  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • We hear the word righteousness a lot in the bible, this video gives a definition to the word so that we may grow closer to YHWY.


  • @JoseSanchez0795
    @JoseSanchez0795 2 роки тому +6

    Glory to the Lamb of God!!!

  • @eyerutekle2694
    @eyerutekle2694 5 років тому +9

    Definitely it is blessings .short but very important message.Love it!!

  • @Goinghome2024
    @Goinghome2024 Рік тому +4

    The Righteousness that save is a gift freely given by God to all those who accept Jesus' finished work as payment for their sins. The Righteousness that cause people to go to hell is self-righteousness. If righteousness is about doing good works and sin less, then even non-christian can earn their salvation. But it is not so, no one can meet God's standard through their own self-righteousness. If we can earn out own salvation through our self-righteousness, then Jesus died in vain.

    • @logic8673
      @logic8673 7 місяців тому

      Everything you said is true. But one who lives unrighteously and do not live righteously will be burned. Paul speaks of the Gospel of righteousness. So we must live righteously by God's righteousness, not ours. Romans 8 explains it well. It is God's righteousness and the Holy Spirit is the gift for those who seek righteousness because God is righteous. Jesus died so we can be righteous. To say we claim by faith is simply and doing nothing except profession is self righteousness too because there is no action of faith (obedience and the Spirit of Christ leading. ) We claim what is right in our mind but not what God says is his righteousness. In this way all of the Torah and the Prophets and all of what Jesus said and Paul said etc are true. God is perfect and we are to be perfect/holy (In Mathew, Deuteronomy)

    • @Goinghome2024
      @Goinghome2024 7 місяців тому

      @@logic8673 No one righteous in the eyes of God. The standard of human righteousness by keeping good moral through the flesh is not righteousness in the eyes of God. A sinner can live a righteous life in the eyes of all man but still ends up in hell. But true righteousness is to do the will of the father.
      1 John 3:23 And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.
      A sinner is a sinner, a sinner who tries to live a holy life like a saint will still not make it to heaven. The flesh can squeeze out a tiny bit of godly life but just for a while and for show only. For if we can save ourselves, then Christ died in vain.
      A saint is still a saint. Once born again if we live by the spirit, we will effortlessly live out the godly life. But if we try to life out a godly life through our human efforts or flesh, we will always fall flat and fail all the time.

    • @lotusisme21
      @lotusisme21 5 місяців тому

      Good you put your opinion above Mark 3:33-35 ?!intresting you have authorithy to decide who is saved not God

  • @leonea1985
    @leonea1985 4 роки тому +5

    God bless all righteosness God loves them

  • @bibleonly1
    @bibleonly1 7 років тому +6

    So clear! Can't get it wrong unless you want to!...shalom

  • @pontoonrentalsantarosabeac3110
    @pontoonrentalsantarosabeac3110 5 місяців тому +3

    Very helpful, thank you!

  • @thisisnotmyname4700
    @thisisnotmyname4700 7 років тому +7

    Awesome video John, The Word is clear, praise Yah for opening our eye's.

  • @gladisevance-ivey353
    @gladisevance-ivey353 7 років тому +2

    I just want to say that I appreciate the fact that you actually teach the things that are in the Bible instead of and made up ideal of it and it's interesting because a lot of people including myself have many questions about what is righteous but when I get from this video is start practicing the little things that are of righteousness and then God will fill in the blanks upon every other little thing that you wonder if it is righteousness and for that reminder I am thankful to you peace be with you Shalom and amen

  • @beingbahumi
    @beingbahumi 2 роки тому +3

    This helped so much, thank you. I was confused about what it meant to seek righteousness if we could never be made righteous by our own works and if Jesus already made us righteous in the sight of God, so what else would I be seeking if I’ve found Christ.. then the end of your video sealed it for me: we’re made righteous through Christ, but just because He has made us righteous it doesn’t permit unrighteous deeds. We should still try to live according to His commands & guidance because our hearts have turned to Him.

