I was baptized to the PCA and moved to a rural area. There is no PCA over 100 miles. Started going to a conservative church within the PCUSA (they do exist). And the proposal is a direct response to operation reconquista which attempts to bolster the conservative remnant within the PCUSA
That's absolutely what it's about. And this is how you know it's a good movement. They love seeing conservatives leave, but the thought of conservatives actually coming back terrifies them!
I go to a contemporary non-denominational church but when I heard about operation Reconquista my heart hurt for my fellow Christians. I found out that one of the PCUSA churches near me was looking for a worship leader and I’ve been playing on church worship teams for many years. I decided to apply for the job, did the interview, and was hired in October as part time interim co worship leader. Even though my position in the church is rather small I am still going to use it to try and keep the church in line with the Bible as much as possible.
@realtyanalytics Something the "Redeemed Zoomer" is orchestrating. The idea is for steadfast Christians to become involved with the wayward denominations in order to influence change.
Dr.Everhard, I was originally baptized into the PC(USA) in 1987. My pastor there who was my friend's dad i would say was left leaning, but not totally left. After my wife died i left the church for a while. When looking for a new church I looked for a new PC(USA) because that was my previous church experience. After looking at several Presbyterian church websites in my area I was shocked how far left the PC(USA) has gone. This caused me to look at other types of churches, but Presbyterium is in my blood and soul. Just by chance I was told by my niece to check out the OPC that was near me in my city of San Jose, cause the pastor their was on the church planting committee of her church in the Sacramento delta area. Since my first visit there till now three years later it has been home to me. After reading the books "Fighting the good Fight", and "Christianity and Liberalism". I can see how these books, and Machen called out the PC(USA) almost 100 years ago.
I am a pastor in a Wesleyan denomination, and I imagine that you must feel about this the way that most of us Wesleyans feel about the direction the UMC has chosen to pursue. It breaks my heart to see this.
My grandfathers faith endured in periods of political persecution and through difficult times in general, holding fast to the truth Presbyterian and Methodist churches from the US brought to their country. Had the first converts known what would become of the churches that sent missionaries to their shores, they would have turned back those tall ships.
Thank you for your commitment to the Lord & for speaking boldly on these matters. I believe faithful men of God must learn to revive the act of shaking the dust off our sandals. This is not quitting or a sign of defeat, but a recognition that God is sovereign & He wants us to leave behind those who are deaf to His voice. imo
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination (In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to their growing movement)
I am a Canadian Pentecostal, and conservative in theology and politics. I’ve been very much appreciating your videos as of late. The main Canadian Presbyterian fellowship became “affirming” last year, as a result they are hemorrhaging people and shrinking each month since then. It is sad, they were once a great church of the Canadian confederation. Thank you for standing for biblical Christianity. Keep posting videos!
Please pray for our brothers and sisters who are still fighting in the PCUSA and other liberal mainline denominations such as those who are part of the Reconquista. Whether we think their strategy is right or not we should pray for their success in combatting this.
I’m a pastor in the Church of God (Cleveland Tn) denomination. We are very conservative as well. Wanna say thank you pastor for clearing up the PCA/PCUSA differences. I thought they were one to be transparent. Good to see there’s still conservative Bible believing people in every movement. Love your channel brother
I agree Mr. Everhard, once a church/denomination departs from the Word of God, there is only one course of action left, leave that church and find another bible believing church that teaches and preaches the Word of God.
Absolutely not! Stay and fight. Running away teaches them nothing! That is a terrible mindset that wins absolutely no wars. We are called to put on the full armor of God and FIGHT it. God never said it would be easy. He said "my burden is light" not "there is no burden."
@@mjlabo3294You aren't getting it. Once a church commits apostasy, there is no turning back. That church is doomed to destruction, and trying to fight it is a waste of time.
@@mjlabo3294I’m sorry, but no. It doesn’t work that way. My husband and I were members for decades in the PCUSA denomination, (3 churches in 2 states due to moves) both of us serving as study group coordinators, deacons, elders, and coordinating massive service projects over the years. We loved the people and we loved the opportunity to serve others. Sadly we watched liberal material (produced by or explicitly approved of by PCUSA) be introduced, year by year, ever further from Biblical teaching. We discussed our concerns with pastors, lay leadership, and members alike. Overwhelmingly, while not nasty, they shook their heads and gave the “Oh, you just don’t understand“ look, and continued down the path. By 2011 when PCUSA ratified the amendment to allow gay/lesbian leadership at all levels including lead pastor, as well as ok’d performing gay marriages, we were blue in the face and exhausted. Not to mention spiritually starved, as we were never fed the Truth. We knew in our hearts that staying to listen to every sermon, meeting, teaching and project have an ever increasing liberal bias, all the while faithfully tithing, was no longer an option. Since leaving we’ve watched as it has continued to devolve into utter heretical garbage. We pray for their hearts to return to God, but we will not stand arm in arm with those who have no fear of the Lord, nor reverence for His Word. It was very hard leaving, and very hard finding a church that truly preached and modeled the Word. It’s still very sad to us even a decade later that we had to leave. But some situations do indeed call for us to lovingly tell the truth, and when rebuffed, shake the dust from our feet and move on.
As someone who is not able to be a part of the Reconquista, and is not a Presbyterian, I understand the arguments from both sides. One thing is for sure, I think all of us who are outside the mainline Protestant traditions need to do a better job of affecting the culture. Even if we cannot change a fallen denomination, we still have a duty to be a part of universities, sciences, entertainment, and more. If we can’t join current institutions we need to build our own and make them better. And then, we need to protect those institutions so we don’t get them stolen from us again!
Same could be said of my Lutheran faith with the ELCA. So thankful the LCMS is holding firm. God bless my conservative Presbyterian brothers and sisters!
