a dentist the experience may be a little different. Good luck!
I had all of mine removed on a Wednesday thinking I could go back to work on Monday and couldn't because I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't sit still. The pain goes away after 2-3 days, but it's still hard to sleep and mine were tender for another 2 weeks. But, 2 of them were impacted.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out and actually had a pretty good experience. I took 3 days off from work and school for my recovery, but I was pretty much good to go by day 2. Just do whatever you can to avoid dry sockets! My friend got her wisdom teeth done around the same time and got dry sockets and it sounded awful!
I had all 4 of mine extracted (so like surgically removed and not pulled), and I was out for over a week. To be fair, I was around 15 at the time and didn't have important classes to attend, AND I got dry socket (meaning the blood clots that are supposed to form in your gum holes -ew- do not/fall out), so I had to go back in for additional treatment. You'll probably be fine, just be careful when recovering, and be prepared to not go back to school. If you can wait, I would do it over the holidays so you won't have to miss any class.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out earlier this month (on a Tuesday and if I wasn't an online student, probably could of gone back to class on Thursday) and I also had about 5 cavities filled too. Which is where I would recommend getting the cavities filled first, but that will mainly depend on how dire you are needing your wisdom teeth out. Cause really having a dentist go in and fill your cavities in the near future after getting your wisdom teeth out is going to be the last thing you are going to want. Also if you can get your oral surgeon to write out a script for a prednisone (steroid) it will help soooo much with the swelling. But good luck and love your videos!
I've had two of my wisdom teeth removed and it honestly wasn't that bad (and I had serious issues with them). Of course with my luck it all happened during exam season but I pulled through. I think you should be fine by Monday if you pull them on a Thursday!
I had all 4 of my mine out and had everything single problem you could possibly have 😩 However, many of my friends had no problems and mine was not typically. You should be fine to go back to school on a Monday if you have them out on a Thursday!
I got all 4 out and was basically in bed for about 3 or 4 days after the surgery. After that, I had a some soreness for about 2 weeks after the surgery. I did mine over summer break, and it wasn’t too bad. The worst part really was when I was supposedly okay to eat solid food, but my mouth was so sore it hurt and all I couldn’t stand to eat was mashed potatoes and smoothies.
Hey lady! Love your videos! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out last summer. The process was quick, it didn’t take them very long to do it but it took me about 2 weeks to get back to 100%. I also was given some pretty heavy drugs (essentially T3’s) and I wasn’t supper drugged out but I couldn’t drive or really do anything for myself. You could always take a chance and hope that you’ll be better to go to class by the Monday, but everyone’s recovery time is different! I waited until I was out of school (did mine last June) and so I was able to have some time to recover. But everyone is different so there’s no way to definitively say what’ll happen!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out a couple years ago and I got them out in the middle of the week and I was fine by saturday tbh. I still had some swelling but it was not as noticeable as it was during the weekend. Def use ice packs as much as you can stand it after the mandatory times to use it have passed, really helps my swelling.
I had to get all 4 of mine out. It took me a week or so to fully recover. I got them out the Friday before my 18th birthday and I was flying out to California that next week. It wasn’t.bad just really swollen.
I had all 4 removed and I only took like 3 days off and was fine :) I think it just depends on your body and how you respond to it and the pain. But really it was ok after a few days! But really stay on top of the meds! It will hurt for a bit!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed this past December and I wasn't back to normal for about a week, although it does vary person-to-person. The biggest tip I have is to ice your face immediately because I got severe bruises all over my face for not icing it properly. I also experienced a severe migraine headache the first day while coming off the anesthesia. It was probably the worst pain I have ever been in but I also didn't take any pain medication the whole time so keep that in mind. Good luck 😁
if you did a thursday you’d be good by monday! i got mine out on a thursday and felt pretty good saturday and basically 100% monday eating was just still kind of difficult
I had all 3 of mine pulled and they used the shots and it went by so fast!! Didn’t hurt at all. I was eating food after a few hours. I could never go under with that gas.
In addition to what everyone else has said, I would say talk to the surgeon who will be conducting your procedure. The healing depends on the person, but it also depends on how good the surgeon is.
I’ve had 3 wisdom teeth removed so I’m praying for you lol. On a more serious note, personally I recovered in about 3-4 days. I definitely recommend doing EVERYTHING they tell you to do home care wise because you’ll recover faster and better. Also make sure you take the pain pills they give you and literally don’t leave your house unless you absolutely have to cause shit is horrible the first day or two. Good luck!