  • @LearnEnglishESL
    @LearnEnglishESL 7 років тому +1

    An excellent theme... well explained..... "observe tolerance and righteousness, which are two lights amidst the darkness of the world and two educators for the edification of mankind. Happy are they who have attained thereto.."~ Baha'u'llah

  • @Chichi-iu2ov
    @Chichi-iu2ov 6 років тому +2

    Romans 5 is just one of the many chapters and books in the bible that gives us more understanding of righteousness. So I hope we all would study the Bible more to find more of the truth. So I hope this helps 😊

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 Рік тому +1

    Many people are quite unaware if what is right and wrong... wisdom comes with experience... do some thinking... do some meditation... read a lot... try new things... care about other people... be passionate... find truth... keep the process going...😇😇

  • @Chichi-iu2ov
    @Chichi-iu2ov 6 років тому +9

    This I can say: Firstly, righteousness is a gift from God it is not what we obtain a romans5:17. So we need to let that sink in even though it might be difficult to accept.
    Believing and obeying His words brings us also closer to righteousness. Keeping the law doesn't cause He freed us from the law. However Jesus says we are to love God with all our hearts mind and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Which is what the law was to bring into life in the lives of people. Why does keeping the law not make us righteous? Well the reason is as mentioned righteousness is a gift which we have to take care for it to shine and grow by obeying and loving God. Secondly, going back to follow each and every single law is to nullify the provision of grace upon our lives cause we can never keep the law to 100%. Also, going back to the law we would be stuck on fulfilling it rather than wanting to know God more and being formed by Him. So in a nutshell living by grace in Jesus Christ and obeying His words which we get help from the Holy Spirit is what makes us righteous. Cause obeying is part of the work that backs up our faith in Him. We need to personally know Him and obey Him. Thankfully we are not alone, we have His Holy Spirit and the body of Christ to help each of us along the way. The body of Christ I mean the church who ought to be Jesus disciples, followers not the building nor people who see faith as a tradition rather than a relationship with our Heavenly Father, His son Jesus and His Holy Spirit.
    Also sin in a nutshell is not having God to be the center of our lives. When He is the center of our lives we truly would not live a life of lying, hurting others, greed and all the sins that exists in this world. Rather we would live every single moment wanting to know the heart of God and be closer to Him as we fix our eyes on him. Repent when we sin and not take grace for granted. So fixing our eyes on God and His word by having a heart that is willing to know and obey him, is what helps us not to sin. Sadly enough most times we focus on not sining(which we eventually end up doing) rather than focusing on God. Cause when we focus on God we are less prone to sin.
    We are humans and definitely would sin but we can try not to put ourselves in situations that would cause us to sin. How would we know those situations, well knowing God more and understanding how He moves in our individual lives would help us understand ourselves better and our weaknesses that we may not give into temptation and sin.
    It all boils down to knowing God on a personal level, cultivating a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and obeying when He leads us. That's what keeps us from sin, that's what makes us righteous because we are in Christ not because we are not prone to sin.

    • @jailahbryel305
      @jailahbryel305 2 роки тому

      @Rafael Yes friend!

    • @PabloRomero1991
      @PabloRomero1991 2 роки тому

      Great job putting this in the comments! Amen. And he believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness and likewise as Abraham is the father of our faith, we believe God and it's counted to us for righteousness. It's a gift as it says in Romans 5:17! Praise God.

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 6 років тому

    Thank you. "We... exhort them to have regard... to righteousness, which He hath made to be a citadel of strength for His well-favoured ones and faithful, humble servants...." ~ Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

  • @jonathanprinsloo717
    @jonathanprinsloo717 4 роки тому +1

    Love the explanation thank you brother keep up the great work 👍

  • @jhanemendoza5415
    @jhanemendoza5415 4 роки тому +1

    Amen! Thanks

  • @halfsheephalfjesus7357
    @halfsheephalfjesus7357 2 роки тому +1

    Why are people so far from God that they do not know that you cannot keep the law without a relationship with God through Christ. You must see God's power to obey

  • @rootstuunes
    @rootstuunes 6 років тому +2

    speak righteousness unto the people

  • @4SmallGov
    @4SmallGov 7 років тому +1

    Very good video, very helpful. Thank you.

