Sink. ( Sonic VHS Animation)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,5 тис.

  • @greenknight9000
    @greenknight9000  2 роки тому +3370

    Okay, since I'm noticing a worrying trend here where people think this came _before_ the FNF the description. I made this animation because I loved the character and concept, and the FNF mod that came with it; I made this animation as a loveletter to it.
    EDIT: also, the red text is the same as the white text "I JUST WANT TO GET OUT"

    • @drewski5558
      @drewski5558 2 роки тому +23


    • @SIG7Pro
      @SIG7Pro 2 роки тому +16


    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +16

      I already knew why the mod came out well before this video

    • @randommothreviews1577
      @randommothreviews1577 2 роки тому +37

      @@seekgamingchannel8215 Stop stealing people's content that they work so hard to create. You may be a kid, but surely even you would know just how wrong it is to do such a thing. Think before you do, and stop trying to rip fame from everyone else just to feed your own channel

    • @randommothreviews1577
      @randommothreviews1577 2 роки тому +21

      @@seekgamingchannel8215 No clue what you're trying to say if I'm being 100% honest

  • @gianluco
    @gianluco 2 роки тому +2607

    I love how Sonic, even if he's in this limbo of drowning over and over, still has that "I'll never give up" attitude

    • @julieradcliffe9486
      @julieradcliffe9486 2 роки тому +182

      He KNOWS that eventually, that chain will erode

    • @sixeleven637
      @sixeleven637 2 роки тому +57

      @@julieradcliffe9486 that would take a really long time for.

    • @julieradcliffe9486
      @julieradcliffe9486 2 роки тому +112

      @@sixeleven637 But he can't die so he's got all the time in the world to wait

    • @Blue_eyed_dude
      @Blue_eyed_dude 2 роки тому +75

      @@julieradcliffe9486 and suffer. 'Cuz he's always with that feeling of drowning.

    • @julieradcliffe9486
      @julieradcliffe9486 2 роки тому +20

      @@Blue_eyed_dude Agree

  • @DimonKILL
    @DimonKILL 2 роки тому +2182

    Well that's terrifying. Every single water level in Sonic games is just a huge heart attack generator. But this overcomes it.

    • @moosesues8887
      @moosesues8887 2 роки тому +13


    • @DimonKILL
      @DimonKILL 2 роки тому +11

      @@moosesues8887 Has some deep lore as well

    • @snooze2699
      @snooze2699 2 роки тому +6

      Oh? Is that so?

    • @tek3576
      @tek3576 2 роки тому +4

      not really. the only hard water level is labyrinth but each act has a shortcut to skip most of it. the rest are manageable and if you're good, not a problem at all

    • @AmanoWasTaken
      @AmanoWasTaken 2 роки тому +3

      @@snooze2699 *Scrap Brain Zone Act 3*

  • @x8bitpixel
    @x8bitpixel 2 роки тому +2555

    I’ve never felt bad for sonic as much as I do now.

    • @bobherobrine3415
      @bobherobrine3415 2 роки тому +63

      yeah sink is sad but have you played as sonic in flying battery zone

    • @x8bitpixel
      @x8bitpixel 2 роки тому +3

      @@bobherobrine3415 Yes. I have.

    • @multiversegamer6587
      @multiversegamer6587 2 роки тому +2


    • @NoHandle44
      @NoHandle44 2 роки тому +2

      @@multiversegamer6587 It is now at 667 likes. Not due to me though.

    • @multiversegamer6587
      @multiversegamer6587 2 роки тому +1

      @@NoHandle44 I think we’re the only ones who saw it.
      *Sonic ExE. Is on the way to get us. RUN.*

  • @SmokeTheHorsehog
    @SmokeTheHorsehog 2 роки тому +1102

    Rather than being cliche with cryptic text, you can sense Sonic's pain as he monologues about how he got to his current situation. The best part, however, is the combination of the animation (even if it is looped for most of the video), and the feeling of sheer rage and frustration during the final stretch, complete with the up pose and the shaking red text. It's not trying to be creepy, it's trying to be depressing, and it solidly delivers.

    • @Mr.Needle-Hamster
      @Mr.Needle-Hamster 2 роки тому +28

      The somber tone is what sold it for me. It's just sad and creepy all at the same time.

    • @ChaoticYetFun
      @ChaoticYetFun Рік тому +19

      That part near the end really shows his continued determination, yet desperation.

    • @ghosttamelia
      @ghosttamelia 2 місяці тому


  • @zerumsiru5204
    @zerumsiru5204 2 роки тому +500

    As someone who nearly drowned once, there's two distinct sensations that I feel when watching this. The burning of my eyes, as if salt or chlorine got into them due to the water, and a hard, heavy, but painful sensation against my lungs. I don't know how something like that can cause that sensation, because I got over that years ago and learned how to swim after the fact, but this somehow brings that back.
    Excellently done for the unsettling nature of this, as it's simple, but effective. Just makes you feel bad for the character.

    • @Canari_garde
      @Canari_garde 2 роки тому +11

      When i read the eyes part MY eyes started to drop water

    • @Mr.Needle-Hamster
      @Mr.Needle-Hamster 2 роки тому +6

      It happened to me once, when I was very young

    • @jomjomsaga1580
      @jomjomsaga1580 Рік тому

      I think i saw ur other comment about this on that fnf mod of sink

    • @BajablastingXD
      @BajablastingXD Рік тому +7

      So this actually happened once while my cousins were playing push war on our shoulders and my team failed so i fell underneath the water, it was all fun at first and i thought my cousin was getting off my shoulders, but she remained on them after 3 seconds. I still remember that adrenaline rush i had when my air ran low…i did everything to try and get her off, tap her leg, reach above the water and wave, god i even tried to bite her, but all was in vain until i remembered the stairs we had, and in a blurry haze and my lungs were about to give out, i pushed myself towards the stairs and made the hard trek toward the top under my cousins weight…im happy that im still alive to tell this tale. Thank you for your time to read my childhood trauma story

    • @michaeldreemurrandhisaus2165
      @michaeldreemurrandhisaus2165 10 місяців тому

      multiple times…now that I think about it it gives me this feeling that I can’t describe, not determination, but something else, like, hatred? No. I don’t think that can be…well, nevermind that

  • @ApenasAleatorio.
    @ApenasAleatorio. 2 роки тому +3523

    Imagine he stays there long enough to fully drink all of the fucking water

    • @thatdogcanexplode5734
      @thatdogcanexplode5734 2 роки тому +97

      problem solved, ez

    • @nesstar64
      @nesstar64 2 роки тому +220

      Its not so easy, that would take years, and even then the zone has many water falls so its constantly refilling

    • @thatdogcanexplode5734
      @thatdogcanexplode5734 2 роки тому +163

      @@nesstar64 draining all the ocean pog

    • @Realicemot0
      @Realicemot0 2 роки тому +109

      but everything that comes in has to come out

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому

      I think it would take so long that he would die of old age :'

  • @art_meth4448
    @art_meth4448 2 роки тому +2109

    This is pretty good, like REALLY good, the whole progression until the end's animation went smooth as hell
    Great work

    • @greenknight9000
      @greenknight9000  2 роки тому +99

      If you're talking about the shaking, that was intentional, if it looked smooth, it just wouldn't seem right (I tested)

    • @FiveEditz05
      @FiveEditz05 2 роки тому +6

      @@greenknight9000 Can you give this man(sonic) a happy ending by sending tails as he randomly falls in to the same pit as sonic and rescues him.

