Richard Dawkins debates an imbecilic Muslim / Islamist

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @michaelbyrnee9584
    @michaelbyrnee9584 8 місяців тому +468

    he is not an imbecile: he is a threat to all humanity.

    • @brianpark8758
      @brianpark8758 8 місяців тому

      Religion is the threat. All religions.

    • @michaelb2388
      @michaelb2388 8 місяців тому

      But he's an imbecile too! 😂

    • @AdalbertPtak
      @AdalbertPtak 8 місяців тому

      😊As is all of Islam.
      It is well past time for the none-Islamic world to wake up.
      Unless they would like to live in a world utterly ruled by the Islamic clergy, such as Iran.

    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice 8 місяців тому +1

      Deuteronomy 32:41 “Truly I cut into Barack with a sword, for My hand shall accomplish justice, I will turn back the vengeance of My adversaries, to repay all those who hate Me.”
      Ezekiel 1:13-14 “for the living being was like a consumed ember, a consumed vision upright, shall he walk among living beings, fiery and bright was Barack, he had come out of the consummation. The living beings ran to and fro before the vision of Barack.”
      Ezekiel 21:9-12 “Son of man prophecy and say, Yahweh utters, “a sword, a sword is sharpened and moreover laid bare, sharpened for slaughter the slaughter of laid bare Barack, for shall we rejoice at the son who rejects all the branches of humanity? For it was first given laid bare the handle sharpened and laid bare and set into the hand of the destroyer (Abaddon or Apollyon). Cry out in anguish, son of man. And my people, all the so blessed of God’s Word (Israel) are delivered unto the sword. My people! Thus I shall strike him at the thigh.”
      Habakkuk 3:11-13 "From the east the crescent stood at the heights, walking in the light of the weapons, the radiance of Barack (Husein Obama) from the thrust. There is indignation at his march on the Earth; in anger he trampled the nations. He went forth for the salvation of his people; for the salvation he's anointed. Now strike the head of the house of the wicked; lay him open from thigh to neck. Commune with the Lifted High."
      Ezekiel 21:13-15 “Test your community (umah, Muslims take heed). Truly, also the scepter which despises shall be no more, declares the Lord Yahweh. Son of man prophecy and clap your hands together, the sword twice, and now the third time, the sword pierces, the sword for the great one as it pierces those who indwelt and surrounded them. The inner being (demons) weaken greatly, they were brought down to cause stumbling, All of them are at the gate (of hell). Give them to slaughter by the sword. Alas, they had made Barack (Hussein Obama) and caught themselves up for the slaughter.”
      Ezekiel 21:28 “and son of man prophecy and say, All utters Lord Yahweh, towards teaching towards this reproach, say a sword, a sword has been drawn and laid bare for the slaughter to consume Barack.”
      Daniel 10:6 “His body was tan, his face the appearance of Barack, and eyes a consumed shine; his legs and feet to the eye a burnished bronze, and the sound of his voice were like words given to a multitude.”
      Nahum 3:3 “horsemen lift up the sword, and blade pierces Barack, the multitude is slain, and the mass of corpses is innumerable dead bodies, and they stumble over the dead.”
      Psalms 77:18 “The sound of your thunder was in the whirlwind, BARACK lit up the whole world. The Earth shall tremble in agitation, shake.”
      Psalms 77:10 "and I uttered, 'it is making me sick, that the year has become the right hand of ALLAH.'"
      Job 26:13-14 “by his breath the heavens are cleared, his hand shall pierce BARACK, a serpent. Behold ALLAH the end of his ways. How? A whisper, a word, hear the strength and the thunder. Who can discern?”
      Psalms 97:4 “BARACK lit up the whole world, the Earth, see it tremble.”
      Isaiah 27:1 “In that day YAHWEH will punish the beast of the sea, BARACK, a serpent. The fierce and great and mighty sword ALLAH, the beast of the sea, crooked, a serpent, and He will kill it, the Dragon, ASSHUR, of the sea.”
      Job 20:25-29 “Draw out and go through the back, BARACK shall remove all strength, a dreadful overcoming shall flow forth. All is darkness, the reserve he has stored it up, an unfanned fire will devour consuming the survivor in his tent. The heavens shall reveal his iniquity and the Earth will rise up. The increase of his house will desist downward the run forth, the day of his anger. This wickedness of man is the portion of gods, and the inheritance decreed by the Word of God.”
      Job 38:35-36 “Can you send BARACK, and make him go and say, “Behold who pierced wisdom in the inward parts to run forth,” also given understanding to the appearing.”
      Isaiah 30:30-33 "YAHWEH the voice of authority, and listen BARACK, for the strength shall be seen as rage in the nostrils and flames shall consume with fire storm in a downpour, the voice of YAHWEH. Asshur will be terrified. He shall strike with the rod. All shall be hit with the rod of punishment, Asshur. YAHWEH will rest at the sound and work in battle, for the wave offering of the battle is a burning of flesh long set in order. Moreover the firm King shall cut deep and large at the pyre in fire and shall stand breathing. YAHWEH shall whirlwind the fire and the brimstone shall ensure all is consumed.”
      Psalms 144:4-6 “Adam was like unto vapor, for his days were in shadow and culminated. The reach was the heavens for YAHWEH and yet he descended touching the mountain and it smoked. The flash of BARACK dispersed sending forth arrows (nuclear weapons) with noise."
      Isaiah 14:14 "ALLAH OBAMA ab (in dark outer garment) dama (I will become) elyown (the god over all things)."
      Luke 10:18 "I saw SATAN as BARACK OBAMA."
      Matthew 24:27-28 "For as BARACK cometh out of the East and shineth even so far as the West so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man, for wherever the bodies lie so too an EAGLE IN UNION."
      Ezekiel 21:2-5 "Son of man set your face towards Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuary and prophecy against the land of Israel, and say to the land of Israel, "Thus saith Yahweh, "Behold I am against, and the drawn sword from the sheath, and cut off shall be the righteous and the wicked. ON THIS ACCOUNT cut off the righteous and the wicked, thus the drawn sword from the sheath, against all flesh south north, ALL FLESH SHALL KNOW YAHWEH, the drawn sword from the sheath, never to turn back again."""
      Ezekiel 21:9-10a "Son of man prophecy and say, "Thus saith Yahweh, say, "the sword, the sword is sharpened and also laid bare, sharpened to slaughter, laid bare BARACK."""
      Revelation 16:17-19 “For even the seventh was poured, a bowl into the air, great voice came out of the temple from the throne saying, “DONE.” BARACK voiced thunder great, shaking of a manner as never had been from the time man had come into being on Earth, this person was of great lineage, great earthquake like unto this. The great city split into three parts, a city of nations fell, Babylon great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of wine, PASSION for wrath."
      2 Samuel 22:14-16 says, "Yahweh thundered from heaven, and Allah uttered his voice, and he sent out arrows and BARACK was confused, the channels of the sea appeared the foundation of the world laid bare, by the rebuke of Yahweh at the breath of His nostrils."
      Psalms 18:13-15 says, "Yahweh thundered from heaven, and Allah uttered his voice, hail of ember and fire, and he sent out arrows, BARACK had an abundance, confused, the channels of the sea appeared the foundations of the world laid bare, by the rebuke of Yahweh at the breath of His nostrils."
      Zechariah 9:14 "Yahweh shall appear over the arrows coming from BARACK. For the Lord, Yahweh, will blow the trumpet, and they will march into the storms of the South."