  • @KingJesusChildren
    @KingJesusChildren 4 роки тому +1


    • @KingJesusChildren
      @KingJesusChildren 4 роки тому +2


    • @KingJesusChildren
      @KingJesusChildren 4 роки тому +2


  • @trke5819
    @trke5819 7 років тому +2

    Awesome vids keep up the good work!!👍👍

    @LOPGOH 3 роки тому


  • @davidstoughton3033
    @davidstoughton3033 7 років тому +23

    1 John 3:4Who ever sin commit lawlessness, and SIN IS LAWLESSNESS(that's the definition for sin)
    No one is saved by obeying the law, for the law kills
    We obtains God's righteousness by believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ,Not by our work done. For by the works of the law, no flesh is justified in the sight of God

    • @focalratio456
      @focalratio456 6 років тому +1

      I also agree.

    • @josephpowers7155
      @josephpowers7155 6 років тому +1

      Faith is belief that has been acted on (yes works) doesn’t defeat grace at all- there is a harmonious union (like a marriage) works confirms faith... & faith obtains grace... freed by grace- we can now work for almighty God- grace validates your works...hey! trigonometry // grace is what does the saving & no one can contest that... but simply believing you are @ 100% with God is not enough to be @ 100% with anything... you need to Act... there’s an entire book on that subject- it’s right after the gospels...

    • @sachamatthews9708
      @sachamatthews9708 5 років тому

      If to sin is to commit lawlessness and Christ fulfilled the law, through which we obtain righteousness by faith, then to sin (miss the mark) is unrighteousness. Righteousness is the mark that we often miss. We are lawless by nature.

    • @sachamatthews9708
      @sachamatthews9708 5 років тому +1

      @Aaron Wolfenbarger You said sin is not lawlessness but lawlessness is sin, as if you're saying two different things and you're not. I have studied this enough to reply. We've ALL commited 'sins' when we knew better. We are not to try to fulfill the Torah because that's what Jesus did on our behalf. The OT laws were given to Moses in order to demonstrate man's inability to live up them. If you miss one, you miss them all. This is why no one can boast in their efforts to work for salvation. It is only by believing and accepting the grace of God by faith through Christ Jesus that we are saved and obtain the righteousness of Christ. It is a gift, lest NO man should boast. Available to both Jew or Gentile.

    • @sachamatthews9708
      @sachamatthews9708 5 років тому +1

      @Aaron Wolfenbarger Futhermore, there are people who don't have Bibles or have only a small part of scripture available to them, maybe because they're in areas where their faith practices are persecuted. But they STILL have a strong faith and relationship with our very sovreign and living God. The Pharisees on the other hand, knew the Torah inside and - could recite it verbatim and Jesus still called them a brood of vipers. They put more stock in what they thought they knew from the scriptures rather than their actual faith. They appeared "clean" and knowledgeable of the Word outwardly, but inside their hearts were wicked. They persecuted Jesus and wanted to kill him until they actually did. So while it's great to study word of God, that does not nessecarily substantiate one's faith and realtionship with God. You can know scripture from top to bottom and God can still say "Depart from me, I never knew you". Which in the scriptures, he was saying that to religious people who thought they knew him the whole time

  • @graceplace5585
    @graceplace5585 3 роки тому

    Paul says this of the "law keepers": Romans 10:3
    "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." We all must have a righteousness that exceeds anything we could ever produce through our own effort. That’s where Jesus enters! Failure to understand this truth is at the root of all feelings of guilt and condemnation. If we understand our right standing with God on the basis of what Jesus did for us, and not by our own actions, then the power to be condemned is gone. Those who live with emotions of unworthiness are not trusting in God’s righteousness but are looking to their own actions to obtain right standing with God. God has chosen to accept our complete and total trust in Him, and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, to make up this difference. We call this special blessing Righteousness by Faith. Specifically, Righteousness by Faith is counted to those who accept Jesus Christ, as their personal Savior.
    Jehovah Tsidkenu- GOD our Righteousness.

  • @kiranjetty
    @kiranjetty 5 років тому

    Praise the Lord, very good explanation...plz elaborate more on the Righteousness which is given as gift by God's Grace from the book of Romans...