I got two of my wisdom teeth taken out on a Thursday morning and was pretty much back to normal by Saturday night. It will still hurt with the stitches but not unbearable. 😊
I think you should be fine to do surgery thur and school mon i had surgery on a friday and went back on a tuesday and i even ended up stopping one of the pain meds early recovery is fairly quick
I had my wisdom teeth out and I literally had no pain... I only had some swelling and bruising. I was just really careful not to touch the incisions with my tongue and I followed their directions religiously and all was good. As long as you don’t have a problem with anesthetic then you could probably do it on a Thursday since you’d have all weekend to recover. I recommend lots of sleep and cold foods, but you should be good to go the next Monday! Good luck with your choice, I’m sorry you have to go through it but it really wasn’t that horrible for me after the drugs got out of my system (I realize everyone is different but that was my experience). I’m sure you’ll do fine! 😊
I just had all four of mine taken out a few months ago and I’m a baby to pain. I got them out on Friday and I was back at work Monday. Like I said I’m a baby but I only took the hard pain meds for like two days. The only thing that bothered me on monday was that I was still swollen a bit
I think you should be fine... I got all 4 of mine taken out on a Friday morning and took an exam Monday morning and I’m a drama queen when it comes to pain
If you're getting all 4 out at once, your recovery time may be a little longer. Also depends if they're under your gum or have already "erupted" (idk the right word for that). But I got all 4 of mine out and they were under my gum and it took me about 2 weeks to recover. My dentist said it would only take 2-4 days but I was swollen and in pain for a really long time. I had to take off from school and work :/ Hopefully it won't be as bad for you but just be prepared for a longer recovery in case. Hope that helps. Good luck!!
I got all four of my wisdom teeth out and they were all impacted and I was drinking coffee and doing a take home midterm four hours after the procedure.
You can absolutely go back on Monday after your wisdom teeth! Manage your pain (ice, meds, etc) and plan meals that you can eat and you’ll be good to go. I only took the prescription painkillers the day of and then just used Advil. I would say full recovery time for me was about two full weeks. Procedure was only about 20 minutes with no complications!
I had mine removed (all 4, and 2 were impacted sideways) on a Saturday morning and I went back to school that next week on Tuesday! It isn't bad, just pretty painful the first day or so. You can't drink through a straw for a while, and even ice cream was difficult while I ate it from a spoon the first day. I ended up having a blood bubble form on one side the next week (it wasn't a dry socket) that he had to pop, drain, and put packing in for a few days. Once that was taken care of, I just had to use a syringe with water in it to wash out the gums back there for a few weeks. My process was a little worse than most people's I'm guessing, but overall it wasn't too bad! Good luck girl! :)
I had three wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon and it was totally fine. You'd be fine to do it on a Thursday. The only thing I would say is to be careful with what you eat after, soft foods only (mashed potatoes, soup, applesauce). And no straws! If you use a straw you'll get a dry socket and I've heard those things hurt really bad.
I had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth when I was 12 before they actually came out. I didn't wake up afterwards for 7 hours because even 12 year old me valued sleep. I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks and had like 12 stitches in my mouth. I think it's different for people who get their teeth taken out after their teeth have grown out. Glad you are doing ok!
i think recovery depends on the person! i had all four removed and three impacted. It took me two weeks to recover because halfway through I got a dry socket which prolonged the healing and it made it hard to eat real food. I think it’s all on how bad your teeth are impacted and how well you recover from surgery.
I got my wisdom teeth the day after my last exam way back in first year of my undergrad... I ate Christmas dinner a week later. I was barely swollen.. that being said my wisdom teeth were coming in straight and a couple had already started coming through the gums (there would have been not enough room for them in my mouth in the end which is why I got them out). Obviously what I'm about to say may not make you feel great but I've heard it's case by case basis on reactions to the procedure... I think I wasn't very swollen/could eat/function so soon after was because it was a relatively non-evasive stress on my mouth... I know some people that have their teeth coming in sideways (impacted?), etc... and I think sometimes that might cause more swelling/longer recovery time. Hope this helps! Good Luck! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at once and the first couple of days aren't the best but I think the worst part is not being able to eat normal food for awhile, my gums even got infected where they took the teeth out and that took an extra week for me to recover! I'm sure you could make it into class by Monday!
When I got my wisdom teeth removed, the pain medication made me really sick so I was throwing up constantly for a couple days. It took me over a week to recover but that’s mostly because of my body’s reaction to the medication. My husband got his out and was fine the next day.
