WEALTH, FAME, POWER explained by Hans Wilhelm

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @100Darkspine
    @100Darkspine 4 роки тому +155

    *Gold Roger; the king of the pirates, obtained this and everything else the world had to offer*
    *And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas*

    • @DeonQQ
      @DeonQQ 4 роки тому +3


    • @S113Productions
      @S113Productions 2 роки тому +9

      My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Go find it! I left it all there!

    • @matthewlewis757
      @matthewlewis757 2 роки тому +7

      And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!

    • @GucciPucciMIH
      @GucciPucciMIH 2 роки тому +7

      @@matthewlewis757 ARITTKENO YUMEO KAKIATSUME

    • @samuel-wankenobi
      @samuel-wankenobi 2 роки тому +6

      Come on board and bring along,
      All your hopes and dreams.

  • @torgeirbrandsnes1916
    @torgeirbrandsnes1916 4 роки тому +90

    My mother and father always told me: «You need a strong mind to handle defeat and hardship, but you need an even stronger mind to handle wealth and fame»

  • @amefists
    @amefists 3 роки тому +112

    The man who had it all: The Pirate King, Gold Roger

  • @marcillioficino4663
    @marcillioficino4663 5 років тому +212

    _"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6.12_
    I am not a Christian, per say, but this seemed relevant.

    • @marcillioficino4663
      @marcillioficino4663 5 років тому +5

      @@GlennElliottKeller Then enlighten us to the truth, oh wise one.

    • @marcillioficino4663
      @marcillioficino4663 5 років тому +4

      @@GlennElliottKeller Who is engaging in deception? And what would be their motive for doing so?
      My intuition tells me you're a born again Christian, and that is why you are so triggered by these ancient perennial wisdom teachings.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA 5 років тому +30

      @@GlennElliottKeller I've physically saw angels when I was about 4 years old around my bed when I was laying down to go to sleep they appeared. Translucent goldish/yellowish beings and I will never forget it and today I am 54. Also, I started researching life after death when my own father passed away in front of me after suffering a long illness. He was in a coma for several weeks and then one late afternoon he lifted his right arm up toward the ceiling and started to mumble some words. I thought he was coming out of his coma and I was calling out to him but he never responded. He just kept his arm up toward the ceiling and mumbled some words I could not understand. After a minute or so his arm fell and 25 minutes later he passed away. That was back in 1994.
      About 2 weeks later he came to me in a dream and said that he felt very light and while he was trying to explain how he felt he was flapping his arms like a bird as a way to explain how light he felt. He looked vibrant and said he felt great. He told me that he left $5,000 cash in one of his top dresser drawers in an envelope under some books. The next morning I woke up and went into his bedroom to his top dresser drawer and lifted up some books and there was a white envelope with exactly $5,000 in it. I would have never thought to look for money as my father had been in a comatose state for weeks before he died and I had no way of knowing anything about hidden money.
      Needless to say, there is a GREAT GOD and an afterlife. There are many more magnificent experiences I could tell you since my father passed in 1994, but I'd be here all night. God is great and unfortunately MAN saw opportunity with religion as a way to control man. It's not about religion, it's truly about God, Love, and serving His people the best way we know how. Many blessings to you!

    • @carlosparra8976
      @carlosparra8976 5 років тому +4

      @@GlennElliottKeller I wish you a great day, and wish true happiness enters your life.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA 5 років тому +12

      @@GlennElliottKeller You are exactly right and a lot of people got hurt or killed trying to prove something existed or not existed. Here are a few examples.
      One man said he did not believe in electricity because he could not see it so his friend told him to go stick his finger in a light socket. Needless to say he was shocked to death.
      Another man said he did not believe there was such thing as the wind because he could not see it. That was until the tornado took his house down.
      Another man said he did not believe in gravity. That was until he climbed a roof and fell to his death! Of course it was too late to believe at that point!
      While the stories above are not true, they are examples of things that you cannot see, BUT you can feel or they are there whether you believe in them or not. God is the same way! You can't see Him, BUT if you seek Him you can surely feel His presence.
      Also, science is already starting to prove that the conscious mind survives outside the human body. They are comparing it to a cell phone, TV or radio. The brain is merely a receptor of the conscious mind which is the transmitter. I've researched life after death since 1994 and have always been fascinated by the afterlife because of my dreams of people that have passed on and much more. I am very analytical and I don't accept just anything. I am always asking why or what about this or that. BUT, there are many things that humans just don't know because it is far beyond our intellect.
      I've been in the health and fitness business for nearly 30 years and have studied the human body all that time and once you understand the mechanism behind EVERY function, I have no choice but to believe there is an AWESOME GOD that created not only us, BUT all life form.
      Since you are an atheist it really doesn't matter what you believe because the afterlife takes place whether you believe in it or not.
      BUT, I can tell you based on my research upon death EVERY person is the same except you go to a place where your vibrations carry you. For example, if you are a bad evil person who harms other people, etc. then your vibrations carry you to that realm where others like you resonate to. In other words like hangs out with like. No different than this world except we have a choice in this world as to who we want to be around. In the afterlife, your vibrations make the choice for you and it's all automatic. We are responsible for our own actions here and based on those actions will determine whether we go to a lower realm of lower vibration or a higher realm of higher vibration.
      Saying that you don't believe is being closed minded to things you have not seen. Telling someone to prove it is not a good theory to base life on because there is SO MUCH we have yet to discover. Look back 30 years ago - would you have ever thought in a million years you would be able to talk on a phone that didn't have a phone line connected to it? Then comes the cell phone! We are the same way and our antenna is called the Pineal Gland. This is how we connect to our higher self consciousness. If the pineal gland is not functioning properly you lose all contact with your higher self or receive a weak signal. These type of people tend to make the wrong decisions in life. Always questioning things, always asking "why me", depressed, robot in nature, broke, etc.. Kind of like a remote control airplane that has gone out of range from the person controlling it and it runs wild eventually crashing into the ground.

