Equality is Not a Game: It’s Time to Take Back Title IX and Save Women’s Sports

  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2024
  • To date, males have stolen 998 trophies, medals, and titles from women and girls across 492 different competitions and over 35 different sports (source: shewon.org). The harm caused is exponential, as every time a man even competes in an event or makes a team, a female athlete loses an opportunity to race, a spot on the team, or playing time on the field. And this is to say nothing of the increased risk of injury and the trauma inflicted when female athletes are forced, without their consent, to share locker rooms with male athletes.
    The Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition, formed in 2021, is the nation's first and only coalition of women’s advocacy organizations from across the political spectrum working together to keep women’s sports female and take back and protect the landmark sex-equality law, Title IX.
    Our Bodies, Our Sports has been traveling the country since May 29 for its coast-to-coast “Take Back Title IX” Summer 2024 Bus Tour. The bus tour featuring female athletes, coaches, and influential women’s advocates is bringing attention to the Biden administration’s new Title IX regulations set to take effect on August 1. The new rules flip Title IX on its head - stripping all sex-based protections in education, undermining women’s rights, and requiring schools to allow anyone who self-identifies as a woman into women’s spaces, opportunities, and sports.
    Join the largest, most ideologically diverse, women’s movement of our time. Use your voice. Together we will protect opportunities for future generations of girls.