iRO-Thor: Cardinal / Arch bishiop / High Priest Effortless Buff Chain using AutoHotKey (AHK)
- Опубліковано 15 гру 2024
- here is the numpad version script that is used in this video:
#If WinActive("ahk_class Ragnarok")
While ( GetKeyState( "a","P" ) ) {
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {a down}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 10
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {a Up}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left
While ( GetKeyState( "z","P" ) ) {
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {z down}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 10
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {z Up}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
While ( GetKeyState( "Numpad1","P" ) ) {
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {s}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {d}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {g}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {h}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 1000
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {j}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 1000
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {k}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 500
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f1}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 600
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 200
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f2}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 600
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 200
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f3}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 600
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 700
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f4}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 800
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 600
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {f5}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 400
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {w}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 800
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {c}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, Left, 650, 390
Sleep, 800
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {q}, ahk_class Ragnarok
Sleep, 100