My family and I recently moved on from the Bible church and joined a local PCA church, here in Texas. I’m very glad that my new church home and denomination doesn’t have this kind of nonsense.
I pray for my brothers in PCA. They are struggling to remain faithful but I see efforts at the Presbytery and GA levels to drag them into the same whirlpool.
Better: "cesspool." Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools Rom 1:23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things. Rom 1:24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Rom 1:25 For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Rom 1:26 For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination. (In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement) Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
Wynn Kenyon was my theology professor at Belhaven College in the early 80's. Massive integrity! I loved that man and cried like a baby when I heard of his death in 2012. The mainline Presbyterian body had ceased to be a Christian church (let ALONE a Reformed church) long before Dr. Kenyon made his stand. The PCUSA lost the right to be paid attention to as if it were a church at least 50 years ago, and a good case could be made for the view that Machen's expulsion 100 years ago was the end of the mainline body as a church in any sense of the word. Do not give them any attention. They are not a church. Not even a bad church. They are nothing.
They want to be like the rest of the world. Worldliness: 1Sa 8:19 But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, No, but we will have a king over us. 1Sa 8:20 And we shall be, also we, like all the nations, so that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination . (In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement) Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
I am an aspiring pastor who will seek ordination. I’m not theological liberal instead I am going to reclaim the church that was stolen from us. Pray for the Reconquista it will be successful
I live about an hour and a half north of you and even though I don't agree with some Presbyterian doctrine, God bless you brother for taking a stand on major biblical Doctrine and please continue to do so!!!!!
@@hunteroxentine3661 I suppose their zeal, knowledge, and righteousness can't be measured in numbers. Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Rom 10:3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
@@tomberry66 Doesn't' seem like that will last for long... At this rate at least... We may see a influx of their congregation moving over to other Presbyterian denominations~ The word of God will prevail~!
Churches and denominations can disagree on minor issues, but this isn't one of them. The Bible is clear on this issue, anything outside of traditional heterosexual marriage is sin.
There are a lot lot of conservatives still in the PCUSA. Don't abandon it because of threats- there is a large chance that this will not pass at the general assembly
man, PCUSA is in a bad place... 2 Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;"
I'm a member of a Baptist Church here in houston. But I love all my brethren / denominations as long as they preach THE Gospel, disciple, and edify the church to live a holy life for our Lord. Let us ALL pray for a revival among ALL denominations to return to faithfulness and stand firm in the Bible! 🙏🙏🙏
I had a brief assignment with a PCUSA church when I discovered how biblically compromising and self-serving their views are regarding the Word of God. Although my assignment was God-ordained and complete, I shared my understanding of the Bible with the administrator on my way out. God helped me gracefully end the assignment. People have a way of twisting the truth according to their wants - even to the point of pure evil. Sadly, many do not see the error or refuse to accept it, but not always. Nice shirt Matt - most appropriate!
I fully agree with you Matt. As a Lutheran who guided the congregation I serve out of the ELCA into the NALC (North American Lutheran Church), I understand what this could mean for any possible moderates who may remain.
The text says not to discriminate based on theological conviction. What if my theological conviction is that the Bible means what it says on sexual morality?
@@mackle491 the Galatians passage has nothing to do with homosexuality and the Corinthians passage is about Greek pederasty, not monogamous homosexuality.
@@adamredwine774 the Greek literally says “men-bed”, the exact same Greek words used in the Septuagint version of Leviticus 18:22 so nice try. Paul says he is forewarning us and not to be deceived, and sure enough people want to deceive and say it does not mean what it says.
I am so truly grateful the Lord showed me truth and led me back to mother church. Seeing all this absolute craziness consume the Protestant churches is satanic.
Discernment is one of my favorite gifts from our Lord. It of course takes some work, (if you can even call it that), but is all joy in reading and knowing His Word. God Bless...
There are a bunch of young Presbyterians staying in the PCUSA and we started a nonprofit called Presbyterians For The Kingdom. We are trying to recover the normal orthodox beliefs. I have found that a lot of the church is old white people who don't quite understand what's going on in the LGBT world. It's like they've never even seen a pride flag before. They seem to think the PCUSA holds the same sort of egalitarian views from the 60s/70s, unaware of how much that school of thought has deviated from the truth. And yes, many are already gay affirming but they really don't get how unbiblical it is. Many of them have never come face to face with that issue before, especially in my area of southeastern US. So I would rather stay and help all these boomers understand whats really going on. The leftist ideology isn't even sustainable in the long run. I believe there is a generation of people growing up who are realizing that the leftist school of thought is all lies. The truth will prevail, whether it be in the PCUSA or not. Post Tenebras Lux
Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Rom 10:3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
This is all part of the Great Apostasy that's described in the Bible. Get away from any church that has committed apostasy because they can't be brought to repentance anymore. Their only fate is to go the way of the world.
@@tabletalk33 Remember the Apostle John tells us, they went out from us for they were never (truly) of us. It may seem like I'm being a bit nit picky but it is an important distinction given us in Scripture. I see the term backslidden used quite often and wonder if the apostacy we are seeing today is not backsliding in most of these cases but the fruit we're told to look for? God Bless...
Orthodox Presbyterian here and I was formerly PCA in a plant church in Nashua NH. This was in the mid 1990’s and Dr T David Gordon was my pastor in Nashua. The biblical Presbyterian denominations need to band together officially to help combat the heretical mainline so called churches.
Why can’t the biblical denominations join together into one? I’m familiar with the OPC and PCA but I’m unfamiliar with the other conservative denominations that the Pastor mentions in the video. If we all became one biblical Presbyterian denomination wouldn’t that glorify God and serve Him better than we are doing now?