    • @successsystem2468
      @successsystem2468 8 місяців тому


  • @jamesdragonforce
    @jamesdragonforce 12 років тому +386

    I find it so sad and frustrating that there are some people you can't reason with.

    • @SonGoku-zr9nc
      @SonGoku-zr9nc Рік тому +8

      Yeah people like dawkins

    • @redzeit
      @redzeit Рік тому +19

      @@SonGoku-zr9nc what evidence do you have that he can't be reasoned with?

      @LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAH Рік тому +7

      If you believe there is no God and life after death, and you reach the conclusion that life is pointless, your promotion of atheism is also pointless.
      A pointless existence can't be made better no matter how hard you try.
      I used to be atheist and nihilist but I didn't find any *reason* to promote my worldview, so how can you call Richard reasonable.
      After reverting I viewed living life according to desires as going against my integrity. How can I ;a guest in existence; have an oppinion when The Most High swt, The Self-Existing, The Owner of this creation has spoken.
      So according to my old worldview Richard is unreasonable, and according to my present worldview he is arrogant.

    • @jeannedarc7533
      @jeannedarc7533 Рік тому +32

      @@LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAH Not every atheist thinks life is pointless.
      Hasty generalization.

      @LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAH Рік тому +5

      It's the inevitable conclusion of atheism to view life as pointless random events

  • @TheGonzd
    @TheGonzd 12 років тому +399

    This shit seriously scares me. Wow. That guy exists by the millions.

    • @Ornamentmountain
      @Ornamentmountain 8 місяців тому +5

      Thankfully not. If that were the case it would’ve been game over years ago.

    • @m4rt1nDRK
      @m4rt1nDRK 7 місяців тому

      @@Ornamentmountain Approximately 20-25% of all Muslims are radical just as he is. That is roughly over 300 million people. Silent majority is irrelevant.

    • @johns1625
      @johns1625 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@cb25 there's 1 billion Muslims in the world and none of them believe homosexuality is "acceptable" my dude

    • @maryamjalalimehr9822
      @maryamjalalimehr9822 7 місяців тому +10

      ​@@Ornamentmountain in countries like Iran maybe, otherwise they do exist in the millions.

    • @ricardodelacrvz1400
      @ricardodelacrvz1400 6 місяців тому

      you have a complete country in europe france being conquered step by step by these low iq maniacs@@maryamjalalimehr9822

  • @trythinkingnow
    @trythinkingnow 12 років тому +182

    "Soldier's of allah" and "taking over the world" is not a reference to violence I suppose, eh?

  • @sweetlolitacookies
    @sweetlolitacookies 13 років тому +81

    I don't think that guy could be more ignorant if he tried.

    • @Alumevangen
      @Alumevangen 9 місяців тому

      well he´s doing his best, you never know, he might even vote for trump

    • @starboy1100
      @starboy1100 8 місяців тому

      He is trying very, very hard to be ignorant. He’s a complete asshole looking for a fight. One day he’s gonna run his mouth to the wrong guy.

