I've been lucky enough to grow up around a 60's model Bolwell running the Boss 302, I cant remember not being around it. Now I'm 25 I look at it and think Geez not many people have had the chance to see or spend time around a Bowell or even know what one is, But I consider my self one of the luckiest people around because I got to grow up around one and still have the oppurtunity to be around it since it's in the family.
I've been lucky enough to grow up around a 60's model Bolwell running the Boss 302, I cant remember not being around it. Now I'm 25 I look at it and think Geez not many people have had the chance to see or spend time around a Bowell or even know what one is, But I consider my self one of the luckiest people around because I got to grow up around one and still have the oppurtunity to be around it since it's in the family.
Very rare and very cool car.
Great footage, solid drive
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