  • @TristanDefeuilletVang
    @TristanDefeuilletVang 5 років тому +94

    Your content is absolutely pure gold. 🙏🏽

  • @blu_223
    @blu_223 2 роки тому +8

    The world had it all won by one man: the Pirate King, Gold Roger. At his death, the words he spoke drove countless men out to sea.
    "My treasure? It's yours if you want it. Find it! I left all the world has there!"
    And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!

  • @HemisphericLyric
    @HemisphericLyric 4 місяці тому +3

    Gold Roger acquired this and everything the world had to offer, and his dying words led countless souls to the sea.
    "You want my treasure? You can have it! I left it all in one place. Now you just have to find it!"
    These words lured men to the Grand Line in pursuit of dreams greater than they'd ever dared to imagine. This was the start of the Great Pirate Era.

  • @tofu1291
    @tofu1291 4 роки тому +4

    Wealth, fame, power... Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, obtained this and everything else the world had to offer and his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
    "You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place! Now you just have to find it!"
    These words lured men to the Grand Line. In pursuit of dreams greater than they've ever dared to imagine! This is the time known as the 'Great Pirate Era'!

  • @arwedgroen
    @arwedgroen Місяць тому +1

    Aloha ❤ aus Nordeutschland. Danke für dieses wundervolle Video, dass so viel erklärt. Ich war 17 Jahre lang "Gefangener" des Systems... als Finanzberater/ Finanzdienstleister... ich wurde immer wieder heiß gemacht auf große Ziele und auf Anerkennung und Berühmtheit... darauf beim nächsten großen Meeting auf der Bühne geehrt zu werden... Faszinierend wie die "Führungskräfte" mich damit im Griff hatten.... Erst als ich 2009 in den Burnout kam und nicht mehr leistungsfähig genug war fand ich den Ausgang und fand durch Meditation und den Kontakt zur Natur beim Segeln eine neue Kraftquelle... ich fand die göttlichen Kräfte ohne mir dessen bewusst zu sein... das wird mir nun mehr und mehr klar, dass ich auf diese Weise Zugang zu Gott fand. Erst letztes Jahr wurde mir dies bewusst. U.a. dank Kurt Tepperwein, Eckard Tolle und nun auch Hans Wilhelm verstehe ich was da geschehen ist und vor allem wie. Das unfüllbare Loch mit der Gier nach mehr, mehr, mehr füllt sich nun mit der bedingungslosen Liebe Gottes = ALOHA.

  • @artbyedna9210
    @artbyedna9210 5 років тому +150

    Everyone should share this video with everyone.

    • @dariobrandt6484
      @dariobrandt6484 5 років тому +4

      ArtByEdna then everyone would receive it 7 billion times!

    • @TheoatStudio
      @TheoatStudio 5 років тому

      @@dariobrandt6484 but 7 billion does not have access to the internet.

    • @Tinyteacher1111
      @Tinyteacher1111 5 років тому

      I have!

