Pastor, First time watcher. Saw your eschatology vid. We differ. But we agree on ALL relevant christology. We love Jesus. The son of God saved us through shedding his precious blood. So..thank you and I will continue watching you. I dont have to agree with everything to appreciate you. Im a saved ( Missouri synod) Lutheran who still professes the apostles creed. Thanks.❤
I’m about to listen to this video now . I was hoping that you might address this topic . I am a confessional reformed Baptist now and also an amellinnailist but was brought up in Dispensational circles . So this will be something that I’d like to see explored more from people in our camp .
Thank you. While I disagree with you on some eschatological matters, I completely agree with on everything else. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for this world.
Pastor, I cannot thank you enough for this gracious, thoughtful message regarding what is taking place in the Middle East. You are a true shepherd of the flock. My husband and I recently left our church of 30 years once we realized we were part of false hyper-charismatic/NAR teachings. We are seeking another church, but it is very difficult. Most churches here are either woke or similar to what we left. I pray daily for you and other pastors who are standing for the truth of God’s Word, that you continue to stand, in fear of the Lord, and that you would be blessed and protected. And, I completely share your feelings on the whole agenda and hypocrisy in the leftist universities.
Two reading suggestions: 1) O. Palmer Robertson's book "The Israel of God: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" 2) James Jordon's paper "The Future of Israel Re-examined" (July, 1991, Biblical Horizons, No. 27 July, 1991)
The apostle Paul does MUCH MORE than "hold out hope" for Israel's Redemption in Romans 9, 10 and 11. He makes a prophetic Proclamation based on numerous old testament scriptures. 📖
Thank you for standing up for our 2A rights! Again, an issue where Christians are either silent or clueless. I gave up on my beloved John Piper when I read his shameful article called, "Should Christians Be Encouraged to Arm Themselves?" If it had not been on his own, official website, I would never have believed what I was seeing!
I watch your channel regularly as someone who grew up in the reformed church. I see you as a true brother and Christ. But honestly disagree with you on the antisematism that is being seen here. I do not believe in total depravity but in radical depravity. I see a huge difference between hamas and the Jewish state as far as how they deal with people.. People are sinful by nature I do not believe that people are neutral. But there are degrees of depravity. That is what we are seeing here. Hamas is beheading babies. Israel is announcing before moving in the army.
I think you’re seeing g the effect that ideology has. Israel is affected by their use of the 10 commandments. It’s not saving, but it has an effect. Muslim ideology isn’t the same, and it shows. Saying that this is connected to total depravity or radical depravity is to say I think that one group is “better” than another inherently.
This is a very interesting video. I learn a lot from Pastor Everhard. He certainly knows and understands the gospel and has a heart for it. I am not an amillennialist so that's where I disagree with some of the statements he makes but I'm not here to verbally attack Pastor Everhard as I still consider him to be a true brother in Christ. Let me put forth this statement. "In essential doctrines there must be unity. In nonessential doctrines there must be liberty. And in all things there must be charity." Pastor Everhard definitely has the essential doctrines such as Jesus being the only way to heaven and the inspired & inerrant Holy Bible among other essentials. I disagree with the amillennial viewpoint but he also disagrees with dispensationalism but that's OK. I commend him for stating Israel has a right to defend their land. I commend his wise decisions to have his children attend a local college to get their degrees not only to save thousands of dollars but to avoid the propaganda going on in major universities with the goal of brainwashing our future generations. Where I disagree with Pastor Everhard is where he says today's Israel is not the same Israel before the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. It IS the same Israel returning to their homeland after a 1900+ dispersion. True, they have returned to the homeland in unbelief but God will deal with their unbelief in the future. Let me ask this question. When Israel went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years and were then released to go back their homeland, were they a "different Israel"? No. True a majority of them were direct descendants but they were the same Israel. After being dispersed in 70 A.D. and again in 135 A.D., are we to believe today's Israel is different from 1st Century Israel? No. The descendants of long ago are regathering but in unbelief at this time. Look at Deuteronomy 28 as an outline of what would happen with Israel. So again, I learn a lot of truth from Pastor Everhard who truly loves Jesus and correctly teaches the essentials but when it comes to the nonessentials like this, I simply have to allow him the liberty to disagree with dispensationalism just as I have the liberty to disagree with him on the amillennial point of view.
It’s not the same Israel. Israel going into Babylonian captivity was judgement. They returned from there, still God’s people, still looking forward to the coming Messiah. God’s people now is the church., comprised of believers and their children. The nation state of Israel represented what was to come. Types and shadows. What was outward became inward in the New Covenant. Why would there need to be a Third Temple according to truth? Are we not the Temple of the Holy Spirit? Did not the 1st and 2nd Temple represent what was to later occur? I’m not altogether denying a Third Temple, but saying that though it may be built, it won’t be built according to truth. There may even be true Christians involved in building it, thinking that somehow this is a good thing, but Biblically, there really isn’t a basis for it. I’d add that I agree with Romans 11, that because of God’s love for the patriarchs, Jews according to the flesh, will have their eyes opened, believe that Jesus is the Christ and be saved by grace through faith in Christ, and become Jews inwardly. More to say, but no more time.
I appreciate hearing your take on the Israel/Hamas war. I would, however, carefully say, it would be a good idea for you to read Adolph Safir's book, Christ and Israel. Adolph Safir,, a Jewish man, became a Christian as a young man, and a serious student of the Scriptures. Thanks again for your thoughtful podcasts. Please keep them coming.
4:18 "You don't even really need to know much of the context or the background or the history there to at least be moved by some kind of human empathy." But the background & history are the key. This is I * * * m. This is what is commanded/condoned by their texts. This is the example of its founder. Until we address this fact, we are spinning uselessly in circles.
My take is, everyone needs Jesus, including but not limited to, Jews, Palestinians, Hamas. I bring this up when Bin Landen was alive, it would have been wonderful to see Bin Landen come to Jesus.
Was the American Revolution justified? There have been times Christians may have found themselves on opposite ends of a war. Even if He would have come to Jesus... that does not entirely preclude the potential necessity to kill him
You're a great father, Matt! God has surely blessed your children through you. I was surprised to hear you're not postmillennial lol I assumed you were all this time aha! You've been a serious pillar in my reformed faith. I love you, brother!
I’m quite shocked by this, to be honest. I thought Reformed Christians took all Scripture seriously, yet you seem to set aside so much of what Jesus and Paul taught, as well as numerous of the prophetic books. We who are Christians ought to understand the history of Israel, and recognise the miraculous re-forming (no pun intended) of the state of Israel in its historic land after nearly 1900 years, as promised by God. Jeremiah spoke of this as a miracle comparable with the Exodus. Ezekiel told us some 2600 years ago that Israel would be regathered to its land in unbelief, with enemies all around, and Zechariah tells us about amazing things yet to come, as do many other prophets… So, it’s no coincidence that the land of Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, are the ultimate battleground. This is all remarkable proof that the Bible is God’s unchanging Word! Jesus will be returning soon to Jerusalem, just as He said, when the Jewish people, His brethren, finally cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” I agree fully on the sad demise of universities! You lose me when talking about the 2nd Amendment, but no problem, as I’m not from the USA. May God bless you, brother.
Reformed love God’s sovereignty just not God’s freedom to still have real Israel his own. They are still too connected to old Catholic teachings and traditions. Fighting for which kingdom the church is instead of realizing the kingdom is literal and will be in Jerusalem. Also I don’t know how someone can view a child leading a lamb and lion during the kingdom as spiritual. That is what is promised during messianic kingdom. When Christ is actually ruling the nature of earth will change. The church age was filled with just as much war as before. Nothing has changed yet. Amillennial just doesn’t hold up in the 21st century.