I got my wisdom teeth taken out one side at a time. For me, I went back to work the next day each time which was crazy bc obviously you wanna give yourself time to heal but I think if you get them taken out in Thursday you should be good to go back to class on Monday
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken our on the same day many years ago. I did it right before my university supplemental coverage ran out at the end of my undergrad degree so it was a few days before my graduation ceremony. I felt fine but one side of my face swelled up completely and I looked like a freak at my university graduation 😳 but I felt fine and the swelling went down a few days later
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out at once (pretty sure they usually do it that way). But I would have been able to go back to school by Monday if I had them out on a Thursday. I never used anything stronger than ibuprofen. I think the worst is the first day, and then having to eat soft foods for a week, but after day 1 or 2, I was fine.
I had two wisdom teeth take out. My recovery was kinda fast. But I'd say you need a solid week. Idk if it'll be longer if you have 4 taken out. And someone DEFINITELY needs to be with you to give you pain meds on time and to change out your ice packs. You're just going to want to sleep tbh for the first 3 days. Afterwards it's just recovering. I didn't have a bad experience though🤷🏾♀️
I'm super behind on the videos so it's probably too late. I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed on a Tuesday morning and was at school Wednesday morning. So you should be fine on the Monday! If you already got they pulled out, hope it went well!!
Getting your wisdom teeth will be a piece of cake. Say hello to mash potatoes, pudding, and ice cream! Not to mention think of the brilliant video you get to make as you are coming off of anesthesia. Btw, those glasses are ON POINT!!
I started the semester out (as per your advice) a week ahead in my classes....and then grad school happened and it all went to hell! LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one that fell off the wagon 😂 love the vid!
You definitely should be good to go by Monday. I would really only consider the surgery to have 1 day (day of) of down time. As long as you stay on top of your pain meds you won’t experience pain. This was my experience at least but it was a very minor thing. Good luck!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed without being "put under." The actual experience of having them removed was awful (for me), but the recovery time was much more speedy than I expected! I think you could be okay to go back to school on Monday if you had them removed on Thursday. However, you have you be very careful not to drink through a straw and develop dry socket. Then, the recovery time could probably be way longer. Good luck with it!!!
Oh god, i have to go to the dentist soon and i haven't in years. So nervous.... Also, yes a video about how to become a UA-camr and such would be great. I just started a channel and can use all the help out there!
Same thing happened to me...however, I had an "invasive" wisdom teeth removal (basically my wisdom teeth were connected to my jaw, I know..sounds weird.) Anyways, I got them out on Thursday, missed Friday and recovered for classes by Monday. The only thing is that Monday through Wednesday I had to keep to a liquid/soft diet. Just be prepared to make all of your meals for that duration and I would advise you shop before hand.
When it comes to wisdom teeth I think the recovery time depends on the person. I had all 4 of mine removed at once and 2 were impacted. I didnt swell that much but healing does take some time. Hope you have a good experience with your surgery. Give Peach some headed scratches from me 😻
I had two removed and the recovery was brutal. I slept 3 hours a night for 2+ weeks, was on a constant rotation of Oxycodone and prescription Ibuprofen, and couldn’t eat anything but pasta and smoothies. I had mine done over winter break and I am so happy I did because I would have never been able to make it to class or focus on my school work. Everyone is different and you know your body better than anyone else so I would recommend considering how quickly you tend to recover from colds, previous surgeries, etc. and make a decision based on that! Good luck!
I have to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth out in a week... im literally terrified lolol I feel you
Abby Asselin I was too but girl it was not bad at ALL... I felt drowsy and my face was swollen and a little bruised, but I had no pain. Just make sure to follow their directions and not touch the incisions and you should be good!! Best of luck!
omg GOOD LUCK! ♥️
I would looooove a video about how to start a youtube channel or vlogging! I've been trying to film a few stuff to try and start vlogging but have been struggling really bad.. I've had two of my wisdom teeth removed and still have to get the last two removed, it wasn't too bad except during the night when the painkillers would stop working..
I recently started a youtube channel like 4 months ago and have 159 subscribers with like 9,000 views in 4 months! I've learned a lot with starting a youtube channel and honestly, I think I could make a video about it. It's important to realize that it's A LOT of work!!! People start channels and don't realize how much effort it takes to make/edit/upload a video! If you want to start vlogging, go ahead and do it!! It's amazing to document your life and be able to look back at it. Start it and don't look back but remember it's a lot of work! Editing a video takes at LEAST 2 hours!!!
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out on a thursday and went back to school on a monday. Didn't need pain medicine besides tylenol (and I really dont have a high pain tolerance)! It's really not that bad, as long as you make sure that you are super careful with your recovery for those 2-3 days!
