My average is 4.5L /100 km of Petrol, but I am charging almost every day and using petrol almost solely in highways when out of city. At 130km/h I have between 5.5 and 6.5 L/100 km. As already mentioned, in the city close to zero because of electricity. On average, 4.5L/100 km after 38,000 km (2 years of usage).
Salut, pentru un drum de 2500 km sa spunem, fara oprire, cat tine motorul electric ? Adica cam dupa cati km ramai doar pe motorul pe benzina ? Daca ai mers in Romania cu masina cam ce consum ai scos ? M-ar tenta sa cumpar o Kia optima exact ca asta. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns!
Salut, nu mergi mai mult de 55 de km doar pe baterie după fiecare încărcare ,depinde si de ce sezon e , vara ai cel mai bun consum la mașină undeva la 4,5 la sută urban si 5- 6 extraurban în modul hibrid. Bateria se încarcă și în mers la drum lung. Mașina din clip este al fratelui meu și tocmai ce o vinde datorită unei probleme la sistemul hibrid, eu dețin un Hyundai ioniq 1,6 phev cu care nu am avut nicio problemă o am de nouă cumpărată acum 3 ani. La optima lui acum 2 săptămâni pe autostradă i s-a oprit motorul pe benzină în mers, a rămas doar cel electric în funcțiune dar cu bateria goală pe autostradă. A fost la service kia și nu are nimeni nicio explicație, la o căutare detaliată poți găsi prin Anglia unele forumuri cu mulți ce se plâng de o astfel de eroare mai ales după ce ai mers cam o oră pe autostradă. Mașina este superbă, funcționează bine , e foarte confortabilă ,dar pentru fratele meu care circulă cu familia vara spre exemplu ,drumuri lungi pe autostradă în vacanță riscul de a rămâne în drum l-a făcut să o vândă. Eu cu 1,6 phev nu am avut niciodată probleme, de asta ți-aș recomanda să te uiți la aceste motorizări. Este doar o părere sinceră, acum știi cum e fiecare cu norocul lui .
@@Claudiu85 Hm, multumesc pentru raspuns, foarte util ce mi ai scris. Am fost si am vazut o masina in Esbjerg, are lucruri care ma atrag si lucruri care ma trag inapoi. Unul din lucrurile care m au tras inapoi a fost faptul ca portbagajul este foarte mic si masina nu are foarte multe opțiuni pe ea, cel putin nu atat de multe cate mi-as dori eu. La ce pret este curentul in DK la momentul actual, nu esti departe de motorina ca si pret la km facuti. Oricum multumesc pentru raspuns, nu ma grabesc sa cumpar o masina. O sa analizez mai mult piata :D
Hej. Chce kupić optima plugin tylko do miasta. Zimą w moim garażu jest ok 7*C. Dojazd do pracy to 3-4km. W weekend zakupy, odwiedziny rodziny to ok 20 km. Myślisż ze mogę jezdzić tylko elektrycznie? Dziekuje za odpowiedz
Hi, im considering a used one, i would use it to commute 1-3 times a week about 220km, about 30km city, rest is highway. Wife is a bit scared of speed, so usually i just set cruise control on about 110-120km/h What would be the consumption average in that use case? I presume, the 30km city would be fully electric. I can also charge near my office. Thanks!
I think that you will end up using arround 5 - 6 L /100 km , probably less in the summer time arround 3,5-4 L/100 km but it´s very hard to give a precisse fuel usage . You also have to know that the comfort is on top at the same level as the expensive german brands.
@@Claudiu85 thank you for the answer. I really dislike german cars. Japanese / korean for me. Reliability is a key factor for me when choosing. Kia having 7 yrs warranty is very promising. Im still not decided about hybrids over diesel in my use-case, hybrids being more eco frendly, and having less need for expensive repairshop trips over cheaper purchase price of diesels. I currently have a toyota avensis estate diesel, its getting 10yrs old, but still no mayor problem with it.
@@Csubakka1 about reliability and the warranty Kia and Hyundai are known to be very professional. If you have an issue with your car and try to find something on internet it's nothing about it because people get their cars repaired by warranty. Try that on vw an your search will get about 100 pages on Google. It's hard to hear about complaints about those cars .
It’s using around 6L/100 km when combining highway and countryside roads. The best efficiency is when driving in hybrid mode with a fully charged battery. You get enough power and the car recharges the battery while cruising.
Hi, I have a KIA CEED PHEV 2022. I'm very disappointed how the hybrid system works. If it low temperature outside (below 10 C) then the petrol engine always starts if the so if im driving under 10km it never runs purly on electricity. Or if the AC is runing the petrol engien starts. So the petrol enginen is always running when heating or cooling... My advise, dont buy a KIA
Hi Elias , i don't know why your engine is starting when you turn on A/C in the summer time . The engine runs just to warm up your cabin but you are still driving on EV . Toyota has the hybrid system to drive on electricity below 50 km /h .
i realize I'm kind of off topic but does anyone know of a good place to watch new tv shows online ?
@Alijah Kohen flixportal =)
Cool video thanks!
Hej .. hvad køre sådan en optima på literen når man ikke bruger batteriet... tænker motorvej med 110 kmt
Du kører mellem 17-18 km/l
What's the real world MPG on this hybrid? I'm not meaning battery MPG I mean combined MPG, as I'm looking to get one to use as a taxi, cheers 👍
I don't know in mpg but around 4L/100km in the summer time and 5,5L/100km in the winter or colder periods .