    • @ImNotMister_Mallow
      @ImNotMister_Mallow 2 роки тому +2

      @@FiveEditz05 well he or she's not the original creator of the creepypasta, and I don't really think he or she would want to mess with the creepypasta by putting an ending that's not canon to it.

    • @FiveEditz05
      @FiveEditz05 2 роки тому +1

      @@ImNotMister_Mallow Well He/she can put AU by the title and it would make sense that it happened differently in another universe.

    • @jamiacurry5288
      @jamiacurry5288 2 роки тому +2

      I found the part he said i just want to get out

  • @randommothreviews1577
    @randommothreviews1577 2 роки тому +4634

    For once a .EXE that isn't a murderous psychopath, but instead a deathless force of determination

    • @randommothreviews1577
      @randommothreviews1577 2 роки тому +72

      @Emiliano Olarte I mean, I know his origin, it's quite literally in the video xD

    • @zeusthefox1585
      @zeusthefox1585 2 роки тому +39

      Poor Sink.

    • @misterboxhead3045
      @misterboxhead3045 2 роки тому +73

      I i've saw a .exe that don't kill people but.... i don't want to talk about him
      Or ther i guess
      Wait a minute i remember one exe that is a bootleg sonic that can see you trought the screen, and his scared from you, you are the one who scary him

    • @SanonixFastTime
      @SanonixFastTime 2 роки тому +45

      It's not even a exe it's just Sink no .EXE related at all

    • @angelogaray8019
      @angelogaray8019 2 роки тому +30

      @@SanonixFastTime Dude, it literally says he's in EXE in the FNF mod, where it also tells you his backstory

  • @false_idol__
    @false_idol__ 2 роки тому +329

    This is so good. The atmosphere matches how Sonic feels, it's only 5 minutes but I felt like I was drowning for an eternity just like him.

  • @EpicGamer_SansheeFreddy
    @EpicGamer_SansheeFreddy 2 роки тому +800

    100 years later…
    *The chains rusted away, and Sink is free, floating to the surface. He makes it to Act 3 of Labyrinth Zone. No sign of Eggman. Sink makes it to the animal capsule. After opening it, he finds the dead bodies of the animals. He then realizes that he was trapped for 100 years, enough time for every living thing on South Island to die. Sink doesn’t win. He survives, but at what cost…?*

    • @BlueSmash_404
      @BlueSmash_404 2 роки тому +50

      Wins what?,he lost against Eggman.

    • @Corrupt_Plague
      @Corrupt_Plague 2 роки тому +25

      Bueno el metal aún el acero inoxidable no demoraría más que unos años en hacerse completamente añicos y más aún si el agua es salada
      Una cadena pesquera que solo es empujada diariamente y es más gruesa ( por almenos 8 veses el grosor y que nisiquiera estan sumergidas) que esas cadenas que sink tiene a los 5 años se hicieron completamente añicos solo por precion

    • @Sailflish
      @Sailflish 2 роки тому +49

      He outlived eggman

    • @cay7809
      @cay7809 2 роки тому +35

      soft reset
      up down down down left right

    • @H128
      @H128 2 роки тому +33

      up, C, down, C, left, C, right, C
      up down left right
      A + start

  • @ExtemTheHedgehogLol
    @ExtemTheHedgehogLol 2 роки тому +1509

    Random depressing fact: this happened during Sonic 1. Tails doesn’t know Sink exists, and probably never will. He becomes a hero to follow in Sonic’s footsteps, so without him he will forever be Westside Island’s punching bag. There is literally nobody to save Sink except the badniks of the Labyrinth, and hell if they’re doing that. He’s stuck until he either teaches himself the spindash or if some miracle happens and the chain breaks somehow. Eggman will succeed in taking over all of Mobius and Little Planet because there would be nobody to stop him.

    • @WhittyYT
      @WhittyYT 2 роки тому +137

      Well, as someone said in another comment, water is part oxygen, so the chain could eventually rust and break.

    • @ExtemTheHedgehogLol
      @ExtemTheHedgehogLol 2 роки тому +161

      @@WhittyYT …maybe it would. Maybe Sink just has to wait it out. Maybe there’s still hope. Even if Sink makes it back to the surface, though, it would take forever for him to get used to walking and running again.

    • @WhittyYT
      @WhittyYT 2 роки тому +15

      @@ExtemTheHedgehogLol true

    • @dylanzlol7293
      @dylanzlol7293 2 роки тому +103

      As Sink finally is free after a long time, he swims up, Feeling scared about Labyrinth zone, he immediatly runs away, once he comes out of the zone, he sees South Island, it's all, robotic, there's no animals, the water is filled with residues, and not to mention the amount of traps in the area, such a *Bad future,* don't you think? Well, he's got another chance to set things right, hopefully.

    • @theorangegoomba5378
      @theorangegoomba5378 2 роки тому +25

      @@dylanzlol7293 go to sonic cd and find a past sign and never come back to the present :)

  • @yeahman20
    @yeahman20 2 роки тому +2332

    The scary thing is, this is Sonic 1. No spindash, no Tails, there is no way for Sink to get free. It's really scary, and I wonder what the outside world is like: is it a robotic wasteland? Did someone step up to stop Robotnik, like the Freedom Fighters? What happens to Tails?
    Edit: I just realized that even if Sonic escapes the chain, he isn't going to be able to get back up

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +56

      Good question

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +156

      And he was able to release just wait for the currents rust rust it may take a few days, or maybe months? or even years??? No matter how long the wait it goes

    • @randomtopic1666
      @randomtopic1666 2 роки тому +179

      Tails most likely becomes a slave to robonik, dies trying to stop him or is still looking for sonic

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +120

      Sonic didn't know tails at the time

    • @yeahman20
      @yeahman20 2 роки тому +28

      @@EvanAnimatioons I know

  • @Miles_Prower1992
    @Miles_Prower1992 2 роки тому +287

    if you put it on loop you really understand what sonic's going through and what he means by drowning over and over again...

    • @chaoscontroller316
      @chaoscontroller316 Рік тому +50

      Retelling the same monologue to himself as a torturous way to pass the time and keep himself sane...

  • @Ever_2008_ARG
    @Ever_2008_ARG 2 роки тому +165

    What's horrible about this is the fact that you're in complete darkness, cold and alone, with water in your lungs, not even being able to die, and meanwhile there's a bad guy out there that will inevitably take over the world

    • @i-dont-speak-rus
      @i-dont-speak-rus 2 роки тому +10

      He already did, if I understood everything right from Amy and Tails' designs

    • @chaoscontroller316
      @chaoscontroller316 Рік тому +2

      @@i-dont-speak-rus This already got expanded lore?

    • @i-dont-speak-rus
      @i-dont-speak-rus Рік тому +6

      @@chaoscontroller316 kinda. Sink's creator made designs for Amy and Tails in this universe, and as far as we can see in their story, Eggman took over the world without Sonic being here to stop him.