Sorry to be so off topic but does anybody know a trick to log back into an instagram account?
I somehow lost my account password. I love any assistance you can offer me.
I had two removed on a Wednesday and was back to work on Friday. The first day hurt the worst but if you take care of it properly you should have absolutely no issues! I also wouldn't put it off because you feel so much better when they're gone!
Timeline of your night routine!!! Yesss
You can definitely get it done on Thursday and go back on Monday or Tuesday... I got all 4 of mine pulled on a Thursday and was ready for work on Monday , as long as you take the meds they give you afterwards you should be fine
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out on a Wed/Thurs and was back in work on Monday totally doable. Everyone’s body reacts differently to the removal aftermath. I had anesthesia and was in really bad pain for 4 days, while my boyfriend took 2 wisdom teeth out this week and was fine, maybe because he had local anesthesia. My best advice: meal prep soup in the crockpot, smoothies, and other fav soft food. Buy extra gauze from the pharmacy because the bottom teeth bleed the most. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! 💫
You always look so gorgeous! And you’re style is so classy, thanks for being such an inspiration ❤️
aw thank you!!
I got all four of mine out at once! No anesthesia. I was awake and that was brutal. I was a sore slobbering mess. But you would definitely be OK to go back to class on a Monday if you have them out on a Thursday. Just make sure you rest and do a liquid diet if you can to avoid infection.
I had all 4 out on a Tuesday and was eating normal by Friday. My recovery was pretty quick, but make sure to do everything they say. It gets annoying to salt water rinse the areas 3-4 times a day, but in the end it pays off. You'll be fine!
Yes I agree! As long as you do exactly what the dentist tells you and whilst it is annoying, it definitely speeds up recovery time!
Yes plz do a video on youtube tips and such!!
I had all of my wisdom teeth removed on a Friday and was back at work on Monday! I still had a little bit of swelling on Monday, but definitely nothing that would prevent me from going back to work. Just have to use breaks between class to clean the incisions!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed right during the middle of the semester - I was really worried but it was fine. I had no pain apart from the first day but I just took panadol and it was manageable. I had taken the week off work/uni but I was back within two days! you will be fine xx
Also yes to the nighttime skin routine!!
1. Yes to the video on how to start a youtube channel
2. Would you consider making a video explaining when you graduate (how long law school normally is), when you should start applying for jobs, when you start prepare for the bar exam, or maybe address all those things with what your personally doing the next year?
I’m so fascinated by all this since I took the medical route ❤️ I did work 3 years with a PI attorney and I helped him prep for litigation before I started optometry school.
I could try to make a video on graduation and timelines but I really don't know personally because I haven't done it yet !
You totally could go back by Monday! I was mostly good after two days. I had all four of mine pulled as well.
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday morning and was good to go back teaching on a Monday! I had a little pain but Tylenol was good enough for a day. Totally doable!!
I had all 4 removed, all 4 were impacted. Got them out on a Thursday and was back to school Monday! I was still reallllly swollen but not in much pain at all!
YES please make a video about how to start a youtube channel in university! I'm doing my masters in international affairs, and my days are pretty interesting. I feel like I want to start a channel, but don't know how to balance that with a rigorous workload.
1) everytime i watch one of your yt vids i laugh at least 47 times. i love your humor and work ethic.
2) i'm a pretty recent subscriber but came across the video you posted regarding your acne journey and got on Epiduo right after watching it. I'm finishing up my fourth month of being on it and have seen DRASTIC improvements. during my menstrual cycle or exam season Ill get a few good pimps but nothing too crazy. so TYSM for that video
I got all four of mine out at once on a Wednesday and went back to class on Monday. The only thing was that you can’t the heavy duty painkillers they give you and go to school, so I was in pain the first couple days. But regular ibuprofen did help a bit. Overall I was eating solid food again in a week. It’s not that bad of recovery.
I had all 4 taken out at once and I totally think you can do it!!! I stopped taking anything stronger than tylenol literally the day after I had taken them out. The only problem I had was with actually eating food - solid food took me like a week to be able to eat and having to flush out the cuts was a pain. But follow your surgeons advice and definitely ice your face that first day to minimize swelling! Good luck!
I got all four wisdom teeth out during winter break. Recovery time depends on how they do it. I had them knock me tf out which means a longer recovery time but if you do laughing gas you should probably be back to school Monday. I’d see if you can wait for break though. I felt totally back to normal in about a week
I literally just got all four of my wisdom teeth out last Friday lmao! Yeah you should be good to go back to class on Monday, I went for a full day today and all I needed to do was take a few ibuprofen around noon to calm down some of the soreness. One tip is to make sure that you get your prescription pain medicine as soon as possible after they're taken out because once the initial anesthesia wears off it isnt gonna feel so hot. Also don't drink from a straw because it can dislodge the blood clots!