Just a brief thought. There are a lot more Presbyterian and Reformed denominations than just the PCA and adhere to confessional standards, e.g., Westminster Confession, Belgic Confession, and even the London Confessions. These include the OPC, the RCUS, RPCNA, etc.
It is not apostate yet. It is heterodox. It needs to be retaken. You dont just leave someone because they are sick. You stay with them until they die. Leaving the denomination only makes it more unitarian universalist!
This poison is everywhere. How long before God craters us in judgment? The scary part is that when His patience finally runs out, we ALL will suffer- even those who sought to live godly lives. I'm so unbearably weary of it all Jesus has to return soon. He just has to. I can't stand living in this moral sewage anymore. I feel like I am drowning.
No, you won't. Consider that moment when God says "Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel.." in 1 Kings 19. Keep putting the Kingdom of God first and He will take care of separating you from the judgment to come.
Christ is Lord. Praise God! Whatever happens. I am reassured that God has faithful ministers, churches, schools and individuals encouraging others using social media. We just have to leave apostate churches. Come what may God's Will will be done! Praise God!
Thank you for this video. I'm not Presbyterian, but this is disturbing news. And any Bible-believing person should be fired up. I hear this news, and my first reaction is anger (righteous anger, I hope), after which I can only shake my head and say anyone with eyes and a thoughtful perspective can see where the society is headed. This is yet another indication of it. "Exchanging the truth of God for a lie" comes to mind as well.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination . (In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement) Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray for us, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
How pitifully and painfully sad - and disgusting. I grew up in the southern church. I had pretty much moved on by the time of the merger in 1983, but you can't get away from your roots. It truly sickens me to see what radical progressives have done to my former denomination.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination
Something else to consider regarding this issue and considering stay or go from the PCUSA. God is firmly in control of this, and is always working in the ongoing reformation of the church. I would say that the direction of the PCUSA is evidence of God further isolating this group and handing them over to the world. Why stay with a church that is in that condition? You're only subjecting yourself to Gods correction.
Presbyterians for the Kingdom, part of the reconquista movement, are actively working to counteract this. This is not a forgone conclusion, have hope! We will stand and work to maintain theological orthodoxy within the mainline. Pray for us, join us, and support, do not stand and mourn when the church is yet alive. There is work to be done!
I grew up in a PC (USA) church and didn't know any better growing up. Just went where the family went. Didn't really come to Christ until later in life anyway. But yeah, the PC (USA) went off the rails many, many years ago, and I wouldn't even consider it a Christian church anymore. It's more like a social club for the militant leftist crowd. They can have it.
Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools. No charge more acutely stings a man than that of being considered senseless; he would rather be deemed a knave than a fool. The apostle shows that man, whom God created upright that he might behold God and heavenly things, has continually gazed at the earth, and become prone like the beasts. Thus bending, he has wrapped his soul in shadow, and his religion, instead of a blessing, has proved a curse.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination . (In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement) Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray for us, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
Now as somebody who just joined the PCA, of course it makes me this hard, and when I hear of any Christian organization group that denomination doing this, but I always have told people to wake up all this stuff is coming I think in the near future, we will probably see more Home churches because that’s what it’s gonna take. I don’t know. I’m going through the old fashion version of the book. Really enjoying it m. Might pickup the audio also.
Not all PCUSA churches are liberal. We need to take back the PCUSA rather than retreat. Pray that this does not happen but please do not call the entire denomination heretical/apostate. Please check out Redeemed Zoomer's Reconquista or Presbyterians for the Kingdom for more information.
I left the pcusa in 2016 when they said that each congregation could make its own decision on homosexuality. I was urged to stay because "our congregation will never have a homosexual pastor". I said "just wait. It will happen" . I wish PCA was near me. I am a secret agent calvinist in a evangelical church.
How would you reconcile the theological march to the left of the PCUSA with the accountability structure that you mentioned for being a Presbyterian? It didn't seem to work at all for PCUSA.
I did not like this video, this provided NO encouragement to those in the PCUSA like me. You didn't even MENTION Reconquista, which you know exists. I'm disappointed. EDIT: Pastor Everhard agreed to make an update video soon about the Reconquista and Presbyterians for the Kingdom. Really appreciate his willingness to listen to our response to his video
I love your t shirts. Read 1974 and reread it as well as Animal Farm. I barely understood Animal Farm as a kid's but it's becoming more relevant in today's climate!
So are we going to pretend that the PCA pastors have no responsibility for the current situation of the PCUSA? It was their cowardice in not staying to fight that led the Church to its current state. Additionally, by abandoning them, they do not have the same structure, the same resources, the same history or the same identity (they have become more similar to Baptists than to traditional Presbyterians). I pray for the Reconquista Movement to be successful for the sake of American Presbyterianism (here in Brazil we don't have the same problem).
WOW! Just WOW!.. In my life I have had reason to leave congregations because I could not follow their doctrines. Doesn’t anyone actually read their Bibles anymore??? Just WOW!!!
It would appear that they do not; either that, or they interpret it badly, rationalizing as they go in ways that suit their own perverted tastes. Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
What about the Reconquista… this seems to gloss over the movement to retake the mainlines WHICH by the way has grown, not only this, but the PCUSA themselves and the Presbyteries HAVE opposed this. We should pray for the Reconquista during this season, for God’s truth abideth still.
Reconquista may be going down a rabbit hole at this point in time. Machen tried this around 1929 and the PCUS just continued down the rabbit hole. And where is the PCUSA now? Even the Reformation - which originally tried to reform the Catholic Church- ended up separating itself.
This does not reflect the views of many, many people in the PCUSA. A few liberals are forcing this on everyone. Many of us do not agree and are not willing to give up on this denomination. Operation Reconquista represents the views of these people and is working to keep the church grounded in Biblical values.
