With wealth comes laziness, bureaucracy and a loss of focus on what really matters in favour of petty meaningless details and personal agendas. This causes the wealth to be squandered away. It is the natural cycle of the rise and fall of an economy at work we are witnessing. It is happening in Norway, it is happening in Denmark and everywhere else in the western world.
Hva med å bruke litt penger på å få togene til å faktisk gå?
Er vel en del annsatte som skal ha en million i året i lønn!!!!!
With wealth comes laziness, bureaucracy and a loss of focus on what really matters in favour of petty meaningless details and personal agendas. This causes the wealth to be squandered away. It is the natural cycle of the rise and fall of an economy at work we are witnessing.
It is happening in Norway, it is happening in Denmark and everywhere else in the western world.
Er det sånt som det blir ny og fruktbar jordsmonn av, over hele verden?
Er vel heller "fruktbare" inntekter til lobbien og politikerne tenker jeg og staten!
Staten kan ikke drive næringsvirksomhet.
Bygg sykehjem og kall de bærekraftige ,