    • @4stim0
      @4stim0 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Alumevangen smartest Biden supporter (replying to a 12 year old comment) 😂

  • @Perineon
    @Perineon 10 років тому +437

    This Muslim in particular does not even realize how ignorant he makes himself look. That is a dangerous kind of stupid.

    • @divyasrirajyala6517
      @divyasrirajyala6517 3 роки тому +24

      Well it’s that dangerous stupid that blows things up

    • @Heseys.11
      @Heseys.11 3 роки тому


    • @almostafa4725
      @almostafa4725 3 роки тому +1

      @@Perineon really?

    • @Perineon
      @Perineon 3 роки тому +1

      @@almostafa4725 yup. :)

    • @magallanesagustin4952
      @magallanesagustin4952 3 роки тому +30

      @@ahmedrasheed8659 the muslim's points are pretty weak and biased based on hatred, with no actual arguments or evidence that supports his statements.

  • @rangerwhite5165
    @rangerwhite5165 9 місяців тому +295

    "You just have man made laws". Er, like religion.

    • @keksi6844
      @keksi6844 8 місяців тому

      Is Islam is man made why is it made difficult for men to follow it??

    • @товмач-руснак
      @товмач-руснак 8 місяців тому +20

      ​@@keksi6844 Muhammad would probably also follow the current laws prohibiting pedophilia.

    • @nicco-sixty
      @nicco-sixty 7 місяців тому +2

      @@keksi6844 That islam is strict is irrelevant

    • @harrykane_
      @harrykane_ 6 місяців тому

      ​​@@keksi6844 Erm because this isn't the goddamn 7th century 😭☝🏻 If you actually Followed the Quran still you'd end up with : s3x slave, striking wife, Marrying and having intercourse with a pre pubescent child.
      You don't see Muslims doing it anymore because Society has changed and those man made laws are forgotten, Muslims cherry pick verses each and every Decade.

    • @Ornamentmountain
      @Ornamentmountain 6 місяців тому +1

      @@keksi6844 being difficult doesn’t prove it isn’t man made

  • @Heygoodlooking-lk9kg
    @Heygoodlooking-lk9kg 9 місяців тому +52

    Absolute fanatic, absolute insanity

    • @xzibit694
      @xzibit694 3 місяці тому

      And then the good old western world talk's about two state disaster in israel

  • @688ofawesome
    @688ofawesome 12 років тому +380

    "I don't dress women, they dress themselves!" LOL!

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 2 роки тому +21

      I saw this comment before the video, and knew this video would be good 😆

    • @mustafafreesoul18
      @mustafafreesoul18 2 роки тому +3

      Western men who made these clothes and this culture

    • @Robert-fc9xz
      @Robert-fc9xz Рік тому +22

      @@mustafafreesoul18 Women make clothes and influence culture.

    • @إستقمكماأُمرتَ-س1م
      @إستقمكماأُمرتَ-س1م Рік тому +1

      Dressing has become a bizarre thing, while undressing is the normal thing to do

    • @saveUyghurs
      @saveUyghurs Рік тому +1

      In secular France, you’re fined for clothing yourself. In Quebec, you can’t keep your government job if you wear any religious clothing. Your multi billion dollar fashion and beauty industry indoctrinates and preys on women’s insecurities. You VERY much do dress women to your liking, richy.

  • @aksdlegend007
    @aksdlegend007 12 років тому +113

    Richard Dawkins is Very Brave

  • @user-3w9jf4r5qz
    @user-3w9jf4r5qz 2 роки тому +48

    "if there is no 'state of israel' there wouldnt be 9/11"
    so, basically, "if he didnt hit me, i wouldnt have murdered him"
    yeah, we saw the same analogy with the charlie hebdo situation

    • @Gulubba_
      @Gulubba_ 2 роки тому +2

      What will u said on the US drone Attack to Afghanistan in which it killed some innocent life.
      Simply because it was Muslims?

    • @Gulubba_
      @Gulubba_ 2 роки тому

      What will u said on the US drone Attack to Afghanistan in which it killed innocent life.
      Simply because it was Muslims?

    • @markstocker5121
      @markstocker5121 8 місяців тому

      Yes. He's like the guy who beats his wife and cries, "See what you made me do!"

    • @pomegranatepip2482
      @pomegranatepip2482 7 місяців тому

      Yeah…. If there was no Islam we would not have had 9/11 either…. Just sayin’

    • @youknowtherules5681
      @youknowtherules5681 6 місяців тому

      Muslims don't like when Jews colonize Muslim land but are silent when they colonized half of Africa Constantinople Temple Mount.They like to play victim all time

  • @md.n.a.s.8851
    @md.n.a.s.8851 3 роки тому +219

    this video was posted in 2010! when I was at peak of my religious belief and I would have clapped for that converted Muslim. now 10 years later I'm an atheist :D how technology captures moments :D Richard Dawkin will be gone but his ideas will remain with us :D

    • @GoinMLG
      @GoinMLG 3 роки тому +31

      It takes a lot of courage to leave a religion that calls for your death if you do.

    • @randomz1267
      @randomz1267 2 роки тому +1

      @@GoinMLG 🤣🤣🤣🤣 How stupid are you people

    • @user-ft5jp1ot2h
      @user-ft5jp1ot2h 2 роки тому +16

      @@randomz1267 No. He is not stupid. He just stated a fact. The fact is atheists know more about your religious book than those who follow them.