    • @truthpill7630
      @truthpill7630 4 роки тому +1

      Funny how Hans loves to twist everything so it can serve his deviant theory. Hans never talks about highest levels of poverty, you see I absolutely agree that lack of money is rooth of all evil, not the money. I saw what poverty does to people, and what it did to my family, the pain, the agony. I was raised in poor place, and I saw how poverty destroy people faster than any wealth or greed. Also I can say from my personal experience that wealthy people, higher class people are much happier, they have much more energy, they walk like winners, they have totally different energy from poor people who are in a total state of despair and it seems like all energy is suck out of them. I don't agree with most things Hans Wilhem said, all of his theories are weird mix of new age and religions, and most of it in my opinion is total manipulation. Do you know why Denmark is by far the happiest country? Cause people have highest standard, everyone is from upper middle class to wealthy, and poverty is rare case. Same thing is for Switzerland and other wealthy country. I live in Switzerland, and I was born in Serbia. And I can tell you, people in Swiss are on a whole different energetic level comparing to people in Serbia, you know why? Because of the MONEY, yep, people in Serbia are mostly dirt poor and that is destroying them, that is also why so many young guys in Serbia decide to go in to crime out of total despair cause their life circumstances are super tough. On the other hand in Switzerland, you see people relaxed, happy, confortable with their lifes. I'm not saying that everything is perfect there, but what I wanted to explain is how life standard changes everything. Hans never talks about that, he is a writer of childrens books and these videos are also fairytales that doesn't really explain anything. I just gave you a realistic view ln how things are, and I'm going to say this again....rooth of all evil is lack of money. Wake up from your dream state, take the red pill, and don't take anything a person say as the truth. Oh btw Hans Wilhelm is a multi millionaire, he sold over 100 milion books, he's cartoons are sold on many tv stations globally. He is on the top of the hierarchy, telling the slaves(sheep) what to believe. I guess these evil entities used hans to milk the money from all the naive sheep, good for him.

    • @imnotkidding6768
      @imnotkidding6768 4 роки тому

      What is Hans view on psychics?

  • @vanehl3
    @vanehl3 5 років тому +56

    As older souls I feel that we have a memory of the life after death state of concsiusness, that´s why we loose interest in the material game per se, or anything physical, its gross for us, not that we are against it, it just that its not a driving force for us.We just want to leave this dimension, clean our karma, and complete what we are here to do, and move on, we are just tired of it all. amen.

    • @mildreddavis1684
      @mildreddavis1684 4 роки тому


    • @colesaintroyll4571
      @colesaintroyll4571 4 роки тому +3

      Damn so true I feel like my soul is tired .. once you realize how much we are controlled by money! The anxiety, depression the fear of being without..How can one escape from a society that in enslaved and Man/nipulate us I’m going off the grid Lol

    • @christmasborn107
      @christmasborn107 4 роки тому +2

      My experience is that the tiredness is a process. It should lead to dispassion. In dispassion, there is not the feeling of suffering.. just a release from the grips of unfullfilled desires. It produces a bigger sense of freedom. BTW, I am a Buddhist, so I do not believe that God or Christ is the only way as described by Mr Hans.

    • @brit4294
      @brit4294 3 роки тому

      This is exactly how I feel. I was NEVER materialistic. Never wanted to make a lot of money, have success, fame, etc. I also never cared for materialistic items like clothes, fancy cars, a nice house, jewelry, etc. I am always content with the bare minimum that I need to survive. I have zero desire for materialistic items. For some reason, I intuitively knew and was very vigilant about making sure to clear my karma and not accrue any more karma. I also always felt like I did not belong here ever since I was a child, and I have always felt very "world weary" and longed to go "home" despite not consciously knowing what that was, it was just a deep knowing that I belonged elsewhere and I was destined to return there. It wasn't until watching Hans videos and learning the process of why we reincarnate, and the ultimate goal of it (to return to the eternal reality and God/the light), that I realized the eternal reality is what I've longed to return to, and that is why I have been so vigilant about making sure to not accrue any karma. So I feel and I'm hoping that I'm close to returning home. I dread the idea of having to go through any more reincarnations.

    • @kramoo
      @kramoo 3 роки тому

      You have been there and done that. Perhaps you were once like this in a previous life.

  • @alephnine
    @alephnine 2 місяці тому +2

    Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer, and his dying words drove countless men to the seas. "You want my treasure? You can have it. I left everything I gathered together in one place, now you just have to find it". These words lured men to the Grand Line in pursuit of dreams greater than they'd ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the great pirate era.

  • @kohaku-river3505
    @kohaku-river3505 5 років тому +29

    I am so grateful. A month ago, I prayed that I may find true purpose and understanding of life. Thank God, he led me to this video. Thank you Hans, may God bless you abundantly.

  • @scottydog1111
    @scottydog1111 3 роки тому +3

    I feel like only certain people will be aloud to see this channel I don’t just think it is algorithms, thank you for your love and I’m sending my love t everyone out there not feeling enough. You are enough your imperfections make you perfect

  • @bakesabundant2028
    @bakesabundant2028 5 років тому +13

    whatever one did not have as a child the child tries to fill that void in adulthood. Sometimes as any cost, the truth is happiness is found in the peace you can find within thyself and by the natural flow of life itself. Trust in God's will for you and surrender to Christ mercy and love.

  • @dnovanswosa
    @dnovanswosa 5 років тому +13

    The wisdom you share, my fathers never taught me. Hopefully one day I’ll meet you. Thank you Hans; blessings from Puerto Rico!