I went to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. You’d be surprised how much they support LGBTQ+, how professors did allow the use of Father God but Mother God was okay, and there were gay and non-binary students. I left the seminary.
But is it always the case that conservatives must leave a church instead of staying and fighting? Why can't the liberals be forced to leave? Wasn't that Machen's hope before he left? Seems like endless schism, division, and sectarianism is all that ever comes of this sort of thing.
Well, the Bible has tons of material about human error, going astray, and backsliding, etc. Psa 50:16 But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you, to declare My Precepts, and to take up My covenant in your mouth? Psa 50:17 Yea, you hate to be taught, and you toss My Words behind you. Mat 15:7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, Mat 15:8 "This people draws near to Me with their mouth, and honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. Mat 15:9 But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Joh 7:19 Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not one of you keeps the Law! Why do you seek to kill Me?
Good afternoon Matt. I am not able to find a PCA church close by. Can you tell me if an EPC church leans more conservative or progressive? I want to steer clear of progressive/left leaning churches.
If we as children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, Memories His words, so that we Meditate upon His scriptures were we imitate His Commandments and statues. We would have no compromise and lost souls would know the difference from God's church to the world.
How would we go about starting the process to leave the PCUSA and join another Presbyterian group like PCA or ECO? my church is woefully small and distinctly divided on the issue of LGBTQ++++ but I feel called to get us out of the heresy of PCUSA and find a true church home.
Matt, what in the world is that shirt supposed to mean? Looks to like the PCA may be getting new members leaving the PC. Hopefully that doesn't muddy the waters for you.
It is the reference to the George Orwell book, "Animal Farm." It is a critique of Communism and Marxism from the perspective of barnyard animals; some rule by power, others are taken advantage of and deceived.
@thejoshuaproject3809 What backs up that claim? To me it seems like the reconquista is actively trying to fight heresy in the church. How is fighting heresy equivalent to giving your heart to Satan?
What happened to the video about Redeemed Zoomer? Did you delete it? I was wondering about his strategy for taking back the mainline Protestant denominations from liberal wokery. Do you think it’s a good strategy. I’m torn about it.
We are in the PCUSA to fight it. The PCUSA is the mission field. We are called to go and make disciples of all nations. That includes fixing the PCUSA.
For all true and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ: come out of the PCUSA. in my mother tongue we have an expression which says; that with which you associate, with that you will become contaminated. Get out! Yes, if there is hope of a return , fight for it, but from what pastor Everhart told us that time is past …. Get out.
I was baptized to the PCA and moved to a rural area. There is no PCA over 100 miles. Started going to a conservative church within the PCUSA (they do exist). And the proposal is a direct response to operation reconquista which attempts to bolster the conservative remnant within the PCUSA
That’s wild
Of which I am the President.
That's absolutely what it's about. And this is how you know it's a good movement. They love seeing conservatives leave, but the thought of conservatives actually coming back terrifies them!
@@davidyancey3795 Oh, hey David Yancey. I'm in the discord.
@@paulwoodhouse3386my man 🤝
God bless Matthew Everhard for standing up for the truth of God's word!
I go to a contemporary non-denominational church but when I heard about operation Reconquista my heart hurt for my fellow Christians. I found out that one of the PCUSA churches near me was looking for a worship leader and I’ve been playing on church worship teams for many years. I decided to apply for the job, did the interview, and was hired in October as part time interim co worship leader. Even though my position in the church is rather small I am still going to use it to try and keep the church in line with the Bible as much as possible.
Good luck. When people start rationalizing instead of adhering to Scripture, anything can happen.
PCUSA has worship leaders? No offense at all but the traditional presbyterian way is hymnal singing as a congregation.
The PC(USA) is the mission field at this point.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom, it’s your comment made real.
Our own country is.
@@PelincaI just did. Seems like they are people with common sense. I love it. Still standing on biblical principles on marriage and abortion
This stuff, is erasing women actually
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
By God's grace and power, Reconquista will succeed
It will eventually
You need to talk about how this is probably a reaction to the Reconquista movement
The timing certainly suggests as much.
@realtyanalytics Something the "Redeemed Zoomer" is orchestrating. The idea is for steadfast Christians to become involved with the wayward denominations in order to influence change.
@realtyanalytics A conservative movement started by Redeemed Zoomer (UA-camr) to evangelize the Mainline churches to return them to their roots
Dr.Everhard, I was originally baptized into the PC(USA) in 1987. My pastor there who was my friend's dad i would say was left leaning, but not totally left. After my wife died i left the church for a while. When looking for a new church I looked for a new PC(USA) because that was my previous church experience. After looking at several Presbyterian church websites in my area I was shocked how far left the PC(USA) has gone. This caused me to look at other types of churches, but Presbyterium is in my blood and soul. Just by chance I was told by my niece to check out the OPC that was near me in my city of San Jose, cause the pastor their was on the church planting committee of her church in the Sacramento delta area. Since my first visit there till now three years later it has been home to me. After reading the books "Fighting the good Fight", and "Christianity and Liberalism". I can see how these books, and Machen called out the PC(USA) almost 100 years ago.
It didn’t happen “just by chance” that you found a true church. God blessed you and it happened in His providence. So happy for you.
I am a pastor in a Wesleyan denomination, and I imagine that you must feel about this the way that most of us Wesleyans feel about the direction the UMC has chosen to pursue. It breaks my heart to see this.
Methodist for 20 years. Then I realized there was no hope for God’s Truth without His Authority in His Church. Love Jesus more deeply than ever.
My grandfathers faith endured in periods of political persecution and through difficult times in general, holding fast to the truth Presbyterian and Methodist churches from the US brought to their country. Had the first converts known what would become of the churches that sent missionaries to their shores, they would have turned back those tall ships.
Thank you for your commitment to the Lord & for speaking boldly on these matters.