    • @dylanzlol7293
      @dylanzlol7293 Рік тому +1

      @@i-dont-speak-rus eggman got the 6 chaos emeralds and the time stones, so tails cant stop eggman obv

    • @CypherHyperTails355
      @CypherHyperTails355 Рік тому +4

      @@dylanzlol7293no because there are also the super emeralds , if tails and the crew find all the super emeralds , and deliver it to the master emerald, then there could it be a chance to stop eggman, if they succees, then they could explore the South Island , and find sonic body alive, then everything would continue normal in sonic cd,2 and 3&K,and a happy ending :D

  • @spacialplaysalot
    @spacialplaysalot 2 роки тому +418

    This is too sad bro.. this is one of the worst ways to die.. getting stuck and your leg getting attached.. you cant die as well.. worse.. and the pressure of the chain on your leg.. OOHH NOOO! And the drowning. And “respawning” and the constant suffering.. too horrifying

    • @dr.dayoesan6761
      @dr.dayoesan6761 2 роки тому

      But wouldn't he restart when he ran out of lives? and what about the check points

    • @TheBonneter
      @TheBonneter 2 роки тому +10

      @@dr.dayoesan6761 he can’t run out of lives because he never died…kinda…? He’s in a zombified state of both living and not

    • @dr.dayoesan6761
      @dr.dayoesan6761 2 роки тому

      @@TheBonneter O

    • @dylanzlol7293
      @dylanzlol7293 2 роки тому +1

      why not break his own leg? wouldn't that help him to get out?

    • @popnbean9021
      @popnbean9021 2 роки тому

      I mean he could just break his leg ig?

  • @CrankyCain_EndoTrubbish
    @CrankyCain_EndoTrubbish 2 роки тому +631

    This is genuinely so heartbreaking to watch. Well done

    • @joshshrum2764
      @joshshrum2764 2 роки тому +2

      Honestly all i can think of is the Biolizard, supporting me song.

    • @HydroxTheCat
      @HydroxTheCat 2 роки тому +7

      Don’t feel to bad, I did the math and if the ball is made up of carbon and sink can kick as hard as a strong martial artist, it would take him 133.3333.. kicks to break it (but I round it to 134)

    • @Mr.Needle-Hamster
      @Mr.Needle-Hamster Рік тому +2

      @@HydroxTheCat Oh, well if he keeps on doing then he should get free

  • @Oxxxyminog624
    @Oxxxyminog624 2 роки тому +541

    I just want to think that he will be saved some day...
    Some day

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +2

      maybe some year?

    • @Oxxxyminog624
      @Oxxxyminog624 2 роки тому +3

      @@EvanAnimatioons maybe...

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +26

      I hope someone makes a video or animation that the sink is saved and gets medical help

    • @eeeeeeee4968
      @eeeeeeee4968 2 роки тому +8

      I mean the chains will get rusty right?

    • @EvanAnimatioons
      @EvanAnimatioons 2 роки тому +6

      🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 metal + water + time = weak current ie just wait as the sink himself says, the wretch is a genius!

  • @0_dearghealach_083
    @0_dearghealach_083 2 роки тому +103

    ... Is that where the air bubbles come from?
    From the Sonic stuck underwater, struggling against the chain, his air rising up, escaping him as he drowns over and over?
    ... Terrifying.
    Very well made.

    • @bytebybyteyt
      @bytebybyteyt 8 місяців тому +5

      If they came from dead sonics, then they wouldn't be breathable.

    • @crazyanimations2097
      @crazyanimations2097 Місяць тому

      The thing is, tho, they dont die.
      And i know im 7 months late but ok

    • @ghosttamelia
      @ghosttamelia Місяць тому

      ​@@crazyanimations2097 xd

  • @MaskInTheSpotlight
    @MaskInTheSpotlight 2 роки тому +109

    the fact you made this animation so good to the point of making some people believe the fnf sink mod was inspired on THIS video, just proves how good you re at your job.

    • @greenknight9000
      @greenknight9000  2 роки тому +36

      You know what? I never thought of it like that. Thank you so much for the kind words!

  • @thedragongamer6877
    @thedragongamer6877 2 роки тому +468

    Happy ending: the chain rusts enough over time to be weakened to the point where sonics thrashing breaks the chain and he floats up due to his body still having air in it despite y'know him drowning over and over

    • @Realicemot0
      @Realicemot0 2 роки тому +24

      Because of how broken your body should float

    • @angelogaray8019
      @angelogaray8019 2 роки тому +15

      Just one problem: Sonic can't float, even with air in his body, as shown in the games

    • @Copter200
      @Copter200 2 роки тому +20

      @glorykk10 r Sonic swimming in the Olympic ga-
      ...How did I not realize that before...
      It feels so out of the ordinary now ;-;

    • @Copter200
      @Copter200 2 роки тому +4

      @glorykk10 r Yeah I just didn't realize that sonic might have swam in that game 💀

    • @Keeeeeeeeeeeeeee
      @Keeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2 роки тому +7

      As much as I and many others would want this to happen, it won’t.
      The beautiful horror of this situation is that it will never end, forever in a hell not of his own creation, but of twisted fate

  • @RandomEhPerson
    @RandomEhPerson 2 роки тому +556

    One day, he'll escape. The chains will finally rust away, and hopefully, maybe then, he'll find his way back up to the surface. Back to the warmth of the sun. One day. Until then, he will float in wait of something that can free him from his watery prison.

    • @RandomEhPerson
      @RandomEhPerson 2 роки тому +58

      (On a serious note though, you could easily make an amazing story for Sink. This character has a lot of potential.)

    • @TheBonneter
      @TheBonneter 2 роки тому +34

      I heard somewhere that the chain is cursed and cannot be broken by natural means but hey

    • @theinkyoneiguess_
      @theinkyoneiguess_ 2 роки тому +25

      He won’t be able to swim back up though... he’ll just be worse off that before if his chain breaks as he’ll probably be much too tired to even move a muscle and he’d be even more trapped than before.

    • @SKURMIE
      @SKURMIE 2 роки тому +2

      @@theinkyoneiguess_ Video game physics

    • @numnumkfcbutterwtf
      @numnumkfcbutterwtf 2 роки тому +32

      @@theinkyoneiguess_ *sink literally floating and literally rapping / beatboxing and moving alot during the fnf mod*

  • @SuperDZ555
    @SuperDZ555 2 роки тому +408

    And THIS, kids, is why it would SUCK to be immortal

    • @souzalucenalego4304
      @souzalucenalego4304 2 роки тому +4


    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 2 роки тому +20

      depends on the situation

    • @joshshrum2764
      @joshshrum2764 2 роки тому +14

      If I can have god of hyperdeath powers, and help people, plus do anything i want to myself then I’d love to be immortal, but stuck with no purpose, or greater calling definitely not.

    • @Budsblastanite
      @Budsblastanite 2 роки тому +7

      @@joshshrum2764 wtf is a god of hyperdeath

    • @chry-sos
      @chry-sos 2 роки тому +10

      @@Budsblastanite from undertale

  • @Leekodot15
    @Leekodot15 2 роки тому +142

    I feel like... just the loop of the first... "verse" (note: I am a music noob) of the drowning theme describes what Sink is feeling. He's incredibly close to drowning, but.... not. *Eternally.* He's feeling the fear, anxiety, _pain_ of drowning, but he's not actually drowning.