I appreciate your position. I am one who is trying really hard to let you convince me to the A-Mil or Post-Mil position but I cannot ignore all of the Messianic "Kingdom" passages that do not yet seem to be fulfilled and therefore feel compelled to believe that there will be a future role for Israel as a nation. I understand that the current nation of Israel is largely secular and even atheistic and that not all Israel are OF Israel so I would not consider an unregenerate person of Jewish descent to be a genuine "Child of Abraham" according to faith. I cannot help but think that the regathering and emergence of Israel as a nation is a fulfilment of Ezekiel 11:17 but it is clearly obvious that verses following (18 & 19) have not yet been fulfilled and God does need our help regarding this matter! God will accomplish this in his own time according to his sovereign will and good pleasure (Yes, I am Calvinistic in my thinking - Think Macarthur, "Leaky Dispensationalist," Etc.). Now, I have a question for my Reformed friends here. I am not sure where Pastor Matthew stands on this but I have known some Reformed types who take the position that the modern state of Israel has no relevance whatsoever regarding end-time events and that God has no plans of a future role for Israel. My question here is if this is actually the case, that Israel and the Jewish people are truly irrelevant, why is there so much hatred and animosity towards the Jewish people and the current nation of Israel? Different people have been trying to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth for the last 2000 years since 70 AD when Jerusalem was ultimately destroyed! Hatred towards the Jewish people seems as if it is literally demonic and satanically driven! Yes, the world also hates Christians and Christianity but not to the extent as the Jewish people and of course, there are those who have killed and persecuted Jews IN THE NAME OF Christianity but such are no more "Christian" than the Jews who killed Christians true "Children of Abraham according to promise" but I digress. Anyway, I'd love to hear your perspective on this! I have some thoughts and theories of my own but I'd like to hear you out first.
I also see a future for a redeemed Israel. Praying for the salvation of Israel is also in the Westminster confession of faith. The great Scottish Presbyterian preacher Murray McCheyne was very supportive of the Jewish people. I can see what you are saying there is no people group on earth that are as hated as the Jews are. I have a feeling it’s because they were given the foundational teachings of scripture. If they could be taken away then where is the basis for the church. What we would be left with are the false writings of men which are ultimately from Satan.
If you listen carefully to the Israeli Government spokesperson, they don't call Israel response as a revenge. This is because they(especially the Prime Minister) know " Vengeance belong to the Lord. But it is a responsibility of government to protect its citizens from harms and further harm, just like it's a responsibility of parents to protect their children. Thecontinuing existence of HAMAS can only means more wars and more harms to both Israeli and palestineans.
Thanks for your own demonstrations of depravity. And thanks for saying this as a "pastor." I think it will further help those who remain unconvinced on that point.
Level-headed, measured discussion of the issues. While I do not agree with it, I appreciate Pastor Matt's clear explanation of "a" Reformed Perspective on Israel, and how it differs from the Dispensational view.
Romans 11:25-32 Christian Standard Bible 25 I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, The Deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27 And this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins. 28 Regarding the gospel, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election, they are loved because of the patriarchs, 29 since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. 30 As you once disobeyed God but now have received mercy through their disobedience, 31 so they too have now disobeyed, resulting in mercy to you, so that they also may now receive mercy. 32 For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may have mercy on all. Isaiah 59:19-21 Christian Standard Bible 19 They will fear the name of the Lord in the west and his glory in the east; for he will come like a rushing stream driven by the wind of the Lord. 20 “The Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those in Jacob who turn from transgression.” This is the Lord’s declaration. 21 “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord: “My Spirit who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of your children’s children, from now on and forever,” says the Lord. This is the future of Physical Israel.
I do not think that Romans 11:25-32 says what you think it says. When considering Romans 9-11, a very important contextual verse is : "For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel." (9:6) It is important to realize that the church is the continuation of the real Israel, and that the Jews, having rejected Christ, are cut off from the promises of their ancestors. Paul is making a strong distinction between physical Israel and spiritual Israel, and so whenever you read "Israel" in his letters, it is important to discern which one he is talking about. Many people read the passage in Romans 11 like this: _"I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon [physical] Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. [Then all of physical Israel will turn to Christ] And in this way all [physical] Israel will be saved, as it is written"_ I do not believe this is the intent of the verse, especially given the image of the olive tree, and the grafting in and cutting out of branches just before. Instead, I think this is the proper reading of the text: _"I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon [physical] Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. [Then judgement day will come] And in this way all [spiritual] Israel will be saved, as it is written"_ I think to use this text for the idea that there will be a total redemption of physical Israel in the end times, is to read an assumption into the text that is simply not there.
Thank you for sharing this! It’s needed. I don’t like replacement theology either. Amen about the trades and we also agree with your statements about these colleges and universities. Our thoughts exactly. We do watch your sermons haha. 😂 Thank you! Blessings to you, your family, and ministry.
Thank you very much for this thoughtful, meaningful, spot-on video. I appreciate your videos, for so many reasons. I especially appreciated your comments about historical, Biblical Israel not being the same as the modern State of Israel. I share the following knowing that it may expose me to some negative feedback, but I was born and raised Jewish. I was baptized as a Christian way back when I was 19, much to my family's dismay. But like you, I also believe - and pray - that more Jewish people will accept Christ as the Messiah before His soon return. I, too, don't share the belief held by many other Christians that there will be a third temple built in Jerusalem, etc. I am praying that the hatred and violence to and from both sides of the current situation will end. Anyway, as a Jewish Christian, I wanted to let you know how meaningful your comments were to me. Thank you, and may you be blessed as you continue your video ministry.
Everyone should read: The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel: Israel and the Jewish People in the Plan of God by Darrell L. Bock (Editor), Mitch Glaser (Editor)
The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism (McMaster Biblical Studies Series) by Stanley E. Porter (Editor), Alan E. Kurschner (Editor)
I certainly agree with everything that you’ve said about the “cycle of violence.” Violence does indeed beget more violence. The problem is that Westerners, even in our post-Christian era, we still have a Biblical perspective - a Christian perspective. Talmudic and Kabbalah rabbis and Mohammad’s followers have their own worldviews, which are inconsistent with Scripture. According to Benjamin Freedman, if anyone is familiar with his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel about Zionism, we’re not aware of the malevolent machinations that have been occurring behind the global curtain. This is why I do not wish to take sides. No one within my inner circle believes terrorists were able to easily penetrate Israel’s national security defenses without approval from within. I believe Ruling power structures want this war, and we should be doing everything possible to discourage it. I have listened to a few pastors make very clear that they support Israel, and if we do anything less is antisemitism. This is preposterous, it’s manipulative, it’s disqualifying, and it’s dangerous. Christians need to be a witness for Christ to both Semitic groups, Jews and Arabs in that region. Many questions, but no satisfactory answers.
I want to meet an A/Post millennial who acknowledges the ridiculous number of miracles that have taken place in the return of these secular Jews to their homeland. They have fought no less than four Wars for their very survival in the last 80 years. No nation in the history of mankind has survived without a homeland for more than 150 years. They did it for 1,800 years. God clearly still has his hand upon them... I don't know why. I don't have a position on the millennium, yet.
5:07 "We tend to use the harshest language that we can summon to describe it. And so in recent days we've seen this kind of behavior from Hamas described as savage, which I think is correct. Barbaric, which I think is correct. Animalistic, which I would back off from that term because I think that violates the doctrine of the image of God. Our worst enemies share the image of God. And, yes, there are times when we get so frustrated and we're just bent and we're just recoiling inside with fury and anger, even righteous anger, and we tend to use even dehumanizing language to describe our enemies. I think we should kind of pull back from that a little bit and prefer terms like savage and barbaric, as over against animalistic." I disagree. First of all, it's the behavior we are describing. Second, WE are not "dehumanizing" them by this language. THEY are dehumanizing themselves by committing the actions.
I 100% agree with you about the huge leftism takeover, & the teachings in our Universities AND schools here in Australia. The things my granddaughter tells me happens at her high school is shocking, & worries me so much. I have one daughter who moved to Melbourne for 10 years, & she has sadly been hugely brainwashed into Marxism & left thinking. It’s a tragedy & I pray for her constantly, as I do all my children, grandchildren & husband (all unsaved). The pro-Hamas marches here & all around the world are gut-wrenching. It’s hard to stay strong when it seems that the left is winning on too many fronts. I need to draw even closer to Christ to rid my heart of anxiety & of letting this world get to me. 🙏✝️🇦🇺
I struggle with the idea of Israel’s response is vengeance. If you as a parent had your child taken from you, can you honestly say you would not respond to protect and save? Naturally I don’t think your response would be to just give grace and pray and leave it to God but instead you would take action to do whatever you can to save and protect.
A great video, Matt, on important and pertinent issues. As an Australian living in a country where the threat of gun violence is next to none (in large part due to our Government having strict gun laws) I did find the last point of your video (from 29:25) baffling to me, though. I pray that America will one day be free of gun culture and gun violence. You spoke earlier in the video, and rightly so, that an 'eye for an eye' mentality results in nothing good and does not solve disputes. With all due respect, and from an outside observer, America's gun culture seems to be very much an embodiment of this approach.