I believe faithful men of God must learn to revive the act of shaking the dust off our sandals. This is not quitting or a sign of defeat, but a recognition that God is sovereign & He wants us to leave behind those who are deaf to His voice. imo
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination
(In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to their growing movement)
I am a Canadian Pentecostal, and conservative in theology and politics. I’ve been very much appreciating your videos as of late. The main Canadian Presbyterian fellowship became “affirming” last year, as a result they are hemorrhaging people and shrinking each month since then. It is sad, they were once a great church of the Canadian confederation. Thank you for standing for biblical Christianity. Keep posting videos!
Please pray for our brothers and sisters who are still fighting in the PCUSA and other liberal mainline denominations such as those who are part of the Reconquista. Whether we think their strategy is right or not we should pray for their success in combatting this.
Amen brother!
Praying with you! 🙏🙏🙏
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
I’m a pastor in the Church of God (Cleveland Tn) denomination. We are very conservative as well. Wanna say thank you pastor for clearing up the PCA/PCUSA differences. I thought they were one to be transparent. Good to see there’s still conservative Bible believing people in every movement. Love your channel brother
I agree Mr. Everhard, once a church/denomination departs from the Word of God, there is only one course of action left, leave that church and find another bible believing church that teaches and preaches the Word of God.
Absolutely not! Stay and fight. Running away teaches them nothing! That is a terrible mindset that wins absolutely no wars. We are called to put on the full armor of God and FIGHT it. God never said it would be easy. He said "my burden is light" not "there is no burden."
@@mjlabo3294You aren't getting it. Once a church commits apostasy, there is no turning back. That church is doomed to destruction, and trying to fight it is a waste of time.
@@mjlabo3294I’m sorry, but no. It doesn’t work that way. My husband and I were members for decades in the PCUSA denomination, (3 churches in 2 states due to moves) both of us serving as study group coordinators, deacons, elders, and coordinating massive service projects over the years. We loved the people and we loved the opportunity to serve others. Sadly we watched liberal material (produced by or explicitly approved of by PCUSA) be introduced, year by year, ever further from Biblical teaching. We discussed our concerns with pastors, lay leadership, and members alike. Overwhelmingly, while not nasty, they shook their heads and gave the “Oh, you just don’t understand“ look, and continued down the path. By 2011 when PCUSA ratified the amendment to allow gay/lesbian leadership at all levels including lead pastor, as well as ok’d performing gay marriages, we were blue in the face and exhausted. Not to mention spiritually starved, as we were never fed the Truth. We knew in our hearts that staying to listen to every sermon, meeting, teaching and project have an ever increasing liberal bias, all the while faithfully tithing, was no longer an option. Since leaving we’ve watched as it has continued to devolve into utter heretical garbage. We pray for their hearts to return to God, but we will not stand arm in arm with those who have no fear of the Lord, nor reverence for His Word. It was very hard leaving, and very hard finding a church that truly preached and modeled the Word. It’s still very sad to us even a decade later that we had to leave. But some situations do indeed call for us to lovingly tell the truth, and when rebuffed, shake the dust from our feet and move on.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. Amen.
I'm not a Presbyterian of any "flavor" and yet this breaks my heart to know. Thank you for shedding much needed light on the matter.
As someone who is not able to be a part of the Reconquista, and is not a Presbyterian, I understand the arguments from both sides. One thing is for sure, I think all of us who are outside the mainline Protestant traditions need to do a better job of affecting the culture. Even if we cannot change a fallen denomination, we still have a duty to be a part of universities, sciences, entertainment, and more. If we can’t join current institutions we need to build our own and make them better. And then, we need to protect those institutions so we don’t get them stolen from us again!
Same could be said of my Lutheran faith with the ELCA.
So thankful the LCMS is holding firm.
God bless my conservative Presbyterian brothers and sisters!
We’re trying. Stuff is starting to creep back into the LCMS though.
My family and I recently moved on from the Bible church and joined a local PCA church, here in Texas. I’m very glad that my new church home and denomination doesn’t have this kind of nonsense.
I pray for my brothers in PCA. They are struggling to remain faithful but I see efforts at the Presbytery and GA levels to drag them into the same whirlpool.
Better: "cesspool." Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools
Rom 1:23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.
Rom 1:25 For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections.
Yeah, we'll see how this goes. I plan on talking to my pastor about it, and seeing if he can go to the grand assembly to fight this.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination.
(In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement)
Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
Put on the whole armor of GOD AND STAND.
Do you have anything to say about the Reconquista movement?
Wynn Kenyon was my theology professor at Belhaven College in the early 80's. Massive integrity! I loved that man and cried like a baby when I heard of his death in 2012. The mainline Presbyterian body had ceased to be a Christian church (let ALONE a Reformed church) long before Dr. Kenyon made his stand.
The PCUSA lost the right to be paid attention to as if it were a church at least 50 years ago, and a good case could be made for the view that Machen's expulsion 100 years ago was the end of the mainline body as a church in any sense of the word.
Do not give them any attention. They are not a church. Not even a bad church. They are nothing.
They want to be like the rest of the world. Worldliness: 1Sa 8:19 But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, No, but we will have a king over us.
1Sa 8:20 And we shall be, also we, like all the nations, so that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination .
(In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement)
Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
I am an aspiring pastor who will seek ordination. I’m not theological liberal instead I am going to reclaim the church that was stolen from us. Pray for the Reconquista it will be successful
If this goes through they won't let you be ordained there. So you will need a Plan B.
Will pray for you~
I live about an hour and a half north of you and even though I don't agree with some Presbyterian doctrine, God bless you brother for taking a stand on major biblical Doctrine and please continue to do so!!!!!
Thank you, Matthew. Stand up, stand up for Jesus!