  • @dovetales3
    @dovetales3 5 років тому +7


  • @fisu33
    @fisu33 5 років тому +31

    Hi, it's so good hearing from Mr. Wilhelm again 😊Yes, true repentance, genuine humbleness and "I am Enough" must be encouraged in these younger generations. Narcissistic disorder is awfully increasing in the planet due these dark energies you've explained so well. Helpful as always 👏 Many blessings from this friend 🌟I don't use social networks like fb, Twitter, Instagram etc, also very selective in WhatsApp / Email. Freedom and Nature are so powerful to a balanced and conscious soul, family, real connections, real Life 🌲💚🇵🇹💕

    • @heavenoo4999
      @heavenoo4999 5 років тому +2

      Filipa you are right me too not ant social media trying to connect with my inner self 🙏🙏

  • @thomashusted
    @thomashusted Рік тому +3

    Thank you for sharing these wise words of wisdom. It’s simple but not always easy to love, serve, remember and surrender to the One. But through our effort and the Ones grace anything is possible. So don’t limit the unlimited One who is within everyone, Namaste.

  • @mannysavage88
    @mannysavage88 5 років тому +5

    "I am not enough" are great words of encouragement! If I chose to come back here, then I'm going to push myself to make sure that I have enough money and power to pass down to my children. I will never settle for less and will always strive to stay out of poverty. If the law of attraction really works, then damn it I'm going to attract all of it and make the best of this life. I agree with most of your videos, but this one is coming from a poverty mindset. No thanks!

  • @robertoness142
    @robertoness142 Рік тому

    Every human being should see this video over and over again.

  • @GG-vq6ro
    @GG-vq6ro 5 років тому +25

    I love your videos. They alway confirm things I already feel deep inside. I have found some much more happiness and satisfaction when I started to dedicate most of my free time to helping animals especially the cats in and around our town. I truly believe we are here to help those that are volnurable whether human or animals. Thank you for these wonderful videos.

    • @klarissa1985
      @klarissa1985 5 років тому +1

      Bless you

    • @mousebear7064
      @mousebear7064 5 років тому +1

      That’s awesome 👍

    • @Last.Stand.1111
      @Last.Stand.1111 Рік тому

      meanwhile this creepy demon filled stalker from the past has been trying to kill my familys animals, dude, he is in for a sick suprise when he passes, god has protected us but he sadly wuill not be protected unless he repents and grows

  • @DarkPixieVlogs
    @DarkPixieVlogs 5 років тому +20

    Just what I needed to see and hear. This has been an internal struggle for me for many years. At first, I'd be so upset about my path not heading that direction when I was younger (no matter how hard I worked towards it) , but now I see the divine reason for things not working out the way I wanted them to and for that I'm grateful. Thank you so much ❤️🦋

  • @jay33begin
    @jay33begin 5 років тому +110

    Hans your wisdom is awesome really missed your work 💙

    • @ridgebriar17
      @ridgebriar17 5 років тому +2

      Somehow I don't think it is a coincidence that those demonic forces are ....Red.

    • @mildreddavis1684
      @mildreddavis1684 4 роки тому


    • @truthpill7630
      @truthpill7630 4 роки тому +1

      Hans is so contradictor to himself that is super comical. This guy is joke. One example. In video of stop being a victim he talks there are no victims, all the bad happened to us, in this video he talks how people fall victim to evil forces. Hans is a clown, his theories are total bs

    • @katescupoftea
      @katescupoftea 3 роки тому +2

      @@truthpill7630 the other video had to do mostly with physical 'outside' uncontrollable events for example abuse from another human which would be karmic or soul contract event. And the first thing he mentioned was Law of attraction in that video same as this one meaning reason people fall victims is because they already are weak and dislike themselves thus attracting similar energies

    • @katescupoftea
      @katescupoftea 3 роки тому +1

      the universe mirrors back what you already feel on the inside. You can't fall victim to these entities if you refuse to work with them anyway... so yes there technically are victims, if you are unaware and allow to be manipulated. but hans is teaching us to be aware of that and that is in our power to change that, so we can STOP being a victim . bless

  • @roxyview
    @roxyview 5 років тому +2

    Hi Hans :D I am so glad I found your videos. I am not a religious person but I was taught Transcendental meditation at age 9 so I was kept open if you like to the pure light energy. Life has been full of test and trials all of which I have approached/looked at lived through and learnt through (as nothing is ever a waste unless one does not learn from them :) even then there is always more), and seen thing as must be karma due or owed to others. Biggest fight in life was to understand human feelings and learning to love self due to other influences within life we all have along the way. Despite all trials I always strive to return to light and this video at least answers how I am to serve without doing it wrong, although my intent is never just for the reward but to assist those who could use the learning tools :D Thank you for all your videos, I found them when I least expected it, but needed it as life is often like that when we surrender

  • @thestorm99
    @thestorm99 5 років тому +4

    I just stumbled across your content this morning. I have spent my life in search of the answers to the deepest questions of life, thru the experience of living, loving and learning, and I can say that everything I've seen in your videos is the precise truth. I hope more people find their way to your channel and comfort and direction in your words. Thank you.