THANK YOU for addressing our own border situation. Very few Christian leaders or Christians are. When they do, it's on the side of agreeing that it's okay to break into our country illegally and that we are then morally obligated to support such criminals. That's like saying it's morally acceptable for someone to break into your house and then you are morally obligated to not just allow it, but to let them take your food and other possessions and you must now finally support that criminal, indefinitely! The only thing that makes me more angry than the situation is the idiocy of my fellow Christians on the issue. 10:44 "tens of thousands of unknown immigrants" Please be careful about the language being used. These are not "immigrants." Immigrants come to a country LEGALLY. They also assimilate into the culture into which they enter. These are criminals who not only break in, but often have no interest in assimilating. Why don't they have interest in assimilating? Because they have no respect for the country and culture they are entering. Why don't they have any respect for it? Because their very first act is breaking their laws! Thank you also for speaking out against the Leftism in colleges. That's another aspect where Christians seem utterly clueless.
There are several books I’d suggest. Kingdom Come by Sam Storms is excellent. For Revelation focused reading, More Than Conquerors by William Hendriksen and The Time Is At Hand by Jay Adams.
We can all have our own ideas/views on what goes on. Human intelligence just cannot lead us to know what is right. Only God knows that. GOD'S WILL BE DONE, and we must understand that there is no other outcome to current and future events for God’s children than what God has planned.
Hi Mr. Everhard, I was wondering if you can recommend a source for Calvinist theology / soteriology. I’ve been on the fence on the issue for quite a while now. Thank you!
One resource I've found quite helpful is Loraine Boettner's _The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination._ Surely others could be mentioned, but I think this one lays it out quite well.
Thank you Pastor. Would you please consider teaching more on the scriputes that are specifically preached by dispensationalist concerning prophecy such as Psalm 83? We are saturated with "prophecy " teaching from evangelical Zionist and there is very little teaching from Amillenneism / reformed perspective. Kind regards.
Amillennialism spread rapidly throughout the early to late Middle Ages because the idea of a literal Israel seemed impossible to those alive. Ever since Israel became a nation again, the world has been headed towards total destruction. There has to be a reason for this!
Describing sinful men as animals IS scriptural. Please do not twist the scripture. 1 Corinthians 15:32 If from human motives I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me? If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
Thank you - a very good and wise take on the whole situation. Perhaps I have one quibble re: your distaste for calling them animals. OK, I'll grant you that, however, their ACTIONS can certainly be termed "animalistic," and therefore they themselves are marring the imago dei. Anyway, just my $0.02, and I realize others might not agree with my opinion ;-)
Thank you for this wisdom. I've been conflicted on this matter and haven't gone down the rabbit hole because of how polarized it is. It's hard to find good Christian thoughts on this because of dispensational premillennialism thinking differently of Israel than most of the Church historically would view it.
This is true. The sway that dispensationalism has over Evangelicals in the US, the most powerful country in the world, really skews the conversation away from how Christians through the centuries would have seen this issue. What is happening is almost breathtakingly evil. A direct conflict between Iran/Russia and the US is getting more and more likely. I hope that cooler heads prevail.
@@witssen9954are there two peoples of God? Gentiles were grafted in where they were broken off, but they were broken off because of unbelief and the gentiles stand by faith. We must not be high minded but fear because otherwise we could likewise be broken off. There is the verses in Zechariah 12 where they will mourn for Jesus when He tells them of His wounds that He received in the house if His friends. So I think it is reasonable to believe that anti-Christian Judaism will only surrender to Jesus on the whole, at the end of this age, when He returns to judge the world. I am curious about this though. I do not believe a third temple will be built.
@@witssen9954 my apologies if I came across as argumentative. If you want to respond anytime in the future, I’d love to hear what you think. Anyway, I believe these are non-essentials so it is okay to have differences, but I would love to be shown where I’m wrong so I can adjust out of my error. I know I have errors, probably many of them because how could I not? I just want to grow in God’s truth and in God’s love, never one at the expense of the other. God bless you.
@JoshuaBSunderland much of early church history saw a place for national Israel in the future and was uniformally premillennial. Not until really Augustine and Roman Catholicism did that change. It's interesting that when the reformers began to move away from the RCC, many-including men like Beza-began to see a future for Israel again and in time the reformation led to a renewed adherence to premillennialism. I would say that dispensationalism is the propee continuation of the reformation; whereas traditional reformed theology stopped short.
@@simeonyves5940 it does. I think it is the best approach. It’s been all to easy for me to get in a heated argument, which I think is sin. There’s contending for the faith, but knowing where and when to draw the line has been difficult for me. I like your approach.
@@bryanpratt5850 Same for me, I often try to content for the Faith at the wrong time, get into a Blazing Argument, and become so Furious I end up Sinning in sheer Rage, its why I am now taking the Command of the Bible when it comes to the real Crazies. "Wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye separate" . I hope it helps you as it is helping me. Love and Peace.,
John 17:14. The word( the Torah). Mark 7:13. You nullify God's word ( His commands) by your traditions. Deut.4:2. ...Job :13:1 Rev 18-19... Deut.13:1-5...Romans 3:31.... 1 John 3:4.. it's not the law that put us into bondage but disobedience. He die to set us free to from the the law of sin and death, that we might live in and thru Him Who was the living Word (the Torah). Able to understand by the Spirit of truth Psalm 119:142 that by the Spirit we can apply it to our lives . Walking in the Spirit of God as His children. . No man can Have the fullness of that Spirit (God) Least He have the the Spirit of His only Begotten ( the Son). For we only received a deposit of that Spirit. Shalom
That is a the False Teaching of the Judaizing Heresiarch N.T. Wright. Repent! You are not a Christian if you are under the Laws of Moses, but an Unbelieving Galatianist. For you have fallen from Grace and Christ is of No Effect unto you, Galatians Chapter 4 4-5. This means that you have to keep all 613 Laws (James 2 10) including the Animal Sacrifices, Perfectly, with not a Single Mistake, as you have trampled the Messiah Underfoot (Hebrews 10) and are under the wrath of God! Unless You repent and believe the Gospel, you will die in your Sins as an Unbeliever, for you trust in your Works, your Obedience to the Torah, which Christ Nailed to the Cross (Colossians 2), and not in the Finished Works of Christ Upon the Cross, which are the only way to be saved! So I beg of You, Repent and Believe the Gospel to be Saved! Until then, begone, and stop Tempting God (Acts Chapter 15) by spreading the *Damnable Heresy* of Judaizing and Endangering the Lambs in Doing so!
Matthew: I’d be interested to know if your views have altered in the seven months since you made this video. Israel has behaved monstrously toward the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and currently the IDF is ravaging Rafah in pursuit of Hamas. Some 34000 Palestinians, many of them children as you know, have been killed in bombing raids that have destroyed the infrastructure and most of the health care facilities, let alone housing. If we love Israel for Jesus’ sake - which is right - then ought we not to be protesting against the continuing slaughter of a starving and traumatised population?
When Hamas is using innocent children as human shields, there is not much Israel can do. They can’t just stand around like cowards and not serve justice to their people, and free the hostages. War is sad, and it saddens me that innocent children are dying, but a lot of the deaths are Hamas soldiers. Anyways, a country has the right to defend themselves, and if Israel truly was evil, they would have destroyed Palestine by now, but they are holding back. God bless you! ✝️🇮🇱
@@GospelOverCulture thank you for your comment. However, I’d just like to make a couple of points you may not be aware of. Firstly, has been incrementally occupying Palestinian-owned land and property since at least 1948, against international law. Under that law it is illegal for an occupying state to wage war, even to defend itself, against a people group whose land it occupies - in both Gaza and the West Bank. Sadly, the Christian church has been almost completely taken in by Israeli propaganda, and is being used to prop up support for genocide, mostly because people don’t know (or want to know) the true facts behind what is going on. No doubt you still think the IDF is “the most moral army in the world”…?
@@JRJackman-qs8ph I would have to disagree, it has been Israel’s land for thousands of years, and Islamic Jihad’s took it over, this war and conflict goes further than 1948. Even if it’s against international law, sometimes international law needs to be broken for the greater good, and it doesn’t give the Islamic Jihad Hamas the right to r*pe women and children, and murder them. God Bless brother!