Just bought the book - looking forward to it, and congrats on the #1!
"Behemoth ? The PCUSA has lost something like 700,000 members in the last 10-12 years, whole congregations have seceded.
Still the largest Presbyterian denomination at this time, by quite a lot. 1.1m vs 0.38m in the PCA.
It is still, in terms of membership, the largest Presbyterian denomination. At 1.1 million people, it is about 3x the size of the PCA.
@@hunteroxentine3661 I suppose their zeal, knowledge, and righteousness can't be measured in numbers.
Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Rom 10:3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
@@tabletalk33 nope, but their souls can.
@@tomberry66 Doesn't' seem like that will last for long... At this rate at least... We may see a influx of their congregation moving over to other Presbyterian denominations~ The word of God will prevail~!
This is the great falling away predicted in Scripture before the return of Christ.
Churches and denominations can disagree on minor issues, but this isn't one of them. The Bible is clear on this issue, anything outside of traditional heterosexual marriage is sin.
There are a lot lot of conservatives still in the PCUSA. Don't abandon it because of threats- there is a large chance that this will not pass at the general assembly
It wont pass this time, but they will continue to push the needle left, little by little. Its the boiling frog theory
man, PCUSA is in a bad place...
2 Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;"
I'm a member of a Baptist Church here in houston. But I love all my brethren / denominations as long as they preach THE Gospel, disciple, and edify the church to live a holy life for our Lord. Let us ALL pray for a revival among ALL denominations to return to faithfulness and stand firm in the Bible! 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for differentiating pcusa from PCA. I didn’t realize you weren’t part of them.
Thank you, solid report. Soli Deo Gloria!
I had a brief assignment with a PCUSA church when I discovered how biblically compromising and self-serving their views are regarding the Word of God. Although my assignment was God-ordained and complete, I shared my understanding of the Bible with the administrator on my way out. God helped me gracefully end the assignment. People have a way of twisting the truth according to their wants - even to the point of pure evil. Sadly, many do not see the error or refuse to accept it, but not always.
Nice shirt Matt - most appropriate!
I fully agree with you Matt. As a Lutheran who guided the congregation I serve out of the ELCA into the NALC (North American Lutheran Church), I understand what this could mean for any possible moderates who may remain.
My congregation did the same in 2010. We're thriving and I hope your congregation is as well.
Thanks for sharing this development; and, most importantly, sufficient background. Stay strong Pastor!
The text says not to discriminate based on theological conviction. What if my theological conviction is that the Bible means what it says on sexual morality?
What if your interpretation of what the Bible says is wrong?
@@adamredwine774 I Corinthians 6:9 & 10 and Galatians 5:19-21 do not leave room for interpretation
@@mackle491 the Galatians passage has nothing to do with homosexuality and the Corinthians passage is about Greek pederasty, not monogamous homosexuality.
@@adamredwine774 the Greek literally says “men-bed”, the exact same Greek words used in the Septuagint version of Leviticus 18:22 so nice try. Paul says he is forewarning us and not to be deceived, and sure enough people want to deceive and say it does not mean what it says.
I am so truly grateful the Lord showed me truth and led me back to mother church. Seeing all this absolute craziness consume the Protestant churches is satanic.
God bless you, thanks for the clarification. Crazy times or should we be surprised? I hope they have the decency to drop the presbyterian title.
As Paul said, Be strong in the Lord!. I agreed with you all the ways. Stay faithful to the word of God. Be found faithful. Praying. 🤟
Discernment is one of my favorite gifts from our Lord.
It of course takes some work, (if you can even call it that), but is all joy in reading and knowing His Word.
God Bless...
Congrats on your book, A Theology of Joy ranking #1 in category of theology on Audible! 🎉
There are a bunch of young Presbyterians staying in the PCUSA and we started a nonprofit called Presbyterians For The Kingdom. We are trying to recover the normal orthodox beliefs. I have found that a lot of the church is old white people who don't quite understand what's going on in the LGBT world. It's like they've never even seen a pride flag before. They seem to think the PCUSA holds the same sort of egalitarian views from the 60s/70s, unaware of how much that school of thought has deviated from the truth. And yes, many are already gay affirming but they really don't get how unbiblical it is. Many of them have never come face to face with that issue before, especially in my area of southeastern US. So I would rather stay and help all these boomers understand whats really going on. The leftist ideology isn't even sustainable in the long run. I believe there is a generation of people growing up who are realizing that the leftist school of thought is all lies. The truth will prevail, whether it be in the PCUSA or not. Post Tenebras Lux
God bless the Reconquista
Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Rom 10:3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
This is all part of the Great Apostasy that's described in the Bible. Get away from any church that has committed apostasy because they can't be brought to repentance anymore. Their only fate is to go the way of the world.
I agree. They are Backsliders. The Bible has quite a lot to say about that. Now I can see why.
@@tabletalk33 Remember the Apostle John tells us, they went out from us for they were never (truly) of us. It may seem like I'm being a bit nit picky but it is an important distinction given us in Scripture. I see the term backslidden used quite often and wonder if the apostacy we are seeing today is not backsliding in most of these cases but the fruit we're told to look for?
God Bless...
If the PCUSA is no longer confessional how can they maintain their Identity among WCF adherents?
I guess that means Westminster. So the Anglicans have a same problem.
Orthodox Presbyterian here and I was formerly PCA in a plant church in Nashua NH. This was in the mid 1990’s and Dr T David Gordon was my pastor in Nashua. The biblical Presbyterian denominations need to band together officially to help combat the heretical mainline so called churches.
Isn’t that what we’ve been doing since Machen?
Why can’t the biblical denominations join together into one? I’m familiar with the OPC and PCA but I’m unfamiliar with the other conservative denominations that the Pastor mentions in the video. If we all became one biblical Presbyterian denomination wouldn’t that glorify God and serve Him better than we are doing now?