  • @CephaVa
    @CephaVa 2 роки тому +54

    For some reason I feel that if this was in actual sonic, Robotnik would look for sonic and save him, I’ve always seen classic sonic and Robotnik as sort of a Doof and Perry, and we all know Doof wouldn’t really let Perry die

    • @RagnvaIdr
      @RagnvaIdr 19 днів тому +2

      Honestly I agree

  • @xavizd.8904
    @xavizd.8904 2 роки тому +1466

    *_Not every creepypasta is scary._*
    or at least _not the typical "good guy turned crazy murderous force" bit we're used to._
    _No,_ this is more tragic than scary.
    It's sad...
    It's sad... And at the same time, still makes you uneasy in a way.
    You sympathize with him... You feel bad for him.
    But at the same time, you can't help but imagine what it must be like to be in his predicament.
    Trapped and surrounded by darkness and water... And even death is no escape.
    _That kind of stuff... whether you're just imagining it or reading about it from various sources..._
    *_has a way... of making your skin feel cold all the way down to the bone beneath the hairs on your arms and legs... as well as anywhere else you feel you're most sensitive. . ._*
    *_And this... this is all coming from someone who generally holds little fear toward deep bodies of water..._*

    • @CrystalicDivinty
      @CrystalicDivinty 2 роки тому +37

      and THAT is why I have Thalassophobia

    • @syyruppallaround
      @syyruppallaround 2 роки тому +20

      _Wow. It’s so cold… That pain is freezing your soul. Even if you could do something, you would still feel that pain. You will never forget this. Why even try.._

    • @greenthesheikahmonk7264
      @greenthesheikahmonk7264 2 роки тому +25

      And thats a meaning for "a fate worse than death"

    • @soulbounddoll1826
      @soulbounddoll1826 2 роки тому +24

      I can't help but want to hear the story of what happens when he does finally get free. I'm curious how any author would portray his reckless display of agonizing determination and his inevitable trauma from this event. Would he even be able to take a bath? would he even be able to drink anything? Would Sonic's friends even still be alive? If they were how would the react to sonic becoming a traumatized mess combine with some immortality-based determination? What if everyone was dead and Eggman had already robotized himself as an overlord? Maybe sonic could find a way to return to the past (since I remember one of the games involved time travel.) but despite whatever the story could be, it clearly would be a painful journey. The kind of journey/story that I enjoy most.
      So, I really hope someone makes a after story of what happens when sink finally does escape this hellhole... and how the hellhole he was stuck in would follow him throughout his journey.

    • @couch_potato2087
      @couch_potato2087 2 роки тому +6


  • @bananapuddingo
    @bananapuddingo 2 роки тому +135

    someone should write a fanfic where he does get freed or something because this shit almost made me shed a tear

    • @Super1updude
      @Super1updude 2 роки тому +10


    • @wolfzillaposeidra503
      @wolfzillaposeidra503 2 роки тому +7

      I would make it. But, there's a possibility of me making it a really stupid crossover fanfic you'll typically see in Wattpad.

    • @cookiecrisps4956
      @cookiecrisps4956 2 роки тому +4

      you're in luck
      I sometimes do fanfics

    • @Randonguy278
      @Randonguy278 2 роки тому +7

      Heres an idea its probaly gonna be Bad
      Sonic its been 30 years......... will i ever escape?.... can i escape is the question......
      Hears someone going threw water
      Sonic !! Finally! Freedom!
      Sees Eggman
      Sonic Robotnick?...
      Eggman it seems you forgot the nick name you gave me well thats good then
      Sonic what do you want from me?....
      Eggman to get you help me
      Sonic If its the thing to get out i agree but theres one thing
      Eggman and what is that?
      Sonic leave
      Eggman Im done with that....
      Sonic ... what?
      Eggman i gave up now just shut up!
      Sonic i feel so free.....
      Eggman it probaly feels good now you're free to go
      Runs to Green hill
      Sonic Hugs the animals
      Sonic Gasp sigh.. its good to be here again
      Tails S-Son-
      Sonic hugs him
      Sonic im so glad to see you....
      Sonic cries for a littel
      Sonic i missed you guys so much....

    • @cookiecrisps4956
      @cookiecrisps4956 2 роки тому +6

      @@Randonguy278 Needs better spelling and grammar, but is really good! I like the idea of Robotnik rescuing Sonic, like he didn't want their rivalry to end or something.

  • @kubaz791
    @kubaz791 2 роки тому +233

    I feel so bad for Sonic... he is trapped underwater... forever. But there is still hope. Maybe he will be saved... some day.

    • @WhittyYT
      @WhittyYT 2 роки тому +7

      Well, the chain could break from rusting since water is part oxygen.

    • @zaireballard9819
      @zaireballard9819 2 роки тому +1

      and this was in sonic one

    • @homemadecupnoodles2036
      @homemadecupnoodles2036 2 роки тому

      but he cant swim so even if the chain breaks he’ll be still underwater

    • @zaireballard9819
      @zaireballard9819 2 роки тому

      @@homemadecupnoodles2036 oh crap i did not think of that

    • @Beyfan13
      @Beyfan13 2 роки тому

      @@homemadecupnoodles2036 *inserts sonic colors physics*

  • @BobbyBLP2743
    @BobbyBLP2743 2 роки тому +18

    Okay so just imagine: the last time you played this was 1990s you decide, to revisit the game after years, but you come to realize as you boot it up, that something is wrong, and you see this VHS Tape instead.

    • @Mr.Needle-Hamster
      @Mr.Needle-Hamster 2 роки тому +9

      To add on to this, the last time you played, you stopped the game at Labyrinth Zone after you drowned too many times.

    • @partypooperinfiltrado601
      @partypooperinfiltrado601 13 днів тому

      Creepypasta moment , is sad.

  • @knines6279
    @knines6279 2 роки тому +133

    This is probably my favorite Sonic creepy pasta. It’s so guttural, that fear you get when playing in a water level. I was terrified of the drowning music. Also, this doesn’t feel super edgy like exe, since Sonic is a bloody, graphic, gory mess

    • @TETANUS.
      @TETANUS. 9 місяців тому +2

      I's realistic how his body is like that.
      He's been under the water for *who knows* how long.

  • @rfsmaster
    @rfsmaster Рік тому +20

    I think it's interesting to note that when Sonic drowns, he does the little "look at the screen and fall down to the bottom" thing that most platformers do. However, he can't do that with the ball and chain.

  • @strikareay9987
    @strikareay9987 2 роки тому +386

    I have to give credit, this was brilliant.
    I was kinda invested into what Sonic was saying, but then the music stopped.
    When the drowning music kicked in, I was legit kinda scared, it was unnerving. That’s an accomplishment for you, I’m pretty hard to properly scare like that.

    • @Gnarp_darp
      @Gnarp_darp 2 роки тому

      @StrikareaY the Robot I was scared as well

    • @Octo_0687
      @Octo_0687 2 роки тому +10

      It's always the drowning jingle that scares people, you never expect it to come, yet you don't want it to happen. Until you're too slow to find the bubbles of the water zones.