  • @IgnCosmicGamingYT
    @IgnCosmicGamingYT 7 років тому

    God Bless you Brother...Keep doing this Good Work...😊

  • @jailahbryel305
    @jailahbryel305 2 роки тому

    Jesus is coming soon! He died on the cross for you and took on your sins so you could have eternal life! Turn to Him (have faith in Him) and turn from sin (repentance) because He loves you and wants to build a relationship with you!
    If you want eternal life (heaven), repeat after me:
    Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer!
    Welcome to the Heavenly Family if you prayed the prayer!🙏🏾❤️

  • @CodyCole80
    @CodyCole80 Рік тому

    I like that you use our savior’s real name. 👍🏾

  • @ronevartt7537
    @ronevartt7537 4 роки тому

    What is His righteousness?
    This verse will explain a lot!
    1Co 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.
    So in contrast “righteousness” is the opposite of sin!
    So what is sin?
    1Jn 3:4 Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    This makes “Righteousness” the “Law”!
    Luk 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
    Here Jesus is stating, those who “hear not Moses” (The Law) and the prophets, won’t listen to even, “though one rose from the dead”.
    Now look at this! (Jesus speaking)
    Mat 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Mat 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Mat 5:11 Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Mat 5:12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
    ****Pro 28:9 He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

  • @iiphil74
    @iiphil74 3 роки тому

    Righteousness is God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for Righteousness (God) sake.
    Keep reading

  • @higiniomorales459
    @higiniomorales459 5 років тому

    Here's a deeper look on, Mathew 6:33 (KJV) But seek ye (ye = you all) first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
    Now who's is the righteousness of the Father, that he revealed unto us ???, his Son, his word, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus said, if you love me, do my commandments, which are found and written in God's word (the bible). Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness ( God's Son )

  • @pastelvermillion3814
    @pastelvermillion3814 6 місяців тому

    Where does the Torah/old testament mention baptism? From what I know it started with John in the new testament

    • @kingdomseekers1973
      @kingdomseekers1973  6 місяців тому

      They say the red sea crossing was a baptism of the entire nation.
      Also the priesthood was told to mikvah wash with water before entering the temple.

  • @joebolling
    @joebolling 5 років тому +1

    Wow, people actually go out of their way in the comments on this video to attack God’s laws as unjust and impossible to follow as if God was an idiot to think people could ever possibly even remotely attempt to be obedient. Believing God is counted as righteousness? Good, then start believing Him when he says you won’t enter the kingdom of heaven unless you live according to his commandments. What part was God lying about when he said that? Your argument that we are saved by Grace alone is the same argument Satan presented to Eve... “you won’t really die”. How is saved by Grace any different? Jesus NEVER taught that hyper-Grace saved by Grace alone nonsense. You pick and choose a few twisty phrases by Paul and even Jesus’ own disciples forewarned us about that specifically regarding Paul’s wordiness. If you want to enter Heaven you have to do it through Jesus and Jesus said it’s better to pluck out your eye if you find yourself committing adultery by looking in lust, than for you to keep your eye and be denied entry into heaven because of your unrighteousness. Don’t claim you are saved by Grace because you “believe”, and in the same breath call Jesus a liar for saying you won’t enter heaven if you are unrighteous. He died for our sins, yes - for PAST sins, the sins committed before being born again - if you aren’t seeking righteousness afterward (because it’s simply “not possible” or whatever your excuse happens to be) you are a spiritual corpse to God and corpses get discarded because they stink.

  • @danielblair4413
    @danielblair4413 5 років тому

    @ John Lawson
    Did it ever occur to you that disobedience to the Torah also includes NOT stoning people to death when they break the Sabbath?
    Such a thing was a command to do when someone broke the Sabbath.
    Do you stone people to death for breaking the Sabbath?
    If you don't then how can you say that you are obeying the Torah (the Old Testament law)?
    Such things reveals why rightly dividing the word of truth and realizing that there are dispensations in the bible comes in handy when it comes to truly understanding the bible.

    • @TheAndroid3k
      @TheAndroid3k 5 років тому

      If that is the case, then you and I should have been stoned long ago. Like Yeshua says in the Gospel of John "He among you that is without sin, let him cast the first stone."