    • @ashwayn
      @ashwayn 2 роки тому

      a good place to start

    • @datadan410
      @datadan410 2 роки тому +3

      @@GoinMLG I bet he wouldn’t be that brave if he was actually living in a region where gods law is being implemented

  • @toongrowner1
    @toongrowner1 2 роки тому +258

    gosh I hate this argument "You have no religion, so you have no morals". That pretty much speaks more against religion than atheist. This tells more about you as a person than the religion it self. Like without this "rulebook" you can't comprehend why people would be nice to each other and that is a scary thought.

    • @usul573
      @usul573 2 роки тому +20

      It shows a great deal of lack of ability to think for yourself, when asked any questions on morals or laws if you just point to the holy book. Sure, there are some nice and good verses in there, but plenty that are not.

    • @kingGhobra
      @kingGhobra 2 роки тому

      Don't strawman the argument clown. Everyone knows how to be nice and smile, thats not the point clown. Millions of Abortions, gender change treatments for children and other similair heavy topics shows your flawed reasoning and low/non existent sense of morality clown. Men made morals and rules change with time clown, 30 years ago you coudn't even imagine lgbtq they/them pronounce demands and transgenders being allowed to cut off their genitals and becoming suicidal, clown. Before 1920 women weren't allowed to vote clown. I repeat man made morals and rules change with time clown. Maybe 30 more years will pass and your new moral sense will be surgically becoming a mammal and marrying your dog, clown. Now stop wasting my time clown, goodbye clown.

    • @lamomahmood694
      @lamomahmood694 Рік тому

      So are you saying that without law that people would still be nice to each other? You don’t realise that you have been taught how to act since birth. You have been taught not to hit another person. Not to steal. Not to swear. Etc. everything you know has been taught by a ‘rule book’. The obvious example in modern society is homosexuality. It was illegal before 2014 in England and now it’s legal. So just 9 years ago you would have followed a ‘rule book’ (the law of England) which told you to believe homosexual marriage is wrong and now because the rule book has been changed you have changed your ‘morals’. This proves somebody who doesn’t follow an unchangeable religion (islam) has no morals. Take the example in the video. It was completely immoral to dress like a ‘whore’ not long ago in the uk and now it’s morally acceptable. How can you claim to have any morals? You don’t. You simply believe anything your told by another human being or group of human beings (government). It is 100% true that without Islam there are no morals. If you don’t understand that simple point then you need to think deeper into the argument.

    • @alfredfabulous3640
      @alfredfabulous3640 Рік тому

      It thus explains the reason why muslim countries in the majority are so called shitholes

    • @davidclayton.1511
      @davidclayton.1511 11 місяців тому +1

      Well, Richard thinks that "it's ok for a father and daughter to have sex as long as its consensual"
      Would you call that a moral stance?

  • @dontwantnochannel
    @dontwantnochannel 12 років тому +127

    I dream of a world without Islam.

    • @brickshitenhauser4746
      @brickshitenhauser4746 6 місяців тому

      Chris Hitchens had these nut jobs’ number

    • @dinuffin
      @dinuffin 6 місяців тому +9

      Keep dreaming.

    • @xenafiedanimation
      @xenafiedanimation 6 місяців тому +16

      ​@@dinuffinWithout lies Islam dies

    • @ableunable
      @ableunable 6 місяців тому +10

      ​@@dinuffinwe'll dream and make it a reality very soon

    • @dinuffin
      @dinuffin 6 місяців тому

      @@ableunable It is never going to happen since Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

  • @JezaLoki
    @JezaLoki 13 років тому +62

    If this conversation took place in private, in a room without windows, just the two of them, and no one else on the planet would learn of the outcome, do you think it could turn violent? And who do you think would instigate the violence judging by what you've just seen?

    • @purnp5897
      @purnp5897 2 роки тому

      Lol my imagination went wild. Stop it 🤣 😂

    • @HatredInTheFlesh
      @HatredInTheFlesh 2 роки тому

      Dawkins has a ton of fans, violent retaliation would be all but guaranteed.

    • @alfredfabulous3640
      @alfredfabulous3640 Рік тому +4

      I'd have stepped in for Richard! Let me handle that bird!

  • @trisweston9775
    @trisweston9775 7 місяців тому +20

    A terrifying individual.

  • @marklang5169
    @marklang5169 8 місяців тому +16

    A weak mind without morals on a mythical religion is dangerous.

  • @Colstah
    @Colstah 9 місяців тому +29

    Title of this clip is not only accurate, it's understated....

    • @pomegranatepip2482
      @pomegranatepip2482 7 місяців тому

      Dunno how much debate was happening tbh.. the rest I am with…

  • @haybrain
    @haybrain 7 місяців тому +9

    This guy is living proof that religion is the cause of so many of the world’s problems.

  • @TheBrradsullivan
    @TheBrradsullivan 13 років тому +33

    1min in Dawkins is like " oh fuck, nutjob! "

  • @mikeford1273
    @mikeford1273 9 місяців тому +18

    This really is a serious warning from history!!

  • @bronx7886
    @bronx7886 8 місяців тому +9

    Religious rules are man-made rules attributed to man-made gods by god-playing men.