  • @kramoo
    @kramoo 3 роки тому +2

    Excellent, reminds me of the illuminate and the pop stars of today who have sold their soul to the devil.

  • @AdamWatkins1992
    @AdamWatkins1992 5 років тому +10

    Thanks hans. This is TRULY needed in today's times

  • @tjf7101
    @tjf7101 5 років тому +8

    Interesting. There’s a lady named Marisa Peer whose a therapist who’s an advocate of the affirmation “I am enough!”

  • @philiprichardson6946
    @philiprichardson6946 5 років тому +4

    please make a video on how to surrender to christ/god. It’s something that’s really counterintuitive and a lot of people including myself struggle with. Thanks for the great content.

    • @stephanieengelsmanintuitiv6212
      @stephanieengelsmanintuitiv6212 5 років тому

      Philip Richardson forgiveness ~ forgive yourself ✨🌟🙏 then forgive others ✨ the weight will release 🌟🌈🙌

  • @sheilaraghunandan8136
    @sheilaraghunandan8136 3 роки тому +1

    Wow 👏such powerful knowledge. I Wish the younger generation will watch this video. GOD BLESS 🙏

  • @theswordthatcutsnothing2289
    @theswordthatcutsnothing2289 4 роки тому +1

    I have no desire for fame or power, but I do want money, only so that i can be comfortable. I see no reason why i can't be comfortable and still grow spiritually.

  • @AAXSlayer09
    @AAXSlayer09 5 років тому +3

    i am 20 and i already see through the system

  • @ravenking9532
    @ravenking9532 5 років тому +1

    Impeccable timing; I was feeling particularly dull and despondent today, but after watching this video my worries have been burnt up and my spirits lifted back again.
    I believe some divine intervention has orchestrated the creation of this video because as a youth myself, I’ve been ruminating constantly for the past few days about how every other youngster in my school is better than me physically, academically or socially when this video hit home. It can’t be a coincidence. Thank you sir. 🙏

    • @jeevansathe4311
      @jeevansathe4311 3 роки тому

      Stand in knee and pray. It will help you further.

  • @ohlalamuah5832
    @ohlalamuah5832 5 років тому +9

    Parents please protect your kids from dark spirits by visualizing bright white or gold light arround them as well as God's energie above their head, angels on bellow their feet, guides on the left and a family menber who has passed and ask them all to to protect and guide your kids....I am doing this wotj my son and he is a happy young man now.

    • @heavenoo4999
      @heavenoo4999 5 років тому

      Oh la la Muah I also wish and pray for my growing sons for self Realization and Guidance 🙏🙏

    • @transcendwithiboga
      @transcendwithiboga 5 років тому

      Yes. Also, the most powerful light frequency is chromium light. Every single color frequency , including white and golden, is contained in chromium, thus making it the strongest. Shadow parasites can escape white light by hiding in it. Chromium is like dissolving acid for them though!

    • @ohlalamuah5832
      @ohlalamuah5832 5 років тому

      @@transcendwithiboga is more so about the thought and feeling you put into the light you are visualizing because it transform in energie. I started working with visualization and light when I was about ten years old, i was bullied at home and school and it just came to me to protect meself with light, since then I been using white light, a few years ago my grandma who passed 14 years ago appeared to me...everithing including her had a beautiful golden sheen light....hard to describe, since then I also been working with that golden light as well, whichever appears first in my visualization....i never forse the color i just let the spirit guide me.

  • @tsl7325
    @tsl7325 5 років тому +4

    My Brother, Dear Sir. You may GOD continue to bless you; with this knowledge, you generously share with your audience. Abundant Love, Peace and Blessings to You.

  • @GucciPucciMIH
    @GucciPucciMIH 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the advice bro! Now all I gotta do is travel the Grand Line!

  • @Last.Stand.1111
    @Last.Stand.1111 Рік тому

    Woah man, this makes so much sense, the guys from my past who have stalked me and my kid and are super addicted to drugs etc are in for quite an awakening when they pass, especially those who have the knowledge of what they are doing and the effects, sad they have ruined their own lives the most.

  • @devbachu7072
    @devbachu7072 2 роки тому +1

    So true Hans I am so simple an ready to help anyone as I journey through my life

  • @ameeramayy
    @ameeramayy 5 років тому +49

    Thank you for this video. I learn so much from your content.

  • @christianvanderbilt90
    @christianvanderbilt90 5 років тому +43

    Pure wisdom, what a great cause you’re doing, thanks Mr. Wilhelm! 👏🏽 🙏🏽

  • @suzie.9379
    @suzie.9379 3 роки тому +1

    Omg! You have changed my life now, because I was so ready and close to the factual reality of your video, I am there now! 🌸🌸💕💕💕

  • @dreadfulroses
    @dreadfulroses 3 роки тому +3

    wealth, fame, power
    one man had acquired all of these wordly things: the pirate king, gold roger. his final words before he was executed sent all the people of the world out to sea.
    "my treasure? if you want it, you can have it! go find it, I left it all there"
    men everywhere head to the grand lines to chase their dreams
    the world has undoubtedly entered a great age of pirates!