You could totally be in class monday. I had all 4 of mine cut out at the same time. I was drowsy all that day and the following day. I was sore of course but it was bearable. You will be totally fine though by the Monday if you schedule it for Thursday. Good luck.
i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed this summer (2 impacted) and my recovery was pretty speedy. Got it done on a Wednesday and went back to work on a Monday or Tuesday. Definitely put ice on both sides for 20 mins on, 20 mins off in the first 24-48 hours, and then put a warm compress a few times a day on days 3 and 4. The ice helps prevent bruising and swelling, and the heat helps reduce swelling after. They'll tell you what you can and can't eat.. follow that, listen to your body and you should be fine. I didn't get any pain meds other than Tylenol and it was fine, don't overdo it with the meds, take them as prescribed the first 1-2 days but then you can usually reduce the amount you take after. I had a little bit of swelling on one side because of a small infection but i got antibiotics and it went away - don't skip your saltwater rinses! Good luck, everything will go well!
I had one wisdom tooth taken out on a Friday and was in class on Monday. Make sure to avoid dry socket and you'll be fine. No straws!
I love watching your videos. I am still in undergrad as international affairs and pre law and part of Phi Alpha Delta and you make me motivated and remember that I want to be in law school and a lawyer someday. Also for wisdom teeth I got all 4 out and it took me like a week to feel better and I didn’t have any complications. Also my surgeon for it said the recovery can be worse as you get older. I know I waited a year or two after I needed them out and it probably made it tougher.
thank you!! good luck in school
hey! i had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out when i was 16. it was not as painful as you think ( as long as your put under) i had it done on a friday and went to school on monday. my cheeks were still a little puffy but it wasnt painful. i think you should be fine to do it on a thursday. good luck!! your vlogs motivate me so much. thank you for the great content
Girl i got my wisdom teeth out on a friday and went on a 10 hour flight to Europe on a Tuesday. It was honestly sooooo so simple and pain free. The next day I could go out and leave my house. I also was super scared to get my wisdom teeth out but i'm telling you it was a breeze.
Yes! Make the video on how to start a UA-cam channel. Also you’re hilarious
I had my wisdom teeth out in July. It was no biggie. You can definitely go to class on Monday.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. I was put to sleep, so I wasn't aware of what was happening, but once I woke up I was totally fine - just drowsy and my mouth was swollen. I was prescribed a generic form of oxycodone, and it was recommended that I take one pill once I got home and before I had a chance to feel any pain. I remember only having to take about 3 pills and the recovery process was WAY better than I expected. I only had to deal with mild discomfort and the annoying process of changing my gauze and how I ate.
I had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out at one time and honestly it was not bad at all!! People say its so painful but i didn't experience any pain during or after it. But definitely get sedation for the procedure! You will be fine after a couple of days. Best of luck! xxx
Yes nighttime routine!!
I got all 4 wisdom teeth out on a Friday at noon. That Sunday I took a day beach trip and was back to work on Monday. I never took the hard pain reliever, just a high dose of ibuprofen. There was pain, but it was bearable and didn't stop me from doing anything. If your experience is anything like mine you should be able to go back to school Monday without a problem!
I had all four wisdom teeth removed on a Friday morning and went back on a Monday for finals I would say the first two days are the worst but it’s also different for everyone but just take the pain medicine and take it easy.
I had all four wisdom teeth removed and I need a good week to recover completely. I had a lot of pain to the point where I was constantly on pain meds and still had pain. After four days the pain got better though, like I could function again, but I still couldn't eat solid food. Hope it all goes well for you! xx
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out one day and was able to leave the house for some quick errands the next day (I wasn't the one driving though, of course!) I only had to take the pain meds they gave me for like 1-2 days, and aside from just being careful what I was eating for a few days I had a pretty smooth recovery! It's honestly not even 25% as bad as you think it will be, so don't worry too much!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth in one day. You’ll be fine to go class on Monday .The first two days were the worst, but just fallow recovery rules,
I don't know where you get your music for your vlogs, but I love all of the songs! You should make a spotify playlist, or something!
its all from a copyright free website, but 90% of the songs are by a band "Loving Caliber"!
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday after my finals and that Monday I started my full time summer job. I totally think you can do it. I had a really good and easy recovery. That Friday night I was eating pizza for dinner and I stopped taking the pain pills every few hours that Friday night also. My mouth hurt a little that Monday so I took 1 pain pill and then was done.