  • @dimebag108
    @dimebag108 9 місяців тому +16

    Those people really exist...

  • @SunofYork
    @SunofYork 8 місяців тому +8

    I live in the US nowadays, and they stopped women being owned in 1865

  • @davesmith5482
    @davesmith5482 6 місяців тому +5

    This isn't an "imbecilic Muslim", it's someone who should be in jail for everyone else's safety.

    • @usul573
      @usul573 4 місяці тому

      He got 30 months a while back. After that no info really.

  • @cameronf.4119
    @cameronf.4119 Рік тому +27

    Would love to see Hitchens talk to this guy.

    • @tb1146
      @tb1146 8 місяців тому +3

      Absolutely ! Me too

    • @pomegranatepip2482
      @pomegranatepip2482 7 місяців тому +5

      Hitchens: “Don’t waste my time….. Next…… Next……. Sit down, you are wasting my time, and I am not going to answer you….. next…..”

    • @saadsaif-vt7lu
      @saadsaif-vt7lu 6 місяців тому

      Nah that pig died more than a decade ago and he is probably in Hell, So this sincere Muslim will probably not meet him.

    • @seijakarjalainen
      @seijakarjalainen 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@pomegranatepip2482I bet it would go more like 'Mr Cohen is one of the truest followers of the prophet. He unlike our friends Mr Dawah and Mr Hijab does not pretend Islam is feminist'

  • @Robert-fc9xz
    @Robert-fc9xz Рік тому +12

    Andrew Tate changed...

  • @carter358
    @carter358 9 місяців тому +11

    @1:27 "all you have is man made laws."
    Exactly!! That's the point!!

  • @kookamunga2458
    @kookamunga2458 8 місяців тому +8

    I wonder what Richard takes for all the migraines. I couldn't debate at length with these folks without getting a pounding headache. Richard has the patience of Jobe.

  • @H.R.Pufnstuf
    @H.R.Pufnstuf 5 місяців тому +3

    The pure definition of extremist.

    • @IA67676
      @IA67676 4 місяці тому

      Yep, yet this extremist completely silenced dawkins who couldn't respond

  • @muskratrepairservices7701
    @muskratrepairservices7701 6 місяців тому +4

    When you think you have all the answers, out goes your curiosity. And with that curiosity goes your most valuable human quality, empathy.

  • @UnMisanthropeCynique
    @UnMisanthropeCynique Рік тому +6

    It's kinda funny how he's aggressive from the start

  • @tyler-qr5jn
    @tyler-qr5jn 2 роки тому +11

    He was full of anger and hatred. They're a military, not a just a mere religion.

  • @DvNezarto
    @DvNezarto 12 років тому +58

    richard dawkins is brilliant their should be more people like him fighting for our freedom

  • @steve55sogood16
    @steve55sogood16 7 місяців тому +3

    Converts to most things, are often the most extreme, probably due to the self justification that it entails!

  • @ahmed_m989
    @ahmed_m989 12 років тому +44

    He really is imbecilic. Debate is good, and I, as a Muslim, love reading Dawkin's works. There's nothing wrong with comparing views and seeing where truth lies. Most who don't give him a chance are close-minded, brainwashed, fearful human beings. It's senseless to be afraid of a point of view. Obviously I still see things that convince me Islam encompasses these "secular" ideas and adds the right amount of spirituality.
    I don't normally post on UA-cam, but I saw this as a good opportunity.

    • @exiledkenkaneki701
      @exiledkenkaneki701 2 роки тому +11

      You have my upmost respect, it's extremely rare for Muslims to like people like Dawkins, any praises I give to you for being this open and mindful isn't enough, as an exmuslim, wish all were like you so i didn't have to probably hide my current beliefs in fear of exile here

  • @peytonthomas4338
    @peytonthomas4338 3 місяці тому +1

    We cannot let people like this be in positions of power.

  • @millaflea
    @millaflea 2 місяці тому +2

    As a secular society we need to see more of true face of fundamentalism : blind hate of others and utter ignorance, poor mad animals 😢

  • @user-vf8ti4dq3d
    @user-vf8ti4dq3d 2 роки тому +12

    I dont dress women they dress themselves!!! Lmao classic richard

  • @jamesmulvey1386
    @jamesmulvey1386 6 місяців тому +2

    He is a great advertisement for the increasing "Jihad " across areas of the globe --- they are permitted to lie to a "non believer "----- so one can not rely on any agreements made with them --- at the first opportunity they will feel empowered to strike.
    Don't drop your guard --- always be aware of the mindset behind the smile.
    Forewarned is forearmed.

  • @pacifiedfools
    @pacifiedfools 12 років тому +5

    this guy is dangerous

  • @sophiarevel6952
    @sophiarevel6952 7 місяців тому +2

    It's not religion that's to blame. It's human nature. If there was no religion the same shit would exist for some other reason.

  • @mays1230
    @mays1230 11 років тому +6

    I love what Dawkins says but he's saying it to some fool who clearly doesn't know what he is talking about. I smell Mossad but newayz, Dawkins cannot say that it's "dogmatic fundamentalism" to believe that if there are no set rules, the rules can change and be manipulated

  • @SuzaneVonRichthofen
    @SuzaneVonRichthofen 13 років тому +2

    This young man is visibly deranged.