NAPARC is a close cooperation and support organization that brings together quite a few of the conservative denominations.
@@duneregent1033 NAPARC is a great point!
Not combat, retake. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but rather against the cosmic powers and forces of evil in this world.
Our local Presbyterian is a USA Church, sad but true!
Does the PCA review its member churches regularly? Even just reviewing the leadership page on websites showing women deacon and elders?
Just a brief thought. There are a lot more Presbyterian and Reformed denominations than just the PCA and adhere to confessional standards, e.g., Westminster Confession, Belgic Confession, and even the London Confessions. These include the OPC, the RCUS, RPCNA, etc.
How can one stay in an apostate Church?? It teaches heresy would you not be partaking of it??
It is not apostate yet. It is heterodox. It needs to be retaken. You dont just leave someone because they are sick. You stay with them until they die. Leaving the denomination only makes it more unitarian universalist!
This poison is everywhere. How long before God craters us in judgment?
The scary part is that when His patience finally runs out, we ALL will suffer- even those who sought to live godly lives.
I'm so unbearably weary of it all
Jesus has to return soon. He just has to. I can't stand living in this moral sewage anymore. I feel like I am drowning.
You are not alone. Remember Jesus has overcome the world. I will pray for you, please pray for me and our other weary brothers and sisters.
@@hopeful170 Thanks. Yes, we all need to strengthen each other!
No, you won't. Consider that moment when God says "Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel.." in 1 Kings 19. Keep putting the Kingdom of God first and He will take care of separating you from the judgment to come.
I feel the same :(
Christ is Lord. Praise God! Whatever happens. I am reassured that God has faithful ministers, churches, schools and individuals encouraging others using social media. We just have to leave apostate churches. Come what may God's Will will be done! Praise God!
Thank you for this video. I'm not Presbyterian, but this is disturbing news. And any Bible-believing person should be fired up. I hear this news, and my first reaction is anger (righteous anger, I hope), after which I can only shake my head and say anyone with eyes and a thoughtful perspective can see where the society is headed. This is yet another indication of it. "Exchanging the truth of God for a lie" comes to mind as well.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination .
(In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement)
Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray for us, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
@@jamesrock6026 Your handle is familiar. Aren't you on Audio Aficionado?
Congratulations Matt!
...on your book of course, not the sad news.
How pitifully and painfully sad - and disgusting. I grew up in the southern church. I had pretty much moved on by the time of the merger in 1983, but you can't get away from your roots. It truly sickens me to see what radical progressives have done to my former denomination.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination
Something else to consider regarding this issue and considering stay or go from the PCUSA. God is firmly in control of this, and is always working in the ongoing reformation of the church. I would say that the direction of the PCUSA is evidence of God further isolating this group and handing them over to the world. Why stay with a church that is in that condition? You're only subjecting yourself to Gods correction.
Presbyterians for the Kingdom, part of the reconquista movement, are actively working to counteract this. This is not a forgone conclusion, have hope!
We will stand and work to maintain theological orthodoxy within the mainline.
Pray for us, join us, and support, do not stand and mourn when the church is yet alive. There is work to be done!
I grew up in a PC (USA) church and didn't know any better growing up. Just went where the family went. Didn't really come to Christ until later in life anyway. But yeah, the PC (USA) went off the rails many, many years ago, and I wouldn't even consider it a Christian church anymore. It's more like a social club for the militant leftist crowd. They can have it.
Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools.
No charge more acutely stings a man than that of being considered senseless; he would rather be deemed a knave than a fool. The apostle shows that man, whom God created upright that he might behold God and heavenly things, has continually gazed at the earth, and become prone like the beasts. Thus bending, he has wrapped his soul in shadow, and his religion, instead of a blessing, has proved a curse.
Check out Presbyterians for the Kingdom: it’s fighting the good fight to restore theological orthodoxy within the PCUSA- starting with the moderate and conservative churches already within the denomination .
(In fact, this motion looks like it is a direct response to the growing movement)
Do not mourn when the denomination is yet alive- pray for us, support, stand and fight. There is work to be done!
Now as somebody who just joined the PCA, of course it makes me this hard, and when I hear of any Christian organization group that denomination doing this, but I always have told people to wake up all this stuff is coming I think in the near future, we will probably see more Home churches because that’s what it’s gonna take. I don’t know.
I’m going through the old fashion version of the book. Really enjoying it m. Might pickup the audio also.
Reconquista exists for this very purpose. May God bless the Reconquista!
Not all PCUSA churches are liberal. We need to take back the PCUSA rather than retreat. Pray that this does not happen but please do not call the entire denomination heretical/apostate. Please check out Redeemed Zoomer's Reconquista or Presbyterians for the Kingdom for more information.
I left the pcusa in 2016 when they said that each congregation could make its own decision on homosexuality. I was urged to stay because "our congregation will never have a homosexual pastor". I said "just wait. It will happen" . I wish PCA was near me. I am a secret agent calvinist in a evangelical church.
How would you reconcile the theological march to the left of the PCUSA with the accountability structure that you mentioned for being a Presbyterian? It didn't seem to work at all for PCUSA.
I did not like this video, this provided NO encouragement to those in the PCUSA like me. You didn't even MENTION Reconquista, which you know exists. I'm disappointed.
EDIT: Pastor Everhard agreed to make an update video soon about the Reconquista and Presbyterians for the Kingdom. Really appreciate his willingness to listen to our response to his video
Separation of sheep and goats is ordained by God
He made a good point about leaving though
Brother, he mentioned it just not by name. I believe he did that on purpose to be charitable toward you.
I love your t shirts. Read 1974 and reread it as well as Animal Farm. I barely understood Animal Farm as a kid's but it's becoming more relevant in today's climate!