Yes please make the video on how to start a channel and edit.
I think its totally possible to have the procedure on a Thursday and go back to school Monday! I had mine removed on a Monday about 5 years ago and actually went back to school the next day because I was so determined to not miss any school! I also recommend constantly “ice packing” your cheeks/jaw after the procedure because the constant icing really helped me. I hope it goes well! Thank you for helping me get through my 1L year and inspiring me! ❤️
You should be able to get back to class on Thursday! I had mine (all 4) taken out on a Friday and went back on a Tuesday
I got all 4 of mine out at once back in July. I went to an oral surgeon and the whole surgery only took 10 min. I didn’t feel silly afterwards and I even told my husband how to get home from the hospital. I was super scared so I kept putting it off but it wasn’t bad at all. I was back to taking care of my 6 month old a few hours later and eating solids a couple days later. If you go to a dentist the experience may be a little different. Good luck!
I had all of mine removed on a Wednesday thinking I could go back to work on Monday and couldn't because I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't sit still. The pain goes away after 2-3 days, but it's still hard to sleep and mine were tender for another 2 weeks. But, 2 of them were impacted.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out and actually had a pretty good experience. I took 3 days off from work and school for my recovery, but I was pretty much good to go by day 2. Just do whatever you can to avoid dry sockets! My friend got her wisdom teeth done around the same time and got dry sockets and it sounded awful!
I had all 4 of mine extracted (so like surgically removed and not pulled), and I was out for over a week. To be fair, I was around 15 at the time and didn't have important classes to attend, AND I got dry socket (meaning the blood clots that are supposed to form in your gum holes -ew- do not/fall out), so I had to go back in for additional treatment. You'll probably be fine, just be careful when recovering, and be prepared to not go back to school. If you can wait, I would do it over the holidays so you won't have to miss any class.
Yes to the video on how to be a UA-camr !!!
I had two wisdom teeth out on a Friday and went back to work on Monday. I was just a little loopy from the t3.
When you did your makeup at the beginning, did you smoke out eyeliner or eyeshadow on your eyes?
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out earlier this month (on a Tuesday and if I wasn't an online student, probably could of gone back to class on Thursday) and I also had about 5 cavities filled too. Which is where I would recommend getting the cavities filled first, but that will mainly depend on how dire you are needing your wisdom teeth out. Cause really having a dentist go in and fill your cavities in the near future after getting your wisdom teeth out is going to be the last thing you are going to want. Also if you can get your oral surgeon to write out a script for a prednisone (steroid) it will help soooo much with the swelling. But good luck and love your videos!
I've had two of my wisdom teeth removed and it honestly wasn't that bad (and I had serious issues with them). Of course with my luck it all happened during exam season but I pulled through. I think you should be fine by Monday if you pull them on a Thursday!
I had all 4 of my mine out and had everything single problem you could possibly have 😩 However, many of my friends had no problems and mine was not typically. You should be fine to go back to school on a Monday if you have them out on a Thursday!
I got all 4 out and was basically in bed for about 3 or 4 days after the surgery. After that, I had a some soreness for about 2 weeks after the surgery. I did mine over summer break, and it wasn’t too bad. The worst part really was when I was supposedly okay to eat solid food, but my mouth was so sore it hurt and all I couldn’t stand to eat was mashed potatoes and smoothies.
Yesss pleaseeeee do a how to edit/start a UA-cam channel. I’m just starting out UA-cam myself and would love some tips. 🙂
Hey lady! Love your videos! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out last summer. The process was quick, it didn’t take them very long to do it but it took me about 2 weeks to get back to 100%. I also was given some pretty heavy drugs (essentially T3’s) and I wasn’t supper drugged out but I couldn’t drive or really do anything for myself. You could always take a chance and hope that you’ll be better to go to class by the Monday, but everyone’s recovery time is different! I waited until I was out of school (did mine last June) and so I was able to have some time to recover. But everyone is different so there’s no way to definitively say what’ll happen!
I would love a video about starting a youtube channel and vlogging, and how you make money from youtube to manage expenses at university.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out a couple years ago and I got them out in the middle of the week and I was fine by saturday tbh. I still had some swelling but it was not as noticeable as it was during the weekend. Def use ice packs as much as you can stand it after the mandatory times to use it have passed, really helps my swelling.
I had to get all 4 of mine out. It took me a week or so to fully recover. I got them out the Friday before my 18th birthday and I was flying out to California that next week. It wasn’t.bad just really swollen.