    • @notagoosewithaknife9750
      @notagoosewithaknife9750 2 роки тому +2

      I was honestly expecting some sort of jumpscare

    • @mackenziewoloschuk7375
      @mackenziewoloschuk7375 2 роки тому +7

      I was hella invested and then the music cut out and I knew that something was gonna happen. i didn't know what, and i didn't know when, but i just knew...
      then the drowning music came in and my god, the fear it began to rise within me...making me feel helpless in helping Sink, watching as he struggles for air and to escape, watching as he begins to die and being unable to help him...
      jesus, that's a scary and sorrowing feeling

    • @eggynuts7735
      @eggynuts7735 2 роки тому +1

      Scaredy ass cat

  • @funnymanjacob3307
    @funnymanjacob3307 2 роки тому +47

    Bro just imagine the relief he might feel when that chain rusts and he's able to break the chain


    People are saying this is creepy but honestly this just encapsulates labyrinth zone so well.

  • @cristinagomez3283
    @cristinagomez3283 2 роки тому +32

    That's why I love this animation. It drags on for an agonizing 5 minutes, and even causes the viewer to have sympathy for sonic, as he recounts how a fatal mistake cost him his eternal freedom, as he slowly floats in the murky depths, wasting away for eternity, awaiting his next eventual death, or for someone, anyone, to come to his aid, and free him from his waterlogged prison under the thrashing waters of labyrinth zone. Then, just when you think this was all just an unsettling video and nothing more, the video then decides to triple the pace of your heart, and as the good ol' reliable PTSD hits in when the drowning sound plays, in the last few seconds of the video, we are forced to watch sonic thrash around, screaming about his hunger for his freedom, and as the video fades out, sonic goes limp, and dies again, only to awaken again, to relive his torture all over again, for the rest of eternity.
    To be honest, I'm surprised how we got this on VHS tape.

  • @Napsta_Blooky
    @Napsta_Blooky 2 роки тому +227

    * I can’t swim, because if I swim, I would be dead.
    * Sonic’s case, is however, way worse.
    * A endless case of *pain* and he can’t get out.
    * at least I get out of pain…

    • @zeusthefox1585
      @zeusthefox1585 2 роки тому +10

      He's been there so long drowning is just natural.
      He feels it creep up on him. And over take him...just to wake up again...
      The heart of a determined Hero is a blessing...and a Curse.

    • @syyruppallaround
      @syyruppallaround 2 роки тому

      D’you really have to type as if you’re an Undertale character?

    • @Napsta_Blooky
      @Napsta_Blooky 2 роки тому +6

      @@syyruppallaround * No, but, it bothers people, and that’s what matters.

    • @shroomieeee
      @shroomieeee 2 роки тому +1


    • @kyper4629
      @kyper4629 2 роки тому +2

      Do you sometimes run out of ketchup because of sans?

  • @SaintWalkEmDown
    @SaintWalkEmDown 2 роки тому +48

    This gave me a feeling/ sensation of dread and hood. The feeling of being stuck somewhere with no one to help you out, just your thoughts keeping you sane. One of my biggest fears of all time. This reminds me of the backrooms, the feeling of the same thing over and over again no life form or evidence of living organisms. Very amazing video, this video really gave me a weird feeling down my spine. This goes to proof how good the work is in this video hood job.

  • @salazar2885
    @salazar2885 2 роки тому +46

    Id love to see a continuation of this , i feel so bad for sonic and the situation he’s in

  • @Strawnimations
    @Strawnimations 2 роки тому +21

    just think about it, for someone as energetic as sonic to lose hope of escaping, i don't know, it just hits you right in the feels knowing that even the most energetic of people can lose hope after long enough.

  • @gittattle148
    @gittattle148 2 роки тому +53

    So from what I can understand, he can't die. There's so many ways to escape, all possible but will either take a long time, or not very likely. For example, he can use the chains, slam them into the stone and if he gets a big enough chunk of stone he can break the chain or detach his foot. On the more silly side he can just start drinking all of the water. He has all the time in the world

    • @mostrico0728
      @mostrico0728 2 роки тому


    • @gittattle148
      @gittattle148 2 роки тому +1

      @DJInferno that's not gonna happen unless sonic starts working out

    • @hoozartz6740
      @hoozartz6740 2 роки тому +4

      I don't think drinking a whole ocean while being drowned is a best idea. But considering the fact that he's "immortal", that's actually a pretty neat idea.

    • @hoozartz6740
      @hoozartz6740 2 роки тому

      @DJInferno this version of Sonic(Sink) was take place before the ''spikeball'' mechanic was exist back then.
      So it's impossible for him to do that.

    • @Britshit
      @Britshit 2 роки тому +5

      @@hoozartz6740 It sounds good on paper, but:
      1. His body would not be able to store that much, even with the current atmosphere he is in.
      2. Waterfalls, streams and many other water sources are constantly replenishing water to the zone.

  • @byjohan832
    @byjohan832 2 роки тому +406

    Can someone make an animation about a character saving him? That would be fantastic.

    • @misterboxhead3045
      @misterboxhead3045 2 роки тому +22

      Who? In sonic 1 theres no tails or knuckles

    • @lauren.elizabethmusic
      @lauren.elizabethmusic 2 роки тому +42

      @@misterboxhead3045 an army of flickeys?

    • @CrystallizedPaint
      @CrystallizedPaint 2 роки тому +49

      Maybe this could be a alt universe and f how sonic meets tails?

    • @byjohan832
      @byjohan832 2 роки тому +44

      @@CrystallizedPaint Sure! That sounds original.
      Maybe he heard the legend of Sonic some months later and went there, curious. Or maybe the other flicks went seeking help and Tails was asked

    • @Sargent_Mexo
      @Sargent_Mexo 2 роки тому +17

      I think there is i seen like a clip of it and I’ve been trying to find it for a while now but basically what happens is that tails comes down with his scuba gear and cuts the chain off sonic and brings him back up and stuff like that

  • @cursedemoji3946
    @cursedemoji3946 2 роки тому +42

    If you’re asking yourself “why cant he just spin dash and get out?!”
    This is before the idea of the spin dash was even invented

  • @aidencalhoun4893
    @aidencalhoun4893 2 роки тому +24

    Eggman:where is that hedgehog I haven’t seen for weeks and for the first time I feel worried it’s just boring without a challenge and something to do

    • @superleon-sv6dn
      @superleon-sv6dn 2 роки тому +9

      Eggman When He Finds Sonic in that state: Oh My Lord. I Gotta Help Him NOW.

  • @marcosandrey5059
    @marcosandrey5059 Рік тому +8

    I love how at the end he just straight up loses the last straw and goes in some kind of insanity as he tries to break free

  • @Lunarcreeper
    @Lunarcreeper 2 роки тому +21

    finally a creepypasta about one of the most horrifying things to man.

  • @Jereozo
    @Jereozo 2 роки тому +53

    I saw that it is not an EXE directly, it is a sonic that only survives with determination and willpower that one day they will remove it

    • @pixelatedluisyt
      @pixelatedluisyt 2 роки тому +6

      no it is an exe. hes just not corrupted or possessed, hes just a sonic in an endless state of pain and suffering, waiting..
      days.. weeks.. months.. years.. decades.. he just has to lay there drowning infinitely.

    • @syyruppallaround
      @syyruppallaround 2 роки тому

      @@pixelatedluisyt not really infinite, just has to wait a while

    • @BlueSmash_404
      @BlueSmash_404 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah but,the creator said that he is so..."he is an EXE".