    • @danielblair4413
      @danielblair4413 5 років тому

      We should point out to each other where we are wrong...especially when it comes to the bible, and John Lawson is wrong in regards to his teachings.
      We don't have to become like Jews to please God if we are Gentile believers, but that is what John Lawson's teachings imply that we have to do and such a thing is wrong.
      I'm NOT going to imply what God gave to the Jews to do to myself because I don't have to because I'm NOT a Jew.
      I'm a born again Christian.

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Рік тому

    Before Jesus died on the cross, people sinned on a regular basis, and they sacrificed animals for forgiveness.
    The Bible tells us that Jesus death on the cross was meant to give us a better way. He came to bring righteousness to his chosen people.
    2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us this:
    "For our sake, he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
    Scripture also says:
    1 Peter 2:24
    "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness."
    Scripture also says:
    “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” Romans 6:18.
    There are many people who call themselves Christians today who do not live any differently than people did before Jesus came.
    They sin on a regular basis just as people always did before. They believe they have been saved even though there is no distinction between their lifestyles and that of unbelievers. They believe Jesus made the sacrifice so that they can sin without a penalty and recieve constant forgiveness.
    This was not what God intended. The free gift that he offers is only for those who are obedient to living without sin.
    Hebrews 5:9 tells us:
    "And being made perfect, he (Jesus) became the source of eternal salvation to all who OBEY him,"
    Deliberate rebellion against God was not acceptable before Jesus came:
    Numbers ch. 15 tells us:
    "But the person who does anything
    presumptuously, whether he is native-born or a stranger, that one brings reproach on the Lord, and he shall be cut off from among his people. Because he has despised the word of the Lord, and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his guilt shall be upon him."
    Also, we are told that deliberate rebellion today is still not tolerated even after Jesus died on the cross:
    “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.”
    (Hebrews 10:26).
    Jesus came to forgive sins and also to bring righteousness to those that he chooses to forgive. Most Christians deny that righteousness is possible. Without faith in the power of God to deliver us from the bondage of sin, they will not be able to enter his kingdom.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 confirms that righteousness is required for Salvation:
    "do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

    • @Myjesus-1
      @Myjesus-1 Рік тому

      @@kingdomseekers1973 do you believe that righteousness is obedience since Jesus said, "Go and sin no more."

  • @elijahvargas6338
    @elijahvargas6338 4 роки тому +1

    0:40 short and sweet

  • @heyman5525
    @heyman5525 6 років тому

    The Bible speaks alot about God's righteousness so by the assertions made in the video, what laws does God have to keep to be righteous? Why does the Bible also speak of God's righteousness being available to us, if righteousness is supposedly accrued through Torah keeping?

  • @CircleWedge
    @CircleWedge 2 роки тому

    I fear this video places too much emphasis on the Torah. To obey some of the specifics of the Law/law for a non-Jew, a Gentile, such as circumcision, is falling from grace. (New Testimant) Principles are to be applied, rather than specific, outdated rules such as the Levitical Priesthood. I had a more gentle-sounding comment before, but the app surprisingly shut down before I could post it. Unfortunate, as I liked my first better.

  • @Chichi-iu2ov
    @Chichi-iu2ov 6 років тому

    Read Romans chapter 5, it would also shed more light on Righteousness and all the other stuff I mentioned in the previous comment

  • @RHP2024
    @RHP2024 4 роки тому +1

    so you are saying that we couldnt follow the 10 commandments so we need Jesus. so once we get Jesus we once again have to follow the 10 commandments . the same ones we couldnt follow before. What planet are you from. Planet WORKS is where you are from. So you are saying if you sin which you will you will go to hell. One sin not accident sin. God imputes Righteousness to you. Put it on once. Stop trying to earn something.

    • @craiglees5631
      @craiglees5631 3 роки тому

      when you accept Jesus, what was it that you repented of?

    • @RHP2024
      @RHP2024 3 роки тому

      @@craiglees5631 SIN Do you want a list? If you break one you broke them all.

    • @craiglees5631
      @craiglees5631 3 роки тому

      @@RHP2024 so... how do you define sin?

    • @RHP2024
      @RHP2024 3 роки тому

      @@craiglees5631 So what would go through your mind heart soul if you would go up to a child and punch them in the face. Would you feel remorse? Would you since that is wrong? What goes through your mind as a child when you disobey your parents and steal a cookie out of a cookie jar? The answer is simple. Why are you asking me questions you already know?