I had all 4 removed and I only took like 3 days off and was fine :) I think it just depends on your body and how you respond to it and the pain. But really it was ok after a few days! But really stay on top of the meds! It will hurt for a bit!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed this past December and I wasn't back to normal for about a week, although it does vary person-to-person. The biggest tip I have is to ice your face immediately because I got severe bruises all over my face for not icing it properly. I also experienced a severe migraine headache the first day while coming off the anesthesia. It was probably the worst pain I have ever been in but I also didn't take any pain medication the whole time so keep that in mind. Good luck 😁
if you did a thursday you’d be good by monday! i got mine out on a thursday and felt pretty good saturday and basically 100% monday eating was just still kind of difficult
I had all 3 of mine pulled and they used the shots and it went by so fast!! Didn’t hurt at all. I was eating food after a few hours. I could never go under with that gas.
In addition to what everyone else has said, I would say talk to the surgeon who will be conducting your procedure. The healing depends on the person, but it also depends on how good the surgeon is.
I would love to see a nighttime routine!!
I’ve had 3 wisdom teeth removed so I’m praying for you lol. On a more serious note, personally I recovered in about 3-4 days. I definitely recommend doing EVERYTHING they tell you to do home care wise because you’ll recover faster and better. Also make sure you take the pain pills they give you and literally don’t leave your house unless you absolutely have to cause shit is horrible the first day or two. Good luck!
I got two of my wisdom teeth taken out on a Thursday morning and was pretty much back to normal by Saturday night. It will still hurt with the stitches but not unbearable. 😊
I think you should be fine to do surgery thur and school mon i had surgery on a friday and went back on a tuesday and i even ended up stopping one of the pain meds early recovery is fairly quick
i really love your editing in this!
I had my wisdom teeth out and I literally had no pain... I only had some swelling and bruising. I was just really careful not to touch the incisions with my tongue and I followed their directions religiously and all was good. As long as you don’t have a problem with anesthetic then you could probably do it on a Thursday since you’d have all weekend to recover. I recommend lots of sleep and cold foods, but you should be good to go the next Monday! Good luck with your choice, I’m sorry you have to go through it but it really wasn’t that horrible for me after the drugs got out of my system (I realize everyone is different but that was my experience). I’m sure you’ll do fine! 😊
I just had all four of mine taken out a few months ago and I’m a baby to pain. I got them out on Friday and I was back at work Monday. Like I said I’m a baby but I only took the hard pain meds for like two days. The only thing that bothered me on monday was that I was still swollen a bit
I think you should be fine... I got all 4 of mine taken out on a Friday morning and took an exam Monday morning and I’m a drama queen when it comes to pain
If you're getting all 4 out at once, your recovery time may be a little longer. Also depends if they're under your gum or have already "erupted" (idk the right word for that). But I got all 4 of mine out and they were under my gum and it took me about 2 weeks to recover. My dentist said it would only take 2-4 days but I was swollen and in pain for a really long time. I had to take off from school and work :/ Hopefully it won't be as bad for you but just be prepared for a longer recovery in case. Hope that helps. Good luck!!
I got all four of my wisdom teeth out and they were all impacted and I was drinking coffee and doing a take home midterm four hours after the procedure.
You can absolutely go back on Monday after your wisdom teeth! Manage your pain (ice, meds, etc) and plan meals that you can eat and you’ll be good to go. I only took the prescription painkillers the day of and then just used Advil. I would say full recovery time for me was about two full weeks. Procedure was only about 20 minutes with no complications!
I had mine removed (all 4, and 2 were impacted sideways) on a Saturday morning and I went back to school that next week on Tuesday! It isn't bad, just pretty painful the first day or so. You can't drink through a straw for a while, and even ice cream was difficult while I ate it from a spoon the first day. I ended up having a blood bubble form on one side the next week (it wasn't a dry socket) that he had to pop, drain, and put packing in for a few days. Once that was taken care of, I just had to use a syringe with water in it to wash out the gums back there for a few weeks. My process was a little worse than most people's I'm guessing, but overall it wasn't too bad! Good luck girl! :)
I had three wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon and it was totally fine. You'd be fine to do it on a Thursday. The only thing I would say is to be careful with what you eat after, soft foods only (mashed potatoes, soup, applesauce). And no straws! If you use a straw you'll get a dry socket and I've heard those things hurt really bad.
I had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth when I was 12 before they actually came out. I didn't wake up afterwards for 7 hours because even 12 year old me valued sleep. I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks and had like 12 stitches in my mouth. I think it's different for people who get their teeth taken out after their teeth have grown out. Glad you are doing ok!
i think recovery depends on the person! i had all four removed and three impacted. It took me two weeks to recover because halfway through I got a dry socket which prolonged the healing and it made it hard to eat real food. I think it’s all on how bad your teeth are impacted and how well you recover from surgery.
