  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
    If there is An Earth Church that Completely walks in The Ways of JESUS CHRIST let me know.
    These ppl Draw nigh unto me w/ their Mouth and Honour me w/ their Lips, but their Heart is far from me - Matthew Ch. 15 vs 8
    Most ppl Have GOD'S WORD in their Mind and Honour Him w/ their Lips, but their Heart is Far from Him. JESUS call these Ppl Hypocrites in Mark Ch. 7 vs 6. If they did Have GOD'S Word in their Heart, they would OBEY EVERY COMMAND.
    He that says I know Him and Keep Not His Commandments is a liar, and The Truth is Not in him. But whosoever Keep His WORD, in him is The Love of GOD Perfected - 1 John Ch. 2 vs 4 - 5
    All that The LORD have said we will do, and be Obedient - Exodus Ch. 24 vs 7
    They profess they Know GOD; but in their Works they Deny Him - Titus Ch. 1 vs 16
    In Need of Baptism? The World's Church can Provide that for you.
    Teach about being Perfect and w/ out Sin - That's Very Important. I'm sorry but GOD Seeks Perfection from all of us. JESUS said in Matthew Ch. 5 vs 48. Be Perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect. Work Hard at being Perfect. Just like we Work Hard for Man made things and Man's Ways. Working for Righteousness should be the same way. Pastors - Believers of GOD, Be Perfect before you get up in front of A Church to Teach or out anywhere.
    Of course False Teachers will not Teach about being Perfect because they know their Not Perfect and their Not Trying to Be Perfect. So they Ignore being Perfect all together. So they Tell everyone else you don't have to Be Perfect but in All Reality we do have to Be Perfect. Once again their Obeying their ways and False Doctrine. The World has Rules and Laws of their Own.
    The interesting Fact is, I had to Learn about the Correct Sabbath Day - The Feast of Tabernacles - GOD'S REQUIREMENTS - A Blessing and A Curse - The True Detailed Definition of Sin - All Unrighteousness is Sin - 1 John Ch. 5 vs 17. The Correct Way to Tithe All by Studying the WORD of GOD w/ JESUS CHRIST Alone because the World's Church Does Not Teach it the way it should be Taught and they Do Not Set A Good Example.
    1 Timothy Ch. 4 vs 12 Reads - Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an Example of The Believers, in Word, in Conversation, in Charity ( Love ) in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity.
    This is Another Reason why Many Souls are Lost who go to Church and Another Reason why Ppl Do Not won't to go to Church because Ppl in The World's Church are Hypocrites. For some, the only way to hear about The LORD is by going to Church. Ppl Please Seek JESUS 4 Yourself and Get Away from False Prophets - False Teachers - False Believers. This is Another Reason why I Believe The World's Church isn't GOD'S Church. The World's Church is an Organization that Likes The Idea of Knowing JESUS, but they Fail to Capitalize in Obedience.
    We can't Compromise
    He Has put All Things under His Feet, and gave Him to be The Head over All Things to The Church, Which is His Body, The Fullness of Him that Filleth All in All - Ephesians Ch. 1 vs 22 - 23
    Through CHRIST we both have Access by One Spirit unto The Father. Therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but Fellow Citizens w/ The Saints and of The Household of GOD; and are Built upon The Foundation of The Apostles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST Himself being The Chief Corner Stone, in whom All The Building fitly Framed together growth unto a Holy Temple in The LORD - Ephesians Ch. 2 vs 18 - 21
    The Priest said not, where is The LORD? and they that handle The Law knew me not? The Pastors also Transgressed against me and The Prophets Prophesied by Baal and walked after things that Do Not Profit - Jeremiah Ch. 2 vs 8
    My Tabernacle is Spoiled and All my Cords are Broken: My Children are gone forth of me. There is none to stretch forth my Tents anymore and Set up my Curtains. For The Pastors are become Brutish and have Not Sought The LORD: therefore they Shall Not Prosper and All their Flocks shall be Scattered - Jeremiah Ch. 10 vs 20 - 21
    Many Pastors has Destroyed my Vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my Pleasant portion a Desolate Wilderness. They have made it Desolate and being Desolate it Mourneth unto me, The Whole Land is made Desolate because no man lays it to Heart - Jeremiah Ch. 12 vs 10 - 11
    O ye Priest, this Commandment is for you. If ye Will Not Hear and if ye Will Not Lay it to Heart to give Glory unto My Name, saith The LORD of Hosts, I will send A Curse upon you, and I will Curse your Blessings: I have Cursed them Already because ye Do Not Lay it to Heart - Malachi Ch. 2 vs 1 - 2
    Galatians Ch. 1 vs 11 - 12 Reads, The Gospel which was Preached unto me is Not after man, neither was I taught it by man, but by The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST
    #Lesson #NorthCarolina
    How to Live & All We Need to Know is in The Holy Bible📖
    Obedience is the Key to Life 🔑


  • @brickbattlr.
    @brickbattlr. 3 місяці тому +1

    false believer pilgrammed real