    • @craiglees5631
      @craiglees5631 3 роки тому

      @@RHP2024 im not sure how that defines sin.... my point im getting at is, when we repent, we turn away from what we were doing wrong, and BACK to God's way..... so if sin is breaking God's commands, repentance would be turning back towards obedience. its not about earning salvation as you alluded to in your original post. no one is trying to earn anything... its about a heart change once we accept His grace towards us. And praise be to Jesus for making it all possible🙌
      Acts 3vs26 To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away each one of you from your wicked ways.
      Tutus 2vs11 For the saving Gift of God has appeared to all men, instructing us to renounce wickedness and worldly lusts, and to live sensibly, righteously, and reverently in the present age, looking for the blessed expectation and esteemed appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Messiah, who gave Himself for us, to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a people, His own possession, ardent for good works

  • @FreeTheCaptives
    @FreeTheCaptives 7 років тому

    Matthew 22:36-40King James Version (KJV) 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

  • @TheAndroid3k
    @TheAndroid3k 5 років тому

    Where is baptism in the Torah? I wish to look it up.

  • @livingwater335
    @livingwater335 7 років тому

    thnx nice

  • @danylekan
    @danylekan 6 років тому

    Here's the Full explanation: ua-cam.com/video/AAT8el8tsUY/v-deo.html

  • @shunterrielsimpson11
    @shunterrielsimpson11 Рік тому

    It is NOT the Torah. It clearly said a law of faith. That is faith toward Christ not the Torah. That is reading into the text of scripture. You are teaching works based salvation. You can't be saved by keeping the law because you just said Jesus came to save the sinner by grace. I don't think you heard what you said.

    • @shunterrielsimpson11
      @shunterrielsimpson11 Рік тому

      @@kingdomseekers1973 That scripture says works not obedience. Faith without works is dead. If you believe on Christ your life will reflect it. Now tell me are you 100% obedient? Are you without sin? Are you 100% faithful to Christ? This is the reason why we rely on the blood of Jesus to wash us clean because within ourselves we ALL are weak and struggle to remain faithful, but God is faithful to keep us and convict us and transform us from glory to glory. He came to save sinners not the righteous. Meaning those who think they are right with God because they THINK they are keeping the law. The word of God says NO ONE keeps the law like God tells us we should. That's why Jesus came because we can't walk perfectly like He did. We now submit to the Spirit of God that leads us in all righteousness. I'm not saved because I do good. I'm saved because I believe on Christ and accept His gift of salvation. Now I live for Him not to obey a set of rules but to walk Humbly with my God.

  • @Victoriousvision
    @Victoriousvision 7 років тому

    Are Christians commanded to keep the Torah to be righteous or is righteousness imputed to them?

    • @Victoriousvision
      @Victoriousvision 7 років тому

      The Righteousness of Jesus Christ that's imputed to those who are truly saved ok, but you are saying people still have to keep the 10 commandments, all the ordinances, and statutes to show they are saved and received the Righteousness of God?

    • @DCM8828
      @DCM8828 6 років тому

      I believe that as new believers, we are made righteous initially through our belief in Jesus. This continues of course, but righteousness in the sense of observing the commands in the Torah flows naturally out of Faith and genuine love for Yeshua, due to the incomparable majesty and power he displayed in what he did for those who trust and believe in Him.

    • @danylekan
      @danylekan 6 років тому

      Here's the Full explanation: ua-cam.com/video/AAT8el8tsUY/v-deo.html

  • @timyeh77
    @timyeh77 6 років тому

    Where in torah does it command about Baptism?

    • @esthermaina8053
      @esthermaina8053 5 років тому +1

      The 10 commandments are broken down to many other laws one being the ritual cleansing

  • @youdontwanttruth2
    @youdontwanttruth2 5 років тому

    What vvs say sinners are to "trust Jesus" for salvation? You totally ignored REPENTANCE , ie ceasing from sinning. Without doing the FIRST act of obedience, IE repenting, your water baptism just makes you soaking wet which will not prevent the flames of eternal torment from lighting you up!