    • @SakuSayaa
      @SakuSayaa 2 роки тому

      @@pixelatedluisyt unless you can sho some source he's an exe, cuz it wouldn't make sense he's one, that's like saying coldsteel is an exe cuz he's in a sonic.exe mod lol

  • @crescentmoon1014
    @crescentmoon1014 2 роки тому +29

    This opens up a lot of path for an ending

  • @ariqatoo
    @ariqatoo 2 роки тому +267

    I can't help but theorize, now that you mentioned "what would happen once he's free" in this video.
    Say he does get free somehow. He even manages to get to the surface. The reason he's alive is because of his determination to his promise, right? I'd assume Eggman has LONG since overtaken South Island or something along those lines. What would happen if Sink saw the damage?
    Would the promise be broken, which results in his ACTUAL death? It was the only thing keeping him going, so to see that he won't be able to uphold it; it'd surely just result in him giving up, right?

    • @Xavier-cv2vw
      @Xavier-cv2vw 2 роки тому +44

      well...i feel like IF he does get out, his way of seeing things would lead to first a surge of sadness and a huge loss of determination at first, wich would set the fact that, if he does lose his determination, he will die again and perhaps permanantly, but then his determination spikes as he promise himself not to die until everything is back the way they once were.

    • @ricardobr1493
      @ricardobr1493 2 роки тому +15

      He'll probably have even more determination to save everyone

    • @ariqatoo
      @ariqatoo 2 роки тому +41

      I can see what you two mean. He'd just be more determined to save everything.
      Which makes me wonder, once he DOES save everything, you think that he'd see the job's done, and just finally let go?

    • @Xavier-cv2vw
      @Xavier-cv2vw 2 роки тому +29

      @@ariqatoo Oh definitly
      He would die only once the job is done.
      What im torn with is if he could come back if it was ever needed, or its just the end

    • @ariqatoo
      @ariqatoo 2 роки тому +30

      @@Xavier-cv2vw That'd actually be pretty sick.
      He'd be known as some kind of legend, that only appears when they need him.
      It's like that one Batman quote, but instead of hiding in plain sight, he's just dead meanwhile.

  • @Sure_Bestie
    @Sure_Bestie 2 роки тому +9

    4:39 from here it’s pure agony. Great work

  • @cloomerking3878
    @cloomerking3878 Місяць тому +9

    5:02 he doesn’t care about tails or knuckles or saving the world he just wants to get out of

    • @CyanshinningStar
      @CyanshinningStar Місяць тому +3

      He didn’t even know tails and knuckles this is sonic 1 it was only sonic and eggman

    • @getjinxed101
      @getjinxed101 17 днів тому

      This is the FIRST GAME bud. Sonic doesn't know them.

  • @zionjoiner9822
    @zionjoiner9822 Рік тому +5

    This animation is top tier, and even after a year it hits different. I also like how the drowning theme starts playing, showing Sonic is about to “die” again. To be honest, the amount of anxiety you get when you hear that theme..

  • @lukiejr1740
    @lukiejr1740 2 роки тому +216

    Saddest part about this is I don't even think he'd live if he managed to get out. I honestly think he'd die as soon as he got out the water.

    • @mariobroultimate1808
      @mariobroultimate1808 2 роки тому

      His will to live would force him to be revived though. He'd physically be fine, but would be mentally scarred for life.

    • @king_froganimations5112
      @king_froganimations5112 2 роки тому +15

      You got me tearing up

    • @Rars290
      @Rars290 2 роки тому +36

      Well you got a point his lungs are filled with water so even if he gets out he still couldnt breathe unless someone gives him CPR

    • @mariobroultimate1808
      @mariobroultimate1808 2 роки тому +40

      @@Rars290 Yeah. Once he gets out, he'll need a hospital trip to recover.

    • @shroomieeee
      @shroomieeee 2 роки тому +9

      I mean, I guess he’d still be free-

  • @mocant
    @mocant 2 роки тому +85

    damn this hit hard I feel so bad for the blue boy

  • @Swagmaster-rj6mt
    @Swagmaster-rj6mt 2 роки тому +15

    If you look correctly you can see that sink has his left leg free so if he uses the weight and gets himself to the ground he can jump with his left leg and if he finds something to latch onto he can use his right leg to constantly slam the spike chain and eventualy breaking it since it can rust and then he can swim upwards.

    • @Mr.Needle-Hamster
      @Mr.Needle-Hamster 2 роки тому +3

      I don't think that'll work, because he's battered and bruised.

    • @Dogewithlightsaber
      @Dogewithlightsaber 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Mr.Needle-Hamster not really just he's running only on sheer determination- his body has practically given up and his brain is his only piece left.

  • @littlebigman5224
    @littlebigman5224 2 роки тому +28

    I really hope he does get free.
    He's not even a murdering guy he's just an unlucky person who didn't deserve what he got.
    Let's just hope he eventually is saved.

    • @HydroxTheCat
      @HydroxTheCat 2 роки тому +3

      i did some math and concluded they could escape by kicking the over-sized mace 134 times

    • @MarmiteMark
      @MarmiteMark Рік тому +2

      He would be too tired to even do that sadly

    • @HydroxTheCat
      @HydroxTheCat Рік тому +1

      @@MarmiteMark nuh uh

    • @MarmiteMark
      @MarmiteMark Рік тому +1

      Besides, if we're actually using the game logic here, Sonic cannot kick it anyway.
      This takes place in Sonic 1, there is literally no way out for him.

  • @ketchupsaturn
    @ketchupsaturn 2 роки тому +18

    I'm actually excited to see what's next for this dude

  • @forgotthemilkbrb8954
    @forgotthemilkbrb8954 2 роки тому +8

    the feeling of dread, as he waits for salvation. on an underwater chasm deep below, in constant agony. where no man dare to venture, and almost no clues to his position and his predicament. As everyone eventually forgets his existence as he suffer indefinitely. Cruel, truly cruel.

  • @randomshq4249
    @randomshq4249 2 роки тому +9

    damn man this was really god, hell the drowning music at the end got me to feel rushed and worried like the first time i ever heard it
    good job :-D

  • @loganwolverine5849
    @loganwolverine5849 2 роки тому +12

    Spawn poles- *Am I a joke to you?*
    The depressing part isn’t him drowning, but the fact that the labyrinth will eventually collapse before the chain breaks, forever burying him alive!

  • @sixty5notch796
    @sixty5notch796 2 роки тому +14

    There is three ways this can play out.
    1.Sonic is saved and set free.
    2.Sonic finally looses his determination too keep him living, he doesn't care anymore and he drowns for one final time. This is most unlikely because he seems like he has infinite determination to free himself from the chain and will never give up.
    3.Sonic stays determined but never gets saved. He remains here for the rest of the exitance of Mobius. Stuck Forever. Never Giving Up, Never stopping drowning

    • @mrcrappy26
      @mrcrappy26 2 місяці тому +1

      1-good ending :D
      2-bad ending :(
      3- normal ending

    • @LazyOddHedge
      @LazyOddHedge 2 місяці тому

      Or 4. Soft reset: Up down left right A+

  • @Phoeniclover06
    @Phoeniclover06 2 роки тому +10

    I feel like this but with quarantine and have lost contact with most of my friends since the beginning. I tried looking for them by looking around town but I never found them again to this day hell, I even tried asking my school at one point but, nothing worked. I eventually gave up and now here I am. Everyday feels like a loop I don't know what to do and I just want things to get better for me.