  • @Antipodean33
    @Antipodean33 2 роки тому +3

    The first sentence that came from this fools mouth is wrong.
    I'd be considered an atheist, but I don't want to see people fornicating in the middle of the street at all

  • @onlignebridge4224
    @onlignebridge4224 5 місяців тому +1

    It's just *lowly Dawkins* at work.
    He knew the man's stances and he just recorded them on camera to present him as the "representative of the faithful".
    So lowly !

  • @inglese2996
    @inglese2996 9 місяців тому +8

    I wish Richard had asked him to explain the flying horse.

    • @thegroove2000
      @thegroove2000 9 місяців тому

      The one that flew to heaven?

    • @childfreesingleandatheist8899
      @childfreesingleandatheist8899 8 місяців тому +1

      @inglese: There’s a video where he interviews/ debates a Muslim journalist who believes in the flying horse. These people are just insane.

    • @ElyasQuick1
      @ElyasQuick1 8 місяців тому

      @@childfreesingleandatheist8899 Atheists believe that fish transformed into a monkey. And you call Muslims insane?

  • @Aesthetickxs
    @Aesthetickxs 13 років тому +11

    LOL! That was an awkward conversation.

  • @chrislogan2557
    @chrislogan2557 7 місяців тому +1

    Never argue with an idiot, they'll just drag you down to their level and win through experience.

  • @pedrosherpa5848
    @pedrosherpa5848 4 місяці тому +1

    India - hinduism vs islam
    Sri Lanka - Buddhism VS islam
    China - atheism vs islam
    Israel - judeism vs islam
    France - Christianity VS islam
    Myanmar - Buddhism VS islam
    Middle east - Islam vs islam

  • @dr.kishorkumar7695
    @dr.kishorkumar7695 5 місяців тому

    The third biggest cause of blindness in the world is cataract...the first two are Religion and Politics.

  • @torontoBluejays87
    @torontoBluejays87 12 років тому +17

    I hope we find life elsewhere in the universe. Not only would I wish this for the sheer amazement that we are not alone, but I would also love to see the reaction among all of the deeply Religious among us. Especially if that life is technologically beyond our comprehension.

    • @videsh7470
      @videsh7470 3 роки тому +4

      I know this is a long time ago and u might not even remember but I jus saw this wanted to say that I couldn't agree more! I hope to see this happen within my lifetime.

    • @TheMutedVid
      @TheMutedVid Рік тому

      The religious will just change the interpretation of verses and claim the book already knew about aliens.
      The better alternative would be to allow every atheist to migrate to different planets and achieve success while the religious people should be left behind on earth to rot with their religion.

    • @lamomahmood694
      @lamomahmood694 Рік тому

      @@videsh7470 there is no other life in the universe and here’s why. You say that we have to find the other life in the universe. Why? Why can’t they find us? Time is infinite. How long have humans been around? How long has the universe been around? If time is infinite then for an infinite amount of time no other life in the universe has managed the capability to reach earth. How? Because there is no other life😂

    • @alfredfabulous3640
      @alfredfabulous3640 Рік тому

      @@lamomahmood694 why are muslims dumb as sh!t?
      Could it be, that their brains consist of ...? !

    • @Rhythmic_Ocean
      @Rhythmic_Ocean 8 місяців тому

      @@lamomahmood694 Time was meaningless before the existence of the universe. And even if time was infinite it has only been a couple(3.5) billion years since the beginning of life on earth (microscopic at first). For any alien species passing by before that time, Earth would be like any other planet out there. And maybe we are the amongst the first batch of intelligent species in the universe? You argument assumes that humans (or any biological species) have been living on earth for infinite amount years, which is false.
      And there is a problem of expansion of the universe making it harder for any technologically advanced species to effectively reach us.

  • @Stevef2022
    @Stevef2022 6 місяців тому +1

    Dawkin was able to do this in Israel with total and absolute freedom.
    Try this is any Muslim country…I dare you

  • @feee99
    @feee99 13 років тому +3

    Let's focus on attacking the dogma rather than the people who have become infused with it- to avoid becoming just as hateful.

    • @PremVeejay
      @PremVeejay 6 місяців тому

      Hahaha this comment aged like milk

  • @4k2k52
    @4k2k52 2 роки тому +1

    This guy is genuinely fucking frightening. He used to be a secular traditional Jew and now is a Muslim extremist. It takes a special kind of feebleness to switch values so drastically.

    • @davism3800
      @davism3800 2 роки тому

      You have no idea what the word 'feebleness' means. If you don't understand people can change, and change in very drastic ways, you lack any kind of understanding of human nature and life experience.

  • @rvangilz2978
    @rvangilz2978 6 місяців тому +1

    All religious fundamentalists are convinced of their belief. No point arguing with them because they can’t see past the border of their own created worldview, which they called the undeniable truth. Stop arguing with them, stop listening and stop trying to make sense of it, don’t bother…

  • @pandyap16
    @pandyap16 3 роки тому +11

    He was as fanatic as Anjem Chaudhary... infact Richard was also bit afraid apparantly

  • @angelagreen242
    @angelagreen242 6 місяців тому +1

    I love Richard Dawkins. Such a mild mannered, reasonable gentleman. I enjoyed him raising his voice slightly in defence of women. Good man ❤️

  • @mishmohd
    @mishmohd 13 років тому +5

    What's interesting is he never really talks about the 'promised land' notion. I wouldn't if I were him, I mean its all about survival isn't it ;)

    • @emperorstevee
      @emperorstevee 9 місяців тому

      That's because Islam doesn't have the "promised land" notion, that's from judaism.