Everhsrd you continue to disappoint me. Stuck to being a presbyterian and teaching about God. Not about border security and scare tactics. Thank goodness I became a presbyterian in spite of you, not because of you
Plain scripture, what did LORD Jesus say about a zealous Jew when he was persecuting Christians? ..Acts 9 English Standard Version The Conversion of Saul 9 But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 3 Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. 4 And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” 5 And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
What makes you think that we're _not_ preaching it wherever we are? I am fortunate to have grown up where the biblical doctrines of divine election was universally accepted. I was quite taken aback by the general hostility towards this teaching in many American protestant churches.
@@Hannodb1961 If the doctrine is true, then it doesn’t need to be taught. “Irresistible grace” means that God elects. If you really believe that concept, then teaching is unnecessary because the Holy Spirit will open your eyes against your will. Jesus spoke too much about the condition of individual faith for any of the doctrines of calvinism to be true.
@@treybarnes5549 Strawmanning the doctrine is not a valid argument. We have will - that is, the capacity to choose - but it is clearly not free. If it were, we could simply choose to not sin and the cross would be superfluous. Our will is bound to our desires, and our desires are bound to sinful deceptions. This is why no one can come to God out of his "own free will", because they _do not desire_ to do so. However, when the Holy Spirit enters the elect, He creates in them new desires, and make them new creatures. We desire God above our sin, so it is impossible for someone who has received saving faith to willfully remain in sin, we will always repent in the end because we cannot bear the damage sin does to our relationship with God. So the idea that you are saved "against your will" is a strawman and an ignorant or disingenious attempt to get arround Biblical teaching on this matter.
@@Hannodb1961 I get told how wrong I am all the time. strawmaning, red herrings, begging the questions. Never really answers the question why do you teach the doctrine if it true? But the doctrine is so illogical to be arguing against it, is like explaining blue to a blind person. (argument from fallacy) Fact The gospel is not fake, the blood of Jesus was necessary and the work of the Spirit is directly involved with that work, and Faith, Belief and Repentance are the mechanisms of Salvation and The Holy Spirit is a witness of the Word(Jesus, Gospel, Gods work) being true. He(God in Spirit) does not temp!!!! using the Spirit of God as the necessary component to salvation and not faith, belief, repentance, to me is extremely dangerous to teach and to a lesser degree, to believe.
@@treybarnes5549 Ofcause you never get any answers, because you keep misrepresenting us and then expect us to defend the false picture you've painted of what we believe. Why ask questions in the first place if you're not interested in the answers? _why do you teach the doctrine if it true?_ Because God commands us to teach the gospel, and God has chosen preaching as the mechanism through which He works to establish His church. Your question is silly. It's like asking why Jesus had to become a man and die on the cross for our sins if God could just choose to forgive us anyway. The answer is because this is the mechanism God has chosen. _But the doctrine is so illogical to be arguing against it, is like explaining blue to a blind person_ On the contrary, it is perfectly reasonable and logical. In fact - without it the gospel becomes incoherent. For instance - where does good works feature in your theology? And if faith is by human "free will" - whatever that is suppose to mean - is the good works we do also the result of our own free will? And if so, how much of it do we need to do to be sure we have a living faith? And if works is necesary to show our faith is not dead, how does those works not carry merit and contribute to our salvation? Rejecting Divine election inevitably and logically lead you back to Roman Catholicism and its treasury of merit. This was the core issue of the reformation. _The gospel is not fake_ - Yeah, so? I don't believe it is fake. _the blood of Jesus was necessary_ - Yeah so? I also believe it was necesary. _the work of the Spirit is directly involved with that work_ - I don't understand why you bring this up, because we agree on that. _and Faith, Belief and Repentance are the mechanisms of Salvation_ - Yes, mechanisms which the Holy Spirit works in our hearts through which we are brought into the right relationship with God. _The Holy Spirit is a witness of the Word_ - Precisely. _ He(God in Spirit) does not temp!!!!_ - Again, I agree. I have no idea why you bring these things up. It's clear to me that you have a very warped idea of what it is we believe, and you have no interest in being corrected. Ridicule and misrepresentation is not valid arguments.
I watched your video. Like you, I support Israel's right to exist and to defend its borders. And like you I unconditionally condemn the atrocities committed by Hamas. But i heard not one word from you about the Palestinians equal right to a state of their own. And of course there was not a single word about the legitimate grievances the Palestinians have with Israel. I would agree that we need to stand with Israel during this crisis. However, if there is ever to be a hope of peace in that region then we cannot ignore the concerns of the Palestinians. As for the rest of your comments, I found them to be disheartening. To paint immigrants the way you did is in my view reprehensible. And then to cap off those comments with a mention of the Second Amendment? Despicable. Take a look at the perpetrators of mass shootings in recent years. It's not immigrants or even the leftist you castigate who have committed those atrocities. In fact in many instances the shooters have been those on the political right. I've always enjoyed your videos because they have helped me understand Reformed theology. But no more. With this video I now understand that you're just an apologist for the type of right wing political views one might find on Fox News. I am theologically conservative so we would agree on many things when it comes to matters of faith. But I want nothing whatsoever to do with the political views you are trying to sell. And since I've seen this far too often from those in the Reformed camp, I'm now done with Reformed theology as well.
Sounds like we agree on a few things and disagree on others. This is why I stressed that this is "a reformed perspective" (one take of various possible views in the complexities of war) in the first few minutes of the video. Either way, carry on as seems best to you and blessings on you and your loved ones.
1.) The Palestinians had no historical state 2.) The founding documents of the Palestinian terrorist organizations all mention themselves as part of a Pan-Arab state 3.) Jordan is overwhelming ethnically Palestinian... they already have a 'Palestinian' state.
@@spartakos3178 The Palestinians have lived in that land just as long as the Jewish people who lived there for centuries prior to the official founding of Israel in 1948. To say they should simply move to Jordan is as unrealistic as it is ridiculous.
@richsmith6997 the Palestinians could not have lived in the land for centuries because they are an invention of the 20th century. They are not a real people group. They are primarily Egyptian. When the Jews began making aliyah around the turn of the 20th century, they purchased the land legally. Israel is not a perfect state, but from their modern beginning they have been more than fair in their dealings with arab peoples in the land. They have shown a consistent willingness to concede land for peace, something their opponents have never been willing to do. And that doesn't even begin to count Israel's divine right to the land according to Genesis 13:15-16 and many other passages.
Pastor, First time watcher. Saw your eschatology vid. We differ. But we agree on ALL relevant christology. We love Jesus. The son of God saved us through shedding his precious blood. So..thank you and I will continue watching you. I dont have to agree with everything to appreciate you. Im a saved ( Missouri synod) Lutheran who still professes the apostles creed. Thanks.❤
Another great, candid talk. Thank you, Matt.
Very thought provoking. I've been waiting for your point of reference on this. Thank you. Many prayers needed.
Thank you for your information, may the lord give peace and blessing for you and your famliy , love and pray from Israel 🙏🏻♥️
Truly my heart aches for these people. Please God have mercy and call your people out of this darkness
“Only the judgment of God can break the cycle of vengeance” amen!!!
Thank you for posting this. We are bombarded by mainstream media and evangelical content. Needed to hear what reformed Orthodoxy has to say
I’m about to listen to this video now . I was hoping that you might address this topic . I am a confessional reformed Baptist now and also an amellinnailist but was brought up in Dispensational circles . So this will be something that I’d like to see explored more from people in our camp .
I fit that exact description as well 😂
Brother, I have greatly enjoyed your videos recently. Thank you for this
Thank you. While I disagree with you on some eschatological matters, I completely agree with on everything else. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for this world.
Amen Pastor Matt
Thank you for your grace and wisdom
Pastor, I cannot thank you enough for this gracious, thoughtful message regarding what is taking place in the Middle East. You are a true shepherd of the flock. My husband and I recently left our church of 30 years once we realized we were part of false hyper-charismatic/NAR teachings. We are seeking another church, but it is very difficult. Most churches here are either woke or similar to what we left. I pray daily for you and other pastors who are standing for the truth of God’s Word, that you continue to stand, in fear of the Lord, and that you would be blessed and protected.
And, I completely share your feelings on the whole agenda and hypocrisy in the leftist universities.
Try to find churches that adhere to the early Protestant Reformation confessions. These are usually PCA, OPC, LCMS, and mostly conservative churches.
Matthew, thank you and amen! Agree 100% and I too am an "optimistic amillennialist". Keep up the great work, brother!