  • @8_bit_dragon_original
    @8_bit_dragon_original 2 роки тому +7

    The level of detail in this video is amazing, it feels so real and sad, even for a moment I was feeling like Sonic...
    even the time it lasts is the same as the countdown when you are drowning, only this is by minutes instead of seconds!

  • @SebCard211
    @SebCard211 2 роки тому +14

    The genuine fear i felt as soon as the drowning theme started to play through, good lord.

    • @joshshrum2764
      @joshshrum2764 2 роки тому +1

      I honestly mainly jumped because of expecting a jumpscare since it built up.

  • @clamdeity
    @clamdeity 2 роки тому +12

    everyone's mentioning that the chain will eventually rust, but like,
    • sonic reaching up means he's somewhat healed when respawning
    • infinite respawns = infinite time and infinite hedgehogs
    • infinite time and hedgehogs = enough time and hedgehogs to break the chain and dig a way out before writing the full works of shakespeare on infinite typewriters

    • @YousefAli-ui2wm
      @YousefAli-ui2wm 7 місяців тому

      Can't believe someone's acting like Albert Einstein with Math in a horror VHS animation, lol.

    • @clamdeity
      @clamdeity 6 місяців тому

      @@YousefAli-ui2wm this is thermodynamics

    • @YousefAli-ui2wm
      @YousefAli-ui2wm 6 місяців тому

      @@clamdeity idk wth u mean by that but ok

  • @silver122e
    @silver122e 2 роки тому +31

    This is depressing yet I can’t help but to feel hopeful for him. Someday, he’ll make it out.
    I love the video and the music is great too

    • @HydroxTheCat
      @HydroxTheCat 2 роки тому +2

      you can confidently be hopeful because i already found a way they could make it out

  • @katelynsakurasystem1811
    @katelynsakurasystem1811 2 роки тому +23

    I like this not too creepy but just a little sad

  • @tobycat1803
    @tobycat1803 2 роки тому +8

    Ok this needs to be a series this animation was pretty impressive

  • @killrwolf-wq6xm
    @killrwolf-wq6xm Рік тому +11

    It's kinda more depressing when you realise that there's no good ending for sonic in this situation
    Only 3 bad endings
    1: Let himself die to end his suffering, which he wont do
    2: wait till somehow he gets free, either by waiting for the chain to rust so he can break it (which even rusted metal is still very hard to break and would take a long time) or wait till someone to come save him, which he's in a labyrinth so someone finding that place would be rare, so sonic is stuck drowning for potentially years
    Or 3: somehow cut his own leg off, either by using the spikes on the ball or his own finger nails which would be agonising as hell, and after he removed his leg, he'll lose the 1 thing he loves doing the most, running (he'll most likely fall into a very deep depression)
    So he could either
    Drown painfully for years
    Or lose the thing he loves most
    No happy endings for sonic

    • @MeemFolder
      @MeemFolder 11 місяців тому +4

      Another thing about the second ending : even if he did manage to get out of the water, he'd probably die mere minutes upon escaping the water, since his lungs are filled with water, and he'd probably be deaf due to the water reaching his ears

    • @seashellguy9416
      @seashellguy9416 9 місяців тому +1

      or 4: take off his shoe and let the people see how his feet look like

    • @MeemFolder
      @MeemFolder 9 місяців тому

      @@seashellguy9416 The chain is attached to his knee, taking off his shoe wouldn't do much

  • @goatnephilim7474
    @goatnephilim7474 2 роки тому +8

    Congratulations! You've managed to make the drowning theme, which is among the most anxiety-inducing themes in any game ever, even more desesperating and stressful! [positive]
    kudos to you : ]

  • @justn0on3
    @justn0on3 2 роки тому +8

    if you loop the video, it's even more sadder, it looks like he's never going to make it to the surface

  • @zaida_16
    @zaida_16 2 роки тому +44

    This still gives me chills even though he isn't bad.

    • @HydroxTheCat
      @HydroxTheCat 2 роки тому +5

      Tutorial how to save sink
      1. break the time barrier
      2. find the universe selection screen in the omniverse (descriptions of each universe are listed below the names)
      3. click the one that says "contains the famous soni-- i mean sink"
      4. you will go unconscious for 3-4 minutes
      5. wake up
      6. locate labyrinth zone
      7. locate the trench they're stuck in
      8. bring a razor blade or something idk
      9. find a submarine
      10. find sink
      almost done
      11. take a oxygen tank and swimming equipment
      12. cut the chain with the razor blade
      13. put sink in the submarine (they wont try to get away from you since they don't know how to swim
      14. go back to the suface
      15. teach them how to breathe, talk, eat, drink, walk, sit, etc.
      (Kitten Oreo is not responsible of a feeling of Existentialism whilst seeing all the universes we could've been in)

  • @GamingXGames_
    @GamingXGames_ 2 роки тому +17

    you know... its pretty depressing just thinking how long he been down there or how long he has left until hes free or otherwise...
    but i cant help but feel theres nothing good coming for the little guy.
    if this "horrible sonic-related scenario" is like any others (like any .exe timeline) i doubt anything or anyONE will save him and that just...
    Sad... its so weird to even think of how Drowing over and over would feel or just the initial panic of realizing youre stuck, let alone thinking theres hope, but deep down in even the most hopeful of people theres gonna be that one thought telling them that noones coming.
    to just be alone in the deep sea... its terrifying

  • @newzwiterland3525
    @newzwiterland3525 2 роки тому +13

    For once a truly terrifying creepypasta that isn’t like other creepypastas based on video games.

  • @Toby-Draven
    @Toby-Draven 2 роки тому +9

    Man I legitimately feel so bad for sink, maybe just maybe one day he will finally be freed from this endless nightmare

  • @tylerwicks8718
    @tylerwicks8718 Рік тому +2

    I was expecting there to be a cheep Jump scare but was pleasantly suprised, good job!

  • @keyofheartsheartwings6664
    @keyofheartsheartwings6664 2 роки тому +22

    In Sonic, when he loses a life, everything he beats before a checkpoint respawns or has gone back to its previous state right? Assuming the chain ball was already in that position before he was caught, this means every time he drowns again, the state of the chain is reset to normal. It never actually rusts enough cause the world resets things back to its state before Sonic died. Sonic is dying infinitely but in the exact same way. He’s stuck in a time loop along with everyone else since he isn’t continuing his adventure to set off the rest of Sonic 1’s events.

    • @TheLOREmasteRG
      @TheLOREmasteRG 2 роки тому +10

      If we used that logic, then sonic would restart at a save point. And if he died too many times, he’d have to restart at green hill zone. When you lost all your lives in the old classic games you’d have to restart the whole game.

    • @treemeatthealmighty
      @treemeatthealmighty 2 роки тому +3

      @@TheLOREmasteRG or this pit he's trapped in is a separate act/zone from labyrinth

    • @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard
      @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard 10 місяців тому

      ​@treemeatthealmighty Or perhaps its "out of bounds" and thus he can't respawn right back

    • @YousefAli-ui2wm
      @YousefAli-ui2wm 7 місяців тому +3

      You know what doesn't make any sense? Usually, in Sonic games, when you lose all your lives or just lose a life, you restart at the very beginning of the zone itself but in this AU, Sonic, when he dies, doesn't restart at the very beginning of the zone (which would be an ABSOLUTE miracle), instead, he stays in the same spot of the aquatic hell he's been stuck to for years, how?