  • @jangleboy776
    @jangleboy776 8 місяців тому +1

    yep, that guy was a brain donor among brain donors.

  • @MrOceanPenguin
    @MrOceanPenguin 12 років тому +6

    @Pericles461 I agree that religion alone can't be held responsible for damaging people but I tend to agree with Richard Dawkins when he says that it has a certain "logical pathway" that leads to wickedness. If a person is already gullible and/or fragile in mind, he or she is more susceptible to follow that pathway.
    Deism is another ball game though ... I can accept that.

  • @tolowokere
    @tolowokere 5 місяців тому

    I remember watching this 10 years ago!
    On a separate note: "Fix your women..." that man sounded like a crazier version of Andrew Tate.

  • @MSHOOD123
    @MSHOOD123 7 місяців тому +2

    He sounds like Andrew Tate

  • @onlignebridge4224
    @onlignebridge4224 5 місяців тому +1

    Prove to us you're not imbecile, Dawkins.
    Since the Cave ages, *humanity, invariably, has been in quest of the Creator, Afterlife, Resurrection*

  • @justicebydeathnote
    @justicebydeathnote 2 роки тому +7

    He wasn't saying anything wrong
    This is the basic idea of islam
    I say this coming from a muslim household
    Personally am an atheist

    • @trishmagenta883
      @trishmagenta883 2 роки тому

      What’s wrong with them?

    • @attiylanen
      @attiylanen 9 місяців тому

      Islam is wrong. They follow islam. So, they are wrong.@@trishmagenta883

  • @TheDaftric
    @TheDaftric 9 місяців тому +1

    And there in lies all the worlds problems

  • @eddieraffs5909
    @eddieraffs5909 9 місяців тому +1

    The guy's comments were so obtuse I had to stop watching halfway through.

  • @PSNsjohnson11
    @PSNsjohnson11 12 років тому +16

    I fucking love Richard Dawkins! i wish he was my father or uncle, or somehow related to me!

  • @robertallan4916
    @robertallan4916 5 місяців тому

    Idiocy chooses a divine reason for malpractice towards other humans who dare to disagree with the world reverting to Medieval idiocy so that men retain power.

  • @tobythedog3606
    @tobythedog3606 7 місяців тому

    You get nowhere with people like this. Unable to address any questions and instead just go straight on the offensive.

  • @santiagogarciaarias-studio
    @santiagogarciaarias-studio 13 років тому +1

    this muslim really sounds like Mr-T when he was about to hit someone (and has the resemblance).

  • @JulCoCa87
    @JulCoCa87 11 місяців тому +8

    You can tell how crazy and insane he is just by looking to his face.

  • @DiederikAms
    @DiederikAms 9 місяців тому +1

    Ah lovely, a whataboutist. Very tiring.

  • @kuttalu
    @kuttalu 4 роки тому +6

    can't reason with some people.

  • @MundM777
    @MundM777 3 роки тому +1

    The Muslims ears are strange af

  • @mauritzj6858
    @mauritzj6858 6 місяців тому

    Way of peace keep spreading their peace. This is horrible.

  • @jakerobles1669
    @jakerobles1669 2 роки тому +1

    Let’s get ready for another crusade

  • @jaredg5663
    @jaredg5663 7 місяців тому

    Did you he say if there was no state of Israel then there would be no September 11th ?? 😮

  • @42AgainThink
    @42AgainThink 12 років тому +4

    Dawkins is God! Oh yea I don't believe in Gods :) Dawkins is a prophet!

  • @jp6234
    @jp6234 7 місяців тому

    "The legacy of religion(s) is division and war" Bertrand Russell.

  • @Grindleytroy
    @Grindleytroy 4 місяці тому

    The same tired old rhetoric that's spewed by millions across the world.

  • @aa-qx1cg
    @aa-qx1cg 3 роки тому +3

    10 years later and this muslim dude is making a lot of sense

    • @royarsofficial4788
      @royarsofficial4788 2 роки тому +2

      In what way he makes sense

    • @davism3800
      @davism3800 2 роки тому

      @@royarsofficial4788 Look at the state of liberal countries. Dying, no family, community dead, morally corrupt, porn addiction, men calling themselves women and demanding access to women's spaces... the West is a joke.

    • @김성은-n7y
      @김성은-n7y Рік тому

      @@royarsofficial4788 I think he's talkin about TIKTOK or INSTAGRAM shit

    • @SonGoku-zr9nc
      @SonGoku-zr9nc Рік тому

      @@royarsofficial4788 what he says about women in the west is 100% true they are all like pros,titutes

    • @Stevef2022
      @Stevef2022 6 місяців тому +1

      10 years later that guy is a net zero to mankind…remember that

  • @AfterFauve001
    @AfterFauve001 13 років тому +2

    I really wish the Atheist and Theist Fundies could see how the rest of us see this clip as screamingly funny.