  • @AWayOfLiving84
    @AWayOfLiving84 5 місяців тому +1


    • @kingdomseekers1973
      @kingdomseekers1973  5 місяців тому

      Investigate the earth, with the ancient scriptures, to find the ancient path of our existence???

    • @AWayOfLiving84
      @AWayOfLiving84 5 місяців тому

      @@kingdomseekers1973 Was things lost for a reason. How do you find out about that...

    • @AWayOfLiving84
      @AWayOfLiving84 5 місяців тому

      @@kingdomseekers1973 If you believe they had the answer. Why would it have been...

    • @AWayOfLiving84
      @AWayOfLiving84 5 місяців тому

      @@kingdomseekers1973 Why haven't we got along peacefully worldwide yet?

  • @sokoyagbemiga8412
    @sokoyagbemiga8412 7 місяців тому

    U are wrong for interpreting To fulfill all righteousness as to fulfill all Torah.
    Very wrong.
    Fulfill doesn't mean observe.

    • @kingdomseekers1973
      @kingdomseekers1973  7 місяців тому

      Fulfill means to bring up to a higher meaning, to fill up to it's fullest. Like a glass of water that's half full, if I pour water up to the rim, it's fulfilled with water.
      So also, Yeshua calls us to live out the fullest meaning of Torah, not just do's and don'ts but to know the fullest application to Torah. I hope that helps!

    • @sokoyagbemiga8412
      @sokoyagbemiga8412 7 місяців тому

      The word translated in Orthodox Jew Bible for instance all righteousness is Tzidkat Hashem with references to Dan 9:24 .
      Even though I don't belong to this school of thought it still sounds than fulfilling all Torah.
      Look at it from this point. Whatever was been fulfilled at that hour wasn't and hasn't been full up till that moment. Are saying the Torah was fulfilled by Jesus Baptism? Certainly not.
      Observe carefully that Jesus left there and head to the dessert. Y ?
      Isaiah 40 1-3 accounts for the prophecy concerning John and Christ in the dessert.
      ... Let me know if you want to know more. or hook up and I will spell it out.

  • @josephpowers7155
    @josephpowers7155 6 років тому

    Fulfill means to complete or make whole... those that obey the Torah have Moses as their judge on judgment day- & no man could keep Gods law (why they had annual sacrifices) unfortunately... if Jesus “completes” the law... then it illustrates that the law by itself was incomplete & thus lacking... it was the same jews that (believed) they were obeying God via Moses statutes in the law that KILLED our Savior!!! Following the Torah will leave you with a most uncertain day... because it’s LACKING something!!!???!?!? What could that be? Answer.... simple// the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the 4 gospels... such as not working for money... not getting angry... not looking at a woman lustfully (look at her like she is your sister) - literally FORSAKING E-V-E-R-Y thing (Luke 14:33) in favor of following our Master... to follow Him right into death & beyond (John 15:13) where oh where is that recorded in the Torah? We as human beings have an illness- born at the hands of Lucifer’s deception (that’s still ongoing today) the Torah is a great penicillin to throw at the disease we all possess... but is inferior to the Full strength of the genuine Cure that is following Jesus instructions... Moses may be a good nurse- Jesus is the physician; any arguments about that? I’m not saying “accept Jesus” that’s hog wash straight off Lucifer’s latest... He doesn’t need your permission to be God- He already IS whether you accept that or not!!! But obey Jesus? There’s something you don’t hear anywhere these days (there a reason for that) Satan works night & day to hide this from everyone!!! Jesus tells you everything you will ever need to know// go read it in the gospels... written in red... then DO what He tells you to- He’ll take you the rest of the way from there

  • @logic8673
    @logic8673 7 місяців тому

    Not the Torah

    • @kingdomseekers1973
      @kingdomseekers1973  7 місяців тому

      Did you watch the video?
      Messiah was and is sinless, how? By keeping Torah perfectly

  • @ec169
    @ec169 4 роки тому

    Are you Jewish?

    • @ec169
      @ec169 3 роки тому

      John Lawson what’s that?

  • @rysvlogs9705
    @rysvlogs9705 2 роки тому


  • @discipleshipmovements
    @discipleshipmovements 5 років тому