Dr. Kenyon was my philosophy and religion professor at Belhaven. I wish his story could be put into a book, amazing leader.
HA!! Good idea.
Matthew, I’d love to see you and brother Gavin Ortland have a conversation.😊
As it has been said, "be woke, go broke, ultimately croak."
So are we going to pretend that the PCA pastors have no responsibility for the current situation of the PCUSA? It was their cowardice in not staying to fight that led the Church to its current state. Additionally, by abandoning them, they do not have the same structure, the same resources, the same history or the same identity (they have become more similar to Baptists than to traditional Presbyterians). I pray for the Reconquista Movement to be successful for the sake of American Presbyterianism (here in Brazil we don't have the same problem).
WOW! Just WOW!.. In my life I have had reason to leave congregations because I could not follow their doctrines. Doesn’t anyone actually read their Bibles anymore??? Just WOW!!!
The PCUSA seems to be on the NRSVue now, and they have completely elided homosexuality from their translation of 1 Corinthians 6:9.
It would appear that they do not; either that, or they interpret it badly, rationalizing as they go in ways that suit their own perverted tastes. Rom 10:2 For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Congratulations!! Well done!
What about the Reconquista… this seems to gloss over the movement to retake the mainlines WHICH by the way has grown, not only this, but the PCUSA themselves and the Presbyteries HAVE opposed this. We should pray for the Reconquista during this season, for God’s truth abideth still.
Reconquista may be going down a rabbit hole at this point in time. Machen tried this around 1929 and the PCUS just continued down the rabbit hole. And where is the PCUSA now? Even the Reformation - which originally tried to reform the Catholic Church- ended up separating itself.
A tiny bit of leavening can spoil the entire loaf.....a slippery slope of compromise is dangerous!
Chapter 24 of the WCF seems relevant. So, the PCUSA no longer requires ministers and elders to assert, maintain and defend this doctrine?
Some are convicted to fight so on the day of judgement, their fate and rebellion will be proven and sealed.
Unbelievable, so sad and horrific.
Yup. Because forcing people to affirm something against their will is always a sure fire road to success!
This does not reflect the views of many, many people in the PCUSA. A few liberals are forcing this on everyone. Many of us do not agree and are not willing to give up on this denomination. Operation Reconquista represents the views of these people and is working to keep the church grounded in Biblical values.
How can such "a few liberals" force it on everyone? I see this denomination splitting up just as so many others have.
Run away? Be a coward? How about following 2 Corinthians 6:1-18? “..come out from among them and be ye separate,”.
I went to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. You’d be surprised how much they support LGBTQ+, how professors did allow the use of Father God but Mother God was okay, and there were gay and non-binary students. I left the seminary.
Thank you for sharing this video.
But is it always the case that conservatives must leave a church instead of staying and fighting? Why can't the liberals be forced to leave? Wasn't that Machen's hope before he left? Seems like endless schism, division, and sectarianism is all that ever comes of this sort of thing.
Well, the Bible has tons of material about human error, going astray, and backsliding, etc. Psa 50:16 But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you, to declare My Precepts, and to take up My covenant in your mouth?
Psa 50:17 Yea, you hate to be taught, and you toss My Words behind you.
Mat 15:7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,
Mat 15:8 "This people draws near to Me with their mouth, and honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
Mat 15:9 But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
Joh 7:19 Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not one of you keeps the Law! Why do you seek to kill Me?
Good afternoon Matt. I am not able to find a PCA church close by. Can you tell me if an EPC church leans more conservative or progressive? I want to steer clear of progressive/left leaning churches.
The P in PCUSA should be for Progressive rather than Presbyterian. Thank you for this presentation.
Thank you for offering a safe place to land.
If we as children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, Memories His words, so that we Meditate upon His scriptures were we imitate His Commandments and statues.
We would have no compromise and lost souls would know the difference from God's church to the world.
How would we go about starting the process to leave the PCUSA and join another Presbyterian group like PCA or ECO? my church is woefully small and distinctly divided on the issue of LGBTQ++++ but I feel called to get us out of the heresy of PCUSA and find a true church home.
Matt, what in the world is that shirt supposed to mean? Looks to like the PCA may be getting new members leaving the PC. Hopefully that doesn't muddy the waters for you.
It is the reference to the George Orwell book, "Animal Farm." It is a critique of Communism and Marxism from the perspective of barnyard animals; some rule by power, others are taken advantage of and deceived.
Why is there no mention of the reconquista?
@@thejoshuaproject3809 How so?
@@thejoshuaproject3809 That doesn't answer my question at all.
@thejoshuaproject3809 What backs up that claim? To me it seems like the reconquista is actively trying to fight heresy in the church. How is fighting heresy equivalent to giving your heart to Satan?
@@thejoshuaproject3809 ^
I'm a member of the URCNA . So much for what scripture teaches.
So glad I am apart of the CREC. Don't every have to worry about this garbage.
What happened to the video about Redeemed Zoomer? Did you delete it? I was wondering about his strategy for taking back the mainline Protestant denominations from liberal wokery. Do you think it’s a good strategy. I’m torn about it.
I’m wondering if staying at a PCUSA is the same as going to a trans wedding? You’re would be supporting the error/sin?
We are in the PCUSA to fight it. The PCUSA is the mission field. We are called to go and make disciples of all nations. That includes fixing the PCUSA.
Are there videos or books on how the PCUSA started going from biblical to unbiblical?
For all true and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ: come out of the PCUSA. in my mother tongue we have an expression which says; that with which you associate, with that you will become contaminated. Get out! Yes, if there is hope of a return , fight for it, but from what pastor Everhart told us that time is past …. Get out.
Your shirt says everything😮
Amen Matthew ❤