My average is 4.5L /100 km of Petrol, but I am charging almost every day and using petrol almost solely in highways when out of city. At 130km/h I have between 5.5 and 6.5 L/100 km. As already mentioned, in the city close to zero because of electricity. On average, 4.5L/100 km after 38,000 km (2 years of usage).
Salut, pentru un drum de 2500 km sa spunem, fara oprire, cat tine motorul electric ? Adica cam dupa cati km ramai doar pe motorul pe benzina ? Daca ai mers in Romania cu masina cam ce consum ai scos ?
M-ar tenta sa cumpar o Kia optima exact ca asta.
Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns!
Salut, nu mergi mai mult de 55 de km doar pe baterie după fiecare încărcare ,depinde si de ce sezon e , vara ai cel mai bun consum la mașină undeva la 4,5 la sută urban si 5- 6 extraurban în modul hibrid. Bateria se încarcă și în mers la drum lung. Mașina din clip este al fratelui meu și tocmai ce o vinde datorită unei probleme la sistemul hibrid, eu dețin un Hyundai ioniq 1,6 phev cu care nu am avut nicio problemă o am de nouă cumpărată acum 3 ani. La optima lui acum 2 săptămâni pe autostradă i s-a oprit motorul pe benzină în mers, a rămas doar cel electric în funcțiune dar cu bateria goală pe autostradă. A fost la service kia și nu are nimeni nicio explicație, la o căutare detaliată poți găsi prin Anglia unele forumuri cu mulți ce se plâng de o astfel de eroare mai ales după ce ai mers cam o oră pe autostradă. Mașina este superbă, funcționează bine , e foarte confortabilă ,dar pentru fratele meu care circulă cu familia vara spre exemplu ,drumuri lungi pe autostradă în vacanță riscul de a rămâne în drum l-a făcut să o vândă. Eu cu 1,6 phev nu am avut niciodată probleme, de asta ți-aș recomanda să te uiți la aceste motorizări. Este doar o părere sinceră, acum știi cum e fiecare cu norocul lui .
@@Claudiu85 Hm, multumesc pentru raspuns, foarte util ce mi ai scris. Am fost si am vazut o masina in Esbjerg, are lucruri care ma atrag si lucruri care ma trag inapoi. Unul din lucrurile care m au tras inapoi a fost faptul ca portbagajul este foarte mic si masina nu are foarte multe opțiuni pe ea, cel putin nu atat de multe cate mi-as dori eu. La ce pret este curentul in DK la momentul actual, nu esti departe de motorina ca si pret la km facuti.
Oricum multumesc pentru raspuns, nu ma grabesc sa cumpar o masina. O sa analizez mai mult piata :D
@@XenopoL19 frate-meu din Esbjerg a luat-o și tot acolo a vândut-o, mâine poimâine trebuie să își ia cealaltă mașină, un MG tot phev.
Hej. Chce kupić optima plugin tylko do miasta.
Zimą w moim garażu jest ok 7*C. Dojazd do pracy to 3-4km.
W weekend zakupy, odwiedziny rodziny to ok 20 km.
Myślisż ze mogę jezdzić tylko elektrycznie?
Dziekuje za odpowiedz
Urcite ano ! Idealny use case !
Hi, im considering a used one, i would use it to commute 1-3 times a week about 220km, about 30km city, rest is highway. Wife is a bit scared of speed, so usually i just set cruise control on about 110-120km/h
What would be the consumption average in that use case? I presume, the 30km city would be fully electric. I can also charge near my office.
I think that you will end up using arround 5 - 6 L /100 km , probably less in the summer time arround 3,5-4 L/100 km but it´s very hard to give a precisse fuel usage . You also have to know that the comfort is on top at the same level as the expensive german brands.
@@Claudiu85 thank you for the answer. I really dislike german cars. Japanese / korean for me. Reliability is a key factor for me when choosing. Kia having 7 yrs warranty is very promising. Im still not decided about hybrids over diesel in my use-case, hybrids being more eco frendly, and having less need for expensive repairshop trips over cheaper purchase price of diesels. I currently have a toyota avensis estate diesel, its getting 10yrs old, but still no mayor problem with it.
@@Csubakka1 about reliability and the warranty Kia and Hyundai are known to be very professional. If you have an issue with your car and try to find something on internet it's nothing about it because people get their cars repaired by warranty. Try that on vw an your search will get about 100 pages on Google. It's hard to hear about complaints about those cars .
Feel free to ask any question and if you want me to make a review please let me know. Remember to subscribe !!!
Are the batteries in the boot floor or in the boot in the SW?
@@Noukz37 they are placed in the boot but you don’t have access to see them like on the older model
Is it possible to drive on pure electic power on the highway?
Yes but it will not last long and up to 120-130 km/h
@@Claudiu85 How many miles or km? Wheather is rainy day, 10 degrees C
How's the fuel economy when driving long distance?
It’s using around 6L/100 km when combining highway and countryside roads. The best efficiency is when driving in hybrid mode with a fully charged battery. You get enough power and the car recharges the battery while cruising.
Depends on speed. On highway, around 6L/100 km, when driving through country road, you might get pretty low ;-) Around 3.5 without charging.
Your tyre pressures fucked.
Hi, I have a KIA CEED PHEV 2022. I'm very disappointed how the hybrid system works. If it low temperature outside (below 10 C) then the petrol engine always starts if the so if im driving under 10km it never runs purly on electricity.
Or if the AC is runing the petrol engien starts.
So the petrol enginen is always running when heating or cooling...
My advise, dont buy a KIA
Hi Elias , i don't know why your engine is starting when you turn on A/C in the summer time . The engine runs just to warm up your cabin but you are still driving on EV . Toyota has the hybrid system to drive on electricity below 50 km /h .