Two reading suggestions:
1) O. Palmer Robertson's book "The Israel of God: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
2) James Jordon's paper "The Future of Israel Re-examined" (July, 1991, Biblical Horizons, No. 27 July, 1991)
I appreciate you weighing in on this… I’m in total agreement🙏❤️👊
Galatians 3:28-29
Christ ALONE.
Many thanks for this Matthew - a very helpful video.
The apostle Paul does MUCH MORE than "hold out hope" for Israel's Redemption in Romans 9, 10 and 11.
He makes a prophetic Proclamation based on numerous old testament scriptures. 📖
You are so right. We need God's Grace and mercy
Thank you for standing up for our 2A rights! Again, an issue where Christians are either silent or clueless. I gave up on my beloved John Piper when I read his shameful article called, "Should Christians Be Encouraged to Arm Themselves?" If it had not been on his own, official website, I would never have believed what I was seeing!
Amen and spot on brother!
I watch your channel regularly as someone who grew up in the reformed church. I see you as a true brother and Christ. But honestly disagree with you on the antisematism that is being seen here. I do not believe in total depravity but in radical depravity. I see a huge difference between hamas and the Jewish state as far as how they deal with people.. People are sinful by nature I do not believe that people are neutral. But there are degrees of depravity. That is what we are seeing here. Hamas is beheading babies. Israel is announcing before moving in the army.
40.000 palestinians dead.
14.000 childen bombed in 12 months by netanyahu.
I think you’re seeing g the effect that ideology has. Israel is affected by their use of the 10 commandments. It’s not saving, but it has an effect. Muslim ideology isn’t the same, and it shows. Saying that this is connected to total depravity or radical depravity is to say I think that one group is “better” than another inherently.
@joev2223 Israel is God's elect. Even with their disobedience, God is faithful to His promises.
@@brianschmidt704 Exactly. The true Israel is God's elect.
netanyahu & friends are Satan's Synagoge
Psalm 147,2-3 (NKJV):
The LORD builds up Jerusalem
He gathers together the outcasts of Israel
He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds
This is a very interesting video. I learn a lot from Pastor Everhard. He certainly knows and understands the gospel and has a heart for it. I am not an amillennialist so that's where I disagree with some of the statements he makes but I'm not here to verbally attack Pastor Everhard as I still consider him to be a true brother in Christ. Let me put forth this statement. "In essential doctrines there must be unity. In nonessential doctrines there must be liberty. And in all things there must be charity." Pastor Everhard definitely has the essential doctrines such as Jesus being the only way to heaven and the inspired & inerrant Holy Bible among other essentials. I disagree with the amillennial viewpoint but he also disagrees with dispensationalism but that's OK.
I commend him for stating Israel has a right to defend their land. I commend his wise decisions to have his children attend a local college to get their degrees not only to save thousands of dollars but to avoid the propaganda going on in major universities with the goal of brainwashing our future generations.
Where I disagree with Pastor Everhard is where he says today's Israel is not the same Israel before the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. It IS the same Israel returning to their homeland after a 1900+ dispersion. True, they have returned to the homeland in unbelief but God will deal with their unbelief in the future. Let me ask this question. When Israel went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years and were then released to go back their homeland, were they a "different Israel"? No. True a majority of them were direct descendants but they were the same Israel. After being dispersed in 70 A.D. and again in 135 A.D., are we to believe today's Israel is different from 1st Century Israel? No. The descendants of long ago are regathering but in unbelief at this time. Look at Deuteronomy 28 as an outline of what would happen with Israel. So again, I learn a lot of truth from Pastor Everhard who truly loves Jesus and correctly teaches the essentials but when it comes to the nonessentials like this, I simply have to allow him the liberty to disagree with dispensationalism just as I have the liberty to disagree with him on the amillennial point of view.
Good comment. I appreciate the exchange!
It’s not the same Israel. Israel going into Babylonian captivity was judgement. They returned from there, still God’s people, still looking forward to the coming Messiah. God’s people now is the church., comprised of believers and their children. The nation state of Israel represented what was to come. Types and shadows. What was outward became inward in the New Covenant. Why would there need to be a Third Temple according to truth? Are we not the Temple of the Holy Spirit? Did not the 1st and 2nd Temple represent what was to later occur? I’m not altogether denying a Third Temple, but saying that though it may be built, it won’t be built according to truth. There may even be true Christians involved in building it, thinking that somehow this is a good thing, but Biblically, there really isn’t a basis for it. I’d add that I agree with Romans 11, that because of God’s love for the patriarchs, Jews according to the flesh, will have their eyes opened, believe that Jesus is the Christ and be saved by grace through faith in Christ, and become Jews inwardly. More to say, but no more time.
Really enjoying your content. Glad to see you take a Pro 2A stance. I noticed PCUSA appears to be the opposite.
I appreciate hearing your take on the Israel/Hamas war. I would, however, carefully say, it would be a good idea for you to read Adolph Safir's book, Christ and Israel. Adolph Safir,, a Jewish man, became a Christian as a young man, and a serious student of the Scriptures. Thanks again for your thoughtful podcasts. Please keep them coming.
"You don't even really need to know much of the context or the background or the history there to at least be moved by some kind of human empathy."
But the background & history are the key. This is I * * * m. This is what is commanded/condoned by their texts. This is the example of its founder. Until we address this fact, we are spinning uselessly in circles.
Thank you. Yes. How can this not be addressed?
That’s the best choice. Local college- studying trade skills. Good job! Be proud!
My take is, everyone needs Jesus, including but not limited to, Jews, Palestinians, Hamas.
I bring this up when Bin Landen was alive, it would have been wonderful to see Bin Landen come to Jesus.
Was the American Revolution justified?
There have been times Christians may have found themselves on opposite ends of a war.
Even if He would have come to Jesus... that does not entirely preclude the potential necessity to kill him
Thanks, much appreciated!
You're a great father, Matt! God has surely blessed your children through you. I was surprised to hear you're not postmillennial lol I assumed you were all this time aha! You've been a serious pillar in my reformed faith. I love you, brother!
I’m quite shocked by this, to be honest. I thought Reformed Christians took all Scripture seriously, yet you seem to set aside so much of what Jesus and Paul taught, as well as numerous of the prophetic books. We who are Christians ought to understand the history of Israel, and recognise the miraculous re-forming (no pun intended) of the state of Israel in its historic land after nearly 1900 years, as promised by God. Jeremiah spoke of this as a miracle comparable with the Exodus. Ezekiel told us some 2600 years ago that Israel would be regathered to its land in unbelief, with enemies all around, and Zechariah tells us about amazing things yet to come, as do many other prophets… So, it’s no coincidence that the land of Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, are the ultimate battleground. This is all remarkable proof that the Bible is God’s unchanging Word! Jesus will be returning soon to Jerusalem, just as He said, when the Jewish people, His brethren, finally cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” I agree fully on the sad demise of universities! You lose me when talking about the 2nd Amendment, but no problem, as I’m not from the USA. May God bless you, brother.
Reformed love God’s sovereignty just not God’s freedom to still have real Israel his own. They are still too connected to old Catholic teachings and traditions. Fighting for which kingdom the church is instead of realizing the kingdom is literal and will be in Jerusalem. Also I don’t know how someone can view a child leading a lamb and lion during the kingdom as spiritual. That is what is promised during messianic kingdom. When Christ is actually ruling the nature of earth will change. The church age was filled with just as much war as before. Nothing has changed yet. Amillennial just doesn’t hold up in the 21st century.
I appreciate your position. I am one who is trying really hard to let you convince me to the A-Mil or Post-Mil position but I cannot ignore all of the Messianic "Kingdom" passages that do not yet seem to be fulfilled and therefore feel compelled to believe that there will be a future role for Israel as a nation.
I understand that the current nation of Israel is largely secular and even atheistic and that not all Israel are OF Israel so I would not consider an unregenerate person of Jewish descent to be a genuine "Child of Abraham" according to faith. I cannot help but think that the regathering and emergence of Israel as a nation is a fulfilment of Ezekiel 11:17 but it is clearly obvious that verses following (18 & 19) have not yet been fulfilled and God does need our help regarding this matter! God will accomplish this in his own time according to his sovereign will and good pleasure (Yes, I am Calvinistic in my thinking - Think Macarthur, "Leaky Dispensationalist," Etc.).
Now, I have a question for my Reformed friends here. I am not sure where Pastor Matthew stands on this but I have known some Reformed types who take the position that the modern state of Israel has no relevance whatsoever regarding end-time events and that God has no plans of a future role for Israel.
