Big Bream Fishing on Light Tackle | Catch Cook | Cape Town

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @eugeneschroeder7359
    @eugeneschroeder7359 Рік тому +4

    wow what a awesome vid. Yeah come south africans enjoy the outdoors. i would love to go sppearfishing out by Noordhoek, lovely kelp forests and awesome surroundings. lotsa of fish and for the shore forager nothing better...cant wait to be a primal survivor on catch and cook.

    • @CatchCook
      @CatchCook  Рік тому

      Lovely Eugene! Hope you can join sometime. Send an email to for instructions on how you can become a primal provider.

  • @MikeCrawch
    @MikeCrawch Рік тому +1

    Love how you guys are constantly advocating for “Sustainability”.
    Keep it up!

  • @davee2056
    @davee2056 Рік тому +2

    Nash's voice will make a jaguar purr

  • @fabiananderson8708
    @fabiananderson8708 Рік тому +1

    Love the brother and sister bonding time my dream destination is Gouritsmond South Africa ❤

  • @hookngrill
    @hookngrill Рік тому

    This is lovely man!💪🏼🎣🎣🎣

  • @jppagel6563
    @jppagel6563 Рік тому +1

    Nice vid guys, where would you even start as a dream destination!!! There are so many good places but for me, would have to be great barrier reef.

  • @stephenhoffman5871
    @stephenhoffman5871 Рік тому +1

    I would like to try this recipe when i catch some hotties. My dream destination would be at the seychelles or mozambique 💪

    • @donniehendricks6772
      @donniehendricks6772 Рік тому

      So bream is what is known to us saffas as hotnot or stompneus?