  • @dr.destrukkto-stien9154
    @dr.destrukkto-stien9154 3 роки тому +1

    the wisdom of this man blows my mind open.

  • @turniue
    @turniue 3 роки тому +5


    • @SwitIers
      @SwitIers 3 роки тому +1

      I knew the one piece community would be all over this one XD

  • @soscar4880
    @soscar4880 5 років тому +1

    It is true of self help, organizations and groups, The dark forces uses light forces to help them heal them so they can move on. this is what I am experiencing in my own life. I find often hidden as a spiritual guides. One needs to discern well and meditate on ones own beliefs. I enjoy your videos, and feel good about them.

  • @pinchemichael5861
    @pinchemichael5861 5 років тому +5

    Thank you God. this video is helping me understand why i can't get away from my addictions..

  • @mclovin7375
    @mclovin7375 5 років тому +6

    Danke Hans! For this topic I highly recomend "spiritual recovery - a twelve step guide" by Grant R. Schnarr, it shows ways out of destructive tendencies to spiritual freedom, the twelve steps of AA for the Soul

  • @iaround
    @iaround 5 років тому +63

    Agreed on agenda against children... they feel so empty I have noticed it,,, to me is so alarming thye are exposed to sexuality as well.. like 13 years old are feeling like not sleeping with their classmate is not normal anymore.... so freaking weird I think i was still collecting Barbies at that time.. anyway... sad ...quo vadis...people?

    • @badpuddytatt
      @badpuddytatt 5 років тому +5

      Too many teen suicides!!!! Too many kids on prescription meds. Big pharma is the work of satan himself

    • @Tinyteacher1111
      @Tinyteacher1111 5 років тому +2

      I noticed it every day while I was teaching high school for 40 years. 😢

    • @avenlouis1486
      @avenlouis1486 5 років тому

      @kshiftkometh why is swapping sexual energy a bad thing? I guess in my case as an example, the sexual tie with my ex has created a positive bond as well as a negative bondage of dependency for years but many people move on much quicker without noticable negative effects...

    • @mildreddavis1684
      @mildreddavis1684 4 роки тому

      If one refuses to go within [the stillness of inner knowledge/to know thyself], then one will be with-out.
      If the guidance is searched for from outside of self - others will govern the mind.
      Government/ govern ment. Mentis/mente in Latin means "mind". All ancient wisdom states to go within - to know oneself [one/self] 💚
      Self - S elf, the brainwaves sine-wave from which all emotive-intent evolves. As The Solvay Conference in Physics: Electrons and Photons, stated - our emotive-intent affects outcomes
      Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, Albert Einstein [as well as others] have stated that all is energy, vibration and frequency.

    • @newparadigmbeings4127
      @newparadigmbeings4127 4 роки тому

      @kshiftkometh idk about permanent.

  • @smuthcreemnl
    @smuthcreemnl 5 років тому

    He is completely right. Been there, done that, got the t shirt. It is about surrendering to and reflecting God's love and compassion; all else comes to you, if so you desire. 👍👍👍

  • @thebigcountry8518
    @thebigcountry8518 5 років тому +4

    Excellent, excellent, excellent..Great job Hans !

  • @timetravel7168
    @timetravel7168 5 років тому +20

    Thanks Hans, we love your teachings! Another great presentation... See you in the future 👍

  • @francoislarosee2106
    @francoislarosee2106 5 років тому +7

    Wow this a good one!
    And I know you can go even further...
    Thank you Hans, continue your good work!

  • @goldie3602
    @goldie3602 5 років тому +7

    Thank you so much Hans!! Brilliant!!

  • @judymburu8898
    @judymburu8898 5 років тому

    Hans for two years....you have been my best spiritual teacher....as always thanks for simplifying life mysteries. I understand phenomena around me better than i have in any church or school

  • @Lara-ym2py
    @Lara-ym2py 5 років тому +4

    To be rich it is not necessary a case to be bond with dark power . You can be rich and still connect to the God ! In the other hand in reality if you poor , working very hard and burning yourself, then became sick bc you serve others doing your job , and compare to rich people who sleep enough and travel a lot , they are healthy and wealthy and happy? Please can you answer this?

    • @Aliakoonce85
      @Aliakoonce85 5 років тому +1

      I spent $23 000 as was worn out i have nothing of what i bought he talks all this shit but never talks about the fuckers that set the prices and terms of the condition that makes a person want to be rich

  • @Reinhardt4444
    @Reinhardt4444 5 років тому

    Very insightful Hans and we all have a blueprint from Christ. We all get shown from him in time. Whether we are shown from another human being or not. In the past, nobody forced me to worship Jesus Christ. My heart chose to worship before I realized. The more my heart went in that direction. The more, I realized my true way of life. We all have an opportunity to choose Christ's ways of living but in time and actions. That will decide the final result.