I got my wisdom teeth the day after my last exam way back in first year of my undergrad... I ate Christmas dinner a week later. I was barely swollen.. that being said my wisdom teeth were coming in straight and a couple had already started coming through the gums (there would have been not enough room for them in my mouth in the end which is why I got them out). Obviously what I'm about to say may not make you feel great but I've heard it's case by case basis on reactions to the procedure... I think I wasn't very swollen/could eat/function so soon after was because it was a relatively non-evasive stress on my mouth... I know some people that have their teeth coming in sideways (impacted?), etc... and I think sometimes that might cause more swelling/longer recovery time. Hope this helps! Good Luck! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at once and the first couple of days aren't the best but I think the worst part is not being able to eat normal food for awhile, my gums even got infected where they took the teeth out and that took an extra week for me to recover! I'm sure you could make it into class by Monday!
When I got my wisdom teeth removed, the pain medication made me really sick so I was throwing up constantly for a couple days. It took me over a week to recover but that’s mostly because of my body’s reaction to the medication. My husband got his out and was fine the next day.
I got my wisdom teeth taken out one side at a time. For me, I went back to work the next day each time which was crazy bc obviously you wanna give yourself time to heal but I think if you get them taken out in Thursday you should be good to go back to class on Monday
Love your videos girl! Ps. My boyfriend and his brother and his girlfriend all got four taken out and all took 5 days to get back to work/school!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken our on the same day many years ago. I did it right before my university supplemental coverage ran out at the end of my undergrad degree so it was a few days before my graduation ceremony. I felt fine but one side of my face swelled up completely and I looked like a freak at my university graduation 😳 but I felt fine and the swelling went down a few days later
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out at once (pretty sure they usually do it that way). But I would have been able to go back to school by Monday if I had them out on a Thursday. I never used anything stronger than ibuprofen. I think the worst is the first day, and then having to eat soft foods for a week, but after day 1 or 2, I was fine.
I had two wisdom teeth take out. My recovery was kinda fast. But I'd say you need a solid week. Idk if it'll be longer if you have 4 taken out. And someone DEFINITELY needs to be with you to give you pain meds on time and to change out your ice packs. You're just going to want to sleep tbh for the first 3 days. Afterwards it's just recovering. I didn't have a bad experience though🤷🏾♀️
My dentist suggested I get all mine taken out. Gonna start with one and then we'll see. I have one cavity, but they dont cause me pain atm
I'm super behind on the videos so it's probably too late. I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed on a Tuesday morning and was at school Wednesday morning. So you should be fine on the Monday! If you already got they pulled out, hope it went well!!
Getting your wisdom teeth will be a piece of cake. Say hello to mash potatoes, pudding, and ice cream! Not to mention think of the brilliant video you get to make as you are coming off of anesthesia. Btw, those glasses are ON POINT!!
We definitely want your UA-cam wisdom! Please share!
I started the semester out (as per your advice) a week ahead in my classes....and then grad school happened and it all went to hell! LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one that fell off the wagon 😂 love the vid!
You definitely should be good to go by Monday. I would really only consider the surgery to have 1 day (day of) of down time. As long as you stay on top of your pain meds you won’t experience pain. This was my experience at least but it was a very minor thing. Good luck!
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed without being "put under." The actual experience of having them removed was awful (for me), but the recovery time was much more speedy than I expected! I think you could be okay to go back to school on Monday if you had them removed on Thursday. However, you have you be very careful not to drink through a straw and develop dry socket. Then, the recovery time could probably be way longer. Good luck with it!!!
Oh god, i have to go to the dentist soon and i haven't in years. So nervous.... Also, yes a video about how to become a UA-camr and such would be great. I just started a channel and can use all the help out there!
Same thing happened to me...however, I had an "invasive" wisdom teeth removal (basically my wisdom teeth were connected to my jaw, I know..sounds weird.) Anyways, I got them out on Thursday, missed Friday and recovered for classes by Monday. The only thing is that Monday through Wednesday I had to keep to a liquid/soft diet. Just be prepared to make all of your meals for that duration and I would advise you shop before hand.
When it comes to wisdom teeth I think the recovery time depends on the person. I had all 4 of mine removed at once and 2 were impacted. I didnt swell that much but healing does take some time. Hope you have a good experience with your surgery. Give Peach some headed scratches from me 😻