My question here is if this is actually the case, that Israel and the Jewish people are truly irrelevant, why is there so much hatred and animosity towards the Jewish people and the current nation of Israel? Different people have been trying to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth for the last 2000 years since 70 AD when Jerusalem was ultimately destroyed! Hatred towards the Jewish people seems as if it is literally demonic and satanically driven! Yes, the world also hates Christians and Christianity but not to the extent as the Jewish people and of course, there are those who have killed and persecuted Jews IN THE NAME OF Christianity but such are no more "Christian" than the Jews who killed Christians true "Children of Abraham according to promise" but I digress.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your perspective on this! I have some thoughts and theories of my own but I'd like to hear you out first.
I also see a future for a redeemed Israel. Praying for the salvation of Israel is also in the Westminster confession of faith. The great Scottish Presbyterian preacher Murray McCheyne was very supportive of the Jewish people. I can see what you are saying there is no people group on earth that are as hated as the Jews are. I have a feeling it’s because they were given the foundational teachings of scripture. If they could be taken away then where is the basis for the church. What we would be left with are the false writings of men which are ultimately from Satan.
If you listen carefully to the Israeli Government spokesperson, they don't call Israel response as a revenge. This is because they(especially the Prime Minister) know " Vengeance belong to the Lord. But it is a responsibility of government to protect its citizens from harms and further harm, just like it's a responsibility of parents to protect their children. Thecontinuing existence of HAMAS can only means more wars and more harms to both Israeli and palestineans.
Thanks for your own demonstrations of depravity. And thanks for saying this as a "pastor."
I think it will further help those who remain unconvinced on that point.
Matthew an excellent perspective I didn’t hear anything I would disagree with.
Level-headed, measured discussion of the issues. While I do not agree with it, I appreciate Pastor Matt's clear explanation of "a" Reformed Perspective on Israel, and how it differs from the Dispensational view.
Thank you brother!!
Romans 11:25-32
Christian Standard Bible
25 I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,
The Deliverer will come from Zion;
he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
27 And this will be my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.
28 Regarding the gospel, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election, they are loved because of the patriarchs, 29 since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. 30 As you once disobeyed God but now have received mercy through their disobedience, 31 so they too have now disobeyed, resulting in mercy to you, so that they also may now receive mercy. 32 For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may have mercy on all.
Isaiah 59:19-21
Christian Standard Bible
19 They will fear the name of the Lord in the west
and his glory in the east;
for he will come like a rushing stream
driven by the wind of the Lord.
20 “The Redeemer will come to Zion,
and to those in Jacob who turn from transgression.”
This is the Lord’s declaration.
21 “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord: “My Spirit who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of your children’s children, from now on and forever,” says the Lord.
This is the future of Physical Israel.
I do not think that Romans 11:25-32 says what you think it says. When considering Romans 9-11, a very important contextual verse is : "For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel." (9:6)
It is important to realize that the church is the continuation of the real Israel, and that the Jews, having rejected Christ, are cut off from the promises of their ancestors. Paul is making a strong distinction between physical Israel and spiritual Israel, and so whenever you read "Israel" in his letters, it is important to discern which one he is talking about. Many people read the passage in Romans 11 like this:
_"I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon [physical] Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. [Then all of physical Israel will turn to Christ] And in this way all [physical] Israel will be saved, as it is written"_
I do not believe this is the intent of the verse, especially given the image of the olive tree, and the grafting in and cutting out of branches just before. Instead, I think this is the proper reading of the text:
_"I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon [physical] Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. [Then judgement day will come] And in this way all [spiritual] Israel will be saved, as it is written"_
I think to use this text for the idea that there will be a total redemption of physical Israel in the end times, is to read an assumption into the text that is simply not there.
Thank you for sharing this! It’s needed. I don’t like replacement theology either. Amen about the trades and we also agree with your statements about these colleges and universities. Our thoughts exactly. We do watch your sermons haha. 😂 Thank you! Blessings to you, your family, and ministry.
Thank you very much for this thoughtful, meaningful, spot-on video. I appreciate your videos, for so many reasons. I especially appreciated your comments about historical, Biblical Israel not being the same as the modern State of Israel. I share the following knowing that it may expose me to some negative feedback, but I was born and raised Jewish. I was baptized as a Christian way back when I was 19, much to my family's dismay. But like you, I also believe - and pray - that more Jewish people will accept Christ as the Messiah before His soon return. I, too, don't share the belief held by many other Christians that there will be a third temple built in Jerusalem, etc. I am praying that the hatred and violence to and from both sides of the current situation will end. Anyway, as a Jewish Christian, I wanted to let you know how meaningful your comments were to me. Thank you, and may you be blessed as you continue your video ministry.
Everyone should read: The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel: Israel and the Jewish People in the Plan of God by Darrell L. Bock (Editor), Mitch Glaser (Editor)
The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism (McMaster Biblical Studies Series)
by Stanley E. Porter (Editor), Alan E. Kurschner (Editor)
I certainly agree with everything that you’ve said about the “cycle of violence.” Violence does indeed beget more violence.
The problem is that Westerners, even in our post-Christian era, we still have a Biblical perspective - a Christian perspective.
Talmudic and Kabbalah rabbis and Mohammad’s followers have their own worldviews, which are inconsistent with Scripture.
According to Benjamin Freedman, if anyone is familiar with his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel about Zionism, we’re not aware of the malevolent machinations that have been occurring behind the global curtain.
This is why I do not wish to take sides. No one within my inner circle believes terrorists were able to easily penetrate Israel’s national security defenses without approval from within.
I believe Ruling power structures want this war, and we should be doing everything possible to discourage it.
I have listened to a few pastors make very clear that they support Israel, and if we do anything less is antisemitism. This is preposterous, it’s manipulative, it’s disqualifying, and it’s dangerous. Christians need to be a witness for Christ to both Semitic groups, Jews and Arabs in that region.
Many questions, but no satisfactory answers.
I'm not reformed but I agree to Ptr Matt's position.
I want to meet an A/Post millennial who acknowledges the ridiculous number of miracles that have taken place in the return of these secular Jews to their homeland.
They have fought no less than four Wars for their very survival in the last 80 years.
No nation in the history of mankind has survived without a homeland for more than 150 years. They did it for 1,800 years.
God clearly still has his hand upon them... I don't know why.
I don't have a position on the millennium, yet.
"We tend to use the harshest language that we can summon to describe it. And so in recent days we've seen this kind of behavior from Hamas described as savage, which I think is correct. Barbaric, which I think is correct. Animalistic, which I would back off from that term because I think that violates the doctrine of the image of God. Our worst enemies share the image of God. And, yes, there are times when we get so frustrated and we're just bent and we're just recoiling inside with fury and anger, even righteous anger, and we tend to use even dehumanizing language to describe our enemies. I think we should kind of pull back from that a little bit and prefer terms like savage and barbaric, as over against animalistic."
I disagree. First of all, it's the behavior we are describing. Second, WE are not "dehumanizing" them by this language. THEY are dehumanizing themselves by committing the actions.
I 100% agree with you about the huge leftism takeover, & the teachings in our Universities AND schools here in Australia. The things my granddaughter tells me happens at her high school is shocking, & worries me so much. I have one daughter who moved to Melbourne for 10 years, & she has sadly been hugely brainwashed into Marxism & left thinking. It’s a tragedy & I pray for her constantly, as I do all my children, grandchildren & husband (all unsaved). The pro-Hamas marches here & all around the world are gut-wrenching.
It’s hard to stay strong when it seems that the left is winning on too many fronts. I need to draw even closer to Christ to rid my heart of anxiety & of letting this world get to me. 🙏✝️🇦🇺
I struggle with the idea of Israel’s response is vengeance. If you as a parent had your child taken from you, can you honestly say you would not respond to protect and save? Naturally I don’t think your response would be to just give grace and pray and leave it to God but instead you would take action to do whatever you can to save and protect.
It’s hard to pray for the enemy. How would you go about it? Certainly not lip service.
Hamas said its over the red heffers and now the altar on the mount of olives. We arent saying what hamas is saying in thier taliban type videos.
I feel like I’m optimistic A-mil in my beliefs too.
But we should live like Postmil. That would be to live as a vibrant and faithful church.