    • @Dogewithlightsaber
      @Dogewithlightsaber 2 місяці тому

      @@MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard maybe he fell into a void pit, the spike ball could've hit the floor when it collapsed. Then it took him to where the ground was placed, somehow bypassing the death part.

  • @ineedzemedic5810
    @ineedzemedic5810 2 роки тому +10

    This was really well made. The animations and the atmosphere brings me back to the time i first found about sonic exe when i was much younger.
    I do hope to see more from you:)!

  • @pronoob9437
    @pronoob9437 2 роки тому +10

    May I just say, labyrinth zone will never be the same again.

  • @Fnaffan777
    @Fnaffan777 9 місяців тому +1

    I’m never playing Labyrinth Zone the same way ever again thanks for that.

  • @aadynfinchum9437
    @aadynfinchum9437 2 роки тому +7

    "How long have I been in this aquatic hell?"
    Labrynth Zone in a nutshell.

  • @AlynWrench
    @AlynWrench 2 роки тому +5

    You seriously need to release the song you made for this! I've been rewatching this video not only because it's good but because the background music is just... Mwah 👌 Perfect.

  • @sandclover
    @sandclover 2 роки тому +15

    Man, you gotta make some more vhs animations like this. This is absolutely pristine!

  • @cybergrim8
    @cybergrim8 2 роки тому +7

    Man the quality of this is AMAZING! but I also can’t help but feel so uneasy about Sonic’s situation.

  • @t.rickee
    @t.rickee Рік тому +3

    This makes me tear up. This is such a good video and all i want for poor Sonic is a happy ending. A reality where he escapes and sees that his friends stepped up to defeat eggman, to keep mobius safe.
    The most heartbreaking part is that we never know what happens. We dont get the luxury of knowing if Sonic is damned to those chains or if he one day escapes. Its depressing and i love it. Even better, however, is that this video can be looped. Sonic thinking about his old life, suddenly running out of conciousness, only to die once again and repeat the cycle.
    (this is super unrelated but there's so many ways he could get out. Like bro UNDO THE CHAIN. You've had all this time to look at the chain, note how it got stuck, and UNDO it. Theres no way its stuck so bad to a point it CANNOT be taken off, right? even if so, at this point i'd be so determined to live that, I would just chew my god damn leg off at this point)

  • @bloodymoon3231
    @bloodymoon3231 2 роки тому +11

    Helpful tip, seems like you’ve been down there pretty long, so the chains should definitely be rusting soon, might be easier to yank the chain off if its rusty

    • @Jpx0999
      @Jpx0999 10 місяців тому +3

      They been there long before Sonic arrived,they arent becoming rusty anytime soon

    • @Theplumna
      @Theplumna 18 днів тому

      ​@Jpx0999 sonic has been there since sonic 1 which he is now in his modern form and eventually float to the surface

  • @tehnsib
    @tehnsib 2 роки тому +3

    I could imagine sonic just getting so infuriated, so angry, that he just miraculously breaks free of the chain. Such pressure being put on it that it cannot even keep it's shape and it just shatters. Granted that's nigh impossible but a man can dream

    @IMJUSTPIXEL 2 роки тому +6

    Right as the drowning music started playing the clock hit 3AM, And i heard rustling noises behind me. I started frantically panicking, but i tried telling myself “its nothing, it’s probably just the wind!” I heard it again and heard footsteps in the hallway, and i looked under the covers and…it was my cat trying to get under the covers, and turns out the noises in the hallway was my sister going to the bathroom.
    *still scared the shit out of me though.*

  • @fallen_angelmemesforlife9172
    @fallen_angelmemesforlife9172 2 роки тому +10

    This is basically the protagonist trope where just before defeat they'l pull a w out of their ass but this time it ended up biting them BADLY

  • @SouthSiren666
    @SouthSiren666 Місяць тому +3

    I remember doing a roleplay with my friend where Amy does a tarot card reading like in canon, only this time it tells her that her true love is stuck somewhere dark and wet. So she searches all the watery zones until she finds Sink, and smashes the chain with her hammer before bringing him up to the surface. I like to think that's what happened ❤

  • @Stoked_magic
    @Stoked_magic 7 місяців тому +2

    I love the end part. The remix of the drowning theme, the alarming "i just want to get out" phrase being repeated over and over, sonic starting to shake, just chefs kiss. I also love the journal like manner that Sonic tells the story in. It actually feels like he has been through this multiple times

    • @bograjeda
      @bograjeda 5 місяців тому

      That's because he has been through it multiple times

  • @Agueybana1978
    @Agueybana1978 2 роки тому +13

    The best ending: Sonic was freed of his watery prison by a two tailed fox he never met before and he helps him escape Labyrinth Zone.
    Keep in mind that I know Tails would be on Westside Island but, given the circumstances he would probably use his intelligence to stop Robotnik but, once he made his way in Labyrinth Zone, he saw a body in the shape of hedgehog begging to escape this watery hell.

  • @TubbyGuardian
    @TubbyGuardian 2 роки тому +8

    This honestly made me tear up a little.

  • @cirquedutournesol
    @cirquedutournesol 2 роки тому +12

    Crying, thank you
    No but really this is well made and it sort of ties the mod and the original concept together nicely

  • @SleepyWikley
    @SleepyWikley 2 роки тому +4

    Not only he's drowning endlessly but he's also drowning in his endless thoughts and questions

  • @nicholasforbes1990
    @nicholasforbes1990 2 роки тому +8

    There should be 3 endings if this continues on one is a good ending the other is a bad ending and then you have the alternative ending. Either way this was amazing and I wanna see what else you have planned for this part.

  • @mmuu
    @mmuu 2 роки тому +3

    imagine wishing you could live forever, just to have someone do this

  • @Peter-ck1es
    @Peter-ck1es 2 роки тому +5

    Man, i just keep getting flashbacks of the time when i played sonic 1, every time i died on a water level, it was something that always scared me. The drowning music, the panic, and the FUCKING BUBBLES!
    And this video just makes me think of what could happen, or what happened, like i said, it scares me.

  • @Pencilhead69
    @Pencilhead69 2 роки тому +13

    The thing that's even scarier in this is that since the chain ball and sink is underwater,the chain in the sink actually will rust but will just take a long time apparently (thanks to grabriela chonjnowska for correcting me) plus wherever sonic is,the water pressure there seems really high and Sonics blood cannot match that pressure so he'll suffer a lot. And also,if you think about it,all the water has prob gotten into Sonics ear drums and most likely skull since all the water has entered through his ears

    • @inalamire
      @inalamire 2 роки тому +2

      the chain can rust tho, water is part oxygen, it will just take a whilr

    • @Pencilhead69
      @Pencilhead69 2 роки тому +1

      @@inalamire hm I guess you're right,thank you for correcting me,I'll edit my comment real quick.

    @GRANDMALICE 2 роки тому +5

    It kills me how just when he musters enough strength to struggle, it's just before he can die again.

  • @Jervis-JehanYvesLaurent
    @Jervis-JehanYvesLaurent 11 місяців тому +2

    POV: you keep dying and now sonic just stops automatically trying and speak directly to you