  • @TitoRandy777
    @TitoRandy777 4 роки тому

    This is whats happening today we need to protect our children!! thanks Hans I love all your videos your a great teacher!!

  • @Lebstanka
    @Lebstanka 5 років тому +4

    Such an appropriate topic for today's people, thank you again Hans.

  • @SelfMade.919
    @SelfMade.919 3 роки тому +2

    So happy I found your channel, please never stop making content like this! ✨

  • @Sakima636
    @Sakima636 5 років тому +6

    Not all wealthy people are evil...couldn't you use your wealth and power for good instead? You can only help people from
    A position of strength. It's hard to help if you are also poor and have little influence in the world. I refuse to believe that money ALWAYS is evil. Money isn't everything, and it can't buy happiness, but you still need it to live in today's society and yes, to help others.

    • @mclovin7375
      @mclovin7375 5 років тому +4

      Haven't you seen the whole video. He explains this at the end of the video

    • @peeborice4629
      @peeborice4629 5 років тому +4

      Its the addiction thats the problem stated in the video.

    • @Sakima636
      @Sakima636 5 років тому +2

      @@mclovin7375 I must have misinterpreted him or didn't hear it. I'll have to rewatch.

  • @swenzen1
    @swenzen1 4 роки тому +1

    I'm 14 and sometimes it feels like I came to teach people how to live.

  • @insideout8604
    @insideout8604 5 років тому +7

    Thank you, just what I wanted my children to know! With pleasure I will show them this information ❤️

  • @AllBeingsAreLoveAmen
    @AllBeingsAreLoveAmen 2 роки тому +1

    yes everything's free amen, all beings choose the light amen

  • @kgjurai88
    @kgjurai88 5 років тому +8

    Much love to you Hans

  • @sharonlawson3238
    @sharonlawson3238 5 років тому +7

    Good day Hans, Sir I thanx you for the upload, this is spot on. I use to feel like something was wrong with me just wanting to help those i could help or who warrant help, SERVE, WORSHIP and PRAISE my CREATOR and just to be happy and at peace with myself and others.

  • @anastasiawalter2390
    @anastasiawalter2390 4 роки тому

    Hollywood stars and rock stars are the most generous people in our society. They give to charities and “serve” more than anyone else.

  • @aprilbrandao4925
    @aprilbrandao4925 5 років тому +3

    Money is important in life, it brings peace of mind , makes life more confortable and we can help others as well..!! I Love Money and Money loves me!!! Money makes good people even better people and the other way around!! Poverty is the worse form of violence!!! (Ghandi )

  • @justinlang5481
    @justinlang5481 5 років тому +1

    So true !!!!! I love this !!!!! We could all learn from this video !!!!! Thank you so much Hans for sharing your spiritual wisdom on here !!!!!!

  • @raym1951
    @raym1951 5 років тому +2

    although I'm more of a dog person than a cat person, I feed and water 8 or more feral cats where I used to work. 7 days a week . at least they have food and water and shelter (old lumber yard ) but its costly on a fixed ( social security ) income. I'm hoping God will help out as they're his cats lol

  • @sabinahassan2872
    @sabinahassan2872 5 років тому +4

    👏👏👏👏👏👏 super! Thank you Hans, for such a wonderful video. 💛

  • @christmasborn107
    @christmasborn107 4 роки тому

    One of the best video on this subject. Yes, there are dark forces taking energies from the suffering of others. We are food sources. Thank you Sir. It takes a lot of courage to not be affected by ones' lack of wealth and power, but is worth it.

  • @LaLaLadi10
    @LaLaLadi10 5 років тому +1

    Yes the ego needs to go
    Thanks Hans 💕💕

  • @danielforrester1579
    @danielforrester1579 5 років тому +2

    This differs somewhat from Abraham Hicks teachings.
    They said there was essentially nothing harmful in nonphysical.
    I think they are mostly trying to help though because the more attention you give to it (dark spirits or darkness) then the stronger it gets.
    But... I don't know.

    • @Aliakoonce85
      @Aliakoonce85 5 років тому +2

      Yes i give the energies of negativity mystical or real no attention i have a very positive life

    • @ipsitadey2769
      @ipsitadey2769 5 років тому +3

      I absolutely agree with this, that there is nothing called demonic, it is our mind's creation. Darkness not necessarily is a different realm,but absent of light. Dark has no power , the more we go away from light the more we get depressed, agonized, motivation less. Those who are relentlessly trying to show that way to Light, they are real Heros of this time. I thank Mr Wilhelm from the Core of my heart. And it does not matter if there is so called demons present or not, we have to motivate us and to all our youngsters to tread the path of light. Namaste.