A great video, Matt, on important and pertinent issues. As an Australian living in a country where the threat of gun violence is next to none (in large part due to our Government having strict gun laws) I did find the last point of your video (from 29:25) baffling to me, though. I pray that America will one day be free of gun culture and gun violence. You spoke earlier in the video, and rightly so, that an 'eye for an eye' mentality results in nothing good and does not solve disputes. With all due respect, and from an outside observer, America's gun culture seems to be very much an embodiment of this approach.
Definitely an outside observation. Our 2nd Amendment exists not only for self-defense, but to prevent tyranny.
THANK YOU for addressing our own border situation. Very few Christian leaders or Christians are. When they do, it's on the side of agreeing that it's okay to break into our country illegally and that we are then morally obligated to support such criminals. That's like saying it's morally acceptable for someone to break into your house and then you are morally obligated to not just allow it, but to let them take your food and other possessions and you must now finally support that criminal, indefinitely! The only thing that makes me more angry than the situation is the idiocy of my fellow Christians on the issue.
"tens of thousands of unknown immigrants"
Please be careful about the language being used. These are not "immigrants." Immigrants come to a country LEGALLY. They also assimilate into the culture into which they enter. These are criminals who not only break in, but often have no interest in assimilating. Why don't they have interest in assimilating? Because they have no respect for the country and culture they are entering. Why don't they have any respect for it? Because their very first act is breaking their laws!
Thank you also for speaking out against the Leftism in colleges. That's another aspect where Christians seem utterly clueless.
Alongside total depravity, it calls into question the authenticity of the common grace position. Unless I am wrong in this understanding.
The Universities. You only know what you’re taught. Make no mistake, this is by design.
Hey Pastor Everhard, what books would you recommend to read on Amillennialism?
There are several books I’d suggest. Kingdom Come by Sam Storms is excellent.
For Revelation focused reading, More Than Conquerors by William Hendriksen and The Time Is At Hand by Jay Adams.
@@jonasaras Thanks!
We can all have our own ideas/views on what goes on. Human intelligence just cannot lead us to know what is right. Only God knows that. GOD'S WILL BE DONE, and we must understand that there is no other outcome to current and future events for God’s children than what God has planned.
Hi Mr. Everhard,
I was wondering if you can recommend a source for Calvinist theology / soteriology. I’ve been on the fence on the issue for quite a while now.
Thank you!
One resource I've found quite helpful is Loraine Boettner's _The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination._ Surely others could be mentioned, but I think this one lays it out quite well.
The Institutes of the Christian Religion, written by John Calvin himself.
Hope that Helps :)
Start with “What is Reformed Theology” by R.C. Sproul
Excellent recommendation
“Chosen By God” by RC Sproul is fantastic
Thank you Pastor.
Would you please consider teaching more on the scriputes that are specifically preached by dispensationalist concerning prophecy such as Psalm 83?
We are saturated with "prophecy " teaching from evangelical Zionist and there is very little teaching from Amillenneism / reformed perspective.
Kind regards.
Amillennialism spread rapidly throughout the early to late Middle Ages because the idea of a literal Israel seemed impossible to those alive. Ever since Israel became a nation again, the world has been headed towards total destruction. There has to be a reason for this!
Describing sinful men as animals IS scriptural. Please do not twist the scripture.
1 Corinthians 15:32
If from human motives I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me? If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
Ghandi followed the Christian forgiveness/peace approach against England and won the nation is free rule
Thank you - a very good and wise take on the whole situation.
Perhaps I have one quibble re: your distaste for calling them animals. OK, I'll grant you that, however, their ACTIONS can certainly be termed "animalistic," and therefore they themselves are marring the imago dei.
Anyway, just my $0.02, and I realize others might not agree with my opinion ;-)
Thank you for this wisdom. I've been conflicted on this matter and haven't gone down the rabbit hole because of how polarized it is. It's hard to find good Christian thoughts on this because of dispensational premillennialism thinking differently of Israel than most of the Church historically would view it.
This is true. The sway that dispensationalism has over Evangelicals in the US, the most powerful country in the world, really skews the conversation away from how Christians through the centuries would have seen this issue.
What is happening is almost breathtakingly evil. A direct conflict between Iran/Russia and the US is getting more and more likely. I hope that cooler heads prevail.
@@witssen9954are there two peoples of God?
Gentiles were grafted in where they were broken off, but they were broken off because of unbelief and the gentiles stand by faith. We must not be high minded but fear because otherwise we could likewise be broken off.
There is the verses in Zechariah 12 where they will mourn for Jesus when He tells them of His wounds that He received in the house if His friends. So I think it is reasonable to believe that anti-Christian Judaism will only surrender to Jesus on the whole, at the end of this age, when He returns to judge the world.
I am curious about this though. I do not believe a third temple will be built.
@@witssen9954 my apologies if I came across as argumentative. If you want to respond anytime in the future, I’d love to hear what you think. Anyway, I believe these are non-essentials so it is okay to have differences, but I would love to be shown where I’m wrong so I can adjust out of my error. I know I have errors, probably many of them because how could I not? I just want to grow in God’s truth and in God’s love, never one at the expense of the other. God bless you.
@JoshuaBSunderland much of early church history saw a place for national Israel in the future and was uniformally premillennial. Not until really Augustine and Roman Catholicism did that change. It's interesting that when the reformers began to move away from the RCC, many-including men like Beza-began to see a future for Israel again and in time the reformation led to a renewed adherence to premillennialism. I would say that dispensationalism is the propee continuation of the reformation; whereas traditional reformed theology stopped short.
Do any of you respond to those who just post: “Free Palestine! 🇵🇸”?
What do you say to them? For me, I have struggled with not have anger for them.
I just flag them for Promoting Terrorism and leave it at that.
@@simeonyves5940 very good! Thank you!
@@bryanpratt5850 No Problem, I do hope that it helps.
@@simeonyves5940 it does. I think it is the best approach. It’s been all to easy for me to get in a heated argument, which I think is sin. There’s contending for the faith, but knowing where and when to draw the line has been difficult for me. I like your approach.
@@bryanpratt5850 Same for me, I often try to content for the Faith at the wrong time, get into a Blazing Argument, and become so Furious I end up Sinning in sheer Rage, its why I am now taking the Command of the Bible when it comes to the real Crazies.
"Wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye separate" .
I hope it helps you as it is helping me.
Love and Peace.,
John 17:14. The word( the Torah).
Mark 7:13. You nullify God's word (
His commands) by your traditions.
Deut.4:2. ...Job :13:1 Rev 18-19...
Deut.13:1-5...Romans 3:31....
1 John 3:4.. it's not the law that put us into bondage but disobedience. He die to set us free to from the the law of sin and death, that we might live in and thru Him
Who was the living Word (the Torah).
Able to understand by the Spirit of truth
Psalm 119:142 that by the Spirit we can apply it to our lives . Walking in the Spirit of God as His children. . No man can
Have the fullness of that Spirit (God)
Least He have the the Spirit of His only
Begotten ( the Son). For we only received a deposit of that Spirit. Shalom
That is a the False Teaching of the Judaizing Heresiarch N.T. Wright. Repent!
You are not a Christian if you are under the Laws of Moses, but an Unbelieving Galatianist. For you have fallen from Grace and Christ is of No Effect unto you, Galatians Chapter 4 4-5. This means that you have to keep all 613 Laws (James 2 10) including the Animal Sacrifices, Perfectly, with not a Single Mistake, as you have trampled the Messiah Underfoot (Hebrews 10) and are under the wrath of God!
Unless You repent and believe the Gospel, you will die in your Sins as an Unbeliever, for you trust in your Works, your Obedience to the Torah, which Christ Nailed to the Cross (Colossians 2), and not in the Finished Works of Christ Upon the Cross, which are the only way to be saved! So I beg of You, Repent and Believe the Gospel to be Saved!
Until then, begone, and stop Tempting God (Acts Chapter 15) by spreading the *Damnable Heresy* of Judaizing and Endangering the Lambs in Doing so!
Pre-millennial second coming
“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you” - old Polish proverb
Matthew: I’d be interested to know if your views have altered in the seven months since you made this video. Israel has behaved monstrously toward the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and currently the IDF is ravaging Rafah in pursuit of Hamas. Some 34000 Palestinians, many of them children as you know, have been killed in bombing raids that have destroyed the infrastructure and most of the health care facilities, let alone housing. If we love Israel for Jesus’ sake - which is right - then ought we not to be protesting against the continuing slaughter of a starving and traumatised population?