  • @raj6408
    @raj6408 13 років тому

    @SatanTheMuslim - "What's there land? 57 islam nations + Israel + Potugal and Spain + Philippines + Thailand". You can add India into the list as well. The country was invaded in the past and was partitioned on the basis of religion. Population of Hindus in Pakistan less than 1% and population of Muslims in India around 15%. Still they are not happy because Kashmir is a majority Muslim region and Pakistan thinks it belongs to them.

  • @Hydragurum
    @Hydragurum 13 років тому +3

    I'm not a Muslim at all, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case. He was absolutely right in demonstrating to Dawkins that he has no morally obligatory source of absolute authority to be followed in the world; all he has is arbitrary man-made laws, convention, and pathetic genetic/evolutionary arguments (which, even if true, aren't morally binding). Dawkins got destroyed here, which typically is the trend I see in a lot of his videos-- his religious followers are sadly brainwashed

    • @NANOG-P8
      @NANOG-P8 2 роки тому

      he has discussed the concept of morality before . we should definitely not have absolute morality it should be discussed and changed .

    • @lamomahmood694
      @lamomahmood694 Рік тому

      @@NANOG-P8 that is a ridiculous statement. If morality is changed then there is no morality at all. Because it can be changed endlessly. To the point where everything that was once deemed moral becomes immoral. And everything that was once deemed immoral becomes moral. Meaning morals would just be nothing but a temporary opinion.

    • @NANOG-P8
      @NANOG-P8 Рік тому

      @@lamomahmood694 yes lol . objective morals don't exist even if you have god . what we can do is discuss what ' morals ' help society function / cause the least harm since that is what is engrained in our DNA via evolution . we can call murder evil since every human has been ' programmed ' to think that way but there isn't a force outside a mind that would make murder evil . for e.g. the sun is objectively real weather u know it or not i.e. your mind doesn't determine its nature but morality isn't objectively real it is ONLY in our minds .

  • @markstocker5121
    @markstocker5121 8 місяців тому

    No wonder this guy is unhappy. He thinks he's right and can't understand why no one else agrees with him.

  • @Mijn24
    @Mijn24 2 роки тому +1

    Dawkins didn’t respond to any of his moral contentions

  • @bwanna69
    @bwanna69 12 років тому +1

    I've never read kiddie porn either...and yet i know that it is vile and disgusting.

  • @ragael1024
    @ragael1024 10 місяців тому

    the problem with western secular society is that, by Free Will, it becomes chaotic. i'm looking at ex-communist countries that tried democracy and they, for a few decades, did not know what to do with it. still don't to some extent. freedom is powerful. but it requires a certain maturity and morality for it to truly be successful. in the muslim world, however, no such issues exist. human laws are practically non-existing, they are slaves to the same laws since Mohammad, which are still enforced to this day, any slight deviation is to be met with extreme "correction". this breeds fanaticism and the worst humanity can offer to freedom as a concept. Islam is the opposite of freedom. no wonder why our societies collide so much.

  • @trythinkingnow
    @trythinkingnow 12 років тому

    Islam needs NO help from the media to portray itself in a negative way...this video is a prime example. Do you AGREE with what the muslim in this video says? TELL US! Don't be shy NOW...stand up for your beliefs....

  • @larrycrowne8330
    @larrycrowne8330 7 місяців тому

    Ironical the Muslim win the debate!

  • @lindadavis5668
    @lindadavis5668 9 місяців тому +1

    The converted Muslim is seething with contempt right under the surface. He is being led by myth and dogma. He drank the kool aid.

  • @Ashelirria
    @Ashelirria 13 років тому +2

    @ahmedmudi1992 It's true to a certain extent. The fundamentalists have flaws because they are humans, while the quran states that the unbelievers have to be killed/converted and does not say "you do not need to do all this because you're human". Their attempt to convert or despise the unbeliever is actually on par with what the quran states.

  • @faustoperez5371
    @faustoperez5371 2 роки тому +2

    does anybody know the name of this documentary?

    • @jeannedarc7533
      @jeannedarc7533 Рік тому

      This is it:

    • @Reknaw155
      @Reknaw155 6 місяців тому

      It may be Richard Dawkins - The Root of Evil.

  • @Blekk101
    @Blekk101 8 місяців тому +1

    Isn’t that just Andrew Tate?

    • @MB-fo2sk
      @MB-fo2sk 8 місяців тому

      Tate is a conman, a grifter. This guy seriously believes in what he says.

  • @stephenmoore6493
    @stephenmoore6493 6 місяців тому

    Worse than ignorance is the pretence of wisdom and our Muslim friend is bang for that.

  • @oftin_wong
    @oftin_wong 7 місяців тому

    The Nazis thought that a promise of heaven and virgins was pure genius amongst the Muslim ideology/soldiers
    And you can see why they would think that

  • @Hgm1126
    @Hgm1126 3 місяці тому +1

    Andrew Tate's uncle

  • @garfieldbraithwaite8590
    @garfieldbraithwaite8590 7 місяців тому

    If we’re going to live together ……. Therein lies the problem. This barbarian doesn’t want to live in harmony

  • @Harriet-Jesamine
    @Harriet-Jesamine 4 місяці тому

    The all time greatest example of WETIKO Mind Virus you'll ever wish you didn't see.😢