  • @brunadicecca3026
    @brunadicecca3026 3 роки тому

    You are a brilliant light in this world 🤍we watch your videos as a family🤍God bless you Hans, love from Canada 🤍

  • @29debbieann
    @29debbieann 2 роки тому

    This is soo helpful. I just started a holistic business because of my love for others and I have no feeling to make money out of it. I know money will fall into place eventually.

  • @decatur9473
    @decatur9473 5 років тому +1

    So glad I found this channel. Thanks Hans for your teachings & wisdom. 👍🏾👏🏾💯🔥

  • @juvontay1
    @juvontay1 5 років тому +5

    Thankyou Hans your are Amazing😊😊😊

  • @sajalkhare9396
    @sajalkhare9396 5 років тому +2

    ♥️ from india. all these teachings we have in our culture which is very much ancient....ved, shaashtra, spirituality ..karma, salvation, astrology (akashik records), palmistry, .... thanks HANS ..U ARE TRUELY SERVING PEOPLE WITH GREAT KNOWLEDGE OF WISDOM IN EASY WORDS AND DRAWINGS..... ♥️

    • @chillizora
      @chillizora Рік тому

      There is very little empathy in india. The cast system - the way woman are treated people left dying in the street. Kids in the slums

    • @chillizora
      @chillizora Рік тому

      India is one of the worst countries in terms of love for people. Really a bad testamony for knowing your job on this planet. Europeans think twice about going there for the disrespect of human life.

  • @amygentry4351
    @amygentry4351 3 роки тому +1

    There's an old saying
    "He's so poor, all he has is money." Boy is that true.
    Think of all you have. I have family, love, stability, grace, happiness, honor, respect, and a clear conscience. Then I'm so very rich indeed.

  • @hortenzijasilverlight9062
    @hortenzijasilverlight9062 3 роки тому

    Thank God that you existe, dear Hans!❤

  • @Professor_Taiga-Vanguard
    @Professor_Taiga-Vanguard 5 років тому +2

    Hans, i had a rather difficult question and i hope it doesn't sound like i'm being facetious- i'm simply having trouble trying to word this question. anyway, how is it that one group of people on this planet is given the truth while all other cultures, past and present are guided towards incorrect teachings.

  • @HighVibeCat
    @HighVibeCat 5 років тому +1

    Looking snazzy, Wilhelm! 😻
    & Thank you for taking the time to offer these videos

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 5 років тому +1

    Much love to you Hans. Infinite love.

  • @edwardsouza2792
    @edwardsouza2792 2 роки тому

    Eye opening..God is great

  • @triciaparris8701
    @triciaparris8701 5 років тому +1

    You are an amazing teacher, God bless you Hans.

  • @galadrielle3680
    @galadrielle3680 5 років тому

    Thank you for this. God bless you....too many of us got all mixed up because of false, new age teaching, and need to wake up....

  • @rja3226
    @rja3226 5 років тому

    Thank you! I just can't thank you enough. God save us! Love love love.

  • @jakec2009
    @jakec2009 5 років тому +22

    Thank you for the great content. I am learning so much!

    • @iaround
      @iaround 5 років тому +3

      me too

    • @jay33begin
      @jay33begin 5 років тому +3

      Really good comment!

  • @maria.1313
    @maria.1313 Рік тому

    I love your videos, very clarifying and affirming of what I have been shown/understood. Thank you for your service ❤️‍🔥🙏🌹

  • @ALamb630
    @ALamb630 5 років тому +3

    Always excited to watch a new video! Thank you !!!

  • @rpvp7756
    @rpvp7756 5 років тому

    Well said (done), Mr. Hans Wilhelm!!! How to change the negative patterns into positive ones shall be one of your next videos! Keep doing your great service ... 🙏👍🙏! God bless.

  • @Victorgreat4
    @Victorgreat4 4 роки тому

    Thank you all, thank you Hans, we are all enough!

  • @jacquelinefreeman4855
    @jacquelinefreeman4855 5 років тому

    Thank you Hans i love you
    You are such a wise man
    I learn so much from you
    your wisdom helps me to continue to wake up my conscience to better serve others around me with

  • @klarissa1985
    @klarissa1985 5 років тому +1

    Schicke dir eine dankes-umarmung für deine Videos! 🤗💖

  • @kristinagarder6846
    @kristinagarder6846 5 років тому

    How true that was when you said "it's a pact with the devil" ... and they do it knowingly. They know exactly what they do when they seek fame, sell their soul and get rich. Always at other people's (/ lifes) costs... just to feel good. So sad.

  • @ucbre
    @ucbre 5 років тому

    Hans, I love your videos. Fulfillment can only come from within. I’m still on that journey myself.

  • @MadDog7XL
    @MadDog7XL 5 років тому

    Deep Truth. A rarity in our day and age.

  • @jesse24377
    @jesse24377 5 років тому +3

    So true. So simpel. Respect.

  • @Ziggy5003
    @Ziggy5003 5 років тому +17

    Thank you, your insight has been a blessing to me :)