I made arduino based transmitter and receiver. I used the similar joysticks that you used. But I'm facing a problem. The transmission system itself is working just fine. But I think there is a problem in joysticks calibration. I did some changes by checking the values of joysticks and doing amendments in the code, but there is still some problem. The first 5 channels having potentiometers are constantly getting small amount of fluctuations in their values. The channel 6 having a two position switch is working just fine. Also, when I finally did the joystick calibration by mapping the approximately correct values of joysticks, there are still a lot of fluctuations in the servos when I move the joysticks. By fluctuations I mean that the servos are not moving smooth when I move the joystick. They are like moving with rapid vibrations. Can you help me fix that?
Good job👍🏻
How did you do colorful mask?
感覺起來真不錯 可惜我造不了
I don't have a Chinese account, I can't download it, is there any other way?
I made arduino based transmitter and receiver. I used the similar joysticks that you used.
But I'm facing a problem. The transmission system itself is working just fine. But I think there is a problem in joysticks calibration. I did some changes by checking the values of joysticks and doing amendments in the code, but there is still some problem.
The first 5 channels having potentiometers are constantly getting small amount of fluctuations in their values. The channel 6 having a two position switch is working just fine.
Also, when I finally did the joystick calibration by mapping the approximately correct values of joysticks, there are still a lot of fluctuations in the servos when I move the joysticks. By fluctuations I mean that the servos are not moving smooth when I move the joystick. They are like moving with rapid vibrations.
Can you help me fix that?
não entendi nada do que ele falou , mas ficou bom kkkk
amazing video!