When Hamas is using innocent children as human shields, there is not much Israel can do. They can’t just stand around like cowards and not serve justice to their people, and free the hostages. War is sad, and it saddens me that innocent children are dying, but a lot of the deaths are Hamas soldiers. Anyways, a country has the right to defend themselves, and if Israel truly was evil, they would have destroyed Palestine by now, but they are holding back. God bless you! ✝️🇮🇱
@@GospelOverCulture thank you for your comment. However, I’d just like to make a couple of points you may not be aware of. Firstly, has been incrementally occupying Palestinian-owned land and property since at least 1948, against international law. Under that law it is illegal for an occupying state to wage war, even to defend itself, against a people group whose land it occupies - in both Gaza and the West Bank. Sadly, the Christian church has been almost completely taken in by Israeli propaganda, and is being used to prop up support for genocide, mostly because people don’t know (or want to know) the true facts behind what is going on. No doubt you still think the IDF is “the most moral army in the world”…?
@@JRJackman-qs8ph I would have to disagree, it has been Israel’s land for thousands of years, and Islamic Jihad’s took it over, this war and conflict goes further than 1948. Even if it’s against international law, sometimes international law needs to be broken for the greater good, and it doesn’t give the Islamic Jihad Hamas the right to r*pe women and children, and murder them. God Bless brother!
Have you read Zion's Christian Soldiers by Stephen Sizer ?
Sizer is about as extreme a replacement theologian as could be found. Very antisemitic in his views.
Everhsrd you continue to disappoint me. Stuck to being a presbyterian and teaching about God. Not about border security and scare tactics. Thank goodness I became a presbyterian in spite of you, not because of you
Plain scripture, what did LORD Jesus say about a zealous Jew when he was persecuting Christians? ..Acts 9
English Standard Version
The Conversion of Saul
9 But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 3 Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. 4 And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” 5 And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
Don't think this is that difficult-Genesis 12:3.
This is disappointing and a very uneducated view of the situation
If calvinism was really a thing, y’all would feel the need to teach it to everyone.
What makes you think that we're _not_ preaching it wherever we are?
I am fortunate to have grown up where the biblical doctrines of divine election was universally accepted. I was quite taken aback by the general hostility towards this teaching in many American protestant churches.
@@Hannodb1961 If the doctrine is true, then it doesn’t need to be taught. “Irresistible grace” means that God elects. If you really believe that concept, then teaching is unnecessary because the Holy Spirit will open your eyes against your will.
Jesus spoke too
much about the condition of individual faith for any of the doctrines of calvinism to
be true.
@@treybarnes5549 Strawmanning the doctrine is not a valid argument.
We have will - that is, the capacity to choose - but it is clearly not free. If it were, we could simply choose to not sin and the cross would be superfluous.
Our will is bound to our desires, and our desires are bound to sinful deceptions. This is why no one can come to God out of his "own free will", because they _do not desire_ to do so.
However, when the Holy Spirit enters the elect, He creates in them new desires, and make them new creatures. We desire God above our sin, so it is impossible for someone who has received saving faith to willfully remain in sin, we will always repent in the end because we cannot bear the damage sin does to our relationship with God.
So the idea that you are saved "against your will" is a strawman and an ignorant or disingenious attempt to get arround Biblical teaching on this matter.
@@Hannodb1961 I get told how wrong I am all the time. strawmaning, red herrings, begging the questions. Never really answers the question why do you teach the doctrine if it true? But the doctrine is so illogical to be arguing against it, is like explaining blue to a blind person. (argument from fallacy)
Fact The gospel is not fake, the blood of Jesus was necessary and the work of the Spirit is directly involved with that work, and Faith, Belief and Repentance are the mechanisms of Salvation and The Holy Spirit is a witness of the Word(Jesus, Gospel, Gods work) being true. He(God in Spirit) does not temp!!!!
using the Spirit of God as the necessary component to salvation and not faith, belief, repentance, to me is extremely dangerous to teach and to a lesser degree, to believe.
@@treybarnes5549 Ofcause you never get any answers, because you keep misrepresenting us and then expect us to defend the false picture you've painted of what we believe. Why ask questions in the first place if you're not interested in the answers?
_why do you teach the doctrine if it true?_
Because God commands us to teach the gospel, and God has chosen preaching as the mechanism through which He works to establish His church. Your question is silly. It's like asking why Jesus had to become a man and die on the cross for our sins if God could just choose to forgive us anyway. The answer is because this is the mechanism God has chosen.
_But the doctrine is so illogical to be arguing against it, is like explaining blue to a blind person_
On the contrary, it is perfectly reasonable and logical. In fact - without it the gospel becomes incoherent. For instance - where does good works feature in your theology? And if faith is by human "free will" - whatever that is suppose to mean - is the good works we do also the result of our own free will? And if so, how much of it do we need to do to be sure we have a living faith? And if works is necesary to show our faith is not dead, how does those works not carry merit and contribute to our salvation? Rejecting Divine election inevitably and logically lead you back to Roman Catholicism and its treasury of merit. This was the core issue of the reformation.
_The gospel is not fake_ - Yeah, so? I don't believe it is fake.
_the blood of Jesus was necessary_ - Yeah so? I also believe it was necesary.
_the work of the Spirit is directly involved with that work_ - I don't understand why you bring this up, because we agree on that.
_and Faith, Belief and Repentance are the mechanisms of Salvation_ - Yes, mechanisms which the Holy Spirit works in our hearts through which we are brought into the right relationship with God.
_The Holy Spirit is a witness of the Word_ - Precisely.
_ He(God in Spirit) does not temp!!!!_ - Again, I agree.
I have no idea why you bring these things up. It's clear to me that you have a very warped idea of what it is we believe, and you have no interest in being corrected. Ridicule and misrepresentation is not valid arguments.
Hey everyone, do not forget the ww1 babies on bayonets propaganda. And the gulf war babies in incubators and weapons of mass destruction.
Isreal’s national sovereignty does not include imprisoning an entire population. Lots of those people are Christian’s.
When did that happen? Take your nonsense elsewhere.@@seabiscuit6776
Well said!
I watched your video. Like you, I support Israel's right to exist and to defend its borders. And like you I unconditionally condemn the atrocities committed by Hamas. But i heard not one word from you about the Palestinians equal right to a state of their own. And of course there was not a single word about the legitimate grievances the Palestinians have with Israel. I would agree that we need to stand with Israel during this crisis. However, if there is ever to be a hope of peace in that region then we cannot ignore the concerns of the Palestinians.
As for the rest of your comments, I found them to be disheartening. To paint immigrants the way you did is in my view reprehensible. And then to cap off those comments with a mention of the Second Amendment? Despicable. Take a look at the perpetrators of mass shootings in recent years. It's not immigrants or even the leftist you castigate who have committed those atrocities. In fact in many instances the shooters have been those on the political right.
I've always enjoyed your videos because they have helped me understand Reformed theology. But no more. With this video I now understand that you're just an apologist for the type of right wing political views one might find on Fox News. I am theologically conservative so we would agree on many things when it comes to matters of faith. But I want nothing whatsoever to do with the political views you are trying to sell. And since I've seen this far too often from those in the Reformed camp, I'm now done with Reformed theology as well.
Sounds like we agree on a few things and disagree on others. This is why I stressed that this is "a reformed perspective" (one take of various possible views in the complexities of war) in the first few minutes of the video. Either way, carry on as seems best to you and blessings on you and your loved ones.
1.) The Palestinians had no historical state
2.) The founding documents of the Palestinian terrorist organizations all mention themselves as part of a Pan-Arab state
3.) Jordan is overwhelming ethnically Palestinian... they already have a 'Palestinian' state.
@@spartakos3178 The Palestinians have lived in that land just as long as the Jewish people who lived there for centuries prior to the official founding of Israel in 1948. To say they should simply move to Jordan is as unrealistic as it is ridiculous.
@richsmith6997 the Palestinians could not have lived in the land for centuries because they are an invention of the 20th century. They are not a real people group. They are primarily Egyptian. When the Jews began making aliyah around the turn of the 20th century, they purchased the land legally. Israel is not a perfect state, but from their modern beginning they have been more than fair in their dealings with arab peoples in the land. They have shown a consistent willingness to concede land for peace, something their opponents have never been willing to do.
And that doesn't even begin to count Israel's divine right to the land according to Genesis 13:15-16 and many other passages.
@richsmith6997 Many did, actually. As the Arabs chose violence and lost